voP^rNO.; Organized Labor Is Under Attack , Of Farm Bureau „,,n„.I.,vnirnl in th.‘ be nliril>iili'il tci iinjii.-lifi l^ ' ‘L I’"’'"'™' Dworsliak Is S])cakcr for School Rites BfRLrV. Drc. 13-"Mny I nr Dirorelinl: wlion lii ... (roxd nr.r.cmlilPd !■ ci[ dw/lf-’ no/i ot Offf Irfodom. Jii;.tlce am iKlarcd, •nit sdiool boird rjLsfd for boini; coKi.i?- Sfriitor Dw'Or.shiilc stnt r.t or Uio rcnion.1 lie sclt I iMi WM becfiu.'^ he hiitJ Ti tt.e poleiitliil KroivLh i:i r/i’,-The ■k i.iday ai what Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will Push for Algerian Freedom Plan 1 ( U P D — I'l- •s.nikoti Alfret , .lesi.ile five. u-lo^ lie ();i I .’Uinrniiic'fii lip wrii «: ric.UnK thill kill.M lUh Ihi: riol in.l shuok liiuuLs wi C o ld Temperature Blocks Efforts to D ig Out East U .S . ^Officials Set Check 1 Of Pollution Danger polhll •evt(! Wednu.s ;o tlie .MiliiLT IMltil iUKi fi.Hh to Twin Kails <!nr <lam whc ;l ^^ame FuUs rih il other offid i<i fish in the constitute n. I.. Dot Defense Chief WABinNQTON. pcc. 13 iVftu. B. ilcNamara. youllinu ................ Ford Motor ifdj lo run Uie rouUl-bllllon lollw defense ilcpartmcnl In lijsrff ftdmlniilratlon. Kennedy announced the ec- xllon of the 14-ycor-oM Mc- rtmiTA iki defrtUF accretary ran the doorstep of h!a homo ) t croud of nnvsncn huddlcU n ihc inouv pavement in sub- rmlnf temperature, UcKunarn. wlio served u a mtenant colonel In World war [ uid has lx>bbM up on dlt- ;rtni tides of tho polltlcM acs tn various occasions, *n» I Ktnntdy-A side. Neither wore fc»l or coat dcsplio the cold. U U.1II1C will be I Meeting Held To Stimulate Use of Lamb (See J-h I ni( chll! a rcRfil Crowi S cuU on a iamb cnrca-M 0(1 iMid Uicn cootcd foi ftudlnice of more than 200 pei . 'vho attended n meeting cponsored by tlie Twlirmtls-^dvcctook Ma: LFfilon hnll mectlnR w(ia the first of throuKhoiii the vnllcy. The second T.nji held <vt 1:30 pm. Tuc the Elki! hall. Burley, T1 0 will be held Wedncsdi lursday nt Qoodin); bi Mountain Home, with lime «i place [o be announced. Purpose of the nwcting was help retull butchers use the less srell-knovi'n cuts of Inmb, nvmome prejudice again :la,%5 of meat. rtlntr, the Jridges and Hoffa^ake- ‘War’onBill DAKUM3, C.illf, Dec. 13 '0 poAerlul indppetidenl labor Jdtrs - Janie.^ liolfn of ' wulers and llArre Bridges Wetl Cotu-.t r -I- lA.51 night on fT called KWemment attcropta p!isu» crKiuil7^d labor. trained Uielr veital suai 8Ui8 Laiidnim-Grlflln Inbor Inu/ Ihe U. S, ficnalo laLr°man of tlieir unlon-V member- ■Pm Civic auditorium. lioffa and I ere commuted t< ^17 wd action." Bridges dcclar- d, -We a m t worrr about tht 'Mellaw, Kenredys, politicians ^ployi-rs, wc'rc roI to tl^l Bd(irc.yed Uie cro-A 'd VOOO by telephone Irom ton, D. c. In for th(> fisht of i lie .'standiird of llvlns we'll Btrlke." binder subpoena to' i rc the senRl* eomit lijnjfton, iiaj aekra a employe of the Amcrlcnn 6h«p Producera council, used to >' lit lunb cuts can bo madi .tractive as other mcat« (perlup,i ,ui moro Rot, WC50 (tlvfn a»a>- I door prlzc.^. , 6th(}ol teachers. housewives, home economic teftchers, students, 'heepmen, and food marketerJ from the area were In tlie audl* e. Mel Claar, Boise, 4ccretJir>’- nancr of the Idaho Woolgrow- &.voclatlon also was prt-icnt. Jlaar said the demonstration couldn't help but promote lamb consumption In Magic Valley. Uijnbs for tlie demon,'itratlon ere donated by the Independc :eat company. Twin Falls, ojid (ComiiHfd on r«C* J. ■hreats Reported In Highway Case WABIilNOTON. Etec. 13 aTI - M l*IIn of ft Pioridn >«r u,« before her hMbond tfl latUy before a nmlttf* InvejllBatlnc »t disclosed to- J. WedUicrji, »n t.i- itnt'i ‘‘W t- 41 bureau of testa, eald the ' ' to hurm his wUe tfore 111 ' ,^«liroiiiniiU«6 a i ro-A-nrdly thing." He «ald Ill^I ^ inymtSSAllDg a t in Sheep Producer the ( Amcr. jn()U_Mon. Ordinance to Be Prepared On Cnil) Cuts r to the Twin 1 water .supply. tioir the .sin e,) 'J vvin FjiD.s rt that the fillcriiiK ]>ro perm: i prcvlou-sly 0 make the uts, wlUi out Ulc proposed City Engineer Paul Newton re- ported on the prourfss of nefro- .Ith property owners foi rl?hts-of-T»T -and-cascmcnt5_ foj , scheduled U be Installfd next yew u part o il.TM.OOO sen-ofto cystcnj 1 , Newton said, negotl' EOlng well, nlthoURh tw< properly . o*-nens nre presentlnf -•llckllsh nrsollatlon problems." H. said that one area can be by- passed U ntccs.'sary, while nego- nations continue with the othei CommLyloner John Wo ported on his attendance Idaho Municipal league mec Boise Saturday. He said i ............... be presented • •• leRlila ), top-n that Cassia Assessor ' Resigns His Job DtmLEr, Dec. 13 — Don Love- land. Cassia county a.-acMor, mlUrd his rcsltmatlon to coynly commlsslonens Monday Ing ihB commlslon mcetlne. There will be no definite effective ' ' L o v ^ d said, ftddinc he u'oul mals until the ^-Jleancy t' fill Loveland has accepted a Job wllh Uie MC2 McMUrmy Real E y whlcli also handles 1 and small loon,i. The assessor said he had ctUoycd his work for he county the ptvst' 10 year.s, TIiB otflclat has Uusfl In CassU >unty since J1M7 wid operates i wW ranch near Burley, Bom li ..Hifon. Loveland later moved ti Utali, reiumlnB to Idajio in lon He b chairman of tiio Cassia coun ty Rc|xibllcan central committee aijd servos on the fair board. rule bin n- DbJectlon,% by publli 5 Runaways Found After Frigid Night CLAYTON, K. C.. Dec. tS <ft- Flvo children who ran away Iror an orphanage during a bitter col snap were found huddled In briar patch near here early to 9 ahlverlni: clilldren wh ; the night In sub-freeilng temperatures said they ran away because one child «•(« mistreated. •'I don't see why they didn't freeze to death," Mdd Kenneth earcher 1 all- found the chltdrei night hunt ft'hlch Included tlmated l.MO searchers auifmi by searchlijht-carr>-lng hellcop- Tlie children, barefoot and red from the eold. were taken to - Ilalelgh hojpllil. All five appoi ently were In good shape after the night temperatures which dipped u low as IS degrees. The children rnn away from the Knights of Pythias hone, a refugi for children from broken homes search .»»a launched yester- day when they' failed to from school. NEWS BULLETINS LLETI elne fart . Ila iroelalmed the r*b»Kelly of SUnleyvllle VIENTIANE, Laos. Dec, 13 SaTing Vatlhana today stepped Into the civil war torturing hU Jungle kingdom und ordered Qulnlm tf. hi. Infant pro^onununjit regime, Savannakhef Kpped op their eunpairn et lerrgrtio. B RU 8SM . Dec. 13 JTPU-Prlnem Margnret'e trrlval her* today to reprcMnt Her country at Thunday's wedtUng of King Baudouln uoni Fablol* formaliy ended a ao-year-long feud ,between Br: M'rt Belgium. / VMTED NATIONS, N. Y , Dee. » 8o<ri«t Union charged thal V. B. IT* ncenMistaace ptont* aw .beUg und to n p n lh» pMiUMia or^tierlkn nbtl loreei aa4 U. B.-nua* boaJw iickcd the Maslen to a.4sure Twin palls rcsldenls tin water la Mte and pslalnble," Der- rick said Tuc.vlay, "If we have t major problem evtrjone w-lll bi notified of the proper steps ic take," Derrick aald some water la sup- plied by well.1 and "I'm sorry tc report at this time that we can't Boy, 11, Risks Blaze to Save His Brothers Jerry Davis, ll. son of Mr, am Mrs. Loren Davl.v Ontario, wn: burned on the hands, cars and foci when a blaze apparently started by childish play with matches burned his family's home, Jerry was outside the house emptying garbage about 7 p,m. yesterday when he spotted flames • smoke coming from an up- s bedroom window in Uie two frame home. He ran bacl; Into the house lo alert his mothei was preparing supper, HI; father, an employe of Toole Con- jtnietlon company here, had no: yet returned home from Mrk. Then the youngster ran up^Ulr; to one of the bedrooms. He leapcc through a slieet of flajne blocklnt tho doorv-ay and picked up a 2- year-old brother who was crouched n one corner of the flre-fllled •oom. He carried the toddler ;hrough the (lames and handed lUn to Mrs. Oavls nho was o utlrway, "nie Davise.1 tme seven . , dren In all and the mother and Jerry beg^ a nase-count. The 4- year^ld was miaslns. The boy and hli mother returi ‘d to li3e waJns-'sy but Hajncs pn rented them from reaching the jpsialn floor. T^itn the mothi lifted Jerry up over the boniait.. He went into another bedroom, found the 4-year-old sod carried him back to «Mety. said GOO p niicd I •p still hwplta eel. He reported 500 Intcd nt new arrer.ts tonlRht. —1-Vcnch authorltlc.'s'stepped •crulty precautions In Pnrij and ;lior French cities ;;a!nst any attempt Cuallo's life or possible rioting by the 500,000 North Africans living In Uils c ntry. $21,875 Pact Signed Here For Elevator levator company Monday ev ins for a new elevator In II win Falls county courthouse, Tlie contract calls for a Kept. )61, completion date, btatcd Cor 11 ,'isloner Henry Crow, it will take comp rtvc r le ele- to Install It. Crow reported. Before the new elevator is li sUlIed. a closed tJiaft to rtplai the now "dangerously oWlni open shalt-jnust be cons the county. Crow added He estimated cost cf rcmodcllt the shaft at »5,000. Snow Ties n[>New York Citv I -t I liN was the scene earlj yrstrrdsy at the corner ot 4Znd street , Fifth avenue in New York Cllr-normally an Interseetian imed with c a n and trucks. Hnowbound pedestrian* make their • through narrow slioveltd paths ai the city tries to work Its way from under a major slnrm. The view !> south on Fifth avenot h the publle llbrsry at the right <Af nlrephoto) I" Gooding Extradition Charge Is Continued GOODING, Dec. 13—The extradition hearing for Mnry Kntherine Hampton, slated for 10 n.m. today in Gooding probate court, has hecit continued indefinitely until offi- cial word i.s received from California authorities. Goodinj iheriff’s officers snid there hnd been telephone conversn' j'on.s w-jto JVIentloeino county niitborities w ho indicated they will malte no immediate effort to extradite Misa Hampton as a suspect in the murder of former University -------- of California baRcball ictcd b; No Waiting A steady atretra of eustomeri. kept clerks'' busy telling license pUtes Tuesday morning, Howerer there was no waiting line during SHOPPING 1 DAYS TO , CHRISTMAS Drawing Set JEROME:, Dec. 33-fluoti (or the blood drawing to be held in Jerome from 10 ft.m. to 3 pm. Wednesday in the Moose na,l will be ISO pints, reports Mrs. Lc.%lle Roberson, co-chaUman. Segregation Is “Underground” CAPE TOWN. South Africa. Dec, 13 a'Pt — South Africa launched •'underground- apartheid (segteea- tlonl" yesterday—seporate pedes- trlon'tunnels for whites ond col. oreda, Wllh the completion of a second subway comiKting the Bolt RIti station outside Cape To«'n wll the large Salt River railway wort shops, white ond non-white a-oii. era started marching from their trains to n-ork benches through separate tubes. Inside the workshops they still labor side by side. Aiea Man Is Charged With Tipsy Driving Robert Ti-ncy; 43. Rupert, was arcsted about 10 p, m, Monday Irunken driving after a one- car accldcnt seven miles north of t on the Minidoka hiRhw.iy, cers eold Tracy lost control 0 1940 O M C pickup truck 3 driving on a illght curve. The truck overturned in a borrow It. Damage wo3 estimated at $250 )■Sherin Theo Johnson. Tracj' wa.s convicted of drunken .riving by Rupert Justice ot the Pcace August BeUike March 31, 1B58, He waa convicted of the same charge in Rupert police court Oct, .......... Tracy la being held in . county JaU. Hearing probate court is expected to held 7\ie»doy afternoon. Verl C, Dcnch. BUrley, was fined »20 by acting Burley Police Judg« James AnnMt Monday aftemoor for going 45 miles per hour in i -iJ-milo lone. UiRene E. Whittle, ‘Burlw, wo; fined $20 by Judfre Annest for go- ing 65 miles per hour in a 3S-mili DarreU J. Peck. Burley, forfeit- ,d a $13 bond Tuesday In Burley police coun lor speeding. Thomas R . Llsh, Rupert, posted tlO bond In Burley poUi;{ court Monday after pleading innocent before Judge Annest for makl" IC mU ii W an P««» 1, C«liM» It Perry Ten Eyck. Miss Hamp- ton, 19, Sandy Hook, Ky., is bcin? held in Gooding county Jail on a warrant accusing her <' complicity In the Ten Eyck ma der near intioh in August, IJSO.- She tesUfled In Qoodlng la. week In the trial of Rodger Hail, 22, Crescent City, Calif., who \ acQiiltted of a murder charge the sUylng of Z>r. John Hunt, Jr. 37, Poniand. Ore. MIsj Hampton originally was cliargtd with Hall and Emmett Spencer, S9, also o f Bandy Hook, but the charg; against her was dropped 10 she could be a M r>«* Released OOODINO. Dec. 13 (ITC — Ooodlng county sheriff Keith Anduson was notified at 1:45 pm. today that a CaUfornIa sheriff will not aUempt to e*. CradKfl Mary Katherine Hamp- ton to face a murder charge, Anderson said Mias Hampton would be released from iall "in the next 30 minutes.- paratrooper CapL Pli larde, aUeged leader of last year's antl-De QauUe rebclllon'in Algiers, emerged from hiding today aod conferred with other advocaf a U tiiJi Algrria. La»»lllardi here'lrom Paris where he w. trial for leading the -battla of Uiel barricades.* U.S. Again to Try Hurling Miniature Space Laboratory” IntoMoon Orbit CAPE CANAVL.. _ -The United States i miniature “space a«0,000 mUe.5 Into an orbit around le noon tomorrow as the first loar lateUlti SclentlstA lodAT put the {inLih- ing touches —to carrr JU-pound I ila oose. The planned flight it America' lat hope this year for breaking i string of six (allure* and one ‘ par tlal auccesa" with IM. moon probes Tomorrow was stIeeUd as th« beil launching date this nonlh. TtM "spctM Ub" wouM take about CO hours to-trtvel ttm the Earth to Um'moon’s Tlelni^, 6el entlsu b^ed to put It loio a orbit around the moon’s j»ln with unique “mldcourse guldsnee" system-’ _ space. Purpose of the "space lab,' S9-lnch sphere with four u cell "paddlewheeU" Jutting front Its equator................ .... ' tnents to L path t^rouL for manned lUgbU Jjiler OjJs deead*. But scientists were prepared for tlie po^bUlty that sometblnt Id go wrong with the lunar or< attempt, tte No. t objective. Or. Adolph K. 'miel af space techdology laboratories listed four altemstivea: r-Ttio saleUlte eoold (all Into _ hlkhlr clUpUcal .orbit atouiul Earth. Tbls ‘U tb« teoonA ehole* tinea It would aUow th« moooler M l UlU ktiv -:ilt «uld escape tlio gravlta- tonal poll of^otH SSth'tronaoofl e lucky to R ml block, lint liearl .irthwcsl o 11 be- aln.' and bu.^es thal :hpdule.v' Iliillrond problems ^ ,y Icing nl fqulpmr, In.idUw of jrentcr mimben pa-wngera—11 wily drive their aulomobllc* ork. Du.scj were hamtwred, by drlfi jUt In plowed stretches ot roai ntl ovcrioads ot p.i.wcngers. A bright sun Khone In most < le hardest hit area, from Vlrglnl ) Canada, but sno-j,- was rcportei 111 falling In Ontai ad reachcd a depth .. .............. The (Icplh of the snuw and drift as reflected by tte plight oman In Edison, N, j . Bhe oried her small foreign car st Police found It-Just where jatkcd It near her homi lurled under a snowdrift, nes sere taking off and land . .1 New Yorl port but schedules remained dls ,ed. Planes that l«d been dl- ed from the airport yestorda-, e unfli-ailabie for their rcgutoi outbound flights. Logan airport, pllet ipected to proven takeoffs until late afternoon Thero wai no p.-<iklng space avuU for persoru Intending to dri lo the airport. The Pennsylvania railroad taU ninniag up to two hour* -lats ConunuKr service on the Uo< ' from U to 4S minutes late. . The Long Island railroad, « Normally handles 80MO com: era dally, said Its trains vere . . pssMnger loads larger than usual and from 30 to 40 mtnutea late. A New York, central train ! Chicago was running five li late. The Cleveland Limited i CJeMlawJ, O, was ihtte Iteun Adding to the dlfflculUes of York commuters, . the Kew York area, t suburban schools remained c' railroads operated with sub___ t« P w It, C»lam« «> U. S„ Canadian, European Chiefs Meeting in Parisl I PARIS. Dec. 13 fflfO-The Dnitedia SUtcs. Canada and 18 Europeu.M nations met today to form a iwrf.B free world economic alUane* to ,1 counter a growing trade challecg*' n from Russia and Rs communist f B At the same time, top DiUltarr leaders cf the North AtlaaUc Treaty organliaUon (NATO) open- d a twoHlay secret roTlew 0*:fl restem preparaUons to meet the'1 Soviet blocl mounting nuclesiri'fl and International ballisUc mlasUelS strength. Itie economic talks are L. held tn a hotel. ParUdpaUng " 19 NATO nations and rive d mbers of the western < lance. Ttiey Included J-. Ireland, Spain, Sweden and 6 The'talks ate scheduled to imortow with the signature convention setting up a new .. nation ecooomlo body kwiwn ^as the CrgsnltaUon of Economic CO* i^ieraOoa and DevelopmenU HIGHLIGHTSin Te^ay'i Tim«s-Hews; block elforU oI east U .S . .to: dig out, Atigry De o&uU* ntyi hell pusb lor Algeilaa .treedoo plan.iOnanixed latmr' b; .Mrm Butmu, o io c l^ check ot poUnUon dsos«r. U A •gain to try htiillfl^ mlntetsrtf. space la)>or*tonr lato m o«a tNN ■Mt, a«dln«;,ertr»^Uoa '' Uve Demoetata.* Pag* t-LMt- ta se,r'>*i|.; Earth, eiaia and Man. and swing into orbit around the sun. -ms would cu t the payload'sl vslut since lU radio transmitter, operating on 37B megacycles, is not ter, * io Earth. 1 be “beiter -ll could faU back •nUifl said UUs would than tolhluK" since tl _ _ sUlI couls relijr InformaUoa about r*.dlaUoa (Ia)ds above'tb* Bvth. -4r u could b it the nwoo. J^rea Uiough America has not - - pUabed thU leat. V. 8. dent. . ~ S-Bablss t u c K e d l l (or nrst taUMtadAltu D vlth ■utli.tnwtiinBf.

voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will Push fornewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF205/PDF/1960_12_13.pdf · voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will

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Page 1: voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will Push fornewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF205/PDF/1960_12_13.pdf · voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will

v o P ^ r N O .;

O rg a n iz e d L a b o r

Is U n d e r A t t a c k

, O f F a r m B u r e a u

„,,n„.I.,vn irn l in th.‘ be nliril>iili'il tci iinjii.-lifi

l ^ ' ‘L I’"’'"'™'

Dworsliak Is

S])cakcr for

School RitesBfRLrV. Drc. 13-"Mny I nr

Dirorelinl: wlion lii... (roxd nr.r.cmlilPd !■ ci[ dw/lf-’ no/i ot Offf

Irfodom. Jii;.tlce am iKlarcd,•nit sdiool boird

rjLsfd for boini; coKi.i?-

Sfriitor Dw'Or.shiilc stnt r.t or Uio rcnion.1 lie scltI iMi WM becfiu.' he hiitJTi tt.e poleiitliil KroivLh

i:i r/i’,-The■k i.iday ai what

G r im , A n g r y D e G a u l l e S ay s H e W i l l P u s h fo r

A l g e r i a n F r e e d o m P la n1 (U P D — I'l- •s.nikoti Alfret , .lesi.ile five.

u-lo lie ();i I .’Uinrniiic'fii lip wrii«: ric.UnK thill kill.MlUh Ihi: riolin.l shuok liiuuLs wi

C o l d T e m p e r a t u r e

B l o c k s E f f o r t s t o

D i g O u t E a s t U . S .

^Officials Set Check 1 Of Pollution Danger

polhll •evt(! Wednu.s ;o tlie .MiliiLT IMltil iUKi fi.Hh

to Twin Kails <!nr


;l ^^ame FuUs r ih

il o ther o ffid i<i fish in the constitute

n. I.. Dot

Defense ChiefWABinNQTON. pcc. 13 iVftu.

B. ilcNamara. youllinu ................ Ford Motor

ifdj lo run Uie rouUl-bllllon lollw defense ilcpartmcnl In lijsrff ftdmlniilratlon. Kennedy announced the ec- xllon of the 14-ycor-oM Mc- rtmiTA iki defrtUF accretary ran the doorstep of h!a homo )t croud of nnvsncn huddlcU n ihc inouv pavement in sub- rmlnf temperature, UcKunarn. wlio served u a mtenant colonel In World war [ uid has lx>bbM up on dlt- ;rtni tides of tho polltlcM acs tn various occasions, *n» I Ktnntdy-A side. Neither wore fc»l or coat dcsplio the cold.

U U.1II1C will be I

Meeting Held

To Stimulate

Use of Lamb(See J-h

I ni( chll!a rcRfil Crowi S cuU on a iamb cnrca-M 0(1 iMid Uicn cootcd foi

ftudlnice of more than 200 pei . 'vho attended n meeting cponsored by tlie Twlirmtls-^dvcctook Ma:

LFfilon hnllmectlnR w(ia the first of

throuKhoiii the vnllcy. The second T.nji held <vt 1:30 pm. Tuc

the Elki! hall. Burley, T1 0 will be held Wedncsdi lursday nt Qoodin); bi

Mountain Home, with lime «i place [o be announced.

Purpose of the nwcting was help retull butchers use the less srell-knovi'n cuts of Inmb, nvmome prejudice again :la,%5 of meat.

rtlntr, the

Jridges and


‘War’ onBillDAKUM3, C.illf, Dec. 13 '0 poAerlul indppetidenl labor

Jdtrs - Janie. liolfn of ' wulers and llArre Bridges

Wetl Cotu-.t r-I- lA.51 night on

fT called KWemment attcropta p!isu» crKiuil7^d labor.

trained Uielr veital suai 8 Ui8 Laiidnim-Grlflln Inbor Inu/

Ihe U. S, ficnalo laLr°man

of tlieir unlon-V member- ■P m Civic auditorium.■lioffa and I ere commuted t< 17 wd action." Bridges dcclar-

d, -We a m t worrr about tht 'Mellaw, Kenredys, politicians

^ployi-rs, wc'rc roI to tl l Bd(irc.yed Uie cro-A'd

VOOO by telephone Iromton, D. c.

In for th(> fisht of i

lie .'standiird of llvlns we'll Btrlke." binder subpoena to' i rc the senRl* eomit • lijnjfton, iiaj aekra a

employe of the Amcrlcnn 6h«p Producera council, used to >' lit lunb cuts can bo madi .tractive as other mcat« (perlup,i ,ui moro Rot, WC50 (tlvfn a»a>- I door prlzc. . ,6th(}ol teachers. housewives,

home economic teftchers, students, 'heepmen, and food marketerJ from the area were In tlie audl*

e. Mel Claar, Boise, 4ccretJir>’- nancr of the Idaho Woolgrow- &.voclatlon also was prt-icnt.

Jlaar said the demonstration couldn't help but promote lamb consumption In Magic Valley.

Uijnbs for tlie demon,'itratlon ere donated by the Independc :eat company. Twin Falls, ojid(ComiiHfd on r«C* J.

■hreats Reported In Highway CaseWABIilNOTON. Etec. 13 aTI - M l*IIn of ft Pioridn > « r u , «

before her hMbond tfl latUy before a

nmlttf* InvejllBatlnc »t disclosed to-

J. WedUicrji, »n t.i-

itnt'i ‘‘W t-41 bureau of testa, eald the ' ' to hurm his wUe

tfore 111 '

, «liroiiiniiU«6 a i

ro-A-nrdly thing." He «ald I l l ^ I ^ inymtSSAllDg a t

in Sheep Producerthe

( Amcr. jn()U_Mon.

