13 Makay Dorottya Tort Tetoszerk

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  • 7/27/2019 13 Makay Dorottya Tort Tetoszerk


    CSIP Baroque roof structures in Transylvania

    Barokk fedlszerkezetek Erdlybenn mpor an par o e ma er a s own ere was presen e a e

    SAHC08 (Structural Analysis of Historic Structures, Bath2008). It is though the first time being introduced within our

    .Transylvanian baroque roof structure research (Romanian theproceedings of the conference, Hungarian Transsylvania

    .Materialul acestei prelegeri a fost prezentat n mare parte la

    conferina internaional SAHC08 (Structural Analysis of Historic,expunere. Sintetizeazi reflect faza de lucru 2008 a cercetriiarpantelor istorice cu caracter baroc din Transilvania (vezi lb.romn n publicaia simpozionului, lb. maghiar n revistaTranssylvania Nostra).

    Az elads anyagnak meghatroz rsze a SAHC08 (Structural,

    konferencia keretben kerlt bemutatsra, rginkban azonbancsak most kerl erre sor. Az anyag sszesti, bemutatja az

    erdlyi barokk fedlszerkezetek kutatsnak 2008-as

    HLBSC CSIP TTK 2008 MAKAY Dorottya

    munkafzist (romnul a konferencia kiadvnyban, magyarul aTranssylvania Nostra folyiratban).

  • 7/27/2019 13 Makay Dorottya Tort Tetoszerk


    CSIP Baroque roof structures in Transylvania

    Barokk fedlszerkezetek Erdlybenecame an ev ence among s or c u ngconservationists that historic load-bearing structures and,as an integrated part of these, historic roofs in general,

    Unitarian Church,Bdeni, Cluj County

    esthetical and historic values, transmit a message of theirtime by their structural concept and conformation, historic

    .Valoarea estetico-istoric, mesajul transmis prin conceptul,

    conformarea structural, materialul lemnos istoric pus ngeneral, i a arpantelor istorice ca parte integrat aacestora, respectiv a arpantelor cu caracter baroc nspecial poate fi considerat deja o axiom n domeniulproteciei patrimoniului construit.

    Mra mr aximv vlt az ptett rksg helyrelltsa tern, ,

    bell a trtneti fedlszerkezetek, ltalnosan, s szkebbena barokk fedlszerkezetek trtneti-eszttikai rtkkel brnak;

    tartszerkezeti kialaktsuk, koncepcijuk, az ket forml

    HLBSC CSIP TTK 2008 MAKAY Dorottya

    trtneti faanyag, a kialaktshoz alkalmazott technolgiatrtneti zenetet hordoznak. Reformed Church, Cluj,

    Ko lniceanu street

  • 7/27/2019 13 Makay Dorottya Tort Tetoszerk


    1. Introduction Definition / Terminology / Networking



    1. Bevezets Meghatrozs / Termonolgia / NetworkingThe Anglo-Saxon (coastal) roof structures differ both in

    structural conformation and elements from the continentalones. Therefore the English terminology of historic

    , ,related to the Baroque roof structures, in especial, is asignificant issue. Networking mainly with those familiarwith German terminolo can be the solution Szab,Holzer, Kayser).

    arpantele istorice anglo-saxone (de coast) difer att prin

    conformarea lor structural, ct i prin elementele.terminologia englez a arpantelor istorice continentale, ngeneral, i a celor cu caracter baroc, n special, prezint oproblem important. Colaborarea internaional nprimul rnd cu nativii limbii de specialitate german poate s prezinte soluia (Szab, Holzer, Kayser).

    Az angol-szsz (tengerparti) fedlszerkezetek mind szerkezeti,

    szrazfldi trtneti fedlszerkezetektl. Ilyen rtelemben azangol nyelv (barokk) fedlszerkezeti koherens terminolgia

    krdse meghatroz jelentsg. A nemzetkziegyttmkds kiemelten a nmet nyelvterlet ismerivel elrelpst jelenthet (Szab, Holzer, Kayser).

