神に近づくx/net/context (Finding God with x/net/context)


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神に近づくx/net/contextFinding God with x/net/context11 March 2015

Gregory RoseberryGunosy

※ This talk has nothing to do with religion. ※ Go Gopher by Renee French

Let's make an API server

Attempt #1: Standard library

Everyone told me to use the standard library, let's use it.

Index page says hello

Secret message page requires key

func main() { http.HandleFunc("/", indexHandler) http.HandleFunc("/secret/message", requireKey(secretMessageHandler)) http.ListenAndServe(":8000", nil)}

func indexHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { io.WriteString(w, "hello world")}

Secret message

func secretMessageHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { io.WriteString(w, "42")}

Here's a way to write middleware with just the standard library:

func requireKey(h http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.FormValue("key") != "12345" {if r.FormValue("key") != "12345" { http.Error(w, "bad key", http.StatusForbidden) return } h(w, r) }}

In main.go:

http.HandleFunc("/secret/message", requireKey(secretMessageHandler))

There's been a change of plans...

We were hard-coding the key, but your boss says now we need to check Redis.

Let's just make our Redis connection a global variable for now...

var redisDB *redis.Client

func main() { redisDB = ... // set up redis}

func requireKeyRedis(h http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { key := r.FormValue("key") userID, err := redisDB.Get("auth:" + key).Result()userID, err := redisDB.Get("auth:" + key).Result() if key == "" || err != nil {if key == "" || err != nil { http.Error(w, "bad key", http.StatusForbidden) return } log.Println("user", userID, "viewed message") h(w, r) }}

Just one quick addition...

We need to issue temporary session tokens for some use cases, so we need to check ifeither a key or a session is provided.

func requireKeyOrSession(h http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { key := r.FormValue("key") // set key from db if we have a session if session := r.FormValue("session"); session != "" {if session := r.FormValue("session"); session != "" { var err error if key, err = redisDB.Get("session:" + session).Result(); err != nil {if key, err = redisDB.Get("session:" + session).Result(); err != nil { http.Error(w, "bad session", http.StatusForbidden) return } } userID, err := redisDB.Get("auth:" + key).Result() if key == "" || err != nil { http.Error(w, "bad key", http.StatusForbidden) return } log.Println("user", userID, "viewed message") h(w, r) }}

By the way...

Your boss also asks:

Can we also check the X-API-Key header?

Can we restrict certain keys to certain IP addresses?

Can we ...?

There's too much to shove into one middleware: so we make an auth package.

package auth

type Auth struct { Key string Session string UserID string}

func Check(r *http.Request) (auth Auth, ok bool) { // lots of complicated checks}

What about Redis?

We need to reference the DB from our new auth package as well.

Should we pass the connection to Check?

func Check(redisDB *redis.Client, r *http.Request) (Auth, bool) { ... }

What happens we need to check MySQL as well?

func Check(redisDB *redis.Client, archiveDB *sql.DB, r *http.Request) (Auth, bool) { ... }

Your boss says MongoDB is web scale, so that gets added too.

func Check(redisDB *redis.Client, archiveDB *sql.DB, mongo *mgo.Session, r *http.Request) (Auth, bool) { ... }

This isn't going to work...

How about an init method?

Making a global here too?

var redisDB *redis.Clientfunc Init(r *redis.Client, ...) { redisDB = r}

That doesn't solve our arguments problem. Let's shove them in a struct.

package configtype Context struct { RedisDB *redis.Client ArchiveDB *sql.DB ...}

Init with this guy?


Who inits who? What about tests?

Just one more thing...

Your boss says it's vital that we log every request now, and include the key and user ID ifpossible.

It's easy to write logging middleware, but how can we make our logger aware of ourAuth credentials?

Session table

Let's try making a global map of connections to auths.

var authMap map[*http.Request]*auth.Auth

Then populate it during our check.

func requireKeyOrSession(h http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ... a, ok := auth.Check(dbContext, r) authMapMutex.Lock() authMap[r] = &a ... }}

Should work, but will our *http.Requests leak? We need to make sure to clean them up. What happens when we need to keep track of more than just Auth? How do we coordinate this data across packages? What about concurrency? (This is kind of how gorilla/sessions works)

There's got to be another way...