Ordinance to

Be Prepared

On Cnil) Cuts

r to the Twin 1 water .supply.tioir

the.sin e,) 'J vvin FjiD.s rt that the fillcriiiK ]>ro

perm:i prcvlou-sly

0 make the uts, wlUiout Ulc proposed

City Engineer Paul Newton re­ported on the prourfss of nefro-

.Ith property owners foi rl?hts-of-T»T -and-cascmcnt5_ foj

, scheduled U be Installfd next yew u part o

il.TM.OOO sen-ofto cystcnj 1, Newton said, negotl' EOlng well, nlthoURh tw<

properly . o*-nens nre presentlnf -•llckllsh nrsollatlon problems." H. said that one area can be by- passed U ntccs.'sary, while nego- nations continue with the othei

CommLyloner John Wo ported on his attendance Idaho Municipal league mec Boise Saturday. He said i

............... be presented• •• leRlila

), top-nthat

Cassia Assessor ' Resigns His JobDtmLEr, Dec. 13 — Don Love­

land. Cassia county a.-acMor, mlUrd his rcsltmatlon to coynly commlsslonens Monday Ing ihB commlslon mcetlne. There will be no definite effective ' ' L ov^d said, ftddinc he u'oul mals until the -Jleancy t' fill

Loveland has accepted a Job wllh Uie MC2 McMUrmy Real E

y whlcli also handles 1 and small loon,i. The assessor

said he had ctUoycd his work for he county the ptvst' 10 year.s,TIiB otflclat has Uusfl In CassU >unty since J1M7 wid operates i wW ranch near Burley, Bom li

..Hifon. Loveland later moved ti Utali, reiumlnB to Idajio in lon He b chairman of tiio Cassia coun ty Rc|xibllcan central committee aijd servos on the fair board.

rule bin n- DbJectlon,% by publli

5 Runaways

Found After

Frigid NightCLAYTON, K. C.. Dec. tS <ft-

Flvo children who ran away Iror an orphanage during a bitter col snap were found huddled In briar patch near here early to

9 ahlverlni: clilldren wh ; the night In sub-freeilng

temperatures said they ran away because one child «•(« mistreated.

•'I don't see why they didn't freeze to death," Mdd Kenneth

earcher1 all-found the chltdrei

night hunt ft'hlch Included tlmated l.MO searchers auifmi by searchlijht-carr>-lng hellcop-

Tlie children, barefoot and red from the eold. were taken to - Ilalelgh hojpllil. All five appoi ently were In good shape after the night temperatures which dipped u low as IS degrees.

The children rnn away from the Knights of Pythias hone, a refugi for children from broken homes

search .»»a launched yester­day when they' failed to from school.


. Ila iroelalmed the r*b»Kelly of SUnleyvllle

VIENTIANE, Laos. Dec, 13 SaTing Vatlhana today steppedInto the civil war torturing hU Jungle kingdom und ordered Qulnlm

tf. hi. Infant pro^onununjit regime, Savannakhef

Kpped op their eunpairn et lerrgrtio.

BRU8SM. Dec. 13 JTPU-Prlnem Margnret'e trrlval her* today to reprcMnt Her country at Thunday's wedtUng of King Baudouln uoni Fablol* formaliy ended a ao-year-long feud , between Br:M'rt Belgium. / •

VMTED NATIONS, N. Y , Dee. » 8o<ri«t Union chargedthal V. B. IT* ncenMistaace ptont* aw .beUg und to

n p n lh» pMiUMia or^tierlkn nbtl loreei aa4 U. B.-nua* boaJw

iickcd the Maslen

to a.4sure Twin palls rcsldenls tin water la Mte and pslalnble," Der­rick said Tuc.vlay, "If we have t major problem evtrjone w-lll bi notified of the proper steps ic take,"

Derrick aald some water la sup­plied by well.1 and "I'm sorry tc report at this time that we can't

Boy, 11, Risks

Blaze to Save

His Brothers

Jerry Davis, ll. son of Mr, am Mrs. Loren Davl.v Ontario, wn: burned on the hands, cars and foci when a blaze apparently started by childish play with matches burned his family's home,

Jerry was outside the house emptying garbage about 7 p,m. yesterday when he spotted flames

• smoke coming from an up- s bedroom window in Uie two

frame home. He ran bacl; Into the house lo alert his mothei

was preparing supper, HI; father, an employe of Toole Con- jtnietlon company here, had no: yet returned home from Mrk.

Then the youngster ran up^Ulr; to one of the bedrooms. He leapcc through a slieet of flajne blocklnt tho doorv-ay and picked up a 2- year-old brother who was crouched n one corner of the flre-fllled •oom. He carried the toddler ;hrough the (lames and handed lUn to Mrs. Oavls nho was o utlrway,

"nie Davise.1 tme seven . , dren In all and the mother and Jerry beg^ a nase-count. The 4- year^ld was miaslns.

The boy and hli mother returi ‘d to li3e waJns-'sy but Hajncs pn rented them from reaching the jpsialn floor. T itn the mothi lifted Jerry up over the boniait.. He went into another bedroom, found the 4-year-old sod carried him back to «Mety.

said GOO p niicd I •p still hwplta

eel. He reported 500 Intcd nt new arrer.ts tonlRht.—1-Vcnch authorltlc.'s'stepped •crulty precautions In Pnrij and ;lior French cities ;;a!nst any attempt

Cuallo's life or possible rioting by the 500,000 North Africans livingIn Uils c ntry.

$21,875 Pact

Signed Here

For Elevator

levator company Monday ev ins for a new elevator In II win Falls county courthouse, Tlie contract calls for a Kept. )61, completion date, btatcd Cor 11,'isloner Henry Crow, it will take

comprtvc r le ele-

to Install It. Crow reported. Before the new elevator is li

sUlIed. a closed tJiaft to rtplai the now "dangerously oWlni open shalt-jnust be cons the county. Crow added

He estimated cost cf rcmodcllt the shaft at »5,000.

Snow Ties n[> New York Citv


■ -t I

liN was the scene earlj yrstrrdsy at the corner ot 4Znd street , Fifth avenue in New York Cllr-normally an Interseetian imed with can and trucks. Hnowbound pedestrian* make their • through narrow slioveltd paths ai the city tries to work Its way from under a major slnrm. The view !> south on Fifth avenot

h the publle llbrsry at the right <Af nlrephoto)

I"Gooding Extradition Charge Is Continued

G O O D IN G , Dec. 13—The extradition hear ing for Mnry Kntherine H am pton , slated for 10 n.m. today in Gooding probate co urt, has hecit continued indefin itely un til offi­cial word i.s received from California authorities. Goodinj iheriff’s o ffice rs snid there hnd been telephone conversn' j'on.s w-jto JVIentloeino county niitborities w h o indicated they will m alte no immediate effort to ex trad ite Misa Hampton a s a suspect in the murder of fo rm er University

-------- of California baRcball

ictcd b;

No WaitingA steady atretra of eustomeri.

kept clerks'' busy telling license pUtes Tuesday morning, Howerer there was no waiting line during


Drawing SetJEROME:, Dec. 33-fluoti (or

the blood drawing to be held in Jerome from 10 ft.m. to 3 pm. Wednesday in the Moose na,l will be ISO pints, reports Mrs. Lc.%lle Roberson, co-chaUman.

Segregation Is “Underground”

CAPE TOWN. South Africa. Dec, 13 a'Pt — South Africa launched •'underground- apartheid (segteea- tlonl" yesterday—seporate pedes- trlon'tunnels for whites ond col. ore da,

Wllh the completion of a second subway comiKting the Bolt RIti station outside Cape To«'n wll the large Salt River railway wort shops, white ond non-white a-oii. era started marching from their trains to n-ork benches through separate tubes.

Inside the workshops they still labor side by side.

Aiea Man Is

Charged With

Tipsy DrivingRobert Ti-ncy; 43. Rupert, was

arcsted about 10 p, m, Monday Irunken driving after a one-

car accldcnt seven miles north of t on the Minidoka hiRhw.iy, cers eold Tracy lost control 0 1940 OMC pickup truck 3 driving on a illght curve.

The truck overturned in a borrow It. Damage wo3 estimated at $250 )■ Sherin Theo Johnson.Tracj' wa.s convicted of drunken

.riving by Rupert Justice ot the Pcace August BeUike March 31, 1B58, He waa convicted of the same charge in Rupert police court Oct,..........Tracy la being held in

. county JaU. Hearing probate court is expected to held 7\ie»doy afternoon.

Verl C, Dcnch. BUrley, was fined »20 by acting Burley Police Judg« James AnnMt Monday aftemoor for going 45 miles per hour in i -iJ-milo lone.

UiRene E. Whittle, ‘Burlw, wo; fined $20 by Judfre Annest for go­ing 65 miles per hour in a 3S-mili

DarreU J. Peck. Burley, forfeit- ,d a $13 bond Tuesday In Burley police coun lor speeding.

Thomas R. Llsh, Rupert, posted tlO bond In Burley poUi;{ court

Monday after pleading innocent before Judge Annest for makl"

ICm Ui i W an P««» 1, C«liM» It

Perry Ten Eyck. M iss Hamp­ton, 19, Sandy Hook, Ky., is bcin? held in G ood ing countyJail on a warrant accusing her <' complicity In the Ten Eyck ma der near intioh in August, IJSO.-

She tesUfled In Qoodlng la. week In the trial of Rodger Hail, 22, Crescent City, Calif., who \ acQiiltted of a murder charge

the sUylng of Z>r. John Hunt, Jr. 37, Poniand. Ore.

MIsj Hampton originally was cliargtd with Hall and Emmett Spencer, S9, also of Bandy Hook, but the charg; against her was dropped 10 she could be a

M r>«*

ReleasedOOODINO. Dec. 13 (ITC —

Ooodlng county sheriff Keith Anduson was notified at 1:45 pm. today that a CaUfornIa sheriff will not aUempt to e*. CradKfl Mary Katherine Hamp­ton to face a murder charge, Anderson said Mias Hampton would be released from iall "in the next 30 minutes.-

paratrooper CapL Pli larde, aUeged leader of last year's antl-De QauUe rebclllon'in Algiers, emerged from hiding today aod conferred with other advocaf ‘ a U tiiJi Algrria. La»»lllardi here'lrom Paris where he w. trial for leading the -battla of Uiel barricades.*

U.S. Again to Try Hurling Miniature Space Laboratory” IntoMoon Orbit

CAPE CANAVL.. _-The United States i

miniature “space a«0,000 mUe.5 Into an orbit around

le noon tomorrow as the first loar lateUlti SclentlstA lodAT put the {inLih-

ing touches

—to carrr JU-pound I ila oose.The planned flight it America' lat hope this year for breaking i

string of six (allure* and one ‘par tlal auccesa" with IM. moon probes Tomorrow was stIeeUd as th« beil launching date this nonlh.

TtM "spctM Ub" wouM take about CO hours to-trtvel ttm the Earth to Um'moon’s Tlelni^, 6el entlsu b ^ e d to put It loio a

orbit around the moon’s j» ln with unique “mldcourse guldsnee"

system-’ ‘_ space.

Purpose of the "space lab,' S9-lnch sphere with four u cell "paddlewheeU" Jutting frontIts equator................ .... 'tnents to L path t^rouL for manned lUgbU Jjiler OjJs deead*.

But scientists were prepared for tlie po^bUlty that sometblnt

Id go wrong with the lunar or< attempt, tte No. t objective.

Or. Adolph K . 'miel af space techdology laboratories listed four altemstivea:

r-Ttio saleUlte eoold (all Into _ hlkhlr clUpUcal .orbit atouiul Earth. Tbls ‘U tb« teoonA ehole* tinea It would aUow th« moooler

Ml UlU ktiv —-:ilt «uld escape tlio gravlta-

tonal poll of^otH SSth'tronaoofl

e lucky to R

ml block, lint liearl

.irthwcsl o 11 be-

aln.' and bu. es thal :hpdule.v'Iliillrond problems ^

,y Icing nl fqulpmr,In.idUw of jrentcr mimben pa-wngera—11 wily drive their aulomobllc* ork.Du.scj were hamtwred, by drlfi jUt In plowed stretches ot roai ntl ovcrioads ot p.i.wcngers.A bright sun Khone In most < le hardest hit area, from Vlrglnl ) Canada, but sno-j,- was rcportei 111 falling In Ontaiad reachcd a depth .. ..............The (Icplh of the snuw and drift as reflected by tte plight oman In Edison, N, j . Bhe oried her small foreign car st

Police found It-Just where jatkcd It near her homi lurled under a snowdrift, nes sere taking off and land

. .1 New Yorl port but schedules remained dls

,ed. Planes that l«d been dl- ed from the airport yestorda-, e unfli-ailabie for their rcgutoi

outbound flights.Logan airport, pllet ipected to proven

takeoffs until late afternoon Thero wai no p.-<iklng space avuU

for persoru Intending to dri lo the airport.

The Pennsylvania railroad taU

ninniag up to two hour* -lats ConunuKr service on the Uo< ' from U to 4S minutes late. .

The Long Island railroad, « Normally handles 80MO com: era dally, said Its trains vere . . pssMnger loads

larger than usual and from 30 to 40 mtnutea late.

A New York, central train ! Chicago was running five li late. The Cleveland Limited i CJeMlawJ, O, was ihtte Iteun

Adding to the dlfflculUes of York commuters,

. the Kew York area, t suburban schools remained c' railroads operated with sub___

t« Pw It, C»lam« «>

U. S„ Canadian, European Chiefs Meeting in Parisl I

PARIS. Dec. 13 fflfO-The Dnitedia SUtcs. Canada and 18 Europeu.M nations met today to form a iwrf.B free world economic alUane* to ,1 counter a growing trade challecg*' n from Russia and Rs communist f

BAt the same time, top DiUltarr

leaders cf the North AtlaaUc Treaty organliaUon (NATO) open- d a twoHlay secret roTlew 0*:fl restem preparaUons to meet the'1

Soviet blocl mounting nuclesiri'fl and International ballisUc mlasUelS strength.

Itie economic talks are L. held tn a hotel. ParUdpaUng " 19 NATO nations and rive d

mbers of the western < lance. Ttiey Included J-.

Ireland, Spain, Sweden and 6

The'talks ate scheduled to imortow with the signature

convention setting up a new .. nation ecooomlo body kwiwn as the CrgsnltaUon of Economic CO* i ieraOoa and DevelopmenU

HIGHLIGHTS inTe^ay'i T im«s-Hews;

block elforU oI east U.S. .to: dig out, Atigry De o&uU* ntyi hell pusb lor Algeilaa .treedoo plan.iOnanixed latmr' b; .Mrm Butmu, o io c l^ check ot poUnUon dsos«r. U A •gain to try htiillfl^ mlntetsrtf. space la)>or*tonr lato mo«a tNN ■Mt, a«dln«;,ertr»^Uoa ' '

Uve Demoetata.*Pag* t-LMt- ta se,r'>*i|.;

Earth, eiaia and Man.

and swing into orbit around the sun. -ms would cut the payload'sl vslut since lU radio transmitter, operating on 37B megacycles, is not


* io Earth. 1 be “beiter

- ll could faU back •nUifl said UUs would than tolhluK" since tl _ _ sUlI couls relijr InformaUoa about r*.dlaUoa (Ia)ds above'tb* Bvth.

-4r u could b it the nwoo. J rea Uiough America has not - - pUabed thU leat. V. 8.

dent. .~ S-Bablss tu c K e d l l

(or nrst

taU M tadA ltu

D vlth ■ utli.tnw tiinBf.

Page 2: voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will Push fornewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF205/PDF/1960_12_13.pdf · voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will

-lase Against

iliss Hampton


! I Spencfr. under cIcatJi sentdic3 ( jrWi for ftnoUier alaylnR,I IJitd the Ten Eyclc slayliiKC Td tulhorlUcs MKi Hnmpton

• mpion tlrnled Uils find her ' tier, Jnck Murphy. 6ho.-,li j dtclared Spcncer linpllcr only < ii of r<


j Vwe’dn not fctl wc hnvr Mifll ' -teHtlcncc t>l this t'nic to wnr

an rxlrtuhUoH tle.pltr Bpcn conft. ilon.” Sheriff lUn

.olonile «ald- “UjUll corrobor I -nu «'llncv;e.t cun be found wh ] .*1 put SpcnciT i»ncl UiB Rlrl W'

Jlirr In tliU nrcik tit Uir time o; e murder we hiwu noiliinif bui

~amy lo ro on. Wc aliMl iilteinpt locJUe such by tlic{ motel* In tliL'i vicinity."

%l»trlct Alioriiey J''rnnk Pel n »Ald he roncurrctl wllh

jcrilf gnd nrtded:

?2 Persons


’ 111 Ceremony-Mldentj) MBRla VAlley l

of (ifleg

, ____tries eill7J>tton lequl:idfTilnbtf/fd I > to the Unlledl

. - . rue.'tlny by Dls- -let JudM Theron Ward. i.lUojd WelHer. chnlrmnn of the, nfrlcuilam committee, T*'ln

igUlJ Amcrlcnn I/tglon post no. 7, !(,TMnl«I a Has nnU pamphlet ex. ttlnlns how to display the Hag W riy and how to honor it. Ench C... . 1 vaa Riven n certificate

ihip by the court.K. U aray. lleleno. Mont., U.S. iturallmtlon exiunlncr. ndmlnl.i- rtd final tc.'sl.» to the 12 nppU- nU Tuesday inornlnR.be new united Slates cllUens

.. Ahlceto McndJoln. Twin Fnll.i, Id CIrUeo Mlrandona. Minidoka,| janlih cltlKn; Edwin a . ansch :nl» M. aasch, EuRCno GracUei .d rrleda I , O'raeUer. nil Jc- Ime. bom In Germany; Patricio

Okelbcrry, Oolclcy. England;I DM and Wyke Bos, both Mur-

,ujh. nollaivd; Klnra H.Joa. Hai- Norway; Jesiw O. Apodacn.

.....e, Mexico, and Michael B.;Hausen, Twin Falls, Denmark.

• 1913, 1)

f)eatli Takes J. Guezui’aga

BUIUjET, D«c. 13—Joe Oueryra- i, « , died at Ills home here ;ound 8 pm. Monda;<i*erias Illness. He had

•jy a weefc ago. Mr. Oueiuragai been under a. doc

Vtln. In 1D31 ho car L'Blled 6UICS. .settltns itir h« moved to Uie I ,tera he owned and oprmted thetint bar Mid ctJe. A..............

builneaa ltilere.it e to Durley la.« wesic.

,lln IWT he majrled Marla Del HUar DelU In Twliv.FalU. aur- n m Include his wTcTow: a. son, ^ Joae, 3: one Vrother, Pete l>uexur»gs, Hailey; three broth* h and four sisters, atlll In Spain. DRoMry will be reclHd nt S p.m. Wednesday at Joseph Payne Me- fioriU chapel. Hequtcm mass will “« eeletir*led at l i njn. Tliursday ,t the Catholic St. Tnerese Churdi 1 the Uttle Flower by the Rev.

ncl4 OX>rbcoU. L.'ist rites will held at the Plea»nt Vle s'l

itemeCfTrrrieDaj'TOny call a‘ “ ' wyne Mortuary Wednesday Trooon and evening and until il services "niurediiy.

Weather, Temperaturesr Ihroofli tomerrew »ll lure chancr. Uir lonl|l r upper 40'i. Lov lu l i

NORTltEIlN IUAHO-r.irtly t

Labor Moves

Criticized by

Farm Buieau


. r>i> oi»i ,Jie recent uunpjil8n.| Uie propauilJ by the

Uvcatnck letd

re* AppoIntO’ent IGordon Hnynle. vimlng hi! n Mr. and Mrs. Cail Haynle, «

leai Dorian drive. hn-i rccclvcd d ,-ord fro ........... ■■

_• bridge dlnne be held at 7:30 p.m. Wcdnes .\lr, and Mrs, Herb Ijuler

Ai’ca Man Is

Charged W itlf

Tipsy Driving


,, Wa.s

Magic Valley Funerals

>c followed the L Shuiiitin In <le> 1<I coiitroLv ghuii

incriy proRTam 1

ranRerlnj. pmlor ith-day AdvenlHt c illj. Tlie funeral pr ive VVJiKe mortunrj-


HAOE31MAN - Funeral sfrv1ce.i for Anna Dotf Cecil will be held

ft.m Wednesday In the Haeer- ...... Metliodljt church by Uie K«v.itoberl McXtasler. Concluding rltei «ni be held in the Hagereiaii ccm- eiery. Prlend.i may call until 9 ,.m. Wednesday at Thompeon Xu- itral chapel, Oooding,

DECLO — Funeral services for ■rank Lynch will bo held ftt J I, m, Thursday at the Declo LDS

Dhapel with Bishop Norman Hurst )[Ilclatln2. Concluding rites will w held at the Declo cemctcry. Friends may call at ths McCulIoch funeral home Wednesday after-

imd Thursday uijtll time of

GOODINO —OravfsldB services for Edward Yc«ng Doslroni will be ■ ■ ■ it 1 pjn, Thursday In tile

od cemetery. The cortege cave Tlionip.vin chapel at

. jn. Friends may call at the I mortuary Wednesday evening n,nd I Thursday until time of serrlcea. ,

CASTLEFOIUD — Funeral serv- » for Steve G. Hudson will be Id *.t II Lm. Thursday at the r«t Methodist ciiurch, CaJtli rd. with the Hev. U Vlncei

. ;lallnR. lAit rlt I held In the Buhl ccmctcr. Li may call at Uie Alb«rt«on il home.

liUItLEY — Funeral nfrvlcM :nmloii5 I.'uuic liunii ''111 l>r h t 2 p.m. Wcdiie.'duy nl the Dur rlirlstluii church with the r

Emil J. lleljcth offlclritlnK, FI will be held at the rlea. cemetery. Frlendj mtiy i

he McCulIoch fuiicral he time 0/ v n ’icej.

forDUlfL — Funeral servlc nobert T, (Bob) Losgan ’ held at 2 p. m. Wedne-vlay at the Buhl Church of the Kararcne with tiio nev. M. M. Matlock, pa.'tor, ifflclatlng. Coiicludinit rltej will >e held at the Buhl ccnietery, h'rlend.i may call at the Albertson meral home.

PAUL—Funeral servlce.i for Mrs, Elluibelli Murphy will be held at

pjn. Wednejilay at the Paul LDS Vord chapel with HWiop Ue Mcr- 111 officiating, ConcIuUms rites :lll be held at the Paul ccnietery.

Friends may call Tuesday evtnlng '.■Wednesday prior to icrrlccsl le Walk mortuary, Rupert.

fcO.VlE-Puncral ser lcf.i foi *Ida Jonee will be held at : Wedner lay at Ihe Wiley fu-

I chapcl with BWiop Lew S Pratt offlcInLlng. Concluding rIKJ

planned In the Jerome ceme­tery, _____

BUnLEY—Rosary for Joe Guet- raffft will be recited at B p.m.

Wednesday at tlie Jasepli Payne Memorial clmpcl. Rcnulem miL>111 ,rat«d I

Thursday at the CsUiollc St Theresa Churdi of the Little Flow­er with the H«v. Francis O'DrlS'

celebrant. Last rites will b<■ held at the Pleaxant View ccme- ' tery. Friends may call at the Payn( mortuary Wedneiday aliemomi and evening luid unt sen'lcM •muraday.

Magic Valley Memorialvisiting tiours are from 2 to « Id 7 to 8 pjti. In Uie maternity ird; In all others, from 11 hjh. I 6 p.nv

ADMITTEDMrs. John Walberg,

Gooding Man

DiesatI OOODINO. Dec, 13 — Edwardi .[rounEBoatrt«i.74. longttnie Oood>' ;|o( mldent, died early Tuesdi : T»ninr at the Goodins Memorl Itwpltal of ft lonu Illness. li lie « s bom Jan. 13, 1886. '.OhlcMo ahd came to Gooding wl lUs psroiU ftt th« age of 10. ] had Ured most or his life In t: ■Ooodloff area, Mr. Bostrom was 1 • apttrtment hcuse m&noRer for « ,(rtl yeais.1 BuTTlvors Include hLs widow. Mrs. UuT Bostrcn. Ooodln«; two son.*.

[Wbert yf. Boetrom, Long Fine, ItJJlf, and Edward L. Bastrom, Wikagoi two daughters, Mrs. Deu-

■ 'BirrliOn, Tacom*. Wash., and t’Lee Humphries. Qoodlng Iher. Richard Bostrom.

1 ^ ; four sisters, Mrs. Ruth War- lUffi, Oooding: Hilda Bostrom. Mrs Alice Booth and Mrs. Arum Bos- Irom all Qilcago, and eight grand- DhUdren.

Orave»lde Mrvlces mIU be hel at Elmwood cemctcry at 3 p. r iTtiursday. Tlie cortege » lll lea<I the ThORipaon chApel at 1 ;W p. r.. [Friend* may call at the mortuary

id Thuraday

Magic Valley Hospitals

t pnntrol ad

r flvn jenr.i. and shift price sup- irt5 lor dairy products from the c.scnt 75 lo 00 per cent ot parity nRC to a perccnia«e of avtraRf arkct prices during the Iramedl. ely preceding ---

under the pr levels'

I thumbs' on a wheat plan advocsted

le National Ortih*e. «v ■ ',. Rrower orRanlzatlons indorsed by Kennedy, ci •rtlflcflteplan, Underltfa ould he free lo produci ns they like for sale sbi

r non-food umx at wliil . It would bring. But a hlch

le platform drafters In effcd dorscd ft wheat program ap­

proved by last year’s convention

14 Unpledged

Electors Give

Vote to ByrdJACK60N. Ml«. Dec, 11 i.n -

Tlic south’s U unplcdied preal- dentlnl clector.s pgrced after a five- liour session yoslerday to vote for Sen. Harry F. Byrd, D , Va.. In an :ffort to unseat Dcmocrnllc Pte.'!- Idcnt-EIect John P. Kennedy. Tlie electors — elEht Jrom MKMulppl and alx from Alabama — met In n. iWsslon closcd lo the pros but open to W. J. Simmons. Jack.wn, editor of the pro - scgresatlon monthly newsiKiper, the Citizens C^juncll. In an WO-»-ord slatemcnt,'

'Icclor.i II

Meeting Held

To Stinnilate

Use of LambSlielby'.s Pood miu-ket.s, D I ’wln FalU.

Hnrdt, who wa.-? Introduced bj nay Lincoln. Twin FalLv s;ild ni ;he ouuet of hU dcmonstmllon' ;hat lamb l.s the nio.-il dlKCSllbt ‘ nil menia on the m.irkct,

he first mcat,"5.iid Hi baby crin cat. It Is

digestible."Hardt pointed out tliat muc

the prejudice nRuln.sl l.imb de-

•r, Mrs. Melvlir,”^ y


Mrs.Robert Halbert, Merrill U bath, Piinieli M. Pi ftederlct McCoy. Mrs. Clarence

and Pearl Brticken, aU Twin . Mr*. Kenneth Hargcr and

lEralfirlclc Chandler, iMth Buhl:. Raymond Westmurlc,

Gooding; Penny Callen, Hollister; Jane LouUe Powell, Dcclo; Harold WlcXcl. Malta; Lorens Kraus, Bur- lley; Mrs. Ronald Chambers, Poca- itllo. and Mrs. John W. Swanson, Sommers, Mont.

DISMIflSKD ^ Douitlas B. Egbert, Twin

.Falls; Mrs. Charles Runyon and le Walker, both Buhl: Pa- a J. Btown. Eden, and Wesley Wtiold, Kimberly.

