01.05 Anda mungkin sudah sering melihat video maupun film yang menampilkan kecanggihan teknologi terbaru untuk masa depan. Tapi apa jadinya jika hal tersebut menjadi nyata dan bisa anda miliki? Saat ini mungkin fungsi meja bagi anda hanya sebagai peralatan rumah tangga untuk meletakkan peralatan tulis menulis atau sekedar pengisi interior ruangan. Sepertinya kita sudah selangkah lebih dekat ke jaman dimana semua gadget menggunakan sistem layar sentuh. Pada awal tahun 2011, beredar kabar munculnya teknologi tv hologram . Tapi baru-baru ini, dipenghujung tahun 2011, Microsoft membuat sebuah terobosan dengan teknologi yang diberi nama Microsoft Surface, dimana sebuah kombinasi antara meja, komputer, kamera, serta touch sensivity berukuran sebesar yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk berinteraksi untuk berbagai aktivitas.

Materi Meja Masa Depan

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Anda mungkin sudah sering melihat video maupun film yang menampilkan kecanggihan teknologi

terbaru untuk masa depan. Tapi apa jadinya jika hal tersebut menjadi nyata dan bisa anda miliki? Saat

ini mungkin fungsi meja bagi anda hanya sebagai peralatan rumah tangga untuk meletakkan

peralatan tulis menulis atau sekedar pengisi interior ruangan. Sepertinya kita sudah selangkah lebih

dekat ke jaman dimana semua gadget menggunakan sistem layar sentuh. Pada awal tahun 2011,

beredar kabar munculnya teknologi tv hologram. Tapi baru-baru ini, dipenghujung tahun 2011,

Microsoft membuat sebuah terobosan dengan teknologi yang diberi nama Microsoft Surface, dimana

sebuah kombinasi antara meja, komputer, kamera, serta touch sensivity berukuran sebesar yang

memungkinkan pengguna untuk berinteraksi untuk berbagai aktivitas.

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Pada meja besar yang menggunakan LCD touch screen 40 inci, Microsoft menempatkan sebuah

smartphone pada layar, seketika Microsoft Surface akan mengenali perangkat tersebut dan

menampilkan informasi mengenai perangkat serta memungkinkan untuk memilih model yang

berbeda. Kabarnya, Microsoft telah mengkonfirmasi harga terbaru untuk meja masa depan yang akan

mereka rilis pada tahun 2012 nanti di pasar Amerika sebesar $8.900.

Seperti halnya Microsoft Surface, teknologi terbaru untuk masa depan lainnya, sebuah meja

interaktif, EXOdesk, memungkinkan sanda untuk melakukan semua aktivitas pada virtual space.

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EXOdesk sebenarnya merupakan sebuah tabletop computer yang menawarkan layar high definition 40

inci, di mana kita bisa memanipulasi virtual object dengan menyentuh dan dragging. EXOdesk akan

dirilis pada tahun 2012 mendatang dengan harga $1,299.

 Anda bisa membaca berita melalui fasilitas RSS, bermain Twitter maupun melakukan aktifitas internet

lainnya. Bahkan Anda bisa bermain musik dan game langsung dari meja masa depan ini. EXOdesk

akan dijual mulai tahun 2012 dengan harga $ 1.299 atau sekitar RP 11,5 juta rupiah. Apakah anda

Tertarik? Simak videonya berikut:


Category Teknologi Mutakhir Masa Depan |

For some years now if you wanted the ultimate in interactive desks you either had to watch a

science-fiction movie and dream, or spend many thousands of pounds on a Microsoft Surface table

that was limited in functionality because there weren’t, frankly, very many around.  I’ve had a play

with Surface at Microsoft UK and which the technology is intriguing and very compelling, the lack of

functionality soon resulted in my becoming bored and moving on to play with something else


What’s really needed then is an interactive desk with the power of surface but with an already

established developer community and a price-tag that you don’t have to be a hotel chain to afford. 

Now the dream is set to become a reality in 2012 with the launch of the EXOdesk from EXOPC.  In

this exclusive from TheLongClimb I have all the latest information about this exciting and intriguing

new computing desk, complete with never before seen images.

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In this feature, EXOPC spoke exclusively to me about their new desk computer, and revealed for the

very first time technical details about this exciting product.

So first of all what is it?  Well it’s a 40 inch 10-point capacitive touch screen embedded into a piece

of very swanky looking furniture.  It will be formally unveiled at the 2012 Consumer Electronics Show

(CES) in Las Vegas where it will be hosted by the (still secret, I really can’t tell you) manufacturer of

this amazing screen.  Trust me, it’s simply one of the finest manufacturers in the business!

The screen itself is a full 1080 panel with 178 degree horizontal and vertical viewing angles and, as I

said, a huge 10 point touch interface.  You can attach a PC to it directly or use it as an extra display

with or without your existing computer with the provided EXOdesk software.  If you simply want to

use it to show video you can do this too.

It supports a standard keyboard and mouse being placed on the display but can also display virtual

keyboards and mouse pads.  The company say they have a special virtual keyboard that “that is

modular and can be moved part by part to match the ergonomic needs of everyone, for example,

you can drag number keys from top of the keyboard to a virtual keypad, separated from the other

keys.”  The sheer thought of all this brings a shiver to my spine as I think back to TRON in 1982 and

how much I wanted one then.  It is also fully compatible with Windows 7 and Windows 8.

