11 2004

История философии 11 - 2004

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2004 Инстmyт философии Российская Академия Наук Москва УДК 87.3 ББК 10(09)4 И90 ОтВ. peдaкrop номера В.Г Лысенко Рецензеtпы доктор ист. наук ВЛ. Андросов доктор филос. наук В.К Шохин сравнение теории сознания ЮJmt и буддийской «Абхидхармакошю>, «парсизм» немецкого писателя и индолога Отмара Франка. интересующихся индийской культурой.

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  • 87.3 10(09)4 90


    .. /((), .. m, . m (m. .),

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    .N'!! 11. - ., 2004. - 249 .

    (: !! 7, 2000)

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    , -8 ( ) f ( ) .


    ISBN 5-9540-0004-2 , 2004

  • (: . !! 7. ., 2000) .

    , -, . .

    - , , , - ( .., . ).

    - - ,

    , . m, , (10-11 .) - , ,

    - - .

    , - - ( .. ..).

    ar lllaar: I

    1 - aroI (, munm). , ora, , - , ar

    . , , , yro yroIX.

    . uma my - . , rny . m , m .

    . tmrr ? care .

  • 4 or

    . .. ..

    - m-m -

    (m). mmm, , .

    mmm , . .. (

  • .. 5

    ( )>>. l xaparepoM r (1

  • 6

    . , , , .

    , . }{

    . , .., (), .

    , (

  • ..I
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    - , , , , ..

    .1 , , , , 2 ! . ., .S; Sutra -6.

    nm-m (-, -, -, ) lUmuu ( , m,

    - ), . ,

    , 7


    , Gonda Foundation (The Netherlands).

    lf OC11f ., . . . ,

    OTHOCIf . - ( , 2003 ( , ).

  • .. . .. 9

    - ..8, .9 .l

    - , -u (tantrayukti). ,

  • I - 1!t

    l\ . , . mm-mu , ryr ( mm-mu,

    , ), , mm-mu

    ., , mahmpa-muI6.


    .. [ 1981]. , , l7, , , , .

    xapaepl8. , mm-mu - . [, 1926] . [ 1967-68], .

    mm-mu :

    uddetfa - l !); : . ~: , 2 .

    : . : (Salya)21.

    nirdeSa - ; : . : uuu 22 uuu , , , , ,

    , , 23. : . : (~ ) (s3rIra) (1I.gantuka)>> .

    drtha - ;

  • ... ,. 1I

    : , (=) ( ). :

    () 2S. , 26.

    : , ( ). (

    ) , ; . : () sneha, sveda ai\jana, , ()

    , () (). :

    () -

    ? ( ) , 'vid',

    '' ''. , (), , 27 .

    svasamj. - ; : , (). : (, , . ) (prakrti), () - (), - (

    ), yro ()>>28. : ( ), -. : mithuna () 29.

    : . arthlpatti - ;

    : , , () (), . : . , () (), (i

    : , ( , ) . : (odana)>> - , ()


  • 12 -IO

    nidariana - ; : . : , (), 2.

    : () . : ,

    ~ ( ) , .

    upade - : ( ): ). : , () ; 4.

    : ( ): ( ) ). : ,

    3S sat - ;

    : / (artha), . : ( ),

    ( , ) ?6.

    : ( ) () . : ( ,

    , ) (talahrdaya) , - 3?

    ni1aya - ; : ;

    : . : (

  • ..I
  • 14 tahtpa-Jcr re

    . '' ' ' , (artha) , -

    , - , ; , , , . '' ' '

    . -, ' ' , '' ,

    -, , 46, '' - r

    u /, 4 , - .

    - . ,

    , , , . , , ma- , , 1'0 , - KOHCpymo . , ma- ,

    , , -48 -,

    . , , l, mapa .

    - . , - , , - , , . (pratibh!)

    ..: ... ,

  • ... .. 15

    . , , cnyre ... : ,

    , ( )

    . : - , - , ; - ; -

    ; - , .. - ,

    49. . .. 50.

    , mo -u , , uu-uJ .. -,

    , Zur FrUhgeschichte der indischen Phi1osophieS\ -u, , (padartha) , - ( ) 1.1.1. , , '' (dffltanta)

    '' (nidarSana) , '' (samSaya) - '' (samSaya) , '

    mo' (siddhanta) ' ' (ekanta), '

    ' (avayava) '' (hetvartha),

    , mo, '' (prayojana) '' (dhikr\) S2

    , (Darstellungmethoden) uuu - -u

    arp - ~.

    . - "Notes the tatryuktis"S,

  • 16 -

    (Yuktidipika, . ..., ), 54.

    . -, - vada, , , , 55. , -

    , , - - I. , '' (pratiji\a),

    (avayavaQ), , 'l , ,56; '' (nigamana), , S7, '' (apadeSa) - m-,

    , ( ) 58. ll-u

    '' (upadesa) ' ' (Sabda), (prami\a), :

    '' 59. -m , . ,

    . '' , - (Padarthadharrnasangraha, . I ...), , 6, - , (avayava~) (apadeSa), cR, (

  • ../(. .. 17

    ' (atideSa)63 (. - 64).

    Or , , . , nirdeSa '' 1.1.33 mm-m, . , , ' ' , m- ,

    , ' ', cyr ' '. ,

    , - ,

    . ,

    ' ', - , - .

    , mm , ;

    ma-, . :

    - (

  • 18 - re

    2. (pram3J,\a) 9 . : ,

    (. 4), - ( 5).

    . 7 (avayava}:t) (jijn3sa) ., . .. (vyiikhy3),

    - . 4. (any1inat3) () (padartha), ( )71.

    5. (samSaya) , ( )72. , , (m) .

    umu, , umu, - .

    6. (ni\) 7). - (Sabdata!,t), (arthataJ:t, . arthapatti).

    7. (uddeSa) 74. : - , , , ,

    ( 46). 8. (nirdeSa) 75 . : , , (svarupanibandhana samjf\3)

    , : 78. 11. (upadeSci) 79 . :

  • ..I. .. 19

    , , , ( 64)80,

    , -,

    , , '' '', -, ''

    ' '. tantraguJ).a, , , , -. , -, ,

    81 , , -, , -, , -, , atideSa, utsarga .82.

    - - , - , -, , . ,

    , ( ), -, .

    -, , - (Nyayabha~ya, V ...),

    . 1.1.3,

    : - [ ] (uddeSl), (1ak~a) [] (p~). [ ] []

    . , [f] [] [

    ]8 ; [ ]: []

    [ ] 84.

  • 20 -

    , , . ,

    , - , -

    , m-mu, . , s. , m

    m-u ' ' (uddeSa), , ' [

    ]' ' ' '

    '. , , ' ' , (vibhakta), ' ', , , 86 ,

    , , ~vibMga) '', 8 ,

    , '' , mm-mu - '' ' ', ' '

    , vibhaga. ,

    , - '' - mm-mu, '

    '. , , , nm , , ' ' mm-mu, - ' ' (purvapaloia) ' ' (uttarapaloia). , '

    ' , (purvapak~), , (uttarapak!18). ,

    u , , , ,

  • . Q, .. 21

    , '' ' 'SS.

    , - , , , -

    -u. 1.1.4 - ' ' (anumata)

    , S9 . , - -u, ~

    -u, 9 . , , -

    , . , -, , . , ,

    - (NytlyakandalI, .), -, 91 ; - (SarvadarSanasangraha, . .)

    , , 92. , , uddeSa, lak~I).a parik~ samgraha93.

    , .

    -u . , , , , - 1l-u,

    padartha, , .

    , nmx , -u: ,


  • 22 - 8 1)'

    , , ,

    . , , - padartha erc , , ,

    94 , mm-mu padartha , (.

    ) , n erc , ,

    . , ( ?) mm-mu ' ', nmx, . nmxu

    , ., .-, . 9S. nmx, :

    n. ,

    n (. ), ( mm ).

    , , ,

    - -, , .

    , n, , .

    , ; ,

    96. nmx:

    , [] [ ], [ ], 1

    , [ ], 1/911

  • ... .. 23

    (s~vrtti) [] [] - [] . /

    , [] , //1 0//

    (karaI).a), , - /

    nmx "" (siddhi) //11//97,

    nmx m- '', , nmx

    . nmx , , , . , nmx,

    , nmx ' ,98, '' nmx, ''

    , .., , , '' , '', , .

    . ( , ..

    ), - ,

    , - (. '' '' ),

    (. ' ' , '' '' , , nmx, , ). ,

    -, , Q!3 / /

    ; . ,

  • 24 -

    , , ,


    - 1. adhikarllam (1) S(1) (I) 2. vidhanam (2) S(21) (21)

    . yo~a};t ( ) () S(2) (2) 4. padartha};t (4) S(3) (4) 5. hetvarthlt , (51 S(4} (3) 6. uddesaJ, , (6) S(5) (6)

    1. nirdeSa};t (7) S(6) (7) 8. upadesa~ (8) S(7) C(l ) 9. apadeSal,t , (9) S(8) (II) 10. atidesa};t - A(IO) S(10) (12)

    11. pradeSa~ , (II) S(9) (5)

    12. upam1lnam (12)--1 . arthapatt~ (1) S(13) (13) 14. samSaya~ (14) S(24) (24) 15. prasanga};t (15) S(15) C(l5) 16. viparyaya};t (16) S(l4) (19)

    11.vaky~ (l7) S(12}-18. anumatam , (18) S(20) (22)

    19. vyakh)'1Inam (19) S(25) (23) 20. nirvacanam (20) S(27) (31) 21. nidarSanam (21) S(28) (30) 22. apavar~a~ (22) S(11) (18) 23. svasamjnll. (23) S(26) (27) 24. parvapa~ (24) S(18) (20)

    * -, S-CC, -

  • ... .. 25

    25. uttara~ - (25)--

    26. ekanta1,1 , (26) S(16) (16)

    21. anAgat4vek$AI)am - (27) S(22) (26)

    28. tikr4nt4vek ~a - (28) S(23) (25)

    29. niyoga}:l (29) S(29) (32) 30. vikal~ (30) S(30) (33) 31. samuccay~ (3 1) S(3 1) (29) 32. \1hy_am (32) S(32) (28) 33. anaik4nt~ , - S(17) (17)

    34. pratyuts4rah ~ --(4) 35. uddh4ra}:l --(35) 36. sambhavah --(36) 31. v4kyado~ r --(8) 38. prayojanam --(9) 39. n~ayah - S(19) (l4)

  • tahtpa-lCf


    4 5


    1985, 1989,. , ,

    : , , .

    . Combining the evidence provided etymology, the usage of the grammatical tradition, and the Mimansa definition, we m provisionally conclude that sastra was thought of generally as verbal codification of rules, whether of divine or

    m provenance, for the positive and negative regulation of particular cultural practices .... there should not doubt that the codified rules S4stra provides must, axiomatically, organized into "text" ( 1989, .18). Louis Renou. Sur l genre du sutra dans l litterature sanskrite // Joumal Asitique. 251. 1963.. 165-216.

