1 Focus on A Pachanguera Pachanactivities & Much More! Volume 2, Issue 1 January 2010 Artists of the month: Tsunami Artists of the month: Tsunami Artists of the month: Tsunami Artists of the month: Tsunami This band is not only the most popular band in Aruba, but even in Curaçao and Holland they are considered the best in their class. Read more on how this awesome band came to be.

Salsaruba Magazine January 2010 vol 2 issue 7

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Online Salsa Music and Dance Magazine. Publisher Dance Aruba Foundation.

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Page 1: Salsaruba Magazine January 2010 vol 2 issue 7


Focus on A Pachanguera

Pachanactivities & Much More!

Volume 2, Issue 1

January 2010

Artists of the month: TsunamiArtists of the month: TsunamiArtists of the month: TsunamiArtists of the month: TsunamiThis band is not only the most popular band in Aruba, but even in Curaçao and Holland they are considered the best in their class. Read more on how this awesome band came to be.

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From the Foundation’s Director’s Desk


Publisher: Dance Aruba Foundation & Scol di Baile PachangaExecutive Editor: Franklin Kock. Editor-in-Chief: Dance Aruba Foundation ManagementAssistant Editors: Arjen Homan, Janice Boekhoudt Kock, OslinBoekhoudtPhotograpic Editor: Janice Boekhoudt Kock, Oslin Boekhoudt.For reaction, info or Salsaruba Magazine matters:

[email protected] Management Dance Aruba Foundation:

[email protected]: + (297) 593-1818 593-1818 583-1818 563-3393

Franklin E. Kock, Dance Aruba Foundation Chairman has been dancing for over 48 years and has performed all over the world including the famous Superbowl half time show in Miami Florida, also in NY City, Europe, Caribbean and Latin America.

© copyright 2009

Dance Aruba Foundation

Tanki Leendert 68 E, Aruba

(+297) 583 1818

Dear Friends and all readers of our Magazine,

First of all, I wish all of you a Happy New Year in the pleasant company of your loved ones and dearest friends. May you achieve what you didn’t get to accomplish in 2009. The elapsed year was an extremely challenging one, a world recession, wars, natural and man made disasters. You can say same old-same old but that would imply accepting we cannot partially control our destinies. Why partially? It’s really simple if you apply the sailing principle. The WHAT? YepH.the sailing principle. If you ever sailed the following explanation is not for you. When sailing you need a few important components, 2 of which are a sail and wind. An experienced sailor knows that the wind can

blow from any direction, yet he/she can still go into the direction of his/her choosing by repositioning the sails on his/her sailboat. Hence the lesson we can all learn from sailors: It’s not what hits us H it’s how we cope, how we react that will determine the outcome of our trails or tests or however the challenges we will face are called now a days. Of course there will also be good times, as we all hope to encounter and these should be savored for what they are: a gift from life and for the believer life is the supreme being that created all things. In the dance world (our world) there will be much to do all over the planet. Congresses, festivals ,salsa and other dance competitions, workshops or just plain old dance classes where it actually all begins. The winds blow for and also

against us in this area too, however what will always work is not only what we market but what we deliver. And if after repositioning our sails and go in the right direction, we get a little seasick .. We just have to dance which is a dancers Dramamine, the best cure!

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In this months issue of

Salsaruba Magazine

Features Departments

4 Island LifeLiving on a Caribbean

Island has its fun parts

as illustrated by these


5 PachanguitosThe Youngest Salsa

Dancing stars in Aruba

20 Curaçao Tropical

Splash Weekend ’09 Curaçao’s newest Salsa

Event was a Blast read all

about it

2 From the


Directors Desk

6 Salsa Dance


10 Salsoscoop

11 Focus on a


8 Artist of the

month Tsunami

22 Salsa Lingo

Love the dance but

confused about the

jargon? Not anymore!

