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    Light Measuring

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    GOSSEN Foto- und Lichtmesstechnik Your Guarantee or Precision and QualityGOSSEN Foto- und Lichtmesstechnik is specialized in the measurement o light, and has decades o experience in its chosen feld. Continuous innovation isthe answer to rapidly changing technologies, norms and markets. The outstanding quality o our products is assured by means o production in Germany and a

    certifed quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001.

    Illuminance (abbreviation:E, unit of measure:lux)indicates with how much intensity an area is illuminated. It amounts to one

    lux when a luminous ux o one lumen illuminates a surace o one square

    meter. This corresponds roughly to a normal candle ame at a distance o

    one meter.

    Luxmeters are used to measure illuminance at horizontal and vertical

    suraces. However, illuminance does not indicate the brightness impression

    o a room, because this depends to a great extent on the rooms reective

    characteristics. A white room gives a much brighter impression than a dark


    With normal lighting, uniorm light distribution is not achieved as a rule,

    or which reason specifcations in the standards usually make reerence to

    average illuminance. This value is calculated as the weighted arithmetic

    mean o all illuminance values in the room.

    ApplicationsGOSSENs precision luxmeters are used or planning, installation, testing and

    monitoring o lighting systems, as well as or adhering to lighting conditions

    or hygienic, physiological, psychological and/or saety reasons. Scope o

    validity, terminology, responsibilities, requirements and practical guidelines

    are set orth to a great extent in the standards.

    ApplicationsGOSSENs precision luminance meters are used or distance and contact

    measurements or all types o light sources. For the purpose o adhering

    to applicable norms, this allows or testing o minimum and maximum lu-

    minosity, assurance o quality requirements specifed or products with

    displays or lamps, ascertainment o maintenance requirements due to aging,

    and optimization o illumination uniormity. Scope o validity, terminology,

    responsibilities, requirements and practical guidelines are set orth to a great

    extent in the standards.

    Luminance(abbreviation:L, unit of measure:cd per m)indicates the brightness impression perceived by the eye when positioned in

    ront o a back-lighted or illuminated surace. It describes the physiological

    eect o light on the eye, and is used as a planning actor or outdoor lighting.

    Reliable measurement results with defned error limits are guaran-

    teed by luminance meters and luxmeters classifed in accordance with

    DIN 5032-7 and DIN EN 13032-1. This ensures that quality inspections,

    reerence measurements and assessments conducted with these meters

    deliver accurate statements.

    Calibration certifcates and recalibration at regular i ntervals are required or

    use in quality-relevant applications and or assessments. The GOSSEN Light

    Lab oers these services, even or products rom other manuacturers, andissues actory calibration certifcates. The optical bench used or this purpose

    is subject to strict t est equipment monitoring, and is retraceable to the PTB

    in Germany (Highest technical authority under the auspices o the Federal

    Ministry o Economics and Technology). Aside rom the PTB, our lab is

    the frst in Germany to be accredited or illuminance by DAkkS (German

    accreditation authority), and is thus authorized to issue internationally

    recognized DAkkS calibration certifcates. This assures that acquired

    measured values comply with ofcial regulations and norms, which also

    stand up to legal argumentation.

    Longstanding customers rom industry, the public authorities and t he feldo medical engineering hold the products and services oered by GOSSEN

    Foto- und Lichtmesstechnik in high esteem, are pleased to receive our expert

    advice, and ask us to implement their special requirements.

    Acceptance and constancy testing or image display devices in the feld

    o medical engineering.

    Contrast measurements at workstations (work saety directives)

    Measurement o lighting or streets, tunnels, railways and airports, as well

    as signal systems

    Luminance measurements or CRTs, LCDs, LEDs and plasma displays.

    Lighting in museums and public buildings

    Lighting or sports acilities

    Testing or consistent lighting o projection screens

    Measurement o lighting installations, lightboxes and outdoor advertising

    Monitoring o workstations and public buildings, as well as compliance

    with regulations or working places, trade association directives and

    ofcial norms

    Measurement o emergency lighting

    Repair and maintenance in production acilities, ofces and hospitals

    Inspection o light sources or street lighting

    Monitoring o sports acilities and parks

    Quality assurance or manuacturers o illuminants and lamps

    Planning o lighting eects by light designers and architects

    Adherence to illuminance requirements in the felds o

    arming and orestry.

    Research and development at light engineering acilities

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    SpecifcationsMaximum precision Classifed measurement o illuminance in lx or c in

    accordance with class B or class C per DIN 5032-7, appendix B o IEC

    13032-1 and CIE 69.