BIUTIIS daughter was bom Tuesday tc and Mrs. Kenneth Hargcr,

T«ln Falls. Daughters were boni Monday to Mr, and Mrs, Ronald Chsmbcrs, Pocatello; Mr, and Mrs. Delbert Olsen, Jerome; Mr. a

□oodwln. Buhl, a Mr, i;nd Mrs. Harold Smead. We................. bom Monday ..

Ay L. Cnimbllss, lTv,ln Rills, and Mr and Ml Duane Whited, Buhl.

Cassia MemorialUltlni! hours at Ca-vl\ Men

St. Bcncdict’iVisiting hours at

lOspltal arc from 2

Jeromet. Benedict ' 4 and fromj

maternity4 p«. and......he medical and


Jobless Toll Is Blamed on Demo

WASHINGTON, Dct Sen. Birry Goldwatci ;lalm«l today tluit platform proniiif.s nri blame for the natlon'i




:er, a leader ot the GOP ve wing, added that Elect John P. Kennedy’s

In namlnrt his cablncl key personnel has ”ng- ■ economic decline."

department report- ea ycslerd.sy that November un­employment hit fOIS.OOO, the larc- est total for the month slnci World war II but little changed from the October figure.

1 to the oUicr loulhem s

•ntcd depend! upon ; the people of ' ive expressed t le principles of (

Is.slppl and Alabama In support- up Uyrd.

•'We cannot assure that eltcllot ilone." Uie statement said,

Accordlnit to tlie last count Kennedy hiis 300 electoral voles -ie needs 2G0 for a victory In thi !lcctornl college, which meets Dec 9 to vote.The .sUtemenl said that If Ken-

>ulda live

the top telectoral colleiii

Byrd Win Predicted Once there, the statemein nucd. Byrd would-win becsu. et I3 incredible that .............an from ’any of the southern ate.5 could

of his

,. Eugene . Unit Nl •nutrsdti

•. He I,•■I licr I 20 < . jOur

........... -d by[Dei;<ilc Falrolman Ro>’ Tlioniivs, jCrc Uraj'if C. Crllchtleld. 0.-\»' lied 115 andcnsu by Judj

,and ffimlle.s r hour

Lyle P. KL'>er; fined »13 by Judsi Inj 48 mile.' pn hcnir In a

nic driver’s llceivc nl Web'.ter, 1«, Jenmir, wn.s and hUs fine refunded by police Judfic Fred Eberhat

Oauetl by E. Carr,


neiiiber of Uic 237th cngln

3 motel. 121 Fourth iirdny 1»

picked up by Friday.

nrnllmfnt Slated Woiitfn of the Mooso

fnrm.1I enrollment at 8 p. 1

Paul S. Boiey, 54, Jerome, w. led *10 and co-su and Elven merits Monday by Jerome Ju :e of the Peace Leo Terrill f

....ipropcr piK-lng. He wa.i cited 1 Istatp Patrolman Marvin 8. Wrltil

Wlntcrliollcr, route .•as fined $10 20 demerits Bn

iluhl Police Judfte Bern stop sign violation

..... hy City PflirolmiLowder,

Fred Goodwin. Buhl,15 and r.Mts by Buhl jii.suce 01 le Pence 0. F. Rmly fnr Improper a.i3liiR. He was cited by SliiK fttrolnion Richard Bums.Robert D. Miller. 22. Kimberly •as cited Monday evenlnit foi

by Tw; “

IS from thi-■5 ha

the armed scrvlcc.s. i cooks were Incompetent, i "atul Uicy had mutton ti with, not lamb." idded that only five per cen


llsplay polnl

Debate Teams

Of 2 Schools

Set for BattleDebate teams from Twin 1 nd Pocatello high r.chools

Ruby Wharhaftic. Salt Lnke City, regional home economist and w-oolj faihlon specialist for the nnH

[council, tpoke durlnc llie der on nbout tonic ways lo

pare Iamb for holidays, pic-sl barbecue portlc gular din-

n displayed this I dlencc. Cooked si 0 distributed to

. jin Noh. Twin lastrumental In 1 pcrta Into Magic A other group meetl In oUier are:ix of ll .stlmulaled iamb c

IRS of this ll! United S )nsuiiiptlon

Report Given on Christmas Trees!

, e Xxehange ch cthod.1 of rellli es diirlng Iheir regi

Glller,ple reported

nedlcal and surgical

until time of services.

The Rovenunent or Communlit I China hss abolished tlie ol<l*timi ‘ .zlckaha on the Eround ttiat a nLit ,- degrades hlmaelt by pulling anI othwi

Keep th e W blte P laj * nnfe ty fly ing

,8 p-m. in ll

ADMHTKPHarold Wlckel, Malta: Mrs

Marie Pil srd Mrs. Nina E. Tur­ner, bo:ii liarley; Mrs. Ttcssle, Strum ;od J,wph Sdiodde, both .Heybum; Ev^ Jo Edmondsen and [NewcU Dockstadcr. both Paul;

CUidey Sa«»r. Oakley, and Angellta Etmmons. Declo.

1I8MISSED Ickle, Maltfll.Mntir?

Stacey, bJndra Stacey, Mrs. Jo' [Sweat, Wayiia Konrad and Agi.. ' 1 . all Burley; Mrs. Dorothy

. Pocv'.ellu, and Harold! [Randolph, Oooding.

Lands in Area Will be Opened

BOISE, Die. IS tfl-nie depart­ment of the Interior announced to-

18.273 acres of undevelop­ed dc.sert lands In three MUthe.rr Idaho countle.s are beinj oi)cned tt appllcatloas under the public Unt

nie land previously had beer;hdrawn for reclain.iilon pur

poiuj,Bure.vu of land maiwiBCiiient (11

rector Edward Woodey, In a tne.v |SaRO lioia WaAhingion, said th' [buid», m Goodlnir, Untoln am Jerome counties, had been with drawn for constnietlon and ile I'elopmenf ol the Miiiaoka rccm maUon project, Wootley aild 111 withdrawal Is no longer need©

[slnc« the projeci « completed.

--- Guilty--

suthemer such n.s Senai Byrd. who/lu>.s been recognized; over the yean as one ot the' stronRCSt champloas of Ihe prln- jclple.i of constitutional govern-

"In this situation, the Republl- nn delei!ntlons — recognlzlns the nevllable defeat nf Republican undldate RlcUar.I M. NUoii and letntf fundamentally oppowl in he liberalism of Senator Kennedy k-ould Join Ihe Southern conere.s- i 0n.1l (IrlegallDn? in ^vurln^ Ihe ‘lection of Sen. Hs-rd.

InR .strong. The

parking lot.Ralph Olmsti

appointed Mat May and Dr. I nominating cor


(■O.'IPLETES COVItSE JEROME, Dec. 13—Anny Bccond

I,lrut_ Merlin D. Darling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rirrell D, DarUnc, Jerome, completed the iilne-»eek runKcr rourse at the Inlantry tcliool, Fi. Uennlng. Ca.

Thinking of a Compcftt?

Try LA N C ER. . . by Dodge

BOB REESE MOTOR CO.500 Block 2nd Avenue Sonlh

Fla.. Dee.’mojd Holrs>fe'

— ;y yesterday arownlni a Korldi clrciUl iu__- nd his wife in the Atlantlc'ocein. Judie and Mrs„c. E. caiming.

worth laniihtd from their ocean- hotae near West J>aim Beach

a«o. The Jnystcry of Ihelr dluppearane# sms not soW- ed tmtil HoUapfel, 36, confessed lu l monUL


Heustiiiierr-WHt-Otimsny,-today lamed chairman of the walch*

Italy’s fire losse# yea .Uled 90 million dolors, less | f6 "^ ” rnt ot ihole m the Unit.



TKc Rern'ovol d rh ir ^ f f lc e s

FROM; 519..Main Avenue W est


67.6 Shoup Avenue West

Twin Falls, Idaho

nicrnol Mcdlcino

ond Diagnosis

former offices for leoso


RE 3-8238

II be held before hlch

Tv,-in Falls drama coach. It. B.

c police :$26,000 Case III Car Ci’asli

Closes inT.F.

rcnehed aft fined [day find a

Falls dWrl<Mr. and Mrs. Wllliur •prc.'eiiled liy l.luvil ’ led Charles Ball)- awl r

rcviented by Jolin 'Duly Lnnon. : '

afte \ Inv Ived I

;1maled at J300 to the front end le vehicle knocked down n tele­

phone pole and ft street light andard. officers reported.Roger J. Murray, 10. Kimberly a-s fined 135 plus costs nnd giver five-day Jail sentence by Pollct

[judge J. 0. Pumphrey Tiiesdaj ‘ lornlng. He was cltcd for follow-

iR too closely after an accldeni

suspended upon payment of 1

uirry D. Peterson, Kimberly, v fined J15 and costs Tuesday

[judge Pumphrey for permltti

Kenneth DeMent

Paid Last HonorFuneral services for Ke

DeMent were held Tuesday 1 Wlille mortuary chapel with shel Johnson oftlclatlnfr

). Ita'cncrji

GUANGK1'I,.^NS5H . HOLLISTER, Dee. 13-lIolIli‘J |

Granoe will meet si 8 pi . nesday at the Crsiice lull. Hcol will be Mr. ana Mr.s. Lester Uc-|

ganl.st was Mrs. Nellie Active pallbear:rs wr

Crowser. Murlen LancasU-r, iwju Dlngfield, sunley Curfew, Pi Stnndley and E. V, Erlcson,

Honorary pallbearer.-: Indue Claude Town.'cnd, R. 8. TofflemI We.sley Ulrich, Robcr J. Pardee. Fred OJi Henderson, Harry G’nanornn, j C. Johnson, Al Westersren. K. C,

; Georg


Just AskSocial Security and insur­

ance benefits ore helpful in reducing the family's "out- of-pocket" expenses ot the tim eofneed. Weareolways available to talk with the fam ily about either of these two very important matters.


fijt Ideal

. . . for any Chord

or S p inet Organ ’

ow ner



tichnfss and depti e>en Ihe bm1I«I och»n{eiin«*^

in playing technique.



E E V E R B E R A T J^

. U N IT

Come in »oon..-pl«V' hejritforyoufKlf.Ofphen'W

and well




h a m m o n o i

Page 3: voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will Push fornewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF205/PDF/1960_12_13.pdf · voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will


. Elks Toam W ins Ritualistic Conicsl^ Just One Rcorjianizalion Bid :

lias Support of Idalut S(»Ioiis

'trv rti-pn'rtment ind thffj ’ Moie .reclamatlon7

flctlvltleii would Imj ;rli tlir cnnultlltlonilifc f;

pl.iilinii coiivnUiuir



$15 per ton Delivered ;

Intcrmounlain Fuel Co. 'I!K 3-Cfi;i — Tv in- foil" ,

Idahn can (cm district of the t:ili<, conirratulalrs A. I.onrll | n i’OK 1087 whole tfsm won Ihe rilualistic conlMl lor the I

lodce Sunday. I)r. i;rnit (Hue) Mufiirh, czalleJ riiler Silnion nl’OH IKO, bj^ namril to the . 1|- tilr tenm for Ihe «conil runntrup tram In lhi> contMt.

Tbtff »a» onV ot * p<rffnUce jiolnt illfrerriiv<- In Ihr (ira (op alnnlnf Ceaijui. The Id.ifio falfi | ttim irill rtprcsent the cuterii dMrlct (liirliij; the mlil-wlnler foniftitlon to be htid In Twin K Jin. JO-23 »r"l »in compile .icaln-.t Ihp oili< r two dlslrlcl!i nf Idaho, The nlnnlnt team will *o jIUdI, Kla- (or the nallonal rltu:il ronlevt In J 11I7. <St»(f phnto-cntrarlnii

Bob Djbee, rixht, rice prr IJenl of tli rrtmfr, eialleil nler of the Idaho Fal fuWm district hostfd by the Hurley t . ni*nr ir.’ o

Recording Is-

Featured for

Burley UnitBiniLEY. D«. 13—".Storro nrr pajt of the norm.'vl climate

»pre tli'“ woriL of Pf line? hc;ird In a rccordlns Amtrlcuil-'’ni pl.iyc<l diirinc i Burley Cliiunbtr of Conimri Monday Itir.clican nicC.ms Cousin Roy's.

"S!ona' aro to tc-'.t men n thf)' lm[>pon year In and ycnr <1 for It liicrt «crc no problem.-!, I nould be mfaiilncIc.V),” lie s!a;c(

Jcfx prf.UdCTi cl cncwly-tornied Hurley Motel flillon. »as Inirotlucfd by AiLst W&llace, chanibcr prf.ldcnt, niiil

1 Uie nex orKfvnlzntlnn nnd ar ba lniwjncn’.i .support In

becon lnf n. oclnte niciubera of tlie

The- ar« now worktnR oirtlic p.-o)Kt of KeUlns slini.' on the r.eiv tilKhKiy a.s Mcll it'i hlRhwny 30,

l lLs Li ut>rklnK to rci tlic ilshisy chruiccd. Rplm *in;c<l.TheubXlAlion v.111 hAve an nd-

fertoig paper In which the locnl buiiEtsjes of tliow who arc n iiW members will bo ii.-winl.

tilted Af<l Ilr lih tk-ai elcct- prcsldent im<l Mrs. Vlnccnt

Johnson L". iocrc:ari--trc.-L urcr. ■nieral Parish, rcprc.-scnlfltlve of jest CoflKt alrllnen m the IocaJ hwt, thtinked the cty for It.s

ttoperatlon In fretting Kravcl «pr«d M th« alfporl m well as n 1^1 in.iiai:cd on tho outild# of 'le bulldliiK.He hnd mcnllonM the need dur-

ivt lait wpfk'5 clmmbcr mectlnit U!d hb efforu to set saidbytJie tlwehrroJuj Hrport at 3 p. m. last Monday the light hnd been la-itAlIcd.

It was announced Uut lUrold West, BoL'.e. wlieat admlnlatmtor who hM Jail returned frwn a tour - ■' ■ Ea.rt,-R-iiri:prnk-T9r 'ii-cxt

cJitunbcr meetlnR, A JiptcJal invliatlon Li txlcnded to all larm- ■a and c.' pcclaJly wheat gro-Aerj.

niannser of I d ^ Potato rrocp.Mor#, Ire, here md fonner wnimlssloner ol ojrl- oiUure In Idalio.

The record heard durinft the iMiied 01x6 played by

Clifford MulUkln.

demonstration SetGOODINO, Dec. 13-The pub-

f 1.1 Invited to attend a tlrnion- wtilon on the cutUiit; o( a lamb «en.M and the preparation of cutj

‘0 be presenled by reprcsenlatlvej »* the American ehorp Producers _ounrlI, Ai liardt and Mrs. nuby ''hnthMftls, nt 1;30 pm. Wed-

Mfmorlal hall, Hardt will ,bo«. - here varjoiu

ui» are obuined, hoH- u> «re tor and Mrs, Wharhafllit will

cha cha chill nnd crown

.......HURLEY.Bl'nUOY. DCC. 13-Wiliam ■•ir.[y.on. Burlry, wa.i fined »2 ami

Alfredpa'ie Monrtay ,0 having n<5

licei).sc, Uc W11.1 cited by P->trolmnii Broy Hanllng.

Steve G. Hudson Taken by Death

CASTLEFOilD, Dec, 13-Strve G. Hud-'.on, fifi, died at hLi honie In C;isilcfor(l .-\t 11;20 p.m. Monday after an y;tfnded lllnci-v

lie wa.s born nl Marble, Arl:, Aiiir. '.'O, nnd' married S.iriUi(Sl.s) Spencer tlii'rp In 1002. n ir; c.imt to the C,i.itlelord area 13::’ and he «a,i employed by TVlii Falls Ciuinl company from IS22 until rptlrlntr In 1050.

Mr. Hud-son wa.i a intmber ol the First MctliocIl.st cliurch, Ca.itle. ford. Survivors Inchide hU wldoA fiiKl two ' daiiiThtcr.'.. Mrs. Edltli Wlknn, and Mrs, Vcy Ahl-r.ohlajjcr, Qltnns Fero’. and a son Eorl HiiclRon, Cafitteford; hlj KranchlUlren, and ono great- Kr,\Jidehlld,

FMneral .'.crvlce.i will be held ai 11 nm, lliur-vlny nt the Hr,>,l MeUio(IL-)t church, Cwtleford, with tlR- Rev, I,. Clnccnt SnodRrter.s of- flcl:itlnir. Ln.-->i rlle.i will be held

(' Buhl cemi'tery. Friends may It the Albertson funeral home.

Turkey Raiser Is at Buhl

DUIIL. Dec.. 13—Gcno.HuU of lIuU'.i TiH-key farm. Filer. fruc.1t .ipeaker nt tho Didil Chamber • Commorce meeting Monday oon at the R nnd II cafe.Hull ouUlncd hl.i turkey farm

operation notlns that the demand for hLi prcxluct In Magic Valley wn.i "very frood," making It un- nece«vry for him to seek cxpan-

on to otller statc, .Durlnfc the bu^lnf.i meeting

Robert Erklas, pro.ilclem, appointed Pal Hamilton chairman of (ir-

ements for the annual Chnm- of Commerce meeting and

banquet to be held In January. ]Iamllton will selcct a suitable date

d ptosnvm for the event.

Radiation Is

Less for Last

U.S. Satellite |6AN ANTONIO. Tex,. Dec. 13 l.fl

— Air force .'.clcnlU-.Us rovld today || thM DL- ovcrer X V III .satellites ' no,-e cone ,iubjectecl to far le.v radiation than wa.i that of Difcov- erer XVII durliis a similar' flight ihrouKh fpace,

Tlic earlier f.atelllt* netr tlirough much heavier radUitlon Uuin last week's vehicle becHU-'? n iolor dare ot near-record size occurred .«vm lio'jTs before the November

5,-iJd Dr, Georfro Crnir/ord, nuclear phy,'.lclfit nt Uio school

f aviation medicine here.The cold-plntcd cnpsulo from

DLvaverer XVIII, whlcli wa.i open- ed ye tcrd.iy did not receive enoufh radiation on lU 40 trips around Uie world to rcRL-vtcr on the (letcctors called nctdlo dosi­meters, he said.

Detailed reporUi on the e:?a£l amount of rodlatlon ixnd Its effect on seven types of htininn tissue, br«ia mold, bacterial sporea. til- gae and other specimens In the; capsule, are expectcd within two!

Tile capsule u-as fl<ywn here from California after being ri ercd by luv olr. force CllO ove Pacific.

Zalmon Cheever Honored at Rite

OOODINO. Dcc. 13 - Puneml servicc-i for 2Wmon Edward chfcvcr were conducted at 2:30 p. ni. Saturday at Thompson chapcl wltli Rev. Paul V. LoRue of tho Gooding Flrit MeUiodlst church officiating.

Orfran music woa provided by Tliompw5n chtipcl. Pallbe<vrers In- clutled ArUiur Hobdey, Ray Alli­son. Kenneth Peterson, Herb Meyer, WiUtcr SlzQuore-wid-'Ed llamcM.

Final rites were held in Elmwood cemetcry. .. .

Parldng FinesPaMIng tl overtime pnrking

bonds with Tain Falla police Mon­day were Larry Hovey, AI Wtitcr- gren, Mrs. Bob Snundrrs. M, Neninlck, Crcll Jonca, Mr.r Z, .... Bklnner. A. Q. Knil. Mrs. Iru-in Jhltrj. n. O. Sandquent, Jack Christensen. D. D. Lottley. Mrs, A. N, Johnson. Charlene Etxoud, Catherine Wnlloce, Judy Bcvan, Elmer W. Wilson, Clyde Myerj, Georje Dllck and Lloyd Webb,

B & B l o a n C O .$5 to $1,000



W a l k e r ' s Q U I T !


W c liavc ( Ic c id c ti to ([iiit sclliiiif (I. E . a p p l ia n c e s ! O iir entire

inventory is to he sw ep t o u t of our 2 s to re s . W E W IL L NO’!'

F OO L A R O U N D . . . K V E K V A P P L IA N C E W IL L H E ON




(on approved credit)



have sold in the past and those we sell in the future. Y ou ]

can dcpendflnWalker'slarge up-to-date serricedepartriient.



FURNITURE, TOODuring this event. . . you’ll also find outatandlngr

furniture values, at our Main Store and Walker’s ECONOMY HOUSE!

hundredi-of-itflmi• No Co-Signe'r< .• No W oiH ng

Chceki• No Credit ..

_GUNS-«»e-e««elient-|eeuri>y for a loon

Sportlni Goodi ItldlOI.PbODOtTV Sell Tool!Muilea] Iniirumenl

Typewriter*SaddlesOutboard Molon Chain Hawl Golf Club!


'I 'J a " . h . l i f,o™ 3 m on th ! lo T y n t l

L O A N C O .

FAILS P I ^ L RE 3-643S

FULLSIZEI Both for (be price jonrould expe«t la

pay for the out- Ueu *toncl


Salem MapleCOMPLETE BUNK B EDS.......................... .......

REctlNER CHAIRS ........................




Walker's453 Main Ave. Host T win F

Page 4: voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will Push fornewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF205/PDF/1960_12_13.pdf · voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will


CO N SERV A T IV E DEMOCnATS In add ition to the moderate,trend shown

oy Presldent-Elcct Kennedy so far, an ad- "^ In ls lra tlo n w ith two Texans commanding luch positions of Influence as Senator Joh;

and -Speaker Sam Raybiini should not Dear too fa r or tod hard to the left. Scaatoi

jKcnnedy’s sm all Texo.i majority also wll. tittve Its cffect.

T As a m ember of the senate, tlic President- ij?lect realizes th e need of having ROod rela- Itlons w ith congress, Including ncpublleaii; as well fis Democrats. And no two men or

JCapltol H il l can help him more In this re- jpcct th a n Rayburn and Johason.

I Senator Kennedy will have to rely or them to try to break or to weaken the coall- Jtion of Republicans and conservative South' ^rn Democrats, wlilch wJlJ ppposo the more yxtrcmc proposals of the Los Angeles plat­form. Even Sen, George A. Smathers of

•iFlorlda, who w ill head the senate Demo- '‘crats’ confercnce, has said he did not sym- jjpathlzo w ith m any of the planfcs. llT As one of the ablest tacticians and com- IpromLsers in recent history. Senator John- f e n should be able to do a fairly effective Rob in th is role.Hi Many Republli e worried over House

:s A. Hallcck’s public ehlcftalns of this

:inorlty Leader Charlt ipproach to the Southi coalition, House Rules Committee chalrmai floward W . S m ith and Rep, William M. Col-

of Mississippi, ranking Democrat on ,hat body.

I In th e ir opinion, Ilalleck hurt the cause pf coalition by his brazen behavior in hold- n j A w ell publicized meeting with the two Democrats. One Immediate reaction was the rtatement of former Speaker Joseph W. Martin, Jr,, th a t he would not be bound by “'blind partisanship."

For such a good Republican as "Joe." that bounded like a declaration of war on the coalitionists.

IILLIONS mESTED AnROAD-Tlic exr American cspltnl lo tti9 more Industrlillzrcl

h u hid anotlltr expcctecl niid iinfoefJect.

Only & few days after the Ford unnounccmcnt. » Aalnn bu. lne.wn1en from :0 coiinlrlcs mndc n

formnl demand Uiat llitre be a inrucr flow of Amerl- n liivc,?lments In Uielr orcn. Tlicy wnmed ttitit ilrsi the United Statej helped la UiLa woy, dcmoc- cy In A-iln mlsht be endnnKcred. They forecast

growth of stfltc-controllfd cconomli

IN T RA PA RT Y STRUGGLE Republican politicians see no alternative > & fierce, intraparty struggle as a result

of Governor Rockefeller's announcement u id because of their belief that Vlcc Pre; dent N ixon w ill make a determined effort for a renomlAatlon In 1064. i

No m a n who lost the presidency by about JO,000 votes, In their opinion, will not try

Again.In add ition to opposition from the Nixon

ractlon, Governor Rockefeller must buck ex- ;remely powerful forces within the GOP. He la n o t strong or popular with the ma* ority of Republicans on Capitol Hill because ;hey regard h im as too "liberal,"

House M inority Leader Halleck Is now engaged In reforming a coalition with con- lervatlve Southern Democrats. Oovernor Rockefeller opposes almost everything which this g roup stands for, especially on such questiona as civil rights, aid to health and_ edocstion-nnd'other fiociarand“cco'hbmrc

iproblems.As he discovered on his Inspection trip

fcround the country last fall, Governoi Rockefeller found no demand for his can^ dldaey am ong the head of the state organ izatlons and the field workers. It was after this sounding of sentiment that he with­drew fro m the contest for the presldentla norhination, leaving the field to Nixon,

F ina lly , the Goldwater faction will fight Rockefeller to the end. In fact, the Arlzon; senator thought that the 1S60 GOP plat­form a n d Nixon’s acceptance of Its prli clples were too liberal. And there Is no doubt that Senator Goldwater’s back-to-McKlnley philosophy appeals to many elements within the Republican party.

The New York governor, it would seem, 'has a rocky road ahead of him.



he rlsinR world trade deflcl ledy ndmlnlstratlnn to dli nd nlnrpiinif fllRht of Induttry lu iu.

• • •viirtaKe of chc»n lairor. toi dfprecim

ling loM of RoM sm mtvy force the Ken'

Ihe persLilrii'

CANT EXPOnT ITIDear Pol Shoti:

wlicre Ui« people back j,vlnB <uvjU\tr tough v,

ouldn't It bt nice If «e tucli ClirlslmiU', prc-'-r

f poor people? Tlilnk of n package of Idaho »u ‘.•fu- York, for In.sUviK be R parcel or Idaho hu l«ck of 111 to New Orlc« .y. n l bet U,o..e would linen KlfU under the C

•o mllM half n mllr•he swp light In Kimberly. 0 OArJIcId 3-5810.

John Karient

•iM with Rai

1S3Q t

and China, nu abroad have I and especially t

:reiued f) blllloi todsy

3.a billion riollar.1 in Cnnadi ollar.t In the United Kingdom and to billion dollars In Lntln America.I Japan, Asia and Africa.Tlicso fleurej incliiae only Ind

They do not Includc about 10 bllllor ■ :ond for production ot oil. Iron o

CTS and aucIi noncompetitive foo<:oa, tropical fruits, elc.