16 Pachangactivities

25 Last Page

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Living on a Caribbean Island has it’s Charm, it’s Funny side, it’s Crazy side and many Other sides’ that make us unique. So we shall explore all these sides for you in word and view to bring you a little closer to what it is

like to live in Paradise, to live an Island Life!

It was Christmas here too and Christmas decorations abounded all over the island, with our

own Island Life touch.

New Year’s celebrations abounded too, the traditional Fire Works were heard all over the Island. Something unique to Aruba is the traditional Dande music played by Local Dande Groups, here the singer or anyone in the group goes around with a hat, money is then deposited in that hat and the singer requests a blessing for the giver. The presentations of other local music groups also abounded and the New Year Celebration spirit in Aruba lived on.

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The youngest Salsa Dancing stars of Aruba are the kids performing in the Pachanguitos section of the Pachanga Salsa Dance School Aruba.

When Scol di Baile Pachanga started operating almost 10 years ago a children’s section was not envisioned since there were and still are many Dance Schools who cater to young children. But as the years passed the request for dance courses for the little ones were so many (to say it modestly) that a decision was made to start with children’s salsa dance courses. Before long many little talents were discovered and “Los Pachanguitos” Dance Group was born.

Former World Salsa Dance Champion Janice Boekhoudt Kock, has been teaching these little stars the basics of Salsa and other Dance styles and the children love it. There are hardly any absentees for the dance classes and many attend the various “Pachanga”family dance activities, like the Latin Matinee, just to be able to show off their learned steps to their parents and peers.

Lately “Los Pachanguitos” received many invitations to give Dance Shows in different events which include TV performances. They have stolen the hearts of Arubans with their talents, youth and showmanship. In a few years who knows maybe, like their teacher Janice, they will also conquer the world. Whatever happens “Los Pachanguitos”are here to stay and will surely be heard of in the future as they progress into the fascinating and healthy lifestyle of the true Salseros (ras). We wish them all the success they deserve.


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Declining a dance

In this months Salsa Dance

Etiquette we will touch the

touchy matter of declining or

being declined a dance.This is the one reason why asking a stranger (or anybody) to dance is so dreadful. It’s the part when we gather all the courage to ask someone to dance and we hear the words “No thank you” or anything else used to communicate that message. This may feel like the end of the world and sometimes you wish you had a please make me invisible switch. Believe me its NOT the end of the world. However when we speak about Dance Etiquette there are rules to keep everybody's self-esteem intact. Abide by these rules and your dance experience will be awesome.


Don't get discouraged if you get declined once in a while. Keep in mind that everyone needs a break or wants to just sit it out and checkout the other dancers from time to time. If you do get declined, be gracious about it and smile!


Only decline a dance under these specific circumstances:*You do not know the dance. *You need to take a rest. *You have promised the dance to someone else. If you decline a dance this means sitting out the entire song. It is inconsiderate to dance a song with anyone after you have declined to dance it

with someone else.

Scol di Baile Pachanga, pioneers of Salsa, Bachata, Zouk, Rueda and Salsa Kids in Aruba since the year 2000!!!!!!!

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Pachanga The

MOST Copied

Salsa Dance

School in Aruba

Dancing through the Ages

Dance does not often leave behind clearly identifiable physical artifacts that last over millennia, such as stone tools, hunting implements or cave paintings. It is not possible to say when dance became part of human culture. Dance has certainly been an important part of ceremony, rituals, celebrations and entertainment since before the birth of the earliest human civilizations. Archeology delivers traces of dance from prehistoric times such as the 9,000 year old Bhimbetka rock shelters paintings in India and Egyptian tomb paintings depicting dancing figures from circa 3300 BC.One of the earliest structured uses of dances may have been in the performance and in the telling of myths. It was also sometimes used to show feelings for one of the opposite gender. It is also linked to the origin of "love making." Before the production of written languages, dance was one of the methods of passing these legends and stories down from generation to generation.Another early use of dance may have been as a precursor to ecstatic trance states in healing rituals. Dance is still used for this purpose by many cultures from the Brazilian rainforest to the Kalahari Desert.Sri Lankan dances goes back to the mythological times of aboriginal yingyang twins and "yakkas" (devils). According to a Sinhalese legend, Kandyan dances originate, 2500 years ago, from a magic ritual that broke the spell on a bewitched king. Many contemporary dance forms can be traced back to historical, traditional, ceremonial, and ethnic dances.An early manuscript describing dance is the Natya Shastra on which is based the modern interpretation of classical Indian dance (e.g. Bharathanatyam).

