A) Amazing Camping 露營新體驗 Camping indoors can be super fun! Building campfires, pitching a tent, collecting and packing items for a rucksack, creating camp songs & dances, preparing and cooking food, nature hunts, reading maps and building a flashlight. All activities will enforce in children that camping is fun! So let’s bring an amazing camping experience to them! 露營樂趣多!透過探索活動如體驗起營火;準備露營所需 物品;與同伴合作創作營歌和烹調食物;探索大自然;閱 讀尋寶圖;製作手電筒並躲在營幕內一起閱讀和玩遊 戲。這新奇趣怪的活動都能帶給兒童對露營的新體驗。 Age: 3 – 7 3 hours / day B) Home to School Transition Class 學前適應班 Support and prepare your toddler for a calm and peaceful transition into playschool life. Through a specially designed hands on interactive programme designed for the younger members of our school, these young children will be well prepared for playgroup / pre-nursery class. Through the course, children will build and develop independence, self-confidence and a sense of responsibility, well preparing them emotionally, socially and intellectually for school in September. 為學前班之幼兒於入學前能有效地適應校園生 活,而特別設計的體驗互動課程。讓幼兒熟習上課 模式、建立與發展他們的獨立性,增強其自信心及 培養責任感,為入學做好充分的準備。 Age: 2 – 3 (2 hours / day) C) Parent – Child Toddler Fun 親子遊戲課程 Classes which focus on music and movement provide kids with a great emotional outlet for energy while strengthening their bodies through enjoyable exercise. In addition to developing their fine motor skills, balance, co-ordination and rhythm. 透過與英語外籍老師的互動遊戲,增加兒童的外語表達能 力。活動中配合有趣的音樂和體能活動,加強兒童大小肌 肉的發展,通過愉快的活動、發展精細動作技能、平衡力、 協調和節奏感。 Age: 2 and under (2 hours / day)

preparing and cooking food, nature hunts, reading maps · ☺ Medium of instruction to be English and Putonghua 1st Session – 4/7 – 15/7/16 2nd Session – 18/7 – 29/7/16 4

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Page 1: preparing and cooking food, nature hunts, reading maps · ☺ Medium of instruction to be English and Putonghua 1st Session – 4/7 – 15/7/16 2nd Session – 18/7 – 29/7/16 4

A) Amazing Camping 露營新體驗 Camping indoors can be super fun! Building campfires, pitching a tent, collecting and packing items for a rucksack, creating camp songs & dances, preparing and cooking food, nature hunts, reading maps and building a flashlight. All activities will enforce in children that camping is fun! So let’s bring an amazing camping experience to them! 露營樂趣多!透過探索活動如體驗起營火;準備露營所需物品;與同伴合作創作營歌和烹調食物;探索大自然;閱讀尋寶圖;製作手電筒並躲在營幕內一起閱讀和玩遊戲。這新奇趣怪的活動都能帶給兒童對露營的新體驗。

Age: 3 – 7 3 hours / day

B) Home to School Transition Class 學前適應班 Support and prepare your toddler for a calm and peaceful transition into playschool life. Through a specially designed hands on interactive programme designed for the younger members of our school, these young children will be well prepared for playgroup / pre-nursery class. Through the course, children will build and develop independence, self-confidence and a sense of responsibility, well preparing them emotionally, socially and intellectually for school in September.





Age: 2 – 3 (2 hours / day) C) Parent – Child Toddler Fun 親子遊戲課程

Classes which focus on music and movement provide kids with a great emotional outlet for energy while strengthening their bodies through enjoyable exercise. In addition to developing their fine motor skills, balance, co-ordination and rhythm. 透過與英語外籍老師的互動遊戲,增加兒童的外語表達能力。活動中配合有趣的音樂和體能活動,加強兒童大小肌肉的發展,通過愉快的活動、發展精細動作技能、平衡力、協調和節奏感。

Age: 2 and under (2 hours / day)

Page 2: preparing and cooking food, nature hunts, reading maps · ☺ Medium of instruction to be English and Putonghua 1st Session – 4/7 – 15/7/16 2nd Session – 18/7 – 29/7/16 4

D) Montessori Summer Fun Programme 蒙特梭利課程

A stimulating setting that meets each individual child’s cognitive stage of development.

