Expo Dalat Partie 2

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  • Le pLAn oneiLL (1919) : un rquiLiBrAge territoriAL Auprofit des civiLsEn 1919, ONeill proposa un nouveau plan durbanisation. Si la double vocation initiale de la ville fut maintenue, le rquilibrage de loccupation territoriale se fit au profit des civils qui pouvaient ds lors acqurir des terrains en dehors de la priphrie Est de la ville. Dautre part, un espace fut rserv pour limplantation dun village annamite que ONeill jugea indispensable pour le logement et lapprovisionnement de la main-duvre, des employs indignes et de leurs familles.

    la suite de lOrdonnance Royale du 11 octobre 1920 qui rigea le plateau du Lang Bian en circonscription autonome, larrt du 31 octobre officialisa la cration de la commune de Lt.

    k hoch cA oneiLL (1919): s cn Bng Li v Lnh th nghing v khi dn sVo nm 1919, ONeill xut mt n mi v th ha. Nu nh khuynh hng kp lc ban u ca thnh ph c duy tr th s cn bng li vic chim dng lnh th li nghing v pha ngi dn v ngay lc h c th ly c t bn ngoi ngoi vi pha ng thnh ph. Mt khc, c mt khonh khng gian c dnh cho cho vic du nhp mt lng ngi An-nam m ONeill cho rng n cn thit lm ch v cung ng nhn cng, ca nhng nhn vin bn x v gia nh h.

    Tip theo Ch d ca triu nh ngy 11/10/1920 lp cao nguyn Lang Bian l khu t tr, ngh nh ngy 31/10 chnh thc ha vic thnh lp th t Lt.

    The oneill plAn (1919) : A reBAlAnCing of urBAn spACe infAvour of The CiviliAn populATionIn 1919, ONeill, proposed a new town plan. Although the initial dual purpose of the city was maintained, land occupation was rebalanced in favour of the civilian population that had the right to acquire plots beyond the eastern periphery of the city. Secondly, a space was allotted for the implantation of an Annamese village that ONeill judged to be indispensable for the accommodation and provisions of the labour force, indigenous employees and their families.

    Following the Royal Decree of 11th October 1920 that had made the Lang Bian plateau an autonomous district, the decree of 31st October made the creation of the commune of Lt official.


    1916 - 1932

  • 1916 - 1932

    Le pLAn oneiLL (1919): un rQuiLiBrage territoriAL Au profit des CiviLs n oneill (1919): s cn bng li v lnh th nghing v khi dn sThe ONeill plan(1919): a territorial rebalancing to the benefit of the civilian population

    Plan ONeill, 1919 Ville de Lt -Plan du primtre urbain avec indications des terrains concder - Plan n2 tabli en supposant que la ville officielle peut tre reporte lEst du lac [ANOM GGI 46409]

    n quy hoch ONeill, 1919 Thnh ph Lt Bn v phm vi th c ch dn v cc khu t chuyn nhng - n s 2 c lp vi gi thit l thnh ph chnh thc c th c ko di v pha ng ca h

    ONeill plan, 1919 city of Lt -Plan of the urban perimeter with indications of plots of land for lease - Plan n2 Drawn up supposing that the official city may be extended to the east of the lake.

    Plan ONeill, 1919 Ville de Lt -Plan du primtre urbain avec indications des terrains concder - Plan n1 tabli en nutilisant que les parcelles certainement disponibles [ANOM GGI 46409]

    n quy hoch ONeill, 1919 Thnh ph Lt Bn v phm vi th c ch dn v cc khu t chuyn nhng - n s 1 c lp ch vi nhng phn t chc chn s dng c

    ONeill plan, 1919 city of Lt -Plan of the urban perimeter with indications of plots of land for lease - Plan n1 Drawn up using only the plots that were certainly available

    T. Res. Mi. Terrains rservs aux militaires Cc khu t dnh cho qun i Plots of land reserved for militaryT. Res Terrains rservs Cc khu t d tr Plots of land reservedT. Av. Terrains vendre Cc khu t bn Plots of land for leaseV. An. Village Annamite Lng ngi An-nam Annamese village

    1 Terrains rservs au Gouvernement deCochinchine Khu t dnh cho dinh Thng c Nam K Plot of land reserved for the Government of Cochinchina

    2 Terrain rserv Rsidence Suprieure de lAnnam Khu t dnh cho Khm s Trung k Plot of land reserved for the Rsidence Suprieure de lAnnam3 Douane S thu quan Customs4 Bureau de poste et tlgraphe S Bu in Post and Telegraph Office5 Municipalit de Saigon Hi ng Th chnh Si Gn Municipality of Saigon6 Chalet chancellerie Nh g ca chng n Chancellerys Chalet7 Chalet de la Rsidence Nh g ca ta Khm s Residences Chalet8 Bureaux du service forestier S kim lm Forestry Division office9 Bureaux des Travaux Publics S cng trnh cng cng Public works office

    10 Garde indigne V binh bn x (lnh kh xanh) Native garde11 Chalet Champoudry Nh g ca Champoudry Champoudry Chalet12 Chalet des Travaux Publics Nh g ca cng trnh cng cng Public works Chalet13 Htel en construction Khch sn ang xy dng Hotel being built14 Chalet Erlorien Nh g ca Erlorien Erlorien Chalet15 Sala Sala Sala

    Plan du terrain domanial demand en concession par M. Desanti, 1919 [C4ANV HS1082 RSA]

    Bn v khu t cng xin nhng ca M. Desanti, 1919 [TTLTQG4 HS1082 RSA]Plan of the plot of State land requested for lease by M.Desanti, 1919

    Demande de concession du Crdit Foncier de lIndochine pour diffrentes socits, 27juin 1924 [C4ANV HS1317 RSA] ngh nhng t ca Hng Tn dng a c ng Dng cho nhiu cng ty, 27 thng 6 nm 1924 [TTLTQG4 HS1317 RSA]Request for lease by the Crdit Foncier de lIndochine for different companies, 27th June 1924

