¿NOS APORTA ALGO LA SEROLOGÍA A LA BIOPSIA · PDF file• Vasculitis Lesiones de ... Gran importancia en el diagnóstico (y en la patogénesis). ... Carcinoma vejiga urinaria en

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    Curso de Nefropatologa Sociedad Norte de Nefrologa

    Viana, Navarra 16 de Mayo 2015

  • Caso Clinico

    Mujer de 21 aos. Artralgias, artritis en los ltimos 9 meses. Eritema malar

    Se detectan ANA y AntiDNA +. Diagnosticada de LES, comienza con Hidroxicloroquina.

    Dos meses ms tarde, orinas oscuras y edema. TA 140/90 mmHg

    Proteinuria 4 g/24h, sedimento con incontables hemates, Crs de 2 mg/dl

  • Caso Clnico

    Biopsia Renal ? Esteroides+MMF o Ciclofosfamida? Y seguimiento-ajuste de tratamiento segn evolucin de Crs, proteinuria, sedimento. Escaso valor de los ANA-Anti-DNA salvo para el diagnstico

  • Class I Minimal mesangial lupus nephritis

    Normal glomeruli by light microscopy, but mesangial immune deposits by immunofluorescence

    Class II Mesangial proliferative lupus nephritis

    Purely mesangial hypercellularity of any degree or mesangial matrix expansion by light microscopy, with mesangial immune deposits

    May be a few isolated subepithelial or subendothelial deposits visible by immunofluorescence or electron microscopy, but not by light microscopy

    Class III Focal lupus nephritisa

    Active or inactive focal, segmental or global endo- or extracapillary glomerulonephritis involving

  • Lupus Eritematoso Sistmico Lesiones de Actividad Necrosis Fibrinoide Asas de Alambre Semilunas celulares Cariorrexis Cuerpos hematoxinfilos Infiltrados intersticiales Vasculitis

    Lesiones de Cronicidad Glomrulos esclerosados Fibrosis intersticial Semilunas fibrosas Esclerosis intersticial Angiosclerosis

  • Biopsias Renales de Protocolo en el LES?

  • Mujer de 37 aos, nacida en Marruecos. Habla muy poco espaol. Desde hace 4 semanas, edema en miembros inferiores, con fvea,

    hasta rodillas. Tambin nota edema palpebral. No refiere otros sntomas. Exploracin Fsica. TA 110/70 mmHg. T 36.8 C. Edema hasta rodillas. Resto normal

  • ANALTICA Crs 0.6 mg/dl. Ccr 77 ml/min Hgb 14.8 g/dl, leucocitos y plaquetas normales Protenas totales: 5 g/dl. Albmina 1.8 g/dl. Colesterol 289 mg/dl; Triglicridos 183 mg/dl Estudio de coagulacin normal. Proteinograma normal Proteinuria 6.5 g/da. Sedimento: 3-5 hxc. Resto normal.

  • Inmunoelectroforesis en sangre y orina normales Inmunoglobulinas: IgG 598; IgA 315 ; IgM 212 mg/dl. C3 101 mg/dl; C4 45 mg/dl; ANA 1/40; Anti-DNA (-) VHC, VHB, VIH negativos

    Ecografa abdominal normal, a excepcin de pequea cantidad de lquido libre. Riones normales.

  • -El Patlogo nos informa de que no hay material adecuado para Inmunofluorescencia.

    -Con el diagnstico de lesiones mnimas, se inicia

    tratamiento con prednisona, 1 mg/Kg/da y furosemida 1-2 comp/da.

    - Al cabo de 1 mes de tratamiento la enferma contina

    edematosa y empieza a notar facies cushingoide. La Crs es 0.7 mg/dl, Proteinuria 8 g/24 h, PT 5.1 g/dl,

    albmina srica 2 g/dl.

  • Kidney International, 24 (1983), pp. 377385 Pathologic differentiation between lupus and nonlupus membranous glomerulopathy JENNETTE JC et al.

  • Se reinterroga a la paciente con traductor: artralgias e incluso artritis de articulaciones de manos en los ltimos meses. Rash malar en el ltimo verano.

    Se repite serologa : C3 86 mg/dl; C4 21 mg/dl ANA 1/360; Anti DNA negativo. Resto de Ac negativos

    incluidos Ac anticardiolipina

    Se establece el diagnstico de Membranosa Lpica

  • LN was confirmed in 1092 patients (31%). Most had LN proliferative forms (70%), and there were only 16 cases of thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA). Complete response to treatment was achieved in 68.3% of patients, whereas 17.9% remained with renal activity. A higher risk for persistence of renal activity was found with higher levels of baseline serum creatinine (1 vs 0.91, p=0.004) and proteinuria (2.76 vs 2.4, p=0.006). ESRD was clinically associated with positive a-dsDNA, low complement, pleuropericarditis, seizures (all p

  • Characterization of Patients with Lupus Nephritis Included in a Large Cohort from the Spanish Society of Rheumatology Registry of Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

    RELESSER is a multicentre cross-sectional study, with information retrospectively collected from the charts of patients with SLE followed up at participant rheumatology units. Globally, 359 variables including demographic and clinical data, activity, severity, comorbidities, treatments and mortality were recorded. The following renal data were included: WHO LN histological type, proteinuria, haematuria, leukocyturia, cellular casts and creatinine clearance, treatment response, recurrence, development of ESRD and/or the need for dialysis or renal transplantation.



