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Ass.Prof.MUDr. Ján Porubský, CSc., Prof.MUDr. Pavel Babál, CSc. MUDr.Pavol Janega

MUDr.Andrea Janegová

MUDr. Zuzana Čierna

Department of pathology, Comenius University

Sasinkova 4, Bratislava

Prof. MUDr. Ľudovít Danihel, CSc.

Pathology of uropoetic system

Arteriolosclerotic nephrosclerosis (57)

• cause – hypertension → thickening of arteries, reduction of lumen

→ local ischemia

• nephrosclerosis - benign – hyaline arteriolosclerosis, intimal


- malignant - (> 200/140 mmHg) - fibrinoid necrosis,

hyperplastic intimal sclerosis

Arteriosclerotic nephrosclerosis

• cause – atherosclerosis of a.renalis, ischemic changes

Arterio- and arteriolosclerotic nephrosclerosis (57)

Arterio- and arteriolosclerotic nephrosclerosis (57)

Arterio- and arteriolosclerotic nephrosclerosis (57)

Glomerulonephritis (59,61)

• renal disease characterized by inflammation of the glomeruli

• cause –IC (local IC deposits, circulating IC), anti-GBM antibodies

• primary / secondary (SLE, vasculities, DM, infectious diseases)

• acute / rapidly progressive / chronic

• clinical presentation:

- nephritic syndrome (haematuria, mild proteinuria, hypertension,

oedema, oliguria)

- nephrotic syndrome (heavy proteinuria, hypoalbuminaemia,

oedema, hyperlipidaemia, lipiduria, hypercoagulability)

- combination

Pathology of uropoetic system

Primary glomerulonephritis

1. Acute GN a) post-streptococcal

b) non-streptococcal

2. Rapidly progressive GN

3. Minimal change disease

4. Membranous GN

5. Membrano-proliferative GN

6. Focal proliferative GN

7. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)

8. IgA nephropathy

9. Chronic glomerulonephritis

Pathology of uropoetic system

Glomerulonephritis – morphological changes

Minimal change GN

(Minimal change disease. Lipoid nephrosis. Foot process disease)

- no changes on light microscopy

- on electron microscopy fusion of podocytes

- nephrotic syndrome

Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)

- focal (certain number of glomeruli) a segmental (part of

glomeruli) affection

- sclerosis of glomeruli and hyalinisation of arterioles

- nephrotic syndrome with heavy proteinuria

Focal proliferative GN (Mesangial proliferative GN)

- proliferation of mesang. and endothel. cells

- haematuria

Pathology of uropoetic system

Diffuse GN:

Membranous glomerulonephritis

(Epimembranous nephropathy)

- subepithel. "spike" deposits → thickening of BM

- subepitelial IC deposits

- without cell proliferation

- nephrotic syndrome, mostly in adults

Pathology of uropoetic system

Glomerulonephritis – morphological changes

Proliferative GN

Mesangial proliferative GN

- IgA nephropathy (Berger's disease) – most common GN in adults

- increased number of mesangial cells and matrix

- IgA deposits in mesangium

- macroscopic haematuria

Mesangiocapillary (membranoproliferative) GN

- enlarged, lobular glomeruli - proliferation of mesangial cells, matrix

and thickening of GBM („tram track“)

Diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis

Diffuse mesangiocapillary/membranoproliferative/ glomerulonephritis

Pathology of uropoetic system

Endocapillary GN

Acute post-streptococcal GN - mostly in children

• sudden onset 1 – 2 weeks after streptococcal infection β-hemol. Strep.gr.A (pharyngitis, impetigo), CF – acute nephritic syndrome

• enlarged, hypercellular glomeruli (proliferation of mesangial, endothel., epithel. cells, Ne)

• IC deposits in glomeruli subepithelially (IgG,C3)

• recovery / rapidly progres. GN / chronic GN / chron.ren.failure

Acute non-streptococcal GN - bacteria (staphylococci, pneumococci, meningococci), viruses (hep.B, mumps), parasitic infection (toxoplasmosis), syphilis

• Micro – similar to post-streptococcal GN

• prognosis is not as good as that of post-streptococcal GN

Pathology of uropoetic system

Extracapillary (crescentic) GN

(Rapidly progressive GN, RPGN)

- proliferation of epithelial cells of Bowman capsule → formation of

crescents → compresion of capillaries

- Goodpasture’s synd. - Ab against BM of glomeruli and alveoli

Diffuse sclerosing GN and End stage kidney

(Chronic GN)

- advanced stage of all GN

- glomerulosclerosis, sclerosis of small arteries, tubular atrophy,

interstitial fibrosis…

Extracapillary glomerulonephritis

Extracapillary glomerulonephritis

End stage kidney

End stage kidney

Pathology of uropoetic system

Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis (acute pyelonephritis) (94)

• E. coli, staphylococcuc aureus

• ascending infection – reflux of the urine into the renal pelvis and calyces –

bacteria entry into the renal parenchyma

• haematogenous infection

• abscess formation, purulent granulocytic exsudate in tubules (leukocyte

casts), purulent inflammation in the collecting tubules, interstitial tissue and

in renal pelvis

• complications – urosepsis, pyonephros, peri- & pararenal abscess…

Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis

Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis

Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis (94)

Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis (94)


Adenocarcinoma of kidney (Renal cell carcinoma, Grawitz‘ tumor) (53)

• malignant, 70 – 80% of all renal cancers

• from tubular epitelium

• hematuria, flank and vague pain, palpable abdominal mass (in less

than 10% of patients), paraneoplastic syndromes (EPO production)

• golden yellow tumour, necrosis, haemorrhage

• more histological types

• clear cells – content of glycogen and lipids (clear cell carcinoma)

Renal cell carcinoma (53)

Nephroblastoma (Wilms’ tumor) (251)

• most common solid tumor in young children (usually age before 4

years), malignant

• defect in chromosome 11 (WT1,2)

• histologically 3 elements:

- metanephric blastema (primitive embryonic nephroblastic tissue)

- immature spindled cell stroma (muscle, cartilage, bone, fat

tissue, fibrous tissue)

- immature epithelial elements (abortive tubules and glomeruli)

Pathology of uropoetic system

Nephroblastoma (Wilms’ tumor) (251)

Nephroblastoma (Wilms’ tumor) (251)

Pathology of endocrine system

Diabetes mellitus

= heterogeneous metabolic disorder characterised by hyperglycemia due to

substantially reduced or nonexists insulin secretion

1.) Type I DM (total insuline deficiency)

2.) Type II DM (relative insuline deficiency)

3.) Other types of DM

4.) Gestational DM


- acute: diabetic ketoacidosis, nonketotic

hyperosmolar coma, hypoglycemia

- chronic: macroangiopathy,

microangiopathy (diabetic retinopathy

nefropathy), diabetic neuropathy, diabetic


Pathology of endocine system

Diabetic nephropathy (159)

- increase in mesangial matrix → glomerulosclerosis

- diffuse

- nodular (Kimmelstiel - Wilson syndrome)

- sclerosis of small arteries

- Armanni/ Ebstien cells – prox. tubular cells filled with glycogen

Stage GF proteinuria BP histology

I ↑ - normal glomerular


II normal - normal BM


III normal microalbumin


(↑) proliferation



IV ↓ proteinuria


sclerosis *

V ↓↓






sclerosis of


- * diffuse type / nodular type (Kimmelstiel – Wilson´s glomerulosclerosis)

- Armani cells – glycogen filled cells of prox.tubuli

Pathology of endocrine system

Glomerulosclerosis and arteriolosclerosis (159)


Glomerulosclerosis – hyalinisation and arteriolosclerosis (159)

Glomerulosclerosis – Kimmelstiel Wilson disease and arteriolosclerosis(159)

Pathology of endocrine system

Thyroid gland goiter

Hashimoto’s disease (tyreoiditis) (240)

- chronic lymphocytic tyreoiditis

- autoimmune disease (inhibitory TSH-R Ab, other Ab, T-cells)

- hypothyroidism

- lymphocytic infiltrate with formation of lymphoid follicles with

germinal centres

- decreased number of thyroid follicles, devoid of colloid

- oncocytes (Hurthle, Askanazy, oxyphil cells) – transformed

follicular epithelial cells

Hashimoto’s disease (240)

Hashimoto’s disease (240)

Hashimoto’s disease (240)

Pathology of endocrine system

Thyroid gland goiter

Graves - Basedow disease (70)

- autoimmune disease (TSH-R stimulating Ab)

- hyperthyroidism

- hyperplasia of folicullar cells forming papillary projections into the lumen

- depletion of colloid („moth-eaten“)

Graves - Basedow disease (70)

Graves - Basedow disease (70)

Pathology of endocrine system

Pheochromocytoma (193)

frequent in adults

• neuroendocrine tumor from chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla

• secretes excessive amounts of catecholamines

• hypertensive crises

• benign / malignant

• sporadic / (hereditary - MEN 2A, B)

Pheochromocytoma (193)

Pheochromocytoma (193)

Pathology of endocrine system

Neuroendocrine tumor (NETs) (184)

• benign / malignant

• appendix, term.ileum, colon, intestinum, bronchus, pancreas, other..

• serotonin, kallikrein, histamine, bradykinin... „carcinoid syndrome “

Skin flushing - The skin on face and upper chest changes color from

pink to red to purple with the feeling of „heat“. Flushing episodes last

from 30 to 60 seconds. Flushing can be provoked by eating or

drinking alcohol

• Diarrhea. Frequent, watery stools accompanied by painful

abdominal cramps

• Asthma-like signs and symptoms

NET – colon (184)

NET – colon (184)

