TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Ι SEPTEMBER 10, 2017 BARRON, CAMERON, CHETEK & STRICKLAND, WI ASSUMPTION BLESSED VIRGIN MARY P A R I S H C L U S T E R SAINTS JOSEPH, PETER, BONIFACE & ONE. HOLY. APOSTOLIC. UNIVERSAL CHURCH. WE ARE CATHOLIC. WE ARE FAMILY. WELCOME HOME! CONNECT! WITH THE WORD Mass Schedule Saturday 4PM—ABVM, STRICKLAND 6PM—ST. PETER, CAMERON Sunday 8AM—ST. PETER, CAMERON 9:30AM—ST. JOSEPH, BARRON 11AM—ST. BONIFACE, CHETEK Friday 8AM—ST. PETER, CAMERON MESSAGE FOR THE WEEK "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." This is a fascinating promise. Jesus enlightens us today about the power of communal faith. He emphasizes that a gathering of like- minded believers, small though it may be, has a powerful effect. As he tells his disciples, "If two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my heavenly Father." Alright then, what are we waiting for? We should take Jesus up on this amazing offer! Going to Mass is one way to do so. When we gather together every Sunday, we do more than listen to readings and receive the Eucharist. We also PRAY together. The priest leads us in these prayers, of course, but we are meant to join with him, as the Second Vatican Council put it, with "fully conscious, and active participation" (Sacrosanctum Concilium, #14). We are to make the prayers our own by attentively joining in with them from our hearts. Mindlessly reciting "Amen" or absently whispering the words of the Our Father likely loses the effect Jesus was talking about in to- day's Gospel. But truly praying together with our parish community certainly fits the bill. We need not be at church to fulfill this kind of prayer, however. It only takes two! Those of us who live with others can exercise communal prayer every day in our own homes, just by joining each other for a few moments of peti- tion or praise. Those who live alone may need to reach out more deliberately, but it only takes a phone call to "gather together" with another believer and offer up our prayers. May we have the courage to invite others to join us as we bring our needs to God. ———————- PLEASE NOTE: There will be no Masses this week on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday due to Fr. Bala attending the Annual Diocesan Retreat for Priests. We will still have Eucharistic Adora- tion on Wednesday in Barron and Thursday in Chetek. Please keep Fr. Bala and all our priests attending the retreat in your prayers.

TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME · PDF fileJesus enlightens us today about the power of communal faith. ... Going to Mass is one way to do so. ... 8:00 am All the People of our

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B A R R O N , C A M E R O N , C H E T E K & S T R I C K L A N D , W I




C O N N E C T ! W I T H T H E W O R D

Mass Schedule





MESSAGE FOR THE WEEK "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." This is a fascinating promise. Jesus enlightens us today about the power of communal faith. He emphasizes that a gathering of like-minded believers, small though it may be, has a powerful effect. As he tells his disciples, "If two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them by my heavenly Father." Alright then, what are we waiting for? We should take Jesus up on this amazing offer! Going to Mass is one way to do so. When we gather together every Sunday, we do more than listen to readings and receive the Eucharist. We also PRAY together. The priest leads us in these prayers, of course, but we are meant to join with him, as the Second Vatican Council put it, with "fully conscious, and active participation" (Sacrosanctum Concilium, #14). We are to make the prayers our own by attentively joining in with them from our hearts. Mindlessly reciting "Amen" or absently whispering the words of the Our Father likely loses the effect Jesus was talking about in to-day's Gospel. But truly praying together with our parish community certainly fits the bill. We need not be at church to fulfill this kind of prayer, however. It only takes two! Those of us who live with others can exercise communal prayer every day in our own homes, just by joining each other for a few moments of peti-tion or praise. Those who live alone may need to reach out more deliberately, but it only takes a phone call to "gather together" with another believer and offer up our prayers. May we have the courage to invite others to join us as we bring our needs to God.

———————- PLEASE NOTE:

There will be no Masses this week on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday due to Fr. Bala attending the Annual Diocesan Retreat for Priests. We will still have Eucharistic Adora-tion on Wednesday in Barron and Thursday in Chetek. Please keep Fr. Bala and all our priests attending the retreat in your prayers.

