EXHIBIT AND SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS PMI(中国)2015 项目管理大会 PMI (China) Congress 2015 项目管理 传承·超越 地点:上海国际会议中心 Venue: Shanghai International Convention Center (SHICC) 时间:2015 10 24 -25 Date: 24-25 October, 2015 用我们的平台开拓您的事业 Develop Your Career with Our Platform

PMI(中国)2015 项目管理大会 · 关领导、企业领导以及中国各地的上千名项目管理人士齐聚上海,多维度地分享了成功的项目管理经验。

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Page 1: PMI(中国)2015 项目管理大会 · 关领导、企业领导以及中国各地的上千名项目管理人士齐聚上海,多维度地分享了成功的项目管理经验。


PMI(中国)2015 项目管理大会

PMI (China) Congress 2015

项目管理 传承·超越


Venue: Shanghai International Convention Center (SHICC)

时间:2015 年 10 月 24 日-25 日

Date: 24-25 October, 2015


Develop Your Career with Our Platform

Page 2: PMI(中国)2015 项目管理大会 · 关领导、企业领导以及中国各地的上千名项目管理人士齐聚上海,多维度地分享了成功的项目管理经验。

PMI (China) Congress 2015 Exhibit & Sponsorship Prospectus 2


关于大会 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

您的听众,您的商机 .................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

活动赞助 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

分会场 | Breakout Session ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5

交流酒会 | Cocktail Reception ............................................................................................................................................................... 5

现场形象展示 ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6

展区| Exhibition .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

参会者午餐 | Attendee Lunch ................................................................................................................................................................ 7

参会者资料夹 | Attendee Kit ................................................................................................................................................................. 7

会刊 | Event Guide .................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

志愿者 T 恤 | Volunteer T-shirt ............................................................................................................................................................ 8

价格一览 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Appendix 1: 现场品牌宣传效果图............................................................................................................................................................ 11

Appendix 2: 会场及展位示意图 ............................................................................................................................................................... 12

会场 – 第一天 ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 12

会场 – 第二天 ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 13

展位图 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14

联系我们 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 15

Page 3: PMI(中国)2015 项目管理大会 · 关领导、企业领导以及中国各地的上千名项目管理人士齐聚上海,多维度地分享了成功的项目管理经验。

PMI (China) Congress 2015 Exhibit & Sponsorship Prospectus 3



2014 年,大会以“项目管理 变革·创新”为主题,邀请到来自 PMI 全球和亚洲地区分会的代表、政府部门相关领导、企业领导以及中国各地的上千名项目管理人士齐聚上海,多维度地分享了成功的项目管理经验。

2015 年,经济增长继续放缓,为赢得竞争优势,组织坚持变革创新并有效实施战略计划就显得更为紧迫。项目管理与实践是实现组织战略目标的载体,而项目管理人才更是组织项目管理与实践的宝贵资源。据 2015 年 PMI《职业脉搏调查》结果显示:高绩效组织将项目管理观念融入基因,且更专注于人才管理,进行持续的培训和规范有效的知识传递。

本届大会将邀请 PMI 总裁兼 CEO 郎马克先生、PMI 亚太地区分会领导人、国内外知名企业资深项目管理高管及项目管理专家进行项目管理知识与经验分享、颁布项目管理大奖、汇集精彩的项目管理内容,并提供多种交流机会,助您提升项目管理能力。会议还将发布最新的有关项目管理方面的调查与资讯、国内外知名企业对项目管理人才的需求信息和国内重大项目的最佳实践分享。

PMI(中国)2015 项目管理大会与您相约上海。 汲取最佳项目管理实践精华,传承超越成就领先之道!

With the aim of driving the global development of project management theory and practice, building the most valuable project management communication platform as well as improving organizational performance through project management adoption, PMI (China) has held its annual congress for consecutive five years. With unwavering support from project management practitioners and organizations in various industries, PMI (China) Congress has become one of the largest professional events in Asia Pacific region.

In the year of 2014, themed “Project Management – Change & Innovation”, the Congress drew over one thousand attendees together with PMI senior executives from the US, PMI chapter leaders in Asia, Chinese government officials, influencers in leading enterprises and subject matter experts, which literally made the event a feast of insights, advanced PM methodologies, best practices and inspirations.

Coming to 2015, organizations face pressing challenges to counteract slow-climbing economic environment and gain competitive advantages. Given the fact that every strategic initiative is implemented through project and program, high performers are reported to becoming more focused on going back to the basics of project management practices and paying more attention to talent management by providing consistent trainings and setting formal efficient knowledge transfer process, according to PMI 2015 Pulse of the Profession®.

