Chapter 8 助動詞 84 Chapter 9 動名詞 100 Chapter 10 不定詞 110 Chapter 11 125 Chapter 12 名詞與代名詞 137 Chapter 13 形容詞與副詞 157 Chapter 14 關係詞 176 Chapter 15 連接詞 190 Chapter 1 詞類與五大句型 1 Chapter 2 12 Chapter 3 24 Chapter 4 假設語氣 36 Chapter 5 主詞與動詞一致 50 Chapter 6 否定句與倒裝句 60 Chapter 7 疑問句與附加問句 74

Chapter 1 Chapter 8 - visionbook.com.tw · Chapter 8 助動詞 84 Chapter 9 動名詞 100 Chapter 10 不定詞 110 Chapter 11 分 詞 125 Chapter 12 名詞與代名詞 137 Chapter

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Page 1: Chapter 1 Chapter 8 - visionbook.com.tw · Chapter 8 助動詞 84 Chapter 9 動名詞 100 Chapter 10 不定詞 110 Chapter 11 分 詞 125 Chapter 12 名詞與代名詞 137 Chapter

Chapter 8助動詞


Chapter 9動名詞


Chapter 10不定詞


Chapter 11分 詞


Chapter 12名詞與代名詞


Chapter 13形容詞與副詞


Chapter 14關係詞


Chapter 15連接詞


Chapter 1詞類與五大句型


Chapter 2時 態


Chapter 3語 態


Chapter 4假設語氣


Chapter 5主詞與動詞一致


Chapter 6否定句與倒裝句


Chapter 7疑問句與附加問句


目 次

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句子四大要素 2





名詞   ⇒ The man always shares what he has with poor people.         這位先生總是與貧困者分享他的財富。

代名詞  ⇒ He told me the shocking news this morning.        今天早上他和我說了這則令人震驚的消息。

動名詞  ⇒ Seeing is believing. 眼見為憑。

不定詞  ⇒ To become a doctor is my dream. 成為醫生是我的夢想。

名詞片語 ⇒ How to master English is the topic of the speech.        「如何學好英文」是這場演講的主題。

名詞子句 ⇒ That failure is the mother of success is a famous saying.        「失敗為成功之母」是著名的諺語。


完全不及物動詞  ⇒ Peter is sleeping in his room. 彼得正在他的房間睡覺。

不完全不及物動詞 ⇒ Jolin is a beautiful singer. 蔡依林是美麗的歌手。

完全及物動詞   ⇒ Martin loves everyone that he meets.            馬丁喜愛每一位他遇見的人。

不完全及物動詞  ⇒ The teacher made the boy do his homework.            老師要求男孩完成作業。

授與動詞     ⇒ I told Benson an interesting story. 我告訴班森一則有趣的故事。


名詞   ⇒ The rich businessman has bought a house in Tokyo.        這位富商買了一間位於東京的房子。

代名詞  ⇒ The book is interesting. I highly recommend it to you.        這本書很有趣。我強烈向你推薦。

動名詞  ⇒ Jane is considering teaching as her career. 珍正考慮以教書為業。

不定詞  ⇒ David has decided to go abroad for further studies.        大衛已經決定要出國深造。

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名詞片語 ⇒ Would you tell me how to deal with the problem?        你可以告訴我如何處理這個問題嗎?

名詞子句 ⇒ There is no telling what may happen tomorrow.        沒人能知道明天可能發生什麼事。

主詞補語(SC):補充說明主詞的用語;be 動詞後的字就是主詞補語

名詞   ⇒ Martin is a kind-hearted doctor. 馬丁是好心的醫生。

形容詞  ⇒ The old woman is poor, but she is generous.        這位老太太貧窮,但是為人慷慨。

動名詞  ⇒ Teaching is learning. 教學就是學習。(教學相長)

不定詞  ⇒ To teach is to learn. 教學就是學習。(教學相長)

