S1 Phy 2012

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  • 8/12/2019 S1 Phy 2012







  • 8/12/2019 S1 Phy 2012


    Fill the boxes at the topNme ), first.In eMh question,selcctalectcd (a, b, c, .. .) to the

    of thc "Answr Sheet" ( Nationalitv,No..

    suitablc answer,and putcorresponding pace n thc

    Answer he following uetions.(1) obj4t A or ma$ n and objecr

    on a snooih and nat noorj aa is applied to objct B in tleofihe tension n thc strins.

    B of mas nt are tied by a stiine dd aresholvn n FiC. u. A fora olnaeniftdehoiiantal dire.tion. ird the roenitude

    G)(f)( " ) ;+;F #F#;F(b )

    F i s i L

    P I

  • 8/12/2019 S1 Phy 2012


    (2) Co$idd ihe cir.uit sLou in Fis. 1 2. consisline tlwo reistors of rcsittarcs ,,ir and fi1, a capa.itor of capacilanceC, a baitc!' of rcllage tard a switchS. lind ihc chrge acclnulated n thc.apacitorafter lt$vitchhasb@nclo*d lor a sufrcieri periodor time

    ( " )(d) G) (r)CE 6

    Fig. I 2

    (3) A cylinderwith a crcss ectionS Niih a frictionle$phton with a mssol M is nxed at tbe ansle in a verticaldiP.iion, 6 shour in FiS r-L l'ind tlr pre$urc ns;de le cylirder' lhc atmospherictsstrresddoien as o dd ihe acelehtion ol gravity s deroiedas9

    ( . )


    lig. 1-ll

  • 8/12/2019 S1 Phy 2012


    (4) Objc.t 2 r'nh an n.lexofrelkctian nr ispla.e,lor ot'je.r I sith an ndc\otrcIraclion n,. asslo\rn ir Fis. 1 4. ,: > n' h aNunred.vlen a lishiis nrc ent onobje.t 2 ai point Nnh ih.in.idcnceangled. leFoccrstotal intemal rnc.iion at point B. Find thc rclaiionship , nllcd h! d,

    O) cosl'< i< ; _< l"i "i

    G) sin,< vt , , r ,

    lig. I I

    (5) \\'Ldr a isht is nradiai,i roasolidsodn,n. hccmksion lphoto.lcctronsis oherved fthe wavelensih lihe lishi is shortpr han 5 26r 10 r[n].F ind thcapprox imatc \a luco l the ro rh lunct iono l ihcso i idsod i 'm.scthe lollo\rinsnunrbrsl ncessary:be spd ol lisht 3.00 lo'lmhl,and tl,e Pld(k s coftta,,t 6.63 10 lljrl.(a ) 1 .0 i 10 te lJ l 0 t 1 .16 10 ' ' P l {c ) 3 . iB 10 r ' l J l(d) 1.0; 10-r' .rl (e) 1.16 10-tr,Jl (r) l r8 \ 10r' lJl

    P J

  • 8/12/2019 S1 Phy 2012


    2. A slngleturn coil of a rectansular shape aus down in a space vlere a unitormmasnctic neld of nagnitude B ir a horizonial direction exGtsabove a certainhcisht. d shosn n Fig. 2 ] AI a s licintly atd tiDe altcr ihe bottomol the coil enlered in ihe 6pa sithout a mgnli. neld. the coil falh downat a onstanL speed . TLe resistance, l!n6s, md the horizontal idthoI the singl-rurn oil t n, ,U, and ,, rspectively. The I&e of the coil isp{perdiculd toihemasneticield. Theleneibofthe.oilin vcdi.:lan.ii"nk s icintly long. TI ac.leralior ot the Cravity is denoted as9. Ansrcrr l , . o to$oeq , .6 ' o , s .

    Fie.2-1(1) Find the eldiiic curri pa$ins ilxoll8h th oil.(a) a,n (b) Br, G) ?\ q + G ) # ( f ) #(2) Expre* ihe sped of ihe falline6il in trmsofother quantities.'.' ":,' '. ';ry " vI,,t, ' ;" ' '", if ,t, L:11(3) Fird the Jouleheaiproducedn the coilper urii iime.(.) # (b) + (") ?ri3(d) ? (.) E+ (t) 4!P(4) Wher th .oil is dorbly tftned, what nultiple of tlr taln,C spedG thai

    of ile silgleiun coil. t) r

    P - |

    (d) 2 G]

  • 8/12/2019 S1 Phy 2012


    3 A srficiertly enall stel smooth spheical otject is initially at rcst aL point A onlhe smoothsurlace l a nnit praboli. drve AOB in a yerticalplane6 sholvn nFig.ll 1, shere hepoini O stands or the botiompoint, he taqential lni at O beins horizonla.l.the vdtical height at point A ( relative to O ) beins 2,c, ile v icalneisht ai point B ( relative o O ) beins I/, the horizonlal isi:n.? lFhveq R ar.O being 2.4/. Ai tine I = 0, the objeci is rel*d 3lowly to.nove down frictionleslyalons the cuNe iorvard point B. {heE it depafts inio the air. Th efiects ol lherotarionol rbe ob.jecr ound ik cenrers ustrned ro be nlieible. The spd of tle

    (r) (^),lfisE, \b) 68, (c),r/W, @)2!tr11, \4 2\/W.whereI standslor releration of gravity- Tbe slopeansl of the objct orbit measurdftom the hoizonl,al lre1jusl aftd rele*e in the an at B k(2) , ) , /8 , (b)n/6, (d) /a,TLe highet object lal attaircd, stu, ( bed on poini O ) aftfl rclee in the air

    (3) a)ri < smd < r.2ri, (b)1.2ll< !,max r.11l,kl1.4H lmx

  • 8/12/2019 S1 Phy 2012


    4 A r conscts of apDroximately?8% Nnroeer nI volrne, 2l '/oOxygen,and I 70ArsonTLe aioni. wcishtol Nitrogen s approximatcly ,1.hat ol Oxygen16.dd thal ot

    Nitrogen ccupios ir in weigl,lLy(r) 1a)?6 %, (6) i|h. (d 7t %, (d) ie %Tne densiryofair aL0 "C.0.r NIPak(2) (4 0.6i ke/n3, (b) 0.93 e/m3. (c) 1.29 c/n3, (d) 1 33le/n3.TheorcticallJhc ratio ol ll'e specili. heai, p, ai .onstantprcsure io the specinchcat, ,,. at consiant olume s 5/ir tor moro-atonicgdes. t/5 for diatomicsas.s.9/i for iiatonic Cds.For a silsle.omponentsd $e have., r, = n, wLercE Ga univdsalsasconstani.Thn for air, th value ! .,)/n h(3) (a) sufficintlyarsr l6n llity,

    (b) apprcxnmrcly or exacllr equal to oitr',(.) sutncienlly naller han nnitJ.

    The value.,/.. for an is approxnmtely( r ) (a)1 5, (b)1. ,1, (c) .a5. (a)1.5 G)r .6

  • 8/12/2019 S1 Phy 2012


    5 A" .lechi. fan h rconrat 25 o(r is prodr.ins a snrailsoud in a ssirgnrg dodefronr ts name. The sourc of sound s Nsruned o l,e conn,e nith thc intcra.iionof no{ a.d tle smrdins frane Nne. The enitied sonnd quency ! a$nmed Lobe indeDendentf th. swinging ngle. \Iarinrum instantan.oBs$ingineangrlarrclocilr is a$trmpd o be I Ed/s. and sonnd elo.iry in stationary ir ai 2; 'C n

    h .ase of I mb of emiiied Nind rp(d and of 300 Hz ol emitted lunl dynani.frequercy.he dcrc.icdsound rcquency r a personu$ in llonl olthe fan is(1) (a) exadly consrantith timc.

    (b) sbnely vdyie ( nDre ld I % ),k) Neaklyva,yine le$ rhan I % ).

    t r p ' . e ' F L i . h 1 | 1 d " F - d e , r F n , - b ! 1 " p " ' $ '(2) (a) "roF than 30i Hz.

    (b) approxnmlely306Ez.' .PPo\ 'n a r " lJJ0 i

    (n) apprcximately 00 Iz.(e) apDroximai.ly 97 Hz.

    5 , d a - , r " Jn , t n 1 , \ r r " r e . o . s d 1 , 1 , . 6 l " '$ d t ,(3) (a) learly conslant ith timc,

    (b) smnsly varyine more ha. 1 % ).k) Nmkry r2ryins ( h$ rhan r % ).

    t i