OGR Proj. 2

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  • 7/30/2019 OGR Proj. 2


  • 7/30/2019 OGR Proj. 2




    Visual Concept

    Secret Lair Influence Map

    Final 16:9

    Hero Prop Influence Map

    Creative Partnership, so far..

    Hero Influence Map

    Hero Prop Orthographic

  • 7/30/2019 OGR Proj. 2



    Film Reviews

    CG Artists Toolkit (Maya)


    Animation (Meg)

    Life Drawing







  • 7/30/2019 OGR Proj. 2


    Creative Partnership so far..

    Akinbiyi Babarinde12 November 2012 11:45

    I like how you've made your character this small, number 12 stands out to me, the idea of having his lair inside a medieval torch holder, it'll be pretty cool

    to see it from the inside though, just like you did with the chandeliers, I think the effect of number 10 is greater but I really like the idea of thumbnail 12

    Akinbiyi Babarinde13 November 2012 04:39Looking into Camelot from the Merlin series seems like a great idea...some mice thumbnails could come out of that influence, as a digitally painted

    piece your study of the cobwebs would come in handy, but how are you thinking of representing it in a 3D environment when you get to that stage

    Emily Clarkson13 November 2012 14:16Well I think I have definitely got some more thumbnailing to do before I decide completely on what exactly to do. But within the 3D environment. I

    believe I will model the Candelabra first and then use Matte painting to make the background scene to go behind the 3D object. As for spiders

    webs... I have yet to ask the Maya guru's how to make them in 3D, i honestly have no idea where to start with those!

    GeorgeHind14 November 2012 08:57

    Hey Emily I'm really liking these, with silhouettes try not to think about what you're creating too much just try putting loads of things together andsee what you get even flipping and rotating the silhouettes give a completely different image, 8 really catches my eye it reminds me of some kind

    of spear. Try giving some more a go :)

    Emily Clarkson14 November 2012 11:27

    Thanks George! I will try to be looser about it. Promise. :)


    Akinbiyi Babarinde14 November 2012 13:35

    These are really nice silhouettes ; 8 stands out to me, but i do see what George means :)


  • 7/30/2019 OGR Proj. 2


    Creative Partnership so far..

    Emily Clarkson11:17 PM

    That is a really cool way to enter the lair and I can easily see a forgotten overlarge statue quietly crumbling away. These drawing give great

    insight into your characters world. nice job Kinbi.


    Emily Clarkson7:50 PM

    Hey Kinbi these are nice. I find a, b, and f are the most interesting to me. a;'s interesting melding with natural formations, b for its clear theme and f

    for its perspective view. Nice work :) do you feel drawn to any of these particular designs?


    Akinbiyi Babarinde9:24 PM

    Yeah I really liked C and A; I'm drawn to these the most, but these were my early thumbnails, I'll keep posting the thumbnails I have and reflect on them

    before going forward, what I am having issues with at the moment is deciding on a Hero Prop.


    Jebb1951:37 PM

    The thumbnails that best portray the character are images #a & #b. Image #a would make a great underground vault where the character could stash

    the stolen items, and image #b greatly portrays the cultural background, but with a little improvement, such as the placement of kung fu apparatus, it

    woukld enhance the kung fu aspect. Image #f has a great perspectuve, but it is unclear what the inttention of the image are.


    Creative Partnership so far..

  • 7/30/2019 OGR Proj. 2


    Visual Concept

    My Secret Lair is of the Kung- Fu Thief its

    set during the transition form the Ming

    Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty.

    My process in making this scene was to

    visually research by looking at Chinese films

    and see how Chinese architecture is shown to

    the public, this way I'd be able to make an

    interior which instantly shows Chinese


    Next thing I did, was to look at other lairs

    and I was really interested in lairs ofsuperheroes, especially Batmans cave and

    supermans the fortress of solitude.

    I decided to make my cave a mixture of a cave

    and a structure, as it would make sense for

    my story and I really liked the idea of the

    cave like structure from Superhero caves I

    looked at.

    so my Final image would be a fully built

    structure inside a cave like environment

    which is underground.

  • 7/30/2019 OGR Proj. 2


    Hero Influence Map

  • 7/30/2019 OGR Proj. 2


    Hero Prop Influence Map

  • 7/30/2019 OGR Proj. 2


    Secret Lair Influence Map

  • 7/30/2019 OGR Proj. 2


    Final 16:9 (incomplete)