    Broad measuring range High initial sensitivity and a resolution o 0.01 lx

    or 0.001 c or the MAVOLUX 5032 B USB, right on up to large illuminance

    values o 199,900 lx or 19,990 c.

    V() adaptation The spectral sensitivity o the silicon photodiode is

    color corrected and corresponds to the spectral brightness sensitivity o the

    human eye V(). The quality o this adaptation represents a signifcant

    dierence between the class B and class C variants.

    Cosine correction The luminosity o a at measuring surace is proportional

    to the cosine o the incident angle o light. This relationship is taken into

    consideration by the sensor during evaluation.

    Simple expansion o unctions Unclassifed measurement o luminance

    in cd/m2 or L is made possible by the optional luminance attachment.

    An additional adapter disc prevents erroneous measurements due to

    incidence o light rom the side.

    Convenient everyday use Simple operation, easy to read display, compact

    design, protection during transport in a high quality aluminum case.

    Non-volatile memory 100 measured values can be saved, retrieved or

    transmitted to a PC via the integrated USB port. Average illuminance values

    can also be calculated as a result.

    Computer-aided measurement The meters continuous operating mode is

    assured thanks to power supply via the USB port. Meter control, as well as

    reading, display and storage o measured values, is managed with GLUX 2

    sotware, included in the delivery contents.

    MAVOLUX 5032 B/C USB

    Due to its outstanding accuracy in accordance with class B, the MAVOLUX

    5032 B USB is used primarily or certifcation and inspection applications.

    An additional measuring range with high initial sensitivity o 0.01 lx makes

    it possible to measure extremely small light intensities. This even permits

    reliable measurement o emergency lighting. Ater pressing the HOLD key,

    the measured value is saved to memory and display illumination included

    with this version is activated, making it possible to read the display in dark

    environments. Adaptation to the spectral brightness sensitivity o the humaneye V() is highly precise with minimal deviation o just 1 < 3 %.

    With accuracy according to class C, the industrial luxmeter Mavolux 5032 C

    USB is primarily used or general applications.The smallest o our measuring

    ranges begins with an initial sensitivity o 0.1 lx. V() adaptation deviation,

    which amounts to 1 < 7.5 %, is considerably better than the admissible

    error limit or class C.

    Both variants can be used as unclassifed luminance meters with the help

    o an optional luminance attachment with an acceptance angle o 15.

    Luminance is measured in candelas per square meter (cd/m) or oot-

    lamberts (L), and defnes the perceived brightness o a back-lighted or

    reecting surace.

    At GOSSEN, great emphasis is placed upon reliability by means ocalibration. For purposes o documented evidence, a actory calibration

    certifcate or a DAkkS calibration certifcate can be ordered along with either

    variant. Depending on how the meter is used, we recommend a calibration

    interval o 12 to 24 months.

    This high precision luxmeteris available in class B and class C versions in accordance with DIN 5032-7, appendix B o IEC 13032-1 and CIE 69. Both variants are equipped with V( )adaptation as well as cosine correction, and reliably measure the illuminance o daylight and artifcial sources o light. Even in the case o very bright sunlight or

    light rom headlights, no accessories are required.


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    MAVO-SPOT 2 USBIs equipped with an excellent adaptation to the spectral brightness sensiti-

    vity o the human eye V() and is highly precise with a minimal deviation o

    just 1 < 3 %, which is signifcantly better than specifed in the standard.

    By means o the mirror reex optics, the measuring subject may be targeted

    precisely in a 15 feld o view and a sharply marked 1 measuring circle in

    the center o the viewfnder. Focus can be set or distances ranging rom 1

    meter to infnity. Shorter distances as o 34 cm are made possible by meanso optional close-up lenses. Alternatively, contact measurement can also be

    perormed with an optional, top quality probe. The velvety coating on the

    adapter disc prevents scratching o sel-luminous and back-lighted suraces.

    Measurement unctions are selected and measurements are started with

    convenient on-hand operation. The display on the viewfnder is activated

    along with back-light by simply pressing a key. The comparative and ratio

    measurements are especially advantageous, by means o which deviation

    o measured value B rom reerence value A is evaluated and displayed.

    The relationship A/B is used or contrast measurement at workstations.

    Percentage deviation %A allows or an assessment o the consistency o

    monitor screens and projection screen lighting, and dierence A-B is used to

    detect deviation during the production process.Special tests or proving and observing norms and standards or quality,

    general saety, work protection, as well as saety on monitors in the feld o

    medical diagnostics and ofce technology may get its documented evidence

    by means o our actory Calibration Certifcate. Depending on how the meter

    is used, we recommend a calibration interval o 12 to 24 months.