RIOU JOB LOSS—It h I naled tlm n (id

.Iffratton ha.i meant the lo.u of 500,000 or 600,000 ib.i to American WDrltlncmen and of annual v itallng three or four billions, nefcrrlng .to tlU.i problem. John L. LewLi, whose tilted Mine Worker. In the "repressed nress” ol ennsylvanla.'West Vlrjlnla, Kcntuckv. Ottlo ftnd Ilnolj.wUl soon reeelre ald from tho-.Kennedy ad-

mlnlstratlon, said blilcrly:‘The American free entcrprl.ia system Is In dan-

jcr of belnK overwhelmed by the mounllnK welghi of forelfin competition. They are able to undersel ::s In even' marltet. How Ions can we flur%'lve. eco­nomically. If U. S. firms transfer more and more ol ;hclr productlv# facllltlej overjea*. This exodus drle: ip Jobs, profits and taxesl"

(li.IfOfJ Ij UcCU,, STndlf.t*)


Pocatello apeara to bo getting important tiilleace - taeklinst its serious development problems through

tlio hlrlnf: ot a profi While stm in the stud;

ready made a suggestion slom\ lt\ the GM6 Clly,

Kood Idea to move School luid to uuilze thf —Uwludlnn Its *p^oa\ Centw. -Ther iroposal will schools In Pocattllo becaa e

already prcpiirtrB a bond

plannei taje, the plan flat l5 bound e thinks ninybc H mlsht e present Pocatello IllRh ew portion of the school idltorlum — for a Civic


nr nil- WILLIAM 1- LASOEn rrofeiaor of niitor;, Iliriard

L'nlrfrallTIt .ihould be clear to all ihlnl E people thal a regime whlc 1 Us very Infancy dared defy tl nited Nalion.1 by inlervenlnit

th liiije forces may Iexpcclcc

of a 1.1 Qiilckiy I

saying of '"rime c ' could never b( 1 applied to the : or anj-wny that

rimt's what hfippened about rtlciilar plinw that Mieakc. 10 tills corncr recently. 8«vernl inning people commented o; t Pot Shots didn't back up a

Oim DIJLLKTIN nOAHD W.Bl in Knoir, Kuhl —Tlief«'. I nntlQuo sliop on Addison Bve


nth cquf tnith, I di• tha'

e west, Kimberly road, I 6 nnd.^ie Sccond ave : one-way traffic 1.? usct

being u«d for drag strips.■ 'lave observed cars drive

lies per hour and fasle one or those streets, but

parcntiy no one else carcs i lijout U. Cars have pn-wed it

FAMOU.I LAST LINE . . «Tio broke tliii Tase*"

The Peiping reglmi

llntwand all that Ittla:

tlie established policy to stlinulftte Its people ■oter efrortv,by tystemi on of the United Bla :ly proclaims Its deteri o destroy Amerl Alla.the pclplr.8 I


accept de Jure recognition ' United States unleis ' we're ready to abandon alljt Chinese governmer her docs pelping Uiow m t In the development of Ls. U «ems to think th»t r iRiiornnce ot the united and Uie frte world Ij

of itstills 1

B Ameri-

about a m>lority

have every rea.vjn to expect Cht- ne-'c communal policy to become even more nggresiive in the fairly

und.er ttie.ie clrcumstanees It behooves the United States to look constantly to Its efenMS. not only on the Island chain extending from Japan to the Phiiippinej, but abo in the area of the Sbulheast Asia Treaty orsanliation.

I-’nliure to do to will Inevitably ntalt the succewlve subversion iid subjection of the Independent ations of Asia, not excluding Ja- an nna India,The basic Ideological nntagpnism • ■■ Chlnc-'e coromuni:

Jnited States vorld makes


cntly Impo.-islble for the United ,tes to withdraw support from ally nf long jtnnding w ‘

relieve tensions in'American reia' lions with Peiping by reiteratlni

nance an effort by the Nationalls Chinese to reconquer the main land and by proclaiming its readl ness to enplorc with other Interest­ed countries any tolutloa. of thi Taiwan problem that .aouid bo acceptable to th# contending Chi­nese parties.

Pending a settlement of thl tliorny Ttiift-nn issue the UnlWi States should set as its aim th. orderly growth of Taiwan state, even at the cost nl sunt

.ruction of a > will have

•scliools.dig V

ELE C T IO N AFTERTHOllGHTS Despite the Importance of the Illinois

ju lt , m any leading Republicans arc reluct to dem and a recount o£ the vote in Cook county.

They th ink i t would be unfortunate foi the n a tio n and for the Republican parly If Vice President Nixon should overturn the reported result, and enter the White House In th a t -way.

I t wou ld be especially unfortunate, they feel, i f h is election should be made possible through connivance or collusion with South­ern electors embittered by the Democrats attitude on th e question of civil rights.

I t w ou ld not add to this country's or the next President’s prestige, they point out. If it should be advertised that frauds In elec­tions a rc perpetrated In such a wholesome .m anner under our democratic system-

Moreover, i t now develops there is con­siderable opposition to the nomlnatlou of ,Vlce President Nixon In 1984, although his jK le cO on .nU B j«t,a b j ,-eause o f the lack ot a real rival

ReimbllcBns holding this view cite the fact that candidates running a second time aftei ;• defeat uauaUy make a poor showing on the i«econd time around. As precedents, they re- Jer to Bryan, Theodore Roosevelt Dewcv and Stevenson.

nevertheless, although' four years can _iang© ,the political horizon and the na­tional cast of political actors, they see

now to 8tght except the Californian.

drug'clerlc after «hc found

But to (!om« thoujhLfuI Pocatcllna'i apparently, Judging from cnommK'Brtha Idaho State Journal newspaper there, tlie propcvsal Li maldnR scn.se.

We rcciill Uiat whtji the City of IdiUio PnlL.% hired ft city planner, back In Uie IMOs, his proposal lor n new Civic Center on C street kicked up such a fiw that much of the significant plannUig rccommenda- tloiu m.-vde fulBcquently never saw the light of day. Yet. at tilts wrltlnn idalio Falli is in-sutlUng. and has utilized In recent yeirs, tliese very same pro- posals once rejected. Whlls some of thU early plan was preniMure, much ot it wasn't. And pr«niaiurlty. (Uter all. Is another wy. too. of saytng long range.

Idaho Falls, loo. needs a profosaional planning

groivtli th dj-nanUc li

. growth,- In fact, has Idaho Falls p'

Ut^e clM hut try to eap* •rtth U\« prtic«. Cl aloije the long range. Tliere Is little opportunity .0 itand back and toke the,plateau look, and, even

jrtpi ^ Ecnulnc blue-

Whal with tiio new highway plaiinlnu bound lo itt«r Uie traditionaJ.cJty pattern and whnt with the contpelling need to channel new growth Into ef­fective patiem, Idalio Fnli., couid fruitfully follow PocatcUo s lead.-Idaho Falls Po5t-ReRl;acr.

a Moiei to compile

ed bi the ral bureau of public L roster of "dangerous

Although Mat* rcportng of the names U. to be voluntttT}’- under a Uw pas.ied by congress last July,

and they are lo be pissed on to other statoj through Uw Wasliingion hopper, lh« armnBement could be­come tho opening wedge for federal policing.

OetUng >T>ur name on a WaalilnKton blacklist for Ttolaung a state drirtrg Uw is fa> from a'wvmfart- ablc ihoucht. OranKd tliat U>« safoty orRanMitiona Who urged the "reporting" procedure had a laudable native In mind, there reiiialivt Uie fine question

here sute responsibility sends and federal author- Y begins.And M It turns out, ihLi statuU »eem« to bear

tr>e tM ^arte of ilwpw ItglilAUon « « ln « Up » lltt of cMT ciUienry, The Wen ta ropug-

rhe provision sliould be repeaJed.-lndlan-ipoUs Neves.

SEE NO EVIL i-or mt»l purpose* the present American dollar

about « cents in terms of it.< 1939 pur- n^ng power. Hut in tenns ol gold It i* worth

S/S:when** fortlgnera can if

ihcir central banks fmeuiing is om of Joint when tiie do.

al military and economic aid.


11 such a contingency tlie States should exert tu

cRUard the claim of Tali mbcrship as a separate C ,tp. It would appe.ir lo be • the united. States looppc ariy expressed sentiment .lorlty in favor of ndr

; taken toward the llml conltui of nuclear o imcnts without tiif par and support of tli

Negroes’ Leader Sees Victory in Racial Problem

BOSTON, Dec, 13 fPT-T .lartin Luther King ha.s < hat nonviolent resistance eguUon In Uie fioutii has brought he NcKro people to the •'iKin if thc,J?wmlscd Isjid of inttgi

■ king, leader of I

Henry Shows Real Affc< ii„n

By Sending Gifts From Iinl,Dy HENRY MeLeMOl

rccord for the Christmas mnliing Job by

L-. held Jointly by a \ RuUi Lard, Topck.i; I believe, :

I started at a branch po.Mofflce with my Christmas gUt. , and pi ' gbly would be hanging around

parceLi untied—wl

Federal Plan to Make Jobs Askei

Ulll r-.WASIilNOTON, D«-

appent^ .to the cansciei reat decent majority

their consclenci



Twin Falls Furniture Exchange320 2nd Ave. So.

Ira Tudor EA 1-2157 — Warren Skinner RK 3-liD5

Make Thrs A

"Give and Take" Christmas!

GIVE PH OTOG RAPH IC EQUIPMENT for A H appy Chrislmas! Take pictures to save, share and preserve the fun — memories t h a l w ill last lor years.

8m m Bolex .


.........99.00ind Lomb



B auich and Lomb


..............75.00J le r e at K inpHbury’.s you’ll find a wide .Rcliiclioii o f Chriatma.s CJifts for photo- pruphic fnn.H. experts or amateurs, in a range o f prices to fit every purse 1

Our Precision /« Your Protection


Oiol RE 3.6574 T .in Filll

F l a m e l e s s E l e c t r i c

W a t e r H e a t in g


E a r n s y o u r l o w e s t r a t e . . . .

s a v e s d o l l a r s o n y o u r e l e c t r i c b i l l

m o n t h a f t e r m o n t h ' a f t e r m o n t h .

i d a h o Y p o w e r50 MUCH-Colb So UTTHI


Page 5: voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will Push fornewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF205/PDF/1960_12_13.pdf · voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will

jasier Plans

For Jobless pay Wanted

' COrUR D'ALE-'-'E. p « 13 I"—

«in^ u to tfie H«l« lcKL'.l(iwre :icni

,Lh W Oov.. Robert .SmylKv '^■f,r.Vs-nylle..olcl .heCo,;ur

/Alene Prf-«fvit Uic lorniiili' lor cxtcmliii,;

'0 nUillIion.ll 13 be flfrur«l oa iv mon;h-

r “uu rnllicr tliiti <iii:ir;.'ily , 1^1 txicii'lon- Ur-fmploymciU beiictlW cxplrp

,;i,r :0

Ix'CftU-t of llip ^ll.lt.^l•l^ tmploymciit In ••.aiith Idnho

to iiorlti "Bytlic forimila. finil :.t!arh-


5 In fVlirvi:ir)’.


, I3i3 iPn l.ilurr, II li:n no: .. u>nl bccnu:.? Ilii- qii.ir'.i ■I umlcr wlilcli fnni)

i!or! not rrllsct cmpi E-/-1 siuiatlcin.1 n'llf'!')’ '•I'o'i;'!

15:0 Idilio !r»v »'ns ihc / pd-v-ctl In llie nation, writ

ki IM Mnho pmploymi.'iil u-r-. ",0- n smyll.-s rc<u..st. S K,1 twics hnve slncc coi>li-lz.*‘i;iflO I:

Earth, Stars and Man (24) Challenge of the Stars by Don Oakley and John Lane JU':a I> TIMKS-XHWS W ANT ADS.

In the grc.it purges In Russia in Uic 1030s, not only political but scicntific oppo'^ition was climl- Jiatcd. Some of the world’s lc;icjini' r:crcticists were shot or exiled. Others confessed their “errors.”

In Iheir place. Ihc old theory of the French­man Lnmarck was aicepted, under the leatler- ship of a Dsiicdo scientist named Trofim I.ysen* ko—the belief that acquiroil characteristics can be passed on to our descendants.

fronicaily, tlie idea of Eciics and charcc mu­tations, universally acceptcd in the West, was tlenounced as deirrading to human dignity. Lyscnkoism, on the other hand, fitted into the Communist dream of romakinK mankind throuQh the environment of Marxism. Thus ■was science pcr ’crted by dogma.

It is dancerous for the world to ignore thp

findings of Renetics. For geneticists know that radiation causcs mutations (first proved hy JI. J. Muller in 1927), and that most mutations are harmful. They warn that it will be another 50 years before the fu ll cfTccts of the bombs on Jliroshima and Nagasaki are known.

II is often said that our moral developmcrt .has failed to keep pacc with our scicnce. It may be more accurate to say that we have not

. yet learned to apply the methods of scicnca (lns<cad of Just its InvcnUons) to solving our personal and international problems. Kvco'- thing In life comes under the scrutiny of sci­cnce. which is guided only by obsen-able facts. “Truth,’' to scientists, is a working hypothesis, subject to change in the light of further knowl­edge. But most of us. both East md West, aro jealous of our prejudices.

Kon.'sciontists w ill more than ever have to adjust to new discoveries in science, Thc'first application of the poser of the atom tfas not .1 proiui.sinn beginning. The arpimcnt that all- out atomic war can be survived may bo an indi­cation of the end.

Tomorrow', science promlsey to n've man even more godlike power—perhaps even the power to changc hts own evolulion. Men are probing morc dceply all the time into the hu­man crIJ and the workings of the brain.

It may be that in space men will find a chal­lenge larger than our life on this tiny planet And. as has happened before in the story of man's evolution, we may open up a whole new

for human development ia liis universeol cartli, Stars and man.


Board Bans Use of Dome Area

At Local Junior High School. »ffty mc.isiirp, till' Twli

fiib k Iw I iwarti voted Monda;-- ■- ‘ - inj' ,vii(lcnL use o

............... of the Junior high»:hOPl baildtne.

byinLnatlca cliiv.ca tts ft pbcc p,-r?are and sloro ntnpc prop,-, nnd jitc mi''<'rl.''l’- Bonrcl memljcr.s (cInM out llie Jlro Iward nnd

Episcopal Priest Won’t Use LetterNEW YOnif. Dcc. 13 'ITD—An

FpiKopil pririt dcflcil cluircli l.iw ir.d ttwcktd lt.» hlcrnrchy 6un- djy on Rrouni' of "nicUlocrlly" uA 'douWe l.illc" In n bishop's cfiaft lo cliurch meniljcr.'!.Ths ncv. Ednoril 0. Miller of

BI. Owrnfj cliiirch hero ftl.w cou- p;{d hlJ tillaclc with praise fcr SaTiin Ciitioilc nnd Presbyterian ItJifn for thflr concern with ir.»n’i proWcmj anil ClirUtlnn arJir.

He defied tinon law by refiiilriK 0 rtid a putcrnl IcUcr Is. ucd In Dillulisl mnnlli by tlie 2pl:^opal U<«:m ot Blsliop,i,.Churcli-law-re- q-jliu tit litler be read In the 7iM pulshes of llie church with- b»ffl3Blh aft>r II a rccclvcd.

to l«r ntiy . lUiiciil a-.r of llir

In other nellon. reilgnaiinn ' approved fo." Mis. M nrll Afecfi.nni. IlM trnido (ecicfier WaslilnKtoii wliool, clfccllve I 22, and the board tipprovpd n 1 year leave of ntoenco for Mrs. Ij-n- bellc MltkT. IKlh mdc tc.ichcr at Mornlnwlde school. Mrs. Miller

to iitlcr.d Idaho Sl:itc collet;c for the second semester.

HUcd to rrplacft trs. Mechnm was Mrs, Mliilft L, Kllc, <7, who has a B3 decree from Ihe 6l.ite Tedchers eollcce nt Kirksvllle, Mo. She Ita* litid 13 ycflr.i of expcrlcncc. Ileplnclnj! Mr.s. Miller will be Mrs.

Elaine J. Parrish, 42. who tecclvri a BS di'Kicc- from tJtnli 6talo Af,Tl- ciiliurivl collrrc In 1940, She ho. nlno years of expertrncc.

Tnir.ters Hmry Coln-rand Dnvld r.in y wcri" nppomlcd by Clinlnnnn

loc;ii cornmlttce of Ihe Idaho tdu- eattoij ii.v.oclatlon rchardUiB Icsls- latloii 10 Improve teachers’ pay In Icfalio. n io flcdon ttnj taken after a letter was rejd from Boyd Lo'.vr, tcaeher repre.scntnUve,

Tniitei"! <lLscu.«ed « Flier school (llr.ttkt wiKRor.tlon for a tuiUon excliiuifTP mvolvlns resldenu of one di.strlcL nttendliiB schoo'j In another <!l,strlct. No action fakctv ALso (ILieuwed wo.': n report from the Dulil superlntcndcnl In- volvlni,- tmn-'.portJillon of p,itt>chlnl studciiu, but no neUon w.an tnkcn.

Mr.-'. Anno Steene, IVlii Falls, I mot witli the bo.ird wa\ln recard-

...„ .. prlrate first crude class. Mrs. Crcelft Smith, clerlt of the board, read a letter D, !•’. EnKtlklnc, .superintendent of public Ir. lruc- tion, hiid written to iUs. Stcenc rrpardltiK her plaiw.

Board iiieinbers niut Supl, Erne.-. If, UaKl:>tid told Mrs. Slcene th ivu i I’nlli district probably would

Howell Movement Played by Group

JTKln Fails Duplicate brltlRc club IJUjfd the Ho»'ell movement Mon- d»T nlxht at Uie American Legion hill «lth fivo find A Imlf tables |il pUy,

Wlnnem wcro Mra, Iran Bkln- Kr and Mrs, Kobert Scott, first; itr, orul Mra, Richard Cook, sec- <^; Mrs, B, n, TlUery and Mrs.

P. Haticy, third, tmd Mr. and Robert &u/i. fourth.

The club will hold niaiterpolnt PJy 'Hiurjday nt Uie legion hall.

No Money DownO n Fine Quality

CARPETS. As Little As




acffjit students fnVii her private Iir. t grade If they MioArcl pronrc.- at Ifut coaip;in\ile lo flr.st grader In llic public -sehooLs, Mrs, Steene poxted out she Intpntli to hold fl.i'.-.r.s from nom to 4 pjii. dnlly, liiu-illm; [lie ninouiit of time de- voted lo fust KradcT In the public

SWISS AUllKST MAN BERN, 6ivll2crland, Dcc, 13 WV-

Ttio SMss defense ministry an­nounced today the nrrest of Alois Dlttll, a former cmployo of tlic central wnr material supply office, on charfips ol csplonnge tor o lor- eisn poafr.

5 t h e p e r f e c t GIFT , FOR CHRISTMAS!

i 199.95Twin Falla Only Exdimvc Appliance Store

M& Y ELECTRICW C, Malberg.#' Jim Ruji

" Ytiiir Applinficr S to re . . . Since 19/1"

B e s t p o lic y




.9.95^ e perfect &11 -round aJioe. Lightweight, bouncy creoe «)le. Steel shank support. Rubts

BruihlnK cJeana, restore* letther. BUp-oiu. ties, att«r Bid booU and soil »hBca tool Most BlMS nod width*.

V a n E n g e l e n s

S u r p a s s e s C a r M a k e r s ' '

T o u g h e s t T e s t s

America's Finest All-Weather Motor OilGives superior p e rform ance in a ll aglomobiles including new campoci and sports cars

Depend on your UTOCO dealer for all vour motoring needs;

Uteco GasoIInt now specially blended for winter driving—fast start*—with built-in gas savo* whi«h pve you bonus miles<^p perfornmice in cold weather*

Atlas T ir«t and 1 -sold with a vnittea

guarantee hooorcd by 38 000 dealus coast to coast.

Export lybricaliM witl\ the chdc-chart consdentlous seivioe laca with "know'jiow.’ in gi'wng you individual attention.

Y o u e x p e c t m o r e f r o m U T O C O

a n d y o u .g e t i t !

Page 6: voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will Push fornewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF205/PDF/1960_12_13.pdf · voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will

■a q e b t xTIMES-NEWS, T W IN FALLS. IDAHO Tu e s d a y , De c e m b e r

’Dworshak Is

.Speaker for

' School Rites

la ftccllilrned uid respected , j Other eoimtiM Ihroughot'•ut«. H8 »4id.I ne expRtMcd r»snt Uial bU fair !oru could not b« pruenl tnd

thnt they were Kallcrtd , rom the East to Ihs Weal ii{e tald he n'U Rlsd to ki

lUiIon Budge ww e tr il. ,ns youth in »pom u he hid lili :ion-

“yoimg Aitierlcftnj ftre our n reelous aMct^.' he itated. He erred to hU trip behind Ui« 1 urtaln in 19»S tn l euted thit

i ducfttlon In Btmi# U recelrln u11 itUnulua iJid acceleration. The nJy way to overtake or aurposs i 1 through education, he iLuertci

'! The aen*tor closed hlJ-rmarlr :irith « pledge lo conllnue lo ten ;Burler, Cusla county and Irialio.■i THe proeram opeiterl with com .'nunlty ainglnt led by llal H- •M»tthew*. ncoompanlfd by Mr>. Mntthcwa. The luv. Kenneth BmU pf the Burley First PresbyterUi I'rhurch pave the Invocation an f^ealdent lanac Lee of .the LD! »Uke gt79 the beneiMon.

A brief bujlntu mfellnn waa •onducted by tlie Mhool's new PT^

. ■'prealdcnt, Kcndmi D.iyley. *ht presented Senator Dworihalc ftltl An honomry lifetime membershli in the Dworahik PTA.

Benny F. Eprw>c mislei 3f cercmonlci The projrim In- liuded. ft whlslllnj tolo by Earl

,D#>!ey--*nd three Mleellonj by a :'f(koult7 q ua rte t, composed of Budge, Ronald Archibald, Mrs. Otla WUllanU and Uaurlne Andrui. i»ecwnpanJed by M ri. Roaald .ArchltMlii.

H. McMr*. luperlaUndent tbs Oaeala county school*, In- 'uced Ray Reid, prihclp&l or new school, who ataled that achool waa a "monmnent to

this county.” r :heck for tSOO hi

received from Senalor D»d:__ to Ktock a library for tl

..ihool and two encyclopedias hai been purchaacd.

Rcld mentioned tha new 60-star tlm: Uio senator atcured for tchool and atated that It nown ever the caplto: on Aug. 28.

\ tloft-n for f • ruBsday morning.

Reid save recognition lo those 'ho had given txjuquets for the >vent and for the decoral 7tirUUnaa tree from Uie MalUic

mlttce. who were Cluirlca Ouni' niereon, chairman, who jpoie briefly; Shirley Barlow, Donald Clark. Olcnn Anderson, Dlnlne Martlndftie, Leater Piper, Jim ‘Boper, Chnrlcj Worr. Mre. Paul Zlllner-r-and-BlU-Damngton,-

Moor# Introduced Hermoa King, former chairman of the Khool board, who briefly auimned up the building programs under way in

county. He spoke of the aiset lof having purchased this preunt ; ^ o o l property in advance and

11 helped to make the struc- ;ture a reality. He atated that th< board should be buying man ‘sJtea. thinking of the future n;<d3 of t/ie bcJiooIj.

OUier members or former mem­bers 0! the board were introduced. They yo Kenneth Warr. William (Bmeacfi. Hershel Bedlce, E, R. Blauer. Jceeph Gillette, Reid Star. 3ey. Blalna Wight and Prank Rtd- fieM. Raymond Botiart. ouslnf.ii manaser of Uie school, waa Intro­duced.

Roeognltlon alio voa given to Paul K. Etuu. Salt Lake City. «u^lt«ct; Howard B. Reynolds, Twin pRllj, conlroctor, and Sidney l*rson, Hurley.

Lincoln Children Visited by Santa

enosHONE, Dec. I j - About 600 chUdren were vlalled by Santo Claus at bla annual visit here Bat- 'uTday, aponaored by.tbs Chamber of Commerce. A movie wu held * t tha Rex theater through courte- ■y of the chamber.

Meabers eJ the chamber com' xnlttcft Included Joa Berrlochoa. Mika trrrutia, WUUa UfKn and Otner Shook. Th» clty’a volunteer lire department aulated and. es- eoi:ted Santa into town on the fife engine.

£■ Zn aomu, chaaiber piuldest, Jo» Myers. Prank Steama, Robert Haddock. Harry Eden and Earl Ham asslstda with dlsUlbuUon ‘ treats.

Program Set' for Lutheran Church

FILER, Dec. IJ — The PUer Lutheran Mission church will hold t^B children's Christmas program *t 1:30 pm. Tuesday. Dec. 10.

The Rev. carl wsser will deliver . the ChrUtmu message, wtdch will b« followed by a program of tongs and recitations by the Sunday achool classes under the direction of Mrs. WUllam Dlerker, Urt. Har­vey Uaxson. Mrs. Martin Uerman and Janice JaroUmtk. uacben. .

The senior glrb choir will pre- aent aeveral numbera. Mrs. Reu­ben Uermia la church pianist. |

C O M M n ^ NOTED i : FILER, Dec. l»-Oe«n« Pubani. ‘ •Ted Jaeek.and Wayna Bchrt-eder' ■,h«T« been anointed svct..sing'

.:M«maltt<a.foi\.treus to to.given V j*l U>e OhristniM program at the , , Clover TVlnlty Lutheran church. L' HUSO Meyer, Jchn Burkbalter andrl/V^a.1 Rflnks vili hrfn rhirpa nf





. K E E Pn iH Ki1oc,d«)

rv j^vA t

K U X K T K Iimo kumtcim)



Aljroard Net

Tidy Return


By Kennedy

Avoids BrawlWASKtNOTON. Dec. IS HV-

PTcfl/dent-EJect John P. Kennedy laa gone about picking a cabinet ■'ko a man determined to avt

brawl before h© haa a chance Mart his presidency.. None of his four caijlnet ap­pointees 60 in i li a controversial figure.

Nona therefore Li likely to get mucli opposition or criticism from IlberaLi or con-^rffitlves in tlic new conRrea.1 next year—At Ieo.il in the bcKlnnlHK.

Kennedy' filled tiio spot »hlcl could have caused the blggrsl nimpu'* wltli nn ndrolt but non- BPfctacuJnr flirurt; Dean Rusk hnvd of the Itockcfcllcr founda­tion. as ficcrctary of sute.

nusk in the pa.iL held several government Jolis—the highest as a\'iliUnl aecretjiry of suite for Far Eastern affalrfl under Pre.il- dent Truman—but hnndled lilm- Mlf unobtrusively. To the public

e waa generally unknown.Ho had to bo adroit to b

Uiat Far Eaat«m de.sk In KSO and le through unacarred when Sen. :ph McCarthy woo belaboring

.... ataft deporUrieht ■ for lU handling of Pur E«tem affairs, particularly In China.