    Plan du terrain demand en concession par M.J.ONeill, 1919 [C4ANV HS1317 RSA]Bn v khu t xin nhng

    ca M. J. ONeill, 1919 [TTLTQG4 HS1317 RSA]

    Plan of the plot requested for lease by M. J. ONeill, 1919

    Terrain demand Lt par le service Radiographique, 1924 [C4ANV HS1520 RSA]Khu t ngh Lt cp

    ca Nha V tuyn in, 1924 [TTLTQG4 HS1520 RSA]

    Plot requested in Lt by the radiographic service, 1924


  • LA pLAn hBrArd (1923) : nAissAnce de Lide de Lt viLLe-cApitALe

    Lambition de lurbaniste Hbrard tait de faire de Lt un centre politique de premier plan associant des fonctions de loisirs et de convalescence. Farouche partisan du principe du zonage, cest--dire la subdivision et la spcialisation de lespace urbain, il en vint dterminer trois villes en une : une ville annamite dcline en 3 quartiers ; une ville rsidentielle europenne rpartie en 3 grands lotissements ; une ville administrative et politique compose dun centre administratif et dun centre gouvernemental (175 ha).

    n cA hBrArd (1923) : s rA i tng v Lt thnh ph-th

    Tham vng ca nh quy hoch th Hbrard l bin Lt thnh mt trung tm chnh tr quan trng bc nht kt hp vi cc chc nng gii tr v dng bnh. L ngi ng h nhit thnh cho nguyn l chia khu, iu ny c ngha l chi khu v s chuyn mn ha khng gian th, Hbrard i ti xc nh 3 thnh ph trong mt: mt thnh ph ca ngi An-nam gim thnh 3 khu ph; mt thnh ph c tr ca ngi chu u c chia thnh 3 l ln; mt thnh ph hnh chnh v chnh tr gm c mt trung tm hnh chnh v mt trung tm hnh php (175 ha).

    The hBrArd plAn (1923) : BirTh of The ideA of lT AsACApiTAl CiTY

    Hbrards ambition was to create a political centre of paramount importance, to which would be associated the functions of leisure and convalescence. Hewas a fierce supporter of the zoning principle and he ended up proposing three cities in one : a Annamese town divided into three quarters; aEuropeanresidential city composed of three big allotments; a political city with an administrative centre and a government centre (175 ha).


    1916 - 1932

  • Lt, sanatorium du Lang Bian, Plan Hbrard , dessin en 1922 et approuv 1923 [CIAM] (Taille originale x 2) Lt, trm ngh dng Lang Bian, n quy hoch Hbrard , thit k nm 1922 v c ph duyt nm 1923 (Kch thc tht x 2) Lt, Lang Bian sanatorium, Hbrard plan, drawn up in 1922 and agreed 1923 (Real size x 2) 3.3

  • Le pLAn hBrArd dcLin en pLAns thmAtiques

    Les plans dHbrard entrinent et prcisent le principe de sgrgation entre populations indigne et europenne. Ils confirment galement la rduction de lemprise militaire sur la ville. En revanche, ces projections passent sous silence la question pourtant essentielle du dveloppement dinstallations touristiques et de la valorisation paysagre des alentours de la ville. Les nombreux dtracteurs de ce projet, jug rigide et mal conu, ainsi que la crise de 1929, eurent raison de lui. Au final, seuls virent le jour un des trois lotissements et la promenade autour du lac.

    n hBrArd c th hin di dng s theo ch

    Nhng bn s ca Hbrard xc nhn v nh r nguyn l tch bit gia ngi bn x v ngi chu u. Nhng bn ny cng khng nh vic gim bt s nh hng ca gii qun s i vi thnh ph. Ngc li, nhng bn s ny li l i vn ct yu v pht trin h tng du lch v v pht huy gi tr cnh quan xung quanh thnh ph. Nhiu k gim pha d n ny cho rng n cng nhc v kh hiu cng vi cuc khng hong nm 1929 lm cho n ny tht bi. Cui cng, ch c mt trong ba s phn l v con ng do quanh h tr thnh hin thc.

    The hBrArd plAn in Three ThemATiC plAns

    The Hbrard plan endorsed and further defined the principle of segregation between the indigenous and European populations. It also confirmed the reduction of the military land hold. On the other hand, these projects overlooked the essential question of the development of tourist infrastructures and the promotion of the surrounding landscapes. Hostile reactions and the 1929 crisis put an end to the project. Ultimately, only one of the three residential developments and the path around the lake were built.


    1916 - 1932

  • 1916 - 1932 3.4

    Le pLAn hBrard dCLin en pLAns thmAtiQues n hbrard c th hin di dng bn s theo ch The Hbrard plan set out in thematic plans

    Lt, Sanatorium du Lang Bian, plan par zone [ANOM GGI 66738-2] Lt, trm ngh dng Lang Bian, bn phn khu Lt, Lang Bian sanatorium, plan by zone

    Lt, Sanatorium du Lang Bian [ANOM GGI 66738-3] Lt, trm ngh dng Lang Bian Lt, Lang Bian sanatorium

    Le centre-ville de Lt en 1925 [CP Tam Thi]Trung tm thnh ph Lt nm 1925 Lt city centre in 1925

    Futur plan de Lt, lgende pour les routes [C4ANV]Bn Lt tng lai, ch dn v cc tuyn ng [TTLTQG4]

    Future plan of Lt, key for roads

  • Les voies dAccs, un enjeu cruciAL : Le rseAu routier et Lechemin de fer du LAng BiAnEn 1918, la route Saigon Phan Thit tait acheve et il ne fallait quune journe pour relier Lt. Un an plus tard, la route Phan Rang Lt tait carrossable de bout en bout.