Saturday 4:00 pm † Dianne Mujwid DeCassis by Olivia & Richard ABVM 5:30 pm Pray the Rosary Before Mass SP 6:00 pm † Don Donalson by Jeff & Linda Allan SP Sunday 7:30 am Pray the Rosary Before Mass SP 8:00 am All the People of our Parish Cluster SP 9:00 am Pray the Rosary before Mass SJ 9:30 am † Helen Stephens by Larry & Dorothy Lundgren SJ 10:30 am Pray the Rosary before Mass SB 11:00 am † Darlene Zwielhofer by Donnie SB

Tuesday 6:00 pm NO MASS SP Wednesday 7:15 am NO MASS SJ 8:00 am Eucharistic Adoration until 3:00 pm SJ 2:45 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet SJ Thursday 8:30 am NO MASS SB 9:00 am Eucharistic Adoration until 4:00 pm SB Friday 8:00 am † Stanley Andrew Ciolkosz by Terry & Chris Verdegan SP

Saturday 4:00 pm † Fr. Jack Kissling by Ed & Jan ABVM 5:30 pm Pray the Rosary Before Mass SP 6:00 pm † Dennis Sailor by Mary Haas SP Sunday 7:30 am Pray the Rosary Before Mass SP 8:00 am All the People of our Parish Cluster SP 9:00 am Pray the Rosary before Mass SJ 9:30 am † Dolores Cieminski by Ken & Mary SJ 10:30 am Pray the Rosary before Mass SB 11:00 am † John Gores by Mary Ann & Family SB

SB-St. Boniface • SJ-St. Joseph • SP-St. Peter ABVM-Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Cluster Administrative Office www.sspbandj.org 827 E. LaSalle Avenue • Barron, WI 54812 Phone: 715-637-3255 Fax: 715-637-3252 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Ministry Staff Fr. Bala Raju Policetty, Sacramental Minister…..715-292-8681 E-Mail………………………………………… . … [email protected] Very Reverend John Gerritts …………………….Supervising Pastor Patty Gerber, Parish Director…………………………..715-642-2560 Email……………………………………………[email protected] Office Staff Mary Bell, Bookkeeper Marsha Rheingans, Secretary/Bookkeeper Anne Stephens, Faith Formation Mindy Hamilton, Assistant Religious Education Coordinator

Sacraments Reconciliation: Father Bala will be present in the Confessional, for Reconciliation at all parishes, 30 minutes prior to all Masses, Tuesday-Saturday, and prior to Sunday Mass at St. Peter. Reconciliation may also be received following most Masses or by appointment.

9-10am 1st Saturday of the Month at St. Joseph

Anointing of the Sick: By appointment, please call parish office first. If an emergency, please call Father Bala Policetty directly.

Baptism: Please call the parish office to schedule. First time parents, please plan to attend a baptismal preparation session prior to your child’s baptism.

Marriage: Please make arrangements for marriage prep classes beginning six months before the wedding.

Homebound Communion Communion is given weekly to our cluster homebound parishioners. If you would like to be added to the list, please call the cluster office.

Pastoral Visits: Please contact Father Policetty if you or a loved one would like to be visited.

Weekly Sacrificial Giving

Adult Loose Special Total

ABVM $230 $205 $321 $756

STB $936 $396 $878 $2210

STJ $1775 $56 $523 $2354

STP $1650 $154 $940 $2744

Thank you! for your continued financial support!

Your contributons are vital to your parish.


1pm 6pm

CCW Meeting, STB Rosary/Morning Star Prayer Group, STJ All Are Welcome!


6:30pm 6:45pm

Barron KC Meeeting, STJ Cluster Choir Practice, STP NO MASS


9am 9:30am 2-8pm 7pm 7pm

Eucharistic Adoration, STB Altar & Rosary Society, STP Pictorial Pictures, STJ Knights of Columbus, STB K of C Ladies Auxiliary, STB NO MASS



