תתתתתת תתתתתתתתso c k e t Tutorial 8

תקשורת באינטרנט

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תקשורת באינטרנט. Sockets Programming. Tutorial 8. Contents. Socket programming What is a socket ? Sockets architecture Types of Sockets The Socket system calls Data Transfer Service functions for sockets programming Examples for Client - Server communication STREAM Communication (TCP) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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תקשורת באינטרנט

so c k e t

Tutorial 8

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Socket programming What is a socket ? Sockets architecture Types of Sockets The Socket system calls Data Transfer Service functions for sockets

programming Examples for Client - Server

communication STREAM Communication (TCP) DATAGRAM Communication

(UDP) Port reservation Example


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What is a Socket ?

First appeared in 4.1 BSD UNIX 1982.

Sockets: is an abstraction used as communication

endpoints. is implemented as file descriptor with

some state information stored in the socket library.

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The Client Server model

clie n t 1ip = 132.68 .44 .73

clie n t 2ip =

s e rv e rip = 132.68 .8.1

telnet por t 24

f tpport 3328

port 2353

port 20



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Example:UDP Echo

The simplest form of client-server interaction uses unreliable datagram delivery to convey messages from client to server and back.

client server

• Reserves the source and destination addresses (IP addresses and ports)• Waits for a datagram to arrive tothe echo port• Returns the datagram to its original sender

Request sent to a well-known port

• The program becomes a UDP echo client when it allocates an unused UDP protocol port• Sends a UDP message to the UDP echo server• Waits for the replay

Response sent to the client’s port

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Example: UDP Echo (Cont.)

The example illustrates two important points that are generally true about client-server interaction: The difference between the lifetime of

servers and clients. The use of reserved and non-reserved port


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Sockets architecture




TCP/UDP layer

IP (network) layer

Socket API

MAC layer

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Type of Sockets Socket has an associated type

that determine the semantic of the communication : SOCK_STREAM: connection

oriented byte stream - TCP SOCK_DGRAM: unreliable,

connectionless communication - UDP

and more

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Protocol family for sockets functions

The family specifies the address family: group of protocols with the same address format

Example of address family constants: AF_INET - IPv4 protocols AF_INET6 - IPv6 protocols AF_LOCAL (AF_UNIX) - Unix

domain protocols

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Data Structuresstruct sockaddr_in { short int sin_family; /* we use AF_INET */

unsigned short int sin_port; /* port number */ struct in_addr sin_addr; /* comp. address */ unsigned char sin_zero[8]; /* filled with 0s */


struct in_addr { u_long s_addr; /* unsigned long */


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The Socket system calls The Socket system calls: int socket (int family, int type, int protocol)

allocate a socketreturn: a socket descriptor or -1family: communication domaintype: type of socket- SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM,

SOCK_RAWprotocol: particular protocol to use - 0

int bind (int sd, struct sockaddr *addr, size_t addrlen)Bind a name to a socketreturn: 0 on success or -1sd: socket descriptor (from the socket() system call)addr: pointer to the socket addressaddrlen: socket address length

int connect (int sd, const struct sockaddr *addr, size_t addrlen)

Try to connect to a socket (done by the client)return: 0 on success or -1sd: socket descriptor (from the socket() system call)addr: pointer to the socket addressaddrlen: socket address length

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The Socket system calls (cont)

int listen (int sd, int backlog)

a queue for incoming connections is activated using listen() return: 0 on success or -1

sd: socket descriptor (from the socket() system call)backlog : Maximum queue length of processes waiting for

connection int accept (int sd, struct sockaddr *addr, size_t

*addrlen)Wait for a connection request (done by the server)return: new socket descriptor with the properties of sd

or -1 in case of failuresd: socket descriptor (from the socket() system call)addr: pointer to the address of the connecting entity

addrlen: socket address length int close (int sd)

Close the socket or the connection with the remote host.sd: socket descriptor (from the socket() system call)

