Obstetrical Hemorrhage 产科出 Ref: 1,妇产科学(八年制 3ed) 2,Willamsobstetrics(24 ed) 3,Current Obstetric & Gynecologic Diagnosis & Treatment (11th)

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Obstetrical Hemorrhage 产科出⾎血

Ref: 1,妇产科学(八年制 3ed) 2,Willams’ obstetrics(24 ed) 3,Current Obstetric & Gynecologic Diagnosis & Treatment (11th)

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Obstetrics is a “bloody business” 产科出血是我国孕产妇死亡的第一位原因

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Obstetrical Hemorrhage n  产前出血(胎儿娩出前出血) Ø  前置胎盘 Ø  胎盘早剥 Ø  子宫破裂 n  产后出血(胎儿娩出后出血) Ø  病因:4T Ø  临床表现及诊断 Ø  处理

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  Placental bed bleeding(最常见原因)   Placenta previa(前置胎盘)   Placental abruption(胎盘早剥)   Uterine bleeding(⼦子宫破裂)   Lower segment scar rupture (既往剖宫产瘢痕⼦子宫再次妊娠分娩)  rupture of other scars (⼦子宫肌瘤挖出术后瘢痕⼦子宫妊娠分娩)

  Cervical lesion(<5%)   Cervical erosion, cervicitis(⼦子宫颈炎)   cervical carcinoma (rare,but must be excluded)   Fetoplacental: 脐带帆状附着⾎血管前置 (very rare)


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前置胎盘:胎盘位于胎⼉儿先露之前,达到或覆盖⼦子宫颈 胎盘早剥:正常位置的胎盘,在胎⼉儿娩出前从⼦子宫壁剥离

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Placenta previa(前置胎盘) The placenta is located over or near the internal os(>28w) Classification   中央性(完全性)前置胎盘






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Placenta previa(前置胎盘) Etiology  ⼦子宫内膜损伤或病变




High risk factors: increased maternal age, prior CS, multiparity(经产妇), and smoking

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Clinical feature

  Sudden, Painless vaginal bleeding during late pregnancy (degree depend on the type)

  The uterus is soft , nontender, the size of uteri is corresponded to its gestational age. but may have uterine contraction.   Life-threatening hemorrhage associated with

hypovolemic shock

  An unstable fetal lie, fetal distress in severe cases

Placenta previa(前置胎盘)

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Diagnosis   High risk factors

  Sudden painless vaginal bleeding during the latter half of pregnancy, soften uterine

  Solography: simplest, most accuracy (>95%), safest. Definitive diagnosis before delivery

  阴道检查: 慎用。肛查:禁用


Placenta previa(前置胎盘)

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Maternal-fetal complications   Risk of postpartum hemorrage, shock, death

  Placenta accreta(粘连), increta(植⼊入) ,


  Anemia , infection

  Perinatal (围产)morbidity and mortality increased (prematurity、hemorrhage)

Placenta previa (前置胎盘)

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Placenta accrete syndromes 正常位置胎盘:0.004% 前置胎盘: 9.3% 合并瘢痕⼦子宫的前置胎盘:67%

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Management of antepartum hemorrage

n  maternal situation ? (amount of hemorrage)

n  fetal maturity ?

fetal compromise? (有⽆无窒息)

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Placenta previa ( Management )

 Expectant therapy No active bleeding with a premature live

fetus (<34w)    Rest in bed, hospitalisation? Always prepared to transport to hospital immediately !   Tocolysis (宫缩抑制剂): main way for hemostasis   Anemia therapy, Prevention of infection & FGR.   The administration of steroid(糖⽪皮质激素) to promote fetal lung maturity : 24(28) ~34W   Fetal monitoring

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  Delivery:The hemorrhage is severe / life-threatening, or the fetus is reasonably mature(>36w)   CS(剖宫产): Cesareen delivery is necessary in

practically all cases of placenta previa. (抢救休克及⼦子宫切除的准备)

  Vaginal delivery(阴道分娩):边缘性或低置胎盘 and cephalic presentation(头先露), fewer bleeding, can be deliveried in short time. Ready for CS !