Ruk U eatccmed for brains by r«oplB who know him. Since he's

•jt operator, ho and Kennedy U176 the advantage of start-

.„ .ut m foreign airalrs with at le«.« a period of peace and qulft,

He'U get bis ahars of brickbats later, which Is pir for the course far jeerfUuicj of stale.

Examination Set By Civil Service

An cjuunlnation to fill positions of social v,*orker, child welfare ad-

and apcclallst, public aaslst- advlacr, p u b l ic asslstaoee

apcclallst, medical and ps>-chlalr1e adviser and specialist, rehabUlta> tion adviser, and public welfare rttenrch onnlj-st has been an­nounced by A«nea A. Stronk, ex­aminer in charge, board of U. 8. civil scrvlco Mamlnpra.

The BOClal vorter poalllon in­cludes child welfare, cUnlcnl, tor- rcctlonal. family service, general and public nsslstatw» work.

Further Information about thi position* and lnstruaion.1 on hern to apply may bo obtained from Miss Stronk at tha T»’ln rails postofflce.

Labor Unionists Strike in Japan

TOKYO, Dec. 13 tfl-Labor unionists throughout Japan struck to ^ ; in an annual year-ecd cam- t>aIe&~'for hfgtier wages and bonuse*.

union leftders said half a million participated In walkouts anddes.About 15,000 workers wuvlng

red flags n-alked off the at 37 U. 8. military bases.

Many hoopltMs, schools and gov­ernment olllcca were atfected.

ELECTION SLATED KIMBERLY. Doc. lJ-Offlcer« III be elected at the Kimberly

Farm Bureau meeting at e :dneaday at the Kimberly A.....

—n L«Rlon hall. PUm for the menibctsUlp drive Dec. IB aLio will be made, report* Milton aniard, chairman.

TbU dally acbedale or televlaloti and radio prorami ti preseated u a lervlco to readers of the TLmt»Newi. Utllnn are turalahed by the lUlloo. Any error* or change* should be reported to the iUUoa lutif and not the Tlmrs-Newa,

• * * • *

Television LogKLIX-TV

(Cbanoel 11)


Three Bombs

Are Heard iii

Cuban Capital-HAVANA; Dcc.-lSrtm — Thne bombs exploded in the Cubon cap­ital last night, InjurlnK aeven per­sons and glvlns Prlmo Minister Fidel Cajtro stark proot of erow- Ing op^tlon to hLs MRlme.

One bomb uliottend the rest­room of a crowded downtown cafe at midnight. Another blasted Ushllng flxture.1 In the busy Vedado district tunnel under the Almendarts river and dlsruplec traffic for a half hour. The third bomb merely causcd noise.

(Jrposltlon to the bearded dic­tator among labor groups was evident as tha giant Cuban labor confederation sumnsoned leaders sf member unions to boot out the bosses of the rebellious Electrical Worker* union—the first workers group to stand up openly la ance of Castra

Amaury Praglnals,- bos* ot the eleclrlclaos, led hts union In a nan* on the prealdentlni palact Friday evening, ahouUng "Cuba al. Russia no." Praslnals sought a conference with President Osvaldo Dortlcos.

Ftaslnals and Pldel Igleslas, an­other Electrical Workers leader, )iar« turn teraied irailora by Ihe Ubor confedemtlon.

The government-controlled cc Jedcniloa now appears ready itrtp both men of atJlhorlty.

Infant DiesHANSEM, Dec. 13 — I^ina Faye

Tilley, Infant daughUr of Mr. and Mrs. Ray TiHey, Hansen, died Sat­urday evcnlnK a t Magic Valley Memorial hospital.

SunWlng besides her parents, re two brothers. Randy TUJey nd Martin TlUey, and a abler

Kara Tilley, all Han.«n; her pa temal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. H.D. TlUey. Hnnscn. and her ma- temal grandpnrcnt.i, Mr. and Mr*. Henry C. Wilson. Twin Falla.Graveside services will be held

_t II am. Tliursdny In Sunset Memorial parlc by rider D. L, Rln«eilng. The funeral procession ;lll leave White mortuary at 10;«

_m. Friends may call Wednesday and until 10:30 n jn . Thursday the mortuary.

Anna Boff Cecil Taken by Death

HAOERMAK, Dec. 13 — Ar-- Boff Cecil. 71, died Monday ... OoodJog Memorial hospltnl nftor

long Ulnesj.-.Bha waa bom July 7. 1880,. la Czechoslovakia, and came to U. a In 190S. Abom 45 years ... ahe moved from Ohio to Colorado, and In l« l she wa.i married to E, n. Cf«ll at Walla WalJn. Wash, They moved la Hagermnn in lOH,

Burvlvlng, beside* her husband, re two sons. J. ieo Sptvtzlam.

Ui JunU, Oolo., and William Par- San Jose, N. M.; two sisters

llvln: in Cleveland, O.. nn<l In deciM.'onkh. and Jlvi

grandchildren.Funeral tervlcts *111 be held at ajn. Wednesday in the Hager-

..Jin Methodljt church by the Rev. Robert McMajter. Concluding rites will be held In the Hagermnn ( 'ttery. Ftltndsmty csU untlJ 9 Wednesday at the Th >cral clia^l. Ooodlng.

Suit Filed Here To Collect Debt

Named a* defendant is David ndei^n. Tlie wit was filed by

Dee Peck, doing business as thi Vanguard assoclaUon. The plain­tiff aaks for ainrd of $1,200, plu; sbt per cent Interest from Aug. 1.

lurt coatJ and attorney’s fee. Hoa-ard L. Armsirong. Jr..

eatello. represent* the Vanguard association In the action.

Almost t«o-thlrds of the enu«.of the Republic of the Congo

I from Katanga province, I Is rich in mlnerAl deposits.

No finer Scotch...

iBuy the.Tarty Scotch". Hosls like ils practical price, guests like Us wonderful lightness and flavor.


Charges DroppedCharges ot fraudulent procure-

.nent off lodging and paasinjf t check without funds In the bank were dlimUsed Monday against Houston C. Bnyder,

Bnyder appeared beforo Twin Falls Police Judge j. O, Pumphrey on the lodging charge, and befori Twin Fall* Probate Judge J . Dear Mosher on the check charge- He

represented by James Cun- lam. Twin Fall* attorney., '


Wldmer, T«ln Falls, waa lined *10 and cojls Saturday by I>robate Judge James P. Qouett for lllciial parking. She was cited by Deputy Verno Royst.

School Bomb

Is Blamed on

South FanaticATLANTA. Qa., DM. 13 WV-A

fanatic was blamed today lor an explosion which blasted the side of I larse Negro elemenlary school ind damaged a doitn homes In Atlanta’s northwest section.

th& work of a lanatic ot that we are sure," said Pollci

apt. n. E. Uiilc, head of a spe- al subversive section In the de- ctlvo bureau.All available men In the police

department were taking part in the Intensive mvcsllRatlon. FBI agents and a demolition tea from the third army entered 11

ise on a cooperative btisls, Investigators were still tryli „

to Icam tha type ot eiploslvc used. Particles picked up at the ccei were being tested In FDI labon torles and at the third arm)

arby Ft. McPherson.Tho bWst damaged the school idltorium and two clns

and showered neighboring , „ homes and parked cars with flying

and debris. Dr. John Letion, . school superlntciidrnt, mated It would cost between J1,000 and }1,£00 lo rcpair.U\a school.—

Boyd Retained as ASC’s Chairman

Cnrl Boyd was reclcctcd chai lan of the Tv,in FnlLi coun

agrlculiural sublllrjitlon and coi vatica committee during gtlng or. the group Mond: •iiing at the ASC otllce tn tJ

Syrlnga building. Also reelected are Fr«ik Atkins, Buhl, vli:( chairman; Au.5tin Moore, Mur. taugh. regular member of the committee, and Charles Kevt Salmon tract, third alternate.

Lawrence Loushmlllcr, B u l •ad elected second aliemate. During other huslntss, the coi

mlttee delegates went on record opposing a mixed grain reguli-

DelegatM attended from aevcn Twlrj Falls county cwii/nunJiles. Including Bulil, Castleford. Klm- berly-Honstn. Ta-ln Palto, Filer. Mortaugli and itie Salmon


Norway'J llrst SocMst pi Christopher Homsrud, 101 today.


or AnniversaryGive the oppreciated


Give 0 TV

Cablo ConnecHon

a wtu,i jiM<

KEW YORK, Dec. 13 I.?v-.Ameri- ina with dollars seeking hljtiei

rtelds or bigger capital gains th»r seemed Ukely In U. S. security mjvrkcta have looked first by opportunlcles and then ji3 venture*.Hotums on these InveitmenU

„ow add up to a tidy sum—»herc curte on dollar flo'A' luve beei •ar.cd. But the rush to buy lor •Ign f,tocks has aroused feats ii iomc Lvids thnt Uis Yankees weri xit to Lake over Uic econ«ny.

Canada Atlracti At first many American. looked

o CaruidA and invcsled >ut too well. Valueless or dubious Canadian stock atis peddled hen often by long distance phone.

■■■ rnlngs on this side ol tlie r and strlcler policing Rido Imve brought Canadian tics more in line with tho or<U on atock exchanges here. ;t to excite Americans has the.recent boom In Europe,

yields on Ehiropean stocks olten higher Uian here. Ai ' -

rush of U. S. corporations pand there drew Uie attenllon of ■ dividual American investors. The

ipJd J-lse in Europeaji stock prices until tho last tliree months held

promise for a ilmt o speedy capital gains.

LaUo Amerleao Attract Llllla Latin America Iulj seen jcr:

little inveotmcnt by Individua ArrJcrJcxms. Broken her# say on< reason is that there are compara

vcly lew companies tlicra pub- cly ow-ned.In addition to whatever capital

gains they may have collected stock prico rises, what returns havo IndlvlduaJ Americans been getting on thdr foreign Invcot- icnts?

Returns Estimated Official fiffures are meager

foreign sloclcs are held by corporation. and IndlvlduiUs,

a breakdown hard. But data of tlie U. 8, department comrocrce. tlie First National

City Bank of Ne-* York estimates from Block and bond

holdings will brUig Americans 500 mUllon dollors tills year, Uio taim J last. Eamlngs from direct in- •estmcnts. In plants and resources -mo.siiy In corporate names—Is put at 2.3 billion dolli

~ - specific figure la offered by officials ttlio report tliat

Americans got 1D4 million dollari dividends from British com-


Long BlockNTW YORK, Dec. 13 -tfl

-That laat block felt like two mlles,“ James Quinn said after h« got h ii wife U> a through yesterday’s anowstorm in time to deliver ttiplet-v

Tho Quinn*-"live only two blocks from Hortliern Wmi- chester hospital In New York's suburban iireo, but their c.ir eullcd la the aziow n/ler gojn.r only a block. Quinn, plenty worried. Rot n neighbor to drive them the loot—.ind 'longcit— block.

Tlie triplets arrived four hours later and were named, JaaiM, Stephen and Dtbonilt.

13. loco"

300 WorkersGo to Jol) i„

North Idaho

Eisenhowers to Hold Reception

WASHINGTOt-r, Dec. 13 W- Presldcnt and Mrs. F.Lieiihower wurnold their lx-;t Christmas r: ceptlon Dcc. 22 for 1,000 preMdci tlal employes.

As a result, tlie White Hou.?e will bo cloacd to vlsiloni on 'thni day.

The Eisenhowers will preside ni le annual reception, where cof. ;c and cake are served in tin

Ea.H room to the s«ret service Wihltc House police, ttie miiitnr] detachment that cervcs the ivhlti House, including the PreslOcnt’! helicopter and aircraft crews, and the domc- Uc staff.

Otiiers who will attend Include the employes of the etecutive of- flco staff and the pereonnel who ■hnvo kept ths Prc.^cJe«rs R;t.ilj llshmcnt at Camp David for him.

WofVers uiiJoii contrnct t.-il;; both sides .-.alltalL-io-nad:il(:l

Right Is Waived On Charge Here

Pencils Awarded By Toastmasters31ue pencils were a«-nrried

Kenneth Reid, Don Cooper i Don Someriv and the traveling Rold cup was nwardcd to Eugene Kreetnan durinc a meeting of the

Perrine Toastmasters Mon- . 'vwiing in tiie Ri«erson hotel

Desert room.Reid wTvs best speaker of the

evening; Preeman was the “mosl improved speaker." and Coopei ond Sojncr.% won their pencils foi table topics speeches.

Cooper »'BJ a gucil frrxn Bolw and Jerry Morrow was a guest from Kimberly.


—Development ot a new type radt- itlon protection JnsSrument callec iie personal rndintion monitor las been announcei Tlie device about the sile of a fountain pe

•elghlng only 3’> ounce emits ft warning tone and flash.

small light In the prcscncc ot gamma radiation flcld.

ourl Moiid.iy by . Dean MaUu-r, C.u (itli embczztcmem. He u chargccl wit;

i and H m.->r;riK. enting the weai>on

Sportinsi Eniilinnei t,nkes boulf«ir<I n fetise1 Oct. 0.Carlson was represe

FalLs attortipy If. N, J of posting tJOO he wa the custody of the ihertff,

HInc In

iries before Christ.


" L e t 's M a k e Love"

Marilyn Monroe and

Yves Montand

JIM HOOLAHAN invites j/ou to the

Chuck WagonWEDNESDAY &



1.50Hungo'T Jielp yourself to the Ilneat foodi-and lots of ‘eml Dine 111 HylB at the Saturday night Chuck Wagoni (Served • every Wednesday and Saturday.)Don't F«rtti:_

Make fieaerjUoiu t«e rear Chrtateus pvUet Mwl

the T O W N HOUSEWembcr of The Iftners C luti KIMBERLY

F U N F O R A L L !

★ NEW MONEY GAME -*-'ilR^TIE BRAUNB e Sure to Register — N o t h i n g to B u y ! a t th e o r ^ a n




Page 7: voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will Push fornewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF205/PDF/1960_12_13.pdf · voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will


Kennedy Has lamb Carvinjr, Cooking Dis|)layetl

114,859 Vote

Malgin N om

Expcrl Says

Traffic Jams

,„SI„KOTON, 13

SiU"e " . John r. Krniircly licsri

n' 114(151 over

V.,rs rcporttil yc.stcrUnv. lr:>vPii:

t i < mniiocit ‘0i;cUl c<’"’

"ISei Explosion______ __R E A D TIMES-NHWS W ANT ADS.

WHY Settle for Second Best

When You Can Get the VERY BES'ffi

-a HAM MOND Organ

...c) rc<;rcsllini,(lc-,.....rportcil f'>r R:Uui-(fay.

All cMi;'-i'arc pliiytci In Ihr Junior tifli cjmrm.Mtiiii.

Sl«lh Grade .Uibuf'kn’s n « rs d<-fcair<1 HIs-

bjribotluiirs n.iftli’* 8-7 wHti liyroii C»r.P5' cflllpclliiK four point* for me T.ccm nnd Kenny M.-u.oncr KtJ-fd !oiir tor the Jwrr/i.

Si-opc’5 Bobcat- l>cat Brndley's BfUlfJ Jl‘ 15. M ike Sorcn.'fln (tortJ flsM polnw for tlie n ala Md Uonnkl Brivdlfy lind Jor lilt l<Mrs- Cirpcr.lcr's CouK;»r.i beat Pope'*

ilaikcjf-' 34-30. Eddie Carr hcorcd j5 polnH tor the wmncix.

McCollum'* F^lco^.■i U-ounccd Jona's r.-wtlicr.i 23-3. Dnvc Mc-

(Collura hleli .scorcr v, llli cIrIU poina.Wanifr'.'i M\L'.laii[;s beal Lake's

MldieU 21-8 witli Tom Odortrlcti tccrlni II psJnM lor lltc .M!M- Uru ind CJi;irlr.i KniitL-jsn col- IfcXrt 6H for tlic MldRut*.

I Eiigelin scoreil 22 pc;iiu siiu Dick Joliirion had 15 lor Jolir.-on's Hn- klc.i when tlipy, (rounced Nii-v.bivum's ■ Hurrlcftncn:

Hlnkls'j Ri)liflre.'< dcfffatod Ctir- pfnttr'j CcimArs 30-n. Slanser KOTsJ 10 points for the Spitfires.

nUh Tirade . Tifer.i defcnt«t Ekmila-

..... JiSiuri M-7 wth Uulbcrttnd Sorenvon ncoring four polnt.i rm-toe Uie Tlgmt and -Johiiton KCTi% Ihtre for the lor.cr.-i,

Crydfr'i Beftra ttalloped Shecn'j Six playor.i .scored

.1 witli Brel Snpler co'JreUjit liv« for high man.

liKoln lions routed Cn.'iptr'* BoItoU 51-4. Barry iind Driscoll acred (!fht and aew . jpectlTdr. Tft-o of the four poInU!| for Ihe RedhoLs were scorecJ by I' Uoru li\ tl)»' uTons Iwskot.J»7 Ulrich «»rcd 10 points

(help Hfdrlci's Wlldcnts defeat Iriummeri Benfnia 27-12.

WjJUinis’ JJiiaJr.i troimcwl Pe- <erKm> Vandals 33-0. Nine lliKkiM jtorcd, LnnRdon, Wllllani-i ind Slisdn acre lilRh ecorcra for the uliuifrs. Peterson irirulo &11 »lx polnu tor til. tcom.

t'BUrth Grade OoM'i Cuba won a close lO-B

fa.™ from BnI1ant>Tie’» MusUmgs »lth a buktt Just before the final «Mn. Curt Tlirtlltdd and I^vc hn%| four polnti each for Uie winners and Cm hid Uireo points for the iowrs,

Huin'i HuAles defeiiletf Oil. bert'i DtJra JS-B. Emfry Trent Koftd Jli poinw for the Huskies «i(! CurtLi KlnRhom . Batheredfour fi Ui» Ii

Nnel'j 8ea Hawks defeated JIoUidAV* Uons S-2. I>oe waa hlBh 'orer illh three poinW.Aitor;)Uln'» Druln.i upset Bnh-

Ixl'i Tlefra 17-C wlUi Gary F eock Korlns seven 'polnla for Tinners.Soruis Hustlers drew I bje.


t’f'ur >hth frrade games will b« .Jliytd at 0 (ijn. In K>-m one, Mc- Collmn'ii l-’alcons vs. Mfttauoka’s Tlccrs; In rj-m two. lllnlcle'a Spit-

■ VI. Johnson's Iluakles; gj-ra f. Nuy.baum'a Hurricanes vs.

Mldseta. and (rym four, Warner's Mwiangs vs. Joniv’s Piin- Uiert.

N« siunes wiu b* played a* 10

Thrt* Mxth irrade gsmes will b« P'nyed at 11 ajfl. Oym onc.'HlB. RcnboihJDi'A Eng!e.< vs. Bnulley's Bru^s; Rjin two. Swope's Bol)cnt.i vs. Cirwnlcr's Coupvni, and Rym “irfe, Pope's llitwkeyes vs. Jolm- •on'j limkies,

fifth (tride Rame. Dondavlllc’s v.s. Sheen'* 5enntor.\ will

"played In (D-m four at 11 a.m.i-niir iiiui pr&de (camea to be

Pl»)fd »t noon arc Cryder> Bears (VI Ca.'.per-s n«dlioU, gym one; uneotn Uon* \-s. Plummer's Ben- ni«. RW two: Hedrlck'B Wlldcau «. Prtrrmn Vandals, Rym three, “ d Willlwn'* Iluskle. v.n. Call's

rjm four, fuurtii frrade Riuncs U> be played

P"; '"?'“<*« 0««'# Cuba *». HWn., iituklM, Rym one: Oll- ^ * Otani vs. Newel-s Bea Hawks,

Holladi»y* Uons v«. Bnb- ' T*!!'” , trym three, find 8or.; IIu.!tler* vs. Bftllnntyne’a Muj.


latorsAND USED

fieruice b Kepaira

Phone RE 3 -6080All Type»l.KlBdi

CLYDE'Sr a d ia t o r s h o p

ni-Way JO—On Tmtk Lan* * «l*K.ri Are Onr B n,lne»-

Ilardt. (hlei(0, one of the nation's top meat cu^en. dliplaya his ]>ronc«.i before ■ ; Amttlcjn I.etion hall Mnndai. He appealed durlnj a l.imb prnmollon profi

Valley area proilucfR. >Uthotl« of carvhic and eooklnrf were »ho«n the audience which later two lambu used In the dtmonslrallonn. <Staff phalo-enjravlncl

RepiiMicans in Texas Lose

Fight to Get Votes RecountnoUSTON, Tex, Dcc- 13 if—

Texn Heptiblkan'i have loM thclr _federn!_ court Ilslif to force f.tntc offlclal 'to'orclci n'rtcotint of more han 1.25 million paper ballots cnst

In the Nov, 8 presidential elocUon, Le.-j than tuo hours after U. S.

JiidKC Den c. Coniinlly dl. mls. od the liepiibllcan petition, the fl.'ilc board of canvB''c met In Au.' tlii

lally ccillfl'cd the election Democratic pirty clcctor.sl

pledged to Sen. John p. Kennedy, nepubllc.m attorneys were dls-

cuMlns ft po.ylble appeal of the Connally rulliij when reporters! ndvlied them of the Austin action. In. which a fonnal reque.st for a recount also uns denied,

Hcpubllcan olllclilj promptly branded the Austin nctlon as ahocklnu.

■The oTilcIsm and ruthlesinessl

d hidden meanliiR■boaril.'-huld-Albert Fay commlttccmiin. and Tlia •■;on, tile Ilcpubllc.in sl

nation nil Ilutcho-

;e chair-

H.irdy Hiiller?. an Au.nlln attor­ney who nrcucil the c:ise bclurc| Coiiniilly l"r the GOP, tald the Au.sttii action "virtually cul.i olf any further action under ctntc law.'’

Hollers Indicated the only thhiR Republicans now can do l.i to press for a blpsrltwn revision of] the Rtnte election codi.

Judfic Connnlly in his rullnR said federal courts do not have Jurisdiction In vote, contests nnd that the GOP did not prove thut anyone's riKhts were violated when thoiisnud-'i of Texas b.illnts were thrown out In the election.

le proRrnm Bacrnnicnt

eveninc,MIm Helner Rave nn orlalnaV

miislcnl rcndlnfT, accompanied by Ml.'i JoiuT,; Ml.'-'i Jenks Kave a Chrl.stma.>i story; Mto Diirfec and Mlfn Watt.s spoke nnd Mls.s Jones plnycd ft piano boIo.

LaMar Love was released Sunday school teacher and Lucille Jones was .sustained to take her place and also was appointed edi­tor of the Sunday school bulletin.

Diana Corless was relcflscd as organlit nnd Kaylcne McCoinbJ os assistant nt Uic second ward serv- Ices and Kny Darley and Anita Wilcox vi-cr6 sustained to take their places.

______L j)5



Large selection o f love ly blouses jus^ orrived ,ln time fo r

g ifts for Christmas, Choose from embroidered fronts, tuck­

ed fronts and both sh o rt an d long sleeve styles. Many col­

or* availoblft—Come e a r ly fo r best selectiorv Sixei 32>40




Women't FIrit Q ua ll^


Oum sbDlre Is fill o f . . .

Come In and Check Our Christnms Suggesjions-FOR THE BOSS-Student Lo m p i...... 3 . 4 5 up

Pen & Pencil S e tt.. 4 . 9 5 up

Fancy LetterOpenen

with case............. 4 . 2 5 »P

Desk Ashtrays...... . 3 > 0 0 **P

W all Clocki ........... 9 . 3 5 up

Desk C locks........... 9 . 3 5 «P

Fill His Office Stocking at Running's


Sterling T yp e w rite r* .... 8 9 .5 0 up

GoloxU Typewriters ...... 1 1 9 .S 0


Adding M och ine t ^ T i l 9 , 9 S up

Savings Are High!Office Pietuiei .. .... 8 . 9 5 «P

Wall Mopi , .. 9 . 9 5 «P

.... 2 . 2 9 «P

Phone Note ..... .......... 2 . 2 5

Social Pod ....... .......... 1 . 2 5

Desk Master...... ...........2 . 4 0

Oeik S e tt......... ........ - 6 . 9 5

Desks - Chairs - Filing CabinetsCome In ond see how ea sy i t Is to buy office fur* ’ niture by the group.

Student Deik & C ho ir .................................. S 7 .S 0 ; |

Office Suppliesat their


Hundreds of;

Items to

Choose From

R U N N IN G 'S ^a

T38 2n4 Ave. South, Twin Foils PhomlrU

Page 8: voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will Push fornewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF205/PDF/1960_12_13.pdf · voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will

TIMES-NEWS, TW IN FALLS, IDAHO ■ Tuesday, De c em b er u , ,,

I* Damaged Parcels Arrive at Twin Falls Postoffiee Followng Accident Near Rupert

W- W- FnnK. Tula K«lti poilmailer. look* at Iwa cntcs ot dMm which wtrn dnma^td Suntl>}. aomlnr when a D, »- mall inicn Irom I’oratcllK ovfflurncil on the Mnwnarcl LriilRf about six nillrj »oulhta«l ot Hupert. Cm*1» countr nepuly SlifnW .Vcd 'Varner eitlinateil dama»M lo the truck at iC,- 100 and about Sl.OOO ta the bridie and gtiaril ni)l. Thr truck, dritcn by Donald Kuhn, 37, <;<ioilln;r, «a i towed lo the Rnpert pn-itoHlce where II rrm.ilM for lnve»llt>llon by 1. C. Grldlej-, rorilellu. potUl Iniperlor. Fianli uid tlie crates were sent from ocencai, (Starr photo-cacraTloc)

Biihl Choirs Engineers Install Trustee Named

Set ProgramBOltL, Dn . 13—Tlie combined

:holrs of the First MclUodl.st niid the rifst Presbyterian cliiirehcs will present an evening or Christ­mas music at 8 pjn, Surnlay at the First Presbyterian cliurcti.

ThB RcT, Wivrrtn McConnell, putor of Uic (1rit M«lhodlst chtirch, »lll give the Invocation. 7?i«-a3-(rtf/nSer choir Kill pr

it Tell ThyjCtirels lUnR" and "Glory to

Ood." Choir directors sro Mrs. Dennis Patrick /or the Methodist eholr and Mrs. Don RobfrU lor th# Presbyltrlan choir.

Mri. Stanley Kern will.......orgMilst and, Mrs. Everett Martin

ilanlJt. The program will also ... Id# three organ-puno duets; a

mteed, quartet composed of Lyle aod Rose rvans. Mrs. Jeff Hill »nd lUchard HIU; duet cumben by Lyle Srans u d Mrs. Wtlll&m Watt and a Chrijtmia reading by Mrs. W. C. eealten.

