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The shape of the hands helps to identify characteristics of a client. There are seven types of hands.


Orderly, Punctual, and Precise.


Nature loving, Hands-on, Physical, Planning.


Imaginative, Creative, sometimes Impractical, sometimes Lazy.


Confident, Competent, 'Can-do' person.


Intellectual, Cultural, Extroverted, Extravagant.


The odd one, not constant with thought, always changing at a whim

No pic available sorry.


Spiritual, Mystic, Contemplative, Idealistic, Seldom physically wrong.

Palmistry http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palmistry

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The Fortune Teller, by Caravaggio (159495; Canvas; Louvre), depicting a palm reading

The Fortune Teller by Enrique Simonet (1899)

Palmistry, or chiromancy (also spelled cheiromancy; from Greek kheir (, ; hand) and manteia (, ; divination)), is the art of characterization and foretelling the future through the study of the palm, also known as palm reading or chirology. The practice is found all over the world, with numerous cultural variations. Those who practice chiromancy are generally called palmists, palm readers, hand readers, hand analysts, or chirologists.

The information outlined below is briefly representative of modern palmistry; there are many often conflicting interpretations of various lines and palmar features across various schools of palmistry. These contradictions between different interpretations, as well as the lack of empirical support for palmistry's predictions, contribute to palmistry's perception as a pseudoscience among academics.


1 History

1.1 Ancient Palmistry

1.2 Modern Palmistry

2 Techniques

3 Significance of the left and right hand

4 Hand shape

5 Lines

6 Criticism

7 In films and television

8 See also

9 References

10 Further reading

HistoryAncient Palmistry

Palmistry is a practice common to many different places on the Eurasian landmass;[1] it has been practised in the cultures of India, Tibet, China, Persia, Sumeria, Ancient Israel and Babylonia.

According to some, it had its roots in [2]Hindu) Astrology (known in Sanskrit as Jyotish), Chinese Yijing (I Ching), and Roma (Gypsy) fortune tellers.[2] Several thousand years ago, the Hindu sage Valmiki is thought[3] to have written a book comprising 567 stanzas, the title of which translates in English as "The Teachings of Valmiki Maharshi on Male Palmistry".[3][4] From India, the art of palmistry spread to China, Tibet, Egypt, Persia and to other countries in Europe.[2][5] From China, palmistry progressed to Greece where Anaxagoras practiced it.[2] Aristotle (384322 B.C.E.) discovered a treatise on the subject of palmistry on an altar of Hermes, which he then presented to Alexander the Great (356323 B.C.E.), who took great interest in examining the character of his officers by analyzing the lines on their hands.[6] Aristotle stated that "Lines are not written into the human hand without reason. They emanate from heavenly influences and man's own individuality."[this quote needs a citation] Accordingly, Aristotle, Hippocrates and Alexander the Great popularized the laws and practice of palmistry.[citation needed] Hippocrates sought to use palmistry to aid his clinical procedures.[citation needed]

During the Middle Ages the art of palmistry was actively suppressed by the Catholic Church as pagan superstition. In Renaissance magic, palmistry (known as "chiromancy") was classified as one of the seven "forbidden arts," along with necromancy, geomancy, aeromancy, pyromancy, hydromancy, and spatulamancy (scapulimancy).[7]

Modern Palmistry

It experienced a revival in the modern era starting with Captain Casimir Stanislas D'Arpentigny publication La Chirognomie in 1839.[5]

Cheiro, an influential exponent of palmistry in the late 19th century.

The Chirological Society of Great Britain was founded in London by Katherine St Hill in 1889 with the stated aim to advance and systematise the art of palmistry and to prevent charlatans from abusing the art.[8] Edgar de Valcourt-Vermont (Comte de St Germain) founded the American Chirological Society in 1897.

