〘⫊䅫ᑪ 㞞䅫ᐍ ᕷ䈽⪮ ⍁〴ᑪ⯇ ㆮ ≵ᵌ㇒ ደ ᕷ⫃䉇⼹ደ ⬪⪵圥⯗ Ꭽ㑧 㱈㢸ᒊ圦∘ ぴ 䅮ᒋ ᯂ Ⲥ 㢸㻙䆟1 㑣 44㇖ Ⲥ㦫Ꮽ 䅮㇒␌䊇䋄ᐑ⿴ ⪭ ደ㑧 㢸㻙ᕧᣧ䋄⿴ᩕ Ⲥ㦫Ꮽ ␌㇒ 䋄∘ 㿒䅺 ⾘ 453〔⍁ㆮ 䅮㇒ ᯂ㿒ᳮ ㇎ 㜦〔䆊 㢱䅪䆊 ㎆1 䇪㊂⼹ㆮ ⨭䋄 ጆ䏁 ␌䊇䋄ᐑ ㇎⨭㈂/ Ⲩ⯋㞚 ㉰ ᯂ㜬䈹ㆮ䋄㈂ㆮ 㢱 ⨭ደ ㇎㊾ㆎ⌫ ⬪䄌Ῑᤗ ᕷ⯋ᬰ⼹ ㆮ 㹸◈ ᐃ〘㇎ 㾚㟓㊾1 ⯋⪭⿴ ᵄ Ῑ 䌄ጀ ┋䁏⿴ ⪱ Ⲥ㦫Ꮽ ⪭ᐑ ┄㆒ ⨭⪭ᩕ ᔧዴㆮ ㉰㈢ᐑₚ ⪭㉭ ᳮ㆖ ☈ ᵤ ⽗㑤 ⩃㞖ደ ⽗␐㑣 ⽝㆒ ᩑㆎ ␌䅫㉭ ⱺ䊇ደ ᰉᕧ ₖヵ Ⲥᕧ〩㑣≲ ㇎㊉ᩕ ᔧᵤደ じ ᎄ ጊ Ꮽ ≶䅪⌫ ᒊ⫃⩃ ≴㇎ 〔㑧 ᒊ㞳 ㉭ ⨭ደ 〘ᔨ㇎ 䊇 Ⲥ≐ご ∔ ㈂∐ㆮ ㈌ 㱄⩣㆖ ᕧ䆊 ☈≲ 䅪Ꮽ ㉰䆟1 ⍁Ꮝㄇ ␌䅫㾨ደᩕ 5⫊ 6⫊ᳮ ㆖ Ꭽᠰ 䆊 〔㑧 ⬪⪵圥WKH ZD\ RXW圦㆒ ㉰㈢ㆎ ㇒䅮 Ꮽ㵓ㆮ 〕⨭ ∘ ⏨⨭䅮 ᕧ㋭ 䁿ᳮ ☀ 䁏䈫 ▓ ㅑ ᢥᏭ 9158 䅮ᒋ㉰㈢㆖ 䅮ⓩ㋪ ≲ ㆮ ㉰㈢㇎ ⽗᪕ ㇒⇰ ㉰㞳ㆮ ⽗䄜ㆎ ⱺ䊇Ⲥ㩽Ꮽ 㾨䆟1 䁿⿴ ㉰ᣧ䅲 ⯇ ㇣ᎍ 䆊㎊ ᠪ㾖⿴ ᎍ Ꮽ⊀ᩕ ㇒⨭ ≮㇎㯢∘ ㇾ㆒ ᕷ ⫃䉇ደᩕ 4<77ᣛ⿴ 㱠 :⨵ ᵤᖅ㑣 ᕷ㇖⫃ㆮ Ꮽ䇀㇒ ≲Ꮓ⿴⪭ ΅ㆎ⌫ 䅌 䌄 ㉰㈢ደヵ Ꭿᬳ ⨷ㆮ ㇎⾗ᕧ∘ ㉰䆟1 圥⪭ヹ☀ 䅪▃∘ Ꭽᡰ䅪Ῑ圦 ㆮ ■Ɽ㹷⫒⁙ 䁿㆖ 㿒䅺 ᕧ㋭ 44ጐ ㆮ ❺ ⬪⪵㆖ 㑵䅔䅮 ㉭㇎ ㇣ᩕ ᕷ⫃ 䉇 ደᩕ 5⫊ᳮ㇎ ⚞䅮ᐍ ㉰㈢⿴ 䆊 ㇴ ⍫∐ᩕ 䈫Ⲭ㆖ ⽛㱀ᖗᎍ 〔Ꭽ ㇎ ᳮ㆖ ⩃ㆎ ⬪⪵㆖ ᕧ Ⲥ 䆟ㆎ⌫ 㞪 ⬪⪵㆖ ㅑ䆊 ㅑⱤ㦯Ⲩ ㎆≢ 䅫⿴⪭ ┣ㄑደ⌫ 7ᣛ〔 