    Le chantier le plus long fut la construction de la voie ferre Thp Chm Lt. La premire section jusqu Xm Gn (38 km) fonctionnait ds 1916 et fut tendue Sng Pha 2 ans plus tard. La construction de la section Sng Pha Lt, qui totalisait 43 km de ligne dont 16 km de voie ferre crmaillre et 5 tunnels dura 10 annes (1922-1932). La ligne fut exploite au fil de sa progression et atteignit enfin la gare temporaire de Lt en 1932. Il fallut attendre 1938 pour que la nouvelle gare ft mise en service.

    nhng con ng tip cn, s thch thc mu cht : mng Li ng x v ng st LAng BiAn Vo nm 1918, con ng t Si Gn i Phan Thit hon thnh v ch mt c mt ngy l ln ti Lt. Mt nm sau , con ng Phan Rang Lt xe c c th i li c t u n cui.

    Cng trng di nht l cng trng xy dng ng st Thp Chm Lt. on ng u tin cho ti Xm Gn (38 km) hot ng ngay t nm 1916 v c m rng ti Sng Pha 2 nm sau. Vic xy dng on Sng Pha Lt tng cng di 43 km ng ray trong c 16 km l ng ray rng ca v 5 hm chui ko di 10 nm (1922-1932). Con ng st ny c khai thc dn dn cng vi tin v cui cng ti ga tm Lt vo nm 1932. Nhng phi i n nm 1938 nh ga mi c a vo s dng.

    ACCess rouTes: The roAd neTwork And The rAilwAY from lAng BiAnIn 1918, the Saigon Phan Thit road was completed and now only one day was needed to drive from Saigon to Lt. In 1919, the Phan Rang Lt road had become drivable from end to end.

    The longest infrastructure development was the building of the Thp Chm Lt railway. The first section to Xm Gn (38 km) was in service from 1916 and extended two years later. It took ten years (1922-1932) to construct the Song Pha Lt section that totalled 43 km of line that included 16 km of rack and five tunnels. The railway was gradually put into use as it was built : itfinally reached the temporary Lt railway station in 1932. It was not until 1938 that the new railway station was open for service.


    1916 - 1932

  • 1916 - 1932 3.5

    Les voies dACCs, un enjeu CruCiAL: rseAu routiernhng con ng, s thch thc mu cht: m rng h thng ng b Access routes, a crucial issue: creating a road network

    Annam, Ran, 1925. Construction du pont sur la rivire Danhim [FINAAVH]Trung K, Ran, 1925. Xy cu trn sng a NhimAnnam, Ran, 1925. Construction of the bridge over the Danhim River

    Accs par la route 1925 [CP Tam Thi]n bng ng b, 1925Access by road 1925

    Plan gnral des voies daccs Lt [Anonyme, Petit guide illustr de Dalat, 1930]Bn ng i n Lt

    Access plan to Lt

    Carte des voies daccs au Lang Bian, [Gaide, 1931, p.50]Bn cc con ng i n Lang BianMap of access roads to Lang Bian

  • 1916 - 1932 3.6

    Les vois dACCs, un enjeu CruCiAL: Le Chemin de fer du LAng BiAnnhng con ng, s thch thc mu cht: ng st Lang Bian Access routes, a crucial issue: the Lang Bian railways

    Chemin de fer du Lang Bian profil en long schmatique, 1925 [ANOM 1TP 167]ng xe la Lang Bian Mt ct theo chiu di ca s , 1925 Lang Bian railway schematic longitudinal profile, 1925

    Projet de lotissement du quartier de la future gare, 1925 [C4ANV HS1764 RSA]D n phn l khu ga xe la tng lai, 1925 [TTLTQG4 HS1764 RSA]Plot project for the neighbourhood surrounding future railway station, 1925

    Prospectus vantant les avantages du train [C4ANV HS3322 RSA]Nhng t co bch tn dng li th ca xe la [TTLTQG4 HS3322 RSA]Prospectus praising the advantages of rail travel

    Gare de Ran Emprise de la station [C4ANV]Ga Ran Phm vi nh ga [TTLTQG4]Ran railway station Ground hold of the station

    Ligne Thp Chm Lt : 2me section de Bellevue Ran [C4ANV)]Tuyn Thp Chm Lt : on th 2 t Bellevue n Ran [TTLTQG4]Thp Chm Lt line: 2nd section from Bellevue to Ran

    Lt Express [ACND] Lt Tc hnh Lt Express

    Ligne de Khronpha Lt: le chemin de fer crmaillres [Anonyme, Petit guide illustr de Lt, p.8]Tuyn t Sng Pha n Lt: ng xe la rng caKhronpha to Lt line: rack railway

    Pr-projet abandonn de la gare de Lt [ANOM GGI 1TP 261]Tin d n ga xe la Lt b t bAbandoned draft project of Lt station

    Faade principaleMt tinMain faade

  • Lt, destinAtion de tourisme et pLein Air

    Avant la cration du service du Tourisme de Lt en 1920, la ville attirait dj les amateurs de chasse. Les guides de lpoque vantent tous labondance et la diversit des espces dont recle le plateau du Lang Bian : lphant, gaur et videmment tigre. Lt proposait galement plusieurs itinraires dexcursion pdestre autour de la ville, sans compter les excursions libres en automobile. Pour accueillir cette clientle aise, des htels de standing ouvrirent entre 1921 et 1922 : le Lang Bian Palace, lhtel du Parc, puis plus tard lHtel Annam et lHtel Chic Shanghai.