A pivotal figure in the modern palmistry movement was the Irish William John Warner, known by his sobriquet, Cheiro. After studying under gurus in India he set up a palmistry practice in London and enjoyed a wide following of famous clients from around the world, including famous celebrities like Mark Twain, W. T. Stead, Sarah Bernhardt, Mata Hari, Oscar Wilde, Grover Cleveland, Thomas Edison, the Prince of Wales, General Kitchener, William Ewart Gladstone, and Joseph Chamberlain. So popular was Cheiro as a "Society Palmist" that even those who were not believers in the occult had their hands read by him. The skeptical Mark Twain wrote in Cheiro's visitor's book that he had "...exposed my character to me with humiliating accuracy."

Edward Heron-Allen, an English polymath, published various works including the 1883 book, Palmistry - A Manual of Cheirosophy which is still in print.[5][9] There were attempts at formulating some sort of scientific basis for the art, most notably in the 1900 publication The Laws of Scientific Hand Reading" by William G. Benham.[10]


Chiromancy consists of the practice of evaluating a person's character or future life by "reading" the palm of that person's hand. Various "lines" ("heart line", "life line", etc.) and "mounts" (or bumps) (chirognomy) purportedly suggest interpretations by their relative sizes, qualities, and intersections. In some traditions, readers also examine characteristics of the fingers, fingernails, fingerprints, and palmar skin patterns (dermatoglyphics), skin texture and color, shape of the palm, and flexibility of the hand.

A reader usually begins by reading the person's 'dominant hand' (the hand he or she writes with or uses the most)(sometimes considered to represent the conscious mind, whereas the other hand is subconscious). In some traditions of palmistry, the other hand is believed to carry hereditary or family traits, or, depending on the palmist's cosmological beliefs, to convey information about past-life or karmic conditions.

The basic framework for "Classical" palmistry (the most widely taught and practiced tradition) is rooted in Greek mythology. Each area of the palm and fingers is related to a god or goddess, and the features of that area indicate the nature of the corresponding aspect of the subject. For example, the ring finger is associated with the Greek god Apollo; characteristics of the ring finger are tied to the subject's dealings with art, music, aesthetics, fame, wealth, and harmony.

Significance of the left and right hand

Though there are debates[by whom?] on which hand is better to read from, both have their own significance. It is custom[weaselwords] to assume that the left hand shows potential in an individual, and the right shows realized personality. Some sayings about the significance include "The future is shown in the right, the past in the left"; "The left hand is the one we are born with, and the right is what we have made of it"; "The right hand is read for men, while the left is read for women"; "The left is what the gods give you, the right is what you do with it"; "The right hand is read for right-handed people, while the left is read for left-handed people"[citation needed]. The choice of hand to read is ultimately up to the instinct and experience of the practitioner.

Left The left hand is controlled by the right brain (pattern recognition, relationship understanding), reflects the inner person, the natural self, the anima, and the lateral thinking.

Right As opposites are, the right hand is controlled by the left brain (logic, reason, and language), reflects the outer person, objective self, influence of social environment, education, and experience. It represents linear thinking.

Hand shape

Depending on the type of palmistry practiced, and the type of reading being performed, palmists may look at various qualities of the hand, including the shapes and lines of the palm and fingers; the color and texture of the skin and fingernails; the relative sizes of the palm and fingers; the prominence of the knuckles; and numerous other attributes of the hands.

In most schools of palmistry, hand shapes are divided into four or 11 major types, sometimes corresponding to the Classical elements or temperaments. Hand shape is believed to indicate character traits corresponding to the type indicated (i.e., a "Fire hand" would exhibit high energy, creativity, short temper, ambition, etc. - all qualities believed to be related to the Classical element of Fire).

Although variations abound, the most common classifications used by modern palmists:

Earth hands are generally identified by broad, square palms and fingers, thick or coarse skin, and ruddy color. The length of the palm from wrist to the bottom of the fingers is usually equal to the length of the fingers.