    HLBSC CSIP TTK 2008 MAKAY Dorottya

  • 7/27/2019 13 Makay Dorottya Tort Tetoszerk


    1.1. Definition of Baroque roof structures as structural sub-ensemble


    . .1.1. Barokk fedlszerkezetek tartszerkezeti szempont meghatrozsa

    No Baroque straining

    system No Baroque roof!

    Fr dispozitivul de

    tensionare baroc, nu

    existarpant cuhinyban nem

    beszlhetnk barokk

    HLBSC CSIP TTK 2008 MAKAY Dorottya


  • 7/27/2019 13 Makay Dorottya Tort Tetoszerk


    1.2. Definition of Baroque roof structures according to architecturalrequirements, and as time and space functions


    . .

    funcionalo-arhitecturale, respectiv n funcie de timp i spaiu1.2. Barokk fedlszerkezetek meghatrozsa ptszeti / funkcionlis elvrsokszempontjbl, illetve tr s idfggvnyknt

    Baroque space and volume requirements. Unlike medieval roofs, theBaroque roof pattern was designed and drawn. Political, economical

    relations in 17-19th c. continental Europe. Travelling carpenters. Are thereconnections between Medieval Anglo-Saxon and Baroque roofs?Cerin e de s a iu i volum n arhitectura baroc.Contrararpantelor medievale conceptul arpantei

    baroce a fost proiectat / desenat. Relaii politico--19. Dulgheri cltori. Exist conexiuni ntrearpantele medievale anglo-saxone i arpantelecontinentale baroce?Tr s tmegkialakts ptszeti elvrsai abarokkban. Ellenttben az empirikus kzpkori

    Franz Ignaz Michael Neumann, 1755

    e szer- eze e e a aro szer eze a a stervezett / megrajzolt. Gazdasgi-politikai

    sszefggsek a 17-1-. szzadi szrazfldi

    HLBSC CSIP TTK 2008 MAKAY Dorottya

    , Barock und Rokoko, Dumont Eurpban. Utaz csok. Ltezik-e sszefggs

    az angol-szsz kzpkori fedlszerkezet s abarokk kontinentlis szerkezet kztt?

  • 7/27/2019 13 Makay Dorottya Tort Tetoszerk


    1.2. Definition of Baroque roof structures according to architecturalrequirements, and as time and space functions


    . .funcionalo-arhitecturale, respectiv n funcie de timp i spaiu1.2. Barokk fedlszerkezetek meghatrozsa ptszeti / funkcionlis elvrsokENG

    szempontjbl, illetve tr s idfggvnyknt

    The place of Baroque roof structures within the system of historic, continental western European roofs.

    Locul ar antelor istorice cu caracter baroc n sistemul ar antelor istorice continentale vest-euro ene.

    HLBSC CSIP TTK 2008 MAKAY Dorottya

    Az erdlyi barokk fedlszerkezetek helye a kontinentlis, trtneti fedlszerkezetek rendszerben.

  • 7/27/2019 13 Makay Dorottya Tort Tetoszerk


    1.2. Definition of Baroque roof structures according to architecturalrequirements, and as time and space functions


    . .funcionalo-arhitecturale, respectiv n funcie de timp i spaiu1.2. Barokk fedlszerkezetek meghatrozsa ptszeti / funkcionlis elvrsok


    szempontjbl, illetve tr s idfggvnyknt

    The place of Baroque roof structures within the system of historic, continental western European roofs.

    Locul ar antelor istorice cu caracter baroc n sistemul ar antelor istorice continentale vest-euro ene.

    HLBSC CSIP TTK 2008 MAKAY Dorottya

    Az erdlyi barokk fedlszerkezetek helye a kontinentlis, trtneti fedlszerkezetek rendszerben.

    1 2 D fi i i f B f di hi l

  • 7/27/2019 13 Makay Dorottya Tort Tetoszerk


    1.2. Definition of Baroque roof structures according to architecturalrequirements, and as time and space functions


    . .funcionalo-arhitecturale, respectiv n funcie de timp i spaiu1.2. Barokk fedlszerkezetek meghatrozsa ptszeti / funkcionlis elvrsok


    szempontjbl, illetve tr s idfggvnyknt

    The place of Baroque roof structures within the system of historic, continental western European roofs.