    1997. Na/ini Balbir. he Perfect SOtra as Defined the Jainas // Berliner lndologische Studien, Berlin, 1987. 3. . 3-21. - 1992.

    : 1997. . 273. Jose 1. Cabezon. Vasubandhu's Vyakhy!yukti the Authencity ofthe aha.y!na SOtras" // Texts in Context: Traditional Hermeneutics in South. Albany, 1992. . 221-243.

    9 Peter Skilling. Vasubandhu and the Vyakhya.yukti Literature 1/ Joumal of the Intemational Association ofBuddhist Studies. 2000. Vol. 23, N!! 2. . 297-350.

    10 Johannes Bronkhorst. Va.rttika 1/ Wiener Zeitschrift fUr die Kunde Sudasiens. 1990. Bd. 34. . 123-146; : wo literary conventions and their consequences // Asiatische Studien!Etudes Asiatique 45,2. . 210-227.

    11 yujyante sanka1yante sambadhyante artJ, samyaktay! pra.karlU,\ike 'bhimate 'rthe virodhavy!gh!ta.did~aja.tam aplsyanay4 iti y~ I ... yuktiSabda1,t kha1opAyav4cr // Tahtpa-lCf 1979. Introduction. . 1.

    mm-/(mu ' ' , ..l! ,

    12 (.). ekasminnapi S4stre 1abdha.spada. matil] I sa sa.stram anyadapy"u yuktijf\atv4t prabudhyate 1/ 1922. . 698. :~ 1981. . 3-4.

    , (Brhatsamhit4) -3 (Pailcasiddhantika.).

    I , . , , VI . .: Adalbert J. Gailih note the dating of the Vi&t:\udharmottarapur4t:\a // Abstracts of the 12 World Sanskrit Conference. Helsinki, 2003. . 66.

  • ... .. 27

    IS 1967-68. 16 17 1967-68. . 600. 18 1991-96.

    ., : 1961; 1984. 19 , , , ,

    -u , , , ,

    . 20 samasavakyam uddeSa1,. vvinaet indriyajayal]. /1 1960. . 280.

    ro np l: it is the controI over the organs of sense which success in Ieaming and discipIine depend /1 1967. . 460.

    'vidyavinaya' 'training in the sciences' /1 1963. . 594. ~~ sam4savacanam uddeSaJ.t. yatha - Salyam iti // 1952. . 753.

    avipratipatti 'absence of improper induIgence in (the pleasures of) sound, touch, colour'.

    23 vya&avakyam ~ katvagijihv~ Sa~~ 24 avipratipattir indriyajayal]. // 1960. . 280. 2S vistaravacanaJ!1. nirdeaI].. yatha - UrJram agantukam ceti // 1952. . 753.

    mdlahara, 1993. . 493. 26 padavadhika~ padartha~. mOlahara iti padam. al) pitrpaitamaham artham

    an hti sa molaharal]. // 1960. . 280. padavadhika uxu: yasya arthasya padam avadhi1J // 1925. . 243.

    nu ( 'rthal) padasya avadhi~ sa padarthal].), : ,

    27 ( ). 'hihita~ sOtre pade va sa padarthal]., padasya padayo~ padanam 'rthal,t padartha~, aparimitA5ca padarthaI,. yatha - snehasvedai'ljanellu nirdillt~u dvayostraYAl)Am va 'rthanam upapattir drSyate, tatra ' rthal) parvaparayogasiddho bhavati sa grahltavyal]., yatha - 'vedotpattim adhyayam vy.akhyasyAmal]. , ityukte sandihyate buddhi1J - katamasya vedastptt,

    vtii iti, yatal) rgvedadayastu veda, 'vida vic.1rl, vk\ahe~, iti etayosca dhatvor anekarthayol). prayogat, tatra parvaparayogam upalabhya pratipattir

    28 bhavati - ayurvedotpattim m vivur iti * padarthal]. // 1952. .753. parair asamital]. Sabdal) svasamjf\a. prathama prakrtil)., tasya h11myanantara

    29 dvitlya, bh11myekantara q1lya // 1960. . 282. anyaSastrasamanya svasamjiia. yatha - mithunam iti madhusarpillor grhlam //

    30 1952. . 755. anuktam arthad apadyate sa 'rthapattil). lokayatravidrajanam atmaprakrtisampannam priyahitadV.1reJ;la asrayeta. apriyahitadV.1reJ;la asrayeta iti

    31 arthad hvi// 1960. . 281. yad aklrtitam arthad apadyate sa 'rthapattit,. yatha - odanam hokllye iti ukte 'rthadapannam bhavati - ! pipasur yavagtlm iti /1 1952. . 754. 32 dfIItanto dfIItantayukto nidarsanam. vigrhIto hi jyayasa hastina padayuddham iva

    33 ahyupaiti iti// 1960. . 281. dnttvaktirnidarSam. yatha - agnirvayuna sahital). kaklle vrddhir gacchati tatha vtittakhdt vraJ;la iti /1 1952. . 755.

  • 28 -r

    34 evam vartitAvyamityupadeSa];l. dharmarthavirodhena kamam seveta, ni1}sukhaJ). s syat iti // 1960. . 280.

    evamityupadeSa1). yatha - tatM na jagryadratrau divasvapnam varjayet 1/ 36 1952. .753.

    ubhayato hetum4n arthaJ;t samSayaJ,. qJI,\a1ubdhaprakrtim apacaritaprakrtim va // 37 1960. . 280.

    uahetudanam samSayit. yatha talahfdayabblghAtit pr4t:1aharaJ" 38 p41,\ipadacchedanam aprar,taharam iti 1/ 1952. . 755.

    tasyottaram nirr,tayaJ}. yatha - lfarlram prapJ4ya pakad adho gatv4 vasAmedomajj4nuviddham mo.tram visfjati vatit, a9ldhya vataja 1/ 1952.

    39 .754. na vakyam sam4pyate 5 vaky~ I hinnpiasy iva r4jf\ake$tanilSaSca iti I

    40 tAtra 'blunel]' iti vak~ 1/ 1960. . 281. : vaky~ is the word the absence of the use of

    41 which doesn't ak the sentence incomplete /1 1916. . 408. yena padenanuktena vakyam &am4pyate 5 vaky~ yatha ~irit p41,\ipAdapavap~thodarorasam iti ukte puragrahar,tam ina 'pi gamyate

    uras iti 1/ 1952. . 754. 42 Jl ..,

    , . 1994, c.154. , .. mm-mu JI. JI , Jl mam-mu - ( padartha vidhana), mm-mu , Jl . , mm-mu JIJI.

    .u. 16 Jl /1

    . .: . ., 2001. t~ . , prad9 - . ;

    mm-mu tikrantAv anagatavek /jIII,\a 43 .

    artasam tantrayuktrnam kim prayojanam? ucyate - vakyayojanamarthayojanam // 1938. . 815. ~ ena vakyam yujyate 5 yogaJ, 11 1938. . 815. vakyajojanam arthayojanam ceti vakyasyasambaddhasya jana &ambandhanam vakyayojanam IInasy4saJ\gatasya carthasya prakanam sangatJkarar,tam cArthayojanam I tatra kasamcit tantrayuktJn4m yogodd9nird~n4m vakyayojanam, kasam cidaclhikatdarthohdln4m janam prayojanam 1/

    46 1938. . 815. tAtra yam artham adhilq1ya ucyate tad adhikaral,\aD\ yatha - ra5am dO$l\ 11

    1938. . 815. JlJl: yam adhilq1ya artha 47 abhidhJyante ( . . 8(5).

    yadanirdil;tam buddhya 'vagamyate tAd . 1938. . 819. '' , .

  • ... .. 29

    mm-mu , , . .: 1994. . 154.

    48 evam sastram icW yuktam etabhis tantrayuktibhil) 49 avAptau paJane coktam 1kay parasya 11 1960. . 282. 50 2000. . 170. 51 .: . 1997.!! 2, . 6. . 33-41. 52 1926.

    1926, .352. ~~ 196768. , 1938 ,

    55 mm-mu vada E.S%mon. Indian Dia1ectics. Methods of Philosophical Discussion. Vol. 1. Ahmedabad, 1976. ~~ sadhyanirde~ pratijfla 1/ 1.1.33.

    58 hetvapadesat pratijf\ayaJ, punarvacanam nigamanam // 1.1.39. 59 anena karat,tena ityapada~ 1/ 1952. . 753.

    aptopadaa1), Sabda~ 1/ 1.1.7. 61 anumeyoddeSo 'virodhl pratijfla // - 1895. . 233. 62 lingavacanam apada~ 1/ - 1895. . 233.

    hetur li1\gam nimittam pJ'lUl1lJ}am karat,tam ityanarthantaram // - 1961. . 69.

    63 uktena sadhanam atideSal] 1/ 1925. . 243. : Imamsak*. Part 1. (pubJisher unknown), 1952. . 190 ff.

    upapatti; 66 sambhava.

    SQtrapram4J,14.vayavopapattir anyQnatll SII1Nayanin)ayok~ I uddeSanirdeSamanukramaka samjflopadesaviha tantrasampat 1/ 1990. . 5.

    sampad .: H.W.Bodewitz. he concept of sampad in the ArtlWastra, the Vedic 05 texts and the GltA 1/ Indo-Iranian Joumal. 46 (2003).

    67 . 231-259. 68 sQcayati tamstlnarthaviS~iti sQtram /1 Ibid. 1990. . 6.

    : . . . /., . ,

    69 . ... .: , 1995. 70 pr~ani rtAdli /1 1990. . 8.

    avayavaJ, punarjijflAsaday~, pratijdayaka I tatra jijflAsadayo vyakhyangam I 71 pratijf\aday~ parapratyayanangam tlnuttaratra v~ // . . 8.

    padarthakartsnyam aSe!jata 'nyQnatetyabhidhlyate // . . 15. nt ,

    72 ~, . . samanyabhidhlnam saD1A, I . . 16.

    , sllmlnyabhidh4na ' general 50rt of description'. - , - ''

  • 30 -

    (satS), 1.1.23: samana-anekadhanna-upapatter vipratipatter upalabdhyanupalabdhyavyavasthataSca viSe!lApeqo vimarSaJ, samSayaJ"

    , - , . : ,

    - . (sAm4nya), - , -

    , , .

    ;: v~bhidhanam ni)aJ, // . .16. 75 ~epavacanam udd//..17.

    vistaravacanam nird~ // . 76 77 padlrthanam4nupQrvya sanniveSopadeSo 'nukramaIJ /1 . 78 samji1ipratyayanarthaJ, "bdal] samji\a /1 . 79 (Vatica Robusta), . . 80 itikartavyataphalasamakhyanam upadeaJ) /1 . C.l9.

    . II ..: , , -, 11 (): , (); ; ;

    , ; ; ; ;

    ; ; ; , . (.: .. : -, -, -, --. ., 1997. . 30). , mm, m , . :~ 1967-68. . 606.

