西 Leave Mainland China Request Form Name : School belongedDeparture Date: Phone NO. Return Date: Passport NO.: Emergency contact person: 学学学学学学: 学学学学 Email学学学学 Phone: 学学学学 Reason(s) for asking leave: Any accident occurring during the leaving time, I will take the full responsibility. ,一 The student who fail to register on time, or do not fulfill the leave formalities will face the same punishment as those who are absent. 安安 . Signature of Student: d m y


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西安电子科技大学留学生离境申请申请表Leave Mainland China Request Form

Name :

学生姓名:School belonged:


Departure Date:

离校时间: 电话号码:

Phone NO.Return Date:

返校时间: 护照号码:

Passport NO.:Emergency contact person:

紧急联系人员: 电子邮箱 Email:

电话号码 Phone:

请假理由 Reason(s) for asking leave:

Any accident occurring during the leaving time, I will take the full responsibility.

离校期间发生任何意外与学校无关,一切后果自负The student who fail to register on time, or do not fulfill the leave formalities will face the same punishment as those who are absent.

逾期到校、未履行销假手续的按照旷课处理.Signature of Student: d m y

学生签名: 日 月 年


please provide Copy of your fly/train ticket(s)

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Opinion of School of International Education

Signature and seal:
