REVIEW Can diet affect prostate cancer? J.-P. MEYER and D.A. GILLATT Bristol Urological Institute, Southmead Hospital, Bristol, UK Introduction For several years it has been known that manipulating dietary factors could in¯uence the development of tumours in animals [1]. In 1975 Doll and Peto [2] reported that the rates of cancer among different populations corresponded with dietary variation, and in a later paper estimated that 35% of cancers in North America may be attributable to diet [3]. This argument is further strengthened by the fact that a migrating population will eventually assume the cancer rates of their host population, lending weight to the view that differences in cancer rates among populations are also a result of other than inherited factors, with diet being one of them. Numerous studies have examined the connection between diet and cancer, and a greater insight into the ways in which diet can affect carcinogenesis is currently developing. Recently there has been consider- able interest in evaluating the link between diet and prostate cancer. To date, most of the dietary data on prostate cancer relate to fats, vitamin A or carotenoids, and vitamins D and E. Other dietary constituents include the trace elements cadmium and zinc, and alcohol, although the data are more limited for these factors. Fat Fat is the dietary component most frequently associ- ated with prostate cancer. The earliest observations showed an association between prostate cancer incidence and fat consumption among different populations [2,4,5]. Statlan [6] in 1992, reported this link; countries such as the USA, known to have high levels of fat consumption, were also found to have a high mortality rate for prostate cancer, whereas a country such as Japan, with one of the lowest rates of fat consumption in the world, has a low mortality rate for the disease. The constituent fatty acids in dietary fats can be divided into essential and inessential fatty acids; the latter are synthesized in the body whereas the former are derived from the diet. These essential fatty acids are all unsaturated and can be divided into omega-6 derived from linoleic acid) and omega-3 fatty acids derived from linolenic acid). Linoleic acid is mainly found in vegetable seed oils whereas linolenic acid is found mainly in ®sh oils. At a cellular level, these essential fatty acids are thought to in¯uence cellular proliferation, the immune system and the potential of a tumour to invade locally and metastasize [7]. They are also reported to affect PG synthesis and sex hormone levels. Different fatty acids have been shown to have bene®cial and detrimental effects on the growth of prostate cancer cells. For example, linoleic acid stimulates the growth of an androgen-unresponsive prostate cancer line, whilst the omega-3 derived from linolenic acid) fatty acids, docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid, inhibit the growth of this prostate cancer cell line [8]. These ®ndings have also been reported by others [9,10] who showed that other prostate cell lines are promoted by omega-6 and inhibited by omega-3 fatty acids. The effects of these fatty acids are thought to be caused by their effects on PG synthesis. A case-control study was carried out by Norrish et al. [11] in 1999, to ascertain whether the intake of omega-3 fatty acids, found in ®sh oils, is indeed associated with a reduced risk of developing prostate cancer. They studied 317 men with prostate cancer matched with 480 controls, reporting a reduc- tion in the risk of developing prostate cancer in men in whom they detected higher levels of eicosapentaenoic acid in their erythrocytes. The authors considered that this was caused by the effects on PG synthesis. As well as affecting PG synthesis, fatty acids also appear to in¯uence sex hormone levels; androgenic or oestrogenic) stimulation may be a causative factor in the development of prostate cancer, and this therefore raises the possibility of using fatty acids to reduce androgenic stimulation of the prostate. Testos- terone is mainly produced in the testis a small amount being produced in the adrenal glands) and is converted to its active form, DHT, by 5a-reductase. DHT is necessary for the continuing growth and development Accepted for publication 5 October 2001 BJU International 2002), 89, 250±254 # 2002 BJU International 250

Can diet affect prostate cancer?

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