By: [email protected] KTPF Website: http://www.ktpf.or.kr/website/pension/pension03.jsp (click the Korean letters to see) 감감 (Salary Reduction) 징징징징징 징징징징 1 징 징징 3 징 징징징 징징징징 징징 징징징 1/3 징 징징 ※ 징징징징징 징징징 징징징 징징징징 12 징 징징 징징징 징징징징 징징징징징 징징징 징징징징 5 징징 징징징징 징징 징징징징징 징징징 징징징 징징징징징징징 징징징징 징징징 징징징 징징 징징징 징징징징징 징징징 징. Salary reduction is a kind of disciplinary punishment in which one third of one`s monthly salary can be reduced. The period of salary reduction is one to three months with respect to the degree of professional negligence. ※ Raising one`s salary will be restricted for 12 months from the expiration date of disciplinary punishment. The period in which the raise of one`s salary is restricted will be reflected in his or her career after 5 years have passed from the expiration date of disciplinary punishment. But the period in which one`s salary is reduced can`t be included in his or her career. 감감 (Demotion) 징징 징징 징징징 징징징징 징징징 징징 징징징 징징징 징징징 징징 징징징 징징징 징징징 징징징징징 징징징징징 징징 징징 징징징 징징징징징징 징징징징 징징 징징. Demotion means to be moved or degraded to a lower rank(or position) of the same series or to any other lower position of the different series if there is not any lower position in his or her series, because of change of organization or fixed number of school personnel , or decrease of budget. 감감감감감 (Personal Contribution) 징징징 징징징징 징징징징 징징징징 징징징징 징징 ※ 징징징 = 징징징징징 85/1,000 KTP system is managed by three kinds of the contributions from the school personnel, school foundation and government. School personnel, which are composed of teaching staff and other employees belonging to a school, contribute 8.5 percent of their monthly salary, while the school foundation and government share another 8.5 percent of contributions. School foundations contribute 5 percent of teachers` monthly salaries and 8.5 percent of other employees` monthly salaries. The government contributes 3.5 percent of contributions for teachers, which is grounded on the Private School Personnel Pension Act. 감감감감 (Deferment Period) 징징징징 징징징징징 징징징징 징징징징 징징 징징 One can put off the starting point of his or her loan at stated period. 감감 (Reprimand) 징징징징징 징징징징 징징징 징징징 징징징징 징 ※ 징징징징징징징징 6 징 징징 징징징 징징징징 징징징징징징징징 3 징징 징징징징 징징 징징징징징 징징징 징징징 징징징 징징징 징징 징징징 징징징징징 징징징징 Reprimand is a little light disciplinary punishment in which raising one`s salary is restricted for 6 months from the day when he or she is submitted to it. But those periods in which one`s

KTPF Benefits Plan

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Page 1: KTPF Benefits Plan

By: [email protected]

KTPF Website: http://www.ktpf.or.kr/website/pension/pension03.jsp (click the Korean letters to see)

감봉 (Salary Reduction)징계처분의 일종으로 1 월 이상 3 월 이하의 기간으로 하고 보수의 1/3 을 감함

※ 징계처분의 집행이 종료된 날로부터 12 월 동안 승급이 제한되며 징계처분이 종료된 날로부터 5 년이 경과하게 되면 승급기간의

특례에 의하여 징계처분기간을 제외하고 승급의 제한을 받은 기간은 승급기간에 재산입 함.

Salary reduction is a kind of disciplinary punishment in which one third of one`s monthly salary can be reduced. The period of salary reduction is

one to three months with respect to the degree of professional negligence.

※ Raising one`s salary will be restricted for 12 months from the expiration date of disciplinary punishment. The period in which the raise of

one`s salary is restricted will be reflected in his or her career after 5 years have passed from the expiration date of disciplinary punishment. But

the period in which one`s salary is reduced can`t be included in his or her career.

강임 (Demotion)직제 또는 정원의 변경이나 예산의 감소 등으로 인하여 동일한 직열 내에서 하위의 직급에 임명하거나 하위직급이 없어 다른 직열의

하위직급으로 임명하는 것을 말함.

Demotion means to be moved or degraded to a lower rank(or position) of the same series or to any other lower position of the different series if

there is not any lower position in his or her series, because of change of organization or fixed number of school personnel , or decrease of budget.

개인부담금 (Personal Contribution)급여에 소요되는 비용으로 교직원이 부담하는 금액

※ 부담율 = 보수월액의 85/1,000

KTP system is managed by three kinds of the contributions from the school personnel, school foundation and government.

School personnel, which are composed of teaching staff and other employees belonging to a school, contribute 8.5 percent of their monthly

salary, while the school foundation and government share another 8.5 percent of contributions.

School foundations contribute 5 percent of teachers` monthly salaries and 8.5 percent of other employees` monthly salaries. The government

contributes 3.5 percent of contributions for teachers, which is grounded on the Private School Personnel Pension Act.

거치기간 (Deferment Period)대여금의 상환개시를 일정기간 유예하는 것을 말함

One can put off the starting point of his or her loan at stated period.

견책 (Reprimand)징계처분의 한가지로 잘못을 꾸짖고 회개하게 함

※ 징계처분일로부터 6 월 동안 승급이 제한되며 징계처분일로부터 3 년이 경과하게 되면 승급기간의 특례에 의하여 승급의 제한을

받은 기간은 승급기간에 재산입함

Reprimand is a little light disciplinary punishment in which raising one`s salary is restricted for 6 months from the day when he or she is

submitted to it. But those periods in which one`s salary is restricted will be reflected in his or her career after three years have passed from the

day when he or she is subjected to reprimand

결손처분 (Deficits Disposal )공단이 부담금을 징수하거나 급여액을 환수함에 있어 특정한 사유의 발생으로 인하여 부과한 부담금 또는 환수금을 징수할 수 없다고

인정될 경우에 그 납부의무를 소멸시키는 행정처분을 말함.

Deficits Disposal means that one is acquitted of the liability for his or her contribution or the liability for redeeming his or her benefits. If KTP

judges that one can`t pay his or her contribution or redeem his or her benefits under a special situation, he or she can be acquitted of the liability

mentioned above.

경력 (School Personnel`s Career )

Page 2: KTPF Benefits Plan

현재까지 직업상의 어떤일을 해 오거나 어떤 직위나 직책을 맡아 온 경험 또는 그 내용을 말함

※ 교원은 임용전 시간강사, 연구경력, 주식회사 근무경력 등이 인정되며, 사무직원은 국가기술자격증(기술사, 각종기사, 기능사 등)을

취득하고 학교기관에서도 해당 자격증과 관련된 업무수행을 하는 경우에만 인정됨.

The following persons are acknowledged as having school personnel`s career.

(ⅰ) part-time instructors in various kinds of school

(ⅱ) researcher

(ⅲ) employees of a corporation

(ⅳ) clerical personnel of a school who acquire the engineering license certified by the government and work for the related fields in a school

공무원 (Government Employee)국가공무원법 및 지방공무원법에 의한 공무원과 대통령령이 정하는 국가 또는 지방자치단체의 기타의 직원을 말하며 공무원연금법

적용을 받음. 다만, 군인과 선거에 의하여 취임하는 공무원은 제외함.

A person who works for the central or municipal government and is protected under the Government Employee Pension Act is defined as a

government employee.

공무원보수규정 (Government Employees` Salary Regulation )공무원의 보수에 관하여 필요한 사항을 정한 규정

Government employee salary is prescribed as a regulation, which is used to calculate private school personnel`s contributions or benefits.

공무원수당규정 (Government Employees` Allowances Regulation )공무원에게 지급하는 수당 및 실비변상 등에 관한 사항을 정한 규정

This Regulation is used to pay all kinds of allowances and other actual compensating expenses for government employees

공무원연금법의 준용 (The Application of the Government Employee Pension Act )국·공립학교 교직원과 처우형편을 동등하게 하기 위하여 급여의 종류, 급여의 사유, 급여액 및 급여의 제한 등에 관한 사항은

공무원연금법과 같이 적용함을 말함.

The Private School Personnel Pension Act is originally legislated in order to equate the status and treatment of the private school personnel with

those of public school personnel. The Government Employee Pension Act can be used to settle down the things on benefits- that is, the types of

benefit, the amount of benefit, the Justification for paying benefits and the restriction on paying benefits.

공무원평균보수인상율 (The Increased Average Rate of Government Employees` Monthly Salary )전전년도 10 월말 현재 전체 공무원의 보수월액의 총액을 전체공무원의 수로 나눈 금액에 대비한 전년도 10 월말 현재 전체공무원의

보수월액의 총액을 전체공무원의 수로 나눈 금액의 변동율을 말함.

The increased average rate of government employee monthly salary is calculated in the following; first, the total amount of government

employees` monthly salaries is divided by the total number of government employees at the end of October in the previous year. Secondly, the

total amount of government employees` monthly salaries is divided by the total number of government officials at the end of October in the year

before the previous year.

The increased average rate of government employees` monthly salaries results from comparing the average rates of the two years

교보제대자 (Teacher Reservists)정교사 단기현역병제도에 의거 1 년 재영후 귀휴한 자를 말함

※ 귀휴기간 6 월 소지자(1957 년 ∼ 1962 년 사이 시행)

A teacher who served in the military for one year shorter than other military servicemen from 1957 through 1962 is referred as a teacher reservist.

교원 (Teaching Staff)사립학교법 제 54 조의 규정에 의하여 그 임명에 관하여 관할청에 보고된 자를 말함

The teaching staff defined by the Private School Personnel Pension Act should be reported to the relevant government agency with respect to the

Art. 54 of the Law on Private School.

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구상권 (A Right to Indemnity)급여의 사유가 제 3 자의 가해행위로 발생한 경우 급여수급자가 제 3 자(손해배상의무자)에 대하여 가지는 손해배상청구권리를 공단이

대위 취득한 권리를 말함

KTP has the right of indemnity to claim the compensation of benefits from a person who is responsible for loss of benefits

국가부담금 (Contribution By Government)급여에 소요되는 비용으로 국가가 부담하는 금액

※ 부담률 = 교원개인부담금 합계액의 35/85

Government contributes 35/85 of teachers` monthly salaries to KTP fund in order to be used for paying benefits.

국고학자금대여 (Loan for School Expenses)국가의 부담으로 정규대학 및 이에 준하는 각종 학교에 입학 또는 재학중인 교직원 본인 및 그 자녀(대학원과정 및 배우자 제외)에게 실

등록금 납부액 범위 내에서 무이자로 대여하는 것을 말함

KTP gives the loan of school expenses to the school personnel or their children enrolled in a regular college or university or in a school

equivalent to the regular one. But the school personnel need not take any interest on their loan

국세체납처분 (Disposal of the Delinquent Taxes )국세체납자에 대하여 세무행정관처에서 국세징수법에 따라 행하는 강제징수 처분 또는 그에 부수되는 절차를 말하며 그 절차는

첫단계로서 미리 독촉을 하고, 그래도 기한 내에 이행하지 않을 때에는 재산압류·매각 및 청산의 3 단계 절차로 행하여지는 것을 말함

When one has his or her taxes fall in arrears, the government compulsively collects them in accordance with the legal procedure.