    Lt, im n du Lch v hot ng vui chi ngoi tri

    Trc khi thnh lp S Du lch Lt vo nm 1920, thnh ph thu ht nhiu ngi ham thch sn bn. Nhng cun sch hng dn thi ca ngi ht li v s phong ph v a dng cc loi c trn cao nguyn Lang Bian : voi, b rng v tt nhin l c h. Lt cn gii thiu nhiu hnh trnh d ngoi i b xung quanh thnh ph y l cha k nhng chuyn i t do bng xe my. c th tip n nhng khch hng trung lu, mt s khch sn cao cp c xy dng v m ca n khch trong cc nm 1921 v 1922 : khch sn Lang Bian Palace, Hotel du Parc, ri mt vi nm sau c thm khch sn An-nam v khch sn Chic Shanghai.

    lT, TourisT And ouTdoor desTinATion

    Even before the Lt tourist board was created in 1920, hunting was already a popular pastime. The first guides were full of praise about the richness, abundance and diversity of the species on the Lang Bian plateau: deer, elephant and gaur, not to mention tiger. Lt also offered itineraries for walking excursions or automobile trips around the city.

    In order to welcome a rich clientele, luxury hotels opened between 1921 and 1922: the Lang Bian Palace, the Hotel du Parc, then the Hotel Annam and the Hotel Chic Shanghai.


    1916 - 1932

  • 1916 - 1932 3.7

    destinAtion Lt: ChAsse et pLein Airim n Lt: sn bn v ngoi triDestination Lt: hunting and outdoor pursuits

    Plan daccs - Voies daccs et carte cyngtique, [Bouvard P, Millet F., La chasse au Lang Bian, 1920 - AOM Bib 188]Bn ng i n Cc ng i n v bn khu sn bn Access plan - Access routes and hunting map

    Retour de la chasse, 1925 [FINAAVH]i sn tr vBack from the hunt

    Lang Bian La chasse llphant [CP Jennings]Lang Bian Sn voiLang Bian Elephant hunting

    Lheure du triomphe [Vassal, G, 1912, Mes trois ans en Annam, Hachette]Lc thng liMoment of triumph

    Promenades automobiles autour de Lt [Anonyme, Petit guide illustr de Dalat, 1930]Do chi bng t quanh LtAutomobile rides around Lt

    Chute de Lin Khang [CP Tam Thi]Thc nc Lin Khang Lin Khang waterfall

    Touristes franaises en excursion, 1923 [FINAAVH]Khch Php du ngon, 1923French tourist women, 1923

    Promenade et excursions autour de Lt [Anonyme, Petit guide illustr de Dalat, 1930]Rong chi du ngon quanh LtWalks and excursions around Lt

    Anonyme, Petit guide illustr de Dalat, 1930

  • Lengouement pour Lt LA fin des Annes 1920 : deuxconsquences

    En 1930, la ville comptait 350 rsidents europens pour 10.000 vietnamiens et une population saisonnire de 1.700 personnes. Cetaccroissement de la population eut deux consquences majeures. Dune part, il attisa les tensions entre les intrts civils et militaires. Pour tenter dy mettre fin, le Gouverneur Gnral Pasquier ordonna en 1930 que soient stoppes les constructions militaires en ville et les imposa en priphrie. Dautre part, les autorits durent faire face une demande croissante de services publics adquats, notamment dans le domaine mdical et scolaire.

    s hm m i vi Lt vo cui nhng nm 1920 : hAihu qu

    Vo nm 1930, thnh ph c 350 ngi u sinh sng cng vi 10.000 ngi Vit Nam, cng thm c dn theo ma khong 1.700 ngi. S gia tng dn s ny gy ra hai hu qu ln. Mt mt, n khch ng nhng s cng thng gia li ch dn s v qun s. chm dt s cng thng ny, Ton quyn Pasquier ra lnh, vo nm 1930, dng nhng cng trnh xy dng qun s trong thnh ph v phi chuyn chng ra vng ngoi vi. Mt khc, cc nh chc trch phi ng u vi yu cu ngy cng tng v nhng dch v cng thch ng, c bit l trong lnh vc y t v trng hc.

    The populAriTY of lT AT The end of The 1920s : TwoConsequenCes

    In 1930, the city was home to 350 Europeans and 10 000 Vietnamese, as well as a seasonal population of 1 700. This growth in population had two major consequences. Firstly, tensions between civilians and military personnel reached their peak. To resolve these tensions, Governor Pasquier ordered an end to military constructions in town and imposed their relocation to the outskirts of the city. Secondly, the authorities had to provide adequate public services, particularly in the medical and educational domains.


    1916 - 1932

  • 1916 - 1932 3.8

    Lengouement pour Lt LA fin des Annes 1920: 2 ConsQuenCess hm m i vi Lt vo cui nhng nm 1920 : hai hu qu The popularity of Lt at the end of the 1920s: 2 consequences

    Blason du centre de repos de la Marine [CP Jennings]Huy hiu ca Trung tm Ngh dng Hi qun

    Heraldry of the Navy rest centre

    Plan Lt devient une station daltitude et une capitale dt (1915-1930) [InSc-SIUP] n Lt tr thnh mt trm ngh mt trn cao v l th ma h (1915-1930)Plan Lt becomes a hill station and summer capital (1915-1930)

    Htel pavillons Desanti [CP Jennings]Khch sn Pavillons Desanti

    Htel du Parc [CP Jennings]Khch sn Htel du Parc

    Lang Bian Palace [ANOM GGI 59875 B]Khch sn Lang Bian Palace

    Vue de lhpital de Lt [CP Jennings]Bnh vin LtView of Lt hospital

    Le restaurant du Grand Htel de Lt [CP Jennings]Nh hng ca khch sn Grand Htel LtRestaurant of the Grand Hotel

    Trait orange: Dveloppement du rseau routierVch mu cam: M rng h thng ng bOrangeline: Development of road network

    Marron clair: Zones de constructions surtout europennesMu nu nht: Khu t xy dng ch yu cho ngi uLight brown: Construction zones (especially European)

