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For class orself-study Vocabulary

Jeremy Harmer

eJLT Marshall Cavendish London s Sinqapore > New York

The Just Series

The Just series is an integrated series ofbooks that can be used on t heir own or,when used t ogeth er, make up a completecourse with a consistent methodologicalapproach. The Just series is designed forindividual skills and language developmenteither as part of a classroom- based courseor a self-study programme. The approach islearner- centred, and each unit has clearaims, motivating to pics and interest ingpract ice activit ies.

The Just series is for adult int ermediatelearners and can be used as generalpreparation mate rial for exams at this level.

The Just series has four t itles:Just ListeningandSpeaking 0 462 00714 6

Just Reading and Writing0 462 00711 1

Just Grammar 0 462 00713 8

Just Vacabu/ary 0 462 00712 X

© 2004 Marshall Cavendish Ltd

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Text acknowledgement spp7, 48, 61, 72, Macmillan English Dictionary for AdvancedLearners by Michael Rundell and Gwyneth Fox, © BloomsburyPublishing 2002. Reprinted by permission of Macmillan, Oxford:p13, Cambridge Learners' Dict ionary e Cambridge UniversityPress; pp18, 25, 31, 38, 42, 54, 68, Longman Dict ionary ofContemporary Eng lish New Edition e Pearson Educat ion Limited,1978, 2D03.



••Unit 1 A Character descript ion 6 Unit B A Ant i-social act ivities 48

B Meet ing people 8 B Permission 50

C Check out 10 C Check out 52

Unit i! A Stronger adjectives 12 Unit 9 A Body language 54

B Giving opinions 15 B Direct ing people's actio ns 56

C Check out 17 C Check out 58

Unit 3 A Shopping 18 Unit 10 A Technology and computers 60B Asking for help in a shop 20 B Asking fo r technical help 62C Check out 22 C Check out 65

Unit 4 A Holidays 24 Unit 11 A The arts 66

B Recommending holidays 27 B React ing to what people 69

C Check out 29 say

C Check out 71

Unit 5 A Homes and houses 30

B Welcoming people 32 Unit li! A Injuries 72

C Check out 34 B Asking how someone is 75

C Check out 77

Unit 6 A History and biography 36

B Paying compliments 39 Unit 13 A Hobbies and professions 78

C Check out 41 B Showing concern 80

C Check out 82

Unit 7 A Mu lti-word verbs 42

B Making promises 45

C Check out 47 Audiosl:ript 83

Answer key 89

IntroductionFor the studentJustVocabulory (Intermediate) is part of an integratedseriesof books designed for you to study on your own,or together with other students and a teacher. It will helpyou improve your knowledge and use of English wordsand phrases,

We have ca refully chosen vocabulary areas andconversational situations in order to offer you a mix ofinteresting topics which will provide you with languagethat can be used in many different socia l situations.

This book hasa lot of exercises that will helpyou todevelop your vocabulary in English. It also contains plentyof pronunciation practice to help you say individualsoundsand words correctly, as well as helping you to useappropriate intonation (to show if you are interested,happy, bored or sad!). In addition, there are a number ofexercises to helpyou get used to using a dictionary.

There is an accompanying CD to helpyou with themany dialogues and pronunciation exercises in the book.Where you see this symbol I 11" ) it means that youcan listen to the CD. You will also find an audioscript atthe back of the book which contains all the languageon the CD.

When you see this symbol I ) it means that theanswers to the practice exercises are in the answer key atthe back of the book. You can check your answers there.

We areconfident that this book will helpyou prog ressin Eng lish and, above all, that you will enjoy using it.

••For the teacherThe Just series is a flexible set of teaching materials thatcan be used on thei r own, or in any combination, or as aset to form a complete integrated course. The Just serieshas been written and designed using a consistentmethodological approach that allows the books to beused easily together. Each book in the seriesspecialises ineither language skills or aspects of the English language.It can be used either in class or by students working ontheir own.

JustVocabulary consists of 13 units. Each unit isdivided into three sections [A, B and Cl.The A sectionsteach the vocabulary for a varietyof topic areas such aspersonal characteristics, homes, holidays, multi-wordverbs, and technology and computers, as well asproviding training in the effective use of dictionaries. TheBsections generally focus on the language for relatedfunctional areas such asgreeting and introducing people,giving opinions, and making recommendations. Thesesections also offer training in speci fic pronunciation skills.The Csections are a chance for students to consolidatewhat they have learnt in the unit. These sections alsooffer a variety of additional pronunciation activities.

All the dialogue and pronunciation materia l has beenrecorded onto the CD, and there is an audioscript nearthe back of the book. There is also a comprehensiveanswer key at the back of the book,where students cancheck their work.

We areconfident that you will f ind this book a rea lasset and that you will also want to try the other booksin theseries: JustReading and Writing, Just Grammar andJustListening and Speaking.

. A Character description1 Put the miss ing vowels in the words to make the names of the

occupations in the picture. The first one is done for you .

a (f - - t b - I 1- r ) .... fvah!xlllu:....b (n - r s -) .

c (d - s - g n - r ) .

d (p r - m - r y t - - c h - r ] .

e (- r c h - S t r - I c - n d - c t - r )

f (s - I d - - r ) .

g (p - r s - n - I - s s - S t - n t ) . .

h (r - f - s - c - I I - c t - r ) .

(j - - r n - I - s r) . . .

(f - r - f - g h t - r )

2 Who do you think gets paid more? Put the jobs in order where 1 = the highest salary and 10 =the lowest salary. Then compare your answers with the survey results at the bottom of page 11.

1 2 3 .......... 4 .. 5 . 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. 9 .. 10 ..

3 Look at the list of adjectives. Tick the ones you know. Look up theones you don't know in your dictionary.

• assertive • emotional • honest • kind • roman tic

• confident • enthusiastic • hospitable • loya l • sensitive

• con siderate • friendly • intelligent • pati ent • sincere• decisive • happy • interesting • pleasant • sympathet ic

4 Which three of the qualities listed in Exercise 3 would you expectin each of the people in Exercise 1?

a A ..fvarool'u: .shoLlld...ht o.ssul1:Je,~wll.fdMr

Md..LkiSiJe. . .... . . .

b .

c .




g .


UNIT 1: A 7

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Using a dictionary: de inincns and e amples

Look at the entries for assertive and sensitive , and answer the following questions .

aSSb . .......... I <J "'- -J-cla im that somethmg IS true

assertive / :/S3:tIV/ adj behaving in a confident way inwhich you are quick to express your opinions andfeelings : You need to be more assertive to succeed in busi­ness. - as s e rtive ly edv, assertiveness no un lul

_ __ ..... _ ' _ ' _ _ ",/ •._-1- rTl

a Wh ich a re the defini t ions?

asse rtive:


b Which are the examp les? ...

; e ns itive I 'sensollvl adj ***showmg that yOU care ab

an~ do not Want to cause ffiout someone or Somethingtohich needs sensitive and ~ encs . This is a difficult caseshould be more sensitive t~k:ff'eU=ling.•+to The lX?/ice

oflocal commUnities.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •We give words opposite meanings by adding a prefix like un- , in- , im- , dis-,

For exa mple: necessary -+ unnecessary app ear -+ di sappear

Give the opposite mean ing for each word from Exercise 3 by choosing the correct prefix.

un - . LI(\£l.SSuf1J~) ..

In - . i(\(.o(\sidM:l.r~)

7 Using some of the words inthe box below or their opposites(for example, indecisive ).complete the sentences.The first one is done for you .




a Stev e ca n never make decisio ns. He is very illLkc.isiJ~

b You can believe what the y say. The staff seem very

c You never feel welcome in Lisa's house. She's very

enth usiast ic d Your son is very ..................... ......................... . He's a lways telling lies.






pat ient

romant ic




e peop le a re kind, listen to yo ur troubles,and try to help.

f Andrew gets very if he has to wait toolong for an ything.

g In fairy sto ries stepmothers are often very ..to their stepdaughte rs, though no on e really know s why.

h Don't expect Derek to cry when he sees moving films. He's a

very ..... person!

Arnna's a lways keen on things - she a lways likes to get invo lved .

She's a very ................ person .

, It is easy to offend John because he's a very man .

k Yumi will always defend you wh en other peopl e a re attacking

you . She's very ................ .


•• 8UNIT 1: 8

Meeting people, Before you listen to Track 1, read

the dialogue and complete it withthe fo llowing lines.

Not much really.

Oh, all right.

Oh. I mean I only started lastweek. It's my first job. Whatabout you?

That sounds interesting.

Yeah. nice to meet you too.

JANE : Come on, Pall y, th ere 's so meo neI' d like yo u to meet .

PO l.LY: (a) .

J ANE : And y, t his is Pall y. She's inadvert ising too .

ANDY: O h, hi . N ice to meet yo u.

PO l l Y: (b ) . ..

AND Y: W hat d o yo u do in advertising ?

POllY: (c) .

AN DY: Sorry ?

POLLY: (d) .

AN DY: M e? O h we ll, I'm working o na T V co mmerc ia l fo r anInternet ban k a t the moment.

POllY: (e).

AN DY: Yes, yes it is.

if» Now list en to Track 1. Were you right?J

2 In each bo x, match the words in the two columns to make statements orquestions. The first one is done for you.

a Th ere's someoneb And y, thisc I' d like yo ud Pall y'sc N ice to

f Are yo ug Do yo u likeh H ow do yo u

W hat a re youworking onW hat d o

k OhI Thatm W ha t a

in advert ising.I' d like yo u to meet .meet yo u.is Pall y.to meet Andy.

yo u do ?at the moment?kn ow o ur ho st?w hat yo u do?a fr ien d o f Pally's?

coin cidence! I'm anactor too .

really?sounds interesting.

a .1h.e.re. ~s SOOOW(\Q..J )d IikQ.. j o!J t o .mett.

b .








k .


m ..

UNIT 1: 8 9

SUSAN: Come with me, Ruth. (a) .3 Put the words and punctuationin the correct order to makesentences. Write them in thecorrect place in theconversation.

RUTH : Oh , that so unds interest ing.

SUSAN: Yes, well (b ) .

." IARK: Nice to meet you Ruth.

.................... Mark, this is Ruth .

a I coincidence I . I That's

teacher I be I you I a I ? Iyoung Ibit I Aren't I to I a

a I ask I Can I ? 1I I question I you

? I Do I enjoy I st udying I you Izoology

him 1I I like I .1think I you'll

a II'm I . I teacher

, I . I meet I nice I to I too I Yeah Iyou

someone I I'd Ilike I meet I .1to IThere's I you

RUTIJ : (c) .

.\I ARK: What do you do?

RUT H : I'm a zoo logy srude nt.

,\l ARK: Oh really. (d) .

RUTH : I don't rea lly know. I've only just got here. My co ursehasn't started. But what about you? What do you do ?

.\I ARK: (e) .

RUTH : Oh really. What do you teach ?

:"IARK : Zoo logy.

RUT H : (f) .

M AR K: Yes, I suppose it is.

RUTH: (g)

M AR K: Of course.

RUTH: (h)

M ARK : Yes, I suppose I am . But like you, I've on ly just sta rted .

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Pronunciation: hearing sounds

4 Say these words:

small always organised four sort more

Wha t soun d do all the words share, lad like cat, 1~ : / like call, or 11\1 like bus? .

List which of the foll owing words share the same sound as the words above.







ought store

walk out

work saw

Now listen to Track 2 on the tape. Were you correct?

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •

10 UNIT 1: [

.c Check out.............................................................................................................. ................................................................................. .............. ....... ...........................i assertive confident conscient ious considerate decisive designer doctor emotional i: enthusiastic firefighter footballer fr iendly happy honest hospitable impatient intelligent '

• : interest ing journalist kind loyal nurse occupation orchestral conductor organised

: patient persona l assistant (PAl pleasant primary teacher refuse collector romantic salary

'sensitive sincere soldier sympathetic................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... -.-.-.-...

1 Which are your five favour ite words from the word list here?



c .



2 Write words from the word list for these two meaning groups.

a Occ upations:

b Characterisrics. .

•• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• Pronunciation

a Compl ete the table with the three- and four-syllab le words from theword list. Where is the stress in each case?

three syllables four syllables

11 Listen to Track 3 and check your answers.

b How many different ways is the letter 'c ' pronounced in the

words in the word list? .

11 Listen to Track 4 and check your answer.

UNIT 1: [ 11

4 Read the question s and listen to, Track 5. Does the speaker' s

" voice go up or down at the endof the question in each case?Circ le the correct wor d.

a What do yo u think of Lisa?

b What do you do in adverti sing?

c H ave you two met before?

d How long have yon known Ruth ?

e Can I ask you a question?

f Do yOll enjoy study ing zoo logy?

g What time is yo ur taxi coming?

li p / down

lip / down

lip / down

lip / down

lip / down

lip / down

lip / down

Say th e qu estions in the sam e way as th e speakers on Track 5.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Survey result sIn 2003 Opinion Surveys UK (OS UKN

) conducted a survey in Great Britain.Th ey asked people the following two questions.1 Who do you think gets pa id most? Who you think gets paid least?2 Who do you thi nk should get paid most? Who do you think should get paid least?

Th e results are shown in the following table.

designerfirefighterfootballerjournalistnurseorchestral conductorpersonal assistantprimary teacherrefuse collectorsoldier

Question 148136257109

Qu estion 252163874910

t. A Stronger adjectives1 We sometimes want to use stronger adjectives when

describing things.

A: J was late for work again this morn ing.E: Was your boss angry ?A: Angry? She was furious!

Match the following adjectives with the adjectives in the table. The first one is done for you.












Ordinary adjectives Stronger adjectivesangry hiau$bad








amaz ing

2 Listen to Track 6. What are the missing words?


b It wa s absolutely

a It was prett y

c It was qu ite

It wasn't justqu ite goo d. Itwas absolute ly

UNIT 2: A 13

3 Look at how we can use adverbs before adjectives, and then do theexercise below.

We can use adverbs (e.g. fairly, really) to make the meaningof an adjective stro nger or weaker:

less than very very more than very

fairly really absolutely

quite completely



It's fairly cold.

Put a cross [Xl by the fouradverb + adjective combinationsthat are not possible.

It 's really cold.

a pretty amazingb abso lut ely bigc rea lly terrifyingd ver y interesti nge ab solutely fascinati ng

But note:• we usua lly only use absolutely

or completely w ith st rongeradject ives; for example, wedon 't say absolutely nice, butwe do say absolutely lovely

• we do n't use very withstronger adjectives becauseth ese adj ect ives alrea dy mean'very' (fo r ex ample, furiousmeans very a/lgry )

• pretty is much more commonin info rmal speech than inwriting.

f very bo ilingg ra the r funnyh co mpletely int erestin g

very enormo usquite fasci na ting

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • Using a dictionary: word grammar

4 Look at the follo wing dictionary entries for absolute andabsolutely, and answer the questions that follow.

a Wh at part of speec h (ad jective, adverb, no un, prepositiun,verb erc.) is eac h wo rd?

absolute: .

absolutely: . .

b What kind of word follo ws eac h word?

absolute: .

absolutely: ( I)

(2 )

c When do we use absolutely not, in speech or in writing?

ad) lalways before nounlabsolute I'rebsolu:tl er lcont rol . Theparty

1 complete absoldu;:,:;,~:::: 2 definite There waswas an absolute ~

noabsoluteproofort~i/ ~v 1 completely The....bsolutely I,rebso

ludt licious • She absolutely

food was absolu teYT~re's ~bsolutelY nothinghawl the ptaee. · t 2 Absolutely. used to(; nothing at all) Wi · "Do you think Uwith someonestrongly agree ' " ':Absolutely." 3 Absolutelyhelpedhis roreer. disagree with someoneornot. used tostrongly . tive ':Areyou sug­to agree with somhoeth:j~e;~re theproblem?"gestingthat wes u""No, absolutely not.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I

14 UNIT 2: A

Using the adjectives fromExercise 1 and adverbs fromExercise 3, complete thefollowing exchanges. One isdone for you.

a - Loo k a t my new picture.

- Wow! It 's ..oh$o'\Jf:'~ ... et\O(C!'O\J$ ~ .

b - What d id yo ur father say w henyo u told h im ?

- He was ....

c - Did yo u enjoy t he mea l he cookedfo r us?

- No, it was

d - What do you th ink o f th e new CD ?

- It 's .

e - W hy a re yo u loo king a t me liketh at ?

- You' re .

f - Wh ere are yo u goi ng ?

- To have a sw im. I'm

g - Did yo u enjoy the mo vie?

- It was .....

h - Are you warm enough in your tent?

- N o, I'm .

·. B Giving opinions

UNIT 2 : B 15

1 Listen to Track 7 and complete the conversation. A: Have you ever seen the original film of Psycho?

B: Yes.

A: .

B: It was abso lutel y terrifying.

C: (Do) you rea lly think so ?

B: .

C: No, not really. It's not my kind of film. Ithought it was rather boring .

2 What phrase do the speakersuse to :

a ask if something has happened ? .

b ... ask for opi nions?. . . ,

c give an op in Ion .

Is the following language usedto agree or disagree withopinions? Put A (agree) or D(disagree ) in the brackets.The first one is done for you.

a Do yo u rea lly think so ? [D ]

b I completely agree. [ ]

e Yes it was, wasn't it? [ ]

d I don 't agree at all. [I

e J don 't think so.

f You' rc ab solutely right .

g Yes. I thought so, too .

. so I was

Complete the co nve rsation withone word fo r each gap.

BR IA:-i : Did you see The Sixth Sense on (a) lastnight?

DAVE: No. But I (b) it when it first came out

some years (c) .

BRI AN: Oh well, I'd never seen it (d) .looking for ward to it.

DAVE: What did yOll (c) o f it?

I\R IA N: It was absolutely terr ifying.

DAVE: (f) . .. .......... you really think so ?

I\R IAN : Wh y? Don 't you (g) with me?

DAVE: No, not really. I (h) it was rathe r boringwhen I saw it, I remember.

I\RIA N : (i) ? You can't be serious.

DAVE: Why not? I mean I (i) what the ending

was goi ng to be (k) the first five minutes .

I\R IAN : Did you? I (I) I never guessed .

DAVE: Oh well. But I (m) the little boy was goo d.

. film. Reall y

16 UNIT 2: 8

BRIAN : Yes, I thought so (n) He wa s completel ybelievabl e.

f ELICITY: Hi you (0) What a re you ta lking about?

BRIAN : T ha t (p) , The Sixth Sense. It wa s on the

box (q) . . night.

f ELICITY: Oh yes. I videoed it . I'm (r) to watch itlat er. Will I enjoy it?

DAVE : (s) not. It's not a great (t) ,frankly.

BRIAN : Do n't listen to him . It is a (u)frightening.

DAV E: I do n't (v) . .... at a ll. I mean you guess a lmos t

(w ) th at the main characte r, the Bruce

Willis, cha rac ter, (x ) a .

BRIAN : Don 't tell her the ending Da ve, you (y) .ru in it for her. T hat 's not fa ir.

DAV E: You're (z) righ t . Sorry.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •• Pronunciation: spelling and sounds


'11')Listen to Track 8 to hear thedifferent pronunciations of theletter 'a' . Put the blue words intothe correct columns. Some willgo in two columns. One hasbeen done for you.

I like playing ga mes in my head .Abso lutel y fascinating.T he film wa s amazing.It was rather bo ring when I saw

it, I remember.I went to all his films w hen I

wa s at scho ol.

What happened at th e end of th efilm?

I completely ag ree .It mak es me very angry !Cal l me w hen you've seen the film.Ha ve yo u seen an y films recen tly?I haven't read that book.

a b c d elrel cat, hat h :1 four, mQre Idl a bottle Qj lel many, said le ll pay, today



6 Can you add any more words tothe columns? Can you find anyother ways to pronounce theletter 'a'?

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

.c Check out

UNIT 2: I: 17

1 Which words and phrases in theword list do you already know?Circle any 'new' words and lookthem up in a dictionary.

absolutely amazing angry bad big boiling cold

dirty enormous fai rly fantastic fascinating filthy

freezing frighten ing funny fur ious good hilar ious

hot interesting pretty (adv.) quite rather rea lly

surprising terrible terrifying very

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Pronunciation: spelling and sounds

2 Complete the following tasks.

Listen to Track 9 and check thepronunciation of the wor ds in 2c.

a Li st the wo rds fro m the wo rd list that you find easy to pronounce.

b N ow li st wo rds from the word li st that you find the mostdiff icult to pronounce. Look at a dict io nary to sec how theyshould be said and practise saying them.

c Find all the words in the wo rd li st w ith the letter 'a' . How manydifferent ways is it pron ounced?