Do you ever wonder who danced the first Dance? And for me the big question

would be: why did the first dance ever occur! As member of the human race that

loves to dance, I and maybe many of us dancers wonder at the reasons or the way

the first dance came to be. Many scenarios go through my mind and I visualize

some possibilities. Was it so that before performing the first dance the male asked

the female to dance? Or did he or she just say: Hey you with the leopard skin outfit

let do the Jurassic Boogie. Today dance is as normal as walking and many of us

could not imagine a world without dance. Many a romance started with a dance

between two people, it has also been said that some wars started as a result of a

dance too! Whatever the way or reason people started dancing it’s interesting to

know a little about the how dancing began. Here Salsaruba Magazine presents one

of the versions of the History of Dance.

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Dancing through the Ages

The ancient chronicle, the Sinhalese (Sri Lankans), the Mahavamsa states when King Vijaya landed in Sri Lanka in 543 BCE he heard sounds of music and dancing from a wedding ceremony. Origins of the Dances of Sri Lanka are dated back to the aborginal tribes. The Classical dances of Sri Lanka, Kandyan Dances features a highly developed system of tala (rhythm), provided by cymbals called thalampataa.In European culture, one of the earliest records of dancing is by Homer, whose "Iliad"; describes chorea (khoreia). The early Greeks made the art of dancing into a system, expressive of all the different passions. For example, the dance of the Furies, so represented, would create complete terror among those who witnessed them. The Greek philosopher, Aristotle, ranked dancing with poetry, and said that certain dancers, with rhythm applied to gesture, could express manners, passions, and actions. The most eminent Greek sculptors studied the attitude of the dancers for their art of imitating the passions.

Dancing is historically entwined with many cultures around the world. Here, 17th century Persian women dance in a ceremony in Iran.Main articles: Dance in India

and Dances of Sri Lanka

. These drawings belong to the period from 5000 to 2000 B.C. As revealed by the stone statuette of a male dancer from Harappa and the bronze figurine of a dancing girl from Mohenjodaro, the Indus Valley civilization had a well-evolved dance culture.

Drawing of 'urddhakeshin' Shiva at Nawda Todo, forms of monkeys at Gupteshvara and a number of human figures at Pahadgarh, Tikla and Abachand present evidence of dance.

Indian classical dance in the 20th


During the reign of the last Mughals and Nawabs of Oudh dance fell down to the status of 'nautch', an unethical sensuous thing of courtesans.Later, linking dance with immoral trafficking and prostitution, British rule prohibited public performance of dance. Many disapproved it. In 1947, India won her freedom and for dance an ambience where it could regain its past glory. Classical forms and regional distinctions were re-discovered, ethnic specialties were honored and by synthesizing them with the individual talents of the masters in the line and fresh

innovations emerged dance with a new face but with classicism of the past. This is the first of a series of articles about dancing through the ages and thanks to amomgst others Wickipedia for the info on the History of Dance.

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Star Sign for Salsa DancersStar Sign for Salsa DancersStar Sign for Salsa DancersStar Sign for Salsa Dancers

Capricorn21st December – 18th January

Ruling planet: Saturn Ruling element: Earth Favorite chocolate: Chocolate Orange You are determined to make something of yourself in life, materially and otherwise. You are always looking to progress. You accept no barriers and proceed methodically. Your technical ability as a dancer is undoubted. You are, however, prone to melancholy and loneliness. Reviewing your somewhat cold, calculating approach to life might help to stop people thinking of you as a dancing fish. This month: An invitation to a party leads to a rare complaint.