Air hands exhibit square or rectangular palms with long fingers and sometimes protruding knuckles, low-set thumbs, and often dry skin. The length of the palm from wrist to the bottom of the fingers is usually equal to the length of the fingers.

Water hands are seeable by the short, sometimes oval-shaped palm, with long, flexible, conical fingers. The length of the palm from wrist to the bottom of the fingers is usually less than the width across the widest part of the palm, and usually equal to the length of the fingers.

Fire hands are characterized by a square or rectangular palm, flushed or pink skin, and shorter fingers. The length of the palm from wrist to the bottom of the fingers is usually greater than the length of the fingers.

The number and quality of lines can also be included in the hand shape analysis; in some traditions of palmistry, Earth and Water hands tend to have fewer, deeper lines, while Air and Fire hands are more likely to show more lines with less clear definition.


Some of the lines of the hand in Palmistry1: Life line - 2: Head line - 3: Heart line - 4: Girdle of Venus - 5: Sun line - 6: Mercury line - 7: Fate line

The three lines found on almost all hands, and generally given most weight by palmists:

The heart line is the first of the major lines examined by a reader and represents love and attraction.[11] It is found towards the top of the palm, under the fingers. In some traditions, the line is read as starting from the edge of the palm under the little finger and flowing across the palm towards the thumb; in others, it is seen as starting under the fingers and flowing toward the outside edge of the palm. Palmists interpret this line to represent matters of the heart, that is, more literally, our emotional living; it is therefore believed to be an insight into how the emotional sides of our mindframes will act out and be acted upon during our lifetimes, and often said, to what extent we possess emotional reservoirs within us, for example, a chained or gridded heart line (or emotional line) is often seen in people who are highly strung, nervous and draw upon emotional strength and insight to attain their ambitions, i.e. they wear their 'emotions' on their sleeves, often to draw strength. Such chaining or gridding on the heart line (emotional line) is often seen in intensely creative artists such as musicians and writers, as well as deeply driven scientists. Dealing with emotions, the line is also claimed to indicate romantic perspectives and intimate relationships, again, a chained or gridded heart line is said to point to a flirtatious attitude to love, and one which can be prone to fall in love easily. On a physical level, the heart line is indirectly associated with heart health, more so through the effects that emotions can have on the body such as with blood pressure. A chained heart line is often associated with high blood pressure, but also of an 'adrenaline junkie' attitude in life.

The next line identified by palmists is the head line. This line starts at the edge of the palm under the index finger and flows across the palm towards the outside edge. Often, the head line is joined with the life line (see below) at inception. Palmists generally interpret this line to represent the person's mind and the way it works, including learning style, communication style, intellectualism, and thirst for knowledge. It is also believed to indicate a preference for creative or analytical approaches to information (i.e., right brain or left brain).

The life line is perhaps the most controversial line on the hand.[citation needed] This line extends from the edge of the palm above the thumb and travels in an arc towards the wrist. This line is believed to represent the person's vitality and vigor, physical health and general well being. The life line is also believed to reflect major life changes, including cataclysmic events, physical injuries, and relocations. Contrary to popular belief, modern palmists generally do not believe that the length of a person's life line is tied to the length of a person's life.

The combined length of these three main lines (heart, head, life) can also be used. If this combined length is longer than a persons foot they may be over bearing. However, if it is shorter they may give in too easily to other people. A similar length suggests a well balanced individual.