    Locul ar antelor istorice cu caracter baroc n sistemul ar antelor istorice continentale vest-euro ene.

    HLBSC CSIP TTK 2008 MAKAY Dorottya

    Az erdlyi barokk fedlszerkezetek helye a kontinentlis, trtneti fedlszerkezetek rendszerben.

  • 7/27/2019 13 Makay Dorottya Tort Tetoszerk


    2. Innovations and characteristics of Baroque roofs



    2. Barokk fedlszerkezetek jtsai s jellegzetessgeiA

    Reformed Church, Kogalniceanu street, Cluj A.2.2(c).-a/c(3:a-c-a)-I-(1)

    Reformed churchs roofstructure Aiud Romania

    survey and conservationdesign, Utilitas , Cluj

    (a) Changed architectural volumes determined solutions based on lack


    (a) Volumul arhitecturalmodificat a determinat soluii

    (a) ptszeti tmegkialaktselvrsa a mellkllsok

    HLBSC CSIP TTK 2008 MAKAY Dorottya

    criterion 4 within typology.

    fermele secundare; criteriul 4din tipologie.

    tipolgia 4-es pontja.

  • 7/27/2019 13 Makay Dorottya Tort Tetoszerk


    2. Innovations and characteristics of Baroque roofs



    2. Barokk fedlszerkezetek jtsai s jellegzetessgeiB(b) The invention of the Baroque strainingsystem; criterion 2 of the typology.

    criteriul 2 din tipologie.(b) A barokk fesztm kialaktsa; a tipolgia

    Axonometric view of the Bethlen Colleges roof

    2-es pontja.

    Franciscan Church, Cluj

    , ,conservation design, Utilitas Built HeritageConservation Research and Design Centre, Cluj,Conservation within ACTT ro ect 2000

    Transylvania Trust and BHCT

    (c) Acoperiuri tip mansard nsemnnd planul ntrerupt /

    (c) Manzrdtet azaz a szarufktrt skak; a tipolgia 1-es pontja.

    (c) Mansard roofs mean roofs(rafters) with broken, uneven line

    HLBSC CSIP TTK 2008 MAKAY Dorottya

    din tipologie.

    (plane); criterion 1 of the typology.

  • 7/27/2019 13 Makay Dorottya Tort Tetoszerk


    2. Innovations and characteristics of Baroque roofs



    2. Barokk fedlszerkezetek jtsai s jellegzetessgeiC(d) Elements with pentagonal cross section: the eavespentagonal purlin and the upper (or middle) pentagonal purlin.

    tlpi pentagonale inferioare i superioare.

    d Hatkon altmasztst biztost als s

    (f) The most innovative part is thefels tszg szelemen / talpgerenda.

    bracing system, criterion 6 of thetypology.

    (e) The middle suspension bar / kingstrut (7) can be made up of a compound

    (e) Bara central de agare (7) demulte ori cu seciune compus;


    sistemul longitudinal de rigidizareeficient; criteriul 6 din tipologie.

    cr er u n po og e.(e) Kzp fggesztrd (7), sok

    esetben sszetett

    (f) A legjszerbb alegysg ahosszanti merevt-rendszer; a

    tipolgia 6-os pontja.Roman catholic churchs roof

    HLBSC CSIP TTK 2008 MAKAY Dorottya

    keresztmetszettel; a tipolgia 3-aspontja.

    s ruc ure, u , oman a axonometric view.

    3 Transylvanian Baroque roof typology work phase 2008

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    3. Transylvanian Baroque roof typology work phase 20083. Tipologia transilvnean a arpantelor cu caracter baroc fazCSIP

    e ucru

    3. Barokk fedlszerkezetek erdlyi tipolgija 2008-as munkafzisAResearch before the actual working phaseCercetare nainte de prezenta faz de lucru

    HLBSC CSIP TTK 2008 MAKAY Dorottya

    3 Transylvanian Baroque roof typology work phase 2008

  • 7/27/2019 13 Makay Dorottya Tort Tetoszerk


    CSIP3. Transylvanian Baroque roof typology work phase 20083. Tipologia transilvnean a arpantelor cu caracter baroc faz


    de lucru 2008

    3. Barokk fedlszerkezetek erdlyi tipolgija 2008-as munkafzisThe typology is made up by using 6 criteria groupedinto 3 categories, as it follows:

    rafters: (A) continuous common rafters, (B) mansardroofs (broken common rafters)

    . systems; 2.* special structures: (1/2/3).