ORDINARY MOMENTS I have to smile when I read in St. Paul's Letter to the Romans, "Owe nothing to anyone, except to love one another." I smile because I know that in today's world few people owe nothing to anyone. We have credit card debt, mortgages, student loans, car loans, and new loans to consolidate old loans. It would seem that we actually owe everything to everyone. These debts are of this world. I am pretty sure no one residing in heaven is still making mortgage payments. We have created contracts in this world to make pos-sible certain transactions of goods, services, and shel-ter. But there is one thing that we naturally owe one another and that lasts longer than our time on earth: love. You do not need to take out a loan to have more love to give. There also is no limit to the love you have been given to share. However, it is the one gift that we sometimes treat with the least respect. We hold back love due to sins of pride, prejudice, and apathy. We distort and manipulate love for our own gain and self-ish desires. We can find ourselves placing more im-portance on the things for which we have taken out loans than the love that is eternal. I am trying the best I can to get to a point where I no longer owe anything to banks and mortgage lenders. I don't want to leave this world owing anyone for the earthly things I had in this life. But even more importantly, I realize the shame it would be to leave people behind that didn't get enough love from me. There is nothing greater than love. Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS


8am 1:30pm

Eucharistic Adoration, STJ PCCW Meeting, ABVM NO MASS

Father Bala Be considerate to Your Aged Parents An 80 year old man was seated on the sofa in his house along with his 45 year old highly educated and well-settled son. Suddenly a crow perched on their window. The father asked his son, “What is this, son?” the son replied, “It is a crow.” After a few minutes, the father asked his son the sec-ond time: “What is this, son?” The son said, “Dad, I told you just now: it is a crow!” After a little while, the older father again asked his son the third time, “Son, what is this?” This time, irritated, the son’s tone was harsh. He said with a re-buff, “It is a crow, a crow, a crow!” After a while, the father again asked his son the fourth time, “What is this, son?” This time the son shouted at his father, “Why do you keep asking me the same question again and again?” I have told you so many times IT IS A CROW. Are you not able to un-derstand?” A little later the father got up from the sofa and went to his room and came back with an old tattered diary, which he had maintained since his only son was born. On opening a page, he asked his son to read that page. The son took the dairy in his hands and quietly read the follow-ing notation made by his dad when he himself was only three years old, “Today my little son age three was sit-ting with me on the sofa, when a crow was sitting on the window. My son asked me 23 times what it was, and I replied to him all 23 times that IT WAS A CROW. I hugged him lovingly each time he asked me the same question again and again 23 times. I did not get at all irritated, I rather felt affection for my innocent son” The son, with tears in his eyes, sat down by the side of his dad and said, “Sorry, dad, thank you for the lesson you have taught me today!” If your parents attain old age, do not repulse them or look at them as a burden. Be always con-siderate to them. See that they are always happy. Remem-ber they have cared for you ever since you were a little child. They have always showered their selfless love on you. They have crossed ‘mountains’ and ‘valleys’ without seeing the storm and the heat - to make you a person pre-sentable in society today.

SHARED STORIES & MESSAGES SUNDAY READINGS Ezekiel 33:7-9 Why do you think the Lord put such a heavy burden on the prophet Ezekiel? Romans 13:8-10 How do you imagine the Jewish Christians in Rome reacted to Paul's assertion that "love is the fulfillment of the law"? Matthew 18:15-20 Jesus commands fellow believers to be direct and honest with each other when one sins against another. Why is this so challenging?


8am 2-9pm

Mass, STP Pictorial Pictures, STJ


8am 9:30am 11am

Mass, STP Mass, STJ Mass, STB



4pm 6pm

Pictorial Pictures, STJ Mass, ABVM Mass, STP

P R A Y E R S & P R A Y E R F U L O P P O R T U N I T I E S

Please Pray For: All of our cluster parishioners in hospitals, at home and in the nursing homes

& for those in the Armed Forces. Especially for: Will Simon, Adeline Tadel, Laura Johanson, Jackie Brohman, Kyle Pokallus, Ida Nevin, Chris Wigchers, Declan Fisher, Judy Lentz, Robert Ryan, Jim Smith, Joan Krug, Josie Romanowski, Joyce Trotter, Dale Jakel, Ruth Huiras, Dc. Cullen, Dan Novak, Bill Bell, H. B., Darlene Townsend, Dc. Jim and Barb Dennis, Diane DeMars, Jaimee Mikyska, Anita Grygiel, Judy Graf, Nancy Kukla, Judie Peltier, Jo Ann Lundequam, Sandy Garr, Marie Greenbush, Rita Scheynost, Larry Toufar, Jane Anderson, Fr. Pat Hardy, Pam Luethi, Fr. John Brown, Jim Haas,

Doug Rutledge, Janelle Wilson, Joan Fostvedt & Judi Peltier. To be added or removed, please contact the parish office.