現在分詞 ⇒ Martin’s lecture is interesting. 馬丁的演講很有趣。

過去分詞 ⇒ We are interested in Martin’s lecture. 我們對馬丁的演講感興趣。

名詞片語 ⇒ The greatest problem is how to stop global warming.        最大的問題是如何停止全球暖化。

名詞子句 ⇒ The news is that oil prices will rise. 新聞報導油價即將上漲。


名詞   ⇒ I appointed Jackson manager of the Bangkok branch.        我任命傑克森為曼谷分公司的經理。

形容詞  ⇒ You will find time invaluable. 你將會發現時間是無價的。

不定詞  ⇒ The doctor advised my father to quit smoking. 醫生建議我的爸爸戒菸。

現在分詞 ⇒ I am sorry that I kept you waiting. 很抱歉讓你等候。

過去分詞 ⇒ Mr.Wang can make himself understood in English.         王先生能夠用英文表達自己。


Grammar must be learned through language, and not language through grammar. —Herder, Johann G.


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五大句型 -13

鋫 will happen鋳 are playing;happily / merrily;in the garden鋴 arrived;at;left鋽; happen 是完全不及物動詞,恆作主動語態。

on earth 究竟;absent adj. 不在場的

五大句型 -23

鋫 smell;good;taste;delicious鋳 turn;red鋴 appears;younger;stay;young;stay;happy鋽;禑 look like + N 看起來像…

禙 look after + N 照顧,打理。phantom n. 魅影

五大句型 -33

鋫 have;ears鋳 knows how to solve a problem鋴虲;rise from one’s seat 從座位起身

五大句型 -43

鋫 have;told;consider / think鋳 kept;waiting鋴 praised鋽䕷; 應作 My sister found the baby still sleeping.。

privacy n. 隱私

五大句型 -53

鋫 does;good;does;good;to鋳 of鋴䕷;虲應作 give a helping hand to you 應作 do you a favor 指「戲弄你」,與這一題的文意不合

一.基本觀念題鋫;I love you. S Vt O鋳蛯;My father told me a touching story.。 S Vt IO DO touching adj. 感人的

鋴虲;The books Martin writes are interesting.      S Vi SC鋽䕷;I have been living in Taichung for sixteen years.   S Vi adv. adv.鍃;Helping poor people has made the rich man     S Vt O   know what life is. OC

鎄虲;A friend in need is a friend indeed.  S Vi SC鎭䕷;Actions speak louder than words.  S Vi adv.䥅;Early to bed and early to rise makes a man     S Vt O    healthy, wealthy and wise.     OC䥑;God helps those who help themselves.  S Vt O麿蛯;You cannot teach an old dog new tricks.  S Vt IO DO

二.精選段考題鋫; remain v. 留下,依然是(此字是不及物動詞,沒有

被動語態)。flea market 跳蚤市場

鋳䕷;虲 fall asleep 睡著

feel sleepy 覺得想睡

sleepless adj. 失眠的

鋴䕷;make + O + adj.(狀態)/ V(主動)/ p.p.(被動)。

dizzy adj. 暈眩的

鋽䕷;let one’s imagination run wild 盡情發揮想像力

鍃䕷;虲 應作 High school students should be viewed / regarded / treated as young adults.

三.歷屆大考題鋫; 䕷花費 虲褪色,凋萎 提供 代替。

graphic novel 圖像小說;visual adj. 視覺的; explore v. 探索

鋳虲; 空格後方 the spirit 是受詞,going 是受詞補語。受詞

補語是現在分詞(Ving),所以搭配虲 keep。 in response to + sth. 為響應…;aim n. 目標;

concept n. 觀念;foster v. 促進;harmony n. 和諧;

confine v. 限制;consciously adv. 有意識地

鋴䕷; 空格後方 children 是受詞,do things 是受詞補語。

受詞補語是原形動詞,所以搭配使役動詞䕷 had。 command n. 命令;pattern n. 圖樣;object n. 物體

鋽; become 後方可以接形容詞,修飾前方的主詞。在這

一題,endangered 修飾前方的主詞 some species。 dangerous adj. 危險的;endangered adj. 瀕臨絕種的;