    Tipologia se realizeaz dup 6 criterii grupate n treiseturi de coduri, dup cum urmeaz:1. funcie de continuitate / planul cpriorilor; tipuri debaz(A) cpriori continui, (B) acoperi tip mansard;2. funcie de numrul i dispunerea dispozitivelor detensionare tipic baroce; 2.* pentru anomalii: (1/2/3).

    ,kszlt:1. A szarufa folytonossga (skja): (A) folytonos /

    egyenes szaru a, r s szaru a manz r e ;2. A (barokk) fesztmvek szma s tpusa az elscsoport msodik kdja; 2.* anomlik: (1/2/3).

    3 Transylvanian Baroque roof typology work phase 2008

  • 7/27/2019 13 Makay Dorottya Tort Tetoszerk



    3. Transylvanian Baroque roof typology work phase 20083. Tipologia transilvnean a arpantelor cu caracter baroc faz


    3. Barokk fedlszerkezetek erdlyi tipolgija 2008-as munkafzis3. according to the suspension bar: which can bemissing (1); or it can be found in the main truss (2) and

    .4. The second code identifies the roof structuresaccording to the horizontal force-transmission system

    of criteria: (a/b/c).

    3. Funcie de bara de agare: (1) fr bar de agare,(2) cu bar de agare (central), realizate dintr-oseciune simpl(s), sau seciune compus(c).4. Urmtorul criteriu identific sistemul de transmitere aeforturilor orizontale din fermele secundare spre fermeleprincipale prezentnd criteriu de sine-stttor: (a/b/c).

    . ,vagy megtallhat a fllsban: (2) s ezen esetbenlehet: egyszelvny(s) vagy sszetett szelvny: (c).

    . m so a me s o a nyom s-felvtele/tvitele szempontjbl csoportostja afedlszerkezeteket nll kritrium: (a/b/c).

    3 Transylvanian Baroque roof typology work phase 2008

  • 7/27/2019 13 Makay Dorottya Tort Tetoszerk


    CSIP3. Transylvanian Baroque roof typology work phase 20083. Tipologia transilvnean a arpantelor cu caracter baroc faz


    de lucru 2008

    3. Barokk fedlszerkezetek erdlyi tipolgija 2008-as munkafzisThe last two criteria form the third group present thecharacteristics of the longitudinal bracing system: 5.according to the relation between the compound rafter

    and the post of the longitudinal bracing system: I/II.6. represents the pattern of the longitudinal bracings stem as well as the number of the levels on whichthis system is placed: (), (/), (Y), (X), (XX).

    Ultimul set de criterii se refer la sistemul longitudinalde rigidizare:5. funcie de raportul arbaletrierului i pe montantuluidin sistemul longitudinal de rigidizare: (I/II);6. concepia sistemului longitudinal de rigidizare seidentific prin simbolul formei: (), (/), (Y), (X), (XX).

    ,hosszanti merevtrendszer tulajdonsgait rgzti: 5. aferdedc s a hosszanti merevtrendszer rdjnak a

    v szonya szempon : . . a osszan merev sformai kialaktst rgzti, a szintek szmt, melyekenez a rendszer elhelyezsre kerl: (), (/), (Y), (X), (XX).

    4. Guidelines in (historic) Baroque roof structure research and conservation / retrofitting

  • 7/27/2019 13 Makay Dorottya Tort Tetoszerk


    ( ) q gspecifications (draft 2008)4. Structura propus a Ghidului de cercetare i proiectare a reabilitriiarpantelor


    istorice cu caracter baroc(faza draft 2008)4. Barokk fedlszerkezetek helyrelltsnak tervezsi s kutatsi tmutatja tervezettszerkezet (draft 2008)A

    Why is that needed?

    De ce este nevoie de aceasta?Mirt van erre szksg?