在充滿刺激的學習環境裏,所有孩子將有機會 實踐和發展認知潛能。

Age: 3 – 5 (2 hours / day)

10months – 2 (Parent-Child Class)

E) Dramatic Interview Programme 小一面試預備課程

Practice vital interview skills through role play, creative fine arts, maths fun and critical thinking games. Chinese and English language trained throughout. 讓孩子透過中英文模擬遊戲、思考和觀察遊戲、奧數和美 藝來作實踐面試的技巧。

Age : 5 – 7 3 hours / day

F) Little Writer 如何寫好中文

This workshop focuses on Chinese calligraphy using pens and pencils, covering topics such as the correct way to hold a pencil, good posture, structure of the Chinese character and stroke sequence. 課程以硬筆書法為主,透過輕鬆的學習氣氛,教導兒童正確執筆及坐姿,字型結構,筆劃次序和寫法,以提高兒童的基本書寫能力。並從閱讀遊戲中學中文閱讀理解和中文寫作。

Age : 4 – 7 1 hours / day

G) Primary One Leadership Skills Programme 小學生領袖訓練營

K3 Graduates Only (full day)

Develop learning skills, calculation and science technology through a special primary one preparation curriculum. 以小學一年級的課程為藍本,配合奧數和科學與科技激盪來鞏固孩子兩文三語。

1st Session : Focuses on Primary One curriculum (first term) 2nd Session : Focuses on Primary One curriculum (second term)

H) Action – Oriented Programme 跳動課程 Build up a healthy brain and body through Lego, Cross Training, Martial arts and children’s gymnastics. 以學習 Lego、Cross Training、兒童武術、兒童體操運動來鍛鍊強健的體魄和提升個人的素質。

Age : 2 – 7 (1hour/ day) (see attached details)


J Session one: July 4th – July 15th (10 days) J Session two : July 18th – July 29 th (10 days)


Morning Class : 9:00 a.m. -12:00 noon / 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Afternoon Class : 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. / 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Full Day Class : 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.


*第一期:二零一六年七月四日至七月十五日 (共十節)

*第二期:二零一六年七月十八日至七月二十九日 (共十



上午班:上午九時至中午十二時 / 上午九時至十一時

下午班:下午一時至四時 / 下午一時至三時


Page 3: preparing and cooking food, nature hunts, reading maps · ☺ Medium of instruction to be English and Putonghua 1st Session – 4/7 – 15/7/16 2nd Session – 18/7 – 29/7/16 4

☺ Medium of instruction to be English and Putonghua 1st Session – 4/7 – 15/7/16 2nd Session – 18/7 – 29/7/16 4 week programme – 4/7 – 29/7/16

Application Procedure Please complete and return the reply slip (below) to school on or before 4th June 2016, together with a crossed cheque, made payable to Meny Enterprises Limited. Please note that separate cheques should be enclosed for each course taken. Please also enclose ONE PASSPORT SIZE PHOTOGRAPH FOR EACH COURSE ENROLLED.

School Bus Service For bus transportation services during the summer school period, please complete the bus services application form.

VENUE: Hong Kong Preschool (Kowloon Tong), No.14 Essex Crescent, Kowloon Tong Tel : 2338 6336 Fax : 2337 1228 Transition students preparing for Harts Playschool will attend the summer Home to School Transition Class at Harts Preschool & Playschool located at G/F & 1/F High Park Grand, 68 Boundary Street. Kowloon.

*Please note that all programmes are available in both the morning and afternoon session %------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Name: ____________________________ Class: _______ Age: ________ Telephone: ________________ Email Address:____________________________

Name of school: ______________________________________________________________ Choice of course: PLEASE CIRCLE A / B / C / D / E / F / G

Choice of session: PLEASE CIRCLE AM / PM / Full Day

Session: 1st Session / 2nd Session / 4 week-programme Course fee enclosed $ ____________ Cheque number: _________________

Course Programme Age Fee (Per session) AM/PM Time

A Amazing Camping 3 - 7 $4,300

(trilingual) AM 9:00 – 12:00 PM 1:00 – 4:00

B Home to School Transition Class 2 - 3 $3,700 AM 9:00 – 11:00

PM 1:00 – 3:00

C Parent-Child Toddler Class 2 and under ☺$4,600 AM 10:00 – 12:00

PM 1:00 – 3:00

D Montessori Summer Fun

Programme 3 - 5 ☺$3,900 AM 9:00 – 11:00

or PM 1:00 – 3:00 10 months - 2 ☺$4,400

E Dramatic Interview Programme 5 - 7 $4,000 AM 9:00 – 12:00

PM 1:00 – 4:00

F Little Writer 4 - 7 $3,000 AM 9:00 – 10:00 PM 1:00 – 2:00

G Primary One Leadership

Programme 5-7

(K3 graduates) $3,990

(bilingual) Full Day 9:00 – 3:00

H Action – Oriented Programme 2 - 7 See attached details

Page 4: preparing and cooking food, nature hunts, reading maps · ☺ Medium of instruction to be English and Putonghua 1st Session – 4/7 – 15/7/16 2nd Session – 18/7 – 29/7/16 4

