Køb motorisk legetøj, læseproblemer, institutionslegetøj, køb legetøj fra ABCLeg Author: Thomsen Lucas Learning is pleasurable Learning is an ongoing process. Some learning is fostered formally while other happens naturally or informally. Making kids learn anything requires heavy mass of patience and endeavor and it isn't easy at all. Children are very fickle- minded and expecting that they would exhibit maturity while learning is foolish. They tend to get bore easily and their concentration span is too less. Combating all these problems and ensuring that the learning happens require various strategies and interesting modus- operandi. The concept of play and learn is a development of recent past. There are many toys that are manufactured keeping in mind the child's skill and learning requirements. A child can play and learn (leg og lær )simultaneously, something that isn't possible for the traditional schools to implement exclusively to all students. This is where parents can buy toys to their kids who will impart education and knowledge. So interest is retained and best- learning is also executed. The child in no way will get bored in the whole process even if he is made to play with the same toy regularly. For example playing typing adventure game develops their keyboard typing skill or vocabulary games like homophones and crosswords will build up their language. If this isn't enough you have animal games, music games, geography and history games to make sure that the child balances the fun and learning part well. Moreover if a child is made to meddle with these types of toys his interest will never die and he will always vouch to buy toys (køb legetøj )that are equipped with double impact. So basically learning is fun. You wish if the school was less of learning and more of fun. That is why you enjoy the sports class more than your world history. For most people school meant drilling classes, homework, projects, tests, grades and competition. Their experience was more sour than sweet. Thankfully this is not the scenario in today's learning. It is about expanding one's horizon, one's possibilities and one's wits. The schools have combined these two as the desirable progress of the child is guaranteed. Break the shackles and welcome the new learning with open arms. It is high time to believe that the toys and playing stuffs do more than what they are traditionally known for. So thinking that a kid is wasting his time on playing would be wrong. A child is learning and playing and vice- versa. Be it in schools or play centers or among friends play and learn should happen always. A ride to wonderful days

Køb motorisk legetøj, læseproblemer, institutionslegetøj, køb legetøj fra abc leg

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Køb motorisk legetøj, læseproblemer, institutionslegetøj, køb legetøj fra ABCLeg

Author: Thomsen Lucas

Learning is pleasurable

Learning is an ongoing process. Some learning is fostered formally while other happens naturally or informally. Making kids learn anything requires heavy mass of patience and endeavor and it isn't easy at all. Children are very fickle- minded and expecting that they would exhibit maturity while learning is foolish. They tend to get bore easily and their concentration span is too less. Combating all these problems and ensuring that the learning happens require various strategies and interesting modus- operandi.

The concept of play and learn is a development of recent past. There are many toys that are manufactured keeping in mind the child's skill and learning requirements. A child can play and learn (leg og lær)simultaneously, something that isn't possible for the traditional schools to implement exclusively to all students. This is where parents can buy toys to their kids who will impart education and knowledge. So interest is retained and best- learning is also executed. The child in no way will get bored in the whole process even if he is made to play with the same toy regularly. For example playing typing adventure game develops their keyboard typing skill or vocabulary games like homophones and crosswords will build up their language. If this isn't enough you have animal games, music games, geography and history games to make sure that the child balances the fun and learning part well. Moreover if a child is made to meddle with these types of toys his interest will never die and he will always vouch to buy toys (køb legetøj)that are equipped with double impact.

So basically learning is fun. You wish if the school was less of learning and more of fun. That is why you enjoy the sports class more than your world history. For most people school meant drilling classes, homework, projects, tests, grades and competition. Their experience was more sour than sweet. Thankfully this is not the scenario in today's learning. It is about expanding one's horizon, one's possibilities and one's wits. The schools have combined these two as the desirable progress of the child is guaranteed. Break the shackles and welcome the new learning with open arms. It is high time to believe that the toys and playing stuffs do more than what they are traditionally known for. So thinking that a kid is wasting his time on playing would be wrong. A child is learning and playing and vice- versa. Be it in schools or play centers or among friends play and learn should happen always.