Attempt #2: Goji

Goji is a popular web micro-framework. Goji handlers take an extra parameter calledweb.C (probably short for Context).

c.Env is a map[interface{}]interface{} for storing arbitrary data — perfect for our authtoken! This used to be a map[string]interface{}, more on this later.

Let's rewrite our auth middleware for Goji:

func requiresKey(c *web.C, h http.Handler) http.Handler { fn := func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { a := c.Env["auth"] if a == nil { http.Error(w, "bad key", http.StatusForbidden) return } h.ServeHTTP(w, r) } return http.HandlerFunc(fn)}

Goji groups

We can set up groups of routes:

package main

import ( "github.com/zenazn/goji" "github.com/zenazn/goji/web")

func main() { ... secretGroup := web.New() secretGroup.Use(requiresKey) secretGroup.Get("/secret/message", secretMessageHandler) goji.Handle("/secret/*", secretGroup) goji.Serve()}

This will run our checkAuth for all routes under /secret/.

Goji benefits

Fast routing

Middleware groups

Request context

Einhorn support (zero-downtime deploys)

Downside: Goji-flavored context

Let's say we want to re-use our auth package elsewhere, like a batch process.

Do we want to put our database connections in web.C, even if we're not running a webserver? Should all of our internal packages be importing Goji?

package authfunc Check(c web.C, session, key string) bool { // How do we call this if we're not using goji? redisDB, _ := c.Env["redis"].(*redis.Client) // kind of ugly...}

Having to do a type assertion every time we use this DB is annoying. Also, what happenswhen some other library wants to use this "redis" key?

Downside: Groups need to be set up once, in main.go

Defining middleware for a group is tricky. What happens if you have code like...

package addon

func init() { goji.Get("/secret/addon", addonHandler) // will secretGroup handle this?}

Everything works will if your entire app is set up in main.go, but in my experience it'svery finicky and hard to reason about handlers that are set up in other ways.

There's got to be another way...!

Attempt #3: kami & x/net/context

What is x/net/context?

It's an almost-standard package for sharing context across your entire app.

Includes facilities for setting deadlines and cancelling requests.

Includes a way to store data similar to Goji's web.C.

Immutable, must be replaced to update

Check out this official blog post, which focuses mostly on x/net/context for cancellation:

blog.golang.org/context (https://blog.golang.org/context)

Quick example:

ctx := context.Background() // blank contextctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "my_key", "my_value")fmt.Println(ctx.Value("my_key").(string)) // "my_value"


kami is a mix of HttpRouter, x/net/context, and Goji, with a very simple middlewaresystem included.

package main

import ( "fmt" "net/http"

"github.com/guregu/kami" "golang.org/x/net/context")

func hello(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, %s!", kami.Param(ctx, "name"))}

func main() { kami.Get("/hello/:name", hello) kami.Serve()}

Example: sharing DB connections

import "github.com/guregu/db"

I made a simple package for storing DB connections in your context. At Gunosy, we usesomething similar. db.OpenSQL() returns a new context containing a named SQLconnection.

func main() { ctx := context.Background() mysqlURL := "root:hunter2@unix(/tmp/mysql.sock)/myCoolDB" ctx = db.OpenSQL(ctx, "main", "mysql", mysqlURL)ctx = db.OpenSQL(ctx, "main", "mysql", mysqlURL) defer db.Close(ctx) // closes all DB connectionsdefer db.Close(ctx) // closes all DB connections kami.Context = ctxkami.Context = ctx kami.Get("/hello/:name", hello) kami.Serve()}

kami.Context is our "god context" from which all request contexts are derived.

