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Aliens y qu es la Matrix?@pena2

FractalUn fractal es un objeto semigeomtrico cuya estructura bsica, fragmentada o irregular, se repite a diferentes escalas.

* Es demasiado irregular para ser descrito en trminos geomtricos tradicionales. * Posee detalle a cualquier escala de observacin. * Es autosimilar (exacta, aproximada o estadsticamente). * Su dimensin de Hausdorff-Besicovitch es estrictamente mayor que su dimensin topolgica. * Se define mediante un simple algoritmo recursivo.

Watch your thoughts; they become words.Watch your words; they become actions.Watch your actions; they become habits.Watch your habits; they become character.Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. Lao-Tze


-hey man, my dad died in korea for that flag!-what a coincidence, my flag was made in Korea.(Bill Hicks)

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free--John Wolfgang von Goethe

There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is the sword, the other is debt--John Adams

Advertising is the price companies pay for being un-original.

History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.--Napoleon Bonaparte

Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.--George Orwell

Ninguno ama a su patria porque es grande, sino porque es suya.--Seneca

A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.--Winston Churchill

Que sabe el pez del agua en que nada?



Reality is an illusion, albeit a very persistent one--Albert Einstein

Everything that can happen, does--Quantum Mechanics

The man who thinks he knows knows not what knowing is.--Montaigne


We cannot solve our problems with the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.--Albert Einstein

You will not die because you are ill, but because you are alive.--Oscar Wilde

Intelligence is the ability to change your mind--Einstein

Beliefs are what divide people. Doubt unites them.--Peter Ustinov

When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.--Jimi Hendrix

Listen to everyone, read everything, believe nothing unless you can prove it in your own research.--William Cooper

There's a method to their madness.. there's really not much method to yours.. because you're operating from a place of ignorance.Until you change that, your going to be bumbling around bumping into each other, saying and doing the wrong things, not understanding the nature of your enemy. If you don't understand the nature of your enemy and the weapons they use, YOU CAN NOT FIGHT THAT ENEMY, YOU CAN'T FIGHT THE BATTLE, YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN BE ON THE BATTLE FIELD.It's why you are losing the war. And don't tell me your not, because I am in a place of great knowledge about who's winning and who's loosing this war, and I can assure you YOU'RE losing the war. It doesn't mean it can't be turn around, but it will never be turned around until you learn what you need to know..You don't even recognize half the weapons they use against you. Some of them seem so insignificant that you don't even try.--William Cooper

learn from everyonefollow no onewatch for patternswork like hell

Do or do not. there is no try.

Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment.

Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.

Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much.

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.