BII.U.VI BII.U.VI 一、 .Words I. shame n 1. 羞羞 ( 羞 ), 羞羞 ( 羞 )U 2. 羞羞 , 羞羞 3. 羞羞羞羞羞羞 ( 羞羞 )[S] 4. 羞羞 ; 羞羞羞羞 ; 羞羞羞羞羞羞 [S] She felt great shame at having failed(in) the exam. 羞羞羞羞羞羞 , 羞羞羞羞羞羞Your bad behavior brings shame on the whole school. 羞羞羞羞羞羞羞羞羞羞羞羞羞羞羞It's a shame I haven't heard from you for years. 羞羞羞 , 羞羞羞羞羞羞羞羞羞羞羞


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1. 羞耻(心),羞愧(感) U 2. 羞辱,耻辱 3. 带来耻辱的人(或事)[ S] 4. 憾事;倒霉的事;令人憎恶的事[ S] She felt great shame at having failed(in) the exam. 她考试不及格,感到极其羞愧。 Your bad behavior brings shame on the whole - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: BII.U.VI

BII.U.VIBII.U.VI一、 .Words I. shame n 1. 羞耻 ( 心 ), 羞愧 ( 感 )U

2. 羞辱 , 耻辱 3. 带来耻辱的人 ( 或事 )[S]

4. 憾事 ; 倒霉的事 ; 令人憎恶的事 [S] She felt great shame at having failed(in)

the exam. 她考试不及格 , 感到极其羞愧。 Your bad behavior brings shame on the whole

school. 你的恶劣行径给整个学校带来耻辱。 It's a shame I haven't heard from you for years. 真遗憾 , 我多年没有收到你的信了。

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vt.1. 使感到羞耻2. 使感羞愧而 ...3. 使蒙受羞辱 , 使丢脸4. 胜过 , 使相形见绌e.g.1. She was shamed and frightened. 她既羞愧又惊慌。2. He was shamed into admitting his guilt. 他羞愧地承认犯了罪。3. Her academic achievements shamed

her brothers. 她的学术成就使她的兄弟们相形见绌。

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II. ring n. [C]1. 圈 ; 环 ; 环形物2. 戒指 ; 耳环3. 年轮 ; 围成一圈的人 ( 或物 )4. 圆形灶盘6. 电话 Fatigue brought on dark rings under her eyes. 劳累使她眼睛下部出现了黑圈。 I watched the children dancing in a ring=circle. 我看著孩子们围成一圈跳舞。vt. 1. 包围 ; 围住 [(+with)] 2. 使成环形 3. 给……打电话 (up)

vi. 1. 成环形 2. ( 钟、铃等 ) 鸣;响

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vi. 1. 成环形 2. ( 钟、铃等 ) 鸣;响

e.g./1. The rebellious troops ringed the airfield. 叛军包围了机场。

2. Please ring him up. He has something to tell you.

3. She was cooking when the doorbell rang

III. mine n.[C] 1. 矿 ; 矿山 , 矿井

2. 宝库 , 源泉 [S] 3. 地雷 , 水雷 4. 坑道

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vt.1. 开采 ( 矿物 ); 在 ... 中开采矿物

2. 在 ... 埋地雷 / 布雷 ;( 用地 / 水雷 ) 炸毁 3. 在 ... 下挖坑道4. 暗害 , 破坏vi.1. 开矿 [(+for)]2. 挖坑道3. 布置地雷或水雷e.g. work a mine/ hit(strike) a mine

mine sea water for petroleum

They are mining for gold.

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IV. afford vt.1. ( 常与 can,could,be able to 连用 ) 买得起 ;

V. 有足 够的 ...( 去做 ...)2. 提供 , 给予e.g.1. We can‘t afford to pay such a price.我们付不起这个价钱。1. They couldn’t afford the waste of a single

VI. minute. 2. Dancing affords us pleasure.跳舞给我们带来快乐。

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V. material a.1. 物质的 , 有形的2. 肉体的 , 身体上的3. 【法律】重要的 , 决定判决的 , 关键的n.1. 材料 , 原料 [C][U]2. 织物 , 料子 [C][U]3. 素材 ; 资料 [U]4. 工具 , 用具 [P]. A warm house and good food are material

VI. comforts. 温暖的家和佳肴都是物质享受。. A material witness failed to appear in court.一名重要的证人没有出庭。

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1. 1.Wood and stone are the only raw materials on the island.木材和石头是这个岛上仅有的原材料。

2. 2. Your writing materials are in the top drawer of your desk.你的书写文具在你书桌的最上面的抽屉里。

二、 phrases:

I. look around 仔细查看;环顾四周 2. hand out (opp. Hand in)

3. sooner or later (like ‘ more or less’)

4. a pack of a pack of cigarettes / clothes/ firewood a pack of thieves / wolves …

* in packs ( like ‘in pairs / in groups …)

5. be pressed with ( like ‘ be covered/ marked with)

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三、 Sentences:

1. It’s a pity that I didn’t think of it earlier.

It’s a shame that you should order me about.

It’s a shame that they were cheated

2. It is possible that one of them kept a bank…

It is necessary/ important that we should do…

3. It can be exciting to get stamps ….

It is great fun to jump into the cool water on a

hot day.

4. Coins are of different sizes, weights and shapes.

=Coins are different in size, weight and shape

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四、 I. 过去分词作定语 1. Coins were made of gold mixed with silver. (=which was mixed with silver.) 2. People discovered collections of coins buried in the ground. (=that had been buried in the…). 3. The largest collection ever found in England was… (=that had ever been found in England ) II. 现在分词作定语 1. It contained 54,951 coins dating from the years… (=which dated from the years…) 2. Who is the old man standing under the bridge? (=that is standing under the bridge)