PMI (China) Congress 2015 will welcome Mr. Mark A. Langley, PMI President & CEO, PMI chapter leaders in Asia Pacific region, and leading enterprise executives as well as subject matter experts from home and abroad, revealing world PM trends in industry and explore project management adoptions and value. Highlights include release of PMI exclusive reports like PMI 2015 Pulse of the Profession® and PMI project manager salary survey, Career Center booth on-site, and presentations on major projects in China by our project management award winners.

PMI (China) cordially invites you to join PMI (China) Congress 2015, which will be held once again in the Shanghai International Convention Center on Oct 24-25.

Learn the best project management knowledge and get on the road to success!

About Congress

Page 4: PMI(中国)2015 项目管理大会 · 关领导、企业领导以及中国各地的上千名项目管理人士齐聚上海,多维度地分享了成功的项目管理经验。

PMI (China) Congress 2015 Exhibit & Sponsorship Prospectus 4



As a congress exhibitor or sponsor, you are in the midst of hundreds of prospects who want to learn how you can help them grow and succeed. Our exhibit and sponsorship opportunities allow you to choose the packages that best showcase your organization’s unique strengths. Your story will come alive through unparalleled interactivity and personal, meaningful one-on-one networking. PMI(中国)每年均邀请企业客户参与大会,其中不乏来自央企及中国企业的项目管理高管及 CEO。他们的影响力和决策能力将直接决定您在大会上的投资回报。

PMI (China) invites senior executives from China Central Enterprises and excellent multinationals, who are final decision-makers or people who either recommend or specify vendors and suppliers for their organizations. Your access to these Project and Program Managers, Consultants, Directors of PMOs and Presidents or Vice-Presidents is the key to your return on investment.

Your Audience, Your Opportunity

Page 5: PMI(中国)2015 项目管理大会 · 关领导、企业领导以及中国各地的上千名项目管理人士齐聚上海,多维度地分享了成功的项目管理经验。

PMI (China) Congress 2015 Exhibit & Sponsorship Prospectus 5


分会场 | Breakout Session RMB 100,000 大会第二天分论坛设有四个分会场,冠名分会场可以让您的企业形象实在地传达给每个与会者。展示内容包括:

○ 分会场指路牌 logo ○ 分会场内暖场 PPT 鸣谢 ○ 宣传页布置分会场内

交流酒会 | Cocktail Reception RMB 50,000 大会第一天主会场议程结束后的小型 VIP 交流酒会有来自国内项目管理优秀企业高管、政府合作伙伴、学术机构项目管理专家与 PMI 高层领导参加。赞助交流酒会不仅使您的形象得以展示,同时能够得到与业内佼佼者交流、分享的机会。

○ 交流酒会邀请函 logo ○ 交流酒会背板 logo ○ 交流酒会桌卡 logo ○ 赞助商酒会礼品 logo ○ 赞助商 3 分钟祝酒辞(不能涉及商业宣传内容) ○ 2 个交流酒会名额

Special Events

Page 6: PMI(中国)2015 项目管理大会 · 关领导、企业领导以及中国各地的上千名项目管理人士齐聚上海,多维度地分享了成功的项目管理经验。

PMI (China) Congress 2015 Exhibit & Sponsorship Prospectus 6


展区| Exhibition PMI(中国)项目管理大会上,展区一直是演讲之外的最大亮点。随着演讲间隙的小憩与茶点,这里是参会者流连忘返、愿意进行更多沟通的地方。把握这个机会,您获得的不止是潜在客户群,更多是通过面对面的沟通,您的企业形象得以留存。

1. 展位 (位置详见末页展位图) | Booth

A 区:RMB 66,000 B 区:RMB 58,000 C 区:RMB 50,000

• 3*2.5m 展位并标配; • 2 名免费 PMI(中国)2014 项目管理大会参会名额; • 展位工作人员可免费享用 10 月 24-25 日午餐(上海会议中心提

供自助餐,限 2 人) • 展商 logo 及 50 字中英文介绍(中英文各 50 字)刊登在大会会


2. 人才交流平台 | Career Center

RMB 45,000 在展厅内 PMI(中国)专设的人才交流专区发布您的职位信息,让项目管理专业人士了解您组织的人才需求,接受您的人才管理理念。

• 专属 3*2m背板,可展示具体职位信息等(内容需经 PMI审核); • 在人才交流展区摆放相关资料(内容需经 PMI 审核); • 在人才交流展区安排问询人员(限 1 人); • 展商 logo 及 50 字中英文介绍(中英文各 50 字)刊登在大会