    83 1990. . 17-18. , ,

    . ]ak~lU)a , .

    84 trividha casya Astrasya pravrttt - uddeSo lakljdnam parl~ ceti I tatra n1Imadheyena padartharnatrasyabhidhanam uddeSa~ I tatrodd~tasya tattvavyavacchedako dharmo lak!fllam I lk11itasya th1t:tm upapadyate

    85 veti pramAJ:lairavadhArl\am parlk~ // - ( ) 1967. . ]81. 86 1967-68. . 611.

    tatrodd~tasya pravibhaktasya lak!fllamucyate, yatha pramAJ:tllnam prameyasya udd~tasya la~itasya vibhagavacanam, yatha chalasya 'vacanavighato 'rthavikalpopapattya chalam' - 'tattrividham' 1/ 1967. . 181-182.

  • ..aR. .. 31

    87 udtvihg uddeSa evantarbhavatill 1967. . 183. 88 No doubt, these three terms must developed out of the pair uddeSil-nirds

    differentiating the vistaravacanam of the nirdeSil in ~a and parlJA according to its content 11 1967-68. . 611.

    89 paramatamaprati1;iddhamanumatamiti hi tantrayukt~ 11 1967. . 199. 90 paravakyam riddham anumatam 11 1960. . 281.

    : artha-sampratyaya-arthe !fabdaprayoge pratltaJ, so ' 'rtha.pattya iti /1 1925. . 909. tattvajnanam tu khalu mithyajillna-viparyaye1)a vyakhyatam 11 . . 909, nidanam - ekapra1qti. idam vyaktam iti pratiji\a 11 . . 898, . . 909 . . 1925.



    namadheyena padartha.nam abhidhanam udd~ uddi1;tasYa svrjvyvartak ({ ~ hitas thaha1)am vicaraJ, parlJA 11 - 1895. . 26. tatrodde!fo la~a parIk$a ceti tividhasya sastrasya pravrttiJ]. 11 -

    93 1994. . 342. ... Sl\graha .

    , , , , : udde!fa,

    ; ~a - - parlk$a - , . .: - 1989. . 37.

    94 Another indication of this close relationship to Srut is the term padarthaJ, as it is used the tantraguI].a-dtri to define anukramaJ,. This term to understood in the sense of the SuSruta-dfiiti ' 'bhihitaJ, sf1tre pade va sa padarthaJ, and not in the sense of the I

  • 32 -

    the unmanifested and the pura. Gunilla Gren-Eklund. The Meanings of Words and the Categories of Things - Indian and Aristotelian 11 Orientalia Suecana, Vol. LI (1999). . 46. ,

    , nmx .

    97 . pradhanastitvam ekatvam arthavattvam athanyat4 1 parlrthyam tatJtanaikyam viyogo yoga eva 11 9 11 SaVfttir akartrtvam cOlikarthal] S1I dasa 1 viparyaya!;l paficavidhas tathoktA nava tulitaya!;l 11 1 11 karaJ,1AnAm asAIart .taviINatid matam 1

    98 iti lillliti~ padarthan4m h saha siddhih 1111 11 1990. . 3. mmp, , , : , , I (arthavat pr~am).

  • .. , .. 33


    1960 - t ArthaSIJsla. 1. critical edition with glossary /Ed. and tr. R.P.Kangle. , /960 (Sanskrit, Prakrit and , /).

    1925 - The ArthaS4sira / Kautalya, with the commentary SrrmoJa / Maalropadhyllya .Gnti. Ed. the commentator. Tr;vandrum, /925

    (r;vndru Sanskrit Series LXXX). w- 1961 - VaiBefika-stra / 1lld, w;th the Commentary / drllnand. Cr;t. ed. n; srr /ambuvijayaj1. Baroda, /96/.

    1- 1994 - v,udharmttarau. Third I

  • 34 -


    1967 - The KaufilIya ArthaS4stra. Part 11. Eng\ish translation with critical and exp1anatory notes. R.P.Kang1e. , 1963.

    1967 - KaufilIya 's rthatra. . R.Shamastry. Mysore, 1967 (reprint). 1993 - ., / . ... .: , , 1993.

    1961 - Dasgupta S. History of Jndian Philosophy. 1. 11 Cambridge, 1961.

    1- 1992 - al4tattvakoSa. Lexicon of Fundamental Concepts ofthe Indian Arts. 1 Ed. Kapila Vatsyayan. Delhi, 1992.

    1981 - Lele. w.. The Doctrine of the Tantrayukti-s: Methodology of Theoretico-Scientific Treatises in Sanskrit. Varanasi, 1981. (The Chaukhamba Subharati Studies, 3).

    1967-68 - Oberhammer G. Notes the Tantrayuktis 1/ Adyar Library Bulletin. Vol. 31. . 600-616.

    1991-96 - G.Oberhammer. E.Prets. J.Prandstetter. Terminologie der fri1hen philosophischen Scholastik in Indien. Ein gritfswrtuh zur a1tindischen Dialektik, Erkenntnislehre und Methodologie. Bd. 1: A-I. Wien, 1991. Bd. 2: U-Pe. Wien, 1996.

    2000 - .. // . 2000. !! 7. . 108-131.

    2000 - u1< .. /1 . 2000. !! 7. . 97-107.

    1985 - Po//ock S. The Theory of Practice and the Practice of heoy in Indian IntelIectuaI History 11 Joumal ofthe merian Orienta1 Society. 1985. 1. 105.

    1989 - Pollock S. Idea of .{$tra in Traditiona1 India 11 Shastric traditions in Indian Arts /Ed. A.L.Dallpicco1a. Stuttgart, 1989. l. 1. . 17-26.

    1989 - Pollock S. Playing the rules: Sa.stra and Sanskrit literature /1 Shastric traditions in Indian Arts /Ed. A.L.Dal1piccola. Stuttgart, 1989. Vol.l. . 301-312.

    1926 - Ruben W. Zur Fri1hgeschichte der indische Phi1osophie.l/ Beitriige zur Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte Indiens. Festgabe Hermann Jacobi. , 1926.

    1916 - n English translation ofthe Sushruta Samhita based original Sanskrit text /. and ed. Kunja La1 Bhishagratna. l. . 1916 (Th Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series ).

  • ... .. 35

    1000 - m .. , , // . 2000. N27. .163-171.

    - 1989 - . - ( ), - ( ) l. , .,

    . -. . ... .: , 1989 ( , LXXXV).

    8 1984 - Frauwallner . Nachgelassene Werke. Herausgegeben von Emst Steinkellner. Bd.l. Wien, 1984.

    1997 - n J.E.M. SQtra and }asQtr in Bhartrhari's ha} Dlpika: the heory and Practice of Scientific and Philosophical Oenre // India and Beyond: Aspects of Literature, Meaning, Ritual and hought. Essays in Honour ofFrits Staal /Ed. Dick an der Meij. L., 1997.

    1994 - .. : . .: . ., 1994.

  • 36 -


    Ilona V. Manevskaia, Dmitry V. Olenev

    the role the tantrayuktis in Indian inteUectual tradition

    he topic of sastra has always attracted the special attention of the indologists. he sae is true of the tantrayuktis, special devices used ancient Indians to compose and interpret s3stric texts. However, the authors of most publications devoted to the tantrayuktis limited themselves to mere enlisting and description of them. W.Ruben and G.Oberhammer seem to the l scholars who provided more conceptual approach to the tantrayuktis.

    In the present paper, we trying to demonstrate that although sastric devices for the first time attested in the Yktid1pik4 (so-called

    tntgl.as) and Ny4yabhMya (uddelfa, /ak$al,la and 4) might interpreted as kind of tantrayuktis (see Oberhammer's article "Notes the tantrayuktis"), nevertheless these "new" devices of substantially different functional import: whereas the tantrayuktis pertain to sastra qua text, the innovations are applied to sastra qua knowledge system. Of special interest is the fact that these "new" devices are either directly or indirectly related to pad3rtha, crucial sastric device traditionally rendered as category.

  • .

    ( )

    () , (), - - , , , .

    ? .

    1, - , 2. , : . , , 3

    . . ,

    4. , - , ( ), .. - ,

    () ().

    , , .

  • 38

    , . , ,

    S lak~6. . ,

    , , , ,

    7 , (IV . ..), , , (bh~), , , (chandas).

    , - .

    , , - (srauta-st1tas) (),

    - ( cY!l')

    . - , .

    (samjM) (paribh3$3.). ,

    . 9

    , , \. , - .II l2 - (samjM-st).

    -m : - - (samjM, ; - - u (samjf\nin), .. ().

    : vrddhir a.daic , ai au vrddhi. -

  • ..m 39

    u, , .

    . ( , ), , .

    , , , ( ) u, .. ,

    . 1.1.68: svarp n1pam SadbasytiSabdasamjfili - [ ], :JlC, 13.

    , , , -. - , - (anarthakti mantrilI, - 14). , - , ,


    , (nu) -


    . nuu , ,

    , . - -.

    ( - nu) ( nu). ,

    , , . , nuu, , l6 , 1' nuu

    , .

  • 40 JlJI JI

    , . , ,

    , , ( 1.4.84), , ), 17 ( 1.4.84).

    18 ( . ..), , 19 (

  • ..m 41


  • 42

    (, ..), , m cyr

  • . me 43

    ? , , , . , ,

    , MOyr 'I)' , -

    - . : - ,

    ; , , - , 33. ,

    , , - . , , ,

    , m 34 , , , .


    . ( ).

    ? , , , , . - , , , ,

    , 'I)'.

    , , , .

    , , . .

    -J3S ( HC}l (-IV ... ),

  • 44

    ( ) - . yr 16 (padartha),

    . , , . ,

    1-1-3, 1-1-5, 1-1-9 , , . 1-1-3: (pramat:tani)- , ,

    37. n . (pratya~) , .. , .

    - , )38.

    (anumi\a) - : , :

    , . , , 39 . (upamat:ta) ,

    [] [] 40. (Sabda) : aptopadeSa~. .

    41 , If ,

    42 . , , , , 43, .

    (N-V ...), , Nyayabha~ya (

  • .m 45

    . - , 1 ] [ ... ] 6. , ,

    , , . , ,

    . "", ,

    - (dharma), 47.

    , 1-1-4 , , ,

    , , : [ ]

    , .{ [ (.. )] 8. ,

    m , , [ ], .

    , , , , ,

    , [ ] 49. , , (pada) 2.2.68 . : , () - jilti, - akrti -vyakti. (padartha) []

    , , S. : .

    ? , , [ ]

    , - . [ ] [ ] []

    , , . , [] , , -

  • 46 JI

    51. I : , , ?, .. , , -

    , , , . : l..ak$aJ).abhedit - 52.

