신화를 통해 살펴본 신과 인간과 대자연의 신성한 관계 * - 미르체아 엘리아데의 창조적 신화 해석을 토대로 - 1) 이 호 창 ** I. 들어가는 말 II. 미르체아 엘리아데의 신화이론과 창조적 해석학 III. 우주적 거인의 희생과 창조 3.1. 신체화생 신화들의 내용 3.2. 신체화생 신화들의 의미와 상징 3.3. 신화에서 사상으로 Ⅳ. 맺는 말 <국문 개요> 세속화되기 이전의 고대인들은 우주가 실재적이고 살아 있는 신성 한 유기체라는 것을 항상 느끼고 있었으며 인간의 실존적 위치는 우주 라는 전일적 유기체의 일부로서 존재할 때에 비로소 가치를 지니게 된 다는 점을 알고 있었다. 우주는 만물의 존재를 유지하게 하는 질서와 리듬에 따라 움직였다. 심지어 신들 조차도 이 질서에 복종해야 했다. 신들은 인간을 포함한 모든 대자연과 더불어 우주 만물의 신성한 생명 력을 갱신하고 유지 시키는 역할을 맡았다. 그들에게는 우주 전체가 성 현이었으며 우주의 각 개체들 중 어느 하나 신성하지 않은 것이 없었 다. 그렇기에 그들은 주변의 모든 것으로부터 성스러움을 느끼며 사는 ‘종교적 인간(homo religious)’일 수밖에 없었다. 고대인들이 성스러움 * 이 논문은 2010년도 정부(교육과학기술부)의 재원으로 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 연구 되었음 (NRF-2010-327-A00578) ** 한국외국어대학교 루마니아어과

신화를 통해 살펴본 신과 인간과 대자연의 신성한 관계

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*- -1) ** I. II. III. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. .

. . . . . (homo religious) .

* 2010 () (NRF-2010-327-A00578) **

82 26

, , . . , , , , . . . , , . , , , , . , , . : , , , , ,


. , , . . , , . , . . . (, , ) (Mircea Eliade) , , . , . , . , , , (hierophany) .

84 26

, . . , . . (illo tempore), , . .1) (ab initio) (istoria sacr) (model exemplar) . . , , . . . 1 . 2 1) cf. Eliade, Mircea (2006) 5.


. 3 . 1 . (un nou umanism) .

. . , . (sacru) (profan) , , (hierofanie) . , , . 1 , . .

86 26

(Cosmos) , . [...] , .2) , . . , .3) . 4) . . .

2) Eliade, Mircea (2005) 88. 3) (coincidentia oppositorium) . 4) cf. , (1987) : (Rudolf Otto) . ( ), . .


. . . (homo religious) . , , . . . . [...] , .5) . , , . , . (o istorie sacr) . , . , . (Cosmos) , , , . . . , 5) Eliade, Mircea (2008) 9.

88 26

. . . , . , ( ) , . . , , . [...] .6) . . . , . . , , , . , . , . . , . , 6) Eliade, Mircea (1978) 1-8.


. . . . . ( ) .7) . . . . . .8) , , , . . . , , 9) .7) Eliade, Mircea (1978) 8. 8) ( ) (, , ) . . 9) Eliade, Mircea (1994) 7.

90 26

. . . , . , , . . . (Hermeneutics) (Hermes) . . . , , . . , , , , . , .10) . (o hermeneutic total) . .11)10) Eliade, Mircea (1994) 14.


(hermeneutica creatoare) . .12) . . .13) , , , , . .14) , . . .15) . . , . 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) Eliade, Mircea (1994) 97. Eliade, Mircea (1994) 102. Eliade, Mircea (1994) 102. Eliade, Mircea (1994) 103. cf. , (2009) 543.

92 26

. .

. . . , , , , . 3.1 . 3.2 , . 3.3 .

3.1. () . 3.1.1. - .


. . 1 8 . . , . . 1 8 . . . . . . , , , . , , . , . . . [ , ] 3.1.2 - . (Muspel, ) (Niflheim, ). (Ginnunga) . (Ymir) (Audhumla) . , . (Buri) . (Bor) , (Bestla) (Odin) (Ve)

94 26

(Vili) . . . . . , . , . , . , (Ask) , (Embla) . , , . (Yggdrasil) (Midgard) . [ Edda] 3.1.3. - (Ormuzd) (Gajomard) . (Ahriman) . . , . . . 3 1 . () . (Masjai) (Masjanay) . [, Bundahishn, III, 1-26 ; XV, 1-24] 3.1.4. - . (Apsu) (Tiamat). (Lahmu) (Lahamu) , (Anshar) (Kishar) (Anu) . (Yea) .