3. 展厅指路牌 logo | Direction board to Exhibition Area

RMB 15,000 与往年不同,今年的展区聚集在一个展厅内,使得展厅指路牌成为每一名参会者进出的路标。在展厅指路牌上展示您的形象是事半功倍的选择。

4. 展厅内休息区桌卡 | Tent cards on tables in Exhibition Area

RMB 15,000

5. 护照 | Passport

RMB 15,000 护照是参会者的展厅指南与互动工具,更有参会者会将其保存留作纪念。



On-Site Visibility

Page 7: PMI(中国)2015 项目管理大会 · 关领导、企业领导以及中国各地的上千名项目管理人士齐聚上海,多维度地分享了成功的项目管理经验。

PMI (China) Congress 2015 Exhibit & Sponsorship Prospectus 7

参会者午餐 | Attendee Lunch


1. 餐券 | Lunch Ticket

RMB 20,000 2. 午餐桌卡 | Tent cards on table

RMB 20,000

参会者资料夹 | Attendee Kit

PMI 大会的礼品因其实用性与美观外表一向广受参会者好评,多数反映会保留使用。您的 logo 会和 PMI 的品牌一样融入到参会者的日常生活中。

1. 礼品包 logo | Logo on Souvenir

RMB 20,000 2. 资料夹内礼品 | Gift in Kit

RMB 20,000 (礼品需自行提供,具体类型需经过主办方批准)

3. 资料夹内宣传页 | Flyer in Kit

RMB 25,000

Page 8: PMI(中国)2015 项目管理大会 · 关领导、企业领导以及中国各地的上千名项目管理人士齐聚上海,多维度地分享了成功的项目管理经验。

PMI (China) Congress 2015 Exhibit & Sponsorship Prospectus 8

会刊 | Event Guide


封二 RMB 40,000

目录前页 RMB 30,000

跨页 RMB 28,000

内页 RMB 16,800

封三 RMB 30,000

封底 RMB 40,000

志愿者 T 恤 | Volunteer T-shirt

RMB 50,000 志愿者是 PMI(中国)项目管理大会的强大助力,大会现场到处可见他们忙碌而快乐的身影。在志愿者 T 恤上展示您的形象,既达到了高曝光率,又提高了企业的社会责任形象。