    , , , ,

    . . 1-1-7, 1-1-20,1-1-21, 1-1-22,1-2-15,

    , , . , -, , , - ,

    . - 5 ,

    (IX ..): PratyakliClmiti lanird~ itaraIa~am[] - w , - ... 5 . , ,

    .055, , .. , 56.

    . , .

    . . , ,

    r, , , , , 5 . . , , . , - ( . ..), , , , ,


  • ..m 47

    , "-" (), . , , ..

    , - . , - ~ - .

    l , ( ...) - -

    . , . ., , , , ,

    ( . - )58.

    . Cf. .,

    , , ra S9.

    , . 6 m -

    - ( ) - ( ), 1 , 62 asadMrat:\adharma.

    . (uddeSa)>>,

    (lakl\a). , (parik~) .

    3- . - . ,

  • 48

    : , ... .

    (as4dharat;\adharma)>>65. ,

    : () (avyapti) - [] , : - [

    ] . () (ativyapti) - [ ] , : -[ ] .

    () [] (asarpbhava) - [] , :

    - [ ] 66. , , .. , .

    [] , , ,

    [ ] 67. , , . 1 : (gandhavati rthivi)6 . 69 r . .

    . -

    ( - ). (

    , ). , ,

    (. , ). , ,

  • . 49

    . 1.

    , . , , ( , , ),


    , , .. . , .

    , , 1

    . , , : 71. , . , : , ,

    -, , , . , 16 , , -,

    . , , ,

    72 . .. : ... g , .. .

    , .

    . ,

    , i


  • 50

    2 3

    4 s







    : 4 . . 3. ., 2001.. 154.; .., .. . ., 1994. . 197. .., .. . ., 1998. . 244. , , JJ:

    , JJ , "" , , , "" . , , - , ,

    (. // . .: 4 . . 1. ., 1976. . 94). JJ ( , , , ..). .., .. . . 244. .. .

    . ., 1994. . 60. Iak$ - , , , , I (Sanskrit-English Dictionary. . 892). Lak~a - [-]

    ( ), , , , , , , .: Sanskrit-English Dictionary. .892. Staal J. F. he heory of Definition in Indian Logic 1/ Joumal of the an oriental society. 1961. Vol. 81, !!. 2. . 122. JJ , .: Staal J. F. he Concept of Metalanguage and its Indian Background /1 Jouma1 of Indian Philosophy. Dordrecht, 1975. Vol. 3. . 315-354; Staal J. F. Ritual, Grammar, and the Origins of Science in India /1 Jouma1 of Indian Philosophy. Dordrecht, 1982. Vol. 10, ! 1; Bronkhorst J. The Relationship between Linguistics and Other Sciences in India 11 istory of Language Sciences. Walter de Gruyter. Berlin-N. ., 2000. Vol. 1. .166-173.

    .: Renou L .. Sur le Genre du SOtra dans la Litterature Sanskrite 11 Jouma1 Asiatique. 1963. , , .

    11 Cardona G .. Panini. Survey of Research. he Hague-P., 1976. . 191. 12 Pinault G.-J. Panini. et l'Enseignement Grammatical 11 istoire des Idees 13 Linguistiques. Liege-Bruxelles, 1989. . 1. . 333.

    . 14 Staal J.F. Word Order in Sanskrit and Universa1 Grammar. Dordrecht, 1967. .

    24-25. IS Staal J.F. The concept ofMeta1anguage and its Indian Background. . 324.

  • \6

    .m 51

    m I , . m, ( , m) aOHOMHoro

  • 52 36 , .: .. -, -. 37 - . ., 2001. . 79-114 C.lI4-17. 38 . . 151.

    . . 152. 39 40 ll .: . . . 268.

    .156. 41 Biardeau La Definition dans l pensee Indienne. . 371-384. 42 iardeau . La Definition. . 372. 43

    ... , - (-, -,

    44 . ... . 121). . . 121.

    :: . . 146. 47 . . 166. 48 tatroddi$tisya tattvavyavacchedako dharmo Iak$lU)8m.

    49 ( ) 50 . . 153. 51 . . 257.

    . 52 . 53 . 54 55 : iardeau . La definition dans l pensee Indienne. . 374.

    . 56 , , - .: . . 151. 57 Biardeau . La definition. . 375. 58 The Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies lGenl Ed. K.Potter. Dehli, 1970

    (1984, 1995). Vol. 1.: Bibliography. Vol. 11: Indian Metaphysics and 59 Epistemology. the Tradition ofNyaya-Vaiseshik up to Gangesa. 1978. . 523.



    Sankaranarayanan S. Problem of Definition in Indian Logic /1 The Adyar Library Bulletin. 52,1988. . 114.

    . ( - ( ). - (Jl ) . ., , . .. . ., 1989) ,

    , , -. , ,

    .., II [.. 1977. . 107]. , - , - ,

    : ''' Jl"'. ,

    . , . II ..

  • 62


    .. 53

    , : J.F Staal. The Theory of Definition in Indian Logic, p.124-126 S.Sankaranarayanan. ProbIern of Definition in Indian Logic, .120-125. ~a , . .: Sanskrit-English

    64 Dictionary, . 899. 65 , .40.

    . 66 . SIJ.1aqsl1~fI\m~ 67 . 68 69 . . 65.

    Gandhavatl gandha -vat.

    70 . m.e. .

    71 . : Biardeau . La Definition. . 375. Vyil.vrtfuvyavaharo v4 ~ya 72 prayojanam. 73 Sankaranarayanan S. Problem ofDefinition in Indian logic. 113-125. . 120.

    Mohanti D.N. Indian Philosophy: Tradition and Modernity. Bharata Manisha, 11 ,1977. . 246.

  • 54


    Maria Miutel

    About the Notion Definition ln Indian Thought (Vya.karaI].a and classical Nya.ya)

    he main aim of this ! is to give review of the history of the notion of definition (Sanskrit /ak$;la) as well to cover major theories of defmition of Vyakar~a and Nya.ya schools. he analysis starts with Pa.t:tini's A$ta.dhya.yl. It is pointed out that even though the term /ak$l was not mentioned in it in the sense of definition, the concept itself was already used. Its in usage applies to technical terms and metarules.

    Jn the second part, the author while examining some passages ftom Maha.bha.$ya makes conclusions regarding Patai\jali's understanding of definition and its role not only in grammar but also in other aspects of scientific (shastric) thought.

    Stressing out the connections and possible influence of grammar the logical dda it is shown how the notion /al and what is even more important the idea of definition was integrated in the Nya.ya system. Jn it, the process of definition is the search of specific quality, feature, which distinguishes the defined object ftom the others and makes it subject offurther Nya.ya analysis.

  • ..

    , (

  • 56

    (mx-1)I (-1). 1 ( XI-X .) (. .).

    u ( ,

    ) ( , ). , , , . ( XI .) ,

    . ( ) , (mu), , () (u). ,

    , V (XIV .) l ( XVI-

    V .), V .

    V-vm . , 1,

    ( , , , ' ),



    (.. ) . , 1, -, ,

  • ..6m/(6 57

    , . , ,


  • 58

    - (

  • .. 59

    (uum .). l

    , mm . , l ,

    ; , , ,

    ( u), - (u ll), ( l//),

    () .. (

  • 60

    , , . ,

    ; , ( . , ro ,

    , ,

    5 ( , - ).

    () () , . ,

    (-); . () (

    , ) ( ), , ( . , . ,

    , . , (anumana) .

    : (), - (pak~a, dharmin - ) (hetu, sadhana - ) ,

    ( ) - (sadhya, dharma - ). ,

    () ( 1957, 11: 60-62). , ( )

    , , , .

  • . , 61

    , : mxn, ,

    . n , , . : ( , , , ). n

    , , ( : 95,348-349).

    , (),

    - . , ,

    , : ( ), (1l) .. n.

    - u, . , 6 u , (), ( , ).

    { , , - . , u an - ,

    , .

  • 62

    : 1) - () ; 2) , ; 3)

    , ; 4) - ,

    ; 5) 6)

    [: .197-201]. ll c'fxx , JJJO 1 1, - eaerc . , IUI u

    ( ) JI cmx [: .198]:

    m [] , , ,

    [] [] . : ( ) nyr ( ), ( ). , () , , (.. )

    !l' - , Wl

    - ( ).

    , .

    [ ], ( ), n,

    : , ,


    [] [] .

  • . .l
  • 64

    . , , , .


    ( , , (), ..) , , .

    1 u, []9. ua

    , . , , , 1 ~ \ ,

    [ : .208]: . , (, ) \1.

    rm. , ,

    . ,

    - . , , ., (misuse) .

    , .

  • . . 65

    , ( 1989: 315), , . , ,

    ( 1995: 37). ,

    , , , ( 1957, : 33).

    , , , , , , , ( 1995: 26-33). ,

    , , , ( ) , .

    , . ,

    , , ,

    ( ) - , , , , .

    - , , .

    , , , ,

    . , (nyaya-mlk), , - (loka-nyaya), - (vakya-nyaya)

  • 66

    1 .

    (ny4ya) (logical reason) ( 1976, : 73; . : 1971: 54). , .., , , -,

    , - - , - -

    ( 1987: 133). , ,

    '3. , , , - , , .


    , , (

    , , , ), 14.

    - 1 ,

    , ,

    ( ) .

    , , ,

    - , .

    , , (

  • .. 67

    ( , ). -

    , ( , ). , - , , . , , .


    - -ll -, .

    , -

  • 68

    , , u16

    - -, , .

    , , , ,

    . , , u (

  • .,m 69


  • 70

    [] ? ( ). ( ); .

    : ,

  • 2





    7 8

    . .m 71


    l . , , ,

    . , , , , .. , . , ( - . .), > .

    , ( , ) /lna [: .216-218, 224-225),

    l . lU .

    .., loka-asrayam kavyam (4gamas tattv'clin}>, lo - , , JlJl , .., - , , tattva - ( ).

    , , .., , , ( 1999: 355).

    , , ( : 368). [Jl] JlJ[J[

    [] , [ .199). vibhavana vinl.pi syl.tkarllJ.'lUP karyajanma cetl/ [: . 197].

    nmm (

  • 72

    , 13 , , , ..

    .. . J! ( 1987: 133). . , ( 1908: 596-597).

    , .. JI:

    14 .. , , -

    [An 1924: 573-575] , , [ ]

    , 30 , ,

    15 . 16 kimutn4rtha5i\siddhi ... [: .244].

    . [288]: ... [] ?// [] [], - !

    :; ({~YamAJ:lavimddh4rthasampraptilY/ [: .272]. - - , , . :

    19 .. - ,

    . 20 .

    - . ,

  • :





    An 1924:

    yr 1999:







    .. 73

    aharaj Jasvantasinh 1qta l-htl.~~ (sattka) / SaIppldak aur trk1k4r Vwvanlthaprasld MwrL Banlras: ffindl-sahitya-kut!r, 2006 (1950). KubalaYl\nanda, Treatise Rhetoric Appyai Dikshita. With the commentary of Veidyanltha. CaI-cutta: Satya Press, 1874. BhImaha. avyalailklr~ I pandit Batkanatha sarmma tatha pandit a1adeya Upadhyaya ityetabhyam bhu'

    mikadib~ samahu\ka1q1ya sampadi~. II: JaYaIcmukUs-aridasgut, 1928. 'l I

  • 74





    o,udharl S. AlaiIk4ra, rlti aur vakrokti DilII: Alank4ra rWl, 1973. uu . . .: , 1995. Jacobi . Ruyyaka's Alankarasarvasva 11 Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischcn Gcsscllschaft. Lpz., 1908. Bd. 62.

  • . . 75


    Svetlana Tsvetkova

    Logic in Alankaras

    problem of itlti between the structure (construction) and the function of the figures of speech in Sanskrit medieval poetics is discussed in the paper. Generally scholars attribute these figures to the category of expressions based logical form or the mis-use of the form within narrow limits [Jerow 1971, . 18]. However this view is based mainly the terminology of description of the alankaras in poetics and some formal principles of their classifi-cation, but does not take into consideration the poetical purpose of such figures or their real function in poetical text.

    An analysis shows that the use (or in some sense the (

  • :

    . .


    - (vakya) :

    , IJ. [} ! [} .. , n [ , } [ }, 4

    S, - . ?

    - ? , ?

    , ,

    , : -yrp () () ( - ). .

    . ( )

    . , .. ... ( ) -

    (), -

  • . 77

    C~OBoe ( ) ( ) 6. - , , ,

    - Hero , . , 7

    (lk~.t) (

  • 78 :

    , my , ayra

    1)'. m , , - , , , \3.

    -, 14

    , () , . , ,

  • ..08 79

    n) .

    l9 - ,

    / - , , (

    , ): [, u) /-, [) -, [ ) , ~Koa ) ( 2.1.46.) .

    , , - (mx) - . - , ~ 21 22 :

  • 80 :

    , , - (saqmidhi) -

    26 ~ -. ~, , , , - -:

    . . , 27

  • . 81

    , ], (k4}36. , .. (,

    ), akhyatam - 1 - .

    (m 9) : - ekatit\, - .. , [ - , ] ( 1 ). , : bro.hi bro.hi - , !. ( .

    37 , eka ( - ) ~

    , 38)39. , ~ , , 4 . ? , , - ,

    : , ,

    . ,

    - 41, , . . , .

    , , , , -

    . , ,

    . ? 42, , , , .. -


    43. , . -

  • 82 :

    ( - ), , '1"" r - mx4 - rr ( . ). ( ) , , -


    . , , ,

    , . , -.

    - (Samartblihnika) , , - r 2.1.1. , , -

    (padavidhi), , (vrtti) (), , samarthya. samartha - ,

    - ()>>, (n) 2.1.1: samarthaJ) padavidhi~ - On [

    ] - 834S. r

    () -. : rthgrtbliam-krtblihJv~ - [ ] -, - n (vyape~)46 - /, .

    mx - [ ] - , , .

    .. , , -

  • .. 83

    47. : c1j~ ~ - Gen. Nom. . mx, rja\1l"aQ. : bharya rajil.aQ ura1:t devadattasya - , , mx [ ]

    rajil.aQ \1l"aQ , ( - Gen. Nom.), -

    rjapurQ. - [ ] (ekarthibhav~) - mx -

    (arthaikatva) - /l u- . , mx , , -, -

    - . mx n. ( u

    ). , (nu 2.1.1) ( 8.1.16 - padasya), , , (padat - 8.1.17) ( mx) :

    1) 8.1.20-26: md. asmad ( )

    2) 8.1.28: ,

    (tinatinaQ) , , , , , : ayarp da:r:tq.o haranena (

  • 84 :

    hara (

  • . 85

    , - \ dal.\Qo hanena, : \ dar,tQo Isti_

    . haranena - !. ( - , ). hara, , mmy ( ),

    , ( 8.1.28). (, odanam tava bhavil1yati

    (tava te), - ).

    , ,

    - ( mx) (). .


    . , I

    - , , , ,

    . , ,

    . , , ,

    , 8.1.28 -tit\atiJ\~ - ati1\

    m ,56 .. - tit\ () 57. ,

    ? r .

    , ? , -

  • 86 :

    - ? , ,

    . , mx (-)

    (mx - , mx ( mxu) - ),

    - . : n . ,

    . , ,

    , - . , , - -u, - . Or, -

    . , , , , . , ,

    , , , (

    , ) - ).

  • 2

    4 5

    6 7


    . 87

    .. -m - ar. ( - mm - ).

    , mm arl, , , , -

    . .. .

    , , , , ,

    -. , 395.

    - ( 5 ..) -

    - mmm, (mu),

    - -, - () . .,

    are , - mmm,

    - nxm, (r-), -

    ( ). . Iyer 1966

    Iyer 1965, : Iyer 1969, Aklujkar 1970 . - , ,

    . . Raja 1962; Ivanov 2003. ~o Raja 1963: 152.

    , , .

    11 , (Abhyankar 1986: 94). 12 13 padasa1\ghatajam vakyam.


    ar - . ar , , .

    , - 450-400 . .. ( ,

    ). ( 2745), , , - 3 . .. 300 . .. ft ( ) , ,

    . . Verpoorten 1987: 5.

  • 88 :

    IS Devasthali 1959: 1. 16

    athllto dharmajiji\asa.. cyrpax 8 -

    17 18

    : ~o 'rtho dharmal] -

  • .. 89

    30 'akhyAtaqI' ( - , -), ,

    . (r , - ). II , , (

    ':t' - ). 31 - karaka (. , ),

    ( JIIO ,

  • 90 : JI

    ~: OdanaJP 1'duWad1 pacatil 37 : lIkhyltaql saviAewnityev. sarv~i hi etlni kriyl~l,'Ian4.

    -, 12 . .. . ~: kUa~ sam!navacano 118 tu SlUJlkyIVIcI. (. : Joshi 1968: 109, ft. 197). , , u. yr

    - . , bl11hi bl11hi Devadatta , , eaara!, ,

    , . (, , , , (brOhi brohi) , : indra sara somam pibapibed ( 10.22.15), pibapibed -

    , nanamx . . Shastri 1974: 209)

    40 .. , , . ,

    . . (. 30) ara . w araa ara . :~ 1990: 233.

    (Jo5hi 1968: ix) , ,

    (nityUabda klrywbda, -43 ).

    u 6 .

    44 2.1.1 ll mx (samarthaI;t) - nau (padavidhi) - . Il mx.

    45 II nuu - , ) - .

    46 47 parasparavyape~1m samarthyameke - Il, u Joshi 1968: vi

    48 , - . 49 lUrr an - 50 l- . .:

    odanam bhav1.,yati. 2- . . . . 51

    52 u tatra nlnlklrakAnighltyu~madasmadadredhaI:L - .

  • . 91

    53 Sabdapram4l.Ulka vayaml yaa:habda aha tadasmak4Jp pram4I,laml SadaSceha sattamahal ll 4aJ.V as gamyate/ sa d\4al,1 karta bhutvilnyena '

    54 hen4bhisaJpbadhyamanaJ, kar\aql saqtpadyate/ 55 samilnavakye nightaymadasmadadeSal;t. 56 na samilnavakye dve tante S~.

    , , , .. . Jl , -,

    57 Il. , ar , , 'fI'O atitl (mm , , - rICli - .

  • 92 :

    - . ., 1990. yankar 1986 - nl . V. Dictionary of Sanskrit Gramrnar. Baroda,

    1986. Aklujkar 1970 - kluj/ . The Philosiphy ofBhartrhari's rikilc;li, Doctora1

    dissertation. arn. (Mass): Harvard Univ., 1970 (). Bhide 1980 - Bhide V. . The Concept of the Sentence and the Sentence-

    Meaning According to the Porva-lmAIpsa 1/ Proceedings of the Winter Institute Ancient Indian heories Sentence-Meaning. - Pune, 1980. . 137-142.

    Devasthali 1959 - Devasthali . v. MlmIJpsA - the Vakya-Slstra of Ancient India. , 1959.

    Devasthali 1974 - Devasthali . v. Vakya According to the Munitraya of San-skrit Grammar /1 Charudeva Shastri Felicitation Volume. - Delhi, 1974. . 206-215.

    Iyer 1965 - VakyapadIya of Bhartrhari with the Vrtti. Chapter 1. English Trans1a-tion .. Subramania Iyer. Poona, 1965.

    Iyer 1966 - VakyapadIya ofBhartrhari with the Commentaries Vrtti and Paddhati ofVnabhadeva. I

  • .. 93


    Vladimir Ivanov

    Sentence definition: Early Mimiilpsa and Vyakara~

    In the paper two approaches to the definition (Jak$8{la) of the sentence (v4kya) are being compared. first is the definition found in the Mrmarpsa-sdtra (2.1.46). he second is the definition of Ka.tyayana present in the Mahabhashya of Patai\jali (2.1.1, . 9-10).

    hhri in his VakyapadIya (11.3) states that these definitions though formally having some common traces don't completely tally. What are, propely speaking, the points of simi1arity and difference between these two approaches to the definition of sentence?

    Formal1y both these definitions emphasize the importance of the unity of meaning/aim in sentence (arthaikatva - in Mimarpsa

    (), s4marthya in its function as ek6rthfbh6va in VyakaraI).a () presented its central element - verb (expressing action - kriy6) in its connection with the other subordinate elements of the sen-tence. his connection - mutual requirement of the elements in the sentence - is characterized these systems also in similar way - as 6k6nk$a in and vyapek$6 in .

    At the same time, while giving their definition of the sentence, and V were focused the particular problems pertaining to the sphere of their interests as two danfa-s. In the case of , it was the need to separate yaju.9-formula from another and to determine the boundaries of ritual expression. (So to say - sentence as unit of measurement of one ritual act). , while giving the definition of the sentence, faced some particular problems pertaining to the rules of tii dealing with the cases of nighata in finite verb-forms, namely 8.1.20-26 and 8.l.28. hus the Katyayana's definition of the sentence does not allow seeing sentence in some cases, which could considered as the definition of . So the approach of thus could characterized as more semantic and descriptive while that of V - as more syntactic and generative.

  • . . m

    (5 .), , - , .

  • . . m 95

    ), ( 1.27., 1.34.4, 1.81.2d, 2.11.21 , 3.59.2, 7.32.2, 8.2.15, 9.81.3, 10.81.5 .). : , , , 6.

    , - (), aindra, .. 7.

    (&acI) (.., ) . 10.159,

    ( 1999: 452,453). , (10.48, 49, 119)8, (10.125) - . , ,

    . , 10.125, , ( - . ..)

    ( 1.11.49). - , .

    ( 7.103.5). :

    , - () , () ... 9 (. ..).

    , , (8akta), (sik~ana), .. . ,

    -, , -, .

    - (si~)

  • 96 IC

    , , , . , 1I - , - , - . .


    samartha samarthya. samartha - (sam+artha), 1)', 1I 1 , 1)', , (samartha) , , (sam-) (-artha), .. . Samarthya - , samartha: , .

    artha (, , , , , ..) , , ,

    . , . artha - , ( mx

    . , 2000: 97-100). 1.3.42, 2.3.57, 3.3.152, 8.1.65

    , . , 3.3.152 , (LJ1iir) uta api , - , l1: 'uta kuryiit' 'api kuryiit', !. , ,

    , .. , . ,

    (2.1.1, 4.1.82,

  • .. m 97

    8.3.44), . , 2. t . t ,

    (vidhi), (pada), (samartha)12.

    , , . , 2. t .24 , , srita ( -, -, -),

  • 98 ) 8

    ( , , ). - , kalitam srita!)>> (COHar np , ,

  • . . m 99

    , , , , , .

    , , . . , . , ,

    . , , , , , , . , , ,

    (-), , . ,

    - , . , ( ),

    ( , .). , , .

    , ,

    . - , : ! (indraSatrur vardhasva), , mmn uxu: , ( - . ,

    ( . 1: 2). , , , ( . 3: 58).

    , .

  • 100 Tpa:re

    np, , -

    , .

    : l-

    - - , (Sabda-tattva) , ( ),

    - (saktivyapaSraya) (Vp 1.2, ). (kala), ,

    (kalaSaktim upasrita1:), (bhavabhedasya yonayalJ.) ( 1.3)16. , - ( 1969: 11 , 1972: 26), 1)' . .

    1.6 . () (upaya)

    (anukara) ( 1.5), , (SAkha) ? , ,

    (SabdaJWp yata-Saktitvam). KOMMeatop ,

    (niyata-artha-pratyayana-samarthya), 1)' (abhyudaya-hetuta-samarthya). ,

    , (. VP 1.6 ). , , , , - (VP 1.11), (tat' tva) (VP 1.13, 14).

    : -

    , [-

  • . . 101

    ]17. , , , (bhava).

    , , , . ? , ( .) (grahya), ( ..) (grahaka),

    . , , , ,

    , (grahaka) , . , (bhava), .. , , .

    , , , , (. 1.55). , - , , - , . : - , - , - ?

    , , , . , , : [ ] , [] 18. ,

    . , '' '' '', : [] 19. 1.1.68 ,

    . , ,

    . : , , .. , -

  • 102 >) Ie 8)))

    : , , ( 1.57-68). , - .

    , , . , , (. ).

    , 20. , , 21 ,

    22 . : , ; , [ ], 23. , ,

    . , , ,

    . [] (sadhu), , []

    (). (asadhu) - , , [ ]


  • . . m 103

    , , , [], (a-sva) ( 1.140 [148]). , : asva,

    , ~ aSva S, , ro l , ,

    2 , (VP 1.142 [150]), , (VP 1.144[152]) , ,

    , (daivl vag vyatikIn;1eyam aSaktair abhidhatfbht),

    (avlcaka) (VP 1.145-146 [153-154]). , ,


    : 2-


  • 104 ar 8

    - , , [] , , [] ,

    [ , ], (pratibM) [ ] , [] (VP 2.148).

  • . . 105

    31 - (3.1.92), - (3.1.50). :

    , , . , 3- .

    , 6- 9-.

    : , ,

    - , (diS), (sadhana),

  • 106 l' ((8

    3) (, .)33.

    , ( 3.6.17). . -, , (.,

    , ..), : (. ), .

    , (upadhi-bhinna), (bhava-hd-nindhnI) (. . 3.6.20).

    >, - . -, . , 34. -, .. (bhava),

    (vikaIpa-tIta-tattv), ,

    - 035.

    - , , (.. ), . (sadhana) (

    ), ( 1.4.23 ). (. karaka, , ), ( , , , , , ) sadhakatama , ..

    ( 1.4.42), .

    - ( 1974: 279). , ,

  • . . m 107

    , , .. - ,

    , , . ,

    , , , 036

    , , . . . , , -. - . (vyavaMra) ,

    - . , , , -37. .


  • 108 8

    - ? , , , ,

    , . 42, . . , , , !, [] , [ ]43. :

    , , tena nate, ..

    (. . 1.92). , (=) , . -


    - , (3.9.2, 3.9.28). - (nimitta) ,

    (3.9.3). ( ): ,

    , (3.9.4). , (3.9.5),

    , .. (. 3.9.5). - (3.9.9). (vibhu) (3.9.14).

    ~ , [ ] [ ] (3.9.30). , , , , - , .

    . (spho~a),

    , 44 , 'gau1)' (

  • . . m 109

    'g', n> .

    . , ,

    , , . , , : , .

    , ( ), ,

    . , .

    , nmx (pad&-tharps tant\ddis), nmx

    eka-yoga-k$entan (. 3.6.1). yoga-k$ema , 4S . () , , ,

    , , . ,

    , , .

    3.7.2 . , 46,

    : 1. , - , .. . : () =. bodha-rdI,


  • 11 8

    , , , , , .

    3. , rc , (.. ), , , .

    , . 4. , , , , .

    5. , , (dharma) - (adharma)

    . , ,

    - , ( ,

    ) ( ). ,

    , , ,

    . , . , () - , , . ( )

    , , , .. . - ( )

    . , , ,

    . , ,

    . , . , , , - . - , .

  • .. mli 111

    1. , (=) .

    2. , (caraQa),

    , .

    3. , , , .

    4. (, )

    . 5. ,

    (- ). 6. -, , ,

    , - () .

    , . 2-$1 ( ) 3-$1

    ( ) . (4-$1 ) .

    (3- ), , ,

    (5-$1 ). 2- (

    , ) , (

  • 112 Tpare IJl

    , , .

    ( , ..) ?

    , - , , , my (pratibha) (vakyartha), .

    - , , ,

    , . ,

    . , , , , , , . ( ) . , , . ,

    - .

  • 2




    6 7

    . . m 113

    , w> 109 ( 1981: 75), , ,

    !iakti. , .

    , . ,

    energeia . , ,

    w>. ,

    , 1959 1991, 1969, , , 1995. il - , ar

    , , , , ( )

    , , , , . . , The idea of power (Saktl) in Vakyapadiya,

    , , . indra _ IiIqa Saclvas tva na~ Sadbh~ ( 1.062.12c,d).

    - ( , , . vy4karot ( vylI.+v'kr), (vll.karl) . altw) . 1875.

    ( 10.119) , , (Laba), ,

    . . 1999: 517.

    9 yad ~ an6 anyasya v:tl\ Sll.ktasyeva vadati ~e~al} / sarva tad eljll. 10 samtdheva parva. (PB7.103.05a-).

    SiII1IiU1hiI kha1u bhartll. rll.VlaIJ\ hantum ahave JI !, 5.24.14.

    utll.pyol} samarthayol} Llr\J, 3.3.152. , api , , , : dadhll.ti - '', api-dadhati - ''.

    12 13 samartha1) padavidhil}, 2.1.1.

    tl\ , ,

  • ]]4 '

    . , ka!I~ - pSya, .. . .

    14 IS .. . 16 ekarthlbhavo va samarthyaJp vyapeqa va, .1: 359.

    , (janmadayo vik4raJ:! ~t), , . (vikara) , (bbava).

    : ]) [] (jAyate), 2) [] (asti), 3) (viparwnate), 4) (vardhate), 5) (a~lyate), 6) (vindyati). , ,

    II (ato'nye bbavavik4ra ~eva vik4ra bhavanUti ha smaha te yatbavacanam abhyohitavyaJ]., . ].4.)

    . , .

    17 grllhtvl\ grllhakatvaJp dve SakU tejaso yatbal tathaiva sarvaabdanam ete prthag avasthite, 1.55.

    Prthag iva sthite, .. ll . .

    18 sv81p J11paIP !fabdasya-5bdasaJpjflA, ].1.68. 19

    , (

  • 28

    . . m 115

    , , , , . , ,

    rr , , , , , ) , . . - ,

    , , .. )

    29 : . - . . ,

    30 2000: 100-119). ,

    , , , , , , - , , - : dravya-81-karma-slJnAn-vi8e$a-samav-1a\qtaJ.t padarth4 na prthag-bhota1) I

    31 ekasyaiva ~aktayo v~-vyra-anumaJ.t I . 3.1.23. 32 dravyAdayaJ:t sarvaJ.t ~tayo in~, 3.1.23.

    dik s4dhan1\ k kaIa iti vastvabhidh4yinaJ:t I lfaktir11pe padarth4nam atyantam 33 anavasthitaJ.t, 3.6.1.

    vyatirekasya hetur avadhipratipadyayo1)l rjv ity eV8J!1 yato 'nyena vina uddh pravartatell kamuu.to jatibhedanAm abhivyaktir yadrayal 54 svair

    34 upadhibhir bhinna ~tir dig iti kathyate, 3.6.2-3. tasyas tu ~tel.t pOrvlldi- bhedo bh4vllntar~rayaIY bhinnll dik tena bhedena

    35 bhedayaivopakalpate, 3.6.20. vikalpatltatattveliu SII1JIketopanibanc:lltanaJ.t I bhllve/iu vyavah4ra lokas

    36 tatrllnugamyate, 3.6.25 , , , : , - , [).

    . (kriyaiva pradhllnabM.tll vakyartha iti nitlta tata vvdh4ryaup aJam iha vistatA, . 3.8.1)

    37 karall4Jp pravrtti-viSel;it k, .l: 258. ~: prakrtil.t 54dhanllnaJ..t 54 prathamaxp tac kllrakam, 3.8.38.

    , : ,

    , , .

    40 41 bh4vasiddhyaiva canumlyate kriya paroqapi satt, . 1.1, . 17.

    amarta hi k nirupakhya 54 hi karakairabhivyajyamana k!lrakaarJre santl 42 ~yate nirdi$tum, . . 2: 18.


    eka-phalodde~ , . . 3.9.90. nadair ahitabljayam antyena dhvaninll sahal avrttaparipakllyaJI buddhau labdo 'vadh4ryate, 1.84.

  • 116 paICl'l'e 8 pr 44

    nadasya kramajAtatvln na pt1rvo na Par 881]./ akrama1,t kramaro.~a bhedavAn 45 iva jAyate, 1.49.

    . VAc:aspatya; yogaJi kseWI samAhAraJ, dvandval,t. aJabhyaJabhacintAsabite labdhaparirak\ (VAcaspatya.

    Comprehensive Sanskrit Dictionary compiled Prof. aran 46 Tarkavacaspati. - Calcutta 1883. - . 20, . 4780).

    ktimatrAsamOhas ~vasyAnekadharmar)al,t ... 3.7.2.

  • . . m 117

    1969 - . . Subramania Iyer. ha. study ofthe Vakyapadlya in ( light ofthe Ancient unentaris. , 1969.

    1875 - mll .. on the Aindra School of Sanskrit Graunaris. Mangalor,1875.