Circle the stressed sylla blesin the adjectives and theirintensifiers (words that makethem stro nger or weaker) . Put aline under the stro ngest syllable.The first one is do ne for you .

a He's@ ther@ eresting.

b I was pretty scared.

c It was absolutely amazing.

d It was absolutely hi larious.

e She was rather angry.

f Th ey're really good.

g Your room's absolutely filthy!

Listen to Track 10 and repeat the sentences.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

••A Shopping• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •

Using a dictionary: noun types

, Look at the dict ionary entry for shoppingand answer the questions which follow.

a Is shop /ling countable or unco untable?

b How do you know?

c What does $ mean here? .

shop 'ping [g] 5'ill 1'[opIO$ [0:-1 n [UJ . ' .1 the activity of going to shops and buying thmgs:Late-night shopping is becoming very popul~r. 1 s~oP­ping expedition/trip She's gone on a shoppmg trtp toNew York 1 I went on a shopping spree (ewentshopping and bought a lot of things) at the weekendand spent far too much money. I I've, got to do so~elast.minute shopp ing. I the busy Chnstmas shoppmgseason~ WINDOW .SHOPPING., rto the ~hopping to Q'O "h Oppi ",- 40

" .... . . ...~ ....n~ nr1 '"' " ".

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

2 The words in the box can be trol ley the last- minute mallsused together with shopping.Can you put them in the right centre exped ition late-night se rious

place in the table? The first one complex go bag Sundayis don e for you .

do Internet list window-

ashopping + noun(to crea te a new compound noun )

Shoppillj rroll~

badject ive }noun + shoppingverb

UNIT 3 : A 19

Use th e shopping phrases from Exercise 2 to complete what you th ink these people are saying.

a I've still go t so me

to do before th e partyto morrow.

b I don't rea lly need to

buy anything. I'm just

to see what the newfas hio ns are like.

d How do you fancya really good

,.......................................We cou ld stay in townfor the w ho le day.

c I don 't agree with

We sho uld have one daywhen eve ryone canrelax .

c I prefer to do a ll mysho ppi ng at a .because eve rything youneed is there, and there'susu ally somewhere tohave a coffee whenyou've finished.

f Exc use me sir, wheredid yOll get this

.... ..................... ?

Now listen to Track 11 . Were you correct?

Complete the questionnaire with shopping phrases from Exercise 2,and then circle the answer you would give. Follow the first e xample.


a Do yo u ever go on a ma jor .shoppittj...v<.pWitiol\which lasts the whole day?

a lways I usually I often I sometimes I never

b Do yOll ever forge t th ings a nd have to rush always I usually I often I somet imes I never

and do . ,...................

c Is it possib le to do . .where you live or do all the shops close ea rly?

a lways I usually I often I sometimes I neve r

d Do yo u ever spend time .without actu a lly buying anything?

always I usua lly I often I sometim es I never

c Do you ever go .at the cnd of a long day at work?

always I usua lly I often I sometimes I never

f Do you use a when you goto the superma rket?

always I usually I often I somet imes I never

always I usua lly I often I sometimes I never

always I usua lly I often I sometimes I never

Do you eve r use your co mputer to do

Do yo u eve r .for everyo ne in the hou se?

I h


II , I IL _ ;;;.;;;;;;;;;-;.:.-;.:.:;;:-;.:.:;::;:;;:;;:;.;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;; .;;;;;;;;;;:.;;:.;;; _ ..I .J

20 UNIT 3: B

• B Asking for help in a shop, Before you listen to Track 12 , put the following lines

(1-4) in the right places in the conversations below.

1 Do you know where Icould find some?

2 T hey might be able to help .3 T hey' re over th ere by those

shirts.4 Let me know if [ can help

you with a nyt hing.

AN DY: Excuse me.GARY: Yes. How can I

help yo u?ANDY: I'm looking for

Takez jean s.GAilY: I'm afra id we don't

sell Tak ez.AN DY: Oh, tha t 's a pit y.


I'OLLY: Excuse me. Do youhave any belts?

GARY: Yes we do.


POLLY: O h yes, so th ey are.T ha nks.

GARY: Ca n I help you?KYI.IE: No th anks. I'm just GAilY: Well, yo u could tr y

looking a round. the sho p on theCA RY: OK . corner.

(a ) (c) ..........

............................. ....................................


KYI.IE: T hanks. ANDY: Than ks.GAR'f : No probl em. GARY: You' re welcome.

Now liste n to Track 12.Were yo u correct?

2 Look at the following list of beltclothes. Tick the words you know. dre ss



Jean s



soc ks


(a pair of)trou sers


ca p


sa nda ls


(a pair of)tights

Find out the meaning of the words you didn 't tick by using a dictionary.

UNIT 3 : B 21

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• Pronunciation: same sound

3 Find words which share a cap dress every fleece glovesvowe l sound on their stressedsyllable . Join them toge ther. hat help jeans many much severalOne is done for you. shirt skirt some sweater T-shirt

"") Listen to Track 13 to check your answers . welcome please

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •4 Who's wearing what? Write a list for each person.

The first one is done for you.

a Barba ra : .Q, dre.sS~ Q, . sww're.r:, baarS . Md... Q,... hQ,t

b Cha rlene: ..

c Do nald : .

d Phoebe: ..

e Margaret :

f Ashley: .

5 Put the following lines in the correct place in the conversation .

1 Umm actu ally, perh aps you can help me. I'mlooking for a fleece.

2 No thanks, I'm just looki ng around.3 Oh right. Thanks.4 O h, um rn, exc use me, just before I go and

look at the fleeces, do you have any of thoseArgusk i belts - you know the brown and redones ?

5 Th ank s.6 Thanks. Goo d idea. ['11 go there no w.7 That 's a pity. Do you know where [ could

buy one of those belts?8 They' ll sell them in the department sto re

opposite, won't they?

A: Can I help you?

B: (a) ..

A: OK. Let me know if I can help you with anything.

B: (b ) .

A: No probl em.

B: (c)

A: Oh right. Th e fleeces are over there by the jeans.

B: (d) .

A: You're welcome .

B: (e) ....

A: No, I'm sorry. We do n't sell Arguski designs.

B: (f) .

A: You could try the department sto re oppos ite. Th eymight be able to help.

B: (g) . . . .•. ..... .............

A: But what about the fleeces?

B: (h) .

A: Yes. I suppose they will.

22 UNIT 3: [

.c Check outbelt cap fleece gloves hat jeans last -minute shopping late-night shopping sanda ls

serious shopping shirt shopping bag shopping centre shopping complex shopping list

shopping mall shopping spree shopping tro lley shorts skirt socks Sunday shopping

sweater la pair of) t ights to do the shopping to go shopping (a pair of) trousers T-shirt


1 Group the words in the word list into different meaning groups (suchas 'clothing' , 'places' etc). How many meaning groups are there?

UNIT 3 : [ 23

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• Pron unciation: same vowel sounds

2 a Write down pairs of words fro m the wor d list with the same vowel sound (e.g. cap /hat) .

Listen to Track 14 and check.

b Which words in the list have the same sound / J / as shopping?

Listen to Track 15 and check.

3 Listen to the pairs of sentences on Track 16. Arethey the Same or Differe nt? Write S or 0 in thebrackets.




[ I

[ J

[ I




[ ]

[ J

[ I

Listen again and repeat the sentences.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

••A Holidays1 Match the statem ents with the people in the pictures.

Put the number in the brackets.

a ' I like going to museums an d galleries - atmy age sightseeing is my favourite activity.'

b ' I like somew here off th e bea ten track - you lknow, places that aren' t full of to ur ists.'

c ' I love po ny- trekking over the hills.'d 'We enjoy sw imming and sunbathing - and

all the other activities on board like thecasi no and the nightclub .'

e 'We like holidays th at our children enjoyas well. T hat's why we go camping.'

f 'When I'm on ho liday ] go club bing mostnights.'


2 Use a dictionary to check themeaning of any words in thebox that you do not know, thenput the words and expressionsin the appropriate rows. Somewords may go in more thanone row.

backpacking nightl ife

museums sunbathing

boat ing (swimming) pool

campsite resort

galleries clubbing

culture surfing

excellent faci lities tourist

excursion vacation

pony-trekking waterski

hotel swimming


a an adventure oroutdoor hol iday

b a campmgholid ay

c a cruise

d a packageholiday

e a sight seeingholiday

UNIT 4 : A 25

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Using a dictionary: vanenes of English

3 Look at the dictionary entries for holiday, holidaymaker and vacation.Answer the questions that follow.

hol ·j ·day' ~~/'hondi, -dei $ 'ha:lldell n1 [C,UI arE also holidays a time of resl from work,school elc; El vacation AmE: The school holidaysstarttomorrow. I on holidayI'm awayonholidayuntil the Jstof June. I Won't your business slifTer if you take aholiday?

·m sI\Q · ...y.w- ....0 I IV > -"'I our holiday in a place -

ho\',day 2 v [I] arE 10spend Yorls' El vacation AmE:.all in news rep ..

used especl •Yholidaying in Majorca. >- 0'l+lnJatl They re rr- 0 _ ... ... 1 ... ........ ",l- -"/11"' C7

l .... - t i.d~.. ,...~...... "

· · ••"'.~c U''''J .., '" ... -... .u l U

hO""daY'rnak 6 1.. Qy ",n rc] BrE s ' er/ 'h DI!dj ,meJk~ $ 'h . I

holiday; 1~':fneElwho has travelled°il.de1, melkorl........: - ~_ ,...~~" . ...:~catjonerAmE 0 a place on

. .. h/1t... ... ... . l., _. _"

....d t-__ •.•.....,. -,lJ.\..~ ..,,,£.:1 UJ ..I • • •

va -ea -tlen1 [gj~/v;)' kelf.;rn $ vel -/ n1 (C.U] especially AmE a holiday, or lime spent notworking

_~"'''' IV ""c. .- - . h rdaY'I 0 somewhere for a 01 .

vacation2. v ll1 Am~ to ;e vacationtng in Europe.l+in/atl The Bernstelns a , rl ....., A _ C

... 1 , ,, :)'ke t (,<;IOd $ vet kel!,<;IOdU " - -

a Wh ich words can be bot h a nou n and a verb in:

... America n Engl ish? ..

... Briti sh English? . ..

How do yo u know ? .. . . .

b In Ame rican English, which word can be used for the time when students a re not studying ?

How do you know? .

c Wh ich speakers use the word holidaymaker? Which spea kers use the word uacationeri

How do you know? .

cl Using your own dictionary, find at least two more examples where American and British

English have different words for the same thing . .

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

g Wh en you go on a holiday in which everythingha s been arranged for you, thi s is ca lled a

f Rooms th at a re .are always cooler than tho se that arc not.c If you wa nt to see things from ma ny years ago

yOll ca n visit a

d Peopl e who spend too much tim e .often get burnt.

4 Complete the sentences with one word for each gap.

a A holiday on a large ship is ca lled a ................ . e People wh o go on holiday to see different

b I th ink ac tivity holidays are reall y .................................. . places are called .They're certa inly not boring.

26 UNIT 4: A

5 Take the first letter of eachanswer from Exercise 4.Rearrange the letters to findwhere Henry is staying.

'We always stay 0 11 a e.'

Put the letters in order to make holiday and tourism words.

a (a a b d 0 r )

b (a a b e e g i k k 11 p)

e (e e i 11 0 r s u x )

d (a e g I I r y)

e (a a d e h i k I III 0 r y)

f (e 0 r r s t )

g (e egg h i in s s r)

h (a a e i no t v)

7 What is your favourite kind of holiday? What is your leastfavourite kind of holiday? Write a paragraph for each .

a My favourite k ind of holiday is ..

because .

b M y least favourite kind o f hol iday is .

because .

. 8 Recommending holidays

UNIT 4: B 27

1 Before you listen to Track 17 ,put the travel agent's questionsand recommendations, in thebox, into the correct gaps tocomplete the conversati on.

TRAV El. AGE~T: (a) .

BE~ : We'd like to book a holiday,

DUNCA:"J: Yes , can you recommend anyth ing?

..) Actua lly, it 's proba bly notas expensive as you think .







Oh you kno w, sun, sea , sand, the usual.

(c) .

Well, we've been to Spain once a lready.


o All right then, can Isuggest Rio de Jan eiro?

o O K, what a bo utsomewhere in Spain,say Sirges near Barcelona?

DUNCA:\!: Ital y? That's a great idea , but actually we'dprefer somew here a bit more, well, exotic.

T RAVEl. AGEN T: (e) .

BEN : I don't thin k we co uld affo rd rhar,


DUNCAN : Yes, but is it wort h it?


BE~ : Can I have a look at the brochure?

..) Sure. Take your time .

o Well, it 's definitely worthco nsidering .

o Well, wha t kind of ho lidaydo you want?

J Well then, how aboutSorrento in Italy?

TR AVEL AGEN T: (h) . ..) Yes, ca n I help yo u?

BEN : T ha nks .

Now listen to Track 17 . Were you correct?

28 UNIT 4 : B

2 Look at how we can ask for and giverecommendations.


1 We can ask for recommendations like this:Can you recommend somewhere to stay nearthe sea?Can you suggest a good place (or a holiday ?Have you got any ideas about a good hotel?

I .. h { visiting \X/eIlington?SI t wort ..seemg Auckland?

{a visi t?

Is Paris worth considering?

2 We can mak e recommendations like this:\Vhat about (going to) Alaska ?How about the Hotel Stella?Have you thought o( (going to) London?\Vhy don 't you try somewhere in Portugal?I( it was me, I'd go somewhere cheaper,\Vhy don 't you give it a try?

3 We can reply to recommendations like th is:That sounds like a great idea!That's exactly what I was looking (or.

Th ' .. h {Iwas looking (or.at s not quite w at I I .. ki [.was t J!1l mg 0 .

That's a great idea, but I'd rather goso mew here more comfortable.I think we'd prefer something a hit lessexpensive.

Make new questions and sentences by replacingthe blue words with words of your own .

Here are some examples:Can you recommend somewhere with really goodsports (acilities?I( it was me, I'd go some where more beautiful.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Pronunciation: pitch and intonation

3 Listen to people accepting recommendations on Track 18.Are they enthusiastic or unenthusiastic?

a T hat sounds fantast ic. ........

b T hat sounds like a great idea.

c T hat 's exactl y what I want .

d That's just right ..

e That's incredible ..

f That 's a great suggestion.

4 Say the sentences using the same pitch and intonation as the speakers.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

.cUNIT 4 : I: 29

Check outadventure holiday backpacking boating camping campsite clubbing cruise culture

excellent facil ities excursion gallery holiday holidaymaker hotel luxury museum

nightlife off the beaten track package holiday pony-trekking pool resort sightseeing

sunbathe surfi ng swimming tourist touristy trekking vacati on waterski

, Imagine you are going to be stranded on a desert island and you can only take five wordsfrom the word list with you. Which ones will you take and Why? Here is an example:

J)IL:I'(1,rapo~",rl1kf..<j~ bl1Ul.us~ J lira Jk

soulld of i t::-:o.NiJenuldjerwuulldthe... iSlo.Ni. MO~ eo.si3. m ·· m

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Pronunciation

2 a How many words can you find in the word list that have the sound /"'/ - like cat?

Listen to Track 19 and check .

b Find the one odd word in the following lists .

T hink about sounds.t package, vacat ion, backpacking, camping, fantastic2 clubbing, cru ise, public, sunbathe, fun

Think about syllables.3 backpacki ng, boaring, excursion, hol iday,

warerski4 ca mping, culture, hotel , mu seum, sunbathe

I i""'i Listen to Track 20 and check.-3 Listen to Track 21. Circle the word you hear.

T hink about stress.5 gallery, nightl ife, sunbarhe, resort, swimming6 holiday, gallery, excursion, sighrseeing, luxury

a big

b hot



c cheap sheep

cl ruce no ise

e good wood

f fat foot

g better welter

h plane plan

cruise choose

sighr scar

Listen again and repeat the words .

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• ••

. A Homes and houses1 Look at these words and find pairs of words with opposite

meanings.bare untidy

cold spacious

cramped t idy

clutte red dark

light warm

2 Choo se one of the following homes.

Using words from Exercise 1 and any otherwords you know, list the advantages anddisadvantages of the home you have chosenin the table below.

Here is an example:

Your choice : .. h /\'I'...Advantages: l!:jhr) eo.5j 1'0 ~

Your choice : .


Disadvantages: LiI\(,(J(V\fVrtcW/l!.) (,(Jld


Make new words by adding home to the following words. Use the new wordsin the newspaper headlines below. The first one is done for you .

_ sick _ coming less _-grown _work _ -made

a ..1:I0(V\l!."'8(O""II.. lett uce sells best

b ...................... man wins lot te ry, buys house


d .



cake poisons enti re village

couple ret urn after only 72 ho urs away

crisis in o ur schools

ce lebration cancelled when returning so n misses transatlantic fligh t

semi-detached house

4 Write the words in the box besidethe right numbers below. The firstone has been done for you.


UNIT 5: A 31





block of flats

first floor



















• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Using a dictionary:

Look at the dictionary entry for garden andanswer the following questions.

gar-den 1 OOJ~ I' ga :dn $ 'ga:r./ n1 rCl BrEthe are a of land next to a house. where there~re flowers . grass, and other plants, and often a placeor people to s it; a yard AmE: He's outside in the

garden. I Grace brought us SO~ flowers from hergarden. l Our house has a small Karden. r a gardenshed I backlfront garden (eat the back or the front ofthe house)2 [Cl Am I:a part of the area next to a house, whic h hasplants and flowers 1n it : vegetable/he rb /rose gardenThe househas a beautiful herb garden.3 gardens [plural] a large area of land where plants an dDowers are grown so that the public can go and seethem: the Botanical Gardens at kw4 Gardens BrEused in the name of streets: 2/1 RolandGardens -+KfTCHEH GARDEN, MARKET GAIlOEN; -t lead sb uthe garden path at LV.D' (12) p

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

a Is garden an adj ective, adverb, no un,preposit ion or verb? How do yo u know?

b How is it pro no unced?

c Wha t equivalent word is there in American

English? ..

cl How many differen t mea nings are given?

32 UNIT 5: B

•• B Welcoming people

Listen to Track 23 and repeat the phrases.

Listen to Track 22 . Were you correct?

1 Look at the picture. What are they saying to each other? I, II

finding us?into the sitting room,

something to drink?to see you!to wash your hands/freshen up ?for coming.your coat?

Can I get youCan I ta keDid you have any troubleDo yo u wa nt/needGo onHow niceTh ank s

d Do

e Go

f How ..

g Thanks .

a Can I get .j ov ...SOmttbiAj :f'odr'iAk?

b Can I take ..

c Did .....

2 Match the phrases in the two columns to complete thewelcoming sentences. The first one is done for you.

3 Put the phrases from Exercise 2 in the correct gaps.

a ' .Car. .J.j d'.Y lI .. sCltY\ili,it\j :f'o ..dnM<..? ' 'Yes please. I'd like an o range juice.'

b .. ' 'No. It was qu ite st ra ightforward, actually.'

c .. ' 'Thank you.'

d ............ ' 'Thank you. Is it through here?'

e ..... .. ........... ... ' ' Yes, that wou ld be nice. Where's tbebathroo m?'

f . .............................................................................. ' 'Well, than ks for inviting us.'

g . ' 'Yes. It's great to be here.'

UNIT 5 " B 33

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •

• Pron unciation: stress In pntases

4 Look at the phrases in Exercise 3. Listen to Track 24 and write a line under,lA) the word or the part of the word where the speakers place the main stress .

I'd like an orange juice.

5 Repeat the phrases afte r the speakers on Track 24 .

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

6 Rearrange the words and punctuation to make appropriatesentences and questions.

a co ming / . / for / Th anks

rhatll.<s · ··fULcaMi~•...b I / get / drin k / ? / you / something / Can / to

c tro uble / ? / you / here / an y / find ing / have /your / Did / way

d ? / tak e / coa t / Can / you r / I

e Do / ? / up / to / need / you / freshen

f you / . / nice / to / How / see

g bad / . / , / lost / bit / got / a / but / too / it /was n't / We

h ? / Yes / . / you / Ha ve / an / got / oran ge / juice /please

? / bathroom / Ca n / is / me / tell / the / where /you

great / you / to / . / It's / see

k , / ]' 11 / if / it / all / I / on / No / right / . / think /keep / that's /.

7 Match the sentences and questions from Exercise 6 with theserepl ies. The first one is done for you.

a '.CM....Ljet:30,.L SOroeihi~ ... f"D ..driI\K?...'Yes, please. I'd love an appl e juice, if you'vegot one.'

b .

'Yes, please. It's quite warm in here.'


'No. Your dir ections were abso lutely perfect.'

cl .

'Yes please. I'd like to wasb my hands.'


'It's nice to see you too .'




'Great to see you too.'

'Why? It's not cold in here.'

'Well, at least you're here now.'

'No, I'm afra id not. But we've got man go juiceor apple juice.'

' It's just alo ng the corridor. Last door on theright.'

34 UNIT 5: [

.c Check outaccident accidental bare basement block of flats bungalow campsite camper van cluttered

cold cottage cramped dark fence first floor flat garage garden gate ground floor

homecoming homeless home-made homesick homework houseboat light mobile home

semi-detached house spacious studio flat tent terraced house tidy untidy warm

1 Think about which six words in the word list will be most useful to you in the future . Why?

2 Write some of the words fromthe word list in the appropriatebox here.

Words with a positive feeling

UNIT 5 " I: 35

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Pronunciation: same sounds



bungalow3 a What sound do all these words have in common?

Listen to Track 25 and check.


mobile home- - - - - -studio

b Can you find other words in the word list , on page 34 which goinclud e the same sound?

Listen to Track 26 and check.

c Which words in the word list start with the following sounds:


/kr/: .

/gr/: .

/sp/: .

Listen to Track 27 and check.

d Which sound do you find the most difficult to say?

e List some other words that start with these sounds:

/bl/: .


/gr/: .


4 Listen to the phrases on Track 28 and circle the two stressed syllablesin these sentences. Put a line under the syllable with the biggest stress.

a It's great to sec YOll .

b Oh , th is is great!c Can I tak e your coat?d It's a bit cramped in here.e I've just won a prize.f Can I get you something to drink?g Tha nks for inviting us.

Listen to Track 28 again and repeat the phrases.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

••A History and biography1 Complete the sentences in each box using the words in the column on the left .

. you to ten

years 111

cl .b We th ink he is ........... you of

stealing £250,000.

a I . .




gui lt y

........................................- - .



. as a woman.. ,e T hey put him in pr ison , but he..... , wasd Mad John, th e ..

. ...... ...... . by th e King's ..





pirat e

I.LI . -.......... .. ....................... . -.




h The peo ple

a preside nt instead...... 111


wa s ..

.. the g Ten years later the kin g

country, he ..

him self king.

f W hen he ..





LIoI .....•.•...... .. ....•....• ......•....•.•.• .........•..•.•......•••..•.•.. ..•........•.............•.•........ ...•.•.•. .•............ .•.•.•..•.•... ... .....•.•.•...... ...•......•....•.•.......•..•..•...•.••............••.•.. ..•..... ..




1:1:11.1 diedCl

executed1:1::J poison:;



The first Lord Mountebank ..

when he drank .

k T he thi rd Lord M ountebank was

UNIT 6: A 37

Ten years later someo ne

. his son with a knife.

The fourth was .

by a jea lou s lover.

III........... .............

1:1: born11.1I- broug ht upI-

divorcedf!l::; educated

~ inherited-:; married

f!l:11. m She was in 1923. n She was . . a t the best

She was . .............. by her uncle. school in America .

o She .. ....... $35 million p She three times - and

when her uncle died . got three times too .

38 UNIT 6 : A

2 Complete the table with th e re lated past participle a nd noun fore ac h ve rb. The first one is done for you.

aVerb (inf initi ve)

acc use


















bVerb (past participle)



• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •Using a dictionary:

3 Look at th e dictionary e ntry for crown.

a How man y different meanings a re given

for the noun? .

b If 'S3' means th at crown is one of the 3000 mostco mmo n word s in spoken English , wh at does 'W3 'mea n ? . . .

c Wh at does '[CJ' mean? Is that the same as ' usua llysingula r'?

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

crown1 @~ Ikraun/ n a) a circle made of gold1 HAT FOR KINGfQ~EEN {Cl by kings and queensand decorated with ]e~els. worn. s made of thingson their heads b) a circle, somet~~omeone whO hassuch as leaves or flowers , wornwon 8 special nonour ) the position of2 CoUNTRY'S RULER the crown~ madeHenry Vbeing king or queen: TJu treatybcifthe ~ernmentof 8

heir to the c::'wnB~{:t~~t is)officiallYled by a kingcountry suc as t'red from the serctceof the oown.or queen: Hehas re 1. . f damaged tooth3 TOOTH {Cl an art lficlal top or a rt of a hat or4 HEAD [usually singular]bthe :::;;rpaplled high on the

• head' [+011 au ur nsomeone s ad" I hat with a h igh crowncrown of her he a f 3 hlll or something5 HILL {usually singular] the~0 to tne crown o!Zionshaped like a hill: [+of}They :"'ot the crown of thehUlandonmtotown.1 Themaso Carch is paler than on ~ither curve. ntcn you have if6 SPORTS {usually sIngular] the:,::competition: Canyou have won an important s~l Hewent on to win thesheretain her Wunbledon crown.world crown In 2001. t f money in some7 MONEY (Cl s) ~~ ~~~r:c~;~ b) an old BritishEuropean eoun tnes: dcctn. Four crowns made .3 pou~~ etc in the shape of a8 PICTURE lC] a ~allrk. ~~~:. ~nk or qualitycrown. usedespeci Y

. B Paying compliments

UNIT 6 : B 39

1 Befor e you listen to Track 29, put these lines inthe correct conversat ions. I was given them by my aun t .

From that shop oppos ite th e ba nk .It was a present from my girlfriend.

HEI. EN : That's a really nicejack et.

SA,\ I: O h, tha nks.

HEI.EN : Where d id you get it ?

SAM : (a) ..

H El.EN : O h yes. I know the one.Well, it really suits you.

SA\ I: Thanks.

J ASO N: I like your shirt .

l.EO: D o you ?

JASO N: Yes.

l.EO: (b) ..

JASO N: Well, it loo ks good onyou. Wh at' s it made of?

l.EO: I don't know. Cotton, Ithink .

SUNITA: Those ar e reall y niceea rnngs.

KAR EN: I'm glad you like them .

SUN ITA: Where did you getthem?

KAREN : (c) .Th ey'r e from Japan, Ithink .

SUN ITA: Well, I thin k they'regreat.

Now listen to Track 29. Were you correct?

2 Complete the tabl e with language from the conversations in Exercise 1.

Say ing you like so mething: Iho.1" $ 0. ~~ "iet jo.d.at.

Saying something is good for the per sonwho is wea ring it :

Being pleased that so meone compliments you:


40 UNIT 6 : B

3 Choose six words from the list tomatch the things in the picture.





e .






4 Complete the conversations a SUSAN : That 's a reall y nice jacket.with the lines from the box.

~I ARY: (1) ......................... ............................

It was a present from my husband.SUSA:-I: N ot at all ! Whe re did you get it ?

It was given to me by my aunt.~I ARY: (2) .. ................... .......................... ...................

SUSAN : H e chose wel l. It reall y suits you.No I don't th ink so. It' s from Korea.

b RAC H EL: I li ke your shi rt .Oh thanks.

TOM : (I) .............................

Oh yes. So it 's a Swiss watch then?RACH EL: (2) ..................

Well it looks good with that suit. TO.\ I: [ don't know. Cott on, I expect.What's it made of?

c IIILL: T hat's a reall y nice watch.Where did you get it?

GRAHA~I : I'm glad you like it .

IIILL: (1) .

GRAHA~ I : From that shop in Const itu tion Square, you know, theone opposite the cinema.

IIILL : (2) .

G RAHA .\ I: (3) .

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •Pronu nciation: h n~ lest

5 Listen to the man 's responses on Track 30 . Write a line under the" main stress in the following phrases. The first one is done for you.J

a That's fantastic .b How interesting!c That is interesting.

d Oh, reall y?e You're think ing of gett ing married?f You live in Birmingham?

Say the sentences like the speaker on Track 30.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

.cUNIT 6: [ 41

Check outaccuse be born bring up capture conquer corduroy cotton crown defeat denim die

disguise divorced educate elect escape execute guilty imprison inherit leather marry :

..n.~.I.~.n. ... r. ir.~.te. ..~I~S.t.i.~ ....r.~.iS.~~. .r..a. I~e.s.~~r....•r.r.is.~~....s.~n.~~n.~.e...(~).••..s.~~a.~.... S..i l~. . .S.a.1~ie.r. .s.~~.~~~.~I .i, Decide which words in the word list have (a) a positive feeling , (b) a negative feeling ,

or (c) a neutral feeling , and complete the columns.

a Words with a positive feeling b Words with a negative feeling c Words with a neutral feeling

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Pronunciation: syllables and t esses

2 a Circle all the words in the word list with two or more syllables. Then underline where the stress fallson each of these words. Which syllable is most often stressed: the first one, the last one, or the onebefore the last one?

When you have finished, listen to Track 31 and check.

b Complete the chart with words from the word list that include the letter 'a' . How is it pronounced ineach case? Which 'a' word in the word list doesn 't fit in any of the boxes? Practise saying thewords.

h:1 -wor1l

...,.- ------,- --101 - h l/-song boy

I~.v-.."ph ot ograph




Listen to Track 32 and check.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •3 Look at the words in the word list box.

a List the words that can be both oouns and verbs: ......

b Li st the wo rds that can be both nouns and adjectives. What wo rd family do these words belong to?

. A Multi-word verbs1 Which of the following would

you find most difficult to giveup?

• chocolate• coffee• go ing to clubs• listening to music

• shopping• watching T V• sugar• something else: .

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Using a dictionary: phrasal verb types

2 Look at extracts from the dictionary entries for give away, give back, give in to , give off, give out.

give sb/sth away phr v1 to give something to someone because you do notwant or need it for yourself: I gave most of my booksaway when I lef t college. I [+loJ Give your old clothesaway to a thrift shop.,.. , .,j"n ~"mpt' . +0 c:!....- ·:f.hout ~ cl . ' . ...f'~ ., ..."

give off s th phr v . hI heal a sound etc; The wood10 produce a smell, [ight, 'Il as it burned. I Try notgave off a ~weet' Pfierfum:dv;:~ff bY the paint.to breathe m the umesn


give in to stn phr vto no longer try to stop yourself fromdoing somethingyou want to do: Don'tgive in to the temptation to argueback. I U youfeel theurgefor a cigarette, try not togivein to it.

IU e::t h ....~ lI~rL V I

1give,s th (:::;) b~k-Ph~l~ !lGU. ..... ·b ....1;:. .. . ......ny

to grva something to the er .person who gave it to YOU'~h~o~ l~ belongs to or theyoU mustgive it back I Of . is Isn t your moneyandit: as long as yougiv~ it ba~ourse.youcan havea look atBioe the keys back to k. I gIVe 51h back 10 sb I'll5th ~ back Her ex'hU::n~morrow morning. r give sb?[ !.:.er~ldphotos and letters,":fused togiveher backany

':lkp 1+ "V)<:o;:; 'hIQ r.. f)'t' "t)m t:> n' . ", 1_ " " ,... ~

give out phr v1 give sth~ out to .group; El hand o1l1~v~~omething to each person in aplease? I [e-to] Student n you gtue the drinks outeveryone on the street. s were gunng out leaflets t~

Which of them can be split up, with the object sometimes going between the verb (give)and the particle (away, back, in to etc.)? Which of them cannot be split up?

a (can be split up: )

b (cannot be split up.) ....

3 Now look at the entry for cut in your dictionary, and answer these questions.

a How man y phrasa l verbs are made wit h th is verb?

b Which of them (if any ) ca n have the object between the verb and the particle? .

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Look at these resolutions thatpeople made last New Year'sEve (December 31st). Replacethe phrases in italics with one ofthe phrasal verbs on the right.The first one is done for you.

break up with

cut down on

get round to

go on

make a go of

put in

see about

set up

UNIT 7: A 43

a 'I'm go ing to make mybusin ess successful,'

J)JV\jai~taMo.l.a .0. .


d 'We' re going to create a newbusin ess.'

g 'I'm going to investigate thepossibilities o( finding a job.'

b 'I' m going to begin thehobby o( weight training.'

e 'I'm going to (inally starthuild ing a new kitchen.'

h 'We' re going to reduce theamo unt of wasted pap er in

the office.' ...

c 'We 're going to continuetraining at the gym.'

(two phr asal verbs)

f 'I'm going to [inish lilyrelatio nship with my

girlf riend. ' .

'I'm going to spend moreho urs at the factory.'

44 UNIT 7 : A

5 Read the follo wing description of the four different types of phrasal verb.

Type 4 - The phrasal verb has two Ot moreparticles , and the o bject always comes afte r theparticles:Oh 1I0! We've run out of petro l.

• •Il •

Type 3 ... The o bject always comes after th epa rt icle :I'm 1I0t very goo d at looking after children.Not: [ 'm fi B' i el) gee d tit l8sking d,ildren aFttT.

• • • .lIl .Ila

Type 1 - T he verb rakes no object:Flight 30 1 has already taken off.

Type 2 - The o bject can go afte r the phrasa l ver bo r between the verb and th e particle:Can yOll pick liP Mr Smith? Can yOll pick MrSmith lip?However, if the ob ject is a pronoun (me, yo u, himetc. ) it can o nly go betw een th e verb and particle :Call you pick him up? Not: Gall ) BIt pie&. HP him ?

Which type are the phrasal verbs from Exercise 4?

a Type 1: . .

b Type 2: . .

cType 3: .

d Ty pe 4 : .

Choose nine verbs from Exercises 1-4 to complete the following text.

JULIO'S DILEMMASix months ago Iulio Gonzalez and his sister Marcia both work , work, work. But then one day, after a

worked for a car company. They were both fed up with conversation with his friend, he (g) .

it ifwe worked hard .'

boyfriend of three years - and starred to feel very

unhappy. She needed something to make her feel berrer,

so one day she said to her brother, 'Look, Ican't

(b) working at a boring job, and I

don 't like feeling unhappy. I want to do something new.

Let's start our own business. I'm surewe could on str ike, and you can run this house and this family by

yourself. See how you like that!'

Marcia's sister is just as dramatic. (0' ..

golf-and now he spends more and more time at the

golf course.

His sisterand wife areboth furious. 'With you it's

either work or golf! What kind ofa life is that?' his

wife complai ned to him last nigh t. 'Ifyou don 't

................................ one or the other, I'm going to go(h)

. her

. a car repair

(c) ..

And so they (d) .

their jobs, and then Marcia (a) ..

business. At first everything went well. Iulio

(e) about 60 hours a week.

film with his wife or going out for a drink with

his ftiend Hedley, and that was about all. It was just

Occasionally he would (0 ............................... seei ng a

golf,' she told him yesterday. 'We've got a factory to run!'

So that's Iulio's dilemma. Work, golf, his wife and his

sister. As he said to his friend Hedley, 'What am I going

to do?'

. 8 Making promises

UNIT 7: 8 45

1 Answer the following questions about marriage in your country.

a Whe re do mos t peo ple get married? .

b What happens during th e ma rriage ceremo ny?

c What words ar e used, and what do they mean in English?

2 Listen to Track 33 and match the extracts (1-4) with the pictures (a-d) below.

a . b .


Listen to Track 33 again and complete the table with Ben and Mariah 's wedding vows.



aI promise to:

bI agree to:

cI'll :

dI give you my word that:

46 UNIT 7: B

4 Choose the a ppro priate endingfrom the box a nd write thesecond part of the followingsentences (a-D. The first one isdone for you .

... and obey you forever.

... be there on time - for once!

... but I don't promise to make aparticularl y good job of it.

... but you have to organise thedrinks.

... get to class late agai n. Honestly.

... if you'll do all the cooking.

... promise not to play such loudmusic in the evenings.

... rude to all my friends when Iinvite them round to our flat?

... the bathroom tidy, at least?

... you'll never misbehave in classaga in?

a Do you promise no t to be ..... 1'lJIk ..f'a oJL""j f7ie.Ads vJ..tII ..J ........ iMih.th€MrrNf\(JJa QIX~o.r? .

b [ agree to give you 1110re time to yourself, but you have to

c I give you my word that I'll never ..

d I promise that I' ll .

e I promise to love ......

f [' 11 get som e glasses, ..

g Let's make a bargain . I'll do all the washing lip . ..

h Look, I'll agree to pa int the walls in the kitchen ...

Will you agree to keep ..

Will you give me your word that .

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Pronu nciation: a e

5 Listen to the following sentences on Track 34 . Does the soundof I (/a l/) change in the examples? Why?

[ will do it tomorrow. / I' ll do it tomorrow.[ will have that coffee no w, please. / I' ll have that coffee now, please.I will ans wer the telephone. / [' 11 answer the telephone.I will talk to you later. / I' ll talk to you late r.I will be home at nine . / I' ll be home at nine.I will never forge t thi s. / I'll never forget this.

Say the contracted sentences in the same way as the speakers on Track 34.

•• • • • • • ••••••••••••• •••• • • • • • •••

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Pronunciation

1 Choose one word or one phrase from the word list that is importantto you and thi nk why you have chosen it. Here is an example:

..:laal.<. o.fh.c', bWlLlSe-Jlil.<.e. laaldt\j lAfhL OJIiooo.Js....

UNIT 7 : [ 47

agree to break up with

cut down on get round to

give (somebody) my word

give away give in to

give off give out

give up go on look after

make a go of pick up

promise to put in

resolut ion see about

set up take off take up

work out

Check out.c

2 Complete the table with words from the word list that have thefollowing sounds.

aday lell

bcow laul

cso 1:>01

Listen to Track 35 and check.

Can you think of any othe r words to add to the table? Write them in the correct col umn.

Listen to this sentence said indifferent ways on Track 36.Underl ine the word that isstressed most strongly in eachcase.

a I promi se I'll be at your house by four o'clock .b I pro mise I'll be at your house by four o' clock.c I pro mise I' ll be at your house by four o'clock.d I promi se I'll be at your house by four o'clock.c I promi se I'll be at your house by four o' clock.

Listen to Track 36 again andmatch these meanings with thesentences in Exercise 3. Thefirst one is done for you .

I don 't know abo ut anyo ne else. [ rJ, J

2 I really, rea lly do pro mise. I I3 I'm not going to anyone else's hou se. [ ]

4 No t at an y other time - not late r anyway. [ I5 No t at your office. [ J

Listen Track 36 and repeat the sentences in the same way.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

••A Anti-social activities1 Complete the following opinions with an appropriate verb from the box.

places......... in public

a smo kybonfire in the middle of theday.

too fast inbuil t-up a reas.

k mobil e pbon eson the tr a in.the wa lls.


.... ... posters everywhere.