KTP also has the right to force a debtor to pay back his or her liability in accordance with the Law on Tax Collection.

The procedure works by three stages; the preliminary stage is to issue the demanding note, the second is to attach(or seize) his or her property,

and the final stage is to sell or clean his or her property through a compulsively sale by auction.

급여수급권의 보호 (Protection of Benefiter`s Right)급여를 받을 권리는 양도 또는 압류하거나 담보에 제공할 수 없음. 다만, 연금인 급여를 받을 권리는 대통령령이 정하는 금융기관에

담보로 제공하거나 국세징수법의 규정에 의하여 체납처분을 할 수 있으며, 대통령령이 정하는 바에 의하여 관리공단에 대한 채무의

담보로 제공할 수 있음.

Protected by Law, the right to receive benefits can not be attached or offered as security.

But one`s pension (or annuity) can be offered as security to the banks designated by the Executive Ordinance and collected by the Law on Tax

Collection. And when one fails to do his or her liability for KTP, his or her pension(or annuity) can be taken as security by KTP according to the

Executive Ordinance.

급여심의회 (Deliberative Council for Benefits )직무상 재해보상에 관련된 급여의 결정에 있어서 그 신중을 기하기 위하여 설치된 심의회를 말하며 위원장을 포함한 위원 5 인 이상 7

인 이내의 공무원, 교직원, 의료업무 및 법무에 종사하는 자로 구성되어 있음

The Deliberate Council for Benefits, which are composed of 5 to 7 members―chairman, government official, school personnel, doctor and

attorney included, makes a closer examination of the decision on the compensating for one`s death or injury caused by performing his or her


급여액 산정기초 (The Basis of Benefit Calculation )급여의 사유가 발생한 날(퇴직으로 급여의 사유가 발생하거나 퇴직후에 급여의 사유가 발생한 경우에는 퇴직한 날의 전날로 함)이

속하는 달의 보수월액을 기초로 함.

The amount of one`s benefit is fixed on the basis of his or her monthly salary paid on the day when the justification for paying one`s benefit is


If the justification for paying one`s benefit results from his or her retirement or is created after he or she is retired, the basic date for the

calculation of one`s benefit is the day before he or she is retired

급여의 제한 (Restrictions on Paying One`s Benefit )고의, 중과실, 진단 불응 등으로 급여의 사유를 발생케 하거나, 형벌, 파면 등을 받은 경우에는 급여액의 전부 또는 일부를 감액 지급함

Page 4: KTPF Benefits Plan

If the origin of paying ones`s benefit results from his or her illegal intention, serious mistakes, or refusal of medical test or if one is convicted of a

legal punishment or dismissed from his or her post, a part of or all of his or her benefit is reduced when paid.

급여의 환수 (Benefit Redemption )공단은 허위 기타 부정한 방법으로 급여를 받은 경우 또는 급여를 받은 후 그 급여의 사유가 소멸된 경우 및 급여가 과오급된 경우에는

그 급여를 환수 함.

The following are the conditions in which the benefit, even if already paid, should be redeemed by KTP,

(ⅰ) if one`s benefit is paid in a wrong or illegal way.

(ⅱ) if the justification for paying one`s benefit is extinguished.

(ⅲ) if one`s benefit is over-paid

급여재심위원회 (Benefit Re-examination Committee, B.R.C)급여에 관한 결정, 개인부담금의 징수 기타 이 법에 의한 처분 또는 급여에 관한 이의신청에 대한 구제기구. 위원장 1 인을 포함하여

위원 9 인으로 구성되며 위원은 공무원, 의료계, 법조계, 사회보장에 관한 학식과 경험이 풍부한자 중에서 교육인적자원부장관이 임명

또는 위촉하고 임기는 3 년으로 함

B.R.C. makes a thorough investigation of the benefiter`s protest against the benefits decided by KTP or by the Private School Personnel Pension


B.R.C. is composed of 9 members; its chairman, government officials, doctors, and attorneys, and others who have profound learning and much

experience in social security. Members of this committee are all appointed by the Minister of Education & Human Resources. Their tenure of

office is three years.

기관번호 (The Codes for Classification )공단이 학교기관 및 법인에 대하여 연금업무의 효율성을 높이기 위해 부여한 기관(법인, 학교등)의 고유번호를 말함

To promote administrative efficiency, KTP assigns a unique number to classify the schools or school foundations

기말수당 (Quarterly Allowance )공무원에게 예산의 범위안에서 매년 3 월,6 월, 9 월, 12 월의 보수지급일에 지급하는 수당

※ 보수월액 산정에 포함되는 수당

These allowance is paid on the salary day 4 times a year― in march, June, September and December. Each allowance is added to one`s monthly


기여금 (Contribution)공무원연금법에 의하여 공무원이 부담하는 금액으로 급여에 소요되는 비용

※ 공단의 부담금과 동일 함

Government employee`s contribution, which is used to pay their benefits, is imposed by the Government Employees Pension Act.

School personnel`s contribution, the amount of which is equivalent to that of government employees contribution, is imposed by the Private

School Personnel Pension Act

단기급여 (Short-term Benefit)교직원이 재직중에 직무로 질병. 부상을 당하거나 화재. 홍수 등으로 주택에 재해를 입었을 때 또는 배우자나 직계존속이 사망했을 때

지급되는 급여.

※ 직무상 요양비, 직무상 요양 일시금, 재해부조금, 사망조위금

Short-term Benefit is paid to a person who is suffering from disease or injury caused by performing his or her duties, or who has his or her house

damaged by any disaster such as fire or flood or who has his or her spouse or lineal ascendants die.

The kinds of short-term benefit are as follows:

(ⅰ) Medical Treatment Benefit; it is paid for 2 years to a person only if his or her disease or injury results from performing his or her duties.

(ⅱ) Lump-Sum Medical Treatment Benefit; it is paid to a person who has not returned to his or her perfect health after 2 years` treatment. The

amount of lump-sum benefit is the estimated expense of one year`s additional medical treatment.

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(ⅲ) Relief Benefit; it is paid for one`s house damaged by any disaster.

(ⅳ) Condolence Benefit; it is paid for the death of a member of school personnel, his or her spouse or lineal ascendants.

당연적용기관 (The School or School Foundation Obligatorily Applied by the Private School Personnel Pension Act)연금법의 당연(의무)적용기관으로서, 사립학교법 제 3 조에 규정된 사립학교 및 초. 중등교육법 제 2 조 5 호의 특수학교 중 사립학교와

이를 설치. 경영하는 학교경영기관을 말함.

The school or school foundation is obligatorily applied by the Pension Act, specified in Art. 3 of the Law on Private School and in No. 5 of Art. 2

of the Law on Elementary and Secondary Education.

대리인 (Proxy)대리권을 가지고 본인을 대신하여 의사표시를 하거나, 의사표시를 받을 권한이 있는 사람을 말함.

A proxy is the person who has been given the authority to represent one when one can`t do it.

대여상환기간 (Redemption Period )생활자금은 대여금액별 정규상환기간 이내에서 상환기간을 선택할 수 있으며, 국고학자금의 경우는 졸업 익월부터 2 년 거취 4 년(

수업연한 4 년 이상) 또는 3 년(수업 연한 3 년 미만)간 원금균등분할 상환함

A loan borrower can choose the redemption period, which is classified with respect to the amount of loan.

The loan for school expenses, of which the principal is equally divided by 3 or 4 years depending on one`s enrolled semesters, can be redeemed

when 2 years have passed since one graduated from the school

대여연체금리 (The Interest Rate on Over-due Loan )대여상환 의무자가 정기상환 또는 즉시상환을 지체한 때에는 지체한 금액에 대하여 해당 대여 이자율의 2 배와 시중은행이 적용하는

대출 연체이율(가장 높은 금리)중 낮은 금리를 적용함.

2003 년도 대여연체금리: 16%

The loan which is not repaid in the due date yields interest. KTP can choose between the lowest of the two kinds of interest rate― the double

interest rate of regular loan and the highest interest by city banks.

The interest rate on over-due loan in 2003 is 16%

동일법인 (An Affiliated School Foundation )동일한 학교법인에 여러 학교기관이 설치되어 있는 경우의 소속 법인을 지칭함.

Several schools established by a school foundation are called an affiliated school foundation.

법인부담금 ( School Foundation`s Contribution )급여에 소요되는 비용으로 학교경영기관이 부담하는 비용.

부담율 = 교원개인 부담금 합계액의 50/85, 사무직은 개인부담금과 같은 금액

School foundation`s contribution is used as KTP`s fund. A school foundation is charged to 50/85 of teachers` contribution and 85/85 of other

employees` contribution.

변동금리 적용 (The Fluctuating Interest R)생활자금 대여에 있어서 매년 12 월 익년도 대여이자율을 시중은행 금리를 감안하여 조정하고 있으며 변동이 있을 경우에는

신규대여는 물론 기존 대여도 이자율이 자동적으로 변동됨.

생활자금 대여 이자율 = 7.5%(2003. 3. 1 현재)

The interest rate on a loan borrowed from KTP`s fund can be changed every year and should be readjusted in December of the following year

with respect to city banks` interest rate on a loan.

This readjusted interest rate is applied to the established loan as well as the newly loan

보수 (Salary)

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봉급과 기타 각종 수당을 합한 금액을 말함.

Salary is composed of basic pays and all kinds of allowances

보수연액 (Yearly Salary)보수월액의 12 배에 상당하는 금액을 말함

The amount of one`s yearly salary is 12 times of as much as that of his or her monthly salary.

보수월액 (Monthly Salary )교직원이 근무하는 학교 및 경영기관에서 실제로 받고 있는 보수액에 불구하고 공무원 보수 규정에 의하여 당해 교직원의 직위, 자격

및 경력 등에 따라 산정되는 표준봉급월액과 공무원 수당규정으로 정하는 수당 중 기말, 정근, 정근수당가산금의 연지급액을 12 월로

평균한 금액을 합한 금액을 말함.

- 보수월액 = 봉급월액 + (기말수당연액+정근수당연액+정근수당가산금연액) / 12

- 부담금 및 급여액 산정의 기초가 됨.

Regardless of one`s real salary paid in his or her school or school foundation, the amount of one`s monthly salary under the Pension Act is settled

on the basis of his or her basic monthly salary and 1/12 of additional allowances: One`s basic monthly salary is decided with respect to his or her

position, qualification and career. And one`s additional allowances are composed of his or her quarterly bonus, yearly bonus, and the additional

bonus added to yearly bonus. The monthly salary settled in this way plays an important role in fixing one`s contribution and benefits.

보수평균 (Average Salary)승진, 강임이나 강등, 전직, 보직변경 또는 재임용으로 인하여 보수월액이 증감된 후 1 년 이내에 장기급여의 사유가 발생한 때에는

증감전후의 보수를 평균하여 급여액 산정의 기초로 함.

If the justification for paying one`s long-term benefit is created in a year after his or her monthly salary is increased or decreased because of his or

her promotion, demotion, job-switching, position change, or re-employment, his or her long-term benefit is fixed by averaging the sum total of

his or her original salary and increased or decreased salary.

