Apologies and Thanks 制制制 制制制

Apologies and Thanks 制作人:胡晓宁 Apologies (道歉语) 1 、 Sorry. 对不起。 I'm sorry. 对不起。 2 、 Pardon. 请原谅。 Excuse me, please. 请原谅。 I

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Page 1: Apologies and Thanks 制作人:胡晓宁 Apologies (道歉语) 1 、 Sorry. 对不起。 I'm sorry. 对不起。 2 、 Pardon. 请原谅。 Excuse me, please. 请原谅。 I

Apologies and Thanks


Page 2: Apologies and Thanks 制作人:胡晓宁 Apologies (道歉语) 1 、 Sorry. 对不起。 I'm sorry. 对不起。 2 、 Pardon. 请原谅。 Excuse me, please. 请原谅。 I


1 、 Sorry.对不起。I'm sorry.对不起。2 、 Pardon.请原谅。Excuse me, please.请原谅。I beg your pardon.我请求您的原谅。Excuse me (for having kept you waiting for a long time). 请原谅(让你久等了)。3 、 I'm sorry for losing your book.很抱歉,我丢了你的书。I'm sorry to interrupt you.很抱歉打搅你。Please forgive me for my mistake.请原谅我的过错。

Page 3: Apologies and Thanks 制作人:胡晓宁 Apologies (道歉语) 1 、 Sorry. 对不起。 I'm sorry. 对不起。 2 、 Pardon. 请原谅。 Excuse me, please. 请原谅。 I

• 4 、 Forgive me for being late.请原谅,我迟到了。

• 5 、 I do apologize for the inconvenience I brought to you last night. 对于昨晚带给你的不便,我感到非常的惭愧。

• 6 、 I‘ve got to say sorry for what I said rudely just now. 我很抱歉刚才对你说的那些无礼的话。

• 7 、 It was me to blame.这是我的错。• 8 、 I'm afraid I've taken you up too much for your

time. 花您那么多时间,实在对不起。• 9 、 I really didn't mean that at all.我真的不是那个意思。

Page 4: Apologies and Thanks 制作人:胡晓宁 Apologies (道歉语) 1 、 Sorry. 对不起。 I'm sorry. 对不起。 2 、 Pardon. 请原谅。 Excuse me, please. 请原谅。 I

• 10 、 I must apologize for my mistake. 我必须为我所犯的错向你道歉。

• 11 、 It was most thoughtless of me.我太鲁莽了。• 12 、 That's OK.没关系。• That's all right.没关系。• It doesn't matter.不要紧。• 13 、 That's nothing.没有什么。• Never mind.别放在心上。• Forget it.忘了这件事。• Don't worry about that.不要为那件事感到不安。• 14 、 It really isn't worth mentioning.那真是不值得一提。• 15 、 I quite understand.我完全理解。

Page 5: Apologies and Thanks 制作人:胡晓宁 Apologies (道歉语) 1 、 Sorry. 对不起。 I'm sorry. 对不起。 2 、 Pardon. 请原谅。 Excuse me, please. 请原谅。 I

• 16 、 That's all right. Don't think any more about it. 没什么大不了的,别再想这事。

• 17 、 It's nothing serious. You don't have to upset yourself. 为那么严重,不必太自责。

• 18 、 It's not as bad as that. There is no point to get upset. 没那么糟,不要为此而不安。

• 19 、 That's okay. Don't let it bother you.没事,别想的太多了。

Page 6: Apologies and Thanks 制作人:胡晓宁 Apologies (道歉语) 1 、 Sorry. 对不起。 I'm sorry. 对不起。 2 、 Pardon. 请原谅。 Excuse me, please. 请原谅。 I

感谢语• Thank you very much indeed for your

help. • I’m extremely grateful to you!• Thanks for what you have done for me!• It’s most thoughtful of you!• You are very helpful.• Thanks a million!• Thanks anyway!

Page 7: Apologies and Thanks 制作人:胡晓宁 Apologies (道歉语) 1 、 Sorry. 对不起。 I'm sorry. 对不起。 2 、 Pardon. 请原谅。 Excuse me, please. 请原谅。 I


• My pleasure.

• 2. Anytime!

• 3. You are welcome.

• 4. Not at all!

• 5. It’s a pleasure.

• 6. That’s ok.

Page 8: Apologies and Thanks 制作人:胡晓宁 Apologies (道歉语) 1 、 Sorry. 对不起。 I'm sorry. 对不起。 2 、 Pardon. 请原谅。 Excuse me, please. 请原谅。 I

生活绝句之道歉• I’m extremely sorry!• I do apologize for all that I’ve done!• Please forgive me for …• I didn’t mean to hurt you. Will you forgive me?• I’m sorry to be late, sir.• Sorry to have kept you waiting.• It’s all my fault. I’ll try to make it up to you!

Page 9: Apologies and Thanks 制作人:胡晓宁 Apologies (道歉语) 1 、 Sorry. 对不起。 I'm sorry. 对不起。 2 、 Pardon. 请原谅。 Excuse me, please. 请原谅。 I


• Don’t worry about it!

• It doesn't matter.

• Never mind.

• It’s too late to apologize.

Page 10: Apologies and Thanks 制作人:胡晓宁 Apologies (道歉语) 1 、 Sorry. 对不起。 I'm sorry. 对不起。 2 、 Pardon. 请原谅。 Excuse me, please. 请原谅。 I

• Happy Spring Festival!• Enjoy your holiday!

Page 11: Apologies and Thanks 制作人:胡晓宁 Apologies (道歉语) 1 、 Sorry. 对不起。 I'm sorry. 对不起。 2 、 Pardon. 请原谅。 Excuse me, please. 请原谅。 I

A letter of apology

Dear Dad: I am afraid that you will think me unpardonably negligent in not

having answered your letter dated 7, December sooner, but when I have told you the reason, I trust you will be convinced that the neglect was excusable.

When your letter arrived, I was just in Hong Kong. As my family could not forward it to me during my absence, it has been, therefore, lying on my desk until the moment when I took it up. Now the first thing I have to hasten to do is to write to you these few lines to express my deep regret.

I enjoyed many pleasant sights during my trip. I shall be pleased to

give you an account to of them when I see you next. Sincerely yours, Tom

Page 12: Apologies and Thanks 制作人:胡晓宁 Apologies (道歉语) 1 、 Sorry. 对不起。 I'm sorry. 对不起。 2 、 Pardon. 请原谅。 Excuse me, please. 请原谅。 I

Pair work:

Make up dialogues between a student and her/his partner referring to the dialogues in the Workbook.

Thanks for your watching~Thanks for your watching~