☺授課語言:英語及普通話 上課日期 : 第一期課程 : 4/7/2016 – 15/7/2016

第二期課程 : 18/7/2016 – 29/7/2016 全期課程 : 4/7/2016 – 29/7/2016


支票抬頭請寫 “Meny Enterprises Limited”。若報讀多於一個課程請 把支票分開填寫,並一併交回相片以作學生証之用。

校車服務:如需校車服務請填寫校車報名表交回校務處,或與校車部聯絡, 電話:94078632 (羅太) / 91590916(韓先生)

上課地點:樂基幼兒學校 (九龍塘) 九龍塘雅息士道 14 號 電話 :2338 6336 傳真:2337 1228

凡參加夏季學前適應班的學生,請在樂希幼兒學校簽到及上課,地址:九龍界限街 68 號曉珀。御地下及一樓全層 *所有課程上、下午班均可報讀



姓名: _______________________________ 班別: _________ 年齡: _____________

聯絡電話: ___________________ 電郵:_______________________________

就讀學校名稱: _______________________________________________________________


課程 : A / B / C / D / E / F / G (第一期 / 第二期 / 全期課程) 上課時間 : 上午班 / 下午班 / 全日制

課程費用: 合共港幣___________元正 支票碼號:_______________________

課程 課程名稱 年齡 每期費用 上午 / 下午 上課時間

A 露營新體驗 3 - 7 $4,300 (三語班) 上午 九時至十二時

下午 一時至四時

B 學前適應課程 2 - 3 $3,700 上午 九時至十一時

下午 一時至三時

C 親子遊戲課程 2 歲或以下 ☺$4,600 上午 十時至十二時

下午 一時至三時

D 蒙特梭利課程 3 - 5 ☺$3,900 上午九時至十一時

至 下午一時至三時 10 個月 - 2 ☺$4,400

E 小一面試戲劇課程 5 - 7 $4,000 上午 九時至十二時

下午 一時至四時

F 如何寫好中文課程 4 - 7 $3,000 上午 九時至十時

下午 一時至二時

G 小學生領袖訓練營 5-7 (K3 高班畢業

生) $3,990 (雙語班) 全日班


H 跳動課程 2 - 7 詳請參閱附頁

Page 5: preparing and cooking food, nature hunts, reading maps · ☺ Medium of instruction to be English and Putonghua 1st Session – 4/7 – 15/7/16 2nd Session – 18/7 – 29/7/16 4



幼兒體操培訓班 2016 年度暑期課程







課程內容 :1. 跳箱 ( 上板、蹲腿騰越、分腿騰越 )

2. 平衡凳 ( 行、跳、爬、轉體動作 )

3. 技巧 ( 滾翻類、手翻類、空翻類、倒立等 )

4. 基礎訓練 ( 柔韌、跳躍、平衡能力、體能等 )

師 資 : 由肖希露小姐主理,所有教練亦經過專業訓練並持有合格証書。 負責老師 : 陳小姐 查詢電話 : 2338 6336 參加資格 : 二歲以上 逢 星 期 : 二 , 四 5/7, 7/7, 12/7,14/7, 19/7, 21/7, 26/7, 28/7 上課時間 : 12: 00 – 1 : 00pm 上課地點 : 九龍塘樂基幼兒學校

服 裝 : 整齊運動服裝 (訓練制服可向教練購買)

費 用 : $1,200 (共 8 堂) 繳費方法 : 請填妥下列回條連同支票 HK$1,200於 6 月 3 日( 星期五 )前交回班主任,方憑辦

理。支票抬頭請寫“Meny Enterprises Limited” 報名日期 : 由即日起 (名額有限,額滿即止!!!)