Example: sharing DB connections (2)

Within a request, we use db.SQL(ctx, name) to retrieve the connection.

func hello(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { mainDB := db.SQL(ctx, "main") // *sql.DBmainDB := db.SQL(ctx, "main") // *sql.DB var greeting string mainDB.QueryRow("SELECT content FROM greetings WHERE name = ?", kami.Param(ctx, "name")). Scan(&greeting) fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, %s!", greeting)}


For tests, you can put a mock DB connection in your context.


import _ "github.com/mycompany/testhelper"


import ( "github.com/guregu/db" "github.com/guregu/kami" _ "github.com/guregu/mogi")

func init() { ctx := context.Background() // use mogi for tests ctx = db.OpenSQL("main", "mogi", "") kami.Context = ctx}

How does it work?

Because context.Value() takes an interface{}, we can use unexported type as the key to"protect" it. This way, other packages can't screw with your data. In order to interact witha database, you have to use the exported functions like OpenSQL, and Close.

package db

import ( "database/sql" "golang.org/x/net/context")

type sqlkey string // lowercase!

// SQL retrieves the *sql.DB with the given name or nil.func SQL(ctx context.Context, name string) *sql.DB { db, _ := ctx.Value(sqlkey(name)).(*sql.DB) return db}

BTW: This is why Goji switched its web.C from a map[string]interface{} tomap[interface{}]interface{}.


kami has no concept of middleware "groups". Middleware is strictly hierarchical.

For example, a request for /secret/message would run the middleware registered underthe following paths in order:




This means that you can define your paths anywhere and still get predictablemiddleware behavior.

kami.Use("/secret/", requireKey)

Middleware (2)

kami.Middleware is defined as:

type Middleware func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) context.Context

The context you return will be used for the next middleware or handler. Unlike Goji, you don't have control of how the next handler will be called. But, you canreturn nil to halt the execution chain.

Middleware (3)

import "github.com/mycompany/auth"

func init() { kami.Use("/", doAuth) kami.Use("/secret/", requiresKey)}

// doAuth returns a new context with the appropiate auth object insidefunc doAuth(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) context.Context { if a, err := auth.ByKey(ctx, r.FormValue("key")); err == nil { // put auth object in context ctx = auth.NewContext(ctx, a) } return ctx}

// requiresKey stops the request if we don't have an auth objectfunc requiresKey(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) context.Context { if _, ok := auth.FromContext(ctx); !ok { http.Error(w, "bad key", http.StatusForbidden) return nil // stop request } return ctx}


kami provides special hooks for logging and recovering from panics, kami.LogHandlerand kami.PanicHandler.

Handling panics.

kami.PanicHandler = func(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { err := kami.Exception(ctx) a, _ := auth.FromContext(ctx) log.Println("panic", err, a)}

Logging request statuses. Notice how the function signature is different, it takes a writerproxy that includes the status code.

kami.LogHandler = func(ctx context.Context, w mutil.WriterProxy, r *http.Request) { a, _ := auth.FromContext(ctx) log.Println("access", w.Status(), r.URL.Path, "from:", a.Key, a.UserID)}

LogHandler will run after PanicHandler, unless LogHandler is the one panicking.


This is the "Goji" part of kami. Literally copy and pasted from Goji.

kami.Serve() // works *exactly* like goji.Serve()

Supports Einhorn for graceful restarts.

Thank you, Goji.


kami isn't perfect. It is rather inflexible and may not fit your needs.

You can't define separate groups of middleware, or separate groups of handlers,everything is global. You could mount kami.Handler() outside of "/" and use anotherrouter...

You can't register middleware under wildcard paths: kami.Use("/user/:id/profile",middleware) won't work. Register it under /user/ and do your best.

I will probably fix these issues eventually. Might have to fork HttpRouter...

Pull requests are always welcome.

Production ready!

We use kami to power the Gunosy API and it works just fine!

Switching to x/net/context eliminates nearly all global variables.

No more somepkg.Init() madness.

Easy to test: just put mocks inside your context.

Check it out!

Thank you

Gregory RoseberryGunosygreg@toki.waseda.jp (mailto:greg@toki.waseda.jp)

https://github.com/guregu (https://github.com/guregu)