    Sedimento Urinario

    Funcin renal (Crs, eGFR)


    Hematuria no glomerular, de vas o urolgica Tumores Pruebas de Imagen Infecciones Ecografa Litiasis TAC Hipercalciuria/ Urografa I.V. Hiperuricosuria

  • PROTEINURIA CUANTIFICACIN POR UNIDAD DE TIEMPO Por Ejemplo: 1.5 g/24 horas Cociente Proteinas (Albmina)/Creatinina en muestra aislada de orina o en orina de 24 h Por Ejemplo: Cociente Proteinas/Creatinina: 2.5 g/g Cociente Albmina/Creatinina: 325 mg/g EVITAR: proteinuria de +++ proteinuria de 3.6 g/litro

  • Caso Clnico Mujer de 59 aos. Diagnosticada de LES a los 19 aos.

    Remitida por Anemia grave (Hgb 7 g/dl)

    Crs de 2 mg/dl MDRD 28 ml/min) , ANA y anti-DNA (-)

    IRC desde al menos 5 aos. Ninguna determinacin de proteinuria por unidad de tiempo (tiras o mg/dl)

    Nunca Biopsia renal, nunca valorada por Nefrlogos

    Informacin al paciente

  • Caso Clnico

    Varn de 75 aos. Astenia, decaimiento general, disnea en las ltimas semanas. Antecedentes de rinitis con epistaxis y sinusitis

    Rx Torax:normal Anemia, resto de hemograma normal. Crs 5.5 mg/dl. St con

    intensa hematuria, proteinuria 2.5 mg/dl ANA, Anti-DNA, Anti MBG (-), ANCA (AntiPR3) +++. Serologa

    viral negativa, complemento normal

    Biopsia Renal o Esteroides+Ciclofosfamida (alternativa: rituximab)+plasmaferesis?


    Granulomatosis de Wegener** Poliangetis microscpica** Churg-Strauss** Schonlein-Henoch Vasculitis Crioglobulinmica Vasculitis cutneas

    ** ANCA +

  • C-ANCA Anti- Proteinasa 3

    P-ANCA Anti-mieloperoxidasa

    Wegener 90% 10%

    Poliangetis microscpica

    50% 50%

    Churg-Strauss 10% 90%


    ANCA: Gran importancia en el diagnstico (y en la patognesis). Pero utilidad relativa en el seguimiento

  • Classification flowchart.

    Annelies E. Berden et al. JASN 2010;21:1628-1636

    2010 by American Society of Nephrology

  • Typical examples of glomerular lesions in each of the four categories.

    Annelies E. Berden et al. JASN 2010;21:1628-1636

    2010 by American Society of Nephrology

  • Renal survival (no development of end-stage renal failure) is depicted according to the four histologic categories.

    Annelies E. Berden et al. JASN 2010;21:1628-1636

    2010 by American Society of Nephrology

  • Beck L et al. N Engl J Med 2009;361:11-21

    Expression of the M-Type Phospholipase A2 Receptor (PLA2R) in Normal Kidney Tissue and Glomeruli

  • Beck L et al. N Engl J Med 2009;361:11-21

    Antibody against the M-Type Phospholipase A2 Receptor (PLA2R) and Disease Activity in a Patient with Membranous Nephropathy

  • CJSAN 2011

  • Proteinuria and PLA2R antibody levels of all patients included in the study.

    Elion Hoxha et al. JASN 2014;25:1357-1366

    2014 by American Society of Nephrology

  • Proteinuria and PLA2R antibody levels of patients treated with immunosuppressive therapy.

    Elion Hoxha et al. JASN 2014;25:1357-1366

    2014 by American Society of Nephrology

  • Beck LH, Salant DJ. Membranous nephropathy: recent travels and new road ahead. Kidney Int 2010.

  • Time to achievement of remission of proteinuria in patients with high versus low PLA2R antibody levels at study inclusion.

    Elion Hoxha et al. JASN 2014;25:1357-1366

    2014 by American Society of Nephrology

  • KaplanMeier plot for survival in remission, grouped by PLA2R antibody status at end of therapy.

    Anneke P. Bech et al. CJASN 2014;9:1386-1392

    2014 by American Society of Nephrology

  • Working diagnostic tree using IgG4 anti-PLA2R1 activity at the time of renal transplantation and during follow-up, and proteinuria changes after renal transplantation.

    Barbara Seitz-Polski et al. Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. 2014;29:2334-2342

    The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved.

  • Non-Nephrotic Proteinuria ACEI/ARB

    Nephrotic syndrome (NS)

    Observation Period in all the patients (Except in those with renal function decline) Treatment of NS: Diet, diuretics,