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探子回報,kase係專賣以軟膠同埋油墨相片造型的 case,包括 iphone 同 samsung嘅手機同埋 tablet,

佢哋會將 case好似雜誌咁一個個擺晒上層架,俾客人好似睇衫咁逐個睇。店裡面燈光好足夠,配搭白色主調令成間舖頭都好 cyber。

其實真係會有好多人買 case當買衫,每隔幾星期就會換一個,我就隔 2,3個月換一次,應該唔算太太太過份啦......的確,佢哋賣嘅 case都好靚,當你企到入去都唔知揀邊個好。我個人就鍾意啲純-

pattern嘅 case,呢度都會有。不過價錢就見仁見智,我就覺得$199-$299買個 case 其實都幾唔抵。

就喺我咁諗嘅時候,我就發現左一個亮點。可以就咁買個 case就真係冇咁多人肯俾錢買,但如果係可以印自己想要嘅圖案上去個 case就另計啦,而呢度就有咁嘅服務。你只要拎住自訂圖案去舖頭,就會

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有專人喺大約 10分鐘之內幫你整到一個專屬你嘅 case。我知道有好多動漫迷或者追星一族都會成日幫襯呢間店。

除左walk in,你仲可以上網落 order,之後再拎又得,其實都幾方便。

2. Entice with Benefits

3. Avoid Yeah, Yeah Phrases

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4. Justify Using Superlatives

Superlatives sound insincere unless you clearly prove why your product is the best, the

easiest, or the most advanced.

Amazon explains why the Paperwhite is the world’s most advanced e-reader:

5. Appeal to Your Readers’ Imagination

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Scientific research has proven that if people hold a product in their hands, their desire to

own it increases.

You’re selling online, so your web visitors can’t hold your products. Large, crystal clear

pictures or videos can help, but there’s also a copywriting trick to increase desire: let

your reader imagine what it would be like to own your product.

Here’s how Think Geek stirs your imagination with an description of their grilling multi


There is a person who is the hero of every BBQ or family cookout and that is the Grill

Master. We always looked up to our Mom or Dad as they tended the grill and looked

forward to the day when we could be in charge of charring the meatstuff and searing

delicious slices of fresh pineapple. Now that we're adults, it's finally our turn and

technology has smiled upon us, giving us a tool that is destined to impress.

To practice this copywriting technique start a sentence with the word imagine, and finish

your se

7. Seduce with Sensory Words

Restaurants have known it for a long time: sensory words increase sales, because they

engage more brain processing power. Here’s an example of chocolate maker Green

and Black:

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8. Tempt with Social Proof

When your web visitors are unsure about which product to purchase, they look for

suggestions what to buy. They’re often swayed to buy a product with the highest

number of positive reviews. But there are other ways to sneak social proof into your

product descriptions.

Online furniture seller Made.com hints at the popularity of a product: