Lesson Plan Three Alumno Residente : Cintia Beramendi Período de Práctica: 3, nivel Secundario Institución Educativa: E.S.B N°306 Dirección: Paraná 36, Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires. Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 2°A Cantidad de alumnos: 30 Nivel lingüístico del curso: elemental Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: SuperhéroesClase Nº: 3 Fecha: 23 de Octubre de 2015 Hora: 09:40hs Duración de la clase: 120 minutos. Fecha de primera entrega: Lunes 19 de Octubre de 2015. Teaching points: Talking about past events. Introducing time reference Revising past simple questions and answers.

Lesson plan three

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Lesson Plan Three

Alumno Residente: Cintia Beramendi

Período de Práctica: 3, nivel Secundario

Institución Educativa: E.S.B N°306

Dirección: Paraná 36, Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires.

Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 2°A

Cantidad de alumnos: 30

Nivel lingüístico del curso: elemental

Tipo de Planificación: Clase

Unidad Temática: “Superhéroes”

Clase Nº: 3

Fecha: 23 de Octubre de 2015

Hora: 09:40hs

Duración de la clase: 120 minutos.

Fecha de primera entrega: Lunes 19 de Octubre de 2015.

Teaching points:

Talking about past events.

Introducing time reference

Revising past simple questions and answers.

Aims: During this lesson, learners will be able to:

Recognize and answer questions in the simple past.

Develop their communicative competence by starting informal conversation talking about superheroes.

Develop their reading and writing skills while reading a text and writing a Superhero’s profile. Develop their listening skills while watching a video.

Language focus:

Lexis Function Structure Pronunciation Revision

Verbs in the simple past: saw, watched, liked, did. Film, superhero, superpowers, flight, transform, save, help, fight. Last night, yesterday, last week.

Answering questions about past events. Answering questions in the simple present.

Did you watch a film last night? Yes, I did. Does a Superhero save people? Yes, he does.

Production of æ/ as in “spiderman”

New Villain, genetically engineered, bite, become, a week ago, last weekend, in (1995), a month ago. Orphaned, crash, strength,

Talk about superheroes, and past events using time references.

Simple past interrogative with time reference: When did you last watch “Spiderman”? I last watched Spiderman 3 years ago.

Production of /b/ as in “bite”

NOTE: despite in this lesson there is a new structure “When did you last…” the lesson is

aimed at practicing previously learnt past simple structures in order to round up the topic. That’s why not all the activities have the main focus on that new structure.

Teaching approach: Communicative approach.

Integration of skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing skills will be integrated in the

lesson as students discuss different ideas orally; watch a video and then, read a text from which they’ll do different written and oral activities.

Materials and resources: Worksheets, a video, a TV, netbooks, chalk and duster.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: In this lesson, students will watch the trailer of

a film (Spiderman) in order to answer some questions about it. Besides, they’ll use their netbooks in order to find information about “Superheroes”. In case we can’t use the TV, the teacher will download the video and show it to students from her notebook.

Seating arrangement: students will be sitting in pairs in order to do the activities proposed

by the teacher.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: Students

may talk more than it is expected so the teacher will do some seating arrangements if necessary. Besides, she’ll let students know the time they have to do the activities so that time is efficiently managed.

Classroom management strategies: The teacher will give students different types of

activities to engage them in the learning process and to cater for different learning styles. Besides, she’ll promote group oral discussion for students to feel comfortable and encourage them to participate during the lesson.

Potential problems students may have with the language: students may have problems in understanding the text, so the teacher will let them work in pairs so they can help each other with new vocabulary. Besides, they’ll have some problems when writing a factfile, but the teacher will help and guide them, providing key words and specific data students will have to include.

Instances of collaborative work in class: students will work in pairs in order to help each

other with new vocabulary.

Assessment: The teacher will assess students’ willingness to participate in class, and their

strengths and weaknesses.


Routine: 10 minutes

Purpose: to greet students and let them know that the lesson has started.

I’ll enter the room and say “Good morning students! How are you today?”

SS: Good morning teacher! Fine, and you?

T: Very good, thank you! Please sit down, turn off your phones and pay attention that I’m going to call the roll, ok?

Transition: Thank you very much! Let’s write the date! What day is today? (teacher writes the date on the board)

Warm up: 10 minutes

Purpose: to contextualize the topic.

The teacher will write “SUPERHEROES” on the board to start a class discussion and get to know how much students know about the topic. She’ll ask some questions such as “What is a superhero?” “What superheroes do you know?” Is Spiderman a superhero? (Writing the names of superheroes students know on the board) and she’ll guide the discussion asking more specific questions for students to activate previous knowledge and vocabulary. For instance “Does a superhero save or help people?” Does a superhero fight against villains? Meanwhile, she’ll write key vocabulary on the board: save, fight, villains, help, among others.

Transition: good job!

Presentation: 10 minutes

Purpose: to introduce new vocabulary and structures, and revise structures and vocabulary previously learnt.

T: What’s your favourite Superhero? Mine is Spiderman! I really enjoy watching that film. Did you watch “Spiderman”? SS’ answer: (yes, I did/ No, I didn’t) When did you last you watch it? (Meanwhile she’ll stick the following strips on the board as an example:

WHEN DID YOU LAST…? A month ago

Two months ago A year ago Two years ago Last week Last night In in1995

And she’ll say: I last watched Spiderman a month ago (pointing to the strip on the board). Then she’ll continue: “When did you last watch Batman?” Did you watch it yesterday? (Pointing to a student and guiding him/her to answer the question) then, pointing to another student: “When was the last time you watched “Hulk”? For instance, I watched it a week ago (pointing to it on the board) SS’ answer. T: Did you like it? SS’ answer. T: Can you ask him/her? (the teacher will help the student ask the question to his/her partner pointing to the strip on the board) SS: When was the last time you watched Spiderman? SS.2: I watched “Spiderman” a year ago. SS1: Did you like it? SS.2: Yes, I did/ No, I didn’t. (we’ll continue asking the question several times so many students can participate and they get familiar with the new structure).

Transition: Excellent students!

Activity 1: 20 minutes

Purpose: for students to practice previously learnt structures in a meaningful context and learn new vocabulary while working with some information about “Superheroes”

The teacher will give each student a worksheet and ask to work in pairs. She’ll explain:

T: now, look at the worksheet I gave you. You have to read about the three different superheroes and guess which one belongs to each description, ok? But first you have to complete each paragraph with the correct form of the verb. Once you finish, you write the name of each Superhero under each paragraph, ok? You can work in pairs and help each other with new words, try to infer meaning through context. Who can explain what you have to do? (Once students start working, the teacher will walk around the classroom helping students in case they have doubts, and with new vocabulary. However, the teacher will ask students to try to infer meaning through context, in case they have problems, she’ll help them miming or exemplifying).

Complete the paragraphs with the correct form of the verb in brackets, in the past. Then match each paragraph with the correspondent character. Who’s the paragraph talking about?

Hulk - Superman - Batman

He __________(be) a refugee on Earth from the long-destroyed planet of Krypton. Although he ________(look) completely human, he _________(have) many amazing powers, including flight, strength, speed, resistance to extremes of cold and heat, invulnerability to physical wounds, and more. The story describes how he______ (be) sent away from Krypton before its destruction,

_________(arrive) at Earth, then ________(grow) to maturity and learns of his true identity and destiny.


This character _________(have) a lab accident that _________(involve) gamma radiation and ________(make) him able to turn into a green-skinned monster whenever he ________(get) angry, while he __________(be) pursued by the United States military.


When his parents _________(be) killed by a mugger, he ________(set) out on a journey to discover the means to fight injustice. He _________(find) a possible answer through a man named Ra's Al Ghul, the head of the League of shadows. With help from Ghul, and his assistant Henri Ducard, he _________(learn) the skills he needs to rid of criminals. On returning to Gotham, he________ (find) the city ruled by crime and corruption. When he _________(discover) a cave under the mansion, he_______ (come) across the symbol he is looking for.


Adapted from: http://www.moviemistakes.com/film1245/plot



Answer key: Paragraph 1: Was-looked-had-was-arrived-grew- (Superman) Paragraph 2:

Had-involved-made-got-was- (Hulk) Paragraph 3: Were-set-found-learned-discovered-came- (Batman)

After some minutes, the teacher will ask students:

“Have you finished? Can we check? SS: yes! Ok, let’s start reading the first paragraph! Who can start? SS: me! T: Ok! (After we check the verb form of each paragraph and what Superhero belongs to each one, the teacher will open a class discussion in order to check comprehension) so she’ll ask: Ok, the first paragraph belongs to “Superman, right? SS: yes! T: so, what is it about? Who was Superman? Where was he from? What were his superpowers? (and the same with the other paragraphs).

Transition: Excellent job! Now, let’s meet another superhero!

Activity 2: 15 minutes

Purpose: for students to develop their listening skills while watching a video.

T: When did you last go to the cinema? (SS’answer) Very good, now we’re going to watch a trailer of the film. Pay attention because you have to use some information to complete a worksheet, ok? (We’ll watch the video twice. The first time is for students to complete the while watching activity, and the second time to discuss about this character and the film with the class).

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FN3YaybNJ2s


Who Am I? Are you sure you wanna know?

Somebody told you I was just your average ordinary guy

not caring the world, somebody lied

The truth is it wasn't always like this. There was a time when life was a lot less


Can I take you a picture? For the school paper?


In this lab you’ve 15 genetically enhanced super spiders

There are fourteen, one’s missing

Peter! Are you all right?

I’m fine!

Pete look, you’ve changed.

I know. I’d do exactly the same thing at your age.

No, not exactly.


Peter may I introduce my father Norman Osborn

Ok, nice to meet you Sir.

Harry tells me you’re the science whiz.

You know, I’m something the scientist myself

What the hell is that?

Whatever he is, somebody has to stop it.

With great power comes great responsibility.

This is my gift


It is my curse

Who are you?

Who am I? I'm spider-man!

You’d like it to say thank you this time

you do too much you’re not Superman you know

While watching:

Peter Parker was

a) A chef b) A doctor c) A photographer

Peter Parker was bitten by a:

a) Snake b) Bat c) Spider

Spiderman is:

a) A place b) An animal c) A man


a) Helps people b) Damages places c) Is dangerous for people

Spiderman suit is:

a) Green and red b) Blue and white c) Red and blue

After watching the video once, the teacher will say: Ok students, let’s check! The first sentence, was Peter Parker a chef? SS: no! T: what was he? SS: he was a photographer! T: very good! What about the second sentence? (we continue until we check all the sentences)

T: Ok, students let’s watch it again!

After watching for the second time the teacher will ask students to discuss the video with their partners.

T: Ok, now discuss with your partner: What type of film is “Spiderman”? is it a romantic film? Is it a fantasy film? What is it about? Please, take down some notes about what you understood about the film. Then we’ll discuss orally.

(After a few minutes) T: Ok, What type of film is it? Did you like it? What is it about? Was Spiderman a hero? How did he become “Spiderman”? What happened to him? What were his superpowers? What could he do? (the teacher will help students answer the questions orally since the next activity is closely connected with this one, and students will have to do a written activity in which they’ll answer deeply. This is just to introduce the “Superhero”).

Transition: Good job students!

Activity 3: 20 minutes

Purpose: to revise the use of the simple past in questions and answers in a meaningful context and to develop reading skills.

T: Now, we’re going to know a bit more about Spiderman. Here I have a photocopy about Spiderman’s profile. You have to read it, and then answer some questions, ok? SS: Ok! T: good, you may want to work in pairs.

I took the text from the following site, (as regards the questions, I created them): https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnwzMDFzdXBlcmhlcm9lc3xneDo3MDdkZDAyOWMxZjcwN2Rk

Answer the questions:

1) What’s Spiderman real name?

2) What was his job? 3) Where was he born? 4) When did he last see his parents?

5) What happened to them? 6) Who did Peter live with after his parents’ death?

7) When did he last be an ordinary guy? Why? 8) What changes did he suffer?

(While students do the activities I’ll walk around the classroom in case they have some doubts. In case they have some problems with the vocabulary, I’ll apply the same strategies as above. I’ll ask them to infer meaning through context and if that doesn’t work, I’ll mime or exemplify.)

After some minutes I’ll ask: Can we check? SS: yes! T: Ok, Who can read the first question? SS: me! T: ok! (by this way the teacher checks students’ comprehension and promote communication in the language).

Transition: Very good students! Did you like the activity? Now, let’s create a Superhero’s profile!

Activity 4: 25 minutes

Purpose: to promote students’ autonomy while using the past simple tense to create a profile about a Superhero they like.

T: Now, the final activity has to do with searching the web! Do you like working with your computers, don’t you? SS: yes! Ok, now you can work in pairs. You’ll choose a Superhero you like, whoever you like, and you will create a profile like the one about Spiderman, ok? I’ll give you some sites, where you can search for information. Be careful with the information you include. You have to follow Spiderman’s model, right? Take into account:

Real name Profession Place of birth Marital status

Relatives And a brief description about his/her history, including his/her superpowers.

Are you ready? SS: yes! Ok, here are the sites where you can find information. However if you know any other, you can use it.



(Students will search the Internet and find information about the Superheroes. They’ll start writing the profile in class, so that the teacher can check it first, and at home they’ll print a picture of the Superhero they’ve chosen and prepare a poster to stick on the classroom’s wall) so, the teacher will say:

Students, at home you have to find or print a picture about your superhero and prepare a poster in which you’ll paste the picture and write the profile you are preparing now, ok? You may write the profile in your computers, and then print it and paste it on the poster. SS: ok!

(While students work, the teacher will monitor them and walk around the classroom in case they need help)

Transition: Excellent job students!

Closure: 10 minutes

Purpose: to let students know the lesson has finished

T: Did you enjoy the lesson? Did you like working with “Superheroes”? What did you like the most? (SS’ answers)

Ok, please bring your posters for next class, ok?

Goodbye everyone!

Have a nice weekend!

See you next class!