Additional major lines or variations include:

A simian crease, or fusing of the heart and head lines, has special significance in that both emotional as well as reasoning nature have to be studied from this line alone. The peculiar line is thought to be a combination of the head and heart lines on such hands that are separately marked on the rest of the hands.According to Cheiro[citation needed], this line is thought to endow a person with an intensity of purpose or single-mindedness, the nature of which is decided upon by exact position of this line on the hand and the direction of any branches shooting from it, which is normally the case. In hands where such a line exists without any branches as a singular mark, it indicates an extremely intense nature and special care is needed for such persons. The normal position for the line is starting below the index finger and ending where normally the heart line terminates at the edge of the hand below the little finger, indicating average interests for the person and the intense side of the nature is decided purely by the direction of any branches shooting from it.The upper half of the palm lying immediately below the fingers is considered to represent the higher or intellectual nature and the lower half of the palm to represent the materialistic side of the nature. If one of these halves is larger than the other as decided by the central placement of the head line or in this case the single transverse palmar crease it shows greater development of that aspect of the nature. Based on this general principle, if this line is placed below its normal position it indicates an intensely intellectual nature; if it is placed above its normal position it indicates an intensely materialistic nature and interests.The direction in which any branches may be found shooting from this line have a significant impact on the nature of this line resulting in suitable modifications from the above defined results depending on the nature of the mounts on the hand. For instance, if a branch from this line shoots to the mount of Moon lying on the lower edge of the hand exactly opposite the thumb, it indicates an intensely vacillating nature and emotional temperament.

The fate line runs from the bottom of the palm near the wrist, up through the center of the palm towards the middle finger. This line is believed to be tied to the person's life path, including school and career choices, successes and obstacles. Sometimes this line is thought to reflect circumstances beyond the individual's control, or alternately the person's choices and their consequences.

The mounts in PalmistryJupiter, Saturn, Apollo, Mercury, Mars positive, Mars negative, plain of mars, Luna mount, Neptune mount, Venus mount.[12]

Other minor lines:

Sun line - parallel to the Fate Line, under the ring finger; believed to indicate fame or scandal

Girdle of Venus - starts between the little and ring fingers, runs in a rough arc under the ring and middle fingers to end between the middle and pointer fingers; thought to relate to emotional intelligence and the ability to manipulate

Union lines - short horizontal lines found on the percussive edge of the palm between the Heart Line and the bottom of the little finger; believed to indicate close relationships, sometimes - but not always - romantic.

Mercury line - runs from the bottom of the palm near the wrist, up through the palm towards the little finger; purported to be an indicator of persistent health issues, business acumen, or skill in communication.

Travel lines - these are horizontal lines found on the percussive edge of the palm between the wrist and the heart line; each line is said to represent a trip taken by the subject - the longer the line, the more important the trip is to the subject.

Other markings - these include stars, crosses, triangles, squares, tridents, and rings under each of the fingers; their supposed impact and meaning varies by location on the palm and freedom from other interfering lines.

"Apollo line" - the Apollo line means to have a fortunate life; it travels from the Mount of the Moon at the wrist to beneath the Apollo finger.

"Ominous line" - crosses life line and forms 'x' shape; very bad sign to find; palm readers will often not mention this line because of the worry it causes to the person being read. Common indicators of ominous line include 'M' being formed by other lines.


Criticism of palmistry often rests with the lack of empirical evidence supporting its efficacy. Scientific literature typically regards palmistry as a pseudoscientific or superstitious belief.[13] Skeptics often include palmists on lists of alleged psychics who practice cold reading. Cold reading is the practice that allows readers of all kinds, including palmists, to appear psychic by using high-probability guessing and inferring details based on signals or cues from the other person.[14]

In films and television

Palmistry has been shown in a number of films and television shows, including:

Amaya (2011) - Through the use of Himalad (Palmistry) the priestess found out that Amaya is the chosen one - the girl with a twin snake who will kill the ferocious Rajah.

Eat Pray Love (2010) - Julia Roberts' character goes in for a palmistry reading which transforms her life

The Simian Line (2001) - Readings by a quirky psychic set in motion the main plot of the film

Before Sunrise (1995) - Julie Delpy's character has her palm read, while Ethan Hawke's character is sidelined, leading to a cynical rant from his character

Jacob's Ladder (1990) - Tim Robbins' character has his palm read at a party, which acts as an ominous portent

Teen Witch (1989) - While Robyn Lively's character has her palm read, the fortune teller recognizes her as reincarnated witch who will soon be coming into her powers

The Simpsons - Palmistry is lampooned in the Season 4 Episode 8 New Kid on the Block.