... their dogs foul the footpath.


b spray-...



drive light put up e ....... a lot of noise

drop listen to ridein a qu iet area late at nigh t.

f a walkma nhave make smoke near other peop le.

let paint use bicycles ongthe pavement .

h an over-sensitive ca r a larm.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •• Usingadietionary: transitive and intransitive verbs

pain't" v/tot,)' ....- . . ........y anti :) t V Wi,Y )

pemt / verb ***JJIITJto PU!pelnt onto Somethin .

was pamtlng her nails + Thg to change its colour "arrows pa inted on the rOad' w; ey followed the Whit~~ar, to paint . .• ash the walls before you

rl/T! t., r.reat<> " ""irh,~ ~~ ."'''meth ,- - -" in l! '" "' +c:; : I

shout1 [@~ /Ja~ v ry loudly' -+ scream, yell:1 [I,T] ,to say s~me hm~,vlecan hearyou! \ [+a tl I wishTheres no nee t? s ou . children I [+for) We couldyou'd stoP Shout.mg/oat: \ 'Wa~hout!'sheshouted,hearthemshouu ng or p,] shout 5th at sb He wasas the. ca~ stalrtste~t~'::~~n driver. \ shout sth to sbsnouun« msu AI' on'He's down here!'she shoutedto IS '8 E to call out2 shout in pain/anAg·rE/~sytr:~~~;~~o~ted in pain asloudly;a scream m .the ball hit him, th fta ps to tell everyone about3 shout 5th from e rooant everyone toknow about itsomething because you w

IightJ Ilanl (pasttense andpast participle lit / In /) verb ***1 IT! to make something start to burn: Amy lit a ciga­rette. -picture -+ BURN 18, III to start to burn : The firewon 't light if the wood is wet.2 light or light up IT often passive] to make a placebrighter by giving it light : +by The room was lit bycandleligh t. • dimly/badly/brightly lit The room wasdimlylit .3 ITl if you light someone's way, you use a light to leadthem throu gh a dark placelight a fire under sb mainly Am E informal to makesomeone work harder

2 Look at the dictionary entries for light, paint andshout. Do these verbs always take an object?How do you know?

Decide whether the fo llowingverbs Always (A), Never (N) orSometimes (S) take an object.Check in a dictionary to see ifyou were right.




dri ve


en joy

UNIT B : A 49



• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •4 Using words from Exerc ises 1 and 3, write instructions for the following signs.

The first one has been done for you .


.il\ta ...tw. .Ji~,




c . ... ... .. d

e .... ...................... f g h

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Pronunciation: d1f,prplt ac

)5 Look at the following words. What do they mean? Now Jisten to the words said first by an Amer ican

and then by a British speaker on Track 37. Is the pronunciation the Same (S) or Different (D)?

a ad vertisement f interestingb brochure g lieutenantc cinema h officerd controversy opiruone ente rtai ner simultaneous

6 When the pronunciation is different, what is the main difference in each case?Say the words using either Amer ican or British pronunciation.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

50 UNIT B: B

• B Permission, Before you listen to Track 38,

look at the pictures andcomplete the conversations withone of the lines in the box.

I'd rather you didn't.

No, sorry. We operate a 'no dogs' policy.

No, sir. I'm afraid taking photographs is st rictly forbidden.

Not at all. We'd love to meet her.

a 'C an I sit here, please? '

d ' Is it OK if I use my mobilephone in here?'

Sure. Help yourself.

Yes, certainly.

b 'Can I use my camera inhere?'

e ' Is it all right if I takeone of these ?'

c 'Are dogs allowed in here?'

f 'Do you mind if I bring mysister to the party?'

Listen to Track 38. Were you correct?

2 Complete the boxes with phrases from theconve rsations in Exercise 1.

a Asking for permission

1)0 jOLl fV\iM if I ...?

b Saying 'yes' :

c Sa ying 'no':

UNIT B: B 51

3 Co mp lete the followingdialog ues us ing the ex pres s ionsa bove. Write on e word in eachgap .



................................................ mind if I arrive late?'

'I'd ra ther

................................................... .... .. ........... right if I sit here?'

'I'm so rry sir, but sitting o n the ex hibits is strictly .

c ' I have a serviette ?'

'Sure yoursel f. '

d 'D o ... ............................. if I take your picture?'

4 Put the words of theseconversation lines in order. Payattention to the punctuation andadd ca pita l letters whe renecessa ry. The firs t on e is donefor you.

'No, nor Go a head .'

a A: ? lallowed I are I children I here I in

Are. <.hildrw o./loww il\ .. hm? .B: co urse I of I , I . I sure

-S.n,afw.xst.. ..b A: ta ke I here I I I if I is I ? I it I photogra ph/ a I OK

B: didn 't I I'd I . I ra the r I you

c A: all I br ing I do g I here I ? I I I if I in I is I it I my I right

B: but I , I keep I . I it I it's I qui et I yes I okay

d A: do I I I if I mind I ? I photogra phs I some I take I you

B: afra id I I' m I not I . I possible I tha t's

e A: br ing I can I th e I ? I friend I J I my I to I party I

B: come I she's I sure I . I . I to I welcome

f A: can I ? I I I of l one I programmes I take I these

B: help I . I . I sure I yo urself

52 UNIT 8 : [

.c Check outalarm anti-social barbecue bonfire built - up area

graffiti here library over-sensitive pavement smoky

spray- pa int (v) to drop litter to let your dog foul the footpath

to make a lot of noise to put up posters walkman

1 Imagin e that you live in an English-speaking country. Which fivewords or phrases from the word list would you use most?

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• ••Pron unciation

2 Find a word in the word list with the same sounds as each of thefollo wing words, and write them in the correct column.

/a1/ - fine /a1"/ - l iar 11,,/- fear

Listen to Track 39 and check.

Try to add more words of your own in each column in the table.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • •

3 Write sentences that accusepeople of performing anti-socialacts. Use the words from theword list, like this example:

Now read them out as accusations.

4 Listen to Track 40 and thendivide the words on the left intotwo lists . The first one is donefor you.









sensit ive


UNIT B: [ 53

Y Olt dropped litter on the pavement.

Mark where you would put the st resses in the sentences, like thi s:

YO lt dropped litter on the pavement.

List 1(stress on the second syllab le):


List 2(st ress on the first sylla ble):

Listen to Track 40 again and say the words.

. A Body language• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Using a dictionary:, Look at this dictionary entry for clench .

mall sv.... eet Ol".,>;>- h your fists/teeth /jaW

:ten~h /k\enIJ/ v ~T] d: ~~~~~ ete together ~ig~~:tetc to hold your ou

3 1;eel angry or detennm~ t~ 'hold

usuan~cr~~~~~~<;~elines, herfi~t~/~e~~:~~ your teeth:was P'": tightly in your nansometh Ing I d between his teeth ...".~.... L1 thoa cigar dene le . . . I n tl1P .. I ~ .. " V I

... V l ' k13 ~ rl '% '

verb collocation

a Does the verb always take an object? How doyO ll know ?

b What no uns is it used with most often?

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

2 Using a dictionary, write a noun from the second list that is oftenused with these verbs . Sometimes there is more than one answer.

Verbs Nouns

a clenc h + arms

b cross + ear

c fold + . eyebrows

d nod + finger(s)

e point + fist

f falSe + . hand(s)

g scratch + head

h shake + legs

shrug + neck

J wag + " . sho ulders

k wave + . teeth

UNIT 9 : A 55

Look at the picture and write the correctnames in the gaps.

a .. .. JQM .. has folded his a rms.

b is clenching his fist.

c is wagging its tail.

d has crossed his legs.

c is raising her eyebrows.

f is poin ting at so meo ne.

g is waving her arm.

h is nodding his head .

is scra tching his head.

is shrugging her shoulders.

4 Complete the sentences usinga verb and noun pair fromExercise 2. Change the verbto the -ing form and add apossessive adjective (e.g. his,her) . The first one is donefor you .

a 'G et your dog out of my gardenl,' Mr King shouted,

ShGlkj~his~st .b 'Yes, you 're right,' Lou ise agreed, . ..

c 'Look, it's over there: Juan said, .

d ' I don 't really ca re,' Ca rla said, .

e 'This is a really comfo rtab le cha ir!' the custom er said,

f 'G oodbye,' Frank said , .

g ' You are a very naughty girl !' the teach er sa id,

h 'Oh dear. 1 just don't understand how it works,' the technicia n

said, .

'Ooh! Th at's a surprise,' Barbara sa id,

' I must try to be pati ent,' Janine thought, .

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •

Pronu nciation:Listen to Track 41 and writedown how many syllables youhear for each word .

a differen t

b interest

c usua lly .

d consciously ...

e genera l .

f intimacy .

g subconsciously . ..

h relaxat ion .

Write down three three-syllable words and three four-syllable words from this unit.

a (three-syllable words.) .

b (four-syllable wo rds:) .

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

56 UNIT 9: B

• B Directing people's actions1 Look at the pictu res an d read the conversations .

Put the expressions from the box into the correctgaps in the two conversations.

Anything else

It's difficult to say

easy to say

fold your arms

folding your arms


STEVE (T HE ACTO R) : How do I play this scene?


!\lARK (THE ACTOR ): How do you want me to

(1) ~

(1) ..•..•

you're probably quite angry in this bit.

I think ~I S HOWARD (THE DIRECT OR ): Th at 's not

(2) . . I

think you' re probabl y a bit bor ed in this scene.

STEVE: OK . So what do you recommend?

.\ I R GOL DST EIN : I think you can come in and ST EVE: OK. So (3) ,..............................................................


as you sta rt ta lking.

......... at Cas pa r !\IS HOWARD : Well I think you can show

boredom by (4) . ,

ST EVE: (3) ... ,.................................................................................. • or crossing your legs w hen you sit down.

.\lR GO LDSTEIN : Well you co uld STEVE: Is that a ll?

(4) then, .\1 5 HOWARD : Well, you could

she talks to you.

STEVE: Like this?

~ I S HO WARD: Yes, that's the kind of thing.

so that you go on looking angry.

STEVE : Is this what you had in mind?

.\l R GO LDST EIN : Yes, that 's the type of thing.

List en to Track 42 and check your answers .

(5) . . when

UNIT 9 : B 57

2 Write phrases from Exercise 1 in the appropriate box. The first one is done for you.

I1Asking for advice: ! !tOw tk jOV WMf M P" fo ...

Expressi ng do ubt: I11 il I


IGiving advice: I

r. Checking you haveI!

11understood correctly:

11Agreeing with an act ion:

e else?

c Is this wha t you had in . .. ?

3 What words can go in the gaps?

a How do you me to do this?

You raise your eye browwhen the camera looks at you.

................ fold your arms.h Well, you .

f Th at 's not to say.

g Yes, that 's rhe , .... of th ing that yousho uld do.

.... you should wave your arm.

.................... you can play this scene qu ietly.d I .

b I .

4 Choose a phrase or word from the box to complete these phrases .

and cross your legs.


a Anything ......

b It's di fficult .

me to play th is scene?

would show you are relaxed.

the kind of thing.

c How do you want

d I reckon you could

e Liket his?

to say.

scratch your ear or something.

f Well yes. You could sit down .

g Yes, that 's .

h That

Now use the sentences inExercise 4 and write them as aconversation.







58 UNIT 9 " [

• Pronunciation• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

1 Find at least three words from the word list that have morethan one meaning.

arm body language clench

consciously cross (v) ear

eyebrows fi nger f ist fold

gesture head int imacy leg

neck nod point protect

puzz led raise relaxation

scratch shake shoulders

shrug subconsciously teeth

to tell the t ruth wag wave...................... .......................................................

Check out.c

2 a How many different sounds do each of the following wordshave? Which is the easiest/most difficult word to pronounce?

1 cro ss .......4...

2 finger....

3 indi fference ..

4 puzzled .

5 strangers .

6 truth .

11") Listen to Track 43 and check.

b Find words in the word list with four syllables. Where is the mainstress?

IfiR) Listen to Track 44 and check.

What other words can you think of with the same stress patterns?

3 Read the following phrases,sentences and questions andsay them to yourself. Thinkcarefully where the stress goes.

a Are yo u waving at me?

b Do n't raise your eyebrows at me!

c Do n't shake your fist at me!

d I am telling the truth.

e I can' t be abso lute ly sure.

f I qui te agree with you.

g I'm pleased to see you.

h It's so nice to see yo u.

Stop bitin g your nail s!


UNIT 9: [ 59

Now listen to Track 45. Number the phrases, sentences andquestions in the order of the stress and into nation patterns youhear. The first one is done for you .

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

••A Technology and computers1 Write the letter of the correct item next to the words. The first one is done for you.

calculator [...(,...] elect ric toothbrush ] monitor Jcomp uter [........ ] electronic persona l mo use Icontact lenses [.........] organiser ] per sonal stereo ........ ]credit card [.........] key bo ard ] printer m]hearing aid I·········] microwave ove n ] scan ner Jelectr ic guitar I] mobile pho ne ] te levision J

2 Using a dictionary if you needto , complete the sentenceswith words or phrases fromthe bo x.

computer viruses




go online

webs ite

a You can' t if your brother is using thetelepho ne line to talk to his friends.

b M a ny people send and receive ra ther tha ntelep ho ning or using 'snail mail ' (lette r post ).

c T hese day s you ca n buy th ings on the Intern et by going to acompa ny's .

cl Som et imes the co mp uter , and then it'simp ossible to use it. You usua lly have to switch it off and sta rtaga in.

e Some peo ple create , which infect anycompute r th ey ar rive at. T hey are very dangerous and can dest ro yeverything on th e har d disk.

f If a co mputer progr amme has a , it won' twork properl y.


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •Using a dictionary: dferentrrea mqs, re yarn! a

Look at the dict ionary e ntry for application.

1 re uest for sth 4 effort/d etermmatlOn2 p a~icular use sth has 5 putting sth onto surface

3 computer software1 {c /ul a formal request for permission beto dho.or ifha,~~

. f H " pp luxuum for mem TS Lp 0

~i~e~g~ej:~. ~ : PPli.cat!on to d~ 5th The hospitalsubmitted a planning applrrotlOn.to b.ulld/our new wards .• make/ submit/put in an application I'm supposed isubmit my application before the end of the week. • grantapprove an application The building S?Ciety has apPt r:>V£d

. plication 1a a wntten reques tor athei r mortgage ap 11 . ni~ersitY etc: The un iversityj;~~~pc;,~iioC~ ifo%Umature stude~ts. • a letter of

i~gr~~icular use that someth ing has : the Pfroctical.' if' h ' technology 2a . lul the use 0 a par-

app I1UXlt Wn5

th°od' plSrocess law etc:He pioneered the appli-

ucuarme . . ' -r: kcatio n of scientific techniques to police wor . .3 [cl computing a piece of ,computer software that isd . ed to do a particular Job4e{~ormal hard work and determ ination that y: putinto something for a long per iod: Wj~': thew rz~h~ m:a7if' licauon and dedica twn the team SrwU wm . .~ [~~Ul the process of putting a substance such as paintor glue onto a surface

application l ,reph'kelInl noun *** .,

b Is the noun co unta ble (like table - we can say atable, tu/o tables erc. ) or un countabl e (likefurniture - we can't say tu (J fI.fTlitttr(5)? Howdo you know?

a H ow many di ffere nt mean ings are given?

d What do yo u know abo ut meanings 3 an d 4 ?When is application used for these meanings?

c Wh at words follow application in meaning I?

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •4 Put the following computer

operations in the correct pla cein the flow ch a rt. The firs t on e isdone for you.

a 5witl:h on the cnrnput.ar, the monitorand the printer.

• Close the application.

• Open the applicat ion youwa nt.

• Print your work.

• Save your work on to thehard disk.


• Switch off the co mpute r, th emo nitor and the printer.

• Swit ch on the computer, th emonitor and th e printer.

• Work . )

62 UNIT tn: B

•B Asking for technical help1 Read all the conversations

and then decide wherethese questions andrep lies shou ld go in theconversations. The firstone has been done foryou .

do you know how to connect up to rhe Intern et? 01 .Have you checked the connect ion .

Ho w may I help you? .

No . Do you thi nk that will help?

OK . I'll give it a try.

Really? .

Thanks. That's great! .

Well, I ca n't get my personal organiser to work with my computer.

a b c

RACHE L : You're welcome.

(2) .

RACHE!.: What system are youusin g?

JIM : It's an Apple Mac.

RAC HE!. : OK . Do you have anIn ternet icon on yourscreen? Like a glo be?

JIM : Yes. Yes, I do.

RAC HE!.: Well then just click onthe icon and you' reaway.

JIM : OK, ... oh yes.

(1) ?

M IKE : Hi, Compute r Helpline.M y name's Mik e.

.\ I ILI.I E: (2) ......

~II KE : Yes, really. T hat's wh at Iwould do .

~ II L I.I E : This thin g is driving mecraz y!

.\ IIKE: Hold on! What's theproblem ?

.\ II LI.I E: Well, my com puterseems to have cras hed.

,\ II KE: How exactly ?

M ILLl E: Well, I can't moveanyt hing. Even thec urso r just st ick s in thesame place.

~II KE : OK, well the best thingto do is to switch offand start again.

,Umm, well I knowthi s is silly, but(1) ..

Hello. ComputerHelpline. Rache lspeaking. What seemsto be the problem?



Ra N : OK . Have you checkedthe batter ies in youro rganiser ?

KARI.: Yes, o f co urse.

Ra N : (2) at theback of your computer?

RO:-;: What 's the problem ?

KA RL : (3) .

Ra N : Do I th ink it will help?Well wh y don't you tryand see '

RaN : Computer Helpl ine, Ronspeaking.

KA RL : Oh, hello . Ca n you helpme?

KA RL: (I ) .

I) 9J Now listen to Track 46. Were you correct?

~IILI.IE : (3 ) T hanks.

~II KE : No problem.

UNIT 10: B 63

2 Put the following lines from the conversations in the right columns.The first one has been done for you.

Do you think that will help?Ca n you help me?Do you know how to connect up to the Internet ?Have you checked the batteries?Just click on the icon .OK. I'll give it a try.Really?Thanks.

Tha t 's great.That's what I would do.The best thing to do is to switch off and sta rt

agam.This thi ng is dr iving me crazy.Why don't you try and see?What seems to be the probl em?

a Asking for help/ sta ting b Giving help/advice: c Responding to help/ad vice:a problem:

Do j0cl thilll.<. that- vJill help?

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Pron unciation: T enr pe en

3 Listen to the two speakers on Track 47 . Which~ one do you think speaks more fluently, the man

or the woman?

4 When the more fluent speaker is talking on Track47 , which words run into each other and changetheir sounds? When words run into each otheruse a curved line (,---,,) . When sounds change,use a straigh t line (-) .

Say the questions like the woman on Track 47.

a Can you help me?

b What seems to be the problem?

c Have you checked the batteries?

d Do you know how to use this answerphone?

e What is the problem?

f What do [ do now?

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

64 UNIT to: B

Write the repl ies (in the box) that match with thesent ences. Use each reply once only.

Is it plugged in?

You're welcome.

Sure. Just press the red button and record yourmessage.

The best thing to do would be to call the garage.

Well, that's what I would do.

Why? What seems to be the problem?

a 'Do you kno w how to use th is answe rphone?'

b 'Do you th ink it will wo rk? '

c 'M y car won't start .' .

d 'My iro n doesn't work. It's not even hot.'

e 'Thanks very much for your help.'

f 'This photocopier is driv ing me crazy.'

7 Complete the conversation below, putting one word in each gap .


LAU REN : Software solut ioos. Lauren speaking.

(a ) ...... I help you?

CALLER: Yes please. Well, I hope you can.

LAUREN: What seems to be the (b) . .?

CA LLER: I do n't seem to be able to print out thedocum ent I'm working on.

LAU REN : Your printer wo n't work?

CA LL ER: No .

l.A UREN : Are you (c) ....switched it on?

CALl. ER: Of course I'm sure.

LAUREK : I'm sorry, but you (d) wha tpeople are like. Sometimes so me peoplethi nk they've switched it on but theyhave n't.


LAU REN: 50 when you (e) on the

printer ico n, w hat (f) )

CALLER: Well, nothing ha ppens.

LAUREN : No th ing at all?

CA LL ER: Well, it just says 'printer can not befound' all the time, but that's ridiculous.

LAU REN: O K, have you looked (g) ..the prin ter folder?

CALl. ER: Yes, an d it says 'prepa ring to print ' and

then I (h) . . ......... that 'printer can

not be found' message again.

LAUREN: I see.

CALLER: It's driving me (i) .. I' ve go tto finish printing off an essay - or mytutor will kill me.

LAUREN : What abo ut going to the co ntro l pan eland check ing you've selected the right

printer. (j) .... ... ...... ... you do ne that?

CA LLER: Yes, yes of course .