복직 (Resumption Of One`s Position )휴직. 직위해제 또는 정직 중에 있는 교직원이 직위에 복귀하는 것을 말함.

One who has laid off or discharged from his or her duty can go back to the former position and continue his or her duty.

봉급 (Basic Salary )직무의 곤란성 및 책임의 정도에 따라 직책별로 구분되는 기본급여 또는 직무의 곤란성 및 책임의 정도와 재직기간 등에 따라 계급별,

호봉별로 지급되는 기본급여를 말함.

One`s basic salary is settled in accordance with

(ⅰ) his or her position,

(ⅱ) his or her salary grade, and

(ⅲ) the degree of difficulties or responsibilities of his or her duty.

부담금 (Contribution for Pension Fund)급여에 소요되는 주재원으로 개인부담금, 법인부담금, 국가부담금, 재해보상부담금 및 퇴직수당 부담금이 있음

The main financial resources of KTP`s fund are composed of

(ⅰ) the contributions collected from school personnel, school foundations, and the government,

(ⅱ) the contribution for accidental damage fund collected from school foundations, and

(ⅲ) the contribution for retirement allowances collected from the government and KTP.

비용부담의 원칙 (The Principle of Sharing Expenditure)

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급여 기타 연금법을 운영하기 위하여 소요되는 비용은 그 비용의 예상액과 개인부담금, 국가부담금, 법인부담금, 재해보상부담금 및 그

예정 운용수익금의 합계액이 장래에 있어서 균형이 유지되도록 하여야 하며, 이 경우 급여에 소요되는 비용은 적어도 5 년마다 다시

계산하여야 함.

All the expenses required to operate the pension system must be balanced with the contributions (cf. 42) and revenues in future. The expenses for

benefits should be re-calculated once in every 5 years.

The contributions are collected from school personnel, school foundations and the government, while the revenues mainly come from operating

the assets.

사립학교교직원연금운영위원회 (The Steering Committee of Korea Teachers` Pension )연금제도에 관한 사항, 연금재정에 관한 사항, 기금운용계획 및 결산에 관한 사항과 기금에 의한 교직원 후생복지사업에 관한 사항

등을 심의하기 위하여 공단에 설치된 운영위원회를 말함.

이 위원회에는 교직원 대표와 학교법인 경영자 대표, 정부 대표와 전문가, 그리고 시민운동 대표자가 포함되어 있다

This committee organized under the Private School Personnel Pension Act deliberate and discuss the affairs on the pension system, financial

calculation, budget & account, and the welfare project for private school personnel who take advantage of pension fund.

The members of this committee are the representatives of school personnel recommended by the relevant organization such as Teachers` Labor

Union, the presidents of school foundations, the representatives of the government, the experts of financial operation, the attorneys, and the

representatives of Non-government Organizations.

사립학교법 (The Law on Private School )사립학교의 특수성에 비추어 그 자주성을 확보하고 공공성을 앙양하므로써 사립학교의 건전한 발달을 도모하기 위해 제정되었으며

사립학교, 학교법인, 사립학교 경영자의 조직 및 운영에 관련된 제반 권리·의무 사항을 규정하고 있음.

사립학교라 함은 학교법인 또는 공공단체 이외의 법인 기타 사인이 설치하는 초중등교육법 및 고등교육법 제 2 조에 규정된 학교를


The Law on Private School is established in order for the private schools to secure their autonomy and enhance their public service role.

The private school, which is established by a school foundation, a non-public corporation, or an individual, is defined under Art. 2 of the Law on

Elementary & Secondary Education and the Law on Higher Education, respectively.

It prescribes the various affairs on the claims, obligations related to the organization or management of private school or school foundtion.

사망조위금 (Condolence Benefit )교직원이 사망하거나 교직원의 배우자 또는 직계존속이 사망한 때에 지급하는 급여(급여의 사유가 발생한 날로부터 3 년 이내에 신청).

사망조위금액 = 교직원 본인이 사망한 경우 보수월액의 3 배, 기타의 경우 보수월액의 1 배

Condolence Benefit is paid when a member of school personnel, or his or her spouse, or lineal ascendant dies. The time limit for requesting

condolence benefit is 3 year after the person (or persons) in question died.

Condolence Benefit is paid three times as much as his or her monthly salary when the dead person is a member of school personnel himself or

herself. But the amount of Condolence Benefit is the same size of one month`s monthly salary when the other person(or persons) mentioned

above dies.

사무직원 (Clerical Personnel )사립학교법 제 70 조의 2 규정에 의하여 학교기관의 정관상의 직급별 정원 범위 내에서 임용된 자를 말함

The clerical personnel are the members of school personnel except teaching staff. The fixed number of clerical personnel can be employed under

the Article of school foundation specified in the Art. 70-2 in the Law on Private School.

사학연금 서비스 헌장 (The Service Chart of KTP)공단이 수행하는 제반 업무 중 학교기관 및 교직원을 대상으로 하는 모든 업무에 적용되며 특히 연금법에서 규정하는 연금제도의

운영과 직접 관련되는 업무, 즉 부담금의 징수, 제 급여의 결정과 지급, 교직원 복지 사업의 수행과 관련된 제반 업무 처리시 적용되는

구체적인 이행 표준을 말함.

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The criterion of service for KTP`s duties is shown in the Charter. This charter is to enhance the customer`s satisfaction on KTP`s business. chief

duties consist in the things related to the pension system managements. KTP plays a leading role in collecting the contributions from school

personnel, school foundations and the government. KTP settles the kinds of benefits and decides when to pay them. KTP also designs school

personnel`s welfare projects.

산업체 경력 (Career In Companies )교원의 실업계 분야 현장근무 경력으로 실업계 교원 자격증을 취득하고 법인 단체, 민간 기업체 등에서 담당과목과 동일한 분야의

업무에 정규직원으로 근무한 경력을 말함

If one has ever obtained any certificates for a vocational teacher and worked for a certain period of time in a corporation or company which falls

under the same category of his or her subject taught in a school, the periods that he or she has worked are included in his or her career under

Pension Act

생활자금 대여 (Loan for Livelihood)교직원 및 연금 수급자의 생활 안정을 위해 필요한 자금을 저리로 대여하는 것으로 퇴직급여의 1/2 범위 내에서 7000 만원까지(연금

수급자는 2000 만원까지) 대여함.

KTP lends school personnel and annuitants the loan for livelihood with low interest. The loan limit for school personnel is 70,000,000 won from

a half of one`s retirement grants while 20,000,000 won for an annuitant

소급통산의 종류 (Retroactive Career Summing-ups )동일법인 내의 학교 기관에서 퇴직한 적이 없이 현재까지 계속 근무한 기간에 대한 소급통산(동일법인 소급통산)과 현재의 학교기관이

속하는 법인이 아닌 다른 법인의 학교기관에서 근무한 기간 또는 동일법인 내 일지라도 한번 퇴직하고 재 임용된 경우의 재 임용전의

근무기간에 대한 소급통산(타법인 소급통산)이 있음.

There are 2 kinds of retroactive career summing-ups:

(ⅰ) When one keeps on his or her duty in the school affiliated with a certain school foundation, the periods of his or her service will be summed up

in his or her life-long career. This is called a retroactive career summing-ups of an identical school foundation.

(ⅱ) When one serves his or her duty in the school affiliated with a distinct school foundation, or even when one is re-employed in the school of an

identical school foundation, the periods of his or her service in the former and the periods of one`s service before re-employment in the latter will

be summed up in his or her life-long career, respectively. This is called a retroactive career summing-ups of a distinct school foundation

수당 (Allowances)직무여건 및 생활 여건 등에 따라 지급되는 부가급여를 말함

Allowances are added to one`s basic salary according to the condition of work or livelihood.

승급 (Salary Grade Ra)일정한 재직기간의 경과, 기타 법령의 규정에 의하여 같은 등급내에서 현재의 호봉보다 높은 호봉을 부여하는 것을 말함

One`s salary grade is raised as the years roll on. But in a some cases, one`s salary grade is raised under the stipulation of the Law concerned.

승급제한 (Restriction on Salary Raising )징계처분, 직위해제 또는 휴직에 있는 경우 승급을 제한함

Raising one`s salary is restricted if he or she is submitted to disciplinary punishment, or he or she is released from his or her post, or laid off from

his or her duty.

승진 (Promotion)하위직급내에서 직무의 책임도와 난이도가 높은 상위의 직위로 임용되는 것을 말함.

Promotion is a move to the higher rank of position which is needed more responsibilities and difficulties

시효 (Extinctive Prescription )

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연금법에 의한 급여를 받을 권리의 시효는 그 급여의 사유가 발생한 날로부터 직무상 요양비. 직무상 요양 일시금. 재해부조금.

사망조위금 등 단기급여에 있어서는 3 년이고, 퇴직급여. 장해급여. 유족급여. 퇴직수당 등 장기급여에 있어서는 5 년 동안 권리를

행사하지 아니한 때에는 시효로 인하여 급여를 받을 권리가 소멸함

The right to receive his or her short-term or long-term benefits is cancelled, if nor demanded for a given period of prescription.

The period of extinctive prescription for receiving his or her short-term benefits is 3 year from the day when he or she has a good and sufficient

reason for receiving short-term benefits(cf. 28).

The period of extinctive prescription for receiving his or her long-term benefits is 5 years from the day when he or she has a good and sufficient

reason for receiving his or her long-term benefit(cf. 89).

신규임용신고 (Notice of Employment )연금법 적용을 받음에 있어 필요한 부담금 및 급여금 지급의 산정 기초가 되는 보수월액을 정하기 위한 절차로서 학교기관에서는

교직원이 임용되면 학력, 자격, 경력, 직위 등을 기재한 표준봉급월액 사정카드를 제출하도록 하여 이에 의하여 보수월액을 정함.

The procedure that a school notifies its newly employee to KTP is needed for applying Pension Act to the newly employee because the monthly

salary is fixed on the basis of his or her contribution and benefits. The newly employee must submit his or her assessment card for standard

monthly salary on which his or her educational backgrounds, qualification, vocational career, and status should be written.

신분변동 (Shift of Status )교직원이 재직하는 동안 보수월액에 영향을 미치는 신분상의 모든 변동사항을 말함.

- 정기승급, 전직, 학격변동, 자격변동, 학위취득, 직위변동, 승진, 정직, 휴직, 복직 , 징계 등

The following are the factors that bring about the amendment of one`s monthly salary while he or she is in service;

(ⅰ) periodical salary-grade raising

(ⅱ) job-switching

(ⅲ) change of educational backgrounds or qualification

(ⅳ) winning of academic degrees

(ⅴ) promotion

(ⅵ) lay-offs

(ⅶ) resumption of position

(ⅷ) disciplinary punishment

심사청구 (Request of Investigation )급여에 관한 결정 또는 부담금의 징수 기타 이 법에 의한 처분 또는 급여에 관하여 이의가 있는 자가 급여재심위원회에 그 심사를

청구할 수 있도록 한 제도이며, 심사의 청구는 처분이 있은 날로부터 180 일, 그 사실을 안 날로부터 90 일 이내에 하여야 함.