    Marron fonc: Zones de constructions surtout annamitesMu nu m: Khu t xy dng ch yu cho ngi An NamDark brown: Construction zones (especially Annamese)

    Deux routes principales reliant Saigon et rnHai tuyn ng b chnh ni Si Gn v rnTwo main roads linking Saigon and rn

    Le Grand Htel (Dalat Palace aujourdhui) Khch sn Grand Hotel (nay l khch sn Lt Palace) The Grand Htel (today theDalat Palace)

    LHtel Desanti et ses chalets Khch sn Desanti v cc bit th g The Htel Desanti and its chalets

    La rsidence du Gouverneur Gnral Dinh Ton quyn The Governor Generals residence

    La garde indochinoise n lnh kh xanh The Indochinese guard

    Dalat devient une station daltitude et une capitale dt (1915-1930) Sous linfluence dErnest Hbrard Lt tr thnh mt trm ngh mt trn cao v l th ma h (1915-1930)Di nh hng ca Ernest HbrardDalat becomes a hill station and a summer capital (1915-1930) Under the influence of Ernest Hbrard

    Lamnagement du lac Quy hoch h Development of the lake

    La cration du golf de Dalat Xy dng sn golf Lt Creation of Dalats golf course

    Le Lang Bian Palace Khch sn Lang Bian Palace The Lang Bian Palace

    Le petit Lyce Trng Trung hc petit Lyce The petit Lyce

    Lhpital (deviendra en 1943 une cole) Bnh vin (nm 1943 c chuyn thnh trng hc) The hospital (will become a school in 1943)

    La mairie et le trsor (prs du lac au sud) Ta Th chnh v ngn kh (gn h v pha Nam) The town hall and treasury (near the lake, to the south)

    Les marchs Khu ch Markets

    Les usines deau, dragage, lectricit Cc nh my nc, cng trnh no vt, in Water stations, dredging, electricity

    Postes & Tlcommunications (TSF) S Bu in Post Office & Telecommunications (TSF)

    Les banques (industrielle dIndochine) Ngn hng (cng nghip ng Dng) Banks (industrielle dIndochine)

    Le commissariat de police S Cnh st Police station

    Le service de gestion des forts Ban qun l rng Forest management service

    Une chapelle Nh th nh Chapel

    Le casernement des tirailleurs Doanh tri lnh kh Fusiliers barracks

    Le chalet du gouvernement gnral de Cochinchine Nh g ca Thng c Nam K Chalet of the general government of Cochin China

  • Les pLAns pineAu

    Durant les annes 1930, un nouveau plan directeur lana Lt sur la voie dun vritable amnagement urbain intgr son environnement. Pour Pineau, la ville tait cense symboliser la rationalit et le charme franais. Le plan Picard (1934) se plaa dans la mme orientation. Le sanatorium restait la raison dtre de la station daltitude, mais celle-ci sdentarisait une population de travailleurs. La destination relie par la route et le rail (1932) jouissait de plus dun phnomne de mode auprs de llite vietnamienne.

    cc n quy hoch cA pineAu

    Trong thp nin 1930, mt n mi mang tnh ch o a Lt hng ti mt d n quy hoch th thc th, ha nhp vi mi trng ca n. Pineau coi Lt l tng trng cho tnh hp l v s quyn r ca Php. n qui hoch ca Picard (1934) c cng nh hng pht trin. Trm iu dng vn cn l do tn ti l trm ngh mt trn cao nguyn, nhng n l ni tp trung dn c lao ng n lm n sinh sng. Vic n y bng ng b, ri cui cng bng ng st (1932) to ra mt hin tng th hiu nht thi i vi gii tinh hoa ca Vit Nam.

    pineAus plAns

    During the 1930s, a new master plan propelled Lt towards real urban development and integrated the city into its environment. For Pineau, the city was supposed to symbolise French charm and rationality. The plan drawn up by Picard (1934) followed the same orientation. The sanatorium remained the main attraction of the hill station, but the city continued to host both a permanent and working population. The station, which was now connected by road and then rail (1932), benefitted from being a fashionable destination and attracted the Vietnamese elite.


    Les ambitions contrastes dune ville en devenirNhng tham vng i lp nhau ca mt thnh ph tng lai The contrasting ambitions of a burgeoning city

    1932 - 1940

  • 1881 - 19011932 - 1940 1.119321940Les ambitions contrastes dune ville en devenirNhng tham vng i lp nhau ca mt thnh ph tng lai The contrasting ambitions of a burgeoning city 4.1

    Pineau, Lt, capitale administrative de lIndochine?, La revue indochinoisePineau, Lt, th ph hnh chnh ca ng Dng?, Tp ch ng DngPineau, Lt, administrative capital of Indochina?, La revue indochinoise

    Lt pressentie comme capitale de lIndochine 1930-1943 [InSc-SIUP]

    Lt c coi nh th ph ca ng Dng 1930-1943

    Lt proposed as capital of Indochina1930-1943

    Courrier du rsident suprieur en Annam Pineau, 14 juillet 1937[SIAF]: Je vous remercie de lenvoi que vous avez bien voulu me faire de votre tude sur Lt/ Ce qui pour moi a surtout de la valeur, ce sont les principes que vous posez pour ltablissement, lamnagement et la construction dela capitale.

    Th ca Khm s Trung K gi Pineau ngy 14 thng 7 nm 1937: Cmn ng vui lng gi cho ti cng trnh nghin cu ca ng v Lt/ Cicgi tr c bit i vi ti l nhng nguyn l m ng t ra cho vic thnh lp, chnh trang v xy dng th .

    Letter from the Rsident suprieur in Annam to Pineau, 14th July 1937 : I thank you for being so kind as tohavesent me your study of Lt/ What is above all of value to me are the principles you set out forthe establishment, development and construction ofthe capital.