Fun and Fancy Free (1947) - In Mickey and the Beanstalk, Mickey reads the giant's palm

Are You Being Served? (1972-1985) - In the third series premiere (1975), Mr. Humphries (played by John Inman) reads an Asian customer's hand, foretelling an accident. Later on, it does happen.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame - When Quasimodo tells Esmeralda he's a monster, she reads his palm and sees no "monster lines".

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Harry takes a course in divination and dabbles in palmistry.

Hands of Destiny (1954) - Palmist Dr Josef Ranald appears as himself. He had supposedly read the palms of the great and the good (and leading Nazis) in the mid C20 with huge accuracy!

See also



Digit ratio

Guidonian hand



Single transverse palmar crease



1. Jump up ^ Dwivedi. Wonders of Palmistry pp. 16-20

2. ^ Jump up to: a b c d Omura.Acupuncture. pp.172 -174. According to this theory, palmistry developed in India and then extended across the world.

3. ^ Jump up to: a b Dwivedi. Wonders of Palmistry p. 25-26

4. Jump up ^ Sharma. The A-Z of Palmistry. p. 95

5. ^ Jump up to: a b c Chinn. Technology. p.24...it was not until the mid- to late nineteenth century that palmreading took off in Britain, France and the United States thanks to three major figures: Casimir Stanislas d'Arpentigny, Edward Heron-Allen and ..Cheiro.

6. Jump up ^ James, Brandon. "PALMISTRY". Retrieved 20 February 2012.

7. Jump up ^ Johannes Hartlieb (Munich, 1456) The Book of All Forbidden Arts; quoted in Lng, p. 124.

8. Jump up ^ "The London Cheirological Society".

9. Jump up ^ Heron-Allen. Palmistry


11. Jump up ^ "Palmistry". Mystic Scripts. Retrieved 20 February 2012.

12. Jump up ^ Sara Sirolli - Palmistry diagram of hand 2008

13. Jump up ^ Preece, P. F., & Baxter, J. H. (2000). Scepticism and gullibility: The superstitious and pseudo-scientific beliefs of secondary school students. International Journal of Science Education, 22(11), 1147-1156.

14. Jump up ^ David Vernon in Skeptical a Handbook of Pseudoscience and the Paranormal, editors: Donald Laycock, David Vernon, Colin Groves, Simon Brown, Imagecraft, Canberra, 1989, ISBN 0-7316-5794-2, p. 44.

Further reading

Chauran, Alexandra (2013). Palmistry Every Day. Llewellyn Worldwide. ISBN0-7387-3494-2.

Saint-Germain, Comte C. de. Practical Palmistry. Laird & Lee Publishers; Chicago, 1897.

Heron-Allen, Edward (reprinted 2008). Palmistry - A Manual of Cheirosophy. Baltzell Press. ISBN1-4437-6535-X.

Chinn, Sarah E. (2000). Technology and the logic of American racism. Continuum. ISBN0-8264-4750-3.

Yoshiaki Omura (2003). Acupuncture Medicine:Its Historical and Clinical Background. Dover Publications Inc. ISBN0-486-42850-8.

Cheiro. Palmistry for All at Project Gutenberg

Doublepalm+ project The Doublepalm+ project is a non-profit site about making palm reading with people on the web more like palm reading in the real world.

Hari Dutta Sharma (1995). The A-Z of Palmistry. New Delhi, India: Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd. ISBN81-207-1661-2.

Bhorai Dwivedi (1970). Wonders of Palmistry. New Delhi: Diamond Pocket Books. ISBN81-284-0099-1.