    This high precision luminance meteror distance measurement with an acceptance angle o 1 is assigned to class B in accordance with DIN 5032-7, appendix B o IEC 13032-1 and CIE 69.It measures the perceived brightness o back-lighted suraces in candelas per square meter (cd/m) or oot-lamberts (L) in consideration o ambient light.


    SpecifcationsMaximum precision Classifed spot metering o luminance with an

    acceptance angle o 1 in cd/m or L in accordance with class B per DIN

    5032-7, appendix B o IEC 13032-1 and CIE 69.

    Precision ocusing The mirror reex with a 1 measuring circle and a 15

    feld o view is laid out or distance measurements rom 1 meter to infnity,

    with optional close-up lenses or ocusing as o 34 cm.

    Contact measurement Contact measurement can be perormed with an

    optional probe and adapter disc.

    Broad measuring range High initial sensitivity and a resolution o 0.01 to

    99,900 cd/m or 0.01 to 30,000 L.

    Comparative and ratio measurement Contrast A/B, consistent lighting %A

    and deviation A-B are calculated and directly displayed.

    V() adaptation The spectral sensitivity o the silicon photodiode is

    color corrected and corresponds to the spectral brightness sensitivity o the

    human eye V().

    Simple unctions expansion Unclassifed measurement o illuminance in lxor c i s possible with the optional reectance standard.

    Convenient everyday use Simple operation with one hand, easy to readviewfnder display, compact design, tripod thread, protection duringtransport in high quality aluminum case.

    Non-volatile memory 1000 measured values or 10 groups o 100measured values can be saved, retrieved or transmitted to a PC via theintegrated USB port.

    Computer-aided measurement The meters continuous operating modeis assured thanks to power supply via the USB port. Meter control, as wellas acquisition, display and storage o measured values, is managed withincluded GLUX 2 sotware.

    EIZO RadiCS The meter is integrated into the sotware and can be usedor comprehensive testing and automatic adjustment o RadiForce monitors,in order to assure constant and consistent image reproduction.


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    The surveillance o the ambient light extends the standards-

    specifed interval or constancy testing o image display devices or veiling

    luminance and maximum contrast to 6 months. In the case o repeat

    measurements within the ramework o acceptance or constancy testing,

    veiling luminance need not be measured again, and the 60-minute waiting

    time until the image display device has reached a stable state is eliminated.

    Further applications would also be the surveillance o the conditions or

    dimmable light as well as or external workstations or emergency diagnostics.

    MAVOMAXcompletes the application o every diagnostic monitor or light box or medical applications according to norm DIN 6856-1. It guarantees consistent lighting andperorms light surveillance or monitors in accordance with norm DIN EN IEC 61223-2-5 (QS-RL dated 20 Nov. 2003) and DIN V 6868-57.

    SpecifcationsConstant lighting conditions A green LED indicates adherence to theadmissible indoor light range or diagnostics, and a red LED indicates

    violation o this range.

    Reduced testing eort The Surveillance o ambient light extends the

    standards-specifed interval or constancy testing o image display

    devices or veiling luminance and maximum contrast to 6 months.

    In the case o repeat measurements, there is no need to repeat the

    veiling luminance measurement.

    Selectable indoor light range Two variants are available: one or general

    applications MAVOMAX 60 (20 to 60 lx), and one or use in the feld o

    mammography MAVOMAX RK1 (10 to 50 lx) (corresponds to RK1 per drat

    standard DIN 6868-157).

    Flexible power supply Electrical power or the continuous operating mode

    is supplied to the meter by connecting it to a ree USB port or the included

    mains power pack.

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    SpecifcationsFree sotware GLUX supports the MAVOLUX 5032 B/C USB, the

    MAVO-MONITOR USB and the MAVO-SPOT 2 USB, and is included in the

    delivery contents.

    International use German, English, French or Spanish can be selected.

    Clear-cut display Measured value display as list or graphic.

    Expressive profle Recording o selected measured quantities at an

    adjustable interval.

    Simple data export Storage as universal TXT fle or data transmission

    Comortable continuous operation Power supply via USB.

    Open device interace Detailed description included on the CD.

    Helpul bonus material Various Excel spreadsheets or data transer with

    sample applications are included on the CD. These serve as a basis or the

    users own applications.

