ߩߤࠎߣ߶ㆇォ⠪ߪାภߥߩᏅὐޔߪߢߩᮡ⼂߿৻ᱛ✢߇ߡߞ߽৻ᱛߦࠇߘޕࠎߖ߹߽⥄ޔߕࠄࠊ߆߆ߪ৻ᱛ ߒࠍߡޕߔ߹߃╵ߣࠆ⥄ߪࠄߩⴕേߣᗧ⼂ߦߣ ߇ߦߣߎࠆߠߡߥߚߩߘޕߔߢߩߩߢᢎ⢒ߤࠎߣ߶ߪലᨐ߇ ޕࠎߖ߹ࠅߩߎࡘࡒߢ࠲ାภߥߩᏅὐㅢㆊ ࠆߔߩㆇォേ⸥㍳ޔߒߢࠄ߇ߥߒࠆߥߣ৻ᱛ⏕ᴺ⸃⺑ߣࠆߔࠍߩߊ ߇৻ᱛታⴕ ޕߔ߹ࠅߥߦ߁ࠃࠆߔ 㩿 㧿 㧿 㧿 ㄭᐕ㧵㨀㧿㧔㜞ᐲㅢࡓ࠹ߓߪࠍ ࠆߔߣㆇォᡰេߩࡓ࠹㐿⊒߇ߡ߈ߡࠇࠄ߹ ޕߔߩߘޔߒ߆ߒၮ⋚ᢛߪߦᄙ㗵⾗ߩߣߩߊᦼ㑆 ߇ᔅⷐޔߚ߹ޕߔߢࠄߊㆇォᡰេߩࡓ࠹߇ߢࠎ߽ޔ߇ㆇォߟߦߡℂ⸃ࠇߌߥߒ ޔ⥄േゞㆇォ㒐ᱛޕࠎߖ߹߈ߢߪߣߎࠆߔ㧭㧿 㧿㧵㧿㨀ޔߪᣢሽߩㅢାၮ⋚ߣᖱႎㅢାᛛⴚ↪ࠍ ߡㆇォ⠪ߩㆇォേ㆙㓒▤ߩℂ⠪߇ታ㑆ߢޔߒෂ㒾േ߇ߚߞߢഥ⸒⼊๔ ࠆ߈ߢ߇ߩߎޕߔߢࡓ࠹ߪߢࡓ࠹ㆇⴕ▤ℂߦ ޔߡ߃㧷㧹ℂ⺰ߦߊߠ▤ℂ ޕߔ߹߈ߢ߇ߣߎ߁㧷㧹⥄ޔߪ࡞࠺ࡕേゞߩㆇォߩ⊒↢ ࠍࡓゞ㑆〒㔌ߣᱛ〒㔌ߩߣ㑐ଥ⌕ߦ࡞࠺ࡕߒߚߒ߽ߦ࡞࠺ࡕߩߘޔߢߩޔߊߠ㒐ᱛߩℂ⺰ ߇㧷㧹ℂ⺰ ޕߔߢ⥄േゞߩㆇォ㧔ⴣ⓭㧕ޔߪᱛ〒㔌߇ゞ㑆〒 ࠅࠃ߽ᄢ߈ߦ߈ߣ⊒↢ޕߔ߹ߒᱛ〒㔌⓭ߪߦ⊛ᑧ㐳߇ߣߎࠆߔޔࠅゞ㑆〒㔌ߪ⍴❗ࠆߔ߇ ޕߔ߹ࠅᱛ〒㔌ߩᑧ㐳ߩේ࿃ޔߪⓨ〒㔌ߣേ〒㔌 ߩߦޕߔ߹ࠅⓨ〒㔌ࠆߔⷐ࿃ߪᒰゞ ߩㅦᐲߩߘߣㆇォ⠪ߩ⍮ᔕ㑆ޔ߇ߔߢ ߩ⍮ᔕ㑆ߪή⥄⊛ߦᄌേޔߒᄙ⊒⠪ ߩߎߪߦᄌേߩ߈߇ߡߞ߆ࠊ߇ߣߎ߹ ޔߚ߹ޕߔᱜ⏕ߥേ〒㔌ߦ ߣߎߊ߅ߡߒߪ࿎㔍 ޕߔߢゞ㑆〒㔌߇ࠆߥߊේ࿃ߪޔߡߒߣㆇォ⠪ߩߥ⊛⼂వᕆ߉ⴣേߣήᗧ⼂⊛ߥవᕆ߉ⴣേߢ ߣࠆޕߔ߹ࠇࠄ߃ᗧ⼂⊛ߥవᕆ߉ⴣേޔߪߣ⋡⊛ ߦࠆߔߣ߁ߎ⌕ߊⴣേޕߔߢήᗧ⼂⊛ߥవᕆ߉ⴣേ ޔߪߣ߇േ‛ߡߒߣᧄ᧪ᜬߡߞ↢ࠆሽᧄ⢻ ߦࠆߔ߽ߣߛߩߡࠇࠄ߃߹ ޕߔ ⍮ᔕ㑆⓭ߩ⊒⊛ߥㆃᑧะߣవᕆ߉ߩࠍߐᬌᩏ⚿ߩߘޔߒߦߡߓഥ⸒ⴕ߹ ޕߔ ߢޔߪ߈ߣࠆࠍ࠼ޔߒゞ㑆ߟࠍ ߥ߁ࠃߩߎޔ߇ߔ߹ࠅߥߦߜ߇వᕆ߉ㆇォߪᧄᒰ ߦߡߞߥ߆ߦ߆߁ࠂߒߢߩࠆ㧫ታ㓙ߦవᕆ߉ㆇォ ߥߢ߁ߘߣㆇォߩߢᚲⷐ㑆Ყセ ޔߣࠆߺߡߒవᕆ߉ㆇォߡߞ߽ㆇォ⠪߇ߡߞ ߪߦߤ߶ࠆ㑆⍴❗ߡ߈ߢ߇ߥߣߎ㧔వᕆߩ߉㕖ല₸ᕈ㧕 ߩߎޕߔ߹ࠅ߆ࠊ߇ࡘࡒߡߞࠃߦ࠲వᕆ ߩ߉㕖ല₸ᕈℂ⸃ߚߒㆇォ⠪〝ޔߪߢ߽ࠅࠃ ߥ߈ゞ㑆〒㔌ߢ ޕߔ߹ࠅߥߦ߁ࠃࠆ߈ߢ߇ߣߎࠆߔ Ꮊ↥ᄢቇ ᖱႎ⑼ቇㇱ ⍮⢻ᖱႎቇ⑼ ᧻⎇ⓥቶ วᔒ⎇ⓥቶ 㪏㪈㪊㪄㪏㪌㪇㪊 ጟᏒ᧲᧻㚅บ㪉㪄㪊㪄㪈 㔚䋺㪇㪐㪉㪄㪍㪎㪊㪄㪌㪋㪋㪇㪆㪌㪋㪊㪌 㪝㪘㪯㪑㪇㪐㪉㪄㪍㪎㪊㪄㪌㪋㪌㪋 㪿ttp://www.is .kyusan-u.ac.jp/~matsnga/ http://www.is.kyusan-u.ac.jp/~goshi/j/ 䇸ㅢ㒐ᱛ䈱㑆⑼ቇ䇹 ⠪䋺᧻ൎ ⠪䋺 ᧻ ൎ ᔒኹ วᔒ ᤩ ᧻ᧁ 䋺䊅䉦䊆䉲䊟 㪠㪪㪙㪥䋺㪋㪄㪏㪏㪏㪋㪏㪄㪎㪈㪏㪄㪐 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 ታᚲⷐ㑆 ᗵᚲⷐ㑆 ᚲⷐ㑆 ⸳ቯᦨ㜞ㅦᐲ=MOJ? =ಽ? 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 ታᚲⷐ㑆 ᗵᚲⷐ㑆 ᚲⷐ㑆 ⸳ቯᦨ㜞ㅦᐲ=MOJ? =ಽ? ᢃ᠃ᎍ Ȭ ȸ Ƕ ȸ Ȭ ȸ Ȁ ᪦٣ яᚕȷᜩԓ ȇȸǿᢃ᠃ਫѣ $ O Q D K N G dz ȳ Ȕ ȥ ȸ ǿ Ǥ ȳ ǿ ȸ ȍ ȃ Ȉ ሥᎍ dz ȳ Ȕ ȥ ȸ ǿ Ț Ȁ ȫ ǻ ȳ ǵ ǻ ȳ ǵ ) 2 5 䊎䊂䉥䉦䊜䊤