If one disagrees to KTP`s decision on his or her contribution, benefits, and etc., he or she can ask the Benefit Re-examination committee to screen

it in 180 days after KTP`s decision was made or in 90 days after he or she was convinced of it.

임용전 복무기간 산입 제외 기간 (Exclusion from the Military Service Periods before One`s Employment )복무 기간이 6 월 미만인 실역 미필 보충역, 후보생 기간(장교 및 부사관), 복무기간 중 감축기간( 형 집행일 수, 근무 이탈일 수, 영창일

수), 국토건설단 요원의 복무기간, RNTC 훈련기간, 특례 보충역의 실무 종사 기간을 말함.

Such periods of military service as the following are excluded from one`s career.

(ⅰ) less than 6 months` period of military service as a reserve conscript

(ⅱ) the period of military service as a military officer candidate or a noncommissioned officer

(ⅲ) the period of military service reduced because of one`s prison life, desertion from barracks, or detention from disciplinary punishment

(ⅳ) the period of service in the National Construction Corps

(ⅴ) the period of training in RNTC(Reserved Noncommissioned - officer Training Corps)

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(ⅵ) the period of service as a special reserve conscript

연금기금 (Pension Fund )연금법에 의한 급여에 충당하기 위한 책임준비금을 말하며, 기금은 매 회계연도에 공단의 예산에 계상된 적립금 및 결산잉여금과

기금운용 수익금으로 조성됨.

The reserve fund for benefits in KTP system is annually raised by the budgets reserved, the surplus of closing accounts, and the profits from the

fund investment.

연금법 적용 대상 (School Personnel under Pension Act )연금법 적용 대상 학교 및 학교 경영기관에 근무하는 교직원으로서, 교원은 사립학교법 제 54 조의 규정에 의하여 관할청에 임용(임명)

보고된 자, 사무직원은 사립학교법 제 70 조의 2 규정에 의하여 학교기관의 정관상의 직급별 정원 범위 내에서 임명된 자를 말함

School personnel consist in teaching staff and clerical staff; the employment of teaching staff must be notified to the relevant government agency

under the provision of Art. 54 of the Law on Private School, whereas the fixed number of clerical staff is employed with respect to the class of

positions, which is specified in the provision of Art. 70- 2 of the Law on Private School.

연금법 적용 대상학교기관 (Schools or School Foundations under Pension Act )사립학교법 제 3 조에 규정된 사립학교 및 이를 설치. 경영하는 학교경영기관과 초.중등교육법 제 2 조 제 5 호의 특수학교 중 사립학교

및 이를 설치. 운영하는 학교경영기관 또는 기타 사립학교 중 교육인적자원부 장관이 지정하는 사립학교 및 연구기관을 말함

The schools or school foundations specified in Art. 3 of the Law on Private School, the schools or school foundations for the handicapped

specified in No. 5 of Art. 2 of the Law on Elementary and Secondary Education, and the other private schools or research institutions designated

by the Minister of Education & Human Resources are all under the Pension Act.

연금수급자 (An Annuitant )20 년 이상 재직한 교직원이 퇴직 후 공단으로부터 연금인 급여를 받는 자와 직무상 질병. 부상으로 인하여 폐질 상태가 되어 장해

연금을 받는 자를 말함.

One who has been in service for more than 20 years and receives his or her Retirement Annuity(cf. 130 for details) or one who receives Disability

Annuity can be referred to as an annuitant.

연금액의 이체 (Transmission of Pension)공무원 연금법, 군인연금법에 의한 퇴직연금, 퇴역연금 도는 조기퇴직연금 수급권자가 교직원으로 임용되어 재직기간의 합산을 받은

후 퇴직하거나 사망한 경우에는 공무원연금관리공단 또는 국방부장관은 그 퇴직한 자 또는 그 유족이 공무원연금법 또는

군인연금법에 의하여 지급 받을 수 있는 퇴직연금, 퇴역연금, 조기퇴직연금 또는 유족연금에 상당하는 금액을 공단에 이체하는 것을


When an annuitant under the Government Employee Pension Act or under the Military Personnel Pension Act is retired or dead after his or her

former service periods as a member of school personnel were added to his or her service period, all the money which is equivalent to Retirement

Annuity(cf. 130), Veteran`s Retirement Pension(cf. 125), Early-retirement Annuity(cf. 110), and Survivors` Annuity, should be transmitted or

entrusted to KTP by the Government Employee Pension Corporation or by the Minister of Defence.

연금액의 조정 (Adjustment of Pension)연금인 급여는 통계청장이 매년 고시하는 전전년도와 대비한 전년도 소비자 물가 변동율에 해당하는 금액을 증액 또는 감액하여

당해연도 1 월부터 12 월까지 적용하며, 공무원보수변동율과 전국소비자 물가 변동율 등이 2% 이상 차이가 발생하는 경우

행정자치부장관이 국방부장관, 교육인적자원부 장관 및 기획예산처장관 등과 그 차이가 2%를 초과하지 않도록 사전에 협의하여 3 년

(최초 연금액의 조정은 2003 년)마다 조정할 수 있음

The annual amount of pension can be increased or decreased with respect to the previous year`s fluctuation rate of the consumer price index(CPI)

which the National Statistics Office announces every year judging from the comparison of the two between the CPI of the previous year and the

CPI of the year before the previous year.

The amount of pension is adjusted every 3 years when the fluctuating rate of government employee`s salary differs more than 2% from the CPI,

but It should be adjusted in less than 2%.

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after the Minister of Administration & Autonomy deliberated fully on the matter with the Minister of Military Defence, the Minister of Education

& Human Resources, and the Minister of Planning & Budgeting. (But the first pension adjustment was undertaken in the years 2003)

연금정보통신서비스 (Net Service)공단은 정보화 시대를 맞이하여 교직원의 알 권리를 충족하고, 투명하고 신속한 연금업무 서비스를 제공하기 위하여 1999 년도부터

인터넷을 기반으로 사학연금 제도 안내, 경영공시, 통계자료 등 일반적인 연금정보와 연금급여, 대여, 부담금 사항 등 개인의 연금정보

조회 및 온라인 상담, 증명서 온라인 발급 등의 서비스와 교직원의 각종 신분변동 신고 및 대여신청 등을 온라인으로 처리하고

부담금의 고지를 우편 대신 이메일로 고지하는 등 효율적인 업무처리를 위해 공단이 운영하는 연금정보 종합시스템을 말함.

In 1999, KTP introduced net system to help schools and school personnel to get access to the various general information such as pension system,

fund operation, and other details on one`s own contribution, loan and benefits, so that schools and school personnel can check every detail of

KTP`s business by using the net system; that is, they can hunt various kinds of information, consult about their affairs, issue any certificates,

report their change of status and apply for loan. The notice of contribution can also be treated not by postal service but by e-mail service.

연금지급일 (Pay-day of Annuity )연금인 급여의 지급은 매월 25 일로 한다. 다만 지급일이 토요일이거나 공휴일인 경우에는 그 전일에 지급하며, 연금수급권이 소멸되는

경우에는 그 지급일전에 이를 지급할 수 있음.

One`s annuity is usually paid on the 25th of each month. If the day happens to be a Saturday or a legal holiday, one`s annuity is paid a day earlier.

If one`s right to receive his or her annuity is cancelled, annuity is paid on the day before his or her right is cancelled.

연금지급정지대상 (Suspension of Annuity Payment )연금수급권자가 사립학교교직원연금법, 공무원연금법 또는 군인연금법의 적용을 받는 교직원, 공무원 또는 군인으로 임용되어 보수

또는 이에 준하는 급여를 받게 된 경우(전액정지)와 선거에 의하여 취임하는 공무원이 된 때, 행정자치부령에서 정하는 정부투자기관,

재투자기관, 출연보조 등의 재정지원을 받는 기관의 임직원이 된 경우(반액정지)임.

Paying one`s annuity is fully suspended if an annuitant is employed as a member of school personnel, a government employee, or a military

serviceman and receives his or her salary or its equivalent allowance under the relevant Pension Acts; that is , the Private School Personnel

Pension Act, the Government Employee Pension Act, and the Military Servicemen Pension Act, respectively.

But if an annuitant takes his or her office by means of an election or happens to be appointed as an employee in a corporation invested by the

government, or a company affiliated and subsidized by the government, his or her annuity is cut down by half.

연금청산지급 (Clearing Off One`s Annuity )연금을 받을 권리가 있는 자가 외국에 이민하게 된 때, 그리고 국적을 상실한 때에는 수급방법상의 어려움 등으로 본인이 원하는 바에

따라 연금에 갈음하여 출국하는 달 또는 국적을 상실하는 달의 다음달을 기준으로 한 4 년 분의 연금에 상당하는 금액을 일시에

청산하여 지급 받을 수 있음.

If an annuitant wants KTP to clear off his or her annuity because of emigration to other country, or loss of his or her nationality, he or she can

receive the lump-sum money equivalent to his or her 4 years` annuity which is calculated from the following month after he or she emigrated

from Korea or lost his or her nationality

연대보증인 (A Surety liable jointly and severally )주 채무자가 채무를 이행하지 않을 경우에 그 채무를 연대하여 부담하는 사람을 말함.

A surety is the person who accepts responsibility if someone else doesn`t pay a debt.

연체금 (Arrears)개인부담금, 법인부담금, 재해보상부담금 및 합산반납금을 소정의 기일까지 납부하지 아니한 때에는 그 지연 납부한 부담금에 대해

대통령령이 정하는 연체이자를 가산하여 징수하는 금액을 말함. 2003 년도 연체금리: 21%

If the personal contribution, school foundation contribution, compensation contribution for accidental damages, or the contribution for adding the

period of one`s former service is not paid at the right time, the given interest specified in the Executive Ordinance is added to the overdue amount

of money.

The rate of interest for arrears in 2003 is 21%.

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요양취급기관 (The Medical Institutions)국민건강보험법 제 40 조의 규정에 의한 요양기관을 말하며, 의료법에 의하여 개설된 의료기관과 약사법에 의하여 등록된 약국 또는

지역보건법에 의한 보건소, 보건의료원 및 보건지소와 농어촌등 보건의료를 위한 특별조치법에 의하여 설립된 보건진료소등이 있음.

Among those medical institutions under Art. 40 of the Law on National Health & Medical Insurance are the following;

(ⅰ) the medical institutions established in accordance with the Law on Medical Service

(ⅱ) the pharmacies registered in the Law on Pharmaceutical Affairs

(ⅲ) the public health center or its branches established in accordance with the Law on Regional Health Care

(ⅳ) the public health care centers established in accordance with the Special Law on Health Care in Rural Area

원리금균등분할상환 (Repayment of Principal and Interest Equally Divided )대여금액, 상환기간, 이자율을 감안하여 원리금을 산정하여 상환 시작월부터 만기월까지 매월 같은 금액을 상환하는 방법을 말함.