    HLBSC CSIP TTK 2008 MAKAY Dorottya

    4. Guidelines in (historic) Baroque roof structure research and conservation / retrofitting

  • 7/27/2019 13 Makay Dorottya Tort Tetoszerk


    ( ) gspecifications (draft 2008)4. Structura propus a Ghidului de cercetare i proiectare a reabilitriiarpantelor


    istorice cu caracter baroc(faza draft 2008)4. Barokk fedlszerkezetek helyrelltsnak tervezsi s kutatsi tmutatja tervezettszerkezet (draft 2008)



    4. Guidelines in (historic) Baroque roof structure research and conservation / retrofittingf ( f )

  • 7/27/2019 13 Makay Dorottya Tort Tetoszerk


    specifications (draft 2008)4. Structura propus a Ghidului de cercetare i proiectare a reabilitriiarpantelor


    istorice cu caracter baroc(faza draft 2008)4. Barokk fedlszerkezetek helyrelltsnak tervezsi s kutatsi tmutatja tervezettszerkezet (draft 2008):


    4. Guidelines in (historic) Baroque roof structure research and conservation / retrofittingifi ti (d ft 2008)

  • 7/27/2019 13 Makay Dorottya Tort Tetoszerk


    specifications (draft 2008)4. Structura propus a Ghidului de cercetare i proiectare a reabilitriiarpantelor


    istorice cu caracter baroc(faza draft 2008)4. Barokk fedlszerkezetek helyrelltsnak tervezsi s kutatsi tmutatja tervezettszerkezet (draft 2008)


    5. Proposed structure of Transylvanian Baroque roof structure (on-line) database(d ft 2008)

  • 7/27/2019 13 Makay Dorottya Tort Tetoszerk


    (draft 2008)5. Structura propus a bazei de date (on-line) pentru arpantele istorice cu caracter baroc


    din Transilvania (draft 2008)5. "Erdlyi barokk fedlszerkezetek" (on-line) adatbzisnak javasolt szerkezete(draft 2008)A

    Wh is that needed?

    De ce este nevoie de ea?

    Mirt van erre szks ?

    HLBSC CSIP TTK 2008 MAKAY Dorottya

    5. Proposed structure of Transylvanian Baroque roof structure (on-line) database(draft 2008)

  • 7/27/2019 13 Makay Dorottya Tort Tetoszerk


    CSIP (draft 2008)5. Structura propus a bazei de date (on-line) pentru arpantele istorice cu caracter baroc


    din Transilvania (draft 2008)5. "Erdlyi barokk fedlszerkezetek" (on-line) adatbzisnak javasolt szerkezete(draft 2008)

    HLBSC CSIP TTK 2008 MAKAY Dorottya

    5. Proposed structure of Transylvanian Baroque roof structure (on-line) database(draft 2008)

  • 7/27/2019 13 Makay Dorottya Tort Tetoszerk


    CSIP (draft 2008)5. Structura propus a bazei de date (on-line) pentru arpantele istorice cu caracter baroc


    din Transilvania (draft 2008)5. "Erdlyi barokk fedlszerkezetek" (on-line) adatbzisnak javasolt szerkezete(draft 2008)

    (5) Archive on Baroque roof structures literature lectures, scripts, expertreports that can be consulted on-line (on-line library), links towards furtherdata bases (other geographical territories, other roof tipes);

    (6) On-line forum.With the presented ideas, wed like to connect to Mr. Jiri Blahaspresentation from the afternoon, and actually both presenting our interest

    (5) Arhiv de specialitate prelegeri, rapoarte, cri ce se pot consulta

    on-line (bibliotec on-line) privind arpantele cu caracter baroc, link-uri la

    o co-opera e an o as or spec a s s o co-opera e w us.

    baze de date similare (alte tipuri de arpante, alte zone geografice);(6) Forum on-line.Cu cele prezentate anterior a dori s m aliniez la cele ce urmeaz s

    A.2.2.(c) c(3) II.(1)

    . ,

    informaii pentru a afla atitudinea lor fa de o posibil colaborare.(5) Barokk fedlszerkezetekre vonatkoz szakarchvum eladsok,

    , , - -knyvtr), linkek hasonl adatbzisokhoz (ms rgik adatbzