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  • 8/13/2019 zgr


    Supply Chain Organization onDifferent Alternatives Models

    Store Picking

    Warehouse Picking


  • 8/13/2019 zgr


    Store Picking

    -The product shipentflo!s and inforation flo!sfor the "nternet net!ork ofeach channel#

  • 8/13/2019 zgr


    $Store-picking% consists insatisfying an "nternetconsuer&s order off theshelf in the shop closest to

    his hoe#

    Store Picking

  • 8/13/2019 zgr


    Store Picking

    - The "nternet consuer places- retailer&s !e' site andthe inforation is sent to the store

    - According to the levels of e(pected "nternet andtraditional consuer deand) the retailer places its o!norders !ith its suppliers#

    - "n such a case) all the decisions are ade 'y theretailer *arketed +uantities) inventory) order anddelivery anageent,#

  • 8/13/2019 zgr


    Warehouse Picking

    - Dedicated !arehouses are reserved for "nternet orders#

    The orders are prepared in these !arehouses and areshipped out to "nternet consuers#

  • 8/13/2019 zgr


    Warehouse Picking

    - This type of organization can lead to higher fi(ed costs*investent in dedicated !arehouses, and result inlonger delivery ties#

  • 8/13/2019 zgr


    Warehouse Picking

    - Warehouse picking systes needs to

    .Automated systems The goal is internal logisticschain in a cost-optiised and energy efficient !ay#

    . Storage and conveying Create order in the!arehouse and in the !arehousing process# /ro ro'uststacking 'o(es via container concepts through tocople( racking and storage systes0 to supplyeverything fro a single source#

  • 8/13/2019 zgr


    Warehouse Picking

    . Workstation The follo!ing applies e+ually tocoercial) industrial and technical !orkstations0 "t1s theresult that counts#

    . Logistics software

  • 8/13/2019 zgr


    Store-picking) Warehouse-pickingand Drop-shipping

  • 8/13/2019 zgr


    Store Picking Warehouse Picking Drop- Shipping

    Cost Cheap 2(pensive Cheaper than StorePicking

    CustoerService 3evel

    Directly connectedWith the suppllier

    Directly connect !iththe supplier

    The custoer connect!ith the supplierindirectly

    Margins 4igh 3o! 3o!


    4ave to locate 'estplace the !arehouse )!hen deliver theorders to thecustoers#

    4ave to locate 'estplace the !arehouse )!hen deliver the ordersto the custoers#

    "f use !arehouse)fullfilling orders forother erchants#- fle(i'le location

  • 8/13/2019 zgr


    Store Picking Warehouse Picking Drop-Shipping


    Directly send to thecustoers

    Mi(ing ultiple S56sin the sae 'inlocation reducespicking productivity

    "f you !ork !ithultiple suppliers )a nu'er of differentdrop shippers

    Supplier Side There is no fault a'out

    the supplier side

    "f there is a pro'le)

    custoer contact !iththe supplier#

    Wasn1t your fault) 'ut

    you had to acceptresponsi'ility for theistake any!ay7


    8-9 days 9-: days 9-: days