coral reef 珊瑚礁;species n. 物種

鍃;䕷 have + O + V ... 要…

虲 let + O + V ... 讓…

get + O + to V ... 要… keep + O + Ving ... 讓…。

surname n. 姓氏;selection n. 挑選

鎄虲; be 動詞後方可以接形容詞,修飾前方的主詞。在這

一題,crazy(發瘋的)修飾前方的主詞 he。 wasteland n. 荒地;vision n. 願景

鎭䕷;只有 make(使)可以接了受詞,再接上形容詞:

adj. / NV-ing(主動)/ p.p.(被動)

make(使)+ O +



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過去進行式(was / were + Ving 當時正在)6

鋫 occurred;were sleeping鋳 were playing;was drizzling鋴;「當時正走在街上」為過去進行式

過去完成式(had + p.p. 已經)7

鋫 had seen鋳;媽媽「先」前往香港,我之「後」才到家

過去完成進行式(had + been + Ving 已經)8

鋫 was;had been singing鋳; 在我到達前,羅絲一直在閱讀。這一句強調在我到


未來簡單式(will + V 將會)9

鋫 will change;rise。raw material 原物料

鋳 will rise鋴䕷; if(如果)為表示條件的連接詞,所引導的子句即使

表示未來,仍作現在簡單式。as scheduled 如期地

未來進行式(will + be + Ving 將正在)10

鋫 will be correcting鋳; 當我們探問他人未來計畫時,常用未來進行式。

have an interview with + sb. 與…進行訪談

未來完成式(will + have + p.p. 將已經)11

鋫 had achieved鋳 had become鋴; 橋是被建造的,所以答案是被動語態的,而不是


未來完成進行式(will + have + been + Ving 將已經)12

鋫 will have been setting up鋳; 本句強調到你從美國回來時,我還會繼續當科學家

一.基本觀念題鋫 is coming Look! 意指「你看!」,表示某個動作正在進行,所以

搭配現在進行式(am / is / are + Ving)鋳 is making am / is / are + Ving + all the time 老是,表示「不耐煩」


鋴 to set be + (about +) to V 即將

鋽 has been / is It has been / is + 一段時間 + since + S + 過去式動詞 ... . 自從…以來,已經…

鍃 be used to + V 過去狀態,過去經常。parking lot 停車場

earnings n. 收入;shareholder n. 股東; investment n. 投資

䥅 make make 的用法:

make + O +N(身分)/ adj.(狀態)



䥑 Eating / To eat;become 禑 動名詞或不定詞可以當主詞,表示「一件事」

禙 become 表示「變成」,後方可以接名詞或形容詞

麿 see / view / regard / think of;as 這一題考「視 A 為 B」的句型。第一格的答案如果作

consider 或 think,第二格就必須是 to be

時 態2


鋫 seldom / rarely;feels鋳 rises;sets鋴 is鋽虲; 完成初等教育與中等教育共花十二年。這一句表示


secondary education 中等教育;complete v. 完成

現在進行式(am / is / are + Ving 現在正在)2

鋫 is becoming / getting鋳虲; am / is / are + Ving ... + all the time 老是,此句型有

「不耐煩」的意思。unnecessary adj. 不必要的;

think twice 再次思量

現在完成式(has / have + p.p. 已經)3

鋫 has worked;since;entered鋳 So far;have joined鋴 (that) I have ever seen鋽; 䕷應作 The Smiths moved to Taipei in 1981. 虲 應作 Sue has been talking on the phone since she

got home. 應作 Similar stories have been told over and over

again since then.

現在完成進行式(has / have + been + Ving 已經)4

鋫 have been drinking;for鋳虲; 動作發生於過去,持續到現在,更會延續到未來,



鋫 became鋳;應作 Gravel is used to make roads.。 gravel n. 砂礫,碎石

時 態