Ushers vlll be t)ale Christensen, Sdwtrd Anderson. AUred Itctsoo ted Lwatni

The chime* Irom the church tower *m include a series pf CbrlstmM carols, ‘i^e public Is

snd « ntirssry wiil be pro­vided,


Leaders at MeetSHOSHONK. Dfc. 13-Ncw ol-

fIcer.H Were lii.stnlW nt the mmiin dlnntr mcctlni: ol tlic foutii cen Iral chaptor or Iilriho Society of !’roff.‘'r.loiinl Entrlnotr.V S.iturcli\y nih'ht at the Mnntiattan c.i[c.

Joe Huckttbei', Burley, wa.i In- 4tailed aa prt'Sldefll,’ WUJJmi Par- dew, ShoiJlonc, vlcc prtildcnt; Qcno Eurl>ldBC, Jcroine, aecretary. troiiiurer; Cnrrol WUconib, Jerome, eMle ncxnlwitliig commltKs men- ber, WW CJiirlea W. Qlnsby, Bfio- shonL-, Btnte—dlrtcliJ£__Ir^ Uiech<iT>ter. ~

AuxUtnry members were sue.ifj Next, rri^ lntf of the chaptcr will ’-3 Jan. 13 fit Tv,ln Failo. Tlila WU ; a workshop.

. Approxlmnlciy 12 per cent i the world's molybdenum Is a ' at Climax, Colo.


UUniiY, Dec. n-Klrby im«l tru.-.t« li e C.ir la count,

board durliii: lit. niciHlnj: Monday night to nil Uie unc»plrc<i term

■ 3K-niion Kliig. former chalrmnii, ...10 rcccntly rcilgni'd bi-civii'c he had iiiJvnl frpni the zi

Joe 0111elt«. Declo. cJiartman ot »ie Iwifii office vacated by KlnR. GlUetic had been vice chftlrman. Board member E. R. Blnucr wn.i nampd as vice chnlrman to replacc G!(- lelte.

‘ In trO nM S WEDDINGFILB31, Dcc. 13—The' IlTvr-J.-K:

Myerfl rccenUy returned from visiting relatives at orani^, Calif. WftllB there, ho officiated at the wedding of his Brnndsoii, Cliarlc.i EdwMd Pentccoat, son of Mr. *nd Mrs. John Pcntecoat,

Nfd Warner. Casala eounty depnty ibertlt. U «a lop of the V. S. mall Irutk which OTertumed Rundiy mornlni; fix mllrs aoulheail of [tnpcrt en h1|h«iy 3D. He heipi reoio<re parti of a >4rre hlfht way iltn embedded in the centv of Ibe Inieklosd «f mall. Dorcliardt. wretker operator, andRupert Follre Officer John Myer», rl|ht, hljhw.iy a lter.............. .......... ..........- *

lo the lr«ck and »

............. ......... . _.t on the round. Two hours were required lo clear theer. Donald KohD, 31, Ooodint, spparrntly lost control of the 1060 Intematlnnal r»B near tho CaiaU county ilde of the brldirt. Damage w»)i MtlmaUd at $C,IOO

le fu»rd rail ind bridje. (SUff pKbto-enpa^»|

Meeting Cliange Noted for Group

BURLiry. Dcc. 13—Tlie TOPS Lft ln' Susana (troup hns cluinKcd IM mcclliiK ni»:lit niid place •'

ui Uie mcvtlitg roomllie clly hill, H wn.i announced ilurlnK a iiiccUnt? last week at tlic Durlcy iHibllc llbran-.

'Ilic sroup lo.-,t n total of 26',i pounds ana Ralnfd three, Mr.s. Duane JerKcn '•'•’M the top loser, avliiK lost alx pounds. Mrs. Nclda lonlRomers- lost live pounds,A Iravcllns pcUe was awordetl 1C bc.M lo;er, and the bluest loser

..t Uie end of three monllis will be amrdcd the gift.

The droup will meet at 7:J0 p.m. Thursday ftt the city hall and alter »-HjrtilnK In will have b Clirlstmaj party-at-lli?_610 club. Each per- ton U as'tcd fo~tinnK-iv--60.ccnt comic gilt.

him. Shlricy Cox of Shlrley'i Beauty salon, Bftvc a demonstm- tlon on hnir styling. Mra. I’loyd Wolf was her model.

Wedding SetNEW YORK, Dec. 13 «V-Cotne.

dian Jimmy Duruite nnd hU ftlrl friend for 18 years, MarKWot Lit-

not out a niaitHiBe llcciise yeslcrdny. Tliey «:e to Uh niarrlcd tomorrow.

Durante, 67, In obvious sood spirits. Joked wlUi nen^men at the (icwue bureau. Ili Kild t)>cy «crp being married liere lo avoid liTRc crowd in Calllorala.

Charge Made

Against U. S.

Called FalseACCRA. Qhana. D»c. 11 W -

Sen. Fr»nk Church, O., Ids., Jeadf r, of a fact-flndlDi mission to IS: African sUtea. told ■ news eon-j terenct today that thert is no bisis to the charge that the United BtaUs is pursuing a policy all Its »n In the Congo.The United sw fti l.i ••jupporfin;

United Nations decisions," he siiii,;The mlMlOn on which Prealdent-1

Elect John p, Kennedy's younfcr brother Edward Is observer, yester­day called, on ahana Forelsn Min LMer Ako Adjel with whom the) dlicuv.ed Ghana's accusations itm the United State.'; ua.? aldtnR Bud alicitlnR BelRium to regain control of the ConKD.

Asked nbtiul racial dlscrlnm tlon In the United Slates, £i Oalc McGee, O . W)o., /.aid »’ji cation and liiequnlllv were dvi out tn^l iJi Die Uiitlfil Slares, T fourth member of the ml.'slon

Frank E- Mos.', D, Uuh.

West German and Red Pact DelayedBONN. Germany r,.....

West GrriiKiiiv a n ’ -Union lar.t iilKlit iif ..... ' "

» new Trndt d;i i i,,.,.:. • -k -••.icrcenienL on We" '■

nomlc statur..The Bonn Rmcn---

a.'surances tlirou:;!' . . ...'•Berlin clauir IIj.k " ' coiitlniie lu rc^.ird '!• . ■ ecuiioniy nx pan <it Oernmny. '

U’« t Gerrimn'. ,.. .........ne metho<l ol tcti:-'. . v ' 1 relieve inc: mu ,■ ’


Goes to ArizonaF !L£n. Dec. 13—Mr.', E<l

accompanied hy her uncle, chel Brackett, Three Creeks, lelt lot Phoenlr, Arw.. where ttiey «lll spend ft wrek.

Bonnid Berkey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chc-''ter Dorkcy, arrived home'

m Ft. Brn';K. N. C., to .•TMfid lui. lough wltji his pureiiLS. He ts a


\ -furnoco & Sto»o

OILSPrompt, rfUcieiu rtclurry




All A n CovKed by

M t m Vtoiim ifs ■

HvHtf Ptm

J«rt rtWl 0».

(M. Oa.»rfs, », fiU_«.«T «( {«,. Y.t.\f, Uwr

tiiImM It cMt . Yh cm prtdk*^ •ril* vwr «w» Fu.4 ^ ywrMlf abM* tU. latil.n. pU*- m Jm *»• by hM««

Gerald L. Lowe]9I N. Simrin, KE 3-55M

KMEMimoiiNn■ o tA m w lo


lyllding for tHe fvtvre Is thiJ

man'* business. Following weJI-conceived

ptans, he era«ts durab{e sfrucfures

to accommodate the needs of tomorrow as

. ' ' well^as those of today. Helping

build a sound financial future for

individuals and families is businessi

Through weJI-conceived Jife insurance

programs, we help provide funds for

refiremeni, for future educafon of

children, for savings, and to cover

unforeseen emergendes, These pfans are

bad(ed by the financial strength and

tested performance of this 77-year-old

life Insuronce organizotion.

For Afoc/ern £i7e /nsurane* If's Mod»rn Woodmsn

GERALD L LOWE1 9 1 N . S u n r is e R E 3 - 5 5 0 4

M O D E R N W O O D M E N o f A n i a r i c a • H o r n * O H I e a • R o c k l a t a l i d , I * * " * * ;

Page 9: voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will Push fornewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF205/PDF/1960_12_13.pdf · voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will


^JaTWorksF o r K e n n e d y ,

A c c e p t s P o s t

wmocrtitlc p.c5ldaiIlM ,n j bcBtcn out for n

; (or llie nomlii;«tlc)a l.iv,

'“ Jr M JOf’" !'■•■^^in iodny limned liliiun it—'

ii'vv ndniliilslrui IM IfO Dcniocr.iUc li;v-

.SccnvrnllQ'' wHlch m.w Km-

,h. ritsl bAllnl r,ub:,cini<'nt-c" I.J, .;3V. B prc.-ailciUlnl '


Infant Presented to Mother in Stocking !T. F. Citizens

Thanked for

Mailinsi Earlv

Officers Named for County Marketing Grouj

,1,- sccand tprm 'Of Prtsl- i.n;"c.ro\er Cleveland.F'dtnson «lio now makes his

I " 'CHIcsso. Rttcnclcd public,

,-rra'l Dloomlnftton. III. He wns from Princeton uni-

ttr-102J. where he -uns edl- ifjcl the.'Chool newspaper, Afler UdJillcn he worked on the Dally Pir.UCTiph, R Bloomlnitlon news-

and also «tu<llcd l.iw at iwmd »nd N»nhwr.-;tLri. Unl-

viniiy li* “ I'f” '- „li„d 10 Uic UlUiuls b.ir in 1D2C.,

Covtrnmetit JotJ» TaUen [ Fro™ 1933 10 103<. 6tcvcii.«on'

furd In Wnshliigton with tlici tTlrjIlurol ftdjuslment ftdmlnls-' irii':n lie relumed to private

,U« pricllce in ChlcnRO }n 1035 ltjt»uc.'>llci! back to WftshlfiRKm

"taJuly. 130—tliU time ns r.pcclnl iW.uil “nJ personal coun.sel to t‘-tn N«vy fiecrcttiry Frank Knoi. lit worked »t the Job until nfter Kt5i J dcolh on April 28, 1044. - In 1913, iiiKier (in nppalntment

by PrtJliltnt noosevclt. he hendrd > nilislon to Itnly to plan cco- r.cm;c 4'apport and revival of Hint ccjr.trr tollowlnK the war.

A icrit.' of government Joija fol- jjjrf. Ke;In bel»cen government op-

pjlstirienU, Stevenson rnrj for and »™ the Rovemorxhlp or IIII110I3. In 1953 hr was clcctcd to IlllnolV r,li!;nt ot/lcc by the largest plur- (litf tn the hlatory of the ‘ ‘W Mrrcd only one t«rm lU drilled by the Democratic ccr.itntlon to nm for president

Elsenhower. »119 Lows Two Racet

Knenson lost the election, but bIW his party w ain nominated to, on the first ballot, to chal- te|t ricsldcnt El.^onhower ognln lor III! prtsldtncy.

Sievcmon, ths father of three tons, now prsctlceA law In Chlcagi

Death (Claims

Mrs. Stej)hensni'iiL, Dcc n

.‘i:ci)henv Hiihl. tl;.. ^ Cr:>rt:r ;•

- Mrs. Etta t a; the home

rtn- evening alter i\a extended 111-

K'.l.T IVipjilruell u.i» born nt

MU miirrlcd to t;iy. Ir Slephens at1 HarlriVllle, Mo.. Mni jSlrplicns died In Ai

29. 1800. Mr. i(tun, 1938, ,

1 Bhc ciunc to Dulil (:ani Portland and r

June. 1D5S,

^iin jicr r.on ucre s Mr.v. Slei>JitiLs «n. a member of

... ___ Twin Falln, holilt her ion, Jerry Lee.mornlnt wnpptd In a ClirUtcias »loeklnj. The child «»i born ounu , nur«e In ch«t|e of the newborn nunery. IIrln«lnr the b»bles (o lliclr mnther* In a slocklnj h x project of the .M«*lo Valley Memorial honpltil *ulld. Mtt Claude Uelweller, pre«Menl. This project bcjan TutJiliy and will continue until Chrl.lm;i<. (Staff pliolo-entravlnp:)

Baljics Tucked in .Stoclungs

For Fu-st Visit to MothersXfothera at the Magic Valley

Memorial hwpluil will ace their bom bablc! (or the llr.st tlaie

•wrapped In colorful ChrUtmas Jtcclcmga notr tlirough Christmas d.iy.

maintains unother office tn New York City and WashlnRton, D. C.

Amonit other thlnit.t. Stevenson Li Ihe nulhor of five books and number of miiaUne artlcle.i.

Memoil.ll hospltil guild Clmiiio UcLwellcr, president. The stocklnpi arc bclnn made by the I’lnkle Puppets conimittcs of the (nilld. Tills Is the first time a program of this type hns been tried In the local hoipltaL

Tlift ftocklngj feature a turn-back cuff and bells. Tlie terlnl la riecoralcd with Bantu Clau. faces. '»

Mrs. Dctadlcr says she obtained Uie stocking Idea from a Hammer, wlio orltrlnalccl the an employe of the Presbyterian hospital In Denver. Mrs. Hammer

told Mr.''. Detweller the Idea and ffrred her the pallern, lar the

ntockhiKs. Mrs. Detweller added that .'.luce thu local Kulld tooX the BtockliiR Idea to the aUntc meeting of ho.^pltnl guilds 11 mlRht pc be used In other hospltab 1 state,

F a r m A u c t i o n S a l e !To Be Held 2'/2 Milcfl North and lA-Mile E as t of Goodinsr, Idaho, on —


3 TRACTORStW ford Tractor wltli good rubber and In A-Icondition

John Deere B with new rubbtr and In (ood condition - ,

Ford - Ferguson Tractor In |ock1 condition — overhauled

FARM MACHINERYftrtawn 'i-Turn Plow. iB-lnch, good condition 6-Foot Dearborn llft-typc Harrow I'trguion spring ihanlc Cultivator Dearborn bxsket-type Side Rak*Denrboni 6-Ioot- Mower •‘■'cx Holland 77 atrlng-tle Baler C.i'c tractor Manure Spreader on nibbtr <-Secllon Woodctx Harrow, foldln? t>raw bir John Deere Cultivator and Bean Cutter Jolut Deere Toot Bar Carrier Tool n.ir with 3-polnt hitch. 3 coll-ahanks and

s|md shovels MA-.m Corn Planter with 3-polnt hitch IHC Uoan Planter .with 3-poinl hitch • WAONCn STANDARD LOADER. Itke new.

for l-’ord tractor 'Miwey-HarrU Trail Mower - PBrd Utility Blidt le-Inch Hajjg-On Plow for John Deere A or B tractor


J Hnowco lightweight Hay Loaders with Brljgj-. Stratton and Clinton motors ....................

• W59 IJ.foot CASE BWATHER In extra lood condition

HSJ model M wire-Ue Intenutlonal Baler wllh

Thick lUy Loader

. T R U C K S g U T R A IL E R Sl u P.im V.1 „ t t „.ro„, U»a.m

H50 i.Ton Truck wltli siock rack anddual wheels

V H A Y and STRAW»^ALES STRAW, strtng tied _ Bom« Bay


BLACKV—Holstein Cow, Jujt frtsh DOLI^Holst^ln Cow, milking BONNEY—Holstein Cow. springer COCOA—Holstein Cow, milking HOLLEY—Holstein Cow. milking WHTTEV—HoUttin Cow, springer HORN—Holstein Cow, springer LADY—Holstein Cow, milking LOCy—Holstein Cow, mllkitig MOLLEY—Holstein Cow. due In March SADIE—Holstein Cow, milking TINY—Holstein Cow, due In April BELL—Holstein Cow, bred, heifer . TOOTS—Holstein Cow, milking SUSIE—Holstein Cow. milking JERSEY—Jersey Cow. milking SWEETTIE—HoVstcln Cow. fresll All cows are bred artiriclally and liaie been TD and Baosa Tested. tJreedlng dates and produo- Uao records clven day si a&le

M I L K I N G E Q U IP M E N TZero 8-Can'Milk Cooler—15 can.i Itilcrnatlonal 2-Unit Milker wllh T stall c o ^

HORSE• 8,Ycar-Old SADDLE MARE, OenUe for kids

of all ages

' M IS C E L L A N E O U SSOO PotAto EncU. Rood ones M-ft. Hay Blip w>Ui metal front end Calf Buckets« Sheets Vx8' Plywood. thick 1 000 Board Feet of Finished Red Cedar• MOTOR BOAT with Johnson li-horse Motor

»iul trailer. ReaUy a good uultTrtiek Trailer Hitch - lOO-Oallon Fuel Tank Bet Dual Wheel Truck Chains for 135 rubber

loo numerous to mention

Less PayNHW YORK. Dec. 13 tfl-

nll.^k apparently will take a 1 salary when he takes over a ret.iry of «tnte In the Kennedy id-

the Flr.n ClirL'.llaii clii|rch. Moiln- l.iln Orove. Mo '

Survlvor.s include t«o dauRhterK. Mrs. Fred Amos. Portland, and

Everett Nock. Anclioraae, i: four . oin, George M. Ste-

plicns. Billil; I/’on Stcphen.s, Bt. Msrlefl; Dyron Stephens. Portla.nd, and Rosel 8tephen.i. Martlner, Calif.; seven grandchildren and 12 irrest-Krardchlldren; two aWer.s, •• • Clarke. Winfield, Kan.s.

. Dom Spurgeon. Mountain Qrt)ve,' Mo.

TIio body will he aent by the Albertson tunernl home to Moun­tain Grove, Mo., where services

list rltoa will be held. Friends , call at the Albcrt,<«n funeral

home until 3 p. m. Friday.

F. V. MorrltoD, aeated, Murtaath. reelected chairman of the Twin Falls Ccunly Llmtwk Marki asiaclatlon, Inc.. dlscua^es plana for Ihe eomlni year with Ralph Balsch. left. Haiellon. newly eJecI vice ehalrtnin, and M. K. Custer, rlihl, Twin Falls, newly elected treasurer. The four dlrtcton of t assoclatlnn, Marvin I.ohr, Harry Hfllmqulit, W. E. MeCoy and L. E. Venable, all were reelected I three-year lermt. Cuatir was named a director (or a twn-year term. The eleedon wai (ifid Mond mornlcig dorlag the aaaoclatlon’a annual membrrsblp meeting at Iho county aieot’a office In tha c hoipltal building. (Staff pboto-enirravlni)

Vote SlatedBURLEY. Dec, 13-A vote will

be token by employes of the Idaho Potato Proce.'ssoro plant here Wed- ne.'xlny oa to whether Uiey Ti'ant tc e represented by o union.They will have the choice of th(

Qraln Millers union. Teamsleri or no union afflltallon at all, Bal-

o„ „I,„ b .i I ,

Uio country.' one ot Rusks fel-ii-. plant eflfeterla'.. low officers at the Rockclflleri —foundation said last night. IrEAD T1MES-NEW3 WANT ADS

Final Rcspeets Paid to Senator

CHEYENNE.Wyo.. Dcc. 33 OT— Wyoming paid Its la.st re.spects to- ’>y to Sen.-Elect Keith Tliomson. Funeral services for Thomson ere held at 2 p.m. nt the Chey. me Presbyterian church. Burial

will be at Arlington National 1 etcry, Washington.

Tliomson. Wyomlns's lone . gres.sman tlie past six years, died Friday. Ho was 41.

K ! K ! K S - ^ 'S a : ! « ! S E i ! K S S ! S I - S ® f i i S

R ug a n d F u r n ii- u r c

C le a n i n g


Laundry & Dry Oconer*

150 Extra Good Railroad Tits

FOR POTATO MEN1053 OMC 3'.j-Ton Truck with new Lockwood

la-foot bulk bed.Good 3-row OUver Digger on rubber Johzuon 1-rov Spud lUrveater

■ 3 8 ^ --------



ona John Edlnborouffh‘ none WE 4-5171 or W E 4*5296

Caahler: GwCarrico Clerk: Bill OaWey

G t t e S S Wt)0 t o t t T o n e t o p a v ?

S w ^


He told me a ll about the Brownies anj his Reindeer. I IcBow that i t cam« froia Sana (or M c ^ r » Id that it wai posMnatked "Sinta Oaus."

W otildn't TOOT little gtd ot bo^ lore to ret a letter irotQ Soau Claot? To get one Uofflffijr Mid a ll you have to <k> £1 go into the*

T W IN F A L LS B A l^K fi TRUST CO.- .

Tbe people a n M nlok there.

D o Come la aod lelect a g tf letter for the children.. _We w ill have ic po«c-nmked from Santa Claus, Ind., if you n a i l ic in oar tpedil nuullwx. I’be yoiiagster5~wl0 -be delighted aod thrilled ^ .................................chaatlng menage.

d T»hca they receive this ea*

Twin Falls Bonk & Trust Co.TW IN FALLS

MEMBER F.D.I.C,Kimberly

the sweater

you’ve asked for

is here

"Round T a b le " ca rd ig a n comes through with a l l the styling feo tu res you 've been calling for — co l- larloss, rounded h e ck , fu ll fron t zipper, sligh tly shorter, trim m er c u t ond sm ort contrasting tr im . Real m iddleweiaht c o m fo rt , too. New textured cho in M oil knit (named a f te r medieval link choin amnor) is blended o f w oo l, a c r ilo n acrylic ond nylon. D ur­able, practical, h a n d washoblc. Solids or two-tones. <


''Galahod" tu rt le n e c k c o lla r in chain moil 'k n it . 4 colors ..................................... OnJy l " f

J A N T Z E N PULLO vfesA ll the new sty les in newest f f \ 9 S '

bulky knits ................... - ........ --- l U . to Jk J k

B U TTO N CARDIGANSRich new bulky sweaters In ■■ 9 S

finest Jantzen kn its ........... l 4d MaJm

''All Gifts Beautifully, Gift Wrapped Free"

I f i t ’s f r o m R O P E S ’S . . . I T S R IG H T l .

t o m s• Twta Path • BuM ' • iH thy. »

Page 10: voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will Push fornewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF205/PDF/1960_12_13.pdf · voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will

r::;j« _____________ __________

1.^ j g d e n M i s s a n d

K u m p M a r r y i n '

T e r h p l e R i t u a l s

TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FAILS, IDAHO t u esd at . decembeh is.'i

» RUPEIIT. Dcc. 13 — . . * tnnRfellfw. ilnuRhlfr of M

jil'lioinl StrlrKffUo-*-, Ocdfi-Irte of Muc Desn

;ump, m i t>r Mr. luid Mr.i. Dp.m lump. In rites Dcc. 2 ftl thp Lognn D3 lomplc.j’crff’rt’JjiK ' the 'frrnnoiiy wm reslrinit ft. Oeorite llnj-nionrt, A

Ij. cddli'R blcftktMl MTLi Mned In

AcfomT>Rflvlni[^plo Mr.?. BU'lnKtfllnw

Krfd nijcy. Mr, Aiiil Mr.? »l Mr, tuid Mrs. Mel

KorI !!*■»

n tfint

> I.DS r.-.ikpho A irnditioiinl f ) n/irf sltouldci rrlrd ti\n plnfc

.irrmmded with white r i•nd pink ro«bud.-i.Mnlrrtl) nt honor'

J .Ifwcrly, M. «T nl the.'imnlds werp Churlpcn Clulltl, dene Wftllln And Carolyn r niry T.ore lurti'iol-'e '^vet

. -s niitl tJU-rlfd ihUr miillK vlth red rofM iind Mhlte carn"-

cnell Kump nitendfd hl^ hroth- .1 l>ev. miui. U'^crj w're ffpith ker, Dan Oruw and Roljfrt np.

.ho brlde'n motlipi I lUJiy r«c drrM

e\M>rlfs and I nothpr B-ore R irra

own. Pink 1; ifJr cofWiffM.. .......e locnl reccpL'on R tinI IcTMl pink Mke wlili r mliilai

ffldnl pair (ind bouQuclA ot r } noprfriWJr.» luid KiiUI hfmum» w<? .rlde'Ji tuble.

AsiliUng were niiory Cm . on. Rfm. ai€n Allen. M«. Wi)«i 5 .Idricle. Mrt. Ednft OLv>n, Mr

a rUe I<e, frB. JuonlOi fcwcti.’ JaJ-lrtW Parkpr, Olorliv Ra icll,

. Dene Diirpe.v, ,M

f,.. . Stindy Jpaipn, pUy, Dlivnno OUoii,

.Iirlde, Donnn Ntny. 0 r; Jaci Jenicn orid L ^ytliorne.

Thnnk-j-ou urroli!I lUrf by :k orBiindy Irock.

: Side BmcgRcr cave [ pmycr. HendiiiRS

V liinueUJJiij Andcrwin. A hi RayKt by John Jtawi Iciui Jenacn and n piAiio tuid Jlute luet. by Mr, iind Mrs. Jloberl klar&h(UI. A lolo vns sung by La- Jar Olsor;.

U-lp to Oalirornld Uifl new to . Kump chonsed Into a beige mlt. Tliey tire at l\ome In Rupert. Out-oMott-n guest* Included

ilrs, Slrlnglcllow, Mrs, and Mrs, luaoell McMtriy uid fflmlly, Mr, uid Mrs. Fred I'u. cy, Mr, and M«. /al Bllton and fumily and and \Irs. Albert Kump,

t P in o c h l e P la y e d

B y F i l e r G r o u p 'FILEH. DCC. 13 - Mr, and Mr,<.

luRO Meyer v,«re hosta to liie lelRliborhood pinochle group re- jently Uielr home Jor a potluc) inner. Mr. and Oeorgo Den- «i. Jr., »jils(ed (n eerrtJttt.Mr. and Mrs. Clmrlca OJvunbera ere guf. ts.Itlgh scoro prlzea were reedved

>7 Oeorga Carter and Mrt. Jlobert WhlU ulth Rlciiard Tucker and ktr*. Wayne Joalln recrtvlng low. rrayellnj prtte wtnt to Robert Whit*.

e dWrlb- ipftrlng n

II duet V

M a r i o n M a r t i n

P a t t e r n



Report wns nu ve cnnimitlce ii : the hnme of Mr ay to plnn tlip , tlcndlnit the nifetlnR ucre Mrs tone. Mrs. Jo^fph LeCInlr, Mr, cVcy, Mr.i. Ilazel-i sad Mr.i iiimwny, Mrs, J-'raiik Horf]? wa;

nppolntcd to have lha ymrbook! pruned.

wrui dcciifJ t<j con!lnue with, myolcry Klft prolecl »l

February meetlnit. Reported (lick list wtro Mrs. Ora I

RoId-5, Mrs. Ann* Wlie ind 1 •Edith Klnic.

poem. "I Know Somtlhlng| Oood Alxjut You." was rcclicd by Mrs. Jforej*, Ho.iie.uM wtrt Mn., Laura Busw.ell. Mra, Grace Eimpl and Mrs. Btcarni.

