The lifestyle of shanghai subway



Shanghai people - the things they do...

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上海地鐵百態 The Lifestyle of Shanghai subway地鐵裏,是個人才輩出的地方, 不信你看看 ...

Let’s take a look, you won’t believe your eyes during a ride in the Shanghai subway system.

This guy dress on a Scotland skirt, right shoulder hangs on a LV bag, follow me, can you?


She is courageous, not because of her fashion.

晨練?午睡?Morning exercise, or nap?

Do not fall in love with this lady or she will kill you

不要迷戀姐 姐能要妳命

醜少女戰士Awful young fightress


Moon can destroy you

“謝謝你剛才救了我,蝙蝠俠先生”” Mr. Batman, Thanks for your help just a while ago”

後面兩位 表情到位How lovely for both behind!

看什麼看,就是有胸肌What are you looking at! I’ve got my.....

頭盔情侶 ?鹹蛋超人 Helmut couple? Salted eggs superman!!


Tough to be a chick

超人也得坐地鐵 Superman still have to take a subway

體操哥Gym boy

哥在思考 let me think


I’ve got a nice pair of leg

胸罩男 I’m shy, I need to cover

後面的國際友人也長見識了 Those aliens learn something...

高手啊 . 這樣也能睡得著覺 Nice eh, still can sleep( 這個高手還是 MM呢 ...她旁邊的男人似乎在憋著笑?)

她 ..她 ..脖子斷了嗎 ? Hey her neck is broken and you still fall asleep( 哇 ..兄弟 , 妳女朋友脖子斷了 .你還在睡覺 ?)





He must be a super ballet dancer!!

刻苦的小學生們 , 長大了有出息 ! Hard working kids!! You will be famous somedays!