W I T H S Y M P A T H Y Please remember in your prayers our parish family

members who have died and those who mourn them. May they be raised with Christ into Glory:

OLIVA KING Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let

perpetual light shine upon them, may their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the

mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Welcome to Gods Family! FINNLEY ROSE GRILLEY

Daughter of Derek & Amanda Grilley

EMMETT MICHAEL GRILLEY Son of Rory & Brittney Grilley

Who were welcomed into the Kingdom of God through

the Sacrament of Baptism at St. Peter. We pray that our Good Lord and His Angels will watch over both of


AMERICA! This Monday, September 11.

County Justice Center in Barron on Highway 25 North. Noon—1:15pm.

(Outdoors & Indoor Option) This is an interdenomina-

tional gathering of believers to CRY OUT

FOR AMERICA For info call: Karen

Fowler 715-475-8032

Pilgrimage to La Crosse for the Veneration of the Relics of Padre Pio

When: September 20; Bus departs at 7:30 am from St. Joseph in Rice Lake, return around 5:30 pm. What: Time to venerate the relics and pray at the Cathe-dral. Mass at 12:10pm in commemoration of Padre Pio. Cost: $40 Contact: Grace at [email protected] or 715-234-5044 to register. Food and drinks may be brought onboard. There are sever-al local restaurants available for lunch after Mass (around 1 pm), but pilgrims are welcome to bring a bag lunch instead. The bus will not be able to remain on site due to the large crowds; so pilgrims are encouraged to bring a bag. Also, we may need to wait outside the Cathedral for some time, so please dress accordingly and wear comfortable shoes. Only 56 seats are available on the bus and these will be given on a first come first served basis. Please make checks payable to the Diocese of Superior.


The 2017 Catholic Services Appeal will held next weekend in our cluster parishes.

The Appeal is an opportunity for us, as a faith family, to join together to do the work of the Lord. All families are encouraged to support the Catholic Services Ap-peal. By giving to the Catholic Services Appeal, you

are answering God’s call to discipleship to put the work of God before your own needs. The Church

serves each of us in some way and our financial sup-port is essential to continue God’s work in our area. In addition, every dollar contributed to the Appeal assists our parishes in offsetting our yearly diocesan assess-

ment responsibility to or diocesan Church. Our cluster parish goals for 2017/2018 are:

ABVM $4,012.00 ST. BONIFACE $15,448.00 ST. JOSEPH $14,333.00

ST. PETER $17,766.00 Please keep in mind that if we do not meet our CSA goals from our parish-ioner’s personal donations to this collection, each parish is still responsible for this payment. Money is then taken from the parish budget for the year.



God’s Gift: to Love

Every Body Open to students & adults!

Register NOW by going to the website catholicdos.org/events.gods-gift-to-love-everybody or contact the parish office for registration forms.

Register by Septermber 20th for the best rate!

8am: light refreshments & exhibits

9am: Keynote Speaker Gloria Purvis, co-host of Morning Glory, EWTN Radio.

10am: Nic Davidson, Dignity for & Respect of the Human Person.

4:00:pm Mass at Cathedral of Christ the King, Su-perior with Bishop James Powers.

Visit the diocese website at www.catholicdos.org for

more details!


A Weekend Retreat September 22-24

St. Francis Xavier, Merril

“This is a great event to attend… It is fun, joyful & brings you clos-er & helps you understand the Eucharist which is the strength of our Catholic faith!”



Youth in preschool—11th grade are invited to join in our cluster religious education program, to learn more about God’s love, to

learn how to live in the ways of Christ, and to gain a better under-standing of their Catholic faith. Parent can register their children at www.sspbandj.org, pick up a registration form at the back of

church or call the cluster office for more details.

Teacher/aide In-service:

Wednesday, September 20th, 6pm at St. Peter

Parent’s Night: Wednesday, Sept. 27th, 6pm at St. Peter

Kick Off Mass & Celebration:

Saturday, Sept. 30, 6pm

NEW! Classes for all grades will meet from 6-7:30pm

at St. Peter in Cameron

NEW! Family meal time will be offered from 5:30-

6pm prior to regular classes. Students in grades pk-7, must attend meals with a parent.