So who is the EXOdesk being marketed at?  Business, home and professional users who want to

find new and exciting ways to interact with computers will all benefit from designers and musicians to

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stock-brokers and people who need access to a wealth of information easily accessible all the time. 

The EXOdesk is expected to retail at around $1300 for the consumer version when it goes on sale

next year.  This is a really staggeringly low price for the technology provided.

So what are EXOPC saying about their new ExoDesk?  They’re calling it The Most immersive


Very large panel just under your eyes

Highly immersive themes

Full HD Video tabletops

New experience to interact with virtual objects

Virtual mouse pads and keyboard pads with visual feedback

Your world under your eyes

Keep an eye on your social networks

View news feed, weather

Your video channels, webcams

Statistics, alerts

Snapshots and memos

Download dedicated applications from EXOstore

Download new themes

Customize your experience with libraries of table tops, video backgrounds, objects and


I’ve seen two exclusive new videos of the device in action and the themes are every bit as exciting

as you might imagine, being either static or animated, and the overall touch and animation effects

the company is showing off are simply amazing.  I will have another exclusive at the end of next

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week the company tells me with a first public look in depth at the ExoDesk in video.

So what does the EXOdesk offer business users?  It’s not competing with Surface the company tell

me, as it’s aiming at a different part of the market, the more mainstream user who wants it for

productivity.  On this the company says it offers.

Contextual information

Live information and data feeds

Dashboards, alerts and metrics

Image and document viewing

Workflows and procedures

Quick guides and visual information

Tools and utilities

Smooth customization and integration

Customize using XML and HTML based templates

Interoperability layer for easy integration with your infrastructure

Private cloud

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Also for developers EXOPC aren’t resting on their laurels with support for the very latest and most

exciting programming technologies.

Exciting HTML5 application development


o Full HD, hardware accelerated HTML5 container

o JavaScript extensions

o Auto-transitions for backgrounds and objects

o Contextual information (active app, multiple display, mouse and keyboard stats, 

clipboard, access to the other screens as images in canvas, etc)

Increase your own productivity

o Applications dedicated to developers

o Visual guides

o Contextual information (color picker, mouse position, objects dimensions)

Have fun and make money

o Most immersive HTML5 development kit

o Publish your free and paid apps and tabletops to the EXOstore

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Taking full advantage of the benefits brought by HTML5 they say…

the HTML5 development kit includes functions to implement physics behavior for all applications

(realistic behavior including gravity and friction)

EXOPC are a Canadian technology company that launched their excellent self-titledWindows

7 tablet just over a year ago.  The tablet had fantastic build quality and I even got one myself for

this.  It is still on sale, rebadged and rebranded many times over depending on the supplier you buy

it from and was chosen as the tablet of choice for Intel when developing their MeeGo operating

system.  The original EXOUI which acted as a skin over the top of Windows 7 also found its way

onto many other Windows 7 tablets worldwide.

You can view a short demo of the EXOdesk in action here, but as I say I’ll have an exclusive new

video for you soon.

EXOdeskEXOdesk is a desk with a 40 inches touch panel to assist the user in productivity mode or provide innovative applications.

The following artist view shows the EXOdesk with a standard monitor.

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Two models are planned, one without CPU to be connected to an existing desktop PC, and one with a full computer to be connected to your laptop or desktop computer.

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The prototype is built with a standard table and connected to a desktop computer as an external monitor. The Intel i7 CPU and the GMA acceleration card provides smooth animations in productivity mode (while using productivity applications on the main displays).

Applications for EXOdesk do not act as traditional applications. They must act as assistants or as input devices.The large screen, close to the user's eyes, requires smooth and slow animations and transitions.

EXOdesk is compatible Windows 7 and 8.

EXOdesk supports EXOstore, allowing developers to publish HTML5 applications dedicated to EXOdesk and end users to download them.

Partial list of planned applications: News reader, information and market watch Timeline and alert system Reference and contextual help Contextual services Weather Calculator and converter

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Clock, alarm Calendar Shortcuts, virtual keyboards and pointing devices Media player (playback can be done on the EXOdesk or other display or computer) Musical instruments Board games Educational applicationsVideo of EXOdesk in action:

More information  EXO UI Physics for large touch displays More EXOtables: living room table and producitivity table  


ViewSonic is building a 32 inches EXOdesk for a technology showcase at CES 2012. The EXOdesk is not a standard 40 inches due to limited access to 40 inches capacitive touch panel. More info The Verge - ViewSonic is building ExoPC's 32-inch EXODesk for CES

EXO UI physicsEXO UI physics is a natural way to interact with digital content and applications on large touch displays.

EXO UI physics is based on EXOengine and run HTML5 applications.EXO UI physics is a skin of the standard EXO UI.

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For better interaction with no learning curve, physics behavior are respected (and will be progressively more realistic).

EXO UI physics start point is a round icon floating on the table. When the user click on the icon, other icons are made visible and accessible.

EXO UI physics requires a screen size of 32 inches with full HD resolution (1920x1080), and 10 points of touch.

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EXO UI physics supports standard EXOstore, with an access to the applications designed for EXO UI physics, including multiple display applications (playing piano on the EXOdesk while the partition is visible on the main computer screen)

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.The general behavior of the UI is compatible with the use of a traditional keyboard and mouse on the display area. Virtual keyboards and pointing devices are supported but many wish to continue to use their traditional input devices.