    Lt et ses environs, 1934 [ANOM 1 PL 2016] Lt v nhng vng ph cn, 1934 Lt and its surroundings, 1934

    Photographie arienne [ANOM 30Fi1132-2]Khng nhAerial photograph

    pLAns pineAu n ca pineauThe Pineau plans

    Vue occidentale du Lac, 1939 [FINAAVH]Cnh h pha Ty, 1939Western view of the Lake, 1939

    Vue occidentale du Lac, 1939 [FINAAVH]Cnh h pha Ty, 1939Western view of the Lake, 1939

    La gare et le chemin de fer en crmaillre Ga xe la v ng st rng ca Railway station and rack railway

    Le grand Lyce Yersin et le stade Trng Trung hc grand Lyce Yersin v sn vn ng The grand Lyce Yersin and the stadium

    Lglise Saint-Nicolas et le cimtire Nh th Saint-Nicolas v ngha trang Saint-Nicolas church and the cemetery

    Une usine hydrolectrique performante Nh my thy in c cng sut cao A working hydroelectric station

    LInstitut Pasteur Vin Pasteur Institut Pasteur

    La socit de gographie S a d Geographic society

    Le couvent des oiseaux et lcole des jeunes filles Notre-Dame du Lang Bian

    Trng Couvent des oiseaux v trng c B Lm Vin

    The Couvent des oiseaux & the Notre-Dame school for young girls

    Le palais de Bao Dai Dinh Bo i Bao Dais palace

    Lamnagement paysager des bords du lac Quy hoch cnh quan cc b h Landscape development of the lakeside

    Zones non-aedificandi prservation vue Khu bt kin to bo v tm nhn ton cnhNon - aedificandi zones - preservation of view

    Une rserve zoologique et touristique Khu bo tn th v du lch Zoological and tourist reserve

    Routes identifies comme pittoresques Nhng tuyn ng phong cnh p Routes identified as being picturesque

  • pLAns-diAgnostics et pLAns-projets : experimentAtion etrALisme

    Dans une srie de plans-diagnostics et de plans-projets, Pineau dclina de faon thmatique les options urbaines souhaites. Mais le ralisme lemporta rapidement sur son esprit dexprimentation. La rationalisation tenait compte de ltat du foncier et des zones constructibles sur la rive sud du lac. Le plan Pineau, plus modeste que les prcdents, insistait sur lagrandissement du lac et des jardins et sur lclectisme architectural. Lattention porte au potentiel paysager prenait aussi en compte les contraintes environnementales.

    n-d on v n-k hoch: th nghim v hinthc

    Trong mt lot n-d on v n-k hoch, Pineau trnh by nhng la chn th mong mun theo ch . Song ch ngha hin thc nhanh chng thng u c th nghim ca ng. S hp l ha cn lu tm n thc trng t ai v cc khu vc c th xy dng c bn b pha Nam ca h. n quy hoch ca Pineau, nh hn nhng n trc , nhn mnh n vic m rng h v cc khu vn, n s a dng kin trc. Quan tm n tim nng cnh quan cng cn tnh n nhng rng buc v mi trng.

    diAgnosTiCs plAns And proJeCTs plAns: experimenTATion And reAlism

    Pineau thus proposed a series of diagnostics and projects that thematically laid out the desired planning orientations. Pragmatism quickly prevailed over his spirit of experimentation. He ended up taking into account the land ownership situation and the adaptability of buildable areas on the south bank of the lake. The Pineau plan was more modest than preceding ones. Heinsisted on enlarging the lake and diversifying architecture. Attention was also paid to the landscapes potential, taking into account environmental constraints.

    4.2 - 4.3

    1932 - 1940

  • 1881 - 19011932 - 1940 4.2

    Zone non aedificandiRserves forestiresRserve zoologique et touristiqueLimite de la zone urbaineLimite de la commune

    Khu khng c xy dngKhu bo tn rngKhu bo tn ng vt v du lchGii hn khu thGii hn lng th x

    Non aedificandi zoneForestry reservesZoological and touristic reservesLimit ofurban zoneLimit of commune

    Zones non aedificandi[ANOM GGI 59071]Nhng vng khng c xy dng Non aedificandi zones

    Constructions existantes en 1932 [ANOM GGI 59071]Nhng cng trnh xy dng tn ti nm 1932Existing constructions in 1932

    pLAns - diAgnostiCs et pLAns - projets: exprimentAtion et rALismes thc trng v s - n: th nghim v hin thcDiagnostic plans and project plans: Experimentation and realism

    Proprits particuliresDomaine de lEtatDomaine colonialDomaine localDomaine publicDomaine communalLimite de la zone urbain

    Ti sn c bitTi sn Nh nc Ti sn thuc aTi sn a phngTi sn cngTi sn ca th xGii hn vng th

    Individual propertiesState propertyColonial propertyLocal propertyPublic propertyCommunal propertyLimit of urban zone

    Etat des domaines [ANOM GGI 59071]Tnh trng lnh thProperty status

    Ville europenneZone de rsidence type AZone de rsidence type BZone de rsidence type CZone commerciale et administrative

    Ville annamiteZone commercialeZone dhabitations 1re catgorieZone dhabitations 2me catgorie

    Thnh ph dnh cho ngi chu uKhu vc v sinh sng loi hnh AKhu vc v sinh sng loi hnh BKhu vc v sinh sng loi hnh CKhu vc thng mi v hnh chnh

    Thnh ph dnh cho ngi An namKhu thng miNi c tr loi 1Ni c tr loi 2

    European cityResidential zone types AResidential zone types BResidential zone types CCommercial and administrative zone

    Annamite cityCommercial zone Dwellings zone 1st categoryDwellings zone 2nd category

    Zones de construction[ANOM GGI 59071]Nhng khu vc xy dngZones of construction

    Parcs et espaces libres [ANOM GGI 59071]Cng vin v nhng khong khng trngParks and public spaces