ᕧዴ⿴ ፸ 㟓 㑵䅔䆟Ꮽ ≶䆊 㯦 ┄⯇ ዸ㜶∘ ┊⽬1 ⬪⪵ ⯗Ꭽ㑧 㱈㢸ᒊᩕ 9158 䅮ᒋ㉰ ㈢ㆎ ㇒䆊 ደ㋪㇎ ᠪᐍ ⚞ㆎ ዸ≐ ㆎ⌫ ᠪ䅮⿴ ᠪ⽗ ㆮ⨭ደ ᰍ ᵌ㇎ ⓥ ᒋ㆖ 㵓䆊 ⚞ㆎ ᳮደ ㋩㦫ᳮ㆖ ≐Ꮽ じᩕ ᠺョㆎ ᕷ㊂㇖ㆮ ❺ ⪭㇒ 䈽⚝ㆮ ⬮⿴ 㯦 ᪑ደ ㎇ᎍᰉᩕ ⚝⚡㇎ ㇎㜷ㆮ ㉰䊋㉼㇎ῙᏭ ደ ⬪ጐ䅮1 ደᩕ ⬪⪵㆖ 㵓䆊 ዱ ⨭Ῡᳮ㇎ 㑧 ㊂䅮 㱈㢸ᒊ∘ 㜭⽗⪭ ⨵⽗ደ㑣≲ ⚞ 䅮ㆮ 㑧㊂䅮 㱈㢸ᒊᩕ ␈㇒㑣∘ ㉰ 䅪Ꮽ 䅮Ꮽ ᭃ⚷〩1 ⬪⪵圥WKH ZD\ RXW圦㆒ ⽗≮㋭ ᐍ ┇Ɽ⽻ᤗ❂/ ㉰⪭㉭ 㰦ᳮ/ 䅮ᒋ ⪭㉭㆖ 㵓䆊 ≲ᠢ ⯇ ㇣1 Ⲩ⽭Ⲵ ᖂ㆒ ᕷ⫃䉇ደㆮ ጆㆮ+ ṁᩕ 䅮 ᒋ,∘ ㄕ䅪ᩕ ᑪ䋄 㞳ᩕ ᨱῙ㇎ 䄌㱀㇞Ɽ 〘Ὶ䅪⌯ᰍ1 www.jaymovers.com I.L.C.C. 117079 MC ČÓ ںԽţ ؉ə ۋ ۋ܃Ԛ ݙ Golf Mill Dental Care ᗱ ⦽ᇥ ⦽ᇥ ᭥⧕ ᕽḡ ᦫ۵ ⊽ᱩ⦹Ł ᪥ᄞ⦽ ⊹ഭෝ ⧕ऽญ۵ ෪ ఢԣ Professional Building, Suite 925 Niles, IL 60714 847-635-8002 241 Golf Mill Center ⴳ⬒〩⬝ ↑⸞ ⵧⅭ ≰⩖㉏㇡⩮⩏ ធ⪗↨⹀ ン⾢≀ន⾢ Ⱶ㉏ⲙ❎ ↮Ⲩ㈝➏ ≛ⵏ ≪ⵃ ←⑺ ⵢ❞⒑ ⣙ⵔ ⵞ┩⒑ ⏓Ⅹ ⏓ ⩭ⵔ ⪎↵ ⒣⚺ ❼ⵃ ↕ⵔ☣ ⏓Ⅹ ⣙┻↵ ㉊ㄟ㈝❖⚺⒑ ⏓ ⹁ ⯘⡊Ɑ ⵞ⑺ ⏓ ⯖⎷⑺ ↩⬛ ┩⎦⠏ ⅸⵀ➏ ⏓ ⬘ロⱭ ╅⚛ ⯙ⵂ ⵢ⬘╝ⵂ ⯾❘ ⅰ☧⎦⠏ ⅸⵀ❖⚺⒑ Ⱶ㉏ⲙ❎ ↮Ⲩ㈝⑺ ⵢ⑺ ⵔⅸⵔ ⣙ⵃ Ⰲⵀ❖⚺⒑ ⬄㇊ ㈌∪⯫Ⲇ Ɱ⯫ ┠⬄ ⾋ㆤ