RCirEDtrt,E VISlV HAILEY. Dec. 13-^^r/Bnd Mi

Wirt Falrman, Mr*, r.ilary D....lan, LoRcne Larsen fti

Martin Je«-cil plun to ailenij the InapecUoti night for the Ladles Auxiliary Pstilarchs MllliAnt, Wood Blver Valley lodge No. 33, to be held WedJ5«dfly *{ OoMna,

Offlccra will lext meeting D<.-c, Lurvcli nnd cards v

after the ii leLIng VC, B. HftUuvvay and

Mrs. Jlu-vtcll Montivsuc “ hci-sttj- ea. Prlrca were awarded Mrs. K. .M. Woollen. Mrs. John Grcriu.trprl, Mrs. Ltvrry Gcrtrch and Mr.v R.

h», Pntterson.♦ ¥ ¥

C h o o s e s O f f i c e r sOAKLEn'. Dec. iJ—Clierj'l B.uk-

er wa.n ciccted presldpnt of the MU Maid clR-w at n mectinK Inst ;\cck at the LDS church.

T^uJiflrA Anderson t)ll .spne ns Tice president; Chprjl rvhlman, secjctarj'. and JU»emftry 'rolmnn, historian, Mr*. Clllord Burch Is Instructor.

Care of Your ChildrenBy ANGELO PATRl


UALF-81ZC 8EPAEATES • - Ball sU«sl lAok slim and smart iBTsrywhcra you go In this easy ‘.«e«-P(llKt<u Jumper and ditsi\Ui iblouM, Choose gloiThg colors t bwlo iseed.

Pruned pHtem 9001; Half *Ues 1«>A. lOH. 18H. 20',i. 22>j, 241.,. Bla I«5i Jumoef;,2>i y»r<£s 6<- inch; blouse a-i yarH* SS-mch.. Bend 50 ctcta (com.'!i for tht* !pfcU«nv-*d»l VO cenUi for eturl> —..—...........- — Martin, •iVnes.Hev«, Pouem Deportiaent, a a W «t 16th Blrtei, New yort 11 H. V. Print plainly name, addnai — h »1M and Byle number,, Jevt Send now tor out isco lali ^ Winter patUm c»tAiog_every I—— jn exdUnj color! over lOo

■ iiw *J1 *lr«. mi occasions Kboot. . . » e«nta.

One of the cJiaryea Ui« critics of American adolcMents make ■Against them is their immaturity compared witii those thcir age acroa the v.tUer. I ain in no posi­tion to compare our youns people wit* those of foreign eountilca. I have not llvtri with the foreigners but I have lived with our o»n boys arul glrb and 1 liko Uion very' much indeed.

our young peopl« hare a «,-ay of EpeokInK u-hat Is tn their tnlnds letting Um chlpa (nil and of course,'

times. outJWlng their elders. The eldOTi ought to spend their ttigo on eome other far more de­serving subjects but that Is neltlier here nor itiere. We ore talking' ibout U» ImrnaUirlty of our young people,

0 not deny that many high ochool students are not as re­sponsible as they could be. but when M any ttuit, what rwpoiisl- blllty should they shoukto? Who lets than coiry any? \Vho olfcrs them anj-? “You go to whool and study j-our IcRoons and HI attend O this," O'er he»iT anything like that in your family? Or. "Keep Bttll. You don’t khow ichit you're Uvltlng Wjout,"

I.laybc lie doun't but if he Is not' permJtted to tell what lie thinks

critlclM the decisions ot his parents, hov,- Is he to look more "swlbtxr at matters? Voulh la

llstlc. It Li the time of life' ■n a l>oy or girl believes that he chaflge men's v,Tiys for the bet-

, nmko thli «-orW Hie t Ir«ho!<l i of heaven liMlf. Let them, for' thrir dreams are wliot going to

iiptovo things In good time.To M p Chan feel rpspotvilbta'

for thetr time, Uieir dutlw, their declilorw they must be allrwcd to talk openly (o tttichcrs and par- rnti. cJvounwed !o do so. that, they nmy hcnr botlt slripj of the atory. They must be «!l<r»t<l to fcljore In all Uiat goes on Irotn the putthase of a turkey to the paper- .ln« of the living room, from the d.-cL'lon on uliere lo /^nd \iica-

dnii to ftliat li 10 be done with the do« at that time. And be

allowed, even pre.v«l Into action I concomlng such decisions. In i ' t h ^ children cannot alioulder any I kind ot re-iponslbility unlcis tlicy' learn wluit it raeana by e>;pcrl-

SchooLi, home-i, labor unloM. churches, are equally responsible here. Tha j-oung poc^e may choTRO ««ich and aJ( of them refusing to give any sort of resj; iBlblllty to "Juniors-" Tlio Junlorsl v‘ould like to grow up by assuming I mspotvdbUlUea for things iriUiIn their ability.

FloydIn.s? 7. b. arUflclnj mntcrmi, ,Mr. . .-irk Hill, first; Mr.i. Paul Sland- y, -iccond; Mr-i. Richard Carter, ilrd. Cl;iM 13. Kovlcc, a. Mrs. An-

Idirr.'WM, tint: b. Mr.?. Eitoile Klflr- tiM, Jerome, first; c. Mrs. R. C. \v,-.v3n, socond.Exhibits of handmade candlo.i

/ Afr.i. Paul Standley and Mr.i. Clifford Anilclc »cre Included ftmouft the non-compctltlvo dis- pUj.'i.


S e r v i c e I s L e d

B y M r s . C o n d i tnACER-MAN-, Dcc. 13-Mtr. Sam liornton conducted the Fjdell.i lub mcctlns last week at the

■Reorganised LDS church when lha 'aor. filp ecrvlcc n'ftj given by M/j. Revcrla Condit on "UrtnK Uie Qftipcl,”

Mra. Morrl.i Stoke.i led the le?- j!on on Study with diligence." Roll call wa« answered by a Cliri.iUmi.i poem.

Tlie next meeting will be held at 2 p.m. Wc<lnc.sdfty In. tead of Dcc. 21 at tlie home of Mrs.Revtrla Condit. A money donation will be Riven in lieu of i gift exchange to buy supplies for the church

[kitchen. Mrs. Moms 6toke.l will be I In charge of the wotahlp scrvice.

W o m a n H o n o r e dDECLO. Dcc. 13 — Mrs, Albert'

OLwn entertained at ft dljla.it week honoring her alsler,___Qeorgo Matthews, on her blrthdsyi nnlvcniary.Other Rucsts were Mr.i. Mat- lews' sLitcrs. Mrs. Teresa Clark nd Afra, Hazel jibson; her l»’o stcrs-ln-law Mrs, Mrs. Emily An­

derson and Mrs. Lillian Matihews,I niece, Mr.i, Emma Pre.ilon,

and Mr.i. William were resl- o( Jerome from 1920 lo 1911,

Tliey acre married Nov. IG, 1910,at Northu-ood, Ii\,


C l a s s i n J e r o m e

H a s N e w S l a t eJEROME, Dec. 13—Walter Benl-

JUDk-pr U1L ciccted pro-sldcnt of the Bnptl-’.edi cla.M l.n.it week. Other

. Iticlude Uancly Shrop- I'lce prc.ildent; Jenn Harrli,

sccrel.iry • • " '

Cnmp 1-lrc mnrdlaiis ar to brins a sample of a holiday dccoratlon to nififce for (fie meet­ing nt 1:30 pm. Wcdne.'.day at the Camp Fire oKlce In the old ho-"-' punl bulklini:. |

fembc•r3 ol Hie Union Pacific I

>\UI be held rcvc iLv Mr. . W, y. Browi club favor.

Mllltr.M.-\lcolni Pleb-loclc

ere ha't-» to a potluct nnd fund iljlng dinner. Mr. . Jeanette Tay- r (ed the dcTOtfon.i.The Clirl.stmas tree festival will

be presented at 7:30 p.m. Wednes­day at Ihc church. Mrs. Faye Pct- l/[ slJI direct the pro^^ram.. >f. H- *

P r o g r a m S l a t e d

F o r F i l e r G r o u pFILER, Dcc. 13 — A ClirLlt-

mas proRram will be presented nt (he K’edncsdny mectlrjg of the Plltr Womnn’s club under dlrecUon | ot Wis. ITank Schwelsslng an Mrs. Mervyn 8hay.

Gtrald Unrdlng «!J1 b chairman of the tea committo. asjisied by Mr.i. A. jL^Davls.Jilra,! Clltford Thomns and Mrs. Cha) Sha/f.


Twin •'nlLi Women's Clirl.stlan I

1, Frid.iy a •he home of | I Bell Speckmaii, 1123 SevcntJi i

I'or Uaiuportatlon mi • phone R£d\kood 3-3338

iorREdv.-ood 3-3057.

d Bu.sUti squ.ire daw

riciipa,* >!• *

FAntWKLL HELD 6HOSHONE. Dec, 13 — A pnrty

'JioHorInc Mra. ,Usry Aol and licr 1 son, .Mike, who leaver vhit Jap:in, was given

'Thur.'day by employes of the Bo.i- ' TJi? p4«y ua? JieJd nt

ol .Mr. and Mra, Dale Smith,

This is the now-fatnous 3000 speed film, too, tlie kind

that lets you take indoor pictures without flashbulbs.

This filtn is so sensitive you can make Rood piclurei

by the lightof ft single laRip. The new Polaroid wink-

light (not a (laahgrun)erases shadows.ItwinkslOOO

times before you change its small bulb and battery,

Pidures indoan ivitkout Jlashbuib.i. Pklures fin­

ished in only 10 tceonds. Now ia the time to buy your

Polaroid Lnnd Camera, A ll wo need is just ten sec­

onds to conmce you!


^ 140 MAIN AVE. N . ^ RE 3-7551

"Next to Country Cobbler"

V is i t O u r C o m p le f e C a m e r a D ept.

Featurine: Keystone, Bel! & Howoll, Polaroid, Argus, Graflo.'c & Othci-a

Keep your qar cIcQn

3-Minute CAR WASH

604 Main South


A N A N G E I - -






FL IGH T 6 y Oranat

A tlim wisp of 0 ting with o larga

bloiing diamond reflecting ill

splendrous rodior'ce like the

queen of thohcovons! Ourcxciting

"Flight* design gives full

prominence to o magnificent

diamond in the shopo of your

choice. . . round, cmoroldojt,

or morqulse. Enchant your

Bfida-wilh o "flijfit" engagement

ring and motching wedciing ring.


Kast I PoljiU — ihe.Stor* with the, Revolving Qcm

on Top/-

r W O G U E . -beaut ij ioku

REMINDER!With the holiday season ahead, be sure to ge your appointments now.


* 8

. 5 0


Phone: RE 3-8462CA R L EASTER

Aw ard Winning Stylist

■ to « »V O G U E , .

Page 11: voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will Push fornewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF205/PDF/1960_12_13.pdf · voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will


“C o w b o y s B a s e b a l l D a y

To B e H i g h l i g h t e d W i t h

B a n q u e t F r i d a y E v e n in g

. Great Game for Muddersr-. -'IT-' ’. . t :

1 Falls w ill celubni 1 Legio •

i ^ to m uior leaRuc basolull in d r t , p itch in il hEro h r 11* I'illsl.

JilchinE m .roiitav. 'vill ln-'[i;i,Uirc

Lack of Oxygen Kills .Fish in Milner Lake

Marine life in .MiIiht r

pamc ciepartmetit. (.ehha .nap seemingly has triRKcn where oxygon content test

coniuiutd up Snake river Hicv.ilc ind Wrdncsdi'y to drlennlnc tin

- ....... dcAlli can-.;

Heavy Snows

Snai l Eastern

Sj)orts Events

iiml Krciundcci ;

I t a l y S u rp r is e s

B y O u s t i n g U .S .

I’ l'lIlTH, Au strali.11, Dcc. 1dawned Tiiescl ith llalv,

fiiitc.i States, head «•(! for S;iialiori to cnush. the 1)avis niji

•Tlic terini.s woi •ki WIi.s in aliniial com.'l.a ck ol: It.ilv's,

Xi.'ola Pietrai iKcli

ICl.CS, milled lor

r.-i’s h.eavlly-fa-

M'..:.' of Drwls c.ip coiiipcllil..ii;n.,it liMy h^s cn:Incil .I rJiottdown

irld serli-s.Anil It Is Ihr firs Aiiurlcain .Mncc I 63G.’''’

'Ut for Uic

I'letranncll wlv0 had hl.s heartcut out ln a' foui--hour maraUionlivUo lian-}' Mr>cKny In the opcn-

round, rcdccr

, iii;m-<l back Karl1 cnut<'I011 Q,hicti :h) nurh-

iw era in te i•iiuiiieror o f t h ^ ; fir.st Europea: luncl in 24.ycj ' lifter the aei

Team Mateli

Set Tonight

rcporla t ible.

(ouli be IndtiJirlaJ «•.<: ijjroplns or raw

fUh eUdenUy s

“•Tlif flih probably

iilwork lor tlie bl| e n /ull 'vortln r I the riillndel

will Slock the new WashliiKloii clubs American IcflRUC. iTur'.dfiy lil Bo.ito ,until Wfiliicr-diiy. ordered niter woi •from Los Angelca Rtneral mnnagcr

.e connections

RihJl UtDe B

. |,oi>c to clear tliU malU spiaiy po. lble. The fishery resents ft slzenbte flnailoii. e-spccltilly It 11 contlnu

St.Bonaventure Cops Fifth Win’

CINCINNATI, Dec. 13 W-Ui citrn SI. Bonaventure Mondi

nl;hl made It five In a row wl in 85-75 trouncing of Xavier OWo.Tom Smith and Mph Trecl :r«tord combined' for 51 point: The Bonnies Jumped to nn fl-

Irtd, tnlttn:ed H quickly to 32-1 halfltmi

McNeOcy. Ar GcorRc LoRftn viieduled for Ba.vketball p oncmcnt.-i popped

-lie innp. Amoni; tl illcd off were Prlnc ■n, falrlelRh Dlckli.

. Sctan Hftll-ralrflcld mid lUcIcr-Llncoln.

t 11.1 be.-it ffloi fror

AlUiough l!ie Bonnies Ml shorl if their 03-polnt Rame average

|ftey did not fife Uielr tlchl grip In the Rftme until late In Uic Iwt

• hen Xavier halved the lend

Lenoir Rhyne Gets Reception

HICKORY. ». C.. Dec. 13 Wl - .he Lenoir nhyne Beirs came home Monday with the football ihsmplDiishlp of the Ntllonal'As- elation of Intercollegfale Ath- ;lc5, and gc

Irport,It home the hi

u year. - rivptaln Wide Teague outcd to the crowd of <50 fans, le Bears bcnl Humboldt State turday night In the NAIA Holl- r bowl game at St. reterburg, a. A year sro Lenoir Rhyne lost Tcxb4 a and I In ths Holiday

Blate Set for Ity Hoop LoopBchediile for Uiia week's action 1 tlis city basketiall leaitue

Eounced.Wetine.'!(lay, 7 p.m. Jaycci olco Builders; 8 pjn.. Volley

bporUng Goods va, Starllte lounge; P.m., Asgrow vs. OK nulAer

WJers; and 15 p.m., Eastslde i^ket vs, Derg and Taylor, Thursday. 7 pjn. I'rontler homci 1. Hariiers a p.m.. Telephone

company vs. fiyrloRa: e p.m.. Moose Volco Builders, a) ' ' t vs. Asgrow,

loflse V

First AssetsLOS ANGELES, Dec, !3 (fl—

yie 1^1 Anseles AngcU ot V\i) /yjierlcan l>a.seboJJ leaRUe are «tmi.,K Rtrictiy from Ktakh,. lliRncy brought ft ball jr.d bat wiUi him Mondsy when ihls appointment n» field mon- apr w.-w announced. He ex- Ptord: -I imd oinntr Iwt > Sht with- Chub Feeney. Jio mentioned Uiat probably the AaseU dtdn-t have a ball or a « t so he Rave them to me."

Uiarlia 8. (Chub) fteney js »vlce president of (ha 6an ^ c ^ .c o Qiants. the dub that ■ired lUfmey early iwt siason.


OinciiiH tit piinl e track :led Uie

Tuesday prog) unfovomble wen

™'SjOregon Leaves

;^^!For Liberty.

Bowl Contest

luled-for T Jcsday

Ida,. V

Hoosiers Rally To Beat Tigers

BLOOMINGTON, Ind.. Dec. ]: Hl-Incllanu-s Hoo.ilei behind Monday nlgl basketball victory 0

if four teams

e from

half. Indii nutcs deep In md ouLseorec

them I; .Down 35-32 at 111

caught up seven n the second period

Tigers 13-1 over one ii?{ it« stretch.c Scott, who- scored 31 fc ourl in Its upset of Indian season, was held to 10 Mon night. Ho got 13 In the fin

then wa-s held without Held goal for the first iQ’i mlr

)f the Becond half by Indl Ernie Wllholt.

•erlng Walt Bellamy led Ir scoring with-20 points.

Vandals Leave on Midwestern Tour

MOSCOW. Dec. 13 tfl — TweWe Id&tu) basketball players left day aftemon by air for » niRjed four- onio Midwe.item baski

1 Vandal?. 1-3 for the .« the .wtne aealnst Michlgai

Wednead-ay ol Ann Arbor. Wolverlncs arc coached by I* Idaho mentor Dave Struck.

After a day's rtMt, the Vandal rill meet Kent SUtc rridny algh ixl the Unlverelty of ToJedo Sat- rday night. They-end the toui ext Monday agoJnst one of tlK

nation's top teains, Bradley Uie de' fending NIT champion.

Coach Joo Ciprlano named the trareUng team as oo-cAplaln. Roily Wlliiiuna tind Dale J Ken Morcn, Chuck White. Carolan, Lylo Park, Oajry Fioan

EUGENE, Ore n Ca ai

Ike Williams Claims He Rejected FS SlThree Offers to Throw Matchesvice'?lub‘'tof WASHINGTON, (U P I )— Former li;rhtwcifrht chnmpion Ike WilliniTi.s tolil

?nate Ijoxiiij,' iiive.HtlKatorH today Ih iit ho received—and rejected— lirihe offers total- iK $180,000 to lose three fip lits , iiichuliiij; two 'chrimpion.ship btm ls diirinf; liis Ions

career. In each ciiho, W illiams testified , the offers were relayed to h im throuffh I'raiik (Blinkv) Palermo, Philiuieliiliia uiKlerworld figure and W illiams’ m nnaper after 10.17,

W illiam .i said that P a le rm o--------------- -------to ld him cnch time that he had been "approachcd by some­body." Palermo advised igalnal ac«pl.ln* Uvt oStm but. nld.WlS.

should use his "own Judg-

t beyond belief thn

Ihe second main event, th . vili Uke on Ken Aclcles. wh

for the past few weeks hits bee •jattllng A1 IMfTO Tago almost e> :Iusivtrj-, Tlie B.\t. after a Jon

• ■ . vs, no-declslom -- Mongol, will bi

., Dec. 13 (ITD —a and 1 s Ore

gon footballinilerdoRs, new easi .Monany lu heir Saturcliy date In the .secon< .nnuol Liberty bowl football G“mi malnst Penn Slate.Casanova «vld his team was h

t-s best shape since the openlni

Oregon 1 I been Dec. 5,


:eek laynfi shnrpncis apparently hasi iffecled. the coach said, le was "surprised" at thL, QuRftcibick D3.V0 Orosz, 'nho

has J.MO yards total offej«i for tills scawn, has been bitting awes better tluin ever in ] 'orkout.s.And Gross unquestionably ey man lor Oregon.For three seasons the «

2-Inch.of Oregon'j lade S3 per

of the decision on what' plays to 111 In the T-formation alLack. Backing Grosz Is a team con Dsed of a few other seasoned vc' rans and some rugRcd, rookie ho developed re.murkBbly fa.it.

Oregon wound up eighth national • • in total o/fense and on defew ive up only 33 points In Its la:X games,A big key to Uie Webfootis' kuc ss has been.a group of linemen

labeled "U19 Young bulls," Or these, tackle 3tevo Barnett, made the United Press International oil' West Coast team as a sophomore The others have backed up regU' lara better than ezpceted.

Oregon’s offente luis combined Grosz’ pft-nslng with the speedy running of hrUfbacks Davo'C Bon and dj-namlc Cleveland Joncs. Tlie Webfoots have relied a 1< ... wide stuff, inctudlns the double

• ■ - saidplan to add tc basic attack" for the Penj B u t

Set Grid GameSALT LAKE CirV. Dec. 13 (i —

Both Utah uid Wisconsin Rot to. gether Monday for a football ffanii next fall replacing games cut from both schools’ whedules when Mar. quett« dropped the «port.

Utah *m meet Wisconsin Hex Sjpt. 23 In Madison.

Utah had been scheduled to plaj Marquette In Milwaukee Sept. 2: and Wisconsin had been scheduled to meet Manjuette Nov. 4.

Jerome to Open Season by Hosting Bruins Saturday

JEROME, Dec. 13—Jerome.

; iiC b 'T<, CUmwn

ii^lh«ro IS. NonJmwlmi (U.)

islx Icttermcn and some good pro* ,Bpects. will be the lost fourth dls* trict school to make lt< appear' ance on the basketball scene. The .Tigers, coached by LAVere Gooch, will host the Twin Pftlla BruUi! eaturdoy In their opener.

Coach Qooch has^three trays rer «U feet t&Il and on]; one of lese is a lettennon. He lists the

lack of height and relaUve lock oI_e*perJencft_jia_llio_tW.O_inaJor problems the TJgers must over­come If they are to become con­tenders.

Back from regular action last year Is 8-foot, a-loch Terry BmftH. tecond leading acorer In the Big "even conference with a 13J ay-

Oilier vet«ranB are Eddie Oreeg. S feet, U Inehei: Don 31evlns, 5

9 Inches; Oary iiowman. fi teet, u iDchea, and Jerry Keck and Ray plsen, both 6 feet, 10 Inches, •

Counted on for help are Tim I-avens, a 8-foot, aii-lneh *cph- pinore; Gary NlchoUon, 6 feet, 5 la«ie»j Mant TlUey, s feet. 10

Inches, and Dick Bell, S feet. 10 Iccbeo.

Jerome hid a 8-13 record last season and was 6-7 In conferencc play, windlo« up fifth In the Big Seven. Oaiy MwrU, Lowell Van. Onnan, Nolan ’Thompson and La- var Harris were the senlora Uint started for coach Gooch last year,

Whether th# Tigers will Improve .a their record depends on the ability of ihelr taU youngsters torotmd-lnto Teteraas rapidly.--- -

Following th^-opener

. Itallf; that

rvcd wiUi he ncvci

log to start Bill Melt

America," w the curtain.

Williams Siid : j l 00,000 to lose lo :9<0; $30,000 to 1. vHh P-rcddy Da»j

3 ;:,

lichla ci Cokimlnu

. lmll»Hu»l MriH, i). ischr»nV,’ 1

Colvii*u«. »M: blt>> hmilici »•»«, KalfbU ef Oohimku«, I b<w)M>p taus xrtx. Kniiku 0bua, l.fit; bleb KMUb tMi Knljkl. ot ColgirVu. S.«5«.


Nampa at Jerome; Jan. 0. Jerome at Mountain Home; Jan. 7, Jerome at Buhl; Jaa, 10, Burley nt Je­rome; Jan, IS, Jerome at Nampa: Jan. 17, Jerome at Tirln Pall«: Jon. 30, Jerome at Gooding: Jan. 34, Buhl at Jerome, and J tn . 37. Uountaln Rane at Jerome.

Jan, ae, Mlolco at Jerome; Feb. 3. Jerome aTooUey; Feb. 10. Je­rome at BurleyrPeb; 11. Jcarome at nier; Ptb. 17, Goodins a t Je- ntne; Feb. 3J, Jerome. *t Mlnico. and rttt. Si, nier at Jentma.

lllsk MlrMiMi («D>. Wim* WaUen. I3uw.». K»«x,r, 116: bl,b Ipdl.KMlMrkM, D.I. nta<k. Ilii kirt (MUb tMtn luu. Wmmt TnntporUllgii. BM i hlfb iMiidlnp tmn fU3«, Wtrnvr Tc%a

•»H« Men' oll*™! J.ni. *'UlaUitilU I Bewltr «( tki a>onth

St«pUi«, 1M; bowlff <* tlvt WHI 1 M . lU: WwMrTr«Mi>orUthT

Cl-.rtk U.r


)00 bribe offer, •I'm sorry I cllili

Utah Staters

Fall to West

KentuckyLOOIBVILI.E, Ky. Dec. .

Western Kentucky ouLhuitltd Utah :ite Monday night and defeated r Agglc. 8C-72 to Join Loulsvllli tho finals of the BIucbtoss In.


, t.-\ko aiiyiay."

w o n . ., c tax troubles al the time an could have used tlie money.

.... tMtltlcd earlier thr p.-Uertno took the entire pur.sp. :otaJlng SliI.SOO, from two til bout.1.

Williams said he didn't recel\ ivo «cnu" from his bouts wit

Je.wle^norcs on Bept. 23, IS<8 1

Tuesday nlRlit'.s Rime ilccl. loii over Georgia Tech.

Western lirid too muc.“i sJiootUii

York,I July 1 Philadelphia,

has been Idenlllled by lie antitrust ond monopoly

subcommltjte U the a " world kriiRpln of UoxlnB while racketi Cart)o is serving a prison term for

fijlit managing.. . arned today tht. . .

t>o definitely Viould bo brought to Washington from New York Wednesday to testify before thi committee. He Is serving a two

terra nt Rlkers Island prison, lUlanwj said that even though

n« didn't get any money from his VO matcJies, he paid the taxe Williams said tlie purse from

Flores light was «2,500 and. the e from the Jack fight *32,

.. . Palermo, as his manager, wa. supp<v>ed to get only one-third of that, wlUt Williams setting ci thirds,

Williams said that when he asked Palermo for the money h< wtis told both times Uiera wss nont available because Palenno had en­countered "tough times.*

Williams said that Palenno be­came his manager in 1M7.

WUllams said he earned mon than a million dollars during IM profe.^lonal fights, but sow works for the New Jersey conserratlon department for about (IM 1 month. He Is married with twi children and lltes In Trenton, N. J.

Curbo has been mentioned merous times in congresal testimony as an influential figure Who ■'persiuidcd'' some of the top flBhters In Uje country, including several former champions, to fight for the now-defunct Intemationi • Boxing club (IBC).

WUllams turned up to tesUi OS a previously unldenUfied myi t«ry vltnecu In the senate probe.