    /(nu 1 ( 1) - Vakyapadl}'a of hahari with the untris Vrtti and ( Paddhati of Vf$abhadeva, ~q.a 1 /Critically edited .. Subramania Iyer.

    , 1966. /(nu 1, /( - Vakyapadlya. treatise the philoso- of Sanskrit graunr hahari with untary PUl)yaraja the 1 st and 2nd klil)q.as /Ed. R~;t Sasbi alias Tatya sastrr Patavardhana, GiU\gac\hllra Sastrl llnava1ll, Ramacandra &stri Kotibhaskara and Goswami Dantodara Sas!rI. Vol. 1. Benares, 1884-1887.

    /(nu 2 ( 2) - Vakyapadlya of Bhartrhari ( ancient Treatise the Phi1osophy of Sanskrit Gramrnar). Containing the Tika of PUl)yaraja and the Ancient Vrtti /Ed. .. Subrarnania Iyer. With Foreword Ashok Aklujkar. lil)I . Delhi, 1983.

    /(n 3.1-7 ( 3.1-7) - piI of hahari with the commentary ofHelarlija. lll)q.a , Part I/Ed. .. Subramania Iyer. , 1963.

    /(nu 3.8-14 ( 3.8-14) - Vakyapadlya of ha with the com-mentary ofHelaraja. lll)q.a , Part 11 /Critically Ed. .. Subramania lyer. , 1973.

    1938 - Ghosh . ~il}'-~, critically edited in ll its five recensions. With introduction, translation and notes. Calcutta, 1938.

    2000 - .. 1/ . ., 2000. N2 7. . 6-38.

    /( 1999 - . IX-X ! . .. . .: ,1999.

    1974 - Cardona G. Plil)ini's karakas: agency, anirnation and identity 11 10l ofIndian Philosophy. N2 2. . 231-306.

    m 1990 - Katre S.M. AlitAdhyaYI of Plil)ini / Roman Transliteration Sumitra M.Katre. Austin, 1990.

    () - a of Patailjali, edited F.Kielhom, l. I-. m: 1892-1909.

    u/(m (.) - Nirukta. Yliska, with the commentary ofDurgacarya /Ed. V.K.Rajwade // Anand~rama Sanskrit Series. l. 88, Pts. 1-11. , 1921, 1926.

    () - . m 1990. /(, 2000 - /( .., .. // . ., 2000. N!! 7. . 6-38.

    1972 - Peri Sarveswara Sharrna. he AlasamuddeSa of Bhartrhari'S Vlikyapad!ya, together with Helaraja's connnentary translated m the Sanskrit for the first time. Delhi, 1972.

    1981 - Peri Sarveswara Sharma. he idea of power (~akti) in the Vakyapadlya / / Bharatlya Vidya N!! 41. m, 1981. . 75-79.

  • 118 l'e l xaprp

    2000- .. , , l /1 . ., 2000. !! 7. . 163-174.

    1995 - Houben Jan .. 't Sltbandha-samudd. (chapter relation) and Bhartrhari's Philosophy ofLanguage. Groningen, 1995.

    1959 - Gaurinatha Sast. 't Philosophy of Word and Meaning. Some Indian approaches with special reference to the philosophy of Bbartrhari. Cal-cutta, 1959.

    1991 - Gaurinatha &. 't philosophy ofBbartrhari. Delhi-Vara-nasi,1991.

  • . . m 119


    Serguei Tawaststjerna

    Shakti (power) Terminology in the Viikyapadiya of Bhartrhari In nurnber of papers devoted to various aspects of Bhartrhari' s

    philosophy it is stated that the notion of Sakti (power, capacity) is very irnportant for understanding the basic ideas developed the philoso-pher, but, unfortunately, we can hardly find any satisfactory interpre-tation of the terrn fkti in rnodem publications. This could counted for the difficulties connected with the interpretation of the terrn power in the context of philosophy or linguistics, because both disciplines do not operate with such categories as power or ity. Looking back into the history of Ancient India we rna notice that this concept was current arnong its early thinkers, and sorne traces of the notion of power as


    uy l


    am4mi par uttar4m nijabh3sllm tihamtkrti

    , , , !


    . (, ) -

    , , .

    . (, , ) 2, , ,

    , , , (iaktipata, anugraha) . , - , -

    . munm , , , -I . , ro

    . mnm -

  • u 121

    - (s8dhana). munm

    , .


  • 122 :

    (3, krlt;l3) 5

    un (/), (antraIk), (Tantrasara) (Param4rthasara). ,

    - mu-u (tirodh3naSakti) - . , (krlt;l3)

    , (jlva) (ddB1)U). -l (3.am) -

  • u 123

    (. 49). munm. mu ,

    [ ] (siddlu)>> (XN.38). -

    - , ~oa.

    ? (dIk$d), , . .

    , dlA dH -

    k$i - . , , -

    7 1)' uu (siddhl', (, , , ..), - , ..

    . , .

    , (sthaJa), (sl1k$ma), (sk$matara) (sl1k$matama)8. ,

    . (spafa),

    (drksamjifa) (msa)9. yna

    (v1). (siddhasarpkaJpa), . .

    mu. uu (sarpsiddhika) .

    , (saJ!lvittdevi)

  • 124 r: rol ll

    (prAtibharp jiIaam). [ ... ], 10. Or

    , , - . ,

    (krama)11 .

    : ? - , - - ?


    . ,

    : ,

    l2 , t3 , . , ,

    (sarpsk4ra), , , , (nimitta), (regressus ad infinitum),

    munm. ( karmasAmya) : (sukla) (k!'$.pa). , , , . , , , .

    (prAtibharp jff4nam), R u (buddhi) 4.

  • u 125

    (astika) , , , - , . , (parameavarecch3).

    , HaM1S -,

    (hetu) (. -

    ). -, , , , (r3ga-dve$8). ary : (vainIgya), , (devati) .. , !

    , munm ,

    (ma/aparipika) - -.

    , (i1Javamala, miyIyamala, kirmama1a)

    , .. (dravya). , m1, , , , (sit). , , , . , , , .

    , (sv3ttrya), n

    , (paramiirtha) . - , , -

    . , - [] l6 -

  • 126 : aro> 8rp

    , , - , .

    , , .. l, (ma1apariplka). .

    mnm III XI , mnm (tlvra), (madhya) (md), , ,

    ( tfvra, madhya. md). mnm (tlvra-ut/q'$ta) (md-nik..1'$ti7 (sthulSar1ra), (sakala -

    ) , II . , , , ,

    , , . - (dev4ta) - , ,

    . , mnm , , (41). mnm (4dh4ra) , ..

    (puru$8k4ra) , - - maylyamala k4rmamalal8 ,

    . , , (41Javamala)

    . (suddhavidyodaya), -

  • u 127

    (pr4tibharp jff4m), cyr l ( ) aDo - - ($ivo 'am).

    aro (sivatva), - . , , , u

    , ,

    - maUuUa-. -, u u l9

    , .

    1. (pak$llya) - , (purgation);

    2. u- (pr4tibh4 jff4od) - , i/uminatio;

    . u-nanu (Sivatvapr4ph) - ~ (ui divi) .

    , unm , . . - (s4dhd).

    , . , .

    munm, . ,

    mun u: 4), (jff4)

    (kriy4j\ . (upf), , , ,

  • 128 : ro lf

    (sam.fveSa), (pratyabhijif.f).

    : , , , , 22.


    , (pratibMcamat/qtJ). ~, (ka~) (vidy.f)

    2 , . ary munma.

    , munm - .fJ.1avop.fya - HblX (kriyd). (Sar{l.bh.fva up.fya

    Sakti up.fya) . (Up.fya) .

    , , 24 .


    . ,

    , (, , , )

    (, -), , , , , - . . .,

    , , . , ar25. mu,

    , (r.fga).

  • u 129

    , munm ,

    . , . XIX ,

    , , ( )

    munm u26 u () , munm ,

    , 1947 uu


  • 130 : arp


    ParAtrab1~ikA Viv~a. ~ka. 3. . : K.C.Pandey, Abbinavagupta: 2 Historical and Pbilosophical Study. 2d ed. Benares: Chowkhamba, 1963.

    (, ) crro l, ro - prajM, pr, kevaJa jna .. .: Harsha V. Dehejiva. PArvaU~. Exposition Umir &ivism

    through the Images ~Iva and PArvatl. De1bi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1997. 4 Cyrb JJ :

    , JJJJ , - , JJ .

    5 .: Bettina Baumer. 'The l ofthe Three Wor1ds: The Trika Concept ofllla' /1 The Gods at l: UIa in South Asia IEd. WiI1iarn Sax. N. ., 1994.

    6 gurur va parameVarI anugrAhikA ktio - ~iVasi\trvi:lrulinl Iemarja. Bnglish trans1ation named ~ivastltras: The Yoga of Supreme Identity, Jaideva Singh. De1bi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1979.2.10.

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    8 Debabrata Sen Sharma. he Pbi10sophy of Sadhana: With Specia1 Reference to Trika Phi1osophy fImIr. l. aryan, 1983. . 96.

    9 KulArtava Tantra, tr. Ram Kumar Rai. Varanasi: Prachya Prakashan, 1983. XIV.34.

    10 11 SVllSl1vittdVlhir dlk$itaJ) - TantrAloka, 4.42, 4.45cd . . : . Sanderson. '&ivism and the Tantric radition' // he Wor1d's Religions IEd. S.Sutherland. L., 1988. . 66.0-704.

    12 Debabrata Sen Sharma. he Pbi10sophy of Sadhana: With Specia1 Reference to rika Phi10sophy fImIr, 1. Haryana, 1983. . 84.

    13 .: AlinIvijayav4rttika of Abhinavagupta /ed Madhusudana 1, Srinagar, 14

    1921.1.5.689-693. JJJJJJ . l , R , JI .

    15 he Tantraslra of Abhinavagupta, ed. Mukund Ram Shastri, Srinagar: he Research Departament, 1918, XI .

  • uyc 131 16 tena uddha svaprakUaJ) iva karllam, sa svllcchandyamatrena 17 tllratamyapralcllak - Tantrlloka, XII.116b-117.

    r aktipllta Jankinath Kaul, 'Saktipllta: Grace in Kashmir Shaivism' 11 Mysticism in Shaivism and Christianity. Ed. Bettina Baumer. New Delhi, 1997. . 247-262.

    18 .: Paul . Muller-Ortega. 'Shaktipat: The Initiatory Descent of Power' 11 Meditation Revolution. History and Theology of the Siddha Yoga Lineage 1Ed. . Renfrew Brooks and others. New Delhi, 2000. . 433-431.

    19 Swami Lakshman Jee. ashmir Shaivism: The Secret Supreme. Sri Sarguru Pub\ications, 1991. . 49. 20 , , , JI

    , , . .: Evelyn Underhi11. Mysticism. Study in Nature and

    21 Development ofMan's Spiritual Consciousness. L.: Methuen&Co, 1923. Part 11. , , ,

    , , - (MlIlinIvijayottara Tantra, 11.21-23), alt (Upllya).

    , , , . .: The Tantraslra of Abhinavagupta 1Ed.

    22 Mukund Ram Shastri. Srinagar, 1918. . 7. parasarpvit camatkllrllnubhavalllbha [ ... ] tlvratfvraJ, aktipllto dehaplltavAt , mok$1prada iti - Tantrllloka, II.130. ~~ kavitvll sarvAstrarthavetvam - Tantrlloka, III.222. . .: F.D. Lessing and . Wayman. lntroduction to the Buddhist Tantric Systems. Translated from Mkhas grub rje's Rgyud sde spyihi mam par gzag rgyas par

    25 brjod, with original text and annotation. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1978. Le Paramllrthasllra. Text Sanskrit edite et traduit par Li1iane Silbum, Institute de Civlisation Indienne. ., 1957. . 41.

    26 The l of Sri Ramakrishna IEnglish transl. Swami Nikhilananda, Mylapore. Madras: Sri Ramakrishna Math, 1992. lntroduction, . 57.

    27 Swami Muktananda. Play of Consciousness. South Fallsburg. N. .: SYDA Foundation, 1994. . 71-79.

  • 132 l: arol

    analo of Abhinavagupta with Viveka Jayaratha IEd. M.S.Kaul and M.R.Shastri. Vol. I-VIlI. Kashmir Series ofTexts and Studies, 1918-1938.

    Tantrasara of Abhinavagupta 1Ed. Mukund Ram Shastri. Srinagar: Research Departament, 1918.

    Abhinavagupta's Par4trlsika Vivaral,la. Secret of Tantric Mysticism. Sanskrit text IEnglish transl. and notes Jaideva Singh. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1988.

    Le Paramarthasara. Text Sanskrit edite et traduit par Li1iane Silbum, Institute de Civlisation Indienne. Paris: Boccard, 1957. Spanda-I

  • u 133


    Audrius Beinorus

    Shaktipata: the Descending of Grace in Kashmir Tantrism

    In this paper, the author examines the concept ofShaktipata in the texts of Kashmir Shaiva (Trika) tradition. Shaktipata is the given to that impulse of Shiva' s will and freedom that each person has within his or hers inner being, and that makes possible the destruction of his or hers impurities (mala): that of illuson (mayiyimala), that of action (kannamala) and that of consciousness (at,tavamala).

    Is pointed out that destruction of the self limitation (vilaya, tirodhana), creating the false identification of the person, is possible only through the grace of the divine Self (anugraha) that is Shiva himself. Special attention is drawn to the fact, that the descent of divine grace marks only the beginning of the process of divinization of the aspirant. Different forms of transmission of grace from teachers in the process of initiation (dJ~) as weB as independently of it are discussed. Conditions or causal factors of the possible descent of grace are analysed from the point of view of the greatest Kashmiri savant Abhinavagupta (11 .). In the theology and soteriology of Trika system, the Shaktipata is classified under three degrees and three more subdivisions according to the intensity of its reception the individual beings. From conceptual point of view it is evident that the process of Shaktipata constitutes the pivotal and essential component of the Shaivite theological formulations.

  • t cr t ( 1)

    (ka1a) , ,

    . 12-0 13-0, ,

    , , .

    e , .

    . , , , .

    - (parameSvara),

    : , , , . 2

    , , , , , 3, , , 4 Baci, ,

    , , , .

    , , (kala) aroM (aka1a) . TeKcThI, , , -

  • m08Q 13S

    . , 12- (4) 26,27,28,34,62, 105, 137,216,217, 219- , l- cooecreo 1, 143- ...

    r , , .

    , , .

    , , . ,

    , , . , ( 12.137.45-48):

    , , . , . ?

    . .

    , - . , , .

    . .

    , ,

    , . :

    , , (daiva, niyati) (svabh4vaj () .

    - , , , , , , . ,

    , (, daiva, niyati, svabhava ha, ,

    ) -

  • 136

    , , , : .6, ., .8, ..9, ..1 .

    , z . , (19.53,54), , zll . - (6.1):

    n , , - . ,

    . (deva), n , .

    , , , z {'

    I ) (ka1asamuddeSt) , z

    . , , , - I3

    z , ,

    . , z,

    , 14 , z , , z. ( -, , ..).

    , , , 1 ' , , , , , , (-

  • m 137

    ) , ,

    . , ,

    , , , ...

    , .

    ( 12,137.50-53, 78-80) ,

    : , - ? ?

    ? , , u , ?

    (;JlC), ?

    , , ?

    - lO , , .

    . - , n .

    , , , Wl . , ,

    . , . , , .

    , . . . ,

    , , -

  • 138 JI

    . -

    -. are , . , 1, ,

    , ny, ame arax, 1S

    , , , ( )

    : , , , ,

    , , , , ,

    . (, ). , , - .

    , , , (deSa): ,


    , ; . , :

    ( 12.57.12), , , ( 12.57.22).

    ( 12.138.26), , .

    . , ( 12.135). - uu (dJrghadarSi), ,

    - nnm (praptakaIajf\a), -

  • .mp 139

    - (di:rghaso.tra). , , r

    , . r

    . , , , ,

    , . rc ( 12.135. 17-19):

    , , , .

    , , : n, ,

    . , , , , n ).

    136 , , (kalaji\a) (deSakalavid), ..

  • 140

    On , .


    , (deSa) - ( 12.135.21,22-23):

    , . - , , !7 t!8. ( ) :JlC

    ! . , , , ,

    . 138- : .

    , ( 12. 138. 26) , , , , .

    , .

    , , . . ,

    (jyoti~), - , , ,

    , .., , .


    , (

    ), , , .. - , 2

  • m 141

    . ,

    , , , .

    , , , , . , 59 , , ( 12.59.11 , 117):

    2\ , l nYfloxumoif2, lWl23 - , " - . l .

    ; ,

    - (Gargasamhiti1). , . . re, , ( 12.137. 15-16):

    , .

    , Wl, , , Wl .

    ( , samaji1taka, , sahasaqtji1t, ),

    . .

    , - , u (ji1taka), , .

    , . , ,


  • 142 cr cr

    MOyr . -, .

    , , , , , - . , 8-

    . , ,

    (ka1akavrk.,Iya)25 ( 12.83. 7-15): puUR , .

    , , Wl , :

    , , , . , -

    nux MuCpo. , I n

    nmynux n"!, .

    , , ,

    Wl: . ,

    : Wl - - - .

    - - , .


    nn , - .

    l . ,

    Wl .

  • mQ 143

    , ,

    . , OKpac~6. , 1fO , , , , 1fO f

    2. , , 1fO ,

    , , . , ,

    : , . .,

    . , : - ,

    . ? , . , - ,

    - d-8 ( 12.70. 6-7). d-9 , . (

    12.70.18). n , .

    (devatA) . n , n :

    3, 31 , 32, 33 34. ( 12.68.40-41)

    , , .

  • 144

    1 2


    4 5 6




    , 12 13 . The ahabbarata, for the first time critically edited Vishnu S. Sukthankar (1925-1943) and S. . Belvalkar (1943-1961). Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute. . 13,1. 48--49. . . .

    - - . - -. - 8 , . Bedekar V.. The doctrines ofSvabbava and I

  • 25



    . 145

    , , , : ka1a , kaIaka - -, , ka1aka - , vr~lya - ft .

    , , , ,

    . - .. , , ,

    , . 28 - , . 29 - ,

    , 30 .

    m - . 3\ - , . 32 - . 33 - . - , 34 .

    - , .

  • 146



    Concepts of Time and Action in Ancient Indian Epic (Books 12th and 13th of Mah4bh4rata)

    In this article 1 trying to analyze different concepts of time in Mah4bh8rata in connection with the human action (effort). In Mah8bh4rata, the word k4la (time) is used very often. considerable amount of its occurences is found in Book 12th and (to lesser tent), in Book 13th. In these Books along with the onto-philosophical speculations time as the universal power, one meets different views time, close to the notion of 'fate', 'destiny', that are caracter-istic for the early pre-philosophicallayers of epic heroic didactics

    The occurences of the usage of the word kaJa (and word nations including it) in . conditionally divided into two groups:

    1. The first group deals with the understanding of as the Highest Lord - am , carrying out the cosmogonical func-tion. K8la creates the world, ensures it's functioning and destroys it.

    he power of 81 is absolute and 11 the attempts of man to influence the course of events are futi1e.

    2. second group includes the passages, where the word kaJa means concrete time or moment, which favorable (k81a) or un-favorable (ak8Ia) for some action.

    ability to define the

  • ..u

    m : *


    . , , , , , , ( )

    , ? , ,

    3 , , ,

    . ( ) -4, : , , , - - ,


    * . .

    (., 2004).

  • 148 8 :

    ... 5. - .

    ( )

    , : , , 1

    . , , nu , . , ,

    , IOa, .


    , , 6.

    - 7 ,

    1, . , , , ,

    , .


  • ..u 149

    2) (vedana); 3) (sarpjM). 4) (

    ) . (sarpskara); 5) (vijna).

    . 12 ayatana . : (in' driya): . . . . ,

    . ; (vi$1): . . , .

    . 11 . . . . . 12 , (savam).

    . ( ) (pudgala), . r . . 12 : . .

    , . . , . , (mano-dhatu)12. (n1pa-dhatu). ,

    . (arOpa-dhatu) .

    rOpa 1ilpa ayatana. \3. . : (vi$1). (indriya), r. :

    . : citta. vijMna manas 14. -

  • 150 8 :

    , , . : vijMnaQ\ prativijMpti~, , - ( ,


    16 () , -

    (caitta), (vedana), - (scup.jM) (cetana). .

    , . , . ,

    , , (santana)17.

    , : , 18, .


    1. , , , .

    , , .

    2. , . .

    3. , , . ,

    , . 4. ,


  • ..u 151

    s. , ( )19.

    , , 2 ,

    21 : , , , , , , .

    , , , ( ).

    , .

    ( ), ( )

    . , , .

    , .


    , . :

    , , ( ), (

    ) 22 , , , , : ,

    , , - - , , .

    , : , (

    ), ( ), , ( ). -

  • 152 l :

    , , , . (),

    , , , , , ,


    ( ) ( ,

    : , , ..) . , , ThI (, ..).

    , , . , ,

    , - . ,

    , . , , 23


    , , . , , ,

    , , .

    , . ,

  • ..u 153

    , .


  • 154 :

    . , . . ,

  • 155


  • 156 :

    , ,

    ... 35. , , .

    1. , , . , , , ( )

    . 2. , ,

    ( ), ,

    ( ). ( ) 36. .

    . ,

    , . , , ,

    , , - .

    , ,

    , , , , 37.

    , , ( ).

  • 157

    ~ , 8.

    , .

    my ( ), ,

    . . ,

    , : ...