    Points de vue et routes pittoresques [ANOM GGI 59071]Phong cnh v nhng con ng epVantage points and picturesque routes

    Voies publiques [ANOM GGI 59071]Cng lPublic roads

    Travaux effectuer[ANOM GGI 59071]Cng vic cn thc thiWork to be carried out

    Zone assainirVng cn lm schZone to be sanitised

    Zone remblayerVng cn lpZone to be backfilled

    Zone planterVng cn trng cyZone to be filled

    Agglomration insalubre supprimerKhu ph c hi cn loi bInsalubrious agglomeration to be eliminated

    Parcs et jardins publics existantsCng vin v nhng khu vn cng cng ang tn ti

    Existing parks and public gardens

    Parcs et jardins publics crerCng vin v nhng khu vn cng cng cn thit lp

    Parks and public gardens to be created

    Routes existantesNhng con ng ang tn tiExisting roads

    Routes crerNhng con ng cn mRoads to be created

    Routes supprimerNhng con ng cn loi bRoads to be eliminated

    Routes pittoresquesNhng con ng pPicturesque routes

    Point de vue toutes directionsPhong cnh t mi hngView in all directions

    Direction dune vue pittoresqueHng nhn pDirection of a picturesque view

    Quartier europen / Khu ngi chu u / European quarterRouge : construction en maonnerieMu : cng trnh xy bng gch, Red: brick constructionsHachur noir : constructions en boisT nt en: cng trnh xy bng gShaded black: wood constructions

    Quartier indigne / Khu ngi bn x / Indigenous quarterNoir : constructions en maonnerieMu en: cng trnh xy bng gch Black: brick constructionsHachur rouge : constructions en bois ou paillotesT nt : cng trnh bng g hoc bng rShaded red: straw or wooden constructionsPointill rouge : limite du centre urbainNt chm : ng gii hn trung tm thDotted red: limit of the urban centreTrait noir : nouvelles limitesVch en: nhng ng gii hn miBlack line: new limits

  • Zones impropres la construction [ANOM GGI 59071] (Taille originale)Nhng khu khng iu kin xy dng (Kch thc tht)Zones unfit for construction (Real size)

    Rgions marcageusesRgions trop abruptesLimite des plus hautes eauxLimite de la zone urbaine

    Vng m lyVng dc ngGii hn nhng vng nc caogii hn khu th

    Marsh regions Regions too steepHigh water limitUrban zone limit 4.3

  • LeAu, Lment structurAnt de LA viLLe-jArdin

    La question hydraulique a t lun des critres prioritaires pour choisir le plateau du Lang-Bian et Lt au dtriment de ng Kia. Le plateau a permis la cration de lacs et des chutes deau naturelles furent exploites des buts touristiques ou nergtiques.

    En mai 1932, un typhon provoqua des inondations qui, malgr les prcautions dusage, provoqurent la mort de 17 personnes, toutes vietnamiennes. Les ruptures de barrages acclrrent le projet dagrandissement du grand lac (dragu en 1934) et damnagement de ses berges.

    nc, yu t cu trc cA thnh ph-vn

    Vn thy li l mt trong nhng tiu ch c u tin khi chn cao nguyn Lang Bian v Lt thay v ng Kia. Cao nguyn cho php to ra cc h, cn nhng thc nc t nhin c khai thc cho mc ch du lch hay nng lng. Thng 5 nm 1932, mt cn bo gy ra l lt mc d c bin php phng nga, khin 17 ngi cht, u l ngi Vit Nam. V p cng y nhanh tin d n m rng h ln c no vt nm 1934 v d n quy hoch cc b bao.

    wATer, The sTruCTuring elemenT of The gArden CiTY

    Hydrology was one of the top criteria in the choice of the Lang Bian plateau and Lt over ng Kia. The plateau allowed the creation of lakes and the natural waterfalls could be exploited for touristic or energetic purposes.

    In 1932, a typhoon caused flooding resulting in 17 deaths, all Vietnamese, despite the precautions taken. The collapse of the dam resulted in the acceleration of the project for the enlarging of the lake. In 1934, the big lake was dredged and the lakeside was developed.


    1932 - 1940

  • 1881 - 19011932 - 1940 4.4

    Cascade [PEFEO]Thc ncWaterfall

    LeAu, Lment struCturant de LA viLLe - jArdin nc, yu t cu trc ca thnh ph - vnWater, the structuring element of a garden city

    Vue du lac (sans date) [SIAF]Cnh h (khng xc nh thi gian)View of the lake (undated)

    Vue de linondation, quartier indigne, 14 mai 1932 [SIAF]Cnh nc ngp, khu dn bn x, 14/5/1932View of the flooding of the indigenous quarter, 14th May 1932

    Vue de linondation, quartier L Gch, 14 mai 1932 [SIAF]Cnh nc ngp, khu L Gch, 14/5/1932View of the flooding of the L Gch quarter, 14th May 1932

    Laxe de leau [InSc-SIUP]Trc ncWater axis

    Les valles inondables [InSc-SIUP]Thung lng d ngp ncFlood valleys

    Montagnard devant le lac [FIAMEP, photo Kermarrec]Ngi Thng ng trc hHill tribesman next to the lake

    Barrage dAnkroet [ANOM 30 Fi11320]p AnkroetAnkroet dam

    Lettre de ladministrateur aux membres du conseil du protectorat, 27 juin 1930: projet damnagement dun second lac par V nh Dng [C4ANV]

    Th ca quan chc hnh chnh gi thnh vin hi ng x bo h, 27/6/1930: n chnh trang h th hai ca V nh Dng [TTLTQG4]

    Letter from the administrator to members of the Conseil du protectorat, 27th June 1930: development project for a second lake by V nh Dng