LAUREN : Well then, I can't tell (k) thepro blem is from here, rea lly.

CALL ER: Please (I) go away. Youcan't just leave me alone. You've got tohelp me.

LAUREN : All right. I tell you what. The best

(m) to do is to switch off

everything and (n) all overaga m.

CA LLER: OK, but will you sray on the line whi le Ido that?

LA UREN: All right , if you hurry.

CALL ER: Right, I've (0 ) off thecomputer, and now I'm go ing to switchoff the printer, and ... umm oh ...urnrn .. . oh dear. The printer you seeit was n't .. . oh dear, I think I've been abit stupid.

LAUREN : Sorry?

CALLER: Listen, you've (p) ...... veryhelp ful. Hon estly. Thanks andeverything. Goo d bye.

LAUREN : No pro blem. Goodbye. What was allthat ab out?

.c Check out

UNIT 10: I: 65

, Look at the words in the word list.Underline the words that areconnected with computers.

Which of them are like words in yourlanguage? Which are completelydifferent?

calculator computer computer bug computer virus

contact lenses crash (of a computer) credit ca rd

disk electric guitar electric toothbrush

electronic personal organiser emails go online

hard disk keyboard microwave oven mobile phone

modem monitor personal stereo printer scanner

television the computer's crashed website

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Pronunciation

2 a Complete the table with wordsfrom the word list that matchthe stress pattern . The circlesrepresent the syllables. Thelarge circle represents thestressed syllable.

Listen to Track 48 and check.

b Find examples of words fromthe word list with the followingconsonant clusters.



1Ikrl cri cket


2Iskl school




3Itrl travel

Listen to Track 49 and check .

Say the words. Are any of the clusters hard to pronounce?

Listen to Track 50 and underlinethe stressed syllable(s) .

Listen to Track 50 again, andrepeat the phrases and sentences.

a Thank you.b Thank you.c Thanks a lot.d Thank you very much.c Th ank you very much for your help.f No prob lem.g Don't mention it.h Glad I could help.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

2 Complete the gaps in the table with the words or phrases in blue from Exercise 1.

• •A The arts1 Match the pictures with the paragraphs. Put the

number of the matching picture in the brackets.

a It is a film ba sed on a piay called The Tamingof the Shrew by William Shakespeare . T he filmis set in an American high school. r ]

b It is a sculpture by Anthony Gorm ley. It standsby a motorway in the no rt h of Engla nd . T herewas some controve rsy about it at first but nowit is o ne of the most po pula r pub lic wo rks ofart in Britain . r J

c It is a novel by Ste phen King that tells the storyof a write r. H e has an acc ident an d is thenkid napped by a crazy wo man who ad mires hiswork. She keep s him pri son er and nearl y killshim. r I

d It is a play by Ray Lawler about migr antwo rkers in Austral ia. Many peo ple see it as thefirst great work of Austra lia n theatre. It hasbee n per formed all o ver the wo rld since itspremiere in 1957. r I


Summerof theSeventeenth 0011

.......... of two peopl e w ho a re in love but don't know it .

a pa int ing

migra nt wo rke rs.

by (na me of art ist/scu lptor ).

writte n by (na me o f writer).


New York.

the twent ieth century.

novel }sto ry

}................................................ {

......... {


(h) .





tells (e) .

Write th e number of the questions about plays andfilms in the appropriate columns in the table below.

1 W hat arc the best bit s in th e film?2 W hat k ind of p lay is it?3 Who wrote it?4 What part does X play in th e film ?

UNIT 11: A 67

5 What's the story of the film ?6 Who directed the film/pl ay?7 Who a re th e main cha racter s in th e film ?8 Who 's in it?

a Plot : b Typ e o f play c Actors:or film:

d Charac ters : e Memorablescenes:

f Writer ordirector:

g W hich of the q uestions (1 - 8 ) can you a lso aska bo ut boo ks if yo u use 'book' instead o f 'play'o r ' film'?

4 Complete th e s entences with th ewords in th e bo x.


a nimate d

autob iography





historica l



a A no vel makes yo u laugh. So does a

. in th e th eatre.

b A book about love a nd relationships is call ed a .

Funny film s where bo y and girl fa ll in lov e in the end arc ca lled

c A play which ends in sadness and disa ster is a .

d A play with singing and music is a .

e A sho w with classical music, an o rchestra and singers who do

not use microp hon es is a called an .

f A story, in wh ich a cle ver perso n discovers who the murderer is,

IS a story.

g Books that are ex c iting because th er e is a lo t of action in th em

a re ca lled .

Films about co w boys and N at ive Am eri cans are calledopera

roma nce

h Fiction about th e future is ca lled ... ............................ ficti on .

roma ntic co medies




wa r

weste rns

Now co py a nd complete thetable in Exercise 3 withinformation about your favouritebook or play or film.

I Films about war are call ed . . film s.

k Films th at frighten people a re ca lled film s.

I Films with a lot of actio n (fights erc.) a re ca lled .films.

m If someone write s a hook about their own life, we call it an

......................... . If t hey write a bout so meo ne else' s life we

ca ll it a .

n Stories about th e past are call ed novels.

o When people draw pictu res for a film we ca ll it an

................................. ...................... film .

68 UNIT 11 : A

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •Using a dictionary: pronunciation, collocation and grammar

5 Look at the dictionary entry for sculp ture andanswer the questions that follow. ! 1 le Ul an object

sculp·ture ! 'sk, lptJ. $ '0; ::'c by an 'ar t ist: [+ofJ amade out 01 stone, wood, cl Y h'bilion of scuu»sculpture of han eltePhla~a~i:: owe~ts out of stone,ture 2 [UJ t e ar 0

wood. clay ete

a What is the difference between the pronunciat ion of sculpture in British and American English?

b What wo rd often follows sculpt ure ? ...

c In the sente nce I prefer painting to sculp ture , is sculpture a cou ntable or an uncount able no un?

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Write in questions from Exercise3 to match the answers . The firstone is done for you.

a '.....Wh~f:: )sjauc... jnl!aUlite, ..go(\(lBIro? ...' It's Die Another Day.'


' For me it was the car chase on the ice and whe n Bond first seesJinx. Fanta stic!'


'Pierce Brosnan and Halle Berry.'


'She (Halle Berr y) is the cha racter called Jin x.'


' It 's a Bond film of course - action, adventure, a ll that kind ofthin g.'


'The two main characters in the film are, well, j arnes Bond, ofcou rse, and then a cha racter called J inx . She's different fro m alot of other Bon d girls. She's quite a stro ng person herself.'


'There's no real sto ry. It's about someone who wants to take overthe wo rld. They a lways are.'

UNIT 11: B 69

Reacting to what people say1 Listen to Track 51 and fill in the missing parts of

the conversation.

NAN CY: How was rhe film?

j l.\l : Ir was a disaster. Ha lfway through th eystopped it and to ld us we had to leave.

i'iAi'iCY: (a)

j l.\l : Well, yes. We all had to go out into th estreet, even though it was raining.

N ANCY: (b) ..

.J1 \I: No, it cert a inly wa sn't . I got soa ked. Butthen, when we were allowed bac k, theysta rted the film again and offered a ll ofus free tickets to any film for th e nextmon th ,

NANCY: (c) .

j l\l : I certa inly wa s. Would you like tocome to the next film with me?

2 Complete the following replieswith words and phrases from thebox. The first one is done foryou .

been easy


hurt yourself

much fun


a You were so lucky! T hat must have been vJaNk!fU1b After all tha t effort, you must have been .

c Th at can't have I don 't thin k I couldhave don e it .

d That wa s a really crazy thin g to do. You might have

e That cou ldn' t have been .

Respond to the following stories with re plie s like those in Exercise 2.The first one has been done for you .

a 'And then I saw it. Tbe summit of M ount

Everest .' ' JhG\f musf hG\lil1- hW\ 1M.f:'r;.Sf'icLb 'And then suddenly he turned white and fell off

his chair - right in front of me!'

c 'When th e ca r ra n out of pet rol I had to wa lkfor three miles to the near est garage .'

d 'Wc had to get th e old piano up the stai rs.'

e 'When I woke up th e house wa s on fire.'

f 'I met my favo urite ac to r in the street

yesterday.' '

g 'Last yea r I won a ticket for the Worl d Cupfina l in a raffle.'

h 'Wh en we go t hom e we discovered thatsomeone had stolen our television.'

70 UNIT 11: B

4 Write the number of the appropriate reply (on theright) beside the statements on the left.

a I fell off my bicycle in the middle of thest reet yesterday, but luckily not in front ofa car!

b Yesterday I had to tell my music tea cherthat I wasn 't go ing to a ttend her classesany more.

c I left my handbag o n th e tr ai n, but luck ilyso meone gave it to a rail way officia l.

d I saw a ghost last nig ht!e I stayed up all night to finish my

bomework .f I went to a fantastic con cert last night.g I won a pri ze for my latest book last

week .h Our cat died last week . We'd had him

for 13 years.Someone took me to see a play in afor eign language that I don 't spe ak.We went walking in th e mounta ins, bu tnobody had bro ught a co m pass and wegot co mplete ly lost . Luckil y a man in aligh t aeropla ne spotted us.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Pronu nciation:

1 How incredible to get it back . I mean,someo ne might have sto len it.

2 That can't have been ea sy. W hat did she say?

3 T ha t ca n 't have bee n very interesti ng.

4 T hat mu st have been abso lute ly won de rful.

5 That mu st have been frighten ing.

6 Yes, th at was lucky. You m igh t have beenki lled !

7 Yes, t ha t was lucky. You might ha ve been lostforever.

8 You mu st have been absolutely devastated .Yo u probably sti ll a re .

9 You must be abso lutely worn Otl t.

10 You m ust be rea lly proud of yo ursel f.

Listen to Track 52 and punctuate the lines in the following conversations.You can use full stops, question marks and exclamation marks.

aA:H ow was th e filmB:FantasticA:Fantas ticB: Fa ntas tic

bA: H ow long do you think the

film was?B: An ho ur a nd a halfA: H aB: Two ho ursA: HaB: Two and a hal f ho ursA: Keep go ing

B: Three hoursA: Three and a ha lf hoursB: Three and a ha lf hoursA: YesB: NoA: Yes Three and a ha lf hou rsB: T hree and a hal f hou rs

What helped you to complete Exercise 5? Wasit the pronunciation of different words or theintonation (the 'music') the speakers used?

Now say the lines in exactly the same way asthe speakers on the tape .

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

t.e Check out

UNIT 11: [ 71

1 Which words and phrases in the word list did you know when youstarted the unit? Tick the words that you knew and draw a circlearound the words that were new for you . Choose five of the newwords and use them in sentences.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • •Pronunciation

2 a The letter 'g' can be pronounced in two ways. Find an examp leof each in the word list.

Listen to Track 53 and check.

List three other words with each type of 'g' sound.

b Look at the word list.

Wri te the word with the most syllables and underline the

stressed syllable .

2 Write the words with four syllab les and underl ine the stressed

syllable for each word. . .

Listen to Track 54 and check .

action fi lm

animated fi lm




detective story

horror film

it' s a book/film/play about ...

it' s based on

it's set in


musica l



paint ing

play (n)

romantic comedy

science fiction



thril ler


war film


3 Where is the main stress in eachof the fo llowing comments?Listen to Track 55 and underlinethe syllable with the main stressin each sentence.

Listen to Track 55 again andrepeat the comments.

a You might have hurt yourself.

b You can't have been very pleased.

c That must have been terrifying.

d You could have been in real danger.

e Tha t couldn't have been pleasant .

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

· . A Injuriesa head

1 Look at the picture. Put thewords below in the right boxes.

ankle stomach

collar bone throat

ear thumb

elbow toes

eye tooth

index finger waist

little finger wrist

heel big toe

knee thigh


h foo t

What is the footballer's problem, do you think? ..

g leg

e torso

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Usingad ietionary: how a word is used /

2 Look at the dictionary entry for swollen .

a What parr of speech is it?

swollen' l'sw';Jul:ml adi*1 an area of your body that is swollen has increasedin size as a result oran injury or illness:a swollen hand /knee/foot2 a swollen river or stream contains more water thannormal as a result of heavy rain or snow that hasMELTED

have a swollen head to think that you are more clever.important etc than you really are because you havebeen successful at something

.. ... 'l ...n 2 th .. naet nllrtir-IT'll .. (If 11:\,,,,, '11

b What can it be used to descri be, apa rt from parrs of the bod y?

c What is special abo ut someone with a swollen head ?

......... ..'..... ....... .... .

UNIT 12 : A 73

Complete the tables using the words from Exercise 1. Two are done for you .


I + ache

Note: with stomach and tummy (= an in formal wo rd for stomach) we make two words(stomach ache, tummy ache ). With other words we make one word (e.g. earache).


broken brolwl Mk1/1,)

2 fractured

3 sprained

4 swo llen

5 sore

6 a pain in the .. .

4 Look at the pictures. What's the person's problem? The first one is done for you .

a .,5h/1,'S.j al'. ll. .St:OMll.C.h

.ll.C.hI1.• ..............................................

.. .. .. . ..• .••••.•••••••.••.••.•• .••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••..•. ..•.•.• :<-

b .

c .

74 UNIT 1~: A

g .


• • • • • •••••• •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • •Pronunciation: int IClIO clues

a Listen to Track 56. Can you guess the complete football scores?Who won each time?

a Everron 0, Sunderla nd .. .b Asto n Villa 2, Sheffield United . . .c Liverp ool I, Burnley .. .d Newcastle United 2, Manchester United .e Blackburn Rovers 0, Sheffield Wednesda y .f Arsenal 2, Manchester City .. .g Tottenham Hotspur 3, l.eeds United .. .

b Now listen to Track 57 to hear the complete football scores.Were you correct? What helped you dec ide?

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••


1 Befor e you listen to Track 58, put Jane's questions and answers inthe right gaps.

. 8 Asking how someone is

VICKY: H i j ane, how are you?

.IANE: (a) ........

V IC KY: Oh , fine, I suppose. You'r e looking well, by the way.

JANE: (b ) .....

V ICK Y: Good.

JANE: (c) .

V IC KY: Tbanks!

JANE: (d)

V ICK Y: It's a ll right. It's tru e; I have been a bit under the weatherrecently. Work, that kind of th ing.

JAN E: (c) .

V IC K Y: Oh , I don't rea lly thin k I'm up to it. Do you mind ?

JAN E: (f) .

Now listen to Track 58. Were you correct?

UNIT 12 : B 75

1 But what about you? Youlook ter rible.

2 I'm fine. How about you?3 No sorry, I mean .. .4 Oh , poor you. Listen, why

not come round after thepractice and I'll try and cheeryou up.

S No , not at all. Get well soon .6 Th ank s. I had an infection. I

was off wor k, but l ' rn better now.

2 Complete the table with language from the conversation in Exercise 1.

a Asking how someone is or com menting onhow they look:

b Saying how you arc or how you havebeen:

c Reacting to how someone is:

Where wou ld you put the following in the table above?

1 I'm fine (now).2 How awfu l.3 I've bro ken my leg.4 I heard you'd been ill/in an accident .S I've sprained my ankle.6 I was in an accident.7 I'm not very well, actually.

8 I've been ill.9 I've got ...

10 O h, I'm pleased to hear tha t.11 That's grea t.12 What happened to you?13 Oh, I'm sorry to hear tha t.

76 UNIT 12: B

Which of the following describe a specific illness or problem?Which describe the way you feel ? Put the following words andphrases into the correct co lumn (a or b) below.

a bad back ill flu a migraine sicka stomach ache food poisoning terribl e a coldnot very well off-colour

ato have (a specific illness/problem ):

bto feel:

4 Write one word in each gap. The first one is donefor you .

TRACEY : Hi Marl ene (a ) how are you?

.\ l ARLEN E: Oh fine. Well [ am now. It's

\IARLE NE : I got ill. Caughr flu or something, so [

was in (e) forabo ut a week.

.... to be back.(b ) .


TRACEY: Yes, I agree . Holid ays back at homewith your fami ly are pretty stressful.

MA RLENE : It 's not so much that. [ mean myfamily are prett y wild, it's tru e, but

this time it (c) .rea lly their fau lt.

\X'hy? What was the (d) ?

TR AC EY: O h, I'm (f) . to hear that. But you' re bette r now.

M ARLENE : Yes, more or less. But it did n't help that my father had just (g)

T RACE Y: Ho w did he do that?

.............................. his leg.

................ football with my little brother.M ARI. EN E: He fell when he was (h)

TRACEY : Is his leg in plaster now?

\ I ARLEl" E: Yes, an d he complains all the rime. Honestly!

TRACEY : Typical man .

\IARI.E NE : Yes. Anyway, what (i) you? How are you, [ mean really.

T RAC EY: O h, I'm fine. [ was n't feeling very (i) either for a couple of da ys, but nowthar I'm back here [ feel abso lutely great.

M ARL EN E: Great. So toni ght (k) go to the beginning-of-term party at the Students' Unio n!

TR AC EY: Brilliant idea!

t.e Check out

UNIT 12: r: 77

1 Look at the follo wing word map. Extend it by adding moreballoons and more words. See how far you can extend it.







: ;

iankle arm back big toe i• 1 break cold collar bone ear 1

ielbow eye flu food poisoning:

1 foot fractured hand head 1

i heel ill index fi nger injury i1knee leg little finger/toe 1

imigraine neck nose i1 not very well off-colour pain 1

ishoulder sick sore sprained i: stiff stomach ache swollen 1

i thigh throat thumb tooth i! .t~~~~ .~.a.i~t ~ri st. . . u.l

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• Pronunciation2 Which is the odd one out in the following groups?

a flu rule toe tooth twob broken cold swollen throat tooth

Listen to Track 59 and check.

3 Try to make a new word from the following words by changingonly one sound . The first one has been done for you.

a ank le UIlCle. .. e nose .

b thumb .

c pam .

d hand .

f wrist ..

g sore

4 Listen to Track 60. Tick the words or phrases you hear.

a shouldersoldi er

b toystoe s

c I'd give him a ringI'd give it to him

d If you ran homeIf you rang home

e free ticketsthree tickets

Listen to Track 60 again and repeat what the speakers say.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •••

· A Hobbies and professions1 Match the words with the numbers in the pictures. The first one is done for you.

a ba ss guitar [ 61 g pianob cello [ I h saxophonec double bass I 1 trombone

d drums [ I J tru mp ete guita r I 1 k violinf keyboard [ 1

2 Look at the way we make words to describe what people do byusin g suffi xes or adding words, and then do Exercise 3.

• 1 To make wo rds that describ e what people do , we often add the suffix '- ist' to the 110 UI1 :

guitar-vguitarist cello -scellist bass -sbass ist science-sscien tistBut after a verb tha t descr ibes the activity we add the suffix <er', or somerimes ' -or' :run-srunner act-sactor drum -edrum mer

2 People who play sports or games are often ca lled players:ten nis -stennis player badminton-vbadminton playerMusicians can a lso be called players, especially if the instrument they play has two or moresyllables :leeyhoard-sleeyboard player barpsicbo rd-s barpsichord player

3 Some important exceptions are:footba11~ foo tbaIIer athletics~ath Iete ma thematics~matbematician cookil1g~cookvacht -vyachtsnian

UNIT 13: A 79

Can you write the word for someone who :

... teaches' ..

a co mposes music? .

b manages a band? .

c sings?

d plays the cello ? .

e plays foo tball? ..

f plays chess? .

g takes photographs? .


... work s at reception in a hot el ?

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• Pronu nciation: tr y ran e4 Underline the stressed syllable in each of the following words.

a mathematicsb photographC piano

d saxophonec biologyf therapy

g tromboneh vio lin


Listen to the words on Track 61and copy them down here .Underline the stressed syllable.Notice how sometimes the stressis different from the related wordin Exercise 4. Is the Samesyllable (S) or a Different syllable(D) stressed? The first one isdone for you .

a ... Ma~ar-I£.i"" ..:::..1).......








• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Use some of the words fromExercises 2-5 to identify theoccupations in the pictures.











80 UNIT 13 : B

•• B Showing concern1 Put the following lines of a conversation in the

right order. The first o ne is done for you .