Placenta previa ( Management )

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Placental abruption(胎盘早剥) Premature separation (total or partial) of the

normally implanted placenta (>20w)


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Etiology   Vascular deficiency: Hypertension, renal

disease, diabetes

  External trauma (创伤)   Sudden decreased uterine volume: during


  Increased uterine venous presure High risk factors: advancing maternal age, multiparity, smoking, cocaine abuse.

Placental abruption (胎盘早剥)

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Placental abruption (胎盘早剥)

Pathology: decidual hematoma

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Clinical feature: can vary considerably

(临床上分为I、II、III度) Ø  Abdominal (uterine) pain or back pain Ø  irritable, tender, and often hypertonic(⾼高张) uterus

Ø  Vaginal bleeding: the symptoms could be out of proportion to the amount of hemorrhage

Ø  Fetal distress(胎⼉儿窘迫), demise (死胎) Ø  Hypovolemic shock、DIC

Placental abruption(胎盘早剥)

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Diagnosis   Risk factors, abdominal pain/uterine

tenderness, viginal bleeding

  Ultrasound(25%): negative findings can not exclude placental abruption

  Lab: anemia, coagulopathy

Placental abruption(胎盘早剥)

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Complication   DIC   Uteroplacental apoplexy   Hemorrhage & shock   Amniotic fluid embolism   Renal failure   Fetal mortality (50~80 %)

Placental abruption (胎盘早剥)


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Placental abruption (胎盘早剥)


 Delivery: decided once diagnosis for an expanding abruption or an a major abruption or fetal maturity

 CS:Severe condition, fetal distress

 Vaginal delivery:limited separation with close observation , can be deliveried in short time.

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Expectant therapy ?

  Maternal-fetal safety and immature fetus:<34w, I 度胎盘早剥

  Tocolytic agents

  The administration of steroids to promote fetal lung maturity

  Fetal monitoring

Placental abruption (胎盘早剥)

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前置胎盘 胎盘早剥

高危因素 经产妇 血管病变或外伤史 腹痛 无 剧烈 阴道出血 外出血,阴道出血量与全身

失血症状成正比 内出血为主,阴道出血量与 全身失血症状不成正比,血尿

子宫 软,与妊娠月份一致 板样硬,压痛,可比妊娠月份大

胎位胎心 胎位清楚,胎心音一般正常 胎位不清,胎心音弱或消失 不明原因死胎的常见原因

阴道检查 子宫口内可触及胎盘组织 无胎盘组织触及

并发症 失血性休克、胎盘植入 子宫胎盘卒中、DIC、死胎

B 超 >95%的诊断率 有假阴性

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Rupture of the uterus (⼦子 宫 破 裂)

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Rupture of the uterus Etiology n  Prior hysterotomy Ø  CS Ø  myomectomy ( intramural

or submucous) n  Trauma Ø  Vehicle accident Ø  Obstetric trauma:

improper use of oxytocic agent, violent bearing-down efforts, obstructed labor

n  Placenta percreta

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⼦子 宫 破 裂 诊断 n  高危因素

n  产时加剧的耻骨上疼痛或压痛

n  宫缩突然停止伴“撕裂样”感

n  阴道流血或血尿

n  胎先露回缩

n  胎心异常、消失

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Rupture of the uterus Treatment Laparotomy must be performed once uterine rupture being diagnosed n  Hysterectomy: the preferred treatment

for most cases of complete rupture n  Uterine repair: childbearing necessary

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Rupture of the uterus

Preventation n  Good judgment before labor to

prenvent traumatic delivery

n  Correct use of oxytocic agent

n  Good closure of a CS incision

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Postpartum hemorrhage (产后出⾎血)

Bleeding from the genital tract in excess of 500ml (≥500ml) after the birth of fetus. CS≥1000ml.

q Early postpartum hemorrhage: blood lost during the first 24h after delivery

q Late postpartum hemorrhage: blood lost between 24h and 6 weeks after delivery

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Hemostasis at the placental bed 正常产后⽌止⾎血的机制

  Contraction and retraction of the myometrium to compress the vessels surrounded by the interlacing myometrial fibers

Pregnancy hypercoagulability:

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Postpartum hemorrhage (原因) 4T Cause Rae

Tone Uterine atony 70% (⼦子宫收缩乏⼒力)

Trauma Obstetric laceration 20% (软产道撕伤) n  Tissue retained placental tissue 10% (胎盘滞留或胎盘胎膜残留) accreta, increta, percreta (胎盘粘连、植⼊入)

Thrombin Coagulation defects 1% (凝⾎血功能障碍)

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 Coagulation defects  Causes of coagulopathy in pregnancy

Ø Placenta abruption Ø Pre-eclampsia Ø Amniotic fluid embolism Ø Retained dead fetus Ø Sepsis

 Hematological disorders & Liver dysfunction diseases

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Clinical feature   vaginal bleeding

After fetal delivery : n Laceration (fresh-red, immediately, firm uterine) n Placental factors After placental delivery: n Uterine atony n Retained placental fragments Bleeding without clotting :coagulopathy

shock, Sheehan’s syndrom

Postpartum hemorrhage (产后出⾎血)

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Postpartum hemorrhage ( Diagnosis)

Evalution of the amount of bleeding accurately ! 称重法 容积法 休克指数=脉搏/收缩压(mmHg) Hb测量:下降10g约400~500ml

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 Close observation to find the cause:  Evaluation of the uterine tone first  Check up the entire birth canal carefully  Inspection of every placenta after delivery  If the hemorrhage with clot?

Hemostasis(⽌止⾎血)immediately according to the causes

  Blood transfusion

  Therapy for shock and prevention of infection Evalution of the amount of bleeding accurately !

Management of Postpartum hemorrhage

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Hemostasis immediately according to the causes

Uterine atony n  bimanual uterine compression and massage n  oxytocic agent n  packing of the uterus n  B-Lynch brace suture n  uterine or internal iliac artery ligation n  angiographic embolization n  prompt hysterectomy (⼦子宫切除术)

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Bimanual uterine compression and massage

腹部按摩法 腹部-阴道联合按压法

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  Oxytocic agent n  Oxytocin(缩宫素)

n  Posterior pituitary extract n  Acts within 2.5 minutes , IM or IV n  Generally does not cause side effects

n  Ergometrine(⻨麦⾓角新碱) n  Preparation of ergo, IM n  Contraindicated in women with hypertension or

heart disease n  Misoprostol(⽶米索前列醇): prostaglandin E1 analogue

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Packing of the uterus

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B-Lynch brace suture(背带缝合)

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Uterine or internal iliac artery ligation

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Angiographic embolization (⾎血管栓塞-介⼊入技术)

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  Placental factors

  Inspection of every placenta after delivery

  Manual removal of placenta (手取胎盘)

  Curettage (清宫术)

  Packing of the uterus (placental adhesion)

  Prompt hysterectomy (胎盘植⼊入)

Hemostasis immediately according to the causes

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Manual removal of placenta

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  Obstetric lacerations

Check up the entire birth canal carefully

surgical repair of laceration or episiotomy immediately

find out if there is hematoma (ligature & drainage)

hysterectomy (rupture of the uterine)

Hemostasis immediately according to the causes

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Hemostasis immediately according to the causes  Coagulation defects   Prompt elimination of the cause of coagulopathy

  Correction of coagulation defects Ø  Fresh whole blood/ fresh frozen plasma(新鲜冰冻⾎血浆) Ø  Cryoprecipitate packs(冷沉淀) Ø  Platelets (⾎血⼩小板) Ø  Fibrinogen(纤维蛋⽩白原)

Page 51: Obstetrical Hemorrhage 产科出ccftp.scu.edu.cn/Download/20170921154417710.pdf · 2017-09-21 · Obstetrical Hemorrhage 产科出 Ref: 1,妇产科学(八年制 3ed) 2,Willams’


  Prenatal care

  Delivery management

Especially third/fourth stage management

Postpartum hemorrhage

Page 52: Obstetrical Hemorrhage 产科出ccftp.scu.edu.cn/Download/20170921154417710.pdf · 2017-09-21 · Obstetrical Hemorrhage 产科出 Ref: 1,妇产科学(八年制 3ed) 2,Willams’

Lin Wu