  • nouveLLes fonctionnALits urBAines et nouveAux usAgespuBLics

    Larrt du 10 octobre 1936 rorganisa la commune en zones urbaine et suburbaine. En 1937, les ambitions driger une ville administrative resurgirent. Lempereur Bo i projeta dy construire un nouveau palais dt. De nouveaux usages publics (hpital, gare) se dvelopprent. Autourdu march, stendait le district annamite et de nouveaux quartiers vietnamiens plus au nord. Une seconde ville indigne fut amnage louest. Le zonage fut linstrument principal pour crer des cordons sanitaires entre quartiers europens et vietnamiens.

    nhng chc nng th mi v nhng tin ch cng mi

    Ngh nh ngy 10 thng 10 nm 1936 t chc li th x thnh khu vc th v vng ph cn. Nm 1937, nhng tham vng xy dng mt thnh ph hnh chnh li ni ln. Hong Bo i d nh xy dng mt cung in ma h mi ti y. Nhiu tin ch cng mi c m ra (bnh vin, ga xe la). Xung quanh ch, lng ca ngi An Nam c m rng, nhng khu ph mi xut hin nhiu hn v pha Bc. Thnh ph th hai ca c dn bn a c quy hoch pha Ty. Quy hoch phn khu chc nng l cng c quan trng to ra hng ro bao vy dch bnh gia nhng khu ph ca ngi u v ngi Vit.

    new urBAn feATures And new puBliC serviCes

    The decree of 10th October 1936 reorganised the territory into an urban and suburban zone. 1937 marked the resurrection of ambitions to build an administrative city. Emperor Bo i planned to build a new summer palace there. New public services developed (hospital, railway station). Around the market area was the Annamese quarter and there were new quarters to the north. A second indigenous city was developed to the West, near the railway station. Zoning was the principal means of implementing cordons sanitaires between European and Vietnamese areas.


    1932 - 1940

  • 1881 - 19011932 - 1940 4.5

    nouveLLes fonCtionnALits urBAines et nouveAux usAges puBLiCsnhng chc nng th mi v nhng tin ch cng miNew urban functionalities and new public services

    Vue de lamnagement de la gare [SIAF]Ton cnh quy hoch nh gaView of work on the railway station

    Faade de la gare de Lt, aquarelleA. Leray [InSc-SIUP]Mt trc nh ga xe la Lt (tranh mu nc caA. Leray)Faade of Lt station (AquarelleA. Leray)

    Btiments en maonnerie existantsNhng ta nh c xy bng gch cExisting brick buildings

    Btiments en bois dmolirNhng ta nh bng g cn ph bBuildings in wood to be destroyed

    Place du march, tat actuel [ANOM GGI 59071]V tr ch, tnh trng hin nayMarket place, current state

    Arrt du 15 fvrier 1939: octroi de concessions dans la zone suburbaine de Lt [JOIF]Quyt nh ngy 15 thng 2 nm 1939 : cp nhng t vng ngoi thnh LtDecree of 15th February 1939 : granting of concessions in the suburban zone of Lt

    Premier projet damnagement du quartier indigne au sud de lhpital actuel, 15 dcembre 1921 [C4ANV]

    n u tin v chnh trang khu dn bn x pha Nam bnh vin hin nay, 15/12/1921 [TTLTQG4]

    First development project of the indigenous quarter to the south of the hospital, 15th December 1921Cadastre du quartier de la gare [CP Jennings]

    a b khu nh ga xe laCadastre of the railway quarter

    Btiments existantsNhng ta nh ang tn tiExisting buildings

    Btiments construireNhng ta nh cn xyBuildings to be constructed

    Amnagement de la place du march [ANOM GGI 59071]Chnh trang v tr chDevelopment of the market place

    Le march, 1948 [ANOM 30Fi111/20]Ch, 1948The market, 1948

    Vue de lhpital de Lt [CP Jennings]Bnh vin LtView of Lt hospital

    Audience donne par Sa Majest Bo i, 1933 [FINAAVH]Bui yt kin Vua Bo i, 1933Audience given by His Majesty Bo i, 1933

    Une visite aux marachers de Lt [IHI 122, dcembre 1942, p.10]Thm ngi trng rau LtA visit to the Lt market gardeners

  • Lempreinte de yersin sur Le Bti

    Les besoins ducatifs et scolaires se confirmrent au tournant des annes 1930. Larrt du 10 mai 1935 acta le changement de nom du Grand Lyce en Lyce Yersin en hommage linventeur de cette station et lhomme de science .

    Ds 1924, lInstitut Pasteur avait dvelopp une plantation de quinquina Dran. Deux ans plus tard, limplantation dune annexe de lInstitut Pasteur de Saigon Lt mme fut officiellement confirme. Son inauguration eut lieu en aot 1936.

    du n cA yersin trn cng trnh xy dng

    Nhu cu v gio dc v trng hc c khng nh vo u nhng nm 1930. Ngh nh ngy 10 thng 5 nm 1935 ph chun vic i tn trng Trung hc Grand Lyce thnh trng Trung hc Yersin vinh danh ngi pht minh ra thnh ph ny v nh khoa hc.

    T nm 1924, Vin Pasteur pht trin mt trang tri trng cy canh ki na ti Dran. Hai nm sau, vic thnh lp mt phn vin Pasteur Si Gn Lt c chnh thc cng nhn. Phn vin c khnh thnh vo thng 8 nm 1936.

    Yersins influenCe on Buildings

    Education and literacy needs became more pressing at the beginning of the 1930s. The decree of 10th May 1935 confirmed the renaming of the Grand Lyce to Lyce Alexandre Yersin to pay homage to the inventor of this station and to a man of science.

    As early as 1924, the Institut Pasteur had developed a quinine plantation in Dran. Two years later, the establishment of a branch of the Saigon Institut Pasteur in Lt was officially confirmed in December. It was inaugurated inAugust 1936.


    1932 - 1940