姓名:_________________________ 年齡:_______ 性別:________ 班級:________ 電話:__________________________ 手提電話:_________________________________ 家長簽署:

Page 6: preparing and cooking food, nature hunts, reading maps · ☺ Medium of instruction to be English and Putonghua 1st Session – 4/7 – 15/7/16 2nd Session – 18/7 – 29/7/16 4

2015-2016 暑期音樂課程 幼兒合唱團 以活潑、輕鬆的手法,教導幼兒歌唱、課程內容包括唱歌、音樂律動、節奏、基本樂理和音


學費:$2500 (10堂) 年齡:2歲半 -3歲半

日期 時間

幼兒合唱A 第 I 期 4/7 – 15/7 (逢一至五)

10:00am – 11:00am

幼兒合唱A 第 II 期 18/7 – 29/7 (逢一至五)

10:00am – 11:00am


幼兒合唱B 第 I 期 4/7 – 15/7 (逢一至五)

11:00am – 12:00pm

幼兒合唱B 第 II 期 18/7 – 29/7 (逢一至五)

11:00am – 12:00pm

小天使豎琴初班 有五千年歷史的豎琴,是自古至今都是世代所喜愛的樂器。豎琴的音色清澈柔和、彈奏時姿勢優雅,能對小孩子藝術涵養提供優良的訓練。我們的課程適合四歲以上幼兒學習,老師將教授彈 奏豎琴的姿勢、手形、讀譜等知識。 年 齡:4歲以上 學 費:$3000 (共 10堂)

日期 時間

小天使豎琴初班 第 I 期 4/7 – 15/7 (逢一至五)

11:00am – 12:00pm

小天使豎琴初班 第 II 期 18/7 – 29/7 (逢一至五)

11:00am – 12:00pm

Page 7: preparing and cooking food, nature hunts, reading maps · ☺ Medium of instruction to be English and Putonghua 1st Session – 4/7 – 15/7/16 2nd Session – 18/7 – 29/7/16 4

2015-2016 年 度 暑 期 音 樂 課 程 報 名 表

學生姓名(中文): (英文) : 出生日期: 年 月 日 性別: □男 □女 班別: 家長/監護人姓名: 電話 : 地址: 報讀課程.: □ 幼兒合唱 A 第 I 期 □ 幼兒合唱 A 第 II 期 □ 幼兒合唱 B 第 I 期 □ 幼兒合唱 B 第 II 期

□ 小天使豎琴班 第 I 期

□ 小天使豎琴班 第 II 期 支票: (支票抬頭請寫:“Music Kingdom”/ 音樂王國) 家長/監護人簽署: 日期:

Page 8: preparing and cooking food, nature hunts, reading maps · ☺ Medium of instruction to be English and Putonghua 1st Session – 4/7 – 15/7/16 2nd Session – 18/7 – 29/7/16 4

Harts Preschool

The Genius Workshop

2016 Summer Activities

Unit B, 12/F, Prince Edward - The Lamma City, 761 Nathan Road, Prince Edward, Kowloon T: 3107.4343 www.g-workshop.com [email protected]

Playing is essential to child development. It is how childhood memories build up. Through observing children’s playing behaviors, adults can analyze children’s personality, logical-thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and their reactions to different situations. This is why many elementary schools have started to incorporate LEGO-Building in their admission interviews to assess their creativity, logical thinking, attention span, motor skills and other potentials. Using LEGO Educational Sets, our instructors introduce to children how different machines work, from the mixer in the kitchen to the conveyor belts in the airport. All the engineering mechanisms are not only conceptual in the daily examples but practical, and most importantly, playable with the simulation models in front of them.




所以,「兒童科技營」採用了 LEGO Educational Sets 去教授小朋友不同的機械原理,從廚房中的攪拌器至飛機場內的運輸帶,所


Program Information 課程資料



DUPLO Mechanic Workshop (I) & (II) 機械探索班 (I) & (II)

(Suitable for K1, K2 & K3 Students)

(適合 K1, K2 & K3 學生)

LEGO Engineering Workshop (I) & (II) 工程探索班 (I) & (II)

(Suitable for 2015 – 2016 K3 Graduates)

(適合 2015-2016 年的 K3 畢業生)

Topics Include:


- The relationship between the driver gear and the driven gear


- The types and sizes of pulleys 滑輪的種類與比例

- How vibration causes sound 震動可如何發聲

- Demonstrate elementary physical science 簡單物理科學示範

- Mechanical concepts, such as levers, inclined plane, wheels &

axles… 簡單機械原理 ,如槓杆、斜面、輪與軸等…

- Advanced mechanical concepts 更先進和複雜的機械概念

- How combinations of mechanical LEGO serve meaningful and

creative purposes 結合各種機械原理去創造有意義的發明

- Accomplish challenges assigned by our professional

instructors 完成由我們的專業導師分配的挑戰

- Apply engineering concepts in personal modifications 於孩子


Program Benefits:


- Trains up fine motor skills 訓練孩子的小肌肉動手能力

- Encourages children to express their ideas through interactive

playing 透過互動遊戲鼓勵孩子表達自己的意思

- Suggests children variety of solutions through LEGO-building 在


- Introduces to children basic architectural and engineering

concepts 讓孩子認識基本的建築及機械原理

- Stimulates creativity through small games/stories and model

expansion 以遊戲故事及模型擴建形式刺激孩子的思考與創意

- Increases children’s attention span with activities of their

interest 透過孩子喜歡的活動提高他們的專注力

- Trains children to work patiently and independently 訓練孩子


- Allows children to exercise their problem-solving skills through

challenges 以挑戰形式鍛鍊孩子的問題解決能力

- Stimulates children’s creativity through model expansion 通過


- Provides children opportunities to apply their previous

knowledge 提供讓孩子應用以前所學過的知識的機會

Course Fee

課程費用 HK$ 2,750 per student per course (10 Classes) 每期課程每位學生為港幣 2,750 元正(共 10 堂)

Location 地點 Hong Kong Preschool (Kowloon Tong) Classroom 九龍塘樂基幼兒學校課室

Date/ Time


Summer 2016 Term 1: July 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 at 12:00-1:00pm Summer 2016 Term 2: July 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 at 12:00-1:00pm

2016 年暑期第一學期: 7 月 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 日,下午 12 時至 1 時

2016 年暑期第二學期: 7 月 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 日,下午 12 時至 1 時

Language 授課語言

English 英語

Yours Sincerely,

The Genius Workshop 兒童科技營 此致

Page 9: preparing and cooking food, nature hunts, reading maps · ☺ Medium of instruction to be English and Putonghua 1st Session – 4/7 – 15/7/16 2nd Session – 18/7 – 29/7/16 4

HKPS-0704-JKK1, K2, K3


HKPS-0718-JKK1, K2, K3


HK $


12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

12, 13, 14, 15

22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29

12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

K1 / K2 / K3 / Graduate

12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Amount Received: Received From:

HK $2,750.00

Meny Enterprises Ltd.

Payment Details:

12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.


Unit B, 12/F, Prince Edward - The Lamma City, 761 Nathan Road, Prince Edward, Kowloon T: 3107.4343 www.g-workshop.com [email protected]

Page 10: preparing and cooking food, nature hunts, reading maps · ☺ Medium of instruction to be English and Putonghua 1st Session – 4/7 – 15/7/16 2nd Session – 18/7 – 29/7/16 4

Student's Name: Male Female

Date of Birth: Class:mm dd yyyy (as of Sept. 2016)

Home Address:

Home Phone:


Course CodeCourse


HKPS-0704-JK K1, K2, K3(as of Sept 2016)

HKPS-0704-SK K3 Graduates


Course CodeCourse


HKPS-0718-JK K1, K2, K3 (as of Sept 2016)

HKPS-0718-SK K3 Graduates

HK $

Father's Name:

Contact No:




Payment Method:

Please kindly prepare a cheque of the Total Course Amount signed payable to Meny Enterprises Ltd. and

submit along with this Registration Form to Harts Preschool

12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

K1 / K2 / K3 / Graduate

Course Fee: HK $2,750.00 per student per summer term (10 classes per course)

Total Course Amount


Mother's Name:

Contact No:


Amount Received:

Payment Details:

Received From:

Emergency Contact:

Contact No. - Day Time: Night Time:


Parent's Signature

12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Harts Preschool

Summer Activities 2016

The Genius Workshop


Previously attended our workshop at HK Preschool? YES / NO

Workshop Topic Class Time Scheduled Dates

Workshop Topic Class Time Scheduled Dates


Jul 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14,

15, 2016

DUPLO Mechanic Workshop (I)

LEGO Engineering Workshop (II)


July 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26,

27, 28, 29, 2016

LEGO Engineering Workshop (I) 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

DUPLO Mechanic Workshop (II) 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Unit B, 12/F, Prince Edward - The Lamma City, 761 Nathan Road, Prince Edward, Kowloon T: 3107.4343 www.g-workshop.com [email protected]