佛陀是給予慧命的大覺者,慶祝佛誕日是感恩智慧成長; 母親是生育生命的創造者,慶祝母親節是宏揚孝道; 慶 祝慈濟日是提醒要殷勤精進,歡喜付出。在五月第二個週日全球慈濟人將同步慶祝佛誕日、母親節及全球慈濟 日,以感念佛恩、親恩、眾生恩。 當日早上十點整開始浴佛典禮,浴佛是對佛陀的最高禮敬,以謙卑心「禮佛足」,表達內心的虔誠祈願,以清淨 心「接花香」,雙手承接智慧福德。希望藉著浴佛盛典,共聚善念力量,讓世界無災無難。 五月是「孝親月」,亦是慈濟「齋戒月」。因此舉辦素食園遊會,願人人健康茹素,進而以虔誠齋戒恭敬之心, 回報父母的養育之恩 。為珍惜資源,敬請參加者自備環保餐具,讓環保的觀念由內而外擴展到日常的生活。 佛教慈濟基金會新澤西分會願藉此殊勝因緣,誠摯地邀請您及闔府前來共同體會人間真、善、美!相信有您的 參與,將會讓此三節合一活動更具意義。 Buddha DayMother’s Day Tzu Chi Day 佛誕日‧母親節‧全球慈濟日 佛教慈濟基金會新澤西分會 Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, Mid-Atlantic Region

佛誕日‧母親節‧全球慈濟日blog2.huayuworld.org/gallery/14470/2014- Buddha Day.pdf在五月第二個週日全球慈濟人將同步慶祝佛誕日、母親節及全球慈濟

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Page 1: 佛誕日‧母親節‧全球慈濟日blog2.huayuworld.org/gallery/14470/2014- Buddha Day.pdf在五月第二個週日全球慈濟人將同步慶祝佛誕日、母親節及全球慈濟

佛陀是給予慧命的大覺者,慶祝佛誕日是感恩智慧成長; 母親是生育生命的創造者,慶祝母親節是宏揚孝道; 慶祝慈濟日是提醒要殷勤精進,歡喜付出。在五月第二個週日全球慈濟人將同步慶祝佛誕日、母親節及全球慈濟日,以感念佛恩、親恩、眾生恩。


五月是「孝親月」,亦是慈濟「齋戒月」。因此舉辦素食園遊會,願人人健康茹素,進而以虔誠齋戒恭敬之心,回報父母的養育之恩 。為珍惜資源,敬請參加者自備環保餐具,讓環保的觀念由內而外擴展到日常的生活。


You and your family are cordially invited to our annual celebration of Buddha Day, Mother’s Day and Tzu Chi Day, on Sunday, May 11, 2014.

The second Sunday of May is a very special day, as there are three meaningful occasions that fall on that day. On this Buddha Day, we will get together at the ceremony to pay reverence to the Buddha and to learn from the Buddha’s com-passion and wisdom. We celebrate Mother’s Day to show our gratitude to every mother’s selfl ess and boundless love to her children. We also celebrate the Global Tzu Chi Day to remind ourselves to stay diligent in our spiritual cultivation and to give with joy.

Our exciting outdoor fair begins at 12:30 PM and features game stations, delicious vegetarian food, and other fun activi-ties. All in all, this event promises to be a perfect way to celebrate. We look forward to seeing you!

Buddha Day‧Mother’s Day ‧Tzu Chi Day


Sunday‧May 11‧ 2014

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM 佛誕日浴佛祈福大典 Buddha Bathing Ceremony 12:00 PM 開始出售園遊會點券 Fair tickets available for purchase 12:30 PM - 3:00 PM 園遊會 Fair


Jing Si Hall, Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, Mid-Atlantic Region150 Commerce Road, Cedar Grove, NJ 07009973.857.8666 nj.us.tzuchi.org


佛教慈濟基金會新澤西分會Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, Mid-Atlantic Region