Obzor 2020: Zdravlje, demografske promjene i kvaliteta života Tina Kokan, Obzor 2020., nacionalna osoba za kontakt za NMP i SC1 MICC 2016., 01. lipnja 2016. Medicinski fakultet, Zagreb

Obzor 2020: Zdravlje, demografske promjene i kvaliteta …ark.mef.hr/MICC/micc12_Kokan.pdf · Obzor 2020: Zdravlje, demografske promjene i kvaliteta života Tina Kokan, Obzor 2020.,

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Obzor 2020:

Zdravlje, demografske promjene i kvaliteta života

Tina Kokan, Obzor 2020., nacionalna osoba za kontakt za NMP i SC1

MICC 2016., 01. lipnja 2016.

Medicinski fakultet, Zagreb


• Nadolazeće teme u području SC1, za 2017. godinu

• Korisne poveznice

Radni program za SC1, 2016./17.

Glavni istraživački prioriteti

• Personalized Medicine

• Promoting Healthy Ageing

• Human Biomonitoring

• Health ICT

• Infectious Diseases

• Maternal and child health

• Struktura:

– Understanding health, well-being and disease

– Preventing disease

– Treating and managing diseases

– Active ageing and self-management of health

– Methods and data

– Healthcare provision and integrated care

– Coordination activities

Radni program za SC1 2016./17.

Understanding health, well-being

and disease

• SC1-PM-02-2017: New concepts in patient stratification– Research and Innovation action

– Two-stage tema

– Prijave na stage 1: od 29.07.2016. – 04.10.2016.

• SC1-PM-03–2017: Diagnostic characterisation of rare disease– Research and Innovation action

– Single-stage tema

– Prijave: od 29.07.2016. – 11.04.2017.

Od strane Europske komisije moguće su daljnje izmjene sadržaja tema i rokova navedenih u ovom izlaganju.

Preventing disease

• SC1-PM-07–2017: Promoting mental health and well-

being in the young

– Research and Innovation action

– Two-stage tema

– Prijave na stage 1: od 29.07.2016. – 04.10.2016.

Treating and managing diseases

• SC1-PM-08–2017: New therapies for rare diseases

– Research and Innovation action

– Two-stage tema

– Prijave na stage 1: od 29.07.2016. – 04.10.2016.

• SC1-PM-10–2017: Comparing the effectiveness of existing

healthcare interventions in the adult population

– Research and Innovation action

– Two-stage tema

– Prijave na stage 1: od 29.07.2016. – 04.10.2016.

Active ageing and self-management of


• SC1-PM-15-2017: Personalised coaching for well-being and

care of people as they age

– Research and Innovation action

– Single-stage tema

– Prijave: od 20.09.2016. – 31.01.2017.

Methods and data• SC1-PM-16–2017: In-silico trials for developing and assessing biomedical products

– Research and Innovation action

– Single-stage tema

– Prijave: od 08.11.2016. – 14.03.2017.

• SC1-PM-17–2017: Personalised computer models and in-silico systems for well-being– Research and Innovation action

– Single-stage tema

– Prijave: od 08.11.2016. – 14.03.2017.

• SC1-PM-19–2017: PPI for uptake of standards for the exchange of digitalisedhealthcare records– Public Procurement of Innovative solutions

– Single-stage tema

– Prijave: od 08.11.2016. – 14.03.2017.

• SC1-PM-20-2017: Development of new methods and measures for improved economic evaluation and efficiency measures in the health sector– Research and Innovation action

– Single-stage tema

– Prijave: od 29.07.2016. – 11.04.2017.

Coordination activities

• SC1-HCO-03–2017: Implementing the Strategic Research Agenda on Personalised Medicine– ERA-NET Cofund

– Single-stage tema

– Prijave: od 29.07.2016. – 11.04.2017.

• SC1-HCO-07–2017: Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD)– Research and Innovation action

– Single-stage tema

– Prijave: od 29.07.2016. – 11.04.2017.

• SC1-HCO-08–2017: Actions to bridge the divide in European health research and innovation– Coordination and Support action

– Single-stage tema

– Prijave: od 29.07.2016. – 11.04.2017.

On Erasmus+Important features

International dimension: internationalisation of HEIs through

mobilities and institutional cooperation

Impact and dissemination of project results: individual-institutional-policy impact, dissemination platform

Recognition and validation of skills and qualifications: promoting

Europass, strengthening ECHE principles

Equity and inclusion: support to mobility participants with special

needs or from disadvantaged background/ migracijska kriza

Multilingualism: better linguistic support to exchange students,

European Language Label, OLS

Mobilnost studenata Mobilnost osoblja

• razdoblje studija • u svrhu poučavanja

(stručne prakse nisu dostupne) • u svrhu stručnog


trajanje: 3-12 mjeseci trajanje: 5 dana - 2 mjeseca

- sve razine studija

Nove mogućnosti mobilnosti nastavnog i nenastavnog

osoblja i studenta između RH i trećih zemalja (Erasmus +: International credit mobility)

Očekujemo 2. rok : rujan 2016.

Dostupne zemlje: Izrael, Armenija, Azerbajdžan, Bjelorusija, Gruzija, Moldova, Ukrajina,

Alžir, Egipat, Jordan, Libanon, Libija, Maroko, Palestina, Sirija, Tunis

• Putni troškovi-prema kalkulatoru udaljenosti

• Potpora za odlazne studente: 650 € mjesečno

• Potpora za dolazne studente: 800 € mjesečno

• Potpora za odlazno osoblje: 160 € dnevno

• Potpora za dolazno osoblje: 100 € dnevno

Ured za međunarodnu suradnju SuZ prijavljuje projekt AMPEU

Dodatne informacije na [email protected]

Korisne poveznice

• European Commission Participant Portal

– http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/home.html

• SC1 Work Programme 2016/17

– http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/wp/2016_2017/main/h2


• General Annexes

– http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/other/wp/2016-


Korisne poveznice za umrežavanje– Fit For Health 2.0

• http://mm.fitforhealth.eu/

– Innovative Medicines Initiative 2

• https://cloud.imi.europa.eu/web/eimi-pst

– Ideal-ist

• http://www.ideal-ist.eu/partner-search/pssearch

– Enterprise Europe Network

• http://een.ec.europa.eu/tools/services/SearchCenter/Search/ProfileSimpleSearch

– Cordis

• https://cordis.europa.eu/partners

– " HORIZON 2020 " Framework Programme for Research & Innovation

• https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3731775/profile

– "H2020 HEALTH" Medical Research, Pharma, Drug Discovery, Healthcare and Life Sciences

• https://www.linkedin.com/groups/4427021/profile

– Horizon 2020 Health - Societal Challenges

• https://www.linkedin.com/groups/2066209/profile


Tina KokanStručna savjetnica, Odjel za Obzor 2020.

Obzor 2020. nacionalna osoba za kontakt

Nanotehnologije, napredni materijali i napredna proizvodnja i prerada

Zdravlje, demografske promjene i kvaliteta života

Agencija za mobilnost i programe Europske unije

Frankopanska 26, HR-10 000 Zagrebtel +385 (0)1 555 7853fax +385 (0)1 500 5699

e-mail: [email protected]

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