[ 1 ] How was the exam?[ ] You didn 't have to do it![ ] It was terri ble.[ 1Oh, come on! I'm sure it wasn't that bad.[ 1Why? What hap pened ?[ I I co uldn't an swer on e of the questions. I made

a real mess of it .

Now listen to Track 62 . Were you correct?

2 Put the express ions in the right place (a-i) on the scale. The firstone has been done for you. 100% (very good)

Absolutely terrib le.

It was great.

I couldn't think what to say/write .

It wasn't too bad.

I think it went OK.

It could have been worse.


It went really well.

I made a real mess of it.









. AbSQlvt~ ....tWible,...0% (very bad)

3 Are the following sentences responding to Good News (GN) orBad News (BN)?

a I bet you did all right, really.

b I'm really pleased to hear it .

c I'm sure it wasn' t as bad as all that.

d I'm sure it was n't as bad as you th ink it was.

e It can' t have been that bad.

f O h, you poor th ing.

g Oh good .

h That 's grea t.

Th at sounds terri ble.

UNIT 13: B 61

4 Put the following lines in the correct places in the conversationsbelow.

1 I don 't think I've got the part.2 I'm really pleased to hear it.3 I'm sure it wasn't as bad as you think it was.4 You might have done. Th ere aren't that man y goo d musicians

arou nd .S It could have been worse.6 I'm sur e I didn't get in.7 So you th ink you might have passed ?8 It went brilliantl y!

MARK: How was the audition?

jESSY: It was abso lutely terrible.

(a) .......

.\IARK : (b) .

CA RO l.: How was the exa m?

j lM : (e)

CAROL : (f) .

RACHEL: How was the interview ?

SARAH : (c) .I th ink I got the job.

RACH EI.: (d) .........

PET ER : How was the audition?

J AM ES: Horrible (g) ...Th ey'r e going to let meknow.

PETE R: (h ) .

82 UNIT 13: [

C Check out1 Which of the words and expressions in the word list do you

think will be most useful for you in the future? Why?Which do you think will be the least useful ?

• • • • • • • • • • • • •Pronunciation

2 What common sound do the words in each group below (a-c)share: lall like light, li:1 like see, or hl like sit?

a audition, badminton, ex am, guitar, trumpet, vio lin: .

b athlete, keyboard, piani st:

c might, right, trial , vio lin, wri ter: .

Listen to Track 63 to check your answers.

Write some other words you know that have the same sounds asthose above. Look at the different ways the sounds are spelt.

d !I/: . .

e li:/: .

f lail:

3 Look at the following words and mark the stress patterns.

a receptionist b percussion c saxophone cl vio lin

Listen to Track 64 to check.

accompanist actor athlete

audition badminto n

bass guitar cello composer

conductor double bass

drums exam flute guitar

harpsichord interview


it could have been worse

it wasn't too bad keyboard

manager mathematician

oral exam percussion

photographer piano

receptionist saxophone

singer songwriter

sports trial therapist

to make a real mess of something

trombone trumpet writer

viol in yachtsman

4 Listen to Track 65. Write the words you hear in the correct col umn ofthe table. The first one is done for you .





Write two more words that you can think of that have the same stress patternin each column in the table.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• ••• •

AUDIO§I:RIPTT...u::k 1 Tral:k 7

Tral:k 2all, a rm, door, seem, smell, stare, ought, walk, work,sto re, out, saw

Tral:k 4' c' is prono unced in two ways: as Ikl in confident,conscientious, considerate. doctor. enthusiastic.occupation. orches tral. conductor. collector, romantic,sympathetic; and as Isl in decisive and sincere

Tral:k 5a Wh at do you think of Lisa?b \'\Ihat do yo u do in ad verti sing?c Have you tw o met before?d How long huve yOll known Ruth?c Ca n I ask you a qu est ion?f Do yo u en joy study ing zoology?g Wh at time is yo ur taxi coming ?

Tral:k 3The three-syllabic words are: assertive. confident,decisive, designer. firefighter, footba ller. impatient,journalist, orchestral conductor, organised. personalassistant, primary. collector, roma ntic, salary. sensitiveTh e fou r-syllab le words ar e: conscientious, considerate.emotional, hospitable, intelligent. interesting.occupation, sym pathetic

~ IA:\' I :

~ tAi'\' 2:~1 A ~ 1:MA;-.J 2 :,\tAN .1 :~I A N 2:~IAN J :

Tral:k 10a He's ra ther inte rest ing.b I was pretty sca red,c It was absolute ly amazing .d Ir was absolutely hilarious,c She was rather angry.f T hey're rea lly good .g Your room's absolutely filthy.

Tral:k 11a I've st ill got some last-minute shopping to do befo re

the party tomorrow.b I do n't rea lly need to bu y an ything. I'm just window­

shopping to see what the new fashions arc like.c I prefer to do a ll my shopping at a sho pping centre

because everything you need is there, and there'susually so mew here to have a co ffee wh en you'vefin ished.

d How do yOll fancy a rea lly good sho ppingexped it ion? \Y/e co uld stay in town for the w holeday .

e I don' t ag ree with Sunday shopping. \Y/e sho uld haveone day when everyone can relax.

f Excuse me sir. where d id you get this shoppingtrolley?

Ha ve you ever seen the original film o fPsycho?Yes.What did you think of it?It was ab so lutel y terrifying.(Do) you rea lly think so ?Wh y? Did n't yo u?No , not rea lly. It's nor my kin d of film. Ithought it was rather boring.

Tral:k BI like pla ying ga mes in my head .Absolutely fasci nating.Th e film was amazing.It was rather bo ring when I saw it, I remember.I went to all his films when I was at school.Wha t happened a t the end of the film?I co mpletely ag ree,It makes me very an gry.Ca ll me when you've seen the film.Have you seen an y films recentl y?I haven 't read that book ,

Tral:k 9ab so lutely, amazing, angry, bad , fairly, fantast ic,fascina t ing, hilar iou s, ra the r, reall y

What d id you th ink of that roll ercoasterride?It was pretty frigh tening.\'(That about you sir?It was abso lutely terrifying.Did yo u enjoy it?Yeah. It was qu ite good.Oh, co me now, dea r. It wa sn 't just 'quitegood', it was absolutely fantastic!

Come on, Pnlly, there 's someone I'd like youto meet .Oh , a ll right.And )', th is is Pol ly. She's in advertising too.Oh, hi. Nice to meet you .Yeah, nice to meet yOll too.What do yo u do in advert ising?Nor much rea lly.Sorry?O h, I mean I onl y sta rred last wee k. It's myfirst joh. What a bo ut yo u?.Me? Oh well, I'm working on a TVcommercial for an Intern et bank at themoment.That sounds inte rest ing.Yes, yes it is.



JA1\: 1:: :AN I)'Y:







jA" ' :








Track 18a Th at sounds fantast ic.b Th at so unds like a great idea .c Th at's exac tly what I want.d Th at 's just tight.c That 's incredible.f That 's a great suggest ion.


Tri"n:k 12ASSISTAN T: Can I help you?CUSTO~IE R: No thanks . I'm just look ing around.ASSISTAN T: OK . Let me know if I ca n help you with

anything.CUSTO:vIER: Thanks .ASSISTANT: No pro blem.

CUSTOMER: Exc use me.A55151'A;'-:1': Yes. How ca n I help you?CUSTO;\·IER : ['m looking for Takez jean s.ASSISTANT: I'm afraid we don't sell Ta kez.CUSTO,\. l ER: O h, th at's a pity. Do you know where I

cou ld find some ?ASSISTAN T: Well, yo u could t ry the sho p on the corner.

They might be able to help.CUSTOMER: Thanks.ASSISTANT: You're welcome .

CUSTO;\IER: Excuse me. Do yO ll have an y belts ?ASSISTANT: Yes we do . Th ey' re over th ere by those

shirts.CUSTO.\·IER: Oh yes, so th ey are. T hanks.

Track 13The words with the same sounds are:• le/ in anything, belt, dress, every, help, man y, several,

sweater. welcome• /;r./ in cap, hat• li:1 in fleece, jeans, please• IAI in gloves, much, some• 13:1 in shirt, skirt, Tsshirt

Track 17TR AVEl. AG ENT :

















Yes, ca n I help you?We'd like to book a holiday.Yes, can you recommend any thing?Well, what kind of ho liday do youwa nt?Oh you know, sun, sea, sand, the usua l.OK, w hat about somew here in Spai n,say Sirges near Barcelon a ?Well, we've been to Spa in once already.Well then, ho w abo ut Sorrento in Ita ly?Ita ly? That's a great idea, but actuallywe'd prefer somew here a bit more, we ll,exotic.All right then, ca n I suggest Rio deJaneiro ?I don't think we co uld afford tha t.Actua lly, it's pro bably not as expens iveas you thi nk.Yes, bur is it wo rth it?Well, it's definitely worth consider ing .Can I have a loo k at the brochure?Sure . Ta ke your time.T hanks.

Track 15sh irt, shorts, T-sh irt

Track 16a T here's a nice sta ll in the mar ket.

T here' re nice sta lls in the mar ket .b Very few people eat meat.

Very few peo ple eat meat .c I'll do the late-night shopping on Ftiday.

I do the late-night sho pp ing on Friday.cl It makes me feel an gry.

It mak es me feel hun gry.c Can I help you?

Can I help yo u?f I'm looking for a fleece.

I'm looking for the police.

Track 14ca pha tbeltsweaterSundayfleeceminu teshirtshoppingma ll

hatsanda lssweatercentreglovesJeanslistski rtsockssho rts

Track 19backpacking, camping, campsite, gallery, track, package

Track 201 package, vacation, baclepaching. camp ing, fantastic ­

vacation is the odd one out.2 clubb ing, cruise, public, sunba the, fun - cruise is the

odd one out.3 backpaching, boating, excursion, holiday, waterski ­

boati ng is the od d one out.4 camping, culture, hotel, museum, sunbathe ­

museum is the odd one our.S gallery, nightlife, sunbathe, resort, swimming - resort

is the odd on e o ut .6 holiday, gal/ery, excursion, sightseeing, lux ury ­

excursion is the od d one out.

Track 21a That ship is rea lly big.b Phew! It's very hot in here.c I don't like the noise th at sheep make.cl Th is is a nice place .e It 's a rea lly good club .f After two weeks on holiday I feel fat.g Th e weat her's better this week, isn' t it ?h What's the plan for tomorrow?

I a lways choose ho lidays in the sun .Exc use me, th at 's my seat .


Track ~7

block, cramped, ground, spacious

Track ~6

homecoming, home-ma de , homes ick, homework,hou seboa t

Th ose are really nice earrings.I'm glad you like th em .Wh ere did you get th em ?I was given them by my au nt . Th ey' re fro mJapan , I think.Well, I think th ey're great.

Repeat after me. I, Mary Ann Calhoun ...I, Mary Ann Calhoun .. .... take thee, Robin J am es Archibald .. . . ta ke th ee, Robin J ames Archiba ld .. . . to be my lawful wedded hu sband .. . . to be my lawful wedded hu sband .. . . to have and to hold from thi s da y forth .. . . to have and to hold from this da y forth .. . . for bett er or worse .. .. for bett er or worse .. .. for richer or poorer ... . for richer or poorer ... . forsaking a ll o thers till death us do pan .... forsaking all others till death us do pan .. .. and hereto I plight thee my rrorb ... . and hereto I plight thee m y troth .

Track 3[]\X!O.\tAN: I've just passed my dri ving test..\ IAN: That's fant astic.\X10.'.1 AN: I earn my living as a wr iter..'.tA N: H o w interesting!\X!Oi\.tAN : I study chemistry.MAN: That is interesting.\\'O.\- IAN: I love dance music.~ I A": Oh, really?\'('O.\ I:\S: I'm th inking of gettin g ma rried..\I A:\' : You' re thinking of gett ing marri ed ?\'('O .\ IAN: I live in Birmingham..\ IAN: You live in Birmingham?



xt ARY:


i\.tA RY:




.\IA RY:


.\ tA RY:

VICAR:.'.tA R)':




.\-tA R'\':

Track 31In most of the wo rds the first syllab le is stressed:capture, conquer, corduro y. cotton, denim , educate,exec ute, guilt)~ leather, marry, nyton, pirate, plastic,poison , prison, sentence, soldierIn these words the second syllable is stressed: accuse,defeat, disguise, divorced, elect, escape, imprison , inheritIn this wo rd the third syllable is stressed: polyester

Track 3~

The words with the sound 1:,, :1 are: worn, born,corduroy, divorcedThe words with the sound 101are : song, conquer, cotton,nylon, polyesterTh e words with the sound 1;)11 are: corduroy; poisonTh e words with the sound 1;)1 are: photograph, cotton,imprison, poison, prisonTh e words with the sou nd 1;)01are: oh , soldierTh e word s with the sound I u:1are : pool, shootWool doesn't fit any o f th e boxes.

Track 331




KARE:": :

That's a really nice jacket.Oh, tha nks.Where d id yo u get it ?From that shop op pos ite the bank.Oh yes. I know the one. Well, it rea lly suitsyou.Than ks.

I like your shirt.Do you?Yes.It was a present from my girlfriend.Well, it looks good on you . What's it made of ?I don 't know. Cotron, I think .


Track ~~

\X'O~tA~ : Matt! Kare! How nice to sec you.:\1.-\11: Yes. It's great to be here.:\1.-\"' : Can I take your coats?KAT E: Thank yO ll .

Track ~3

Ca n I get yO ll something to drink ?Can I rak e you r coat ?Did yo u ha ve any trouble finding us?Do you need to fres hen up?Do y O ll want to wash your han ds?Go on into the sitt ing roo m.How nice ro see yOll .

Th anks fo r co ming.

Track ~4

Yes please. I'd like an orange juice.No . It was quite stra ightforward, actually.T hank yo u.Th an k you . ls it through here?Yes, that would be nice. Where's the bathroom?\'Vell, tha nks for invit ing us.Yes. It's grea t to be here.

Track ~5

bungalow, co ld, cope, go, homele ss, mobi le home,stud io

Track ~B

a It's great to see you.b Oh , this is great!c Can I take your coa t?d It's a bit cra mped in here.c I've just won a prize.

Ca n I get you something to drink ?g Th ank s for inviting us.

Track ~g

aIIEtEN :SA,'vl :

IIELEN:5A .\1:



l.EO :





Track 34I wi ll do it tomorrow.I' ll do it tomorrow.I will have th at co ffee now, please.I'll have tha t coffee now, please.I will answer the telep ho ne .I' ll answer the telephon e.I wi ll talk to you later.I'll ta lk to you lat er.I wil l be home at nine.I' ll be ho me at nine .I wi ll never forg et this.I' ll never forget this.

2MAl" :

G ER:\ IAN ;\ lAN:

,\ IAN:

GER~lAN WO MAl': :

~1AN :

H ow do I play this scene?It 's difficult to say. I thin k you' re probablyquite angry in th is bit.OK, so what do you reco m men d?I thi nk yo u can come in an d shake yo ur fistat Caspar as you start ta lking.Anything else?ACTOR:



Track 42aA CTOR :


Track 39The word with th e sound like fine is library.T he word with the sound like liar is bonfire.T he wo rd with the sound like fear is here.

Track 40amazing, certainly, exactly, for bidden, graffit i, occasion,opi nion, perm ission, sensitive, s ignature

Track 35Th e wo rds th at so und like day, a re break , away, make,

take .Th e words tha t so und like (OW , are out, down, round,

about.The word tha t so unds like so , is go .

Track 36a I pro mise I' ll be at your ho use by four o'clock.b I promise I' ll be at your house by fo ur o 'clock .c I promise I' ll be a t your house by four o 'clock.cl I promise ru be at your hou se by fo ur o'clock.e I pro m ise I'll be at yo ur hou se by fou r o 'clock .

Track 37a ad vertisement , advert isementb broch ure, broc hurec cmema, cinemad co nt rov ersy, controversye entertainer, ente rt a ine rf interesting, interestingg lieuten ant, lieutenanth officer, officer

op inion, opinionJ simulta neou s, simultaneo us

Track 36a Ca n I sit here, please?

Yes, certainly.b Can I use my camera in here?

No, sir. I'm afraid ta king photo graphs is strictlyfor bidd en.

c Are dogs a llowed in here?No, sorry. We operate a 'no dogs' policy.

cl Is it OK if I use my mobile phon e in here?I'd rather you did n't.

e Is it al l right if I ta ke one of th ese?Sure . Help yours elf.Do you min d if I bring my siste r to th e parry?Not at a ll. We'd love to mee t her.

Track 41d iffere nt, interest, usua lly, consciousl y, general, inti macy,subconsciously, relaxat ion

Do yo u want to marry her?W hy yes, I su rely do.What about you?O h, yeah. NIe too.OK. T hat's it. H ow abou t a kiss ?

I understand that yO ll have both writtenyour own we dd ing contracts. Is tha tcorrect?Yes. I, Ben Finkelhurn, pro mise to loveyo u for ever. I ag ree to do the washing andalmost a ll the iro ning. I prom ise to dohalf the cooking an d I'll do the garde ningat least three times a year. And I give youmy word tha t I won 't wear my yellow suitaga in or play my saxophone mo re thantwi ce a week.And now you , Mariah.Yes. Righ t . Well, I promise to love youforever, I guess. And I promise to cookha lf the time, an d I agree to let you drivemy ca r on Sundays. And I give you mywo rd th at you ca n wa tch sport on TVfrom eight to nine most nights . I prom iseto pre tend tha t it 's int erestin g.Right. Is that a ll?Yes.Yes.OK then . I guess th is mea ns yo u'rema rried.Wow!

Do yo u, Kazuo Otami, ag ree to marry thi swoman?Yes, I do.Do yOll, M ur iel Spa llsworrhy, agree tomarry this man?Yes, I do. Sure thing.Th en by the power invested in me by th estate of Q ueens lan d, I decla re th at yOll a relegall y married. You may kiss the bride.You bet !








:\ IA RIA H :









Track 44intimacy, relax at ion , subconsciously

Track 43cross, finger, indifference, puzzled , strangers, trut h

Track 451 Stop biting your na ils!2 I'm pleased to see you.3 Do n't shake yo ur fist at me!4 I am telling the t rurh.S It 's so nice to see you.6 Are you waving ..1£ me?7 Don't ra ise yo ur eye brows at me!8 I quite ag ree with yo u.9 I can't be absolut ely sure .

Track 46aRO?': : Cam purer Helpline, Ra n speaking.KARL: Oh, hello. Can you help me ?IW": W hat's the problem?KARL: \X'ell, J can't get my persona l o rga nise r to wo rk

with my co m puter.RO?': : OK. Have you checked th e bat teries in yo ur

organiser?KARt. : Yes, o f co urse.RO N: H ave yo u checked th e connection at th e back o f

your com puter ?KA RL: No. Do you think th at wi ll help?"0'': Do I th ink it will help ? Well, why don't you

tr y and see?

Track SOa T hank you.b T hank you.c Th an ks a lo!.cl Than k you verv much .e T hank yo u verv much for yo ur help.f Nn problem.g Don 't mention it.h Glad I could !lclJl.Track 51N Ai':CY: H ow wa s the film ?J I ~I : It was a disaster. Ha lfway through they

stopped it and to ld us we had to leave.:":A:":CY: You mu st have been rea lly fed up.JI~I: \X'ell, yes. \X'e a ll had to go our int o the street,

even though it was raining.NA:\'CY: That ca n' t have been much fun .JI~I : No, it certainly wasn't. I got soaked. But th en,

when we we re a llowed back, rhev sta rred thefilm aga in an d offe red all of us free t ickets to

any film fo r the next month .NA?':CY: Yo u m ust have been pleased ..I1 ~ 1 : J cert a inly wa s. \X'ould you like to co me to the

next film w ith me?

Track 49Th e wo rds fo r co lum n I are: credit, microwave, crashed.T he wo rds for co lumn 2 are: disk, scanner.T he words for co lumn 3 are: electric, electronic.