Page 9: PMI(中国)2015 项目管理大会 · 关领导、企业领导以及中国各地的上千名项目管理人士齐聚上海,多维度地分享了成功的项目管理经验。

PMI (China) Congress 2015 Exhibit & Sponsorship Prospectus 9


等级赞助 细项






(人民币) 36 万 28 万 15 万 8 万 会刊内页广告

封二 RMB 40,000

目录前页 RMB 30,000

跨页 RMB 28,000

内页 RMB 16,800

封三 RMB 30,000

封底 RMB 40,000


RMB 4,500


A 区:RMB 66,000

B 区:RMB 58,000

C 区:RMB 50,000



RMB 45,000


RMB 100,000


RMB 50,000


展厅指路牌: RMB 15,000

展厅内桌卡: RMB 15,000

护照: RMB 15,000

餐券: RMB 20,000

午餐桌卡: RMB 20,000

礼品包 logo: RMB 20,000

资料夹内礼品: RMB 20,000

资料夹内宣传页:RMB 25,000

志愿者 T 恤: RMB 50,000


1.主背板 LOGO(限 5 家) ▇ □

2.户外背板 LOGO(限 5 家) ▇

3.指示牌 LOGO(限 3 家) ▇

4.分会场赞助 ▇ □ ★

5.大会礼品包 LOGO(限 3 家) ▇

6.餐劵及桌卡 LOGO(限 3 家) ▇ □

7.参会护照 LOGO(限 3 家) ▇ □

8.资料夹内礼品(限 3 家) ▇ □ ★

9.资料夹内宣传页(限 3 家) ▇ □


1. 主会场演讲人名额 1 个* ▇

2. 分会场演讲人名额 1 个* □

3. 人才交流平台展示 ▇ □

4. 3*2.5m 展位 □ ★

5. 6*2.5m 展位 ▇ ☆

6. 会刊内页广告(1p) ▇ □


1. 专访 1 次 ▇

2. 新闻传播 2 篇(PMI 专业杂志) ▇

3. 链接大会网站 ▇ □ ★ ☆

4. 微博、微信宣布成为赞助商及介绍 ▇ □ ★ ☆

5. 大会预热邮件链接 ▇ □

6. 参会者名录 ▇ □


1. 免费参会名额 30 名 ▇

2. 免费参会名额 15 名 □

3. 免费参会名额 5 名 ★ ☆

4. 交流酒会名额 2 名 ▇ □

5. 会后出版物 50 本(刊登赞助商广告) ▇ □

*主、分会场演讲人资质需先经过 PMI(中国)审核

Sponsorship Levels

Page 10: PMI(中国)2015 项目管理大会 · 关领导、企业领导以及中国各地的上千名项目管理人士齐聚上海,多维度地分享了成功的项目管理经验。

PMI (China) Congress 2015 Exhibit & Sponsorship Prospectus 10

Sponsorship Package Items Diamond




Single Items

(RMB) 360,000 280,000 150,000 80,000 Event Guide

Inside Front Cover RMB 40,000

Before Content RMB 30,000

Double Spread RMB 28,000

Inside Page RMB 16,800

Inside Back Cover RMB 30,000

Back Cover RMB 40,000

Link on Congress website

RMB 4,500


A Area:RMB 66,000

B Area:RMB 58,000

C Area:RMB 50,000

(Refer to floor plan)

Display at Career Center*

RMB 45,000

Breakout Session

RMB 100,000

Cocktail Reception

RMB 50,000


Direction board to exhibition hall:

RMB 15,000

Tent card on table: RMB 15,000

Passport: RMB 15,000

Lunch ticket: RMB 20,000

Tent card on lunch table:

RMB 20,000

Logo on souvenir: RMB 20,000

Gift in attendee kit: RMB 20,000

Flyer in attendee kit:RMB 25,000

Logo on volunteer T-shirt:

RMB 50 000

On-Site Visibility

1. Logo on stage backboard (max. 5) ▇ □

2.Logo on outdoor backboard (max.5) ▇

3.Logo on direction boards (max. 3) ▇

4. Breakout session ▇ □ ★

5. Logo on souvenir (max.3) ▇

6.Logo on lunch ticket and tent card

(max.3) ▇ □

7.Logo on passport (max.3) ▇ □

8.Gift in attendee kit (max.3) ▇ □ ★

9.Flyer in attendee kit (max.3) ▇ □

Organization Image

1. One keynote speaker* ▇

2. One breakout session speaker* □

3. Display at career center ▇ □

4. 3*2.5m booth □ ★

5. 6*2.5m booth ▇ ☆

6. DM in Event Guide (1p) ▇ □

Media Exposure

7. One exclusive interview ▇

8. Two reports on PM Network in China ▇

9. Link on Congress website ▇ □ ★ ☆

10. Announcement on PMI (China)

social media platforms ▇ □ ★ ☆

11. Link on e-newsletter ▇ □

12. Attendee mail list ▇ □


6. 30 complimentary registrations ▇

7. 15 complimentary registrations □

8. 5 complimentary registrations ★ ☆

9. 2 complimentary registrations ▇ □

10. 50 copies of PM Network in China

(post congress issue) ▇ □

*Speaker should be qualified and agreed by PMI (China)

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PMI (China) Congress 2015 Exhibit & Sponsorship Prospectus 11

Appendix 1: 现场品牌宣传效果图


Note: The renderings above is subjected to change

Outdoor backboard 外场背板

Main backboard 大会主背板

Rendering of Booth 展位效果图

Lunch Ticket 餐券

Cocktail Reception Invitation Letter 鸡尾酒会邀请函

Signpost 指路牌

Passport 护照

Career Center 人才交流平台

On-Site Branding Items

Page 12: PMI(中国)2015 项目管理大会 · 关领导、企业领导以及中国各地的上千名项目管理人士齐聚上海,多维度地分享了成功的项目管理经验。

PMI (China) Congress 2015 Exhibit & Sponsorship Prospectus 12

Appendix 2: 会场及展位示意图

会场 – 第一天

Congress Floor Plan

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PMI (China) Congress 2015 Exhibit & Sponsorship Prospectus 13

会场 – 第二天

Page 14: PMI(中国)2015 项目管理大会 · 关领导、企业领导以及中国各地的上千名项目管理人士齐聚上海,多维度地分享了成功的项目管理经验。

PMI (China) Congress 2015 Exhibit & Sponsorship Prospectus 14


展区地点:7 楼明珠厅

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PMI (China) Congress 2015 Exhibit & Sponsorship Prospectus 15


Tel 86-10 8429 9191 Fax 86-10 8429 9292 Email [email protected] Web PMI.org China.PMI.org China Congress