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www.jaymovers.comI.L.C.C. 117079 MC

Golf Mill Dental Care

Professional Building, Suite 925Niles, IL 60714


241 Golf Mill Center

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I think... I’m Being Loved...

And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God., and God in him.(1 John 4:16)

(Save me...)

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(414) 856-9456

(224) 577-6414

(224) 636-2588

(630) 778-0101

(847) 299-1776(847) 292-1254

(847) 228-0008

(630) 279-1199

(847) 858-4464

(847) 541-9538(847) 660-4183

(847) 534-2826

(847) 483-9191

(847) 359-5200


(847) 359-1522

(224) 587-9863

(773) 283-7799

(847) 212-0632

(847) 551-9212(847) 414-1264

www.NLchicago.org www.tkbc.net


(847) 942-1671www.evergreencommunity.org

www.chicagocc.org(847) 537-9632


www.hebron.org(847) 394-8454

(630) 961-9777 (630) 975-8291




(847) 788-9990

(847) 966-5290www.lakeview-kpc.org

(847) 357-0100www.hansarangchurch.net

2020 E. Drexel Ave. Oak Creek, WI 53154 701 Locust Rd. Wilmette, IL 60091

(414) 856-9456 (847) 663-0606www.lifecreek.org www.pnfchurch.org

28701 N. Ivanhoe Ln. Mundelein, IL 60060

(847) 566-5000www.ipc-chicago.com

2733 Techny Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062

(773) 440-0191Chicago Nanoom Church

431 S. Arlington Heights Rd. Arlington Hts. IL. 60005

(847) 858-4464www.tkbc.net

10 S. Walnut Ln. Schaumburg, IL 60193

(847) 534-2826www.salempeople.net

1435 W. Wise Rd. Schaumburg IL. 60193

(630) 529-2345www.ckcn.org

23855 Long Grove Rd. Barrington, Il 60010(847)508-2799 (847)382-0055

545 Landmeier Rd. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007(847)312-5949

665 Grand Cannyon St. Hoff man Estates, IL 60194(847) 612-8520

www.palmtreechurch.com1743 Quincy Ave., Suite 143, Naperville, IL 60540

(630) 961-9777www.yuhllin.org

1100 lakeview parkway, Vernonhills, IL 60061


1500 W. Algonquin Rd. Hoff man Estates, IL 60192

(847) 359-1522www.kcclove.org

301 Ridge Ave. Elk Grove, IL 60007(847) 228-0008

4250 N. Pulaski Rd. Chicago, IL 60641

(224) [email protected]

665 Grand Canyon St. Hoff man Estates, IL 60194

(847) 885-8183www.afcc.org

4707 W. Pratt Ave., Lincolnwood, IL 60712

(847) 674-6700www.thebethany.org

308 E. Camp Mcdonald, Prospect Hts. IL 60070(847) 788-9990

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Chicago Oakbrook Financial Group