JI\I: O K .. . oh, yes. Thanks. That's great !RAC HEL: You're welcome.

c~t1KF. : H i, Computer Helpline. .\ty na me's M ike. How

may J help you ?JA~E : T his thi ng is dr iving me crazy!\ IIKE: Ho ld on! Wha t's the problem ?.lAi': E: Well, my co mp uter seems to have cras hed .~t1KE: H ow exac tly?.lANE: Well, I ca n't mov e anything. Even th e cursor just

sticks in th e sa me place,~t1KE : OK, well th e best thing to do is to sw itc h of f and

start aga in.JANE: Reall y?~IIKE : Yes, rea lly. T hat 's wha t I wo uld do .j""E: O K. I' ll give it a try. Thanks.~lIKE: No problem.

Track 47Can you help me? [x 2 )Wh at seems ro be rhe problem ? (x 2 )Have you checked th e batter ies? [x 2 )Do yOll kn ow how to use this answerphone? (x 2 )W ha t is the problem? [x 2 )Wh ar do I do now ? (x 2 )

Track 48Th e words fo r co lumn I a rc : electric, computer .Th e words fo r co lum n 2 a rc: personal, microwave,monitor, stereo.Th e words fo r co lumn 3 a re: television, electronic.T he wo rds fo r co lumn 4 a re: organiser, calculator.

How do you want me to do this scene?T hat's nor easy to say. M y impression is tha tyou're proba bly a bit bored in this scene.OK . So what do I do ?Well, I think yo u can show bo red om byfo lding your a rms, or c ross ing your legswhen yo u sit down .Is that a ll?Well, yo u co uld shrug yo ur sho ulders whenshe ta lks to you.Like this?Yes, th at's the kind of thing.

\X'ell, you could fold you r arms then so th atyou go on looking angry.Is this what you had in mind ?Yes, that's the type of th ing .

Hello . Compute r Helpline. Rach el spea king.\X'ha t see ms to be th e problem ?Umm, well I know thi s is silly, bu t do youknow how to co nnec t lip to th e Internet ?\X'ha t syste m are you using?It's an Apple M ac.OK. Do yo u have a n Int ernet icon on yourscreen ? I.ike a globe?Yes. Yes, I do.Well t hen, just click on the icon and yo u' reaway.















jl~l :




Tnu:k 52

Track 53Th e letter 'g' ca n be pronounced Ig/: autobi ograph y,biography.The letter 'g' can also be pronounced IU3/: logical,tragedy.

Track 54Autobiography ha s six syllables.Animated and biography have four syllables.

Track 55a You might have hurt yourself.b You can't have been very pleased .c Th at must have been terr ifying.cl You co uld ha ve been in real danger.e Th at co uldn't have been pleasant.

Track 56He re ar e today's football sco res:Everro n 0, Sunde rla nd ...Aston Villa 2, Sheffield Uni ted ...Liverpool 1, Buml ey .. .Newcastle United 2, Manchester United .. .Blackburn Rovers 0, Sbeffield Wednesda y ...Arsenal 2, Manchester City ...Tottenham Hotspur 3, Leeds United ...

Track 57Here are today 's football sco res:Everton 0, Sunde rland 1.Asron Villa 2, Sbeffield Unit ed 2.Liverpool 1, Burnley 3.Newcastle United 2, Manchester United 3.Blackburn Rove rs 0, Sheffield Wedn esda y o.Arsenal 2, Man chester City 1.Tottenh am Hotspur 3, Leeds United 2.

Track 58VICKY: Hi lane, how are you?JANE: I'm fine. How about you?VICKY: Oh, fine, I suppose . You're looking well, by the


ai\! AN :WO;\IAN:

:'vIAN :

WO ;"lAN :

bWO :\I A N:

\ IAN :


\ IAN :,\\lC),\ -I AN :

MA:"-: :WO.\lAN:


\,\·'O ,\l AN:


\'\'0:\11\1': :




How was the film?Fantastic.Fantastic?Fantastic!

How long do you think th e film was?An hou r and a hal f?Ha!Two ho urs?Ha!Two and a half hours?Keep go ing.T hree hours??T hree an d a ha lf hours.Three and a half hou rs??!Yes.No!!Yes. T hree and a hal f hours.T hree and a half ho urs!!

JANE: Th anks. I had an infection . I wa s off wo rk, butI'm better now.

VICKY: Good.JAN E: But w hat about you? You look terrib le.VICKY: Th anks!lANE: No sorry, I mean . . .VICK Y: It's a ll right. It's true ; I have been a bit under the

weather, recentl y ... work, that kind of th ing.JAI':E: Oh, poor yo u. Listen, why not come round after

the pr acti ce and I'll t ry and cheer yo u up .VIC KY: Oh, I don't really think I'm up to it. Do yo u

mind?JAI':E: No, not at al l. Get well soon.

Track 59a flu , rule, toe, tooth, two - toe is the odd o ne o ut.b broken, cold, swo llen, throat, too th - tooth is the odd

one out.

Track 60a Owl M y sho ulder hurts.b Look at his toes! Th ey' re bro ken.c If I was you, I'd give it to him.cl If yo u rang hom e now, it wou ld be all right.c If yo u do thi s wo rk for me, I'll give yo u three tickets.

Track 61a mathematicia nb photograph erc piani stcl saxophonistc biologistf therapistg tro mbonisth violini st

recepti onistJ journal ist

Track 62STU DEN T 1: How was the exa m ?STU DENT 2: It was terr ible.STUlJ EC'T 1: Wh y? Wbat happened ?STU DEN T 2: I co uldn't an swer o ne of the qu estion s. I

made a real mess of it.STU DENT 1: Oh come on! I'm sure it was n' t that bad .STUDENT 2: You didn 't have to do it !

Track 63a audition, badminton , exam, guitar, trumpet, and

violin have the sound II/l ike the word sit .b athlete , keyboard and pianist have th e sound li:1 like

the word see.c might, right, trial, violin and w riter ha ve the so und

lall like light.

Track 64a receptioni stb percussionc sax o pho necl violin

Track 65audienc e, cond uctor, engineer, interview, man ager,photographer, remember, so ngwriter, therapist

AI\I!iWER KEYUNIT 1A 1a footballerh nursec des ignercl pr imary teacherc orchestra l co nducto rf soldierg personal assis ta nth refuse co llector

journalisti firefighte r

A4Exa mple answersa A footballer sho uld be

assertive, co nfide nt anddecisive.

b A n ur se should he friendly,kind and sympa thetic .

c A designer shou ld be confident,intelligent and sincere.

cl A primary tea cher should beco nsidera te, enthusiastic an dinteresting.

c An o rche st ra l co nd uctor should beassertive, co nfide nt a ndenthus iast ic.A sold ier sho uld be assertive,decisive and loyal.

g A per son a l assistant sho uld bedecisive, honest and loyal.

h A refuse co llector sho uld beconsiderate, happy and patient.A journa list sho uld be co nsiderate,intelligent and inte res ting.A firefighter sho uld be co nfiden t,con siderate a nd decisive.

ASa asse rt ive: behaving in a

confide nt way in which youare qui ck to express yo uro pinions and feel ings

sensitive: showing that youca re about someo ne orsomething and do nor want tocause of fence

b asse rt ive: You need to bemore asse rtive to succeed inbu siness.

sensitive: This is a difficultcase which need s sensitive andskilful handling.

A6un- : un asserrive, unconfident,unemot ional, unenthusiastic,unfr iend ly, unhappy, un intell igent ,uninteresting, unkind, unpleasant ,unroma ntic, unsympathet ic

in- : inconsiderate, ind ecisive,inhospitab le, insen sitive, insincere

im-: impatien t

d is-: dis honest, d isloya l

A7a indec isiveb hon estc inhos pitabled d ishonestc Sympatheticf impa tientg unkindh unroma nt ic

ent husias ticsensitive

k lo yal

B 1a Oh, a ll right .b Yeah, nice to meet vou too.c Not much reall v, .d Oh, I mean I only sta rted last

week. It's my first job. \'Vhat aboutyou?

c Th at so unds interestin g.

B 2a T here 's so meone I'd like yo u to

meet.b And y, th is is I'ol ly,c I'd like yOll to meet Andy.d Po lly's in adve rt ising.c N ice to meet you.f Are you a friend of Poll y's?g Do you like what you do?h How do you know our hos t?

W hat arc you wo rking on at themo ment?

I W hat do you do ?k O h rea llv?I That sOl;nds interesting.m \'Vhat a co incidence! I'm an actor


B 3a Th ere 's someo ne I'd like yo u to

meet.b I think yo u' ll like him.c Yeah , nice to meet you too.d Do you enjoy study ing zoology?e I'm a teach er.f Th at's a coin cidence.g Ca n I ask you a qu estion?h Aren 't you a bit yo ung to be a


B 4Th e words all sha re the sou nd /:J:/ likecall.

B Sall, door, ought, wa lk, sto re, saw

C2a designer, doctor, firef ighter,

footba ller, jou rna list, nurse,orchestra l conductor persona lass istan t (PA), prima ry teac her,refuse co llecto r, so ldier

b assert ive, co nfide nt , co nsc ientious,consi derate, decisive , emotiona l,ent husiastic, friendl y, happy,

hon est, hospit ab le, impatient,intelligent, interesting, kind , loyal ,orga nised, pa tient, pleasant,romantic, sensit ive, sincere,sympathetic

C3a rhree-svllable words: asse rt ive,

£Qllfid~nt, decisive. degjgner;firefig hter, fuillballe r, imparient.im!rnalist, o rches tral co nd!!.-'.tor,organised. p.crsonal assistan t.Ilrimar y, coll~tor, rom antic, .s..ala rr,g:nsi tivefour-syllable words:conscjjjjtio us, considerate.emotional, hosnirable, intclli gent,interestin g, occ upg tion,sympathetic

b 'c ' is pronounced in two ways:as /k/ in confident, conscientio us,considerate, doc tor, enthusiastic,occupation , orchestral, conducto r,collector, romantic, sympathetic;and as /s/ in decisive and sincere.

C4a do wnb upc upd downc upf upg up


A 1angry - fur iou s, bad - terrible, big­enormo us, co ld - freezing, dirty­filthy, frightening - terrifying, funny ­hilar ious, good - fantastic, hot ­boiling, interestin g - fascinatin g,surprising - amazi ng

A2a frighten ingb terrifyingc goodcl fantastic

A3Th e four co mbina tio ns that are notpossible ar e: b, f, h, i

A4a Absolute is an adjective. Absolut ely

is an adverb.b Absolute is followed by a noun .

Absolutely is fo llowed by (1) anadjective, (2) a verb like hate.

c We use absolutely not in speech.

A Sa ab sol utel y eno rmous!b abso lutely /really fur iou s!c absol utclylrcallylco mp letely

ter r ible!cl abs o lutely/rea lly/co mplete ly


ag reethou ghtRea llykn ew


e a bsolu tely/rea lly filthy!f a bsolu relv/really bo iling!g a bsolu tely/rea lly/com plete ly

te rrifying !h absol ute ly/really freezing !(Note: we rend to use completely onlywhen we a rc ta lking about things andnor a bou t people.]

B 1T he missing lines are:What did yo u thin k of it?Why? Didn't you?

B 2a Ha ve VOll ever.... ?b What 'did y O ll th ink of it ?c It was ... .. .

B 3a Db Ac A,I De Df Ag AB4a televisionb sawc agocl befo ree thin kf Dogh



I d idn 'tIII tho ught11 tooo twop filmq lastr go ings Pro babl yt film1I fantas ticv ag reew immedia tel yx isy willz ab so lutely/qu ite

B 5a absolute ly, fasci na t ing, happened,

angry, atb SgW, all, callC amazing, wa s, ilgreecl any, readc play ing, games, fascinat ing,

amazing, ma kes

C2c a bso lut ely, ama zing, a ngry, bad ,

fairly, fantast ic, fascinating,hila rious, rath er, really

C3a He's Wher@ eresting.b I was@,ctty<$§i'ed.

c It was @solutely an@ ing.d It was Osolurely hi@ ou s.e She was@ther~y,f They're ifrally QQ

g Yo ur room's 6~so urely ifllthy!

UNIT 3A 1a unco untableb becau se it says IU]c Amer ican English

A2a sho pping tr o lley, sho pping centre,

sho pping co mp lex, shoppingex pedition, shopping bag, shopp inglist, sho pping malls

b do the shopping, go sho pping,Internet sho pping, last-minuteshopping, late-night sho pping,seriou s sho pping, Sunday shopping,win do w-shopping

A3a last-minute sho pp ingb window-shoppingc shopping cent recl shopping expeditionc Sunday shoppingf sho pping tro lley

A4a sho pping expedit ionb last-mi nute shoppingc late-night shoppingd window-sho ppinge sho ppingf shopping trolleyg do the shoppingh Internet shopping

B 1a 4b 1c 2d 3

B 3Th e words with the same sounds are:lel in anyth ing, belt, dress, every, help,many, several, sweater, welcome; lrelin cap, hat; li:/ in fleece, jeans , please;IAI in gloves, mu ch, some; 13:1 in shirt,sk irt, T-shirt.

B4a Bar bar a: a dress, a sweater, boots

and a hatb Charlene: sa nda ls, sho rts , a T-shirt,

a belt and a capc Donald: trousers, a shirt, a

swe ater and a hatcl Phoebe: a skirt, a "l-shin, a belt and

socksc Mar garet: a dress, some tights, a

hat and glovesf Ashley: jeans, a shirt, a fleece and

a cap

B 5a 2b 5c 1

,I 3c 4f 7g 6h 8

C 1There are two mean ing groups.

Clothes: belt, ca p, fleece, gloves, hat,jeans, sandals, shirt , shorts , skirt,soc ks, swea ter, tigh ts, t rousers, T-sh irt

Shop ping vocabular y: last-mi nuteshopping, late- night shopping, ser iousshopping, sho pping bag, sho ppingcen tre, shopping complex, shoppinglist, sho pping mall, sho pping spree,shopping trolley, Sunday shopping,to do the sho ppi ng, to go shopping ,window-shopping

C2a cap - hat, ha t - san da ls, belt­

swea ter, swea ter - centre, Sunday ­gloves, fleece - jeans, minute - list,shirt - sk irt, shopping - socks,mall - shor ts

b sho rts , shirt, T-sh irt

C3a Db Se D,I Dc Sf D


A 1a 5b 3c I,I 6c 2f 4

A2a bac kpack ing , boat ing, campsite,

po ny-t rekking, surfing, wate rski,swimming

b boating, camps ite, excellentfaci lities, swimming pool,sw imming

c culture, exce llent facilities,exc ursion, luxury, vacation

d hotel, nightlife, sunba thing,swi mming poo l, resort, clubbing,sur fing, to urist, waterski

c mu seums, galler ies, culture,exc urs ion, hot el, vaca tio n

A3a vacation (American English),

holiday (British English ) - we kno wbecause they both have entries thatsav 'n' (= no un) and 'v' (eve rb).

b vacatio n - tha t's wh at it says in thedefinitio n.

c British Engl ish speake rs use thewor d holidaymaker . AmericanEnglish spea kers use the worduacationer.

A4a cruiseb interest ingc museumcl sunbathingc to urists( air-conditionedg package holiday

AST he wo rd is campsite,

A6a abroadb backpackingc excurs ioncl ga lleryc holidaym akerf reso rtg sightseeingh vaca tion

B 1a Yes, can I help you?b \'{'ell, what kind of hc lidav do VD U

want ? . .c O K, what abour somewhe re in

Spain. say Sirges near Bar celo na ?cl \Vell then, ho w about Sorrenro in

Ira ly?c All right then, can I sugges t Rio de

Jan eiroActuall y, it's pro bably nor asexpensive as y O ll th ink .

g Well, it 's def initel y wo rthco nsideri ng.

h Sure. Take yo ur time.

B 3a enthusiasticb enth usias ticc unenthusiasticcl enthus iasticc unenthusiasticf un enthusiast ic

c 2a backpacking, camping, ca mpsite,

gallery, tr ack, packageb t vacation is th e od d one out.

2 cruise is the odd one ou t.3 boating is the odd o ne out.4 mu seum is the odd one o ut .S resort is the odd one ou t.6 excursion is the od d one out.

(3a bigb ho rc sheepd nicec goodf farg betterh pla n

cho oseseat

UNIT 5A 1bar e - cluttered, cold - war m,cramped - spacious, light - da rk ,unt idy - tidy

A3a Hom e-grownh Ho melessc Ho me-madecl Ho mesickc Ho mewo rk( Ho mecomin g

A41 block of flats2 gro und floo r3 first floor4 fia r5 stud io flat6 bun galow7 ga rden8 semi-detac hed ho use9 ga rage10 te rra ced hou se11 basement12 cot tage13 fence14 gate

ASa It 's a noun. (It says ' n' . )b Iga:dnl .c yardcl (our

B 1A: M att ! Kare! How nice to see you.13 : Yes. It's great to be here.C: Can I tak e yo ur coats ?D: Th a nk you:

B 2a Can I get yo u so mething to d rink?b Can I take yo ur coa t ?c Did you have an y trouble find ing

us?d Do vou want/n eed to was h vour

hands/freshen up? .c Go o n into the sitti ng roo m.( Ho w nice to see vo u!g Th anks for coming.

B 3a Ca n I get you something to drink ?b Did yo u have any trouble finding

us?c Can I take your coat ?cl Go on into the sitt ing roo m.e Do yo u need to freshen up ?( T hanks for coming .g How nice to see you!

B4a Yes please. I'd like an Qrange juice.b No. It wa s q uite straightfo rwa rd,

ac tually.c T hank yo u.d Th ank YQ!!. Is it through~?c Yes, that wo uld be nice. \X'here's

the bathroom?f Well, thanks for inYiIing us.g Yes. It 's grea t to be here.

B 6a Tha nks fo r coming.b Ca n I get you something to dr ink?c Did you have any trouble finding

your wa y here?d Can I ta ke your coat ?


e Do you need to freshen up?f HO'v nice to see you.g \X'e got a bit lost; hut it was n't too

bad.h Yes please. Have you go t an orange

juice?Ca n you tell me whe re thebathroom is?

I It's grea t to see you .k No, I th ink I' ll keep it on if that's

a ll rig hr.

B 7a Can I get yo u som ething to drink?b Can I ta ke yo ur coat?c Did you ha ve any trouble findi ng

yo ur wa y here?cl Do you need to freshen up?c Ho w nice to see yo u.f It 's gre at to see yo u.g No, I think I'll kee p it on if tha t's

a ll rig hr.It \X'e got a bit lost, hut it was n' t (00

bad.Yes please. Have you got an o ra ngejuice?Can H>U tell me where rhebathroom is?

(2\'\Io rds wit h a posit ive feel ing :ho meco ming, home-mad e, light,spacio us, t idy, wa rm.Wo rds with a negative feeling:accident, bare, clu ttered , co ld,cra mped, dark, homeless, ho mesick,unt idy

(3a T he sound is IJu/ like so .b ho mecoming, hom e-made,

ho mes ick, homework, ho useboat ,studio

c block , cra mped , ground, spacious

(4a M~@reat)to@'you.b ~ rh is is~c Can I k vou~d It's a i ran ed III here.c I've just ' 0 a~f Ca n I er you~hing to ~IiU Q ?g Th ank , for ir@ing us.

UNIT 6A 1a accu seb guil tyc sentence ... pr isoncl pirate ... captu red ... soldierse escape d ... disguisedf co nq uered ... cro wnedg defearedh elected

died ... po isonJ stab bedk exec utedI shorm born ... brought upn educaredo inheritedp married ... d ivo rced


A 2b Verb (past participle)

accusedco nq ueredcrowneddefeatedd ieddisguiseddivorcededucatedelectedescapedexecutedimprisonedinheritedmarriedpoisonedsentencedshotstabbed

c Nounaccusationco nquestcrowndefeatdeathd isguisedivo rceeducatio nelectionescapeexec ut ionimptisonmenrinheri ta ncemarr iagepoisonsente nceshoot ingsta bbing

A 3a Eightb It means that crown is one of the

3000 most co mmon words inwritten English.

c [Cl means that the noun iscountable [we can say one crown ,two crowns, three crOWNS etc .}. It isnot the same as ' usually singular' .

B 1a From that shop opposite the bank.b If was a present from my girlfriend.c I was given them by my aun t.