이자율이 변동되면 원리금도 변동됨

A like sum of one`s loan, which is calculated by dividing principal and its interest equally, is repaid each month and it can undergo a change with

respect to the fluctuation of interest rate.

유족 (Survivors)유족은 교직원 또는 급여를 받을 권리를 가진 교직원이었던 자가 사망할 당시 그에 의해 부양되고 있던 배우자(사실상 혼인관계에

있던 자를 포함한다), 자녀, 부모, 손자녀 및 조부모를 말하며 태아는 이미 출생한 것으로 본다.(퇴직일 이후에 혼인한 배우자, 출생 또는

입양한 자녀, 손자녀, 부모, 조부모는 제외됨) 다만 자녀는 폐질 등급이 7 등급 이상이거나 18 세 미만인 자이며 손자녀는 그 부가 없거나

그 부의 폐질 등급이 7 등급 이상인 경우로 손자녀의 폐질 등급이 7 등급 이상이거나 18 세 미만인 자에 한함

The survivors, or the family of the deceased, under the Pension Act are defined as a spouse(a person in virtual marriage life included), his or her

children, parents, grand-parents, and grand- children, who are all being supported by a member of school personnel or an annuitant at the time of

his or her death. An unborn baby is regarded as a born one. But the spouse married after one`s retirement, the children or grand-children, born or

adopted after one`s retirement, and parents or grand-parents adopted after one`s retirement can not be included in the survivors under the Pension

Act. The children, biological or adopted, is included in the survivors in question, only if they are counted as the 7th(or above) grade of the

disabled or if their age is under 18. The grand-children whose father is dead or is counted as the 7th(or above) grade of the disabled is regarded as

the survivors only if they are counted as the 7th grade(or above) of the disabled or if their age is under 18.

유족보상금 (Survivors Compensation Benefit )교직원이 직무상 질병 또는 부상으로 인하여 재직중에 사망하거나, 퇴직 후 3 년내에 그 질병. 부상으로 인하여 사망한 때에 그

유족에게 지급하는 급여를 말함.

유족보상금은 교직원 또는 교직원이었던 자의 보수월액의 36 배에 상당하는 금액임.

When a member of school personnel dies from disease or injury while on his or her duty, or when the disease or injury resulting from one`s duty

leads to his or her death within 3 years after he or she was retired, the compensation benefit, which amounts to 36 times as much as his or her

monthly salary, is paid to his or her survivors.(cf. 74)

유족연금 (Survivors` Annuity )재직기간이 20 년 이상인 교직원이 재직중 사망하고 유족이 연금을 원할 때, 또는 퇴직연금, 조기퇴직연금, 장해연금수급자가

사망하였을 때 그 유족에게 지급하는 연금급여.

유족연금액 = 퇴직연금(또는 장애연금) × 70%

70% of one`s annuity is paid to the survivors(i.e. the family of the deceased) when a member of school personnel dies after serving for more than

20 years, or when an annuitant of early retirement annuity, or of regular retirement annuity, or of disability annuity dies

유족연금부가금 (Additional Benefit to Survivors` Annuity )

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재직기간 20 년 이상인 교직원이 재직중에 사망하여 유족이 연금으로 청구한 때에는 연금에 부가하여 일시불로 지급하는 급여.

유족연금부가금 = 퇴직연금일시금액 × 1/4

When a member of school personnel whose life-long career is more than 20 years dies while on his or her service, additional benefit to survivors`

annuity, which amounts to a quarter of his or her lump-sum retirement annuity, is paid to his or her survivors for the asking.

유족연금수급자 (Receivers of Survivors` Annuity )재직기간이 20 년 이상인 교직원이 재직중 사망하고 유족이 연금을 원할 때, 또는 퇴직연금, 조기퇴직연금, 장애연금수급자가

사망하였을 때 그 유족에 해당하는 자를 말함

Those who have the right to receive survivors` annuity are referred to as receivers of survivors` annuity.

When a member of school personnel whose life-long career is more than 20 years died and survivors ask annuity, and when retirement annuitant,

or early-retirement annuitant or disability annuitant died, who is eligible for the survivors is called a receiver of survivors` annuity

유족연금일시금 (Survivors` Lump-sum Benefit )재직기간이 20 년 이상인 교직원이 재직중 사망하여 그 유족이 유족연금과 유족연금부가금에 갈음하여 일시불로 지급하는 급여.

유족연금일시금액 = 퇴직연금일시금액과 동일

Survivors` lump-sum Benefit, instead of survivors` annuity(cf.76) and additional benefit to survivors` annuity(cf.77), is paid to the family of the

deceased for the asking, when a member of school personnel dies after serving for more than 20 years.

The amount of survivors` lump-sum benefit is usually as much as that of lump-sum retirement annuity.

유족연금특별부가금 (Special Additional Benefit to Survivors` Annuity )퇴직후 연금수급연령에 도달하기 전에 사망하여 퇴직연금 또는 조기퇴직연금을 지급받지 못하였거나 퇴직연금 또는 조기퇴직연금

수급권자가 연금수급 후 3 년 이내에 사망한 경우 지급하는 급여.

유족연금특별부가금 = 퇴직연금일시금액 ×1/4 × (36-연금수급월수) × 1/36

This special benefit is paid to the survivors in addition to one`s retirement annuity when one dies before he or she reaches the age for receiving

annuity or when an annuitant of regular or early retirement annuity dies within 3 years after he or she received the annuity.

The amount of special additional benefit to survivors` annuity = the lump-sum retirement annuity 1/4 (36-the number of months for annuity paid)


유족의 우선 순위 (Priority of the Survivors )급여를 받을 유족의 우선 순위는 민법상의 상속의 순위에 의함.

* 민법 제 1000 조 내지 1003 조에 의하여 상속의 순위는 피상속인의 직계비속. 직계존속의 순위며, 동순위의 상속인이 2 인 이상인

때에는 최근친을 선순위로 하고, 배우자는 다를 직계존.비속의 유족중 선순위의 유족과 동순위가 되며, 다른 유족이 없을 경우에는

단독 상속인이 됨.

The priority to receive benefit among survivors is decided on the ground of inheritance priority under the Civil Law.

According to Art. 1000 through Art. 1003 of the Civil Law, the lineal descendants are prior to the lineal ascendants and the closest relative holds

the top priority in case that there are more than two heirs. The spouse has the same right of priority as the lineal ascendents or descendants who

have the top priority; that is, the spouse will be an exclusive heir if there is no other survivors.

유족일시금 (Survivors` Lump-sum Benefit)재직기간이 20 년 미만인 교직원이 재직중 사망한 때에 지급하는 급여임.

유족일시금액 = 퇴직일시금액과 동일함.

This benefit is paid to the survivors when a member of school personnel whose service period is less than 20 years died while on his or her


The amount of Survivors` Lump-sum Benefit is the same amount of Lump-sum Retirement Benefit.

이중수혜자 (Double Benefiter )연금법의 적용대상자가 공무원연금법, 군인연금법. 국민연금법 등 타 연금법의 적용을 받고 있거나 받은 경우를 말함

When a benefiter under KTP system is also applied under other Pension Acts such as the Government Employee Pension Act, or the National

Pension Act, he or she is called a double benefiter.

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임용일 (Employment Date )교원은 사립학교법 제 54 조의 규정에 의하여 관할청에 보고된 임용 일자를 말하며 사무직원은 사립학교법 제 70 조의 2 의 규정에

의하여 정관상 직(등)급별 정원의 범위 내에서 임용된 임용일자를 말함

According to the Art. 54 of the Law on Private School, the day when an newly employed teacher is reported to the relevant government agency is

regarded as his or her employment date

임용전 복무기간 산입 (Inclusion of the Military Service Periods before One`s Employment )1948 년 8 월 15 일 이후 현역병 및 지원에 의하지 아니하고 임용된 부사관의 실역 복무기간은 교직원의 신청에 의하여 그 기간을

재직기간에 산입 할 수 있음

The period in which one performed his or her military service, the rank and file or noncommissioned officer not by volunteering, after August

15th, 1948, can be included in his or her career at his or her request.

임의지정기관 (Arbitrary or Optional Institutes Applied to the Pension Act and Designated by the Minister of Education & Human Resources)당연 적용기관에 해당하지 않는 사립학교 및 학교경영기관 중 교육인적자원부 장관이 지정하는 사립학교와 이를 설치. 경영하는

학교경영기관과 연구기관을 말함.

유치원, 각종학교, 공민학교, 고등기술학교

Various arbitrary institutes―the private schools, school foundations, and research organizations which are not specified in the Pension Act but

designated by the Minister of Education &Human Resources- can be applied by the Pension Act.(ex: kindergartens, irregular schools, and

vocational schools, etc.)

자격변동 (Qualification Change )초·중고교 교원은 자격이 변동되면 호봉산정기준을 달리 하므로 호봉 재획정을 하여야 함.

Salary grade should be readjusted to the different standard of calculation for salary grade when elementary or secondary school teachers`

qualifications are changed

장기급여 (Long-term Benefit )교직원이 퇴직, 폐질 또는 사망으로 급여의 사유가 퇴직 후에 발생한 급여를 말함.

퇴직급여, 장해급여, 유족급여

There are 3 kinds of long-term benefits which are paid to a member of school personnel or his or her survivors. The justification for paying long-

term benefits is created after one is retired.

(ⅰ) Retirement Benefit is paid when one is retired.

(ⅱ) Disability Benefit is paid when one is injured while performing his or her duty.

(ⅲ) Survivors` Benefit is paid when one is dead.

장제비 (Funeral Expenses)장례와 제사를 치르는 비용을 말함.

Funeral Expenses are granted under the name of Condolence Benefit to a member of school personnel when his or her spouse or lineal ascendants

are dead and to the survivors when a member of school personnel himself or herself is dead.

The sum of Condolence Benefit is the same as his or her one month`s salary.

장해보상금 (Compensation Benefit for One`s Disability )장해연금과 동일한 요건이나 교직원이 원하는 경우 장해연금에 갈음하여 장해연금액의 5 년분이 일시금으로 지급되는 급여를 말함

This benefit is paid in a lump-sum under the same condition as the Disability Annuity, at the request of a member of school personnel.

The amount of this benefit is as much as one`s 5 years` Disability Annuity

장해연금 (Disability Annuity )

Page 15: KTPF Benefits Plan

교직원이 직무상 질병 또는 부상으로 인하여 폐질 상태가 되어 퇴직하거나 퇴직후 3 년 이내에 그 질병 또는 부상으로 폐질 상태가 된

경우 연금으로 지급되는 급여를 말함.

장해연금액 = 보수월액 × 지급율(폐질 등급에 따라 80∼15%임)

Disability Annuity is paid to a member of school personnel whose incurable condition resulted from the disease or injury while performing his or

her duty, or whose physically challenged condition resulting from the reason mentioned above has been shown for 3 years after he or she was


The amount of Disability Annuity is one`s monthly salary multiplied by the rate of payment. The rate of payment ranges from 15% to 80%

depending on the degree of one`s disability.

