Lecture for Magsaysay

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  • 8/18/2019 Lecture for Magsaysay



    Business Administration Department

    College of Business Administration

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture for Magsaysay





    Business Administration Department

    College of Business Administration

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture for Magsaysay


    What is an Entrepreneur?

      Entrepreneur: A person ho organizes andmanages an enterprise! especiall" a#usiness! usuall" ith considera#le

    initiative and risk $ – Initiative: %eadiness and a#ilit" in

    initiating action$


    Risk: &he ha'ard or chance of loss$

    Source: Webster’s College Dictionary (Random House/McGraw


  • 8/18/2019 Lecture for Magsaysay


    What is an Entrepreneur?

     (An entrepreneur is someone hopercei)es an opportunit" and creates

    an organi'ation to pursue it$(

    Source: The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship, 2nd Ed.; William D. Bygrave,

    Editor. ohn Wiley and !ons Publishers, "##$. 

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture for Magsaysay


    Who is an Entrepreneur?

      In the U$S$! appro*imatel" +, of the adultpopulation is acti)el" in)ol)ed in startinga #usiness at an" gi)en time$

    -ne out of e)er" to adults has tried tostart a #usiness at some time in his or

    her life$

    Source: ntre!reneurs"i! #rd d$% &ambing and 'ue"l rentice Hall g *+

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture for Magsaysay


    What Does it &a.e to Be Successful?

    (In entrepreneurship! luck  ishere preparation and

    opportunity  meet$/

    Source: The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship, 2nd Ed.; William D. Bygrave,

    Editor. ohn Wiley and !ons Publishers, "##$. 

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture for Magsaysay


    (&he idea is not hat is important$ Inentrepreneurship0 ideas are a dime a do'en$

    De)eloping the idea! implementing it! and#uilding a successful #usiness are theimportant things$/

    Source: The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship, 2nd Ed.; William D. Bygrave,

    Editor. ohn Wiley and !ons Publishers, "##$. 

    What Does It &a.e to Be Successful?

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture for Magsaysay


    What Does It &a.e to Be Successful?

    (Would1#e entrepreneurs ho are una#le toname customers are not read" to start a

    #usiness$ &he" ha)e onl" found an ideaand ha)e not "et identified a market need $/

    Source: The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship, 2nd Ed.; William D. Bygrave,

    Editor. ohn Wiley and !ons Publishers, "##$. 

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture for Magsaysay


    What Does It &a.e to Be Successful?

    Someho! someda"2 "ou are going to ha)e to earn3-SI&I4E CAS5 67-W$

     You need more than a re)enue model 8#ut "ou doneed that9$ You need a 4A7UE model$

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture for Magsaysay


    What Does It &a.e to Be Successful?

    Mar.et share is great! #ut "oucan:t pa" #ills ith it$

     You can do some financiall"stupid things to #uild

    mar.et share$

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture for Magsaysay


    Where Do You Start?

    &hin. a#out W5- is going to ant "our product;ser)ice!

    hat the" ill 3AY for it! hat "ou ill

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture for Magsaysay


    &he Importance of 4alue Creation

    A successful #usiness is

    one that delivers value to its customers and

    creates value for itsoners$

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture for Magsaysay


    4alue is deli)ered to "our customers hen "ou dosomething for them

    • Better 

    • Cheaper 

    • 6aster 

    • Cooler 

    • Different

    5oe)er! it is li.el" that none of these ill or.for long! so continuous impro)ement andinno)ation are essential$

    &he Importance of 4alue Creation

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture for Magsaysay


    4alue is created for the oners hen>

     –  You do more ith their mone" than the" could do ith itthemsel)es

     –  You in)est in producti)e acti)ities that earn rates ofreturn greater than their ris.1adusted costs of capital$

     – &he present )alue of future cash flos e*ceeds thestartup costs$

    &he Importance of 4alue Creation

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture for Magsaysay


    4alue is created #">

     – E*ploiting proprietar" ph"sical resources


    3ossessing proprietar" .noledge or e*pertise – Creating a ne or impro)ed product! process! or ser)ice

     – Sta"ing ahead of the competition through constantimpro)ement and inno)ation

    &he Importance of 4alue Creation

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture for Magsaysay


    %e)enue comes from> – Selling or licensing a product

     – Selling or licensing a ser)ice

     – Creating a transaction pipeline

     – &rading products or ser)ices

     – Selling ad)ertising

     – In)esting

    %e)enue Models

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture for Magsaysay


    3lanning for Success

    Don:t plan a #usiness for toda" @ 3lan it for atleast a "ear from no$

     – Moore:s 7a> Computing poer ill roughl" dou#lee)er" months$

     – Bandidth ill continue to increase for most usersalmost ad infinitum$

     – 3eople ill li)e longer and maintain acti)e lifest"lesfar after retirement$

     – Energ" sources and consumption patterns illchange drasticall"$

     – &he orld ill continue to #e a )er" dangerous place$

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture for Magsaysay


    3lanning for Success

    &hin. a#out the ne*t paradigm shift thatill change #usiness and life> – 6ire

     – Agriculture

     – 5orsepoer  – Writing

     – Masonr"

     – Sailpoer 

     – Metallurg"

     – Waterpoer 

     – Steam

     – 2$$


  • 8/18/2019 Lecture for Magsaysay


    5o &o

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture for Magsaysay


    A 7ifest"le 4enture

    • 1"ear re)enue proections under million

    • Started #" people ith life1st"lemoti)es 8li)e "our ho##"9

    • F, of all startups

    • ero interest to )enture capitalists

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture for Magsaysay


    6unding Your 4enture

    • &he hardest funding to raise is the firstfunding$ You are pro#a#l" on "our on$

    • 7ater funding gets progressi)el" easierdepending on the results "ou can sho toin)estors and hat "ou need to fund$

    • BA

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture for Magsaysay


    Closing &houghts

    (I find that theharder I or.!

    the more luc. Iseem to ha)e$/Thomas


  • 8/18/2019 Lecture for Magsaysay


    Closing &houghts

    (Whether "outhin. "ou can! or

    that "ou can:t!"ou are usuall"right$/ !enry



  • 8/18/2019 Lecture for Magsaysay


    Closing &houghts

    (I ha)e not failed$ Iha)e ust found

    F!FFF a"s thaton:t or.$/Thomas Edison
