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  • 7/30/2019 fd02sra2011-feb0212


    KA/ EG-CFO/ 515 rypp-471m09-mll


    dortdsd), Ebgend, dgde &, gon.: 1*E* ng, dd ddr nFaa)

    noe{ aqfadoari,id cpu" anrl0edo

    sFFd i?8;ssat)eQ:i.rael$

    2 nFdsdo 2011,dottdra$, 6pod: 02.02.2012ieao SoJ:EttDderterlqdoq gqdB drodd CIo$Srt$ dddrb4

    edood d.oodd*ngrnrl$d)crod soesd&cbd acp d$r1eod ee6g oD% dgdg 5 dddrdde^laod6oaod6od d6drd oditcn*nan steddiiglfie;drlgab, s6?raF),oanod:21.12.20u. - J e ) e q ' ' - - - - - - ' - 4 - - - A t 'doc$ dinr0.]d c'o% dgd qrorl-4a dce erQd.oa$d osSr:afa 0Z aiioerdol 2011,6anod:21.12.2011$a;pre.id oarlocd *eao seoc$S t9?Bd (1990d ioare,ldere$oJ:dtioa3,14)6iddtos dooori l"a*raguodrd 3de $tdeod (2)SeerudqpdeodsDod(o)ddme.:*erld*dBBerodd $du9*entcbgdood;

    ido m1d$d$* Ouoo*:21.12.20lldociradr$&doil dodoS:odododennc[dooda3rd: dd z;{ ooe+,rard** oJmQdeor.9oJ:vfled#d$:/s$drls} ilo6cbd)6gm{ood;

    63111978ddnorald @Bo Andoed *ean $Qpo$u$d {1990d dmrus8 easo$absca3, 14) $ddro 8 daoafi t"o*ogend 3de gddeo (l)dc sud ddsaaod qid$indeQraddsl adenol:tr inrui* iaordg * fgnd CIo$$*#$4 d3$Jasd dF6gd, aodd:-

    So$;Srl9r1. dncb ab{ ogdoqt:-

    t. dt ilo$ubrt9S* doaruld &acf fedr{d (tdr gqda) tuo$asrtqbZAnddo$gddcbc,

    2. eS uQd*d roro caq*gdS *drido$od 6ooo$6od roori uOe{*5

  • 7/30/2019 fd02sra2011-feb0212


    ,22. frob;$ ?e4-L) QSe:* *ir*nusd arlo$ deunSo$r6$d$ o$;t) z?4*ssS uud S0$6$

    (1)d$ "5r so$ab snOd ercd $noasood ecsbdfrrils a,Sri* ou uddrldilr* * so$db$oOfiuod ft;naB6oc r*cbd&r'rls g,sr!'aozu e$drlsod $6xn.l*dd,dbgda$c o;'12?4 dnaru:*uoerran*d deen$wad. eldd ddodg,bd)

    s0xie*GFRW*rarSd sreeseao$:rd$r,rrer$ q$OaJ{Sedr{+t_t).FINANCT SECRETf,RI#f

    NOTIFICATIONirlo. FD 02 SRA ZOtl, Bangalore,Dated: OZ.O9.ZOIZWhereas ttre draft of the follow'rng rule firrther to amend the l(arnataka Civil Serwices Rules.was published as required by clause{a) of sub-secuon-{2) of, Section 3 read w.ittr section g of theKarnataka Cir,{l ServicesAct, 1g?8 {Karn ertakaAct 14 of tgg0} in Notification Nc. FD 02 SRA 2011dated 21.i2.2O11 in Pa:t IVA of the Karnataka Gazette d.ated 21.12.2OL1 inviLng objection andsr:ggestions frem all persons likely to be a$ected thereby within Sfteen days from the date of itspublication in the Officiai Gazette.

    lVlrereas the said Gazette was made available to the pub!.ic on 21. l2.2r}:f^.Arrd whereas, no objecUons and suggestions have been received by the State Gqve;-nmen1Noqr, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section{1} of Secdon S read wi*hSection 8 of the Kar-nataka State Cifil Seryices AcL lgZB g{arnataka Aet 14 of lgggJ, theGovernraent of Karnataka hereby makes the follovdng ruie, namely:-

    RUIESi." Titie and Comraeneemeat:

    {1} These rules may be called the Karaataka Civil services {1* arnendmer:t} Rules ZglZ.(2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in ttre Oftciai,Gazette.

    z' $naendnent Rule 224-8--In the Ihrnataka Civil Services Rules, in rule 224ts, in sub-n:ie{1), for t}re words 'withtin Five years from the date of effect of this rule' the words -*.ithin Six vearsfrcrn ihe date of efect of t}is rule- sha1l be substituted.By Order and in the name of the Govemor of Karnataka.

    ALICE GONSAL\rESUnder Secretary o Government,Ficar:ceDepartment {Senice-L)