    GLUX 2 SotwareIntuitive GLUX sotware is the link between the meter and customer-specifc urther processing at the PC. Momentary or stored measured values can betransmitted, saved as TXT fles and read in by word processing, spreadsheet and database applications.

    This allows or inclusion in the users own reports, additional calculations

    and extensive archiving. GLUX is also capable o recording measured values

    at an adjustable interval or the creation o light profles and or long-term

    monitoring. Ater connection to a USB port, the meter is supplied with

    electrical power rom the PC. The complete interace description simplifes

    integration into the users own sotware applications. Excel spreadsheets

    or measured value transer, or reading out memory, or acceptance and

    constancy testing o medical image display devices per DIN V 6868-57, and

    or measurements at workstations are included on the CD as bonus material.


    Reliable Measured Values through Calibration at Regular IntervalsDIN EN ISO 9001-9004 demands test equipment monitoring, i this equipment is relevant or product quality or is used or the preparation o assessments.This test equipment must be calibrated at regular intervals and retraceable back to national standards. Calibration means to state and document the

    deviation o the meter display to an illuminant which is normed by and retraceable to a National Standard. This must be done in a specifc procedure.

    Depending upon how the respective device is used, a calibration interval o between 12 and 24 months is recommended. A combination including receiving

    report, adjustment and fnal report is also possible or GOSSEN meters.

    Strictest Standards or the GOSSEN Light LabThe GOSSEN Light Lab is equipped with a tested and monitored optical

    bench, whose traceability to the national standard maintained by the PTB

    (Highest technical authority under the auspices o the Federal Ministry o

    Economics and Technology) is guaranteed by means o a Wi41G standard

    lamp. The lab is subject to test equipment monitoring in accordance with

    DIN EN ISO 9001-9004, and is additionally accredited or illuminance

    by DAkks in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 under registrationnumber D-K-15080-01-00. Thereore the reliability o the product quality,

    the competence o all personnel involved, continuous external auditing and

    international recognition o the calibration service is a given act. GOSSEN

    oers two dierent calibration certifcates.

    Factory Calibration CertifcateThe actory calibration certifcate comprises testing and documentation o 14

    dierent luminosities over the entire measuring range o 0.00 to 20,000 lx

    with a measuring uncertainty o 3 %. Date o calibration, the devices serial

    number, reerence conditions, identifcation o utilized test equipment and

    admissible deviations are listed as well in accordance with the standards.

    DAkkS Calibration CertifcateThe DAkkS calibration certifcate comprises testing and documentation

    o luminosities including 10, 180 and 1800 lx within the DAkkS certifed

    range o 1.75 to 2000 lx with a measuring uncertainty o 1.5 %. Type o

    calibration, calibration device, calibration method, measurement conditions,

    measurement results and measurement uncertainty are described in detail

    as well. Calibration is limited to luxmeters which comply with at least class C

    in accordance with DIN 5032 or DIN EN 13032.

    Calibration o Devices romOther ManuacturersAter determining that devices rom other manuacturers are capable

    o being calibrated, we are pleased to issue either a DAkkS or a actory

    calibration certifcate. I the device does not comply with at l east class C, only

    actory calibration can be oered.

    Devices rom other manuacturers cannot be adjusted.

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    1614 15


    PrecisionLuminance Meter

    Class B DIN5032-7/EN13032-1,appendixB


    0.1 99,900lx

    Withoptional reectance standard,classifed

    0.01cd/m 99,990cd/m / 0.01L 30,000L


    Automatic/ manual

    Distancemeasurem.with mirrorreex optics,acceptance angle

    o1, rom1 meterto infnity,contactmeasurement(with probe)

    Siliconphotodiode withV () flter


    1000measuredvalues or10groups o100measuredvalues

    < 3%


    Multiunctional LCD


    4keys,1 sliderswitch,1 DIPswitch

    USB 2.0

    GLUX 2

    2ea.1.5 V mignon,type AA



    Approx.5000 measurements


    0C to 50C

    1 9 0 m m x9 0 m m x5 7 m m

    400g withoutbattery

    Factorycertifcate H997B

    Aluminum case,GLUX 2sotware,eyecup, lens cover,

    USB cable,battery,operatinginstructions


    PrecisionLuminance Meter

    Class B DIN5032-7/EN13032-1,appendixB


    0.01cd/m 19,990cd/m / 0.001L 1,999L


    Automatic/ manual



    Siliconphotodiode withV () flter


    1.5m, plug-in

    100measured values

    < 3%


    3 digitLCD



    USB 1.1

    GLUX 2

    1,5V mignon,type AA


    4min. /continuous operation

    Approx.45 hours withalkaline manganese battery


    0C to 50C

    65mm x120 mm x19mm (meter)