Palm Reading Chart Guide - Blog that help you the learn palm reading http://www.palmreadingchartguide.com

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Chirognomy, better known as Palmistry, has origins that are hard to date. Archaeology findings have found paintings, carvings and sculptures from all over the world. Many from the eastern half of the world: China, Egypt, and Greece. The oldest actual mention on the subject was among an Egyptian recipe, as part of a face ritual; the ladies supposedly had a reading done while their makeup was being placed. Palmistry has seemingly been in every aspect of all cultures.

There are some that say that even the Bible mentions a few passages on the subject:

Proverbs:3;16 'length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honour.'

Job:37;7 'He sealeth up the hand of every man; that all men may know his work.'

The eastern half of the world has always taken this art seriously where as with the burning times in Europe closed the doors to open study. Thanks to some that privately keep the art alive and the publicity of a few palmists we have the information presented today. Palmistry not only is the use of divination but astrology as well, and each finger represents a zodiac sign.



Index Finger


Middle Finger


Ring Finger




Palmistry also helps to tell you how your physical body is doing. There are lines on your hands that will indicate problems or strengths from time to time, and one may prevent health problems as they emerge.

There are many facets to the art of Palmistry, but anyone can learn Palmistry and with time become very good at it.

We will now consider the different facets of the hand, and what palmist looks for when they do a reading.

A palmist usually greets their clients and watches to see how they use their hands:

Do they shake, ring their hands, fidget or when they place them on the table do they lay flat or hold them close and tight fisted at first.

This can tell the palmist right away if their clients are shy, suspicious, or relaxed.

The shape of the hands helps to identify characteristics of a client. There are seven types of hands.


Orderly, Punctual, and Precise.


Nature loving, Hands-on, Physical, Planning.


Imaginative, Creative, sometimes Impractical, sometimes Lazy.


Confident, Competent, 'Can-do' person.


Intellectual, Cultural, Extroverted, Extravagant.


The odd one, not constant with thought, always changing at a whim

No pic available sorry.


Spiritual, Mystic, Contemplative, Idealistic, Seldom physically wrong.

The tips of the fingers show the secondary side of ourselves, because we have two separate sides of our personalities.


People who have square fingertips are the thinkers and the decision-makers.

People who have square fingertips take the logical view rather than fantasy.

People who have square fingertips have a problem with anything artistic.


People who have pointed fingertips are the artists of the group, the sensitive and fragile personality.

People who have pointed fingertips give love freely.


People who have conic fingertips seem to be the high officers; such as police, judges, and business persons.

The downfall is that most who have conic fingertips need constant emotional strength.


A combination of pointed fingertips and square fingertips.

See above.

Fingernails, not only show the beauty of the hand, but also tell the hidden truth of ourselves.

Below is a list of the different types of Fingernails.


Easy going nature, and an even temperament.


A strong character, with an explosive temper.

Fan Shaped

Nails become fan shaped when the person has been suffering from long term stress.


Gentle, kind, often a daydreamer.


Cold and selfish.

Vertical ridges

May indicate rheumatic problems.

Horizon ridges

Dietary deficiencies.


Chemical imbalance.


May indicate respiratory problems.

Overlarge Moons

May indicate an overactive thyroid problem.

Red Nails


Pale nails

May indicate an iron deficiency.

The following is how a palmist views ones temper.

Smooth hands

Very calm and not easily roused. Seldom looses temper.

Rough hands

Easy to rouse, quick tempered. Very earthly.

Lined hands

Fretful, worrisome and very easy to upset. You need to watch your words.

Soft hands

Go-getter, loves easily, and is sensual.

Firm hands

Active, seeks outdoors activities, high energy drive.

Hard hands

Selfish, carries a lot of baggage. Does not enjoy life.

Pale nails

May indicate an iron deficiency.

This information is provided by:

We have all got different coloured skin, and even within the broad racial categories there are endless variations of pigmentation. It is part of what makes each of us unique and special.

As with other aspects of the hand, the more hands you look at, the more you will be able to understand how various pigmentations manifest on various colours of skin.