It’s a Dangerous Universe out there, what may seem at first like two Galaxies involved in a “Dance”, maybe even a Salsa Dance. Is actually the merging of two Galaxies. When we measure this event in light years, the galaxies that are merging span MILLIONS of light years across. So even if we tried to escape using our current space traveling equipment, we would not be able to get away fast enough. Lets rephrase that last part: we would not be able to get away period. So for any of you who wished that other stars and galaxies were closer to us, THINK again!

Talking about Stars HH...

Photograph courtesy of NASA (Hubble Pictures).

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Focus on a Pachanguera

IvanaIvanaIvanaIvana WerlemanWerlemanWerlemanWerlemanThis month in our Focus

on a Pachanguero section

we will feature Miss Ivana

Werleman, a Pachanguera.

Ivana’s Personal information is as

Follows: she’s a Capricorn and

was born on January 4th at

08:03 am. One of 3 sisters she

is the only one who pursued an

active dancing career. Started

when she was 5 years old with

the youth group ‘Cos di Mucha’

(Childrens stuff), the dancing

didn’t stop there. The next

dance group she performed in

additionally specialized in

singing, and was called

Polymnia (no known English

translation available).

At 17 she participated in her first

beauty pageant representing the

Pan Cayente Magazine (Hot Bread

Magazine). A beauty from the very

start she was crowned: Miss Teen

Amity, Miss Teen WAW and 3rd

Runner Up of the Miss Teen Aruba

pageant in 2005. Ivana says that the

excitement and quest to learn new

things and her desire to do something

with her vocal talent also made her

want to venture into singing. This isn’t

strange since one of the youth groups

she was in (Polymnia) also included

singing. Her singing career day view

was during the 2005 Sparkling Tour

(Aruban version of American Idol) and

when asked if the singing career

began and ended there (she hasn’t

done anything since) Ivana says that

singing is still high on her list of things

she wants to actively do and for the

time being it’s on hold. When

we enquired about her

Pachangueros connection she

said proudly that she attended

a casting at Scol di Baile

Pachanga and was chosen to

be a dancer with this

awesome dance crew. She

was now a Pachanguera.

Having seen her perform there

is only one conclusion to be

reached. Ivana is an excellent

dancer/performer, she dances

with a performers drive, allure,


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Continued from the previous page

passion and style seen only in the

very best salsa dancers around. In

Ivana’s own words: “With Los

Pachangueros I developed my

confidence on stage and this has

helped me in almost every aspect of

my life. I have traveled with Los

Pachangueros and performed in the

Puerto Rican Salsa Congress, on

the main stage of one of the biggest

salsa congresses in the Caribbean/

Middle and South America. I feel

honored to have represented my

beautiful island Aruba by doing


Ivana participated recently in the Miss

Universe Aruba beauty pageant and

you guessed it she was one of the 3

finalists. She will be representing Aruba

in either the Miss World or the Miss

International pageant in 2010.

Future plans? Ivana: “I want to first

represent my Island and bring home the

crown and then finish my studies (Ivana

wants to be an English Teacher) and

return to Aruba teach to the Aruban

youth. I also want to have my own

family and will try additionally to keep

dancing and make a serious attempt to

make my dream of singing

professionally come true’. Any special

person you want to thank? “Yep my

mom, she made me who I am today and

always stood behind and encouraged

me in all that I did. Also everyone who

in one way or another helped me in all

of my attempts to excel. Ivana is

Serious but Crazy when necessary or

Crazy but serious when necessary?

Ivana: define CrazyH Salsaruba: Crazy

as in fun loving, jolly, funny and just

plain wacko in the non pathological way.

Ivana smiles: ‘ definitely Crazy and

serious when necessary’. She is

gorgeous, loves to and dances salsa as

only the best can and is a fun loving

creature. Ivana Werleman a Real

Pachanguera. Thus our Pachanguera of

the month.



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Close upClose upClose upClose up:::: Artist of the MonthArtist of the MonthArtist of the MonthArtist of the Month

Tsu Tsu

Tsunami is at the moment, the

Hottest Band in Aruba and they

are at this position not only

because they have to perform

almost every day.

In that perspective even one day trips to Curaçao are a weekly activity. I took notice recently of their hectic schedule while traveling on the same flight with this awesome band. It even got to the point where they had to travel to Curaçao twice in one week! But they are mainly at the numero uno position because their music is as fresh and exciting as the first time they came out 5 years ago. The Tsunami members traditionally perform in all white costumes, also the now habitual tribal body paintings have become a Tsunami trait. It is not a secret that the popular brassband D2U365 gave birth to a very promising band: Tsunami. The concept of Tsunami took about two years to crystallize. A couple of key persons in the brassband were desperate to make a change in the music they were making. These were Jaws Rasmijn, Poppy Kock, Juni Richardson, and last but not least Bobby Gibbs. They started looking at different alternatives and influences that would blend into a unique style that Aruba has never seen or heard before.

When this was clear to them, Jaws Rasmijnpresented the concept to their Road Manager: Rimberth Croes. Rimberth Croesimmediately bought the concept and became a believer. He then took this project on his shoulders and carried it. Their objective was to create a band that would look, sound, and basically do everything in a way it has never been done in Aruba before. The look; most of the time you will see this band wearing white, which reflects the purity of the energy that they put in each performance. They also perform on bear feet.

This is just to reflect their humbleness and their connection with the world around them. The sound; they use extravagant percussion

instruments coming from various corners of the world including Africa, Brazil, and Cuba (Hjust to name a few). Most of these come from the personal collection of Jaws Rasmijn. Changing from brassband to a topnotch musical band was not going to be an easy task. A musical director and singers were needed, while D2U had the percussionists, trumpet and trombone players. Actually there was one singer in D2U; Dr. Steeve, who gladly also joined the band.


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Then it was Bobby Gibbs who suggested working with Ofo Escudero who has been an active member of D2U365 since the beginning and was also active as a singer in another musical Band. It was Ofo Escudero, who on his turn, scouted Sashah Figueroa and Michael Odor to also be part of the project. The D2U crew teamed up with Ofo Escudero,

Michael Odor, and Sashah Figueroa to form the new band. The band did not have a name until after one of the first rehearsals Juni Richardson proposed the name: Tsunami. The decision was unanimous. It’s a name that represents purity (of water) and strength and energy (of the wave).As they say: Our music and performance is pure..Hwe do it from the hearthH..and the strength and energy we put into each performance is contagiousHbeware!!!

Tsunami has a number of productions on the CD market. These are “ Plugged”with a variation of melodies for every taste. From Ritmo Combina (Local slow dance rhythm) to Salsa, Merengue and Soca. Then there is the newest production “Unplugged” which is a live recording of some of the songs of the “Plugged” CD. Both CD’s have the same cover but with the difference that one is a studio and the other a live recording. Future plans H.. Make more awesome music and stay the course with their style and undisputable Tsunami sound. In their repertoire they have many songs in the Salsa Genre and having danced with Sasha and having seen the rest of the Tsunami musicians actually dance Salsa they certainly fit the profile to be chosen Artist of the Month of January!


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PachangactivitiesPachangactivitiesPachangactivitiesPachangactivitiesDecember was also a very busy month for Scol di Baile Pachanga, in our Pachangactivities

section we will highlight the monthly dose of ACTIVITIES of the Scol di Baile Pachanga Salsa

Dance School. We try to document all activities with pictures and some commentary for your

information, viewing and reading pleasure. Like with all that we do here at Scol di Baile

Pachanga, we do things with lots of FUN. But do not worry, you will get used to the fun and you

may even join in!!

Los Pachanguitos ↑ were extremely busy in

their first public appearance. The list goes

like this:

•Performing In the National Arts Theatre ‘Cas

di Cultura’ during a Christmas Show by

House of Fame Art & Dance School.

•At the City One event venue, for the aunty

Uncle & Esmee of Mundo Infantil (Kids

World) Christmas Show

•Also during the final program of “E Regalo di

Pasco” “The Christmas Present” a program

by ATV TV station at Ling & Sons


•During the program Magia di Pasco at the

Mr. Jazz venue, transmitted live by the

national TV station Tele Aruba.

Pachanga’s New Years

Party on January 1st,

2010 was another

successful event. A well

attended festivity where

everyone had a great

time, the MTM (More

Than Music) Band and the

Pachanga DJ’s were in

charge of the music. With

a complementary glass of

Champaign from the Perle

d ‘Or management and

good a great New Years

Celebration Mood the year

2010 started out with a

musical BANG! As only

Pachanga can! Mi FM

transmitted this event live

online for the whole world.


The Pachanga Years End Party on December 17th was a

big success “Gaita Exclusivo” gave a fantastic

presentation. The whole event took place in front of the

Pachanga Dance School. There was a dance floor outside

and also a special stage was build for the Gaita Group. The

Pachanga DJ’s kept everybody dancing between the Gaita

sets. Drinks and snacks were FREE and the big crowd

present, consisting of Students, family members and

friends, made this party one of our best ever. This years

(2010 Year End Party) party will be bigger since it’s the

(↓↓) anniversary year of Scol di Baile Pachanga.

Nutcracker December 2009

The products define the producer. Scol di baile

Pachanga doesn’t have a marketing machine

to market the school, however the products

(dance courses and Dancers) Pachanga

produces sell themselves. Miss Shewska

Verberne who is a student and a Pachanguera

(Pachanga’s Dance Team female member)

was chosen by the Nutcracker Show scouts to

perform in that shows’ recent presentation in

Aruba. This is another milestone for Shewska

(former Child Model of the World finalist) and

Scol di Baile Pachanga the ONLY Salsa

Dance School at that level in Aruba.

Radio Program of the Year Award. Each year top

performers, entertainers and other celebrities are

nominated and the “Crème de la Crème” of the local

entertainment community are chosen by the various

entities. The local newspaper ‘Solo di Pueblo’ awarded the

Scol di Baile Pachanga Radio Show: “Pachanga cu Swing

y Sabor” the acclaimed title of Radio Salsa Program of the

Year. Pachanga did exceptionally well on many fronts in

2009. Congratulations Guys!

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Pachanga DJ Team in Action! →December was one of THE busiest months of

the year for the Pachanga DJ’s, this page

may not be big enough to cover all these


On December 06 the DJ’s were invited by

Robert Jeandor to be part of his year end

salsa program here the topic was a recount

of the year’s activities. ↓

Continued from previous page

The Salsa Around the World special radio program, that was

held on December 19th past, presented on Mi FM 107.5 and

transmitted from the Alhambra Casino was an extraordinary

program as well in the contents of the presented material as in the

amount of salsa connoisseurs that listened in on that date. During

the program a history of the origins of Salsa was presented and

the listeners were also taken on a world tour of Salsa Music. Over

3000 persons listened in from around the world and the many

calls and received emails requested an encore. The only negative

comments were that the four and a half hour program was too

short and therefore not all tunes were completely played. The

commentators and guests were as follows: Robert Jeandor

Giovanni Muller

Howard Hernandes

Anthony Mezas

Franklin Kock

Frans Solognier

Elvis Kock

Arjen Homan

Oslin Boekhoudt

Mi FM Christmas Dinner, on December

23rd the Mi FM radio station team held

their annual Christmas dinner at the

Alhambra Casino Showroom. Musical

entertainment was by Mr. Edjean

Semeleer and the Pachanga DJ’s.