. . . (Damkina) (Marduk) . (Kingu) . . . . . . . . . [ Enuma Elish] 3.1.5. - (Purusha ) , , . . , . . , . . . . (Viraj) , .

96 26

, . - ( ) , , , . - . () . , , . () , . , . - , ? , , ? (Brahman) , , , . , . , . , , , . . - 7 7 . - . . . (Sadhyas) . [ Rig Veda, X, 90]

3.2. () () . , , , . ,


. . (Brahman) , , , (Brahman), (Kshatrya), (Vaisya), (Sudra) . . 16) . . , , . . , . . . , , . , 16) cf. Eliade, Mircea (2004) 87-94.

98 26

. . . . , , , , , , , . . , , , . . , . , . , , . . . , . , .


. . . . . . . . . . .17) . . , , . . . . , , , , . (, 31, 6-7) . . , ( atman) (, X, 16, 3). , , ()17) , (1999) 38.

100 26

() , (Aitareya Brahmana, II 6, 13) .18)

3.3. , , , , . , , , , . . . . , , ( Divinitatea) . () , . , () . , , ( Sufletul Universal) . (Monad) () , 18) cf. Eliade, Mircea (2004) 40.


() . . , . . . . (metempsychosis) (palingenesis) .19) , . () , , . . . . . . (Moksha) . (Nirvana) . () 19) cf. Teodorescu, G., Dem. (1893) 63. : . .

102 26

. . , . . . , . . . . () . (Johannes Scotus Eriugena) . . . .20) , ( ) , . , . 3 Lactantius() (religion) re + ligare . re ligare , , . 20) , (2010 a) 216-217.


.21) re() . (religion) re() . re() , . . (Homo Religious) . , , . , 22) (Axial Age) (, , , , , , , , ) . , . (Chaos) (Cosmos) (agon : ) .21) cf. Jurcan, Emil (2007) 4. : (religion) . Lactantius() . . 22) (, Golden Rule) : 7 12 . 2 .

104 26

. .23) 24) , 25) . , .

. , , , . . . . , , 23) , (2010 b) 324. 24) , (2010 b) 638. 25) , (2010 a) 55.


. , , .

106 26

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Sacred relationship of gods, the natural world and human beings examined in myths- based on Mircea Eliade's creative hermeneutics Lee, Ho-Chang Department of Romanian Studies Hankuk University od Foreign Studies

Ancients were feeling that the Cosmos was real and living sacred organism. They were knowing that human's existential position was valuable just when human being existed as a part of the Cosmos. For them, whole cosmos was bing hierophany, and each individual of the nature was sharing same divinity. Such being the case, ancients were homo religious who were feeling sacredness in all nature. We can understand, with the help of myths, rituals, icons, and numerous religious symbols of ancients, that they were living with awareness that gods, the natural world and human beings are derived from one single sacred organism, In this paper we pointed at their cosmogonic myths which include following contents : Cosmos was born through sacrifice of 'primordial cosmic giant' like Pangu, Ymir, Prusha, Gajomard or 'oceanic monster' like Tiamat. Such myths tell us that each individual of the whole nature are differentiated from one primordial god which became essential element of all of us for vitality, therefore each piece or part of the whole nature is fundamental like a cell of one single sacred organism. Also such myths elucidate us that death is not the end of existence, but just a transference of vitality to others, or a transformation of appearance, because primordial god gave us

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body and vitality through his dismemberment sacrifice. Teachings of such myths was not remained as just interesting tales but transmitted to some significant philosophical ideas, religions and ethics. Even if it is hard to prove that ideas and religions are inherited directly from the myths mentioned above, important thing is that some great wise men have remembered wisdom of ancients that all individual share same divinity with the Cosmos and all of us are a part of one single sacred organism, in all the moments when human spirituality had decayed.Key words : Eliade, Karen Armstrong, religion, myth, Purusha, Enuma Elish26)

2011 3 28 , 4 11 4 14 .

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