On Oriental hands, for example, there are very distinct pinks and greys, as well as a darker pigmentation that shows a certain focus. There are also warmer and cooler tones within each pigmentation, and with practice, you will notice that within every colour of hand, you will find a pink, white, green, grey, black, and blue.

A hand's relative colour is an indicator of health. Not only are the client's circulation shown, but every other part of the client's physiognomy as well.

Remember, that each colour is a variation on the skin's natural colour, so that 'pink' on an African-American hand can appear quite different from 'pink' on a Caucasian hand.


Possible Indications.

Pale or white

Poor circulation


Relative good health


Intensity and vitality, someone who does not do things in a half-baked way


Can indicate a variety of ailments, depending on where the yellow appears. Can relate to liver or bile problems


Envy, challenge of self-control, being in the wrong mind set


Difficulty with circulation or the heart, depression


Lack of enthusiasm for struggle, dark thoughts, deeds, unsuccessful conclusions, failure, finality


Emotional ups-and-downs, Inconstancy, Unfixed mind

This information is provided by:

The mount at the base of the index finger indicates a person's desire to lead others, his ambitions and his ego. Palmists call it the Mount of Jupiter. That is why the finger has the peculiarities of Jupiter.

The small area at the base of the middle finger is indicative of the placidity of character, the analytical power, the desire for worldly goods and the yen for solitude. It has been named after Saturn as the Mount of Saturn.

The Mount of Saturn is generally found in a depressed state, but because the finger associated with it, the Middle one, is longer than the rest, it offsets the deficiency The middle finger has all the peculiarities of Saturn.

The small area below the third or ring finger is indicative of a person's zeal, desire for ostentation and the love of fine arts. It is called the Mount of the Sun or Apollo and the third finger has all the peculiarities of Sun.

The area below the little finger is indicative of a person's pragmatic bent of mind and eloquence. It is named as the Mount of Mercury and this finger has all the peculiarities of Mercury.

A small area below the Mount of Mercury is indicative of a person's patience. Western palmistry calls it the Upper Mars (Defensive Mars). The area below the Mount of Jupiter is called the Lower Mars (Aggressive Mars) by Western palmists. It is indicative of the amount of courage a person has.

The area below the Defensive Mars, extending unto the edge of the palm in one direction and the wrist in the other represents the imagination and the desire for change in a person. This area is known as the Mount of the Moon.

The area under the Aggressive Mars which extends from the base of the thumb to the wrist shows the sex urge, the vitality and the amount of human sympathy in a person. It has been named as the Mount of Venus.

The area, which lies within these mounts, is known as the Plain of Mars. If it appears to be full, a person has excess of physical strength and he does not easily lose courage. If it is depressed, a person loses courage in the struggle for life.

If a mount in the palm is prominent, it is known as a developed mount. A person having a particular mount in a developed state is likely to have the qualities associated with that mount. Converse is the case if a mount is depressed or underdeveloped.

Here are some special lines to look for:

* A cross that lies in the centre of the Quadrangle between the head and heart lines: indicates strong psychic sense.

* The crescent of intuition is found on those with good ESP.

* A large amount of crosses on the hand indicates good psychic ability.

* A triangle on the mount of Saturn shows psychic ability.

* A psychic hand often has a palm with many fine spidery lines.

* The Mount of the moon that is strongly developed towards the wrist is a sign of good psychic ability.

Below are the basic lines of the hand, there are many side and minor lines also:

The Line of Life.

The line of life, is the line which, rising under the Mount of Jupiter, goes down the hand and embraces the mount of Venus. On it is marked time, also illness and death, and events foreshadowed by the other important lines are verified.

If the Line of Life is semicircular, thin and deep, without irregularities, breaks, or crosses of any kind, it is an auspicious sign and promises long life, good health, and vitality. A thick, shallow and straight line of life is not auspicious.