B 2Saying you like something: That's area lly nice jacket. I like your shin.Those are really nice earrings. I thinkthey' re great.Saying something is goo d for theperson who is wea ring it: Well, itrea lly suits you. It looks goo d on you.

Being pleased that someoneco mpliments you: O h, tha nks. Th ank s.I'm gla d you like them.

B 3a plast icb leatherc silkd woo l

e co rduroyf denim

B4a 1 Oh thanks.

2 It was a prese nt from myhusband.

b I It was given to me by my aunt.2 \Vell, it looks good \v·ith that

suit. \Vhat's it made of?c 1 \Vhere did you get it?

2 Oh yes. So it's a Swiss wa tchthen?

3 No I don't think so . It's fromKorea.

B Sa That's fantaStic.b How interesting!c That is inte rest ing.d Oh,=lIy?c You're th inking of getting marr ied?f You live in Birmingham?

C 1a conquer, elect , esca pe, inhe rit,

ma rryb accuse, defeat, die, divo rced ,

exec ute, guilty, imp rison , pir ate,poison , prison , sen tence, shoot, sta b

c (all the oth ers)

C2a Stress on the first sylla ble: capture,

conqf(el~ corduroy, COllOl1 , denim,educate, execute, guilty, leather,marry, nylon. pirate, plastic,poison, prison, sentence, soldierStress on the second syllable:accuse, defeat, disguise, divorced,elect, escape, imprison, inheritStress on the third syllable:polyester

b 10:/: wo rn, born, co rduroy,divorced1nl: song, co nquer, cotton, nylon,polyester1011: corduroy, po ison1;>/: phoro&raph, co tto n, imprison,pe rson. prison1:10/: oh, so ld ierlu:!: pool, shootWool doesn't fit in any of theboxes.

C3a capture, crown, defeat, disguise,

escape, pirate, poison, sentenceb co rd uroy, cotton , deni m, leather,

nylon, plast ic, pol yester, silk, wool(T hese are a ll wo rds that describemarerial s. )

UNIT 7A2a give away, give back , give outb give in to, give off

A3a S~}I11e ? ict ionarie s give eight, ot hers

grvc nm e.b cut out, cut up

A4a make a go ofb take upc go on wo rki ng outd set upe get round rof break up withg see abouth cut down on

put in

ASa Type 1: work outb Type 2: take up, set up, put inc Type 3: go on, see aboutd Type 4 : break up with , make a go

of , get round to, cut down on

A 6a broke up withb go onc make a go ofd set upe put inf get rou nd tog took uph cut down on

Give up

B2a 4b 1c 2d 3

B 3Bena ... love you forever.

... do half the cook ing.b ... do the was hing and almos t all

the ironing.c ...do the gardening a t least three

times a yea r.d ... I .wo n't wear my yellow suit

again.... I won't play my saxophone morethan twice a week.

Mariaha ... love you forever.

... cook half the time.b ... pretend that it 's interesting.

... let you drive my car on Sundays.d ... you can watch Sport on TV from

8 to 9.

B4a rude to all mv friends when I invite

them round to our flat?b promise not to play such loud

mus ic in the evenings.c get to class late again. Honestly.d be there on time - for once!e and obey rou forever.f but you have to orga nise the drinks.g if you' ll do all the cooking.h but 1do n't pro mise to ma ke a

pa rt icularly good job of it.the bat hroom tidy, at least?vou' H never misbehave in classagain?

B ST he sound changes from /all to la:!beca use the pronunciation of will lw lVcha nges to IU.

C2a day, break, away, make, takeb cow, down, ro und. our, abou tC so, go

C3a I promise I'll be at yo ur hou se by

fou r o'clock.b I promise I' ll be at your house by

four o'clock .c I promise I'll be at yo ur house by

four o'clock.cl ( pro mise l.1l be at yo ur house by

four o'clock .c I pro mise I'll be ar vo ur house by

four o 'clock .

C41 d2 a3 e4 b5 c


A 1a dropb paintc put tipdietc makef listen tog rideh have

lightI drivek useI smoke

A 2Light sometimes rakes an o bject - seemeaning 1. \Vc kn ow thi s because itsays IT I (T = tr an sitive). Sometimes itdoes n' t take an object - see meaning 2.\Vc know this because it says [I] (I =inrra nsitive).Paint sometimes tak e an o bject andsometimes do esn't. We know thisbecause it sa ys [11 (= intransitive - i.e.do esn' t tak e an obj ect ) and [T ] (=transitive - i.c. takes an ob ject).Shout so metimes takes an ob ject andsometimes doesn 't [l/T ].

A3brin g [A]come [51co lour [SIdr ive [51d rop 151enjoy [AJ (except in a special informalspoken use )fall [NIop en [5]

A4a Don 't bring food into the library.b Do n't drop litt er.

c Don't d rive too fast.cl Don 't put up po ster s.e Don 't light bonfires.f Don 't ride bicycles on the

pavement.g Don 't use a mobil e pho ne.h Don 't spray-paint the wa lls.

A Sa Db Dc 5d Dc Sf 5g Dh 5

5j [)

A 6a Different svllables a re stressed .b Different sylla bles a re stressed .c -cl Different syllab les are stressed .e -f -g Different sylla bles a re stressed;

d ifferent so unds are used .h -I -

Different sounds a rc used for thefirst sylla ble.

B 1a Yes, certai nly.b No sir. I'm af ra id taking

photog raphs is strictly fo rbidde n.c No, sorry. We operate a 'no dogs'

policy,cl I'd ra ther vou didn 't .e Sure . Hel p yo ursel ff Not at all. We'd lo ve to meet her.

B 2Askin g for permission : Ca n I sit hereplease/use my ca mera in here? Aredogs allowed? Is it O K/all right if I usemy mobile phone in here? Do youmind if I br ing my sister to the party?Saying yes: Sure. Yes, certa inly. Not atall.Saying no: I'd rather you d idn' t. N o,so rry. No sir.

B 3a Do you yo u d id n'tb Is it all forbidd enc Ca n ... Helpcl yo u mind ... a t all

B4a A: Are children allowed in here ?

B: Sure , o f course.b A: Is it OK if I tak e a phot ograph

here ? B: I'd rather you did n't .c A: Is it all right if I br ing my dog in

here? B: Yes it's ok ay, hut keep itqui et .

d A: Do you mind if I tak e somephotographs? B: I'm a fraid that'snot possible .

c A: Can I br ing my friend to theparty? B: Sure. She's welcome tocome.


A: Can I take o ne of theseprogrammes? B: Sure. Helpyourself.

C2fine - libra ry, liar - bonfire, fea r - here

C3Examp le answersYou dropped litrer on the n..a.x.e.ment .You mmY" pa inted the wall s.You lllil uP P.Qsters ~erywhere.You [et yo ur QQg fou l the footpat h.Yo u ma de a lot of noi se a t niglu .You rode your bic ycle 011 thepnvcmcnr.You have an ov er-ssnsirive ca r a larm.You lit a smo ky bonfire.You drove too 'fast in a h.u..il!·up area.You used yo ur mo bile~ on thetra in.Yo u smoked in a pu blic place .

C4List I : amazing, exactly, forbidden,gra ffit i, occasion, opinion, permissionList 2: certa inly, sens itive , signature


A 1a Yes. \Ve know becau se the ver b is

tran sit ive [T].b fists, teeth and jaw

A 2a clench (fist, teeth)b cross (arms, fingers, legs)c fold (a rms)d nod (head)c po int (finger)f raise (eyebrows, han d )g scra tch (ear, head )h shake (arm, finge r, fist, hands)

shrug (sho ulders)) wag (finger)k wave (arms, ha nd )

A3a Johnb Perec Th e dogd Simoue Sara hf Sash»g Mc!h Terry

Car lI Ma isie

A 4a sha king his fistb nodding het hea dc pointing his fingerd shrugging her sho ulderse crossing his legsf waving his handg shak ing her fingerh scratching hisfher head

ra ising her eyebrowsi foldi ng her arms

A Sa di fferenr (two syllables )b interest (two syllab les)c usuall y (three syllables)


cl con sciously (three sylla bles)c genera l (two syllables)f intimacy (four sy lla bles)g subco nsciouslv (four syllables)h relaxation (four syl la bles}

A6Example ansv..'crsa determined, dict ion ar y, comforta bleb co llocation. disagreement,

ind iffer ence

B 1a 1 It's difficult to say 2 shake you r

fist 3 An yth ing else 4 fo ld yo urarms

b I do this scene 2 easy to say 3 ,...hardo I do 4 foldi ng your arms 5 shrugyour sho ulde rs

B 2Asking for advice: How do y O ll wan tme ro do this scene? What do I do ?\'\fha r do yOll recommend ? An ythingelse?

Exp ressi ng do ubt: It 's di fficult to say.Th at's not easy to say.Gi ving ad vice: I think you ca n come ina nd I think yo u ca n show boredo mhv Well vou could fold your arms. :. \Vell YOl; co uld shrug yo urshou lde rs . . .

Checking you have und erstoodcorrec tly: Is thi s wha t you had inmind ? Like this?Agreeing with an action: Yes, that'sthe kind/type of thing.

B 3a wa ntb th inkc mindd thin kc Anyt hingf easy~ type/kindh cou ld

cou ld

B 4a else?b to say.c me H ') play this scene?cl scratch your ear or something.e thi s?f and cross your legs.~ the kind of th ing.h wo uld show you are relaxed.

B 5Acto r: How do you want me to play

th is scene?Director: It 's difficult to say. I reckon

you could scra tch your ear orsomething.

Actor: Like th is?Director:Yes, that 's the kind of thing.Acto r: Anything else?Director:Well yes. You could sit do wn

and cross your legs. T hat wo uldshow you a re relaxed.

( 1Possible ans wersa rm, cross , finger, fo ld , head, nod,rai se, scratch, shake, wag, wave

(2a 1 4 sounds: Ik - r - n - sI

2 5 sounds: If - I - IJ - 9 - ;,/3 9 sou nds: 11 - n - d - I - f - r - J ­

n - sI... 5 sounds: II' - A - Z - I - d!5 8 sounds: Is - I - r - J I - n - d3 - J

-zJ6 4 sounds: It - r - u: - 81

b in timacy, relaxation , subconscious ly

(3a 6b 7c 3d 4c 9f 8~ 2h 5


UNIT l[)

A 1ca lculato r ccomputer ncontac t lenses gcred it card dhea ring aid Ielectric guita r qelectri c toothbrus h aelectronic personal organi ser ekcyhoard 0

micro wave oven hmobile phone Imon ito r kmouse pperson al stereo bpr inrer fsca nner mtelevision

A2a go onlineb ema ilsc websited crashese compu ter virusesf bug

A3a Fiveb Sometimes it is co unta ble (it savs

ICI in the diction ary) and .sometimes it is uncounta ble (it savsIVI in the diction ary). -

c for, to docl M eaning 3 is used when ta lking

about computers (the diction ar ysays computing). Meaning 4 is arather formal word (it says 'formal'in the dictionary).

A4a Switch on the co mpu ter, the

mo nitor a nd the printer.b Op en the applicat ion you want.c Work.

d Save your wor k on [0 the harddisk.

e Print your wo rk.f Close the a pplica tion.g Switch off [he co mputer, the

monitor and the pr inter.

B 1do you know how to connect up tothe Intern et ? b tHa ve vou checked [he connection 0. 2How may I help you? c lNo. Do you think that will help? a3OK . I' ll give it a try. c3Reallv? c2Th anks. Th at 's great ! b2\Vell, I ca n' t get my persona l organiserto work with my co mputer. a 1

B 2a Ca n yOll help me? Do you know

how to co nnec t up to the Internet?Thi s thing is driving me crazy.

b Ha ve vou checked the batteries?Just click on the icon . T ha t's what Iwould do . T he best thin g [0 do isto switch off and sta rt again. Whydon 't yo u try and sec? \Vha[ seemsto be [he problem?

c Do you think that will help? O K.I'll give it a tr y. Really? Th an ks.Th at 's great.

B 3Th e woma n spea ks mo re fluently.

B4a Can you help mc?b \X!hat seems [2 be the pro blem ?c Have yo u checked [he ba t te ries?d Do VQ!! know how [() use th is

<cz:»answerp ho ne?

c~ the prohlem ?f \Vhat dll l do now?

B 6a Sure. Just press the red button and

record you r message.b \Vell, that 's wha t I would do.c Th e best thi ng wo uld be to ca ll the

garage.d Is it plugged in?e You 're welcom e.f Why? \Vhat seems ro be the

probl em ?

B 7a Canb problemc sured knowe clickf happensg ath gct

crazyJ Havek whatI do n'tm th ingn starto switchedp been

C 1\'\fo rds co nnec ted with co mputers:comp uter, computer bug, computervirus, crash (of a co mputer), disk,emai ls. go o nline, hard d isk, keyboard,modem. monitor; pr inter, scanne r, theco mpu ter's cras hed, websi re

C 2a col umn I: electric, computer

column 2: persona l, micro wave,monito r, ste reocolumn 3: television, electroniccolumn 4: organiser, calculator

b column I: credit, microwave,crashedcol um n 2: d isk, scannercolumn 3 : electric . electronic

C3a Thank you.b Tha nk Yill!.c Tha nks a lm.cl Than k you YIT): much.c Thank you very much for yo ur

brlp.f No pro blem.g Don 'r mention it.h Glad I could brlp.

UNIT 11A 1a 4b 3c 2d I

A2a a sculpt ureb based on ac set incl a boutc the sto ry

A3a 5b 2c 4,8d 7c If 3,6g The ques tions I, 2, 3, 5 and 7

could be used for books too.

A4a comic ... comedyb romance ... romantic co mediesc tragedyd musicale operaf de tec tiveg thrillersh science

western sJ wark horrorI actionm auto biogra phy ... biographyn histo ricalo anima ted

A5a The American pronunci a tion

includes a fina l /r/.b ofc It is uncount able.

A6a \X1hat's yo ur favo urite Bon d film ?b Whar a re the bes t bits in the film ?c \X1ho's in it ?d Whar pa rt does Halle Berry play in

the film?c Whar kind o f film is it?f \X1ho arc th e ma in cha racters in the

film?g \X1ha t 's the story of the film ?

B 1a You must have been really fed up.b T hat can't have been mu ch fun.c You must have been pleased.

B 2a wo nderfulb ex haustedc been easyd hurt yo ursel fc much fun

B 3Example answersa T hat must have been fanta stic!b That can't have been pleasant.c You must have been t ired .d T hat can' t have been easy.e That must have been frighten ing!f You must have been exci ted!g You must have been del ighted !h T ha t can' t have been very nice .

B 4a 6b 2c Id 5e 9f 4g 10h 8

3j 7

B 5a A: Ho w was th e film ?

B: Fantas t ic.A: Fantastic ?B: Fantastic!

b A: Ho w long do you th ink the filmwas?

B: An ho ur and a ha lf?A: Ha!B: Two ho urs?A: Ha!B: Two and a ha lf hours?A: Keep going .B: T hree hours?A: T hree a nd a ha lf hours.B: T hree and a half hours?!A: Yes.B: No !A: Yes. Three and a half hours.B: T hree and a half ho urs!


B 6It was the in to na tion the spea kersused.

C2a /g/ : a utobiogra phy, biograph y

Id;!: log ical, tr aged yb I aut ob iogr aphy

2 animated, biQgraphy

C3a You might have huu yo ursel f.b You can't have been very pleased .c T hat must have been tnrifying.cl You could have been in rea l danger.e That couldn't have been J:?krrsant.

UNIT 12A 1a hea d: ear, eye, nose, roo thb neck: throa tc sho ulde r: collar bonecl ..arm: elbow, wriste torso: sto mach, waistf hand: index finger, lit tle finger,

thumbg leg: ankle, knee, thighh foot: heel , roes, big toe

He's hurt his ank le/foo t.

A2a ad jective (ad; in the dict ion a ry)b a river o r strea mc T hey th ink they a re cleverer; better

ere. than they reall y arc.

A3a head ache, earac he, to ot hache,

stomac h acheb 1 bro ken nose/too th/co llar bo ne/

a rm/w ristlf inger/thu mh/a n klelleg/foot/ro e

2 fractured co llar ho ne/wrist/finger/leg/a 11 kle/roe

3 sprai ned wrist/f inger/ank le4 swollen head/ca r/nose/ar m/

clbow/wrist/ f nger/th1Imb/leglankle/kneclfootlheel/roe

5 so re head/ea r/eye/t hroat/shoulder/arm/e lbow/wristlfinger/thumb/leg/ankle/kneelfoor/heellroe

6 a pain in the neck

A4a She's got a stomach ache.b He's got a swollen finge r.c She's got a broken leg.d He's got a sp rained ankle.e She's got (a) toothache.f He's got a broken nose .g She's got a sore throat.h He's go t ..1 swollen knee.

She's got a headache.He's got a pain in his neck .

k She's got a broken finger.

A5(Loo k at the audiosc ript for Track 57,on page 88 .)

B 1a 2b 6c I


d 3e 4f 5

8 2a How a re you? You're looki ng wel l.

You look terrible. How about VD U ?+ 4,12 .

b Fine . I' m fine. I had an in fection .I'm better now. I've been a bitunder the weather. + 1, 3, 5, 6, 7,8, 9

c Good. Poor you. + 2, 10, 11, 13

8 3a a bad back, flu, a migraine, a

sto mach ache, food poi soning, aco ld

b ill, sick, terrible, not very well, off-co lour

8 4a howb greatc wasn'tcl problem/matterc bedf so rryg bro ke nh playing

a boutI wellk let 's

C 2a toe is the odd one ou t. T he others

a ll have the sound /u:/ - tooth .b tooth is the odd one out. The

o the rs a ll have the sou nd I ::>u/ ­bro ken.

C 3Exa mple answersa uncleb somec gain/pa idd land/sande rose/notef missed/ kissedg more

C4a shou lde rb toesc I'd give it to himcl If you rang homec three tickets

UNIT 13A 1a 6b IIc 4d 8e 9f 7g 5h 2

3) 1k 10

A 3a co mposerb managerc singerd celliste foo tballerf chess piayerg photographe rh teacher


A4a math em at icsb llhlltographc pia nod Si!xopho nee biologyf therapyg tromlmlli:h violi n

re~pt io n

J illirrna l

ASa mathcmajjgian Db photog rapher Dc pianist Dd saxQJilionist Dc biologist Sf lill:rapi st Sg rromlxmisr Sh vio lin ist S

re~t ion i st SJ journ alist S

A6a athleteb pianistc actord footba llerc drummerf sax ophonistg cellisth scientist

receptionistJ co mpo serk guita rist

8 1II 1 How was the exam ?16} You didn't have to do it!12) It was terr ible.15 1O h, come on! I'm sure it wasn'tthat bad.131 Why? What happe ned?141 1cou ldn't answer one of theque stion s. I made a rea l mess of it,

8 2a It wa s great.b It went reallv wel l.c I th ink it wen t OK.d It wa sn' t too bad,e It coul d have been worse.f I couldn't think what to say/write.g Ho rrible.h I made a real mess of it.

Absolu tely terrible.

8 3a BNb GNc BNd BNe BNf BNg GNh GN


8 4a 6b 4e 8d 2e 5f 7g Ih 3

C 2a h / like sitb /i:/ like seec " u/ like light

C 3a reITPt i (~n i s t

b pe r~S lon

c sa xophonecl violin

C4a au dience, int erview, ma nager,

songwriter, therapi sth conducto r, remem ber, engineerc -d photograp her

VocabularyJust Vocabulary is designed for individual ski llsdevelopment as part of either a classroom-basedcourse or a self-study prog ramme. The approachis learner-centred. and each unit has clear aims.motivating topics and interesting practice activit ies.

Just Vocabulary is for adult intermediate learnersand can be used as general preparation materialfor exams at this level.

Just Vocabulary features:

• a clear lexlcal syllabus

• an integrated pronunciation syllabus

• systemat ic dict ionary work

• aspects of the lexical approach

Other books in this series

Just Reading and Writ ing

Just Grammar

Just Listening and Speaking

About the AuthorJeremy Harmer is an internationally-recognized authorityon ELT, and a best-sell ing author of methodology andcourse books, wh ich are widely used in over 40 countries.