재임용신고 (Notice of Re-employment )교직원이 퇴직하여 퇴직급여 및 퇴직수당을 수령하지 아니하고 퇴직일 또는 익일자에 임용되었거나, 일정기간이 경과된 후

퇴직수당만 수령하고 학교기관에 임용되는 경우를 말함.

One can be re-employed in a school on the very (or following) day when he or she retires without receiving his or her retirement benefit and

retirement allowance or soon after he or she was retired with his or her retirement allowance being paid and not receiving retirement benefit.

재직기간 (One`s Service Period or Life-long Career )연금법의 적용을 받은 기간을 말하며, 부담금(반납금) 납부기간과 일치하는 것이 원칙으로 재직기간은 급여 산정액의 기초로서

재직기간이 길면 길수록 더 많은 급여를 받게되고 재직기간이 20 년 이상이 될 경우에는 연급 수급이 가능하게 되는 등 연금법상 여러

가지 수혜의 기준이 됨.

The period of one`s service, applied by the Pension Act, basically corresponds to the period of his or her contribution and forms the basis in

calculating various kinds of benefits; the longer the period of one`s service is , the more amount of one`s benefit is paid, and one`s annuity can be

granted after he or she served for 20 years at least.

재직기간 소급 통산 (Calculation of One`s Retroactive Service Period )연금법이 시행되기 전에 사립학교기관에 근무한 기간을 연금법상의 재직기간으로 인정하여 재직기간을 신장시키는 제도를 말함.

동일법인과 타 법인 소급이 있음.

The period of service prior to Pension Act`s enforcement, that is, the retroactive period of service, is permitted to be added to one`s life-long

career. There are two kinds of retroactive periods calculated in one`s career; that is , the one is the period served in the identical school foundation

and the other is the period served in the distinct school foundation

재직기간 합산 (Linking of One`s Service Period )공무원·군인·사립학교교직원연금법의 적용을 받았던 과거의 재직기간을 현재의 재직기간에 연결하여 재직기간을 늘리는 제도로

교직원의 신청에 의하여 공단이 승인한 다음에 반납금을 납부하고 재직기간으로 인정받는 것을 말함.

One can demand that the period of his or her former service applied by the Pension Act be added to the present period of his or her service after

he or she gives back his or her retirement benefit already paid, so that his or her life-long career can be prolonged.

재직기간 합산 승인의 제외 (Exclusion from One`s Life-long Career )합산 승인된 재직기간의 전부 또는 일부를 합산에서 제외해 줄 것을 신청하거나, 반납금을 6 월 이상 체납한 경우 합산 제외를 신청한

기간 또는 합산 승인된 재직기간에서 납부한 반납금에 상당하는 재직기간을 공제한 기간을 합산 제외 받을 수 있음. 다만 합산 제외를

받은 자는 이미 제외된 기간을 다시 합산을 신청 할 수 없음.

When one who has worked for a certain period of time as a government employee, or an employee of some other institutions, companies and etc.

is employed as a member of school personnel, the period of former service can be partially or entirely added to his or her life-long career, at his

or her request. At the same time, he or she should offer his or her personal contribution needed for this partial or entire addition of the period of

former service. If he or she just wants a part of period of former service to be added, he or she need not offer the personal contribution for the rest

period of former service because it is excluded from his or her life-long career.

And if he or she fails to hand out his or her personal contribution for the part of period of former service until six months passed by, that period of

former service except the period of which personal contribution is already handed out, even if already added, should be excluded from his or her

life-long career. One should remember that his or her period of former service excluded from his or her life-long career for one of the two reasons

mentioned above can not be added any more even if there is any request from him or her.

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재직기간의 계산 (Calculation of One`s Service Period)교직원으로 임용된 날이 속하는 달부터 퇴직한 날의 전날이 속하는 달까지, 또는 사망한 나리 속하는 달까지의 연 . 월수로 이 기간에

임용전 복무기간, 재직기간 합산, 재직기간 소급통산 등에 의한 가산기간을 합하여 산출하며 연금법상 총 재직기간은 33 년을 초과하지


The months and years of one`s service are counted in determining the period of his or her service; that is, the period is initiated from the date on

which one is employed and ends on the previous day when he or she is retired. But the total period of one`s service cannot come to more than 33

years in accordance with the Pension Act. The period of one`s military service, the period of one`s actual service, and the retroactive period of

one`s service which is the period of service prior to Pension Act enforcement, are all included in one`s life-long career

재해보상 급여 (Casualty Compensation Benefit )교직원이 직무로 인하여 질병. 부상. 페질 또는 사망하였을 경우 공단이 학교기관을 대신하여 재해교직원이나 그 유족에게 재해로 인한

손실을 보전해 주므로써 학교기관의 재정 안정을 도모하고 교직원 및 그 유족의 생활 보호와 복리증진에 기여하기 위힌 사회보험적

급여를 말함.

직무상 요양비, 직무상 요양 일시금, 장해연금 및 장해보상금, 유족보상금이 있음.

To improve the financial stability of schools and to promote the welfare of school personnel and their survivors, KTP, instead of the school

concerned, pays the Casualty Compensation Benefit when a member of school personnel is dead or falls in fatal condition from the disease or

injury while performing his or her duty.

There are five kinds of benefits in it; Medical Treatment Benefit(cf. 117), Lump-sum Medical Treatment Benefit(cf. 118), Disability

Annuity(cf.92), Compensation Benefit for One`s Disability(cf. 91), and Survivors` Compensation Benefit(cf. 75).

재해보상 부담금 (Contribution for Compensating One`s Accidental Damages )교직원의 직무상 질병. 부상. 폐질 사망에 대하여 지급하는 재해보상급여와 화재. 홍수 등 기타 재해로 인하여 재산에 손해를 입은때,

교직원이 사망하거나 교직원의 배우자 또는 직계존속이 사망한 때 지급하는 재해부조급여에 소요되는 비용으로 학교경영기관이

부담하는 금액.

※ 부담율 = 개인부담금 합계액 × 2.5/55

The school foundation, as an employment organization, offers a fund for accidental damages in order to help school personnel and their survivors.

This fund is mainly to compensate for the school personnel or their survivors for one`s disease, injury, disability or death while performing his or

her duty, or for the damaged property by disasters, or for the death of school personnel, one`s spouse and or one`s lineal ascendants.

재해부조금 (Benefit for the House Damaged by Disasters )교직원과 그 배우자 소유의 주택 및 교직원이 상시 거주하는 교직원 또는 그 배우자의 직계존.비속 소유의 주택이 화재. 홍수. 호우.

폭설. 폭풍. 해일 등의 자연적 또는 인위적 재해로 인해 1/3 이상 유실. 소실 . 파괴되었을 때 보수월액의 26 배를 지급하는 급여를 말함.

When the house owned by a member of school personnel or his or her spouse, or the house belonging to his or her lineal descendents or

ascendents where he or she habitually resides, is completely or partially(more than one third) destroyed by any natural or man-made disasters

such as fire, flood, heavy rain, snowfall, windstorm, tidal wave, and so on, between two times and six times of one`s monthly salary is paid under

this benefit.

재해부조급여 (Property Damage Benefit and Death Benefit )교직원이 화재. 홍수 등 기타 재해로 인하여 재산에 손해를 입었을 때와 교직원이 사망하거나 교직원의 배우자 또는 직계 존속이

사망한 때에 지급하는 비용에 소요되는 급여를 말함.

재해부조금, 사망조위금

Property Damage Benefit is paid for the loss of one`s property by disasters such as fire and flood and so on, and Death Benefit for one`s death,

for one`s spouse`s death, or for one`s lineal ascendants` death.

전국소비자물가변동율 (The Fluctuation Rate of Nation-wide Consumer Price Index )전전년도에 대비한 전년도의 전국 소비자 물가 변동율을 기준으로 통계청장이 매년 고시하며, 이를 기준으로 조정된 연금은 연도 1

월부터 12 월까지 변동 없이 적용하며, 전전년도 대비 전년도의 물가 변동율을 구함에 있어서는 어느 특정월 기준의 물가지수를 구하는

것이 아니라 해당 년도의 1 년 동안 평균 물가지수를 비교하는 것임.

Page 17: KTPF Benefits Plan

소비자물가변동율 = (전년도 평균전국소비자물가지수 - 전전년도 평균전국소비자물가 지수) / 전전년도 연평균전국소비자물가지수 ×


The National Statistics Office makes an annual announcement of the previous year`s fluctuation rate of nation-wide CPI, judging from the

comparison of the two between the CPI of the previous year and the CPI of the year before the previous year.

The amount of one`s annuity based on the previous year`s fluctuation rate of nation-wide CPI is paid unchanged from January to December.

the fluctuating rate of CPI= (the nation-wide average CPI of the previous year - the nation-wide average CPI of the year before the previous

year)/ the nation-wide average CPI of the year before the previous year × 100

전언통신문 (Notice of One`s retirement by Phone)퇴직사유가 발생한 교직원의 퇴직사실을 학교기관에서 전화상으로 통보하는 업무처리의 한 방법을 말함.

School can inform one`s retirement of KTP by phone.

전직 (Job-switching)교원이 사무직으로, 사무직이 교원으로 신분이 바뀌었을 경우를 말함.

Job-switching can arise when a school teacher takes over the charge of school business and a clerical worker takes over the charge of teaching.

정근수당 (Allowance for One`s Good Attendance )공무원에게 업무수행의 노고에 대한 보상과 권장을 위한 취지에서 지급되는 것으로 예산의 범위안에서 근무연수에 따라 매년 1 월과 7

월의 보수 지급일에 지급하는 수당을 말함.

보수월액 산정에 포함되는 수당임.

Allowance for Good Attendance is paid twice a year, in January and in July, to the diligent government employees in proportion to their career. It

is added to one`s monthly salary.

정근수당 가산금 (The Additional Allowance for One`s Good Attendance)공무원에게 예산의 범위안에서 근무연수에 따라 보수지급일에 지급하는 가산금을 말함.(과거에는 장기 근속수당이라고 하였음)

보수월액 산정에 포함되는 수당임.

The additional allowance for one`s good attendance, which was called a longevity pay in the past, is added to one`s monthly salary for his or her

good attendance in proportion to his or her career.

정기승급 (The Periodical Raise of Salary Grade)공무원의 호봉간 승급에 필요한 기간은 1 년으로 하며, 매년 1 월, 4 월, 7 월 및 10 월의 초일자로 승급함.

The period for raising one`s salary grade is basically decided by the year. The salary grade is periodically raised at the 1st of January, April, July

and October.

정직 (Suspension of One`s Duty)징계처분의 한 종류로 1 월 이상 3 월 이하의 기간으로 하고, 정직처분을 받은자는 그 기간중 신분은 유지하나 직무에 종사하지 못하며

보수의 2/3 를 감함.

징계처분의 집행이 종료된 날로부터 18 월 동안 승급이 제한되며, 징계처분이 종료된 날로부터 7 년이 경과하게 되면 승급기간의

특례에 의하여 징계처분기간을 제외하고 승급의 제한을 받은 기간은 재 산입함.