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The collisions occur when the headway distance is shorter than the stopping distance. Therefore, if we understand the factors leading to a sudden greater stopping distance and leading to a shortened headway distance and we try avoiding the collisions, the number of accidents decrease effectively. KM theory is the idea which is based on the mechanism involved in the occurrence of collisions.

Sudden lengthening of stopping distance

Suddenly lengthened braking distance

Suddenly lengthened reaction distance

Insufficient headway distance

Haste to try speeding up for earlier arrival

Impulsive haste



Stopping distance Headway distance

Factors leading to a sudden greater stopping distance

The reaction distance depends on the velocity and the reaction time. The braking distance depends on the velocity, the brake-pedal performance or the coefficient of road friction. Factors leading to a sudden greater reactiondistanceIt is known that the reaction time fluctuates

according to physiological factors, environmental factors and psychological factors.Factors leading to a sudden greater braking distanceA suddenly lengthened the braking distance is

caused by a high velocity, a sudden drop in the braking power or a sudden drop in friction.

Factors leading to a shortened headway distance

Accident-prone drivers tend to maintain an insufficient headway distance. The reason is haste.

Haste to try speeding up for the earlier arrival timeThe tendency of drivers to hasten could be

intensified if they found that their journey was taking longer than they had expected, or if they predicted that their journey would be delayed by traffic jams, etc.

Impulsive hastePeople have to have food to survive. When provisions

are short, people want to be ahead of others to get food first. Humans have repeated the struggle for existence for many generations. For this reason, we continue to try to be ahead of other people without consciously being aware of it.

Stopping distance

Headway distance

Headway distance the distance between a vehicle and obstacles such as other vehicles.

Stopping distance the distance which is comprised of the reaction distance and the braking distance.

Reaction distance from the point when an event which needs stopping occurs to the point when the driver brakes.

Braking distance from the point where a driver begins to brake to the point where the vehicle stops.

KM Theory

Matsunaga & Goshi Laboratory Faculty of Information Science, Kyushu Sangyo University

2-3-1, Matsukadai, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, 813-8503, Japan

Tel +81-92-673-5440/5435 FAX:+81-92-673-5454



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Stopping distance Headway distance

Suddenly lengthened stopping distance

Sudden drop of frictionbetween the tires and the roadSudden drop of brake powerUnaware higher speed

Suddenly lengthened braking distance

Suddenly lengthened reaction distance

Fluctuation of degree of awareness

Physiological factors


Multiple tasks

Psychological factors

Unstable personalityFriction with other people

Drop of visual functionLow visibility of objects

Environmental factors

Insufficient headway distance

Halt by the external force

Suddenly shortened the stopping distanceon the vehicle ahead


Lack of the perceptive sensesin motor traffic space

Haste to try speeding up the arrival time

Accident (collision)

Impulsive haste

Aggressive type

Character factors

Knowledge factors

Delay from expected time of arrivalTraffic jams

Haste of trying to increase Transport efficiency

Economical factors

Environmental factors

Mechanism Involved in the Occurrence of Collisions

Sudden greater delay of cognition or reaction

Katsuya Matsunaga: Insufficient headway and unforeseen greater stopping distance as combined factors in

traffic accidents.Presented at the First Japan-Finland Joint Meeting on Traffic Safety. University of Turk,

Finland, 1996.8.

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Contents of supervision and training in ASSIST are for

prevent colliding accidents and collisions at an

intersections. These accidents resume more than 60% of

all accidents in Japan. Therefore, it is effective for reduce

traffic accidents.

Computer Screen for Supervisor

A supervisor pointing out unsafe behavior and then

supervising to ensure that accidents do not occur reduces

accidents in factories. Traffic accidents might be reduced

by the same methods. It has been difficult to supervise

individual drivers in real time unless a supervisor was in a

car with a driver, but recent advances in computer and

communication technology have made this possible by

obtaining information concerning driving behavior and

sending it to a supervisor outside the vehicle. The most

efficient time to teach safe driving is when a driver is

actually driving dangerously.

Intelligent Transport Systems (ITSs) are intended to

reduce traffic accidents and enhance safety. Moreover,

technology alone can not prevent traffic accidents if a

driver does not understand safe driving practices and

consequently chooses not to use these functions. ASSIST

would supervise and train more effectively for prevent

traffic accidents.

How to reduce traffic accidents?

Why does it need supervision and training?

In addition to record by the on-bard computer from the

data of on-board sensors, it shows the driving behavior to

the supervision computer in real time via internet. The

supervisor advices or warns from outside the vehicle with

received information. The alarm sends to the supervision

computer from the on-board computer automatically if

there is a dangerous behavior, therefore it is possible to

supervise multiple vehicles. It is possible to analyze

dangerous behavior based on the recorded data.

The method of supervision and training

Contents of supervision and training.

Speed Sensor

Laser Distance



Pedal SensorCCD Camera

GPS Antenna

On-bard Sensors

Outline of ASSIST

Our safe driving theory (KM Theory).

ASSIST:(Assistant System for Safe Driving

by Informative Supervision and Training)

To send driving behavior to a

supervisor outside the vehicle.

ASSIST: Assistant System for Safe Driving by Informative Supervision and Training.

Voice (advice/warn)Data (driving behavior)

Data Communication







Laser Distance


EquipmentOn-Board Computer

Pedal Sensor

Speed Sensor






Video Camera

Matsunaga & Goshi Laboratory