The Line of Head.The line of Head relates principally to the mentality of the subject, to the intellectual strength or weakness, to the temperament in its relation to talent, and to the direction and quality of the talent itself. It is indicative of the mental level or the intelligence of a person.Whether a person would have money or not is also divined from a study of this line. If one goes a little deeper into things one finds that intelligence or a person's mental level has something to do with whether he would have money or not. If a person loses the capacity to act intelligently, he is sure to lose whatever money he has and, conversely, using one's wits fully can lead to affluence.This line generally originates from a point between the Aggressive Mars and the Mount of Jupiter and terminates at the Defensive Mars, but in most palms it is seen beginning from the Mount of Jupiter or the Aggressive Mars of the Line of Life and terminates at the Mount of Mercury or the Mount of Luna. The point of origin and the point of termination of the line enter into its effect on the life of the individual.

The Line of Heart.The line of heart is naturally an important line in the study of the hand. It is believed to be line of emotions. Love or the attraction of the sexes from natural causes plays one of the most prominent parts in the drama of life, and as in the nature so in the hand.The Heart Line is the horizontal line above the Headline. It begins beneath either the index finger or middle finger and extends across to the edge of the palm on the side of the little finger.

The Fate Line.

The Line of fate, also known as line of destiny, or the Saturnian's, is the centre upright line on the palm of the hand. In consideration of this line the type of hand plays an important part; for instance the line of fate, even in the most successful hand is less marked on the elementary, the square, and the Spatulate, than on the philosophic, the conic, or the psychic.

Consequently if one sees, as one often will, an apparently very strong line of fate on a conic hand, one must remember that it has not half the importance of a similar line on a square types as far as worldly success is concerned.

The Line of Health.

This line rises at the base of Mount of Mercury, and as it grows down the hand and into the line of life, so does it foreshadow the growth of the illness or germ of disease which at the time of its coming in contact with the line of life will reach its climax. It should lie straight down the hand, the straighter the better.

It is an excellent sign to be without this line. Such absence denotes an extremely robust, healthy constitution. Its presence on hand in any form indicates some delicate point to be guarded against.

The Marriage/Sex Line.

If the line is straight, it is generally indicative of a good marital relationship or an enduring love affair. If this line inclines towards the Heart Line it indicates an interruption with marital relations or ill health of the spouse.

If this line inclines towards the little finger, the spouse is likely to have a long life. This line may not be single one, but there might be two or even three such lines.

But it does not mean that a person would have as many marriages or love affairs. It would suffice here to point out that sexual or marital relations or love affairs are not to be inferred from this line alone.

One must study the line of Mars, the line of Saturn; the Line of the Sun, the Mount of Venus and the Mount of Jupiter before answering any questions about marriage or its break-up.

Children Lines.

Circular shape of the Line of Life .The number of islands at the base of the thumb the branches at the end of the Heart Line. Parallel lines near the base of the thumb.

Line of Mars.

Some palmists believe that it is a line of influence of the Mount of Venus. It is a parallel line within the Line of Life. If it is very near the line of life or if it is very deep it indicates the extent to which a person is subject to fits of anger.

If it is away from the Line of Life the person is likely to be of an equable temper. It also indicates the state of marital relations. It originates from the Aggressive Mars, runs parallel to the Line of Life towards the Mount of Venus and terminates at the wrist or the Mount of Venus.

In what order does a palmist read?

1. Thumb, then other fingers, including shape, direction (bend), nails.

2. The head, heart, and life lines, especially how they lie, colour, and texture.

3. Other lines of significance and what's strong.

4. The mounts; what predominates in strength and talents.

5. Both hands: what's strong in the secondary suit.

6. Timing: the subject's present age and how soon it is to the next birthday.

7. Color, texture, and size.

Start with the more dominate hand. If right handed start with the right hand, but if left handed start with the left hand. I prefer to work clock wise like the sun, and the turning of the scared wheel.

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