A ride to wonderful days

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For me motor toys have always unfolded a series of adventure, thrill and excitement. I have always admired them more than any other toys. It is different that with age I wasn't been given the pleasure of playing with these toys as the adults around me considered that I should attend to other playthings. But I was hell-bent and toyshop visit would mean that I have variegated motor toys in my kitty. I learn to persuade my father on this aspect from very early age and he was too glad to offer his little kid whatever she asked for. Power of persuasion did work a lot for me especially at a time when I didn't even know what does it mean or what deadly thing it is!

I wasn't deterred by the fact that being a girl I should restrict myself to dolls and teddies. It is not that I didn't crave for them. I did but motor toys (motorisk legetøj) always had a soft spot in my heart. If I liked my tea-set I also liked my bikes and choppers. Today I don't have that much time to indulge in any fun- activities because of my busy schedule. But the memories are still green in my mind. As if am still in that hassle- free and wonderful childhood days and playing with toys would be so good.

The other day I was on a cleaning spree. I went down to the attic and thought of putting things in little shape. It was more of a memory down the lane trip for me after ages. After dusting few racks and arranging the half- broken drawer I suddenly found a big cane basket. It was tattered and the red color has changed to tanned brown-thanks to the dust that has settled with the passage of time. I opened it as I could vaguely remember the contents. To my utter delight I had my toys there. Most of them were fine except few scratches and scrape here and there. I forget my attic- mission and settled down there and picked up my unscrambled learning zebra, electric motor jeep with a remote- control, a cranky tricycle and wheely bug to name a few. I checked each of them religiously and made a note of the parts which needed a little repair. I didn't even realize that the entire morning went off so soon. I brought the entire basket and kept it in my room. My mother was startled but she didn't ask me anything. Out of the same excitement which always beamed out on my face when someone would buy toys (køb legetøj) for me I told her that my new family members will be staying with me next to my bedside table.

Those knick knacks have seen me as a child and they know me more than anyone does. I just love them and will keep doing so.

Learn while you play

The world of Humpty Dumpty or Jack and Jill is too close to our hearts when we were kids and when we grew up. The same attraction yielded from bedtime stories of kings and queens, idyllic palaces and decorated bastion. Superman, Batman, Spider man and He-man still make us go mad and we crave for that ecstatic perfect life as depicted in movies and magazines. The children are more than elated and electrified when it comes to all this. The same level of involvement and excitement can be seen on their face at the sight of their beloved toys and playthings.

There has been a revolutionary change in the way makers have devised games and toys for children and the thought that

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parents carry in their mind while buying such things. Parents are concerned about the good quality as well as the educational value glued to the toys that they want to gift their little ones. Depending upon the age-group of the child the toys are manufactured. Today almost all toys enable kids to get equipped with particular skill which may start with defining eye movement and eye- hand coordination to recognizing the toy and involving the other parts of the body to grab that if it’s kept far away. In fact you don't have to educate your child how to play with the toys. They are fast enough to catch the trick after two or three attempts. The scholarship can extend from mere playing to learning letters and numbers of the alphabets and recognizing colors. If his linguistic development has started the parents can involve the child to speak few monosyllables at the initial stage.

One of the most interactive and mentally engrossing activities is to offer puzzles for children (puslespil til børn). You can have basic ABCD puzzle or arranging numbers and filling the missing ones. Jigsaw puzzle, tiles game, New Year or Christmas puzzles, picture puzzle have been great hit with this bustling crowd. Institution toys (institutionslegetøj) are in great demand in schools, church and other educational bodies. If a child loves to solve puzzle be assured that his brain is developing properly. Physical and mental health has to be augmented simultaneously at this growing stage. Parents can stay cool and calm for these interactive toys and puzzle are enough to ensure all round personality growth of their dear ones. Educational toys are the best bet as the fun and learning goes hand in glove. One doesn't have to think of anything else when these kids are at play. Let them enjoy!