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Data Transfer - send int send (int sd, char *buf, int buf_len)transmit a message to another socket. send() can beused only when the socket is in a connected state. return: the number of bytes that has been delivered or -1sd: socket descriptor (from the socket() system call)buf: the transmitted message buf_len: the data length of buf

int sendto (int sd, char *buf, int buf_len,

const struct sockaddr *to_addr, size_t to_len)used to transmit data to remote hostreturn: the number of bytes that has been delivered or -1sd: socket descriptor (from the socket() system call)buf: a pointer to the data locationbuf_len: the data lengthto_addr: the socket address of the destinationto_len: the “to_addr” structure length

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Data Transfer - receive int recv (int sd, char *buf, int buf_len)Obtain data from the socket. Used only when the socket is

in a connected state. return: the number of bytes at the obtain input or -1sd: socket descriptor (from the socket() system call)buf: the address of buffer holding the received databuf_len: the buffer length

int recvfrom (int sd, char *buf, int bub_len, struct sockaddr *from_addr, int from_len)

Obtain data from the socket.return: the number of bytes at the obtain input or -1sd: socket descriptor (from the socket() system call)buf: the address of buffer holding the received databuf_len: the buffer lengthfrom_addr: the socket address of the transmitterfrom_len: the “from_addr” structure length

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Service functions for sockets programming

Byte ordering short htons(short) - convert 16-bit value from host to

network long htonl(long) - convert 32-bit value from host to

network short ntohs(short) - convert 16-bit value from network to

host long ntohl(long) - convert 32-bit value from network to


Deal with IP address ina.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("") returns the address in Network Byte Order already.

DNS int gethostname(char* name, int namelen)

return local host name struct hostent *gethostbyname(char* name) use to get computer address by the name. struct hostent *gethostbyaddr(char *addrp, int len, int


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Stream SocketsTCP Client TCP Server

sd = socket(…)






sd = socket(…)



new_sd = accept(sd)




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Datagram Sockets

UDP Client UDP Server

sd = socket(…)




sd = socket(…)




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Port reservation

Ports 0 through 1023 are reserved.

Other ports are used by system for assignment to clients.

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Example (UDP Client)// This program sends UDP packets to the given address #include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h>#include <arpa/inet.h>#include <stdio.h>

#define SERVER_ADDR ""#define SERVER_PORT 5555

void error(char *str){ printf("\n%s", str); exit(0);}

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ char message[100], message2[10]; int sockfd, res; struct sockaddr_in client_addr, server_addr; int i, mesNum;

printf("\nClient is running...");

if (argc < 2) error("\nYou should supply parameter: the number of

messages to send");

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Example (UDP Client)

// Opening socket if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) error("Could not open socket");

// Sending a message to the server bzero((char*) &server_addr, sizeof(server_addr)); server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(SERVER_ADDR); server_addr.sin_port = htons(SERVER_PORT);

mesNum = atoi(argv[1]); if (mesNum == 0) error("\nIllegal parameter");

for (i=0; i<mesNum; i++) { strcpy(message, "Test message: "); sprintf(message2, "%d", i+mesNum); strcat(message, message2);

res = sendto(sockfd, message, strlen(message)+1, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&server_addr, sizeof(server_addr));

printf("\nClient sent %d bytes", res); }}

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Example (UDP Server) // This program receives UDP packets#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h>#include <arpa/inet.h>#include <stdio.h>

#define SERVER_PORT 5555#define MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE 100

void error(char *str){ printf("\n%s", str); exit(0);}

int main(){ char message[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE]; int sockfd, res; struct sockaddr_in client_addr, server_addr; int addr_len; printf("\nServer is running..."); fflush(stdout);

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Example (UDP Server)// Opening socket if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) error("Could not open socket"); // Bind local ip and process addresses bzero((char*) &server_addr, sizeof(server_addr)); server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); server_addr.sin_port = htons(SERVER_PORT);

if (bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr*)&server_addr, sizeof(server_addr)) < 0)

error("Could not bind to the socket");

while (1) { // Receiving a message from the client addr_len = sizeof(client_addr); res = recvfrom(sockfd, message, MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE,

0, (struct sockaddr*)&client_addr, &addr_len);

printf("\nServer received %d bytes", res); printf("\n%s", message); fflush(stdout); }}