When one`s duty is suspended from one month to three months as a kind of disciplinary punishment, two thirds of his or her salary is decreased

and raising his or her salary grade is restricted for 18 months from the day when the suspension of his or her duty is removed. But after 7 years

have passed since suspension of his or her duty was removed, those restricted periods of service can be recovered for his or her career with the

exception of the period of suspension.

조기퇴직연금 (Early-retirement Annuity)교직원이 20 년 이상 재직하고 60 세 미만, 정년 또는 근무상한연령에 도달하지 못하여 퇴직한 때에 본인이 원하는 경우 해당연령에

미달하는 연수에 따라 일정율을 감액한 후 조기에 지급받을 수 있도록 한 연금.

조기퇴직연금은 연금지급개시연령에 미달하는 연수가 5 년 이내로 매 1 년 당 5%씩 감액됨.

Page 18: KTPF Benefits Plan

When one has completed his or her service for more than 20 years and wants to retire before 60, the age limit for Retirement Annuity, he or she

can receive Early-retirement Annuity. But if his or her initial age for receiving Early-retirement Annuity reaches 5 years before 60, the sum of

annuity is reduced by 5% a year.

종전보수월액 적용 (Application of One`s Former Original Monthly Salary)교직원이 강임. 전직 또는 재임용 등의 사유로 보수월액이 감액되었을 때 본인이 희망하고 학교경영기관의 장이 동의하면 종전의

보수월액 적용신청을 하여 승인을 얻는 것을 말함.

※ 보수월액이 감액되기 전의 신분으로 1 년 이상 재직한 경우에만 신청 가능

If one`s monthly salary is reduced because of his or her demotion, job-switching, or re-employment, his or her former original monthly salary

before this salary reduction takes place can be continuously applied in counting his or her contribution on the condition that the president of

school foundation agrees to his or her proposal.

※ It can be requested only when he or she has more than 1 year of service before one`s salary is reduced.

직계비속 (Lineal descendants)교직원 본인의 자손 및 그들과 동등이하의 항렬에 속하는 혈족을 말함.

School personnel`s children and grand-children are referred to as their lineal descendants.

직계존속 (Lineal Ascendants)교직원 본인의 부모 또는 부모와 동등이상의 항렬에 속하는 혈족을 말함.

School personnel`s parents and grand- parents are referred to as their lineal ascendants.

직급 (Levels of Position)직무의 종류와 책임의 정도에 따라 구분한 계급을 말함.

Different levels of position from highest to lowest are classified with respect to the kinds of job and the degrees of responsibilities.

직렬 (Series)유사한 직무의 종류를 책임과 곤란성의 차이에 따라 분류한 구분을 말함.

Series are classified with respect to job`s difficulties and the responsibilities.

직무상 요양비 (Medical Treatment Benefit)교직원이 직무상 질병 또는 부상으로 인하여 직무상 요양을 받은 경우 요양에 소요되는 비용을 지급 받을 수 있는 급여를 말함.

실제 요양기간 2 년에 해당하는 요양비가 지급됨.

Medical Treatment Benefit is paid to the person in need of medical cure, whose disease or injury was caused while performing his or her duty.

The expense for his or her medical treatment are paid for 2 years.

직무상 질병·부상 (The Disease or Injury caused while Performing One`s Duties)직무수행이 직접 또는 간접적인 원인이 되어 발생한 질병. 부상을 말함.

One`s disease or injury can be caused in a direct or indirect way while performing his or her duty.

직무상요양 일시금 (Lump-sum Medical Treatment Benefit)교직원이 직무상 질병 또는 부상으로 인하여 직무상 요양 승인을 받아 2 년간 치료한 후 완쾌되지 않았을 경우 추가로 소요될 예상

비용을 일시금으로 지급 받을 수 있는 급여를 말함.

추가 요양 기간 1 년 범위 내에서 지급됨.

The additional medical treatment benefit can be paid on a lump sum to the person whose disease or injury caused while performing his or her

duty is not completely cured in 2 years, so that more medical treatment is needed for him or her to be wholesome, the expense for additional

medical care is paid over 1 year.

직위변동 (Shift of Position)초·중등학교 교원이 교장 또는 교감으로 임용되었을 경우와 대학의 교원이 전임강사에서 조교수로 조교수에서 부교수등으로 직명의

변동을 말함.

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Shift of position under Pension Acts takes place when one is promoted or demoted. For instance, an elementary or secondary school teacher can

be promoted to be a principal or a vice-principal and a full-time instructor in college or university can be promoted to be an assistant professor

and an associate professor.

직위해제 (Discharge from One`s Position )교직원에게 부여한 직무와 책임을 면함.

When one is discharged from his or her position, all the duties and responsibility are also extinguished from him or her.

직종변경 (Clerical Personnel`s Job-switching)사무직원이 재직중 일반직. 기술직. 기능직으로 서로 직종을 변경하는 것을 말함.

The clerical personnel of a school, who are not engaged in teaching, consist in clerks, engineers, technical workers and so on. They can exchange,

under the special condition, their works among them.

책임준비금 (Policy Reserve Fund for Pension Benefit )연금제도의 운영주체가 장래 지출될 급여액으로서 현재기금에서 적립해 두어야 하는 금액.

책임준비금액 = 장래급여지출 현가총액 - 장래부담금수입 현가 총액

KTP must deposit a certain amount of money in pension fund so that the benefit or other expenses can be paid at the right time in future.

체납처분 (The Compulsive Collection)교직원 또는 학교기관이 공단에 대하여 부담하고 있는 의무를 이행하지 아니하는 경우 공단이 강제적으로 의무가 이행된 것과 같은

상태를 실현하는 처분 및 그 집행을 말함.

KTP forces the schools or school personnel to fulfill their liability on KTP by exercising the compulsive collection in the following order; the

first step is to deliver demanding note, second step is to attach their property, the final step is to dispose or clear off their property.

퇴역연금 (Veteran`s Retirement Pension)군인연금법에서 지급되는 급여로 사립학교교직원연금법에서의 퇴직연금에 해당되는 급여를 말함.

Veteran`s Retirement Pension, which corresponds to the Retirement Annuity under KTP, is paid to the retired military servicemen under the

Military Servicemen Pension.

퇴직 (Retirement)면직·사직 기타 사망 외의 모든 해직을 말함. 다만 교직원의 신분이 소멸된 날 또는 그 다음날에 다시 교직원으로 임명되고 연금법에

의한 퇴직급여 및 퇴직수당을 수령하지 아니한 경우에는 예외로 함.

Retirement is defined as a releasement from one`s duties with the exceptions of his or her dismissal, resignation, and death. But if one is

reemployed at the very day or the following day when he or she retires without receiving his or her Retirement Benefit(cf.127) and Retirement

Allowance(cf. 128), he or she can not be regarded as a retiree.

퇴직급여 (Retirement Benefit )교직원이 퇴직시 지급되는 장기급여로서 퇴직연금, 퇴직연금일시금, 퇴직연금공제일시금, 퇴직일시금, 조기퇴직연금 등 5 종을 말함.

- 퇴직연금일시금은 재직기간 20 년 이상인 교직원이 퇴직하면서 연금이 아닌 일시금으로 지급 받기를 원할 때 지급하며, 이러한

급여의 선택은 퇴직당시에 교직원의 선택에 의하며 급여가 지급된 이후에는 퇴직연금 등 다른 급여로 바꿀 수 없게 됨.

- 퇴직연금공제일시금은 20 년 이상 재직한 교직원이 퇴직할 때 20 년 이상 일정 기간에 대해서는 연금으로 지급 받고 나머지 기간에

대해서는 일시금으로 받고자 할 경우 지급되는 급여임.

There are 4 kinds of long-term benefits paid to the retired school personnel― that is , Retirement Annuity(cf. 130), Lump-sum Retirement

Annuity(cf. 133), Partial Lump-sum Retirement Benefit(cf. 132), Early retirement Annuity and Lump-sum Retirement Grant(cf. 134).

Lump-sum Retirement Annuity is paid to a retired person whose service length is more than 20 years, if he or she wants to receive Retirement

Annuity on a lump sum. One`s choice between Retirement Annuity and Lump-sum Retirement Annuity should be fixed at the very time when he

or she is retired, and his or her fixed choice cannot be changed after he or she was paid.

Partial Lump-sum Retirement Benefit is paid to a retired person whose life-long career is more than 20 years. he or she can receive annuity for his

or her service of 20 years or over (20 years is the minimum career for paying one`s annuity) and a lump-sum for the rest periods of service.

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퇴직수당 (Retirement Allowance)교직원이 1 년 이상 재직하고 퇴직 또는 사망한 때에 지급되는 급여를 말함.

퇴직수당 금액은 재직기간 매 1 년에 대하여 보수월액에 재직기간별 지급비율을 곱한 금액(10%∼60%)

Retirement Allowance is paid to the retired or dead person whose service length is more than 1 year. The amount of Retirement Allowance

becomes greater in proportion to his or her period of service; the paying rate is differently applied with respect to his or her periods of service,

ranging from 10 to 60 percent of his or her monthly salary.

퇴직수당 부담금 (Contribution for Retirement Allowance)국가 또는 공단에서 부담하는 퇴직수당 지급에 소요되는 비용을 말함.

The financial sources for Retirement Allowances are provided by the government and KTP.

퇴직연금 (Retirement Annuity)재직기간 20 년 이상인 교직원이 퇴직 후 연금으로 지급되는 급여로 재직기간 20 년을 기준으로 매월 보수월액의 50%가 지급되며, 20

년 이상 기간 매 1 년당 2%가 추가되고 최고 76%까지 받을 수 있는 급여를 말함.

퇴직연금액 = (평균보수월액 × 50%) + (평균보수월액 × 20 년 초과 재직년수 × 2%)

Retirement Annuity is paid to a retired person whose life-long career is more than 20 years. The basic period of service for paying Retirement

Annuity is 20 years. 50% of one`s monthly salary is paid each month for his or her 20 years` service and 2% of one`s monthly salary is annually

added to it for the extra years` service exceeding 20 years. In the end the total sum of one`s retirement Annuity amount to 76% of his or her

monthly salary.

The amount of Retirement Annuity = (average monthly salary 0.5) + (average monthly salary the number of years exceeding 20 years 0.02)

퇴직연금 지급 개시연령 (The Initial Age for Retirement Annuity)2000 년 12 월 31 일 현재 재직중인 교직원(1995 년 12 월 31 일 이전 임용자, 1995 년 12 월 31 일 이전의 합산 재직기간이 있는 교직원에

한함)으로서 재직기간이 20 년 미만인 교직원이 2001 년 1 월 1 일 이후 재직기간 20 년 이상이 되어 퇴직한 경우 퇴직연도별 해당연령인

50 세부터 연금을 지급하되, 2 년에 1 세씩 올려 단계적으로 60 세로 제도화하는 경과규정을 말함. 즉 퇴직연도가 2001 년과 2002 년인

교직원은 50 세, 2003 년과 2004 년인 교직원은 51 세, 2005 년과 2006 년인 교직원은 52 세부터 연금을 지급하는 방식으로 조정하여 2021

년 이후 퇴직자부터 60 세가 되도록 하였음.