Fill In All Hues

I remember watching a movie where the child or the protagonist couldn't concentrate in studies. He hated going to school and reading was such a difficult task for this little fellow. Instead colors, imagination, cartoons, drawing, painting fascinated him to the core. Fed up from child's degraded academic performance the parents enrolled him in a boarding school under the impression that he will regain his studies and his reading problems will also vanish. They anticipated that the hostel life will make him learn and unlearn everything. This child developed into a different and improved personality with the help of his arts teacher. The teacher understood his area of interests and garnered that accordingly.

Well I didn't cry buckets after watching this movie but I was highly touched. Reading is an important skill and every child should learn to read and write from very early. It is good for imagination and creativity. Constant reading helps the child to develop his speaking skills. We have been hearing these things since ages and can't deny the fact that these dictums does hold true eternally.

Unfortunately many children suffer from reading problems (læseproblemer). So it becomes imperative for the parents or teachers to create an element of interest in their hearts. Reading should be made exciting and fun- based activity. Instead of making them sit and read in a boring conventional room, try changing the semi fixed space of the room. If the room is colorful with paintings and cartoon cut-outs and other animated objects the child will feel great and it would act as injecting him with positive spirit and oodles of energy. Find a story where you can enact. Knight’s tale, King's tale or princess life are some of the all- time dear friends of children. If the child has reading problems, it is mandatory to make reading fun and not a drill or lesson.

I also feel that children love to draw and color. They learn to recognize color and once they get to see and touch the colors, their joys know no limit. They get very happy if someone draws an outline of a bear or a house and ask them to fill in colors. Providing them coloring book (malebog) is a great way to keep them occupied for hours. Instead of making your kids addict to

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video games and cartoon shows on the idiot- box, engage them with this colorful and interesting activity. If the kid is stressed out or not at peace make him or her sit with a coloring book. It will turn him cool as a cucumber. These strokes are something that the generation after generations will love doing so.

Why Bilibo?

Buying toys for those little ones is indeed very exciting and pleasing idea. Parents and kids have always enjoyed doing this together. Children love to play with the toys for few days till that new feeling is there. Some weeks later their interest and the attachment towards the same toy vanishes into the thin air. You want your child to eat healthy foods and you cook for him or her keeping all the requirements in mind. But the kid finds paper pieces or potato skin tastier than the home made healthy food. You wonder what is so good about picking things from the floor and munching them. No one has the answer except that small fellow who derives overwhelming joy in doing so daily.

The same behavior is attached with toys. The child`s doll or bear or motor toys (motorisk legetøj)have always been in the priority list. So you buy all these toys and feel happy to see your kid playing with them. What again makes you wonder is that the child leaves the toys and catches the box and start playing with it. You might joke saying that instead of all these toys you could have bought few boxes of different shape and size. Well this might sound amusing but this is where the genesis of bilibo has been laid. Kids adore them because these boxes can be used for multiple purposes. They either stand or sit or move it like a swing. If that doesn`t satisfy their creative streak, the same is used for carrying stuff around or putting it on their heads or using it as doll beds and tunnels. One gets fascinated to see how these colorful, light-weight and shell –looking boxes are used for different purposes by the kids. These toys have become a great hit in the market and more than parents the little child is aware of the fact. Children today are fast- paced than adults and the credit goes to the age of information explosion that we breathe in.

Even I was introduced to this bilibo (bilibo)my cousin`s daughter. She took time to show what she can do with this stylish box. I felt why the same thing wasn`t there when we were children. To this my cousin also agreed and we had a mutual –empathy rendering session for a while. With so many innovative, modish, sci-fi playthings capturing the toys market, it is such a nice thing to see these kids deriving untold joys from bilibo.

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