Your Add Here? For more info call: + (297) 583-1818 or 563-3393 or just email us at:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

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On December 30th, Gialis lottery kiosk,

located in Paradera Aruba, held their years

end celebration. During the celebration

activities the invitees could have a drink (or

two) and snacks accompanied by the

traditional home made soup. Musical

entertainment was provided by the Pachanga

DJ’s and as a surprise treat to all present this

years Dande competition winners gave a

superb presentation. At the end of the

celebration the also traditional fire works roll

was ignited and the 2009 business year was

closed with a bang.

December 31st, 2009: On this date all companies, stores

and other businesses, keeping with local Aruban tradition,

will light a firework roll and close off the then current

business year. Most establishments will there after close

for the day and send their employees home so they can

be with their families, who will also be preparing for the

New Years Celebrations. The Pachanga DJ’s Oslin and

Arjen had their hands full, because many of the afore

mentioned companies also have a festive celebration with

food, beverages and music during their closing time. The

first company on the Pachanga DJ’s performance list was

the local Ernst and Young offices, here the activities

started at 12pm ending at 2:30pm. After dismantling their

equipment the Pachanga team relocated to their next stop

which was at the Mi FM radio station. Here a one million

shot fire work roll was lit. At 7:30pm the Pachanga team

moved once again with all their equipment to a private

residence where another celebration would start after 12

midnight. This party ended at 8:30am on January 1st,

2010. After a well deserved rest, the next stop would be at

the Perle d ‘Or venue here the Scol di Baile Pachanga

Salsa Dance School had their traditional New Years

Salsa Party, the first of many festive events planned to

take place in this the 10th Anniversary Celebration year of

Scol di Baile Pachanga. Ending 2009 and beginning 2010

with a bang, Scol di Baile Pachanga is leading the way

once again in all fronts of the Aruban Salsa Community.


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Oslin and Janice



Ladies Styling

7pm – 8pm

8pm – 9pm


January 15, 2010




Mesn Styling

7pm – 8pm

8pm – 9pm


January 14, 2010



Salsa on 1

Salsa on 2

7pm – 8pm

8pm – 9pm


January 13, 2010





7pm – 8pm

8pm – 9pm


January 12, 2010



Salsa Cubano


7pm – 8pm

8pm – 9pm


January 11, 2010

Scol di Baile Pachanga ARUBA

Free Workshop Schedule: January, 2010.

It is already known in Aruba, that in January and August of every year, Scol diBaile Pachanga has its Free Workshop Week and this year was NO exception.

Below you can view this years schedule. As in the previous years it was very

successful and the new Schedule for the first quarter of 2010 is also listed below.

Imagine your companies add in this section!

For more info call: (+297) 583-1818/563-3393.

Email: [email protected]

Be part of something Great! Advertise with Pachanga!

7 – 8 pm Rueda 102Friday’s

8:15 – 9:15 pm Bachata 1017 – 8 pm Salsa 110Thursday’s

7 – 8 pm Salsa 103Wednesday’s

8:15 – 9:15 pm Salsa 1077 – 8 pm Salsa 102Tuesday’s

8:15 – 9:15 pm Salsa 1057 – 8 pm Salsa 101Monday’s

Scol di Baile Pachanga ARUBA …. New Dance Course Schedule 2010

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CuraCuraCuraCuraççççaoaoaoao TropicalTropicalTropicalTropicalCuraCuraCuraCuraççççaoaoaoao TropicalTropicalTropicalTropical