    31mm x105 mm x30mm (probe)

    265g withoutbattery

    Factorycertifcate H997B

    Aluminum case,adapterdisc,GLUX 2 sotware,

    USB cable,battery,operatinginstructions

    Model MAVOLUX 5032 B USB MAVOLUX 5032 C USB

    Type P r ec i si onLuxm eter P r ec i si onLuxm eter

    Classifcation Class BDIN5032-7/ EN13032-1,appendixB Class C DIN5032-7/EN13032-1,appendixB

    Item number M 50 3N M 50 2N

    Illuminance 0 .01 l x 1 9 9 ,9 0 0 l x/ 0 .0 01 c 1 9 ,9 9 0 c 0 .1 l x 1 9 9 ,9 0 0 l x/ 0 .0 1 c1 9 ,99 0 c

    Luminance 0.1cd/m 1,999,000cd/m /0.01L 199,900L 1cd/m 1,999,000cd/m /0.1 L 199,900LWithoptional luminance attachment,notclassifed Withoptional luminance attachment,notclassifed

    Measuringranges 5 4

    Measuringrange selection Automatic/ manual Automatic/ manual

    Measuringrate 2 pe rsecond 2 pe rsecond

    Measuringmethod Distancemeasurement, Distancemeasurement,

    Contactmeasurementwithoptional luminance attachment Contactmeasurementwithoptional luminance attachment

    Measuringsensor Siliconphotodiode withV () flter Siliconphotodiode withV () flter

    Probe withtripod thread Yes Yes

    Measurementcable 1 .5 m , p lu g- in 1 .5 m , f rm ly c o nn ec te d

    Measuredvalue memory 100measured values 100measured values

    Errorl imit-V() adapted(1), typical < 3% < 7,5%

    Errorlimit- overall error,typical 8% 15%

    Display 3 1 /2 dig it LC D 3 1 /2 d ig it LC D

    Back-Light Yes

    Operatingelements 6keys 6keys

    Interace U SB 1 .1 U SB 1 .1

    Sotware G LU X 2 G LU X 2

    Battery 1,5V mignon,type AA 1,5V mignon,type AA

    Automaticbatterycontrol Yes Yes

    Automaticshutdown 4 m i n . / cont i nuous oper ati on 4 m i n . / cont i nuous oper ati on

    Batteryservice lie Approx.45 hours withalkaline manganese battery Approx.45 hours withalkaline manganese battery

    Powersupply USB USB

    Operatingtemperature 0C to 50C 0C to 50C

    Dimensions 65mm x120 mm x19 mm (meter) 65mm x120 mm x19 mm (meter)

    31mm x105 mm x30 mm (probe) 31mm x105 mm x30 mm (probe)

    Weight 2 0 0 gw i thoutbat ter y 2 0 0 gw i thoutbat ter y

    Certifcates Fact orycer ti fcat e - H9 9 7 B Fact orycer ti fcat e - H9 9 7 B

    DAkkScertifcate -H997D DAkkScertifcate -H997D

    Deliverycontents Aluminum case,GLUX 2sotware Aluminum case,GLUX 2sotware

    USB cable,battery,operating instructions USB cable,battery,operating instructions








    Luminance attachment M516G

    Adapterdisc M499G

    Measurementcables withspecial lengths:

    3m -15146

    5m -15147

    10m -15148

    Luminance attachment M516G

    Adapterdisc M499G

    Measurementcables withspecial lengths:

    3m -15143

    5m -15144

    10m -15145

    Probe orcontactmeasurement M511G

    Close-uplens 1(51to 100cm) M496G

    Close-uplens 2(34to 50cm) M497G

    Stray-lightbae M513G

    Carryingstrap M514G

    MAVOMAX RK1 / 60

    IndoorLight Surveillance Meter


    1 0 l xt o 5 0 l x/ 2 0 l xt o 6 0 l x


    Siliconphotodiode withV () flter


    Bypermanently connectedUSB cable

    0C to 50C

    4 0 m m x3 3 m m x2 3 m m

    1 5 0 g

    Powerpack withUSB socket

    90to 240V (50to 60Hz),operatinginstructions

    Reectance standardor luxmeasurement M512G

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    GOSSEN Foto- und Lichtmesstechnik GmbH | Lina-Ammon-Str. 22 | 90471 Nrnberg | Germany

    Tel: + 49 (0) 911 8602 - 181 | Fax: +49 (0) 911 8602 - 142