정년 또는 근무상한연령에 먼저 도달할 경우에는 연도별 퇴직연금 지급 개시 연령과 상관없이 해당연령부터 지급함.

The Retirement Annuity begins can be initially paid to a 50-year-old person who was employed before the 31st, December, 1995 and was being

in service on the 31st, December, 2000, if he or she wanted to be retired after 20 years` service.

The initial age for Retirement Annuity, ie, the age 50, can be extended to the age 60 in a way that every one year is gradually added in every 2

years from the year 2001 to the year 2021.

If one reaches the age limit, or if one reaches the maximum service age before the initial age for Retirement Annuity begins, Retirement Annuity

can be paid regardless of the initial age for it.

퇴직연금공제일시금 (Partial Lump-sum of Retirement Benefit )재직기간 20 년 이상인 교직원이 퇴직 후 20 년 이상 일정기간은 연금으로 지급 받고, 잔여 기간은 일시금으로 지급 받는 급여를 말함.

퇴직연금 공제 일시금 = (보수월액 × 공제재직연수 × 1.5) + (보수월액 × 공제재직연수 × 공제재직연수 × 0.01)

Partial Lump-sum Retirement Benefit is paid to a retired person whose life-long career is more than 20 years and if he or she wants to receive

annuity for his or her service of 20 years or and a lump sum for the rest periods of service.

The amount of Partial Lump-sum Retirement Benefit= (monthly salary × the number of years on a lump-sum × 1.5) + (monthly salary × the

number of years on a lump-sum × the number of years on a lump-sum × 0.01)

퇴직연금일시금 (Lump-sum Retirement Annuity )재직기간 20 년 이상인 교직원이 퇴직 후 연금에 갈음하여 일시금으로 지급 받는 급여를 말함.

퇴직연금 일시금액 = (보수월액 × 재직연수 1.5) + (보수월액 × 재직연수 × 5 년 초과 재직연수 × 0.01)

Lump-sum Retirement Annuity is paid to a retired person whose life-long career is more than 20 years and if he or she wants to receive

Retirement Annuity on a lump sum.

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the amount of Lump-sum Retirement Annuity = (monthly salary × the number of service years × 1.5) + (monthly salary × the number of service

years × the number of years exceeding 5 years × 0.01)

퇴직일시금 (Lump-sum Retirement Grant)재직기간 20 년 미만인 교직원이 퇴직 후 일시금으로 지급 받는 급여를 말함.

- 1 년 내지 5 년 미만의 퇴직 일시금액 = 보수월액 × 재직연수 × 1.2

- 5 년 이상 20 년 미만의 퇴직 일시금액 = 퇴직연금 일시금과 같은 방식으로 산정함

Lump-sum Retirement Grant is paid to a retired person whose life-long career is less than 20 years.

(ⅰ) The amount of Lump-sum Retirement Grant paid to the person whose service period is between 1 and 5 years= monthly salary × the number

of service years × 1.2

(ⅱ) The amount of Lump-sum Retirement Grant paid to the retired person whose service period is between 5 and 20 years= (average monthly

salary × the number of service years × 1.5) + (average monthly salary × the number of service years ×the number of years exceeding 5 years ×


특수 요양비 (Special Medical Treatment Benefit)현행 일반적인 요양으로는 정상적인 치료가 곤란하거나, 치료후 정상적인 사회활동이 곤란하여 별도의 요양이 필요한 경우에

국민건강보험법령 및 산업재해보상보험법령에 의하여 산정한 일반 요양비를 초과하거나 그 범위 외의 특수 요양에 소요되는 비용을


Special Medical Treatment Benefit is paid to a person who is not completely restored in health by any regular treatment and thus can`t lead a life

as a member of society. This benefit is granted if the total expenses for one`s medical treatment exceed the regular benefit under the Law on

National Health & Insurance and the Law on Workmen`s Accident Compensating Insurance.

파면 (Dismissal)징계처분의 한 종류로 교직원 관계를 청산하는 것을 말하며, 퇴직 급여의 1/2 을 감하여 지급함.

Being dismissed from one`s position means being officially removed from his or her job. If a member of school personnel is dismissed from his

or her position, his or her retirement benefit is reduced to half.

평균보수월액 (The Average Monthly Salary)퇴직한 날의 전날 또는 재직중 사망시에 사망일이 속하는 달부터 소급하여 3 년간(2001 년 1 월 1 일 이후의 재직기간 또는 2001 년 1 월

1 일 이후에 합산된 재직기간에 한하며 해당 재직기간이 3 년 미만인 경우는 그 재직기간에 한함)의 보수월액을 현재가치로 환산한 후

이를 합산하여 해당월수로 나눈 금액을 말함.

One`s average monthly salary is very important in that it is used for calculating of his or her contribution, benefits and annuity.

The total sum of one`s average monthly salary for the 3 years prior to the very month when he or she is retired or dead is re-calculated in terms of

current value and then divided by the number of months(or divided by total months of his or her service if the length of service is less than 3

years or if the averaged months are less than 3 years).

One`s 3 years` service prior to the very month when he or she is retired or dead must be counted from 1st of January, 2001 onward.

평균보수월액의 현재가치 환산 (Recalculation of One`s Average Monthly Salary)보수월액 또는 평균보수월액에 연도별로 공무원평균보수인상율(행자부장관 고시, 2001 년 이전 기간 매년 6%)을 순차적으로 곱하여

급여의 사유가 발생한 연도 또는 연금의 지급이 시작되는 연도의 현재가치로 환산함.

One`s average monthly salary is recalculated in terms of the value of the year when his or her benefit should be paid for any reasons or in terms

of the value of the year when paying one`s annuity is initiated.

The result of recalculation comes from multiplying consecutively one`s monthly salary or average monthly salary by the annual rate of

government employee`s pay rise, which is announced each year by the Minister of Administration & Autonomy.

The rate of the year before 2001 was 6%.

폐질 (Disability)교직원이 직무상 질병. 부상으로 인하여 신체에 정신적 또는 육체적 훼손 상태가 지속적으로 남게된 경우를 말함.

폐질의 정도 구분은 1 급부터 14 급까지의 14 등급으로 구분함.

Page 22: KTPF Benefits Plan

One continues to be in seriously impaired condition, mentally or physically, from the disease or injury caused while performing his or her duties ;

that is , he or she is in the disability condition, which is classified as 14 grades from the most serious to the lightest.

표준봉급월액 (The Standard Monthly Salary)교원의 표준봉급월액은 당해 교원의 직위와 자격 등에 따라 공무원보수규정 중 교육공무원에게 적용되는 규정에 의하여 산정되는

봉급월액이며, 사무직원의 표준봉급월액은 당해 사무직원의 급류와 기간에 따라 공무원보수규정 중 일반직 공무원 및 기능직

공무원에게 적용되는 규정에 의하여 산정되는 봉급월액을 말함.

One`s personal contribution or benefit is calculated on the basis of his or her standard monthly salary. Standard monthly salary of a teacher is

decided with respect to his or her status under the Regulation for Educational Public Employees, while the standard monthly salary of a clerk is

decided with respect to his or her position and service periods under the Regulation for Regular or Technical Government Employees.

학교경영기관 (School Foundation or the President of Private School)당연적용기관 및 임의적용기관의 사립학교를 설치. 경영하는 학교법인 또는 사립학교 경영자를 말함.

A private school established and managed by the president of the school foundation is applied obligatorily or optionally by the Pension Act.

학도의용군 (Volunteering Students` Corps)6.25 한국전쟁 발발 후 구국비상학도대 설치일(1950 년 6 월 29 일)부터 해제일(1951 년 2 월 28 일)까지의 종군기간에 복무한 자를 말함.

The student soldiers volunteered to perform their military service on the 29th of June, 1950, when the Emergency Students` Army for National

Salvation was organized as a result of Korean War.

Those student soldiers who had performed their military service from the 29th of June, 1950 to the 28th of February, 1951, are called

Volunteering Students` Corps.

학력변동 (Change of Educational Background)교원이 재직중 학력이 변동된 경우를 말함.

Teachers` educational backgrounds can undergo a change while they are in service.

학보제대자 (Student Soldiers)학적보유 현역병 제도에 의거 대다수가 1 년 6 월 재영후 귀휴한 자를 말함.

귀휴기간 6 월 소지자(1956 ∼ 1962 년 사이에 시행)

The student soldiers are the ones who, after performing military service for one and a half years, were temporarily released before their term of

military service was finished.

This system had been in effect from 1956 to 1962.

합산반납금 (Money Restored for Summing up One`s Service Periods)재직기간 합산을 위해 퇴직당시에 수령한 퇴직 급여액에 일정율의 이자를 가산하여 반납하는 금액을 말함. 반납 대상 급여는

퇴직일시금. 퇴직연금일시금 및 퇴직연금공제일시금이며,퇴직(퇴역)연금 및 퇴직수당은 반납 대상이 아님.

When a member of school personnel is re-employed and wants to add his or her period of former service, he or she should restore the Retroactive

Benefit received with some interests on it.

The benefits that should be restored are Lump-sum Retirement Grant(cf. 134), Lump-sum Retirement Annuity(cf. 133), Partial Lump-sum

Retirement Annuity(cf. 132), while Retirement Annuity(cf. 130), Veterans` Retirement Pension(cf. 125), and Retirement Allowance(cf. 128)

need not be restored.

해외대학 국고학자금대여 (Loan of School Expenses for Student Studying Abroad)해외의 정규대학 과정에 재(입)학중인 교직원의 자녀에게 연간 6000$ 이내로 국내대학의 대여조건과 동일하게 대여하는 경우를 말함.

School personnel can make a loan of school expenses without any interest for their children enrolled in a college or a university abroad. The

amount of school expenses can not exceed 6000$ a year under the same condition of loan for a domestic college or university.

해임 (Releasement from Duty)징계처분의 한가지로 파면 다음으로 무거운 징계이며. 교직원 신분은 박탈되나 퇴직급여는 정상적으로 지급됨.

Releasement is the disciplinary punishment less heavier than dismissal(cf. 135). When a member of school personnel is released from his or her

duty, he or she is deprived of his or her status as a member of school personnel, but his or her retirement benefit is paid normally.

Page 23: KTPF Benefits Plan

호봉 재획정 (Re-settlement of Salary Grade)교직원이 재직 중 새로운 경력을 합산할 사유(자격, 학력변동 포함)와 승급 제한기간을 산입하는 경우 또는 호봉 재획정 방법이

변경되는 경우에 호봉을 재 획정함을 말함.

One`s salary grade is re-settled when his or her new career resulting from the changes of his or her qualification or educational backgrounds is

added or when his or her restricted period in salary raising is included in his or her period of service or when the way of salary grade delimitation

is changed.

휴직 (Temporary Lay-off)교직원 신분과 자격을 유지하면서 일정 기간 쉬는 것을 말하며, 일반휴직, 입대휴직, 병가휴직 및 육아휴직 등이 있음.

Temporary lay-off is a period when one is not doing his or her duties that he or she normally does regularly. Regular leave, sick leave, maternity

leave, military recruit leave and etc. are contained in it.