Recently Jordan Kock of Scol di Baile Pachanga

participated in the Curaçao Tropical Splash Weekend . The event was organized as a fundraiser for the 2010 Curacao Salsa Tour. There were many excellent opportunities to learn new stuff during the event activities organized for this mini salsa

congress. Jordan presented a one man salsa show and received many compliments for his presentation being this, his FIRST ever solo presentation. The organizers can look back at a successful weekend

and we look forward to this years Curaçao Salsa Tour . 20

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Latin Splash 2009Latin Splash 2009Latin Splash 2009Latin Splash 2009Latin Splash 2009Latin Splash 2009Latin Splash 2009Latin Splash 2009

As things progressed during the event

Jordan invented a new Salsa step, it’s called the Floor Sweep Salsa Move. You Go Jordan!!


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Learning to dance Salsa encourages us to embrace everything related

to Salsa and the Latin culture, whether it is the fashion, the music,

the food or the language. Being familiar with the most commonly

used Salsa vocabulary, may be helpful in giving you a better

understanding of the rhythm of the music and the instruments played

to create Salsa music, or simply a better understanding of the lyrics

of some of your favorite Salsa songs. You might already be familiar

with some of these Salsa expressions and some may turn out to be

totally new to you. Whatever the case may be, I hope you get a new

insight into Salsa and also have fun reviewing this Latin Music &

Dance, Glossary of Terms.

Bolero - A slow, lyrical


Bomba - 1. A barrel-shaped

drum of Afro-Puerto Rican

origin, similar to the Cuban

tumbadora (conga drum),

although shorter; 2. A style of

Afro-Puerto Rican music and

dance which is also

commonly found in salsa and

Puerto Rican Merengue


Cha-Cha-Chá - A

rhythmic style derived from

the early Cuban danzón-

mambo, created by violinist

Enrique Jorrín (who named

the style upon hearing the

scraping sounds of dancers‘

feet). The cha-cha-chá

eventually became a separate

musical style from the


Salsa lingoSalsa lingoSalsa lingoSalsa lingo

Cha Cha Basic Steps for Women

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•Crowded dance floors smell different to midgets.

•Never test the depth of water or a slippery dance floor with both feet.

•If Rhythm is not recognized in first month of dance class, change hobby to sky diving … brain will recognize anything after this!

Scol di Baile Pachanga Directors and founders: Janice Kock and OslinBoekhoudt demonstrating to the World that their 2002 World Champion Title was NO fluke. In these file pictures during the 2004 IDO WSCh, they were

selected as # 3 in the World. Hereby

placing themselves for the 3rd year in a-

- row in the top 8 dance couples of the World. Janice is also placed as one of the Worlds Top Ladies Styling Instructors by Edie the Salsa Freak, who is herself a World Class Salsa Instructress. No wonder Scol di BailePachanga is THE school to learn how to DANCE Salsa in Aruba.

Janice and Edie during a

Radio Interview in Aruba.

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In the February issue of In the February issue of In the February issue of In the February issue of

SalsarubaSalsarubaSalsarubaSalsaruba MagazineMagazineMagazineMagazine……………………........

Pachanga’s Salsa friends in Miami FLA. Whats new with the RuedaPioneers of Miami?

Salsaruba Magazine goes out of

the salsa box to interview one of

Miami’s upcoming vocalist. A new

article series on non Salsa Artist

who also love Salsa music and

dancing. Don’t miss this one!

Free Workshop week at Scol di Baile Pachanga.

The Guys


The Girls

During just one of

the workshops!!!!

Carnival in Aruba, if you were

never here for this awesome

street party. You have not

seen Carnival. Be sure not to

miss a photographic report in

the “Island Life” Section!

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This is how your full page add in The Salsaruba Magazine will look like

Interested: Call + 297-583-1818 563-3393 or 740-9166

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Page 26: Salsaruba Magazine January 2010 vol 2 issue 7


Last pageDoes our Island have beautiful beaches?

You be the judge of that !

Disclaimer: Some pictures in this magazine have been taken from free internet websites