Brigham Young Tops TCU 74-65

PROVO, Utah, Dec. 18 I Brigham Touof ualrenJlr L. Texas ChrlsUan univer^y Monday night In an latcneeUonal bOAlcetball gaaa as Gary Xaneet scored IS points. TlOO tamp»n IJ and Dave SaMs n .

£>ave WanwU was hlgt for the TlslUng TrogB vtth 17. Jerry Cobb, who fouled out with m mintuM to go. hit 14 potata. PtUI Renwlds got 11 and Jerry Fape 10.- The Cougan took Uia lead etay after the ftnt period. It v 41-31 at halftlue. BYU UMd .

TCU’s____ - ___ whew

the post mao U In tha front Una with the two fonwds.

BYU uaed an occat break on tbe off«B<lT«ibut pl^ed

3 tft-

vllie 1 plncc

Ifi-t a de live ry ..................M.icKay only nine points on t ice m the last two seta.

in the second set. MacKay able lo .-iqueeze out only tv,-o points ns'lnst Slroln'a lx»mlni

' In iJie third, h» got a-total ol Mven, but never ans close to brenklng.

atch ended on a blt-irri MacKny sent two shotj net for a double fault,

[f a wild demonstration by the Itallan.1 and a large number of upportCTS In the Kalie There was a wild n enter court, with the Italians

kls. lng and c- ressliift cach otl and with Hlrola finally carried

drt-islng room on the shoulder*

strcnKt the A. Bobby Roscoe, tli

lltoppers’ lilRh-scoring guard, lie pumped In 22 points os ''

cluilkcd up its firth Kin <5ca.%on.

Skyline conference's Acslfs, lUi a 2-2 record, were pace.’

by Cornell Green’s 20 points. Greei ■ ijurcd his eye early m the sccond ilf but remained In the ganic- Georgta Tech’s loss was Its 1^1

ol the season--- ----- ----After tmlllng <1-22 at halfllme,

Tcch Bllccd tho C.irdiiiali’ lead Ic right points In the closing minute! M the gimjQ but couldn't catch up Their hlgli - scoring guard. Koger Kaiser, never made a ba-iket fron: IS floor until Uio opening tnin- tes of the sccond half. Louisville's Jolm Turner, how-

.ver, began hltung from the lut- side and pulled Che Cardinal] tc

Il-potnt lead wllh 58 secondslelt.

Unbeaten Bradley 105-77 Win

JRIA. Ill,, Dec. 13 (fl-iBrad- ..., - und.efeated Braves shot i. phenorolnal .620 from the Held Monday sight and scored their fourth straight basketball victory by crushing Northern Michigai ll»-77.

■nie triumph was the Slth straight at home without deteal ■ir the Braves who had three layers scoring 20 or more points. Chet WaUter led the Braves with

2B points, Tim Robinson chipped in with 25 and Al Saunders added 23, Bradley hit on 44 ot 70 field oai attempts.Northern Michigan held threi

leads early in tho game but Brad. Icy broke it open late in the firsi half and took a BG-41 lead at th< intermission. It was no contest li


(f far_____________it into tears.Tears also flowed In the Amcrl- an (Ircaalng room, where young luchholr. took tlie defeat hardest "How did It happen? How dld-lt

hai>pcn7'"he a-Oced between .'I could have '»on. If I hadn’t hll .wo foollsli shots I could ha'

T.F. Juniors Top Panthers 58-43

CAREY. Dec. 13 — Tivln Fal iunlors stormed away to a 12-polnl lead in tho first quarter and then matched points wlU« Uie Carey Panthers to cop a 68-43 deelsloi iver the week-end.Ihe box scores:

Cage Slate

OuMorrj at Dl*lrich

a Rood turnout fc mntrr Cliff Thli tenu Rill be nrj


Rigney l^ame


Vew L. A. C lublL03 AN0ELE3, Dec. 13

Rigney stepped In Monday manager of the new Loa Ai Angels of the American ba league and hts first remarks 'I'm ready for work, and

there nra things to di here."

Rlgney'shumoroita crackf( ,wed the fomial announ( r a one-ytir contract by ( lanogcr Fred Honey at a inference In the jammed oor offici ipace at Wrlsley flelV

home of the new franchise. f announcement w as nif

really a surprise. The ex-mana«*| San Francisco OtanU nentloned prominently

past week.Haney disclosed Uiat tho E

agement. Including prtsldeat I Reynolds and board chalr- Gene Autry, had considered 1 13.

delighted to get a of RIgney-s experience anfl thuslasm,- Honey declared.

RJgney was summarily dlsmlsi by owner Konice Stoneham < Giants last June. The club v second place and eventually v ip fUth.Rigney’* major league

areer, after a long tmir «IS an active player, began * hen New Yo* Glaata In 1

.Js term wlUi the Qlant* t placed sUOi twice and third tr

DEADllNK EXTENDED 'BOSTON; Dee.13 tfl—A n A an league spoke«z»aa -

day from basebaU i Ford rrlck lo extend tb« 1 league trading deadUna to 1 night Friday.


r A . C O A LTop Quality Alwoyi— ot

WARBERG'SRE 3 - 7 3 7 1 ,

Uitkma No. t Mi MHbodkl No. 4 Cbhttl.1. Ko. 1 H : LD3 No. »

dcfMUd IbiMM Ho, t M : Cbolr USM df<«al*d HtlMlit He. i ».|,

Jll»k lwilt|.t>«J HIM. WIU.nl Tb«Mt.: blih lo<il>klu*l KI<«. lUr Swntfr.

E S ’SHslfw r-S

Urarr Simn ui4 rler>f-



,2&Ut«ff’< eye tojurlea «U1 ptarent n im from fighting for 10 to 14 <laF«. a Cleveland doctor iepc«led Mcmday.




GLOBE SEED will Hot* H.

” Contact Qm K m Ftrta SaOea d a* f

partna&t for eomjdata sdrer- L tuing eoTerage of tou t laraiB sale: hiad bUla. n a w g w i eovaraga (orar vwaeniBIn Mtfiii Tinty),'adr«nca UD*'| lug. AU at one special low ra t«| Every nla luted In thU F arm l Oalendar tor 10 Ble at no cost

D E C E IV E R 14Qayle Plks




Page 12: voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will Push fornewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF205/PDF/1960_12_13.pdf · voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will


Page 13: voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will Push fornewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF205/PDF/1960_12_13.pdf · voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will

t im e s -n e w s . t w in f a l l s , id .iX h o

m arkets AND FINANCE


riiT-xn cp

Kss;, Gta-Bitua_

Research Rocket Is Fired 717 Miles

itltude Of 7n mllM by the ni onal Ofronauiiu and Kp«« ml., “ 'I! ration Ironi lu Wsllow

JtMcrdny, '

38of liistrunienLs atjigned n 'Msurs niagncllc rielda uid hy.

?ii , Ionosphere. »bout 61 nbove me Earth's lurfacc

VI .le inner edw of liie outer belt ihBt surround* the


m-Hld : N-N<!niln»ll

Unit Is Set up To Unite Congo

ConsiLEOPOLDVILLE,Dcc. 13 — Jnson Sendw . , . chief of the Baluba tribe of Ktil' antta. yesterday up a natlonn llberntlorj commm>e-^ lth tlie Job of bringing sccc«lonlil~KBtan8i hack into n united Congo.

Scntiwe nnnounced formfttlon oI hl.i committee In Leopoldville with the apptirent blcsalns of Prtsldenl Kftsavubu nnd Col. Joseph Mobu­tu's rulliiB collcgc of commtMion-

The nr»noimcejnent on Leotwld- ,vHIe radio—whleti called Kitonii ►'Omperlnllst dominated"—vra* ih ■ slmrpwt attack against Katanjo’'' idependetice claims to come fron

IB Congoleu capital since PS Ico Lumumbft sent hlj arm? I •conquer tlie province five monUu|

Harter Goes to Europe Events I

naUSSELS, BelBlum. Dh. .. -U. 8, ScweUry of Slate Chri

Icrter flew Into Bruss( •cpreAent President Ei.«n-|

howcr . tJie pre-weddlns 'lonJes of KlRB Biudouln.The secretary will leave tht

BclRinn capital tomorrow to at­tend the North Atlanlle Treaty or^anlrjitloii ministers meeling Ir PnrLi. -=

■ ter’s plane was deUyctl inoti 13 hours In leaving Wish-

btcftuso of a snowstorm.Whcr

to Paris,the t rplary'i

fill Icai Wllcy'

ocol officer. In Brussels os Euen- •cr’s personal represenlotlve alweddlns-

Soviet Traders Head for Cuba

MOSCOW. Dec. 11 l«-A Soviet ..•ado delegsUon JeJt for Hftvnne today to iron out plins'^or tradi wit* Cuba in IM l. Tms reported.

Heading tha delejftUoa is lilt- ItaU Kunnln, vle« minister ol for­eign trade, «ho h u been coo- ductlog Ui!lu with Smesto Que« w a . Cuban economic chief.

Hie brain of the blK blu« wbili, 1« esUmated to weigh about 201 pounds.

Twin Falls Markets

Ur„'• I *'“t*TOE

' i lM


Man, Woman

Arc Hurt in

Auto Mishap

ICold Blocks Effort to Dijj


lM^.< rvK«] ilKUTMTHIHiHHM ilMKt»0l l6 J IIS I F I E x>


; Scouts Honor

' (iourt Held at

Local CJnircli


Mr»: unch«n|H In i%r r.oi

c»rt; nomlniUr unch»ni»d


|<uppllM m

Triek .«•) lOnnrln ■

Mund nda : 5lr«ri M

Wli.-on.ln niM.t* ro, J-7S-:.IJ; HIcMfnit 4-;

Arrivmla I : trafb 2] cKo.|iraic: dtmand moUrata •W t ilMd;.

Tratk i t ln l Non* r»t>OT»M. Itr it S.1IK2.U, whil* moilluni Colorado r«llow Ronlah k n i

1 : aupiillr. : matkrt

r Bpanufi

m<dli.n<cViUn i r jk r r

lloir tloU

J-»0; larr* ]ffc Ufchlsan, mil !: Mkhlsan mr'iiHlura

■no follo«ruTUREa

l»r fu lurn Qooutlrwl f;. W. IKItobtrU and com*IMalar-raUlMi


Butter and Eggs

' Duu»r I

CfllCACO . D»e. II (Urll — C......a 4S^<Vi; knchorni

Cm il.m M(r: wblu Ui


:er PlannedSALT LAKE dT V . Dec. 13 ;fV-|

Otab 0(1 R«flntsK companr on' D«c St »m be merged Into Amer­ican OU companjr at'part of the eorpor»t« change ot Standard 0U| '' t Indiana, Otoco Prei, A. J. Bad*-1

r report!., ‘Th4 ehangf 1« b«ln« •ffeeted In order, to promot« great«r naxlbU-,.... . e«ttWBi7 u d ««lcieDejr ol op-1

itloa," Badcer Mtd. Otanstngl .. 'kervtag itatJon tlgoa will b«i conpIetM durlnt" tha •prloi-’of' ncit year and oredJt cards «1U b« eichanted during this period;:


Wall Street

ChatteryofjK. J?pc. . iirkpt ■ rrlpiitly


li nniilvci -j Cl 1. Mpnil)cr,i|_’*;


Ight have of <

onacr Uifti

i tinuiclnl dau. nccordlnu -- cihur Welienbwsc^ nnd ton>-

rh: ("iplanntlon Wn? lie In the adlly grow lnft Instltutlonnl

"Ids preulhff for liivMimciit nnd u'fjlOM hedglns ngaliv.t further ithtlon or tJie wcakcnlrK jx»l- on of the dollar, Wle.-iciibergrt

Terry QuInn, Drridley. Orn Tllsoi), Robert

' tirm cautlon-1, however, thni mdamentnla underlying bu.il- iiid the stoclc morlcct nnd the

«ck.i nnd RdvLic.i a pollc; lalntainbig liquid rc.wrvc.i mflnlng holdings nnd purcho-ics

Flic, need' were Pal Oregory Wo

Martin Gilbert of '

r. Thi

sharp advi\ncc hna move f-Jones Indu. trtttl nvcnii;(he lop of the 25-polr

I c/fcct sine* riuly Novcm t tlHft buying ■

second cla. 1 badgf nelly. Kelly Moor, ner, Rick Bradic;

lO'- Brucf Tlbon nn ■ckncy. Robert C rLso

[recoivcd the fir.u clnss baJgc. Norman

Mlvd al

upptf :

lya, Li o good slpn thnt n- test of th'

•els Is In the mnklns here........ira-AdvHiory Institute rec

o-TimcndsJjUilnc Amrrlfj. Tcl-tmi Tcl, Drlstol-Mjers, Oenernl Out door Advcrtblng. Plough tim Strrllng Drug,

J. W. Sparks and company favors buying Vendo nt the mar­ket for txndinB purposes. Funda- nentaJ and tedinlcal fnctora ari W>d, It aajs.Oppenhelmer, Neu and ompany

icllevcj that United. Whelnn cor-, lorallon should benefit from Uie ■xpected Increase In medical

y s 6&-ccr > be I

itlclpatcd e ;i,4 per ccn , dividend i

trflctlvspNulatloii, Oppenl',.

Carl M. Locb. Rhoades and com pany reports thf/t lYeuhauf Trail- er's long term outlook remains fa­vorable despite senalUvlty Intermediate term effects•al b

Venereal Disease Declines in State

DOISE, Dec- 13 wv-one elnss of venereal dlsen.?e In Idolio.ls de­clining while tlie national nvcrnBe Li lncrea.'lng. Dr. John Matlier. chief of the prevenlivo medicine section of the ilate heuJth depart­ment. says,

•nie communicable disease cen- ter of tlie U. S. department of health, education njid welfare re­ports Infrctl tis syphilis Increas­ed In many large cities throughout the nation from 100 to <00 per cent since 1&»7.

The center said lnfcct!ou.<s syph!- ILi Increased 12 per cent In Uie United Statr.i during Uie first quarter of this fiscal year aa com­pared to Uie same period lost year —July through September.

■me bureau of vital statistics of the Idftlio health deportment shows the incidence of s>-phllls In Idaho ha.1 declined since 1955. A total of MS coses were reported in 1BS5 compared to 41 repartcd In 1699.

AccreditedMUBTAUGH. Dcc- 13 - Mi;

taugli high Jdiool ftBi fuliv s credited by the North* rftlmi of SfcontlftO’ »Schools at lu annual mccling i Mli- oiila, Mom., reports I>r, I Thoinn.i Uiterbach, tuperlnlenden

klajor obJectlvM of the North

, DonrStock

n and tand t

rd and retired b) awW.oat 5coutma.?ler, M- C. Park-

fldally opened Ihc court o; .r, gave the ScouW encourngc-

menl for future advancement lhanked tho'e who helped niit concluded the court cf honor.

(_EoUcmlng_the_coutt.-of_ honor Parker .ihowcd color slides- Thi ceremony was preceded by potlucl

In the Blshoo Rhea audl torlum of tho chureh.

John A. Nelson’s Funeral Is Held

Funeral . cn’ices for John A. Nel- >n Hero held Tue.vlay at thi /hlte mortuary cliapel with thi ;ev. Henr ’ Ocmlianlt officiating BoloL't and organLst was Mr.i

Nellie Ostrom.

5, Kdth Jenktn.1, Lawrence Hall, Claud* jOordcn and George Wartierg.

inorary pallbearers were nay ircombe, Max Buckentln. A rimm, EllLi Hou.iton. SteVei

Jack Fuller and MorionWnll-

Oraveslde Jftes were held Tft in Falls cemetery under 1... rectloii of Twin Falls lodge No. 45, AF and AM,

Lumber Company Sale Is ReportedBOISE, Dcc. 13 aro — Sale of :arrls Brotlicrs Lumber company ) the_Bols« Cascade corporar as been announced by Ivan

IlprrlJ, Harris company prcsldi He said the talc also Included le purchase ot part of the Kai rothcrs land holdings, Har

located ea.it of Bol.w

Rusk Is Wary of Summit Confab

. WABHINGTON. Dcc. 13 (Jl-Th# new secretary of etate for the Kennedr admlnlstraUon. Dean Rusk. Is expected to oppose the rysh to a summit conference ad­vocated by Soviet premier Khrush­chev and favored by British Prime Minister Harold MacmlUtn.

Rusk. SI., a self-made diplomat, favors mo(« tradlUonal and cau­tious- fanos' of- negotiakUon. 'Hla ■rtews on the aubject^re speUed out earlier this year I p a leclun delivered at the Council on ror- elgn Relfttloos In New York.

He nuda . clear there <hlit hi thinks the president's personal dlplonkcy should be rcMrved for very rare and special usm.

3-NCWS WAlfC Aoa e n xMloa..

»# CATTLE DONATED MoinrrAiN home. Deo. 13 (Itn

—Breeden from four aouthwesi- ern Tri«hr. counties h*ve donated ao regtstwBd Jersey helfera to a project in Jmwa. The animals will leave Mountain Home air force ba.*a.by.air tomorrow where they wUl become a foundation. for up- xndlog dairying In tiia Far Sa&l-

arber iI employed Uiere.

e 110 n

TragedyTAIPEI. Formosa, Dec. 13 (,P-

in old-style Chinese marriage li ihlch the bride did not sec he husband until the wedding ar tnged by her parents ended 1) •ngcdy.Hsleh ■Vueh-kui, 21. who wn

larried In south Formosa Satur . ay to a llshemian, was found dead the ne;(t day. Police su.%prct- ed sxilcldc. Six photogrnplis of : man other than her husband •wen Jound among her belongings.

1 lliKhi

of c il policies

d scrvlcc, development of cri evtilUAtlon which will stimulate, cl evaluate sccoridnrj’ cducnfloi

progtnni'.. Dr- Otlerb.ach sdld.

Classifiedw a n t -a d rates





COMPANYAtomic Energy Division

P. O. Box 2061-EP Idaho Falls, Idaho



iDCorrKl loMrUJS.

d Ui (h< •drtniur .SPECIAL NOTICES

KIUi IkU. ptmui Bl



• InforfDtlbo about I wram on h>l» ra il txiwDdlni


fhe capstone of the Washington ..lonuraent was set In place on Dec. 6, 1U4, marking completion

..................rrojKt TT-«1 la Twin falli —........Counlin n> mwMM 44 tomtAMcd KorraUr la, 1«<». ^.hVh.r5uraUw’*iiXr.®'in««ril■uppKrt um4 oa fb* •ork, t« i whlck ku not bMn mul*. •bdl >... --v. lk« D*|Mnai(nl ot III|ti»y>.HilKi. within bImV (KI d*r> from th« ■ boTt d*u, an lUmliH tUtrmiM of bli taim tar til du* ind unpaidbr tk< ConlrMtar.

Kalian ot tnr (o- nl« *>(■•Iffl wllhla nlu<} ilOj (mra lh<

flat* ahill niuUtuK • w*lT«r »i



t;Nrr Twin r*iit umi, up iccomror^bU^llTliii^QU^ j kl

M r or caiit>l«. Goal nrnlDU. W'llt

ht«d. WIU Mil or II



llitfHwtof*. Pboiw X

»»m«« . m l »l^.



North, tea month, S Mreon k<__40t jt{f«r>oa Str*M, let noatb. C Uei-Uoril BobtrMB Aiomi —* * •bon> 6UM( North. PhoM


tXCJilAkUt » W n r


P*n!r fun.UhW

A. t-ttum, nmoui



A«i«« tivm iiN u »




>1 INa.

Page 14: voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will Push fornewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF205/PDF/1960_12_13.pdf · voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will

'jfGE FOUETEENTIMES-NEWS, t w i n f a l l s . IDAHO TUESDAY, DEriiilliicH 1~. ,55,

Page 15: voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will Push fornewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF205/PDF/1960_12_13.pdf · voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will
Page 16: voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will Push fornewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF205/PDF/1960_12_13.pdf · voP^rNO.; Grim, Angry De Gaulle Says He Will


Medal Presented for Rifle Marksmanship Distinguished Markmanship

, Medal Ls Won by Local ManInn# ncorea of HO, H3 nnd 215,1 Tlic mcdul presented Mivl-

top In llirce Canip Hcrry. O . rinelbcrK by rr.'rrve Capt. Wcslcy compctlllon mntclits. w’on tho cov-iDoWx', company commnndcr of

M dWlnBUlshcd mnrt-smanslilpl llir Rol(| m«til for rfaerve Cpl. Jrx'.eph bait Mftlbers, 20. H3B Sevenlli Rvcniiei I) fiUpt. Kuiirtay.

Red Skelton

Has Siirgerv

njpply company, third.......-.jiip, i2n<l Intanlry reserve.

I)oDi« rxprcwcJ Ijolh plciisure ftml ciivy nt Mslbcrg's fcftt. To qiinllly, llic Rjiuolcr hnd to Lake lliree Icpf oI » compellllon. He won ,ill tlirrc nl Camp Perry—one III irijfl, 1( 0 In I9C0. To quiillly he had 10 be In Uie top 10 per cent

M.allxTi: itif medal Wll. au- JlOLLYWOOD, D «. 13 i,Tl — thoriicd by coiikTfM iti n mlllt.iry

CoriicUlan Red Skelton wns nper-I (Iccor.i'lon. He U employed at Hcr- aled on yenerclay for a. ruptured'rcif.' s:octi a-' « machtiic opcrn- nieinbrnne.ln hli chest. The fiur-I tor and h;u ix ii lii Ihe iMcrve frrry ua. reported to Imvc been | for nbuuL Hvo jrarr,. ^jucce. slul. j c.i|>ialn Di-Wis rocelvetl n pro-

A spokesman for Crilarji of Leh-imotioii to his t>ie-sent rniik'eflec- nnnn ho.' plml s.ild Ekoltoii wailthe Oct. 6. He did not recclvn rc.MliiE comfortably. |o:ilc!;'l nrdcr.i of llie promotion

Tlie tliVec-hmir operation for correction of n dlaplirnRmfttlc her-

Millions More

Are Likely to

Be Minus JobWASHINOTON, Dec. 13 (ITD —

Anolher million worker. arc vir­tually certain to lose Uielr Jobs In December and January, pii.shlnR unemployment ovc;. five mtllion, Bovcrnmcnl. econotiilstj predlctca today. No drop vnf. In ilBht before March.

BarrinR a .sliarp—nnrt unfor,'.ecn —spiirl In production and hlrlns, the number o[ Joble/j; wm expect-

to rL'e to 4 2 million tills month (I 10 5.2 million,In January. An- icr 100,000 wurker.s were likely be laid off In February, Seymour Woimeln, n dtpiilj- «-

sLslant secretary of labor, tald he ..i-.v "noUilnR In the. ofllni: h »'lli brine unemployment 1 before tJie end of ftlnter."• >ald November fisure.s sup­

ported enrller prediction* that un. employircM Mould not drop until March, fiOllnR then to five mlllloii. Ho noted Umt Joblr-'-'nc.vs ti.vi.iliy Jumps In Jivnunry bocau-so CtirL' maa workers tire laid o(t imd c;> R’eathcr curuila outdoor work.

November marked tlie first tl;nr unc;npfoyrneiit topped four nilllld.'i mark Mnce June, lUirn the IiKUie tt-a-1 million. But tlie June m- erea.sc wius Inryely due lo the nmiiy studpnt.i seeklnft vacation Jnbi, Tin- November Increiuse “.w dc.wlbi'il' a* a. nonnal scaioiml ruc.

In addition to tlie Jump in tin. e^lplOJ^ncnt. more unrkcr.i «cie forced to ro oti a part-time b.i-’-r la.st month, Tlic numb«r nf peivon with Job.s dipped by 303,000 but still .'Ct n. November eniplojmein record of 07,163,000:--

.13. IS,

, National GuardI': Ses.sionsStarlivij l Roi.sr. Dec p .7


Vlce Adm. William Mack Ani;as, retired. 6/1, commander nf Senbce operntinns for tlip ffveiith flp.n In world SVOV II. died yc.stcrduy.

'c n/ler Iho fomJt;.Itred the lio.spltol last week f.-.y- Incr he felt ••bmhed."

. . diaphragm l.s ft thin niem- brftne scparntluu the stomach from the upper chf. t,

'nie surgeon.s performed the op- rruilfin s.l Ekelton's physician .stood by, A spokesman c.stlmated the rfd-li»ire<l comic will remain In tlic'ho. pital u week lo 10 days.

Im N T E iT y i^Dnuin^ Dec. I3-Koser Shartdy,

Bulil, w.1.1 fined $25 plu-i ccsUs Monday by Ju-Mlce of the Pewc C. E. JIudy ter Miooiinn !iom a public roadwaj'. He tirrested by Marlon A. Rhoiles, con.servaUon officer.

,t:ilberi( w ipetltlon for hLi iiiedsi ill Aiisast. Capj. Dolilw saiil It Ijike.'i considerable time tn fft around lo formal prc- wnt.itlon of the auard.-.


Concert SlatedA r,.icred concert, ffaturing the

inn-voice. Gem Slate ocademy chn:r. C.ildwell, util be preientrd ;ii 7:30 pm. Prlil.iy at the Seventh I3ay AdvcntUt churcli, announces Elder D. L. Hlnsaln*. choir pa."!-

'I lie mixed cliolr. compo.ied of hiKh school stuctenl.s. Is touring the .'•nuthrrn pnrt of the state and will flppf.v In I'oi-.itdin (ollowln? the cnnrert iicie, Ekicr ninRcrliiR said.

'llie DO minute proxram L"i Open [n the public..lie advised.

: njwkmanihlp med»l tor rlflo competition. M»lber* w " m'tiA rnnfin Mrmdav ml the resc

Another Kidnap ^ Suspect Nabbed

LOS AKQELES, Dec, 13 IR-FBI bgcnts Injt night annoimeed krrest of a sixth «ii'[>ccl In .... tin* which they salil kidnaped Wealthy ipofLsmnn Anthony Alej- •lo.

Th* latest man arrested s I/eRoy Thomas Onvlgsn, 20. grocery clerk and Ihe fsther of

four, who waa taken Into custody! Tie highest nltltlld# In the city j la.st night by ogenu In South ante,|of New Orlcan.i Is 15 feet, n

" a i L i . , . p.,1 om ,r or n» “ ‘Callentc raco track. Tijuana, Mex-|_ '________________________lcf>, wa.s kidnaped Irom his San “ " .......DlcRO home Nov. 25. He was lateri freed when his family paid *500,0001 ransom. I

Five persons were arrested andl charged wlUi kidnaping bctwcenl Nov. 24 and Nov. 38. Tlie FBI re-1 covered $1S3,S15 o! tha ramomi money. '

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Do yo u e n jo y green forests gr warm, sun ny

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.■ You can In .n t w ith swtlcr gun for CirOs a ..d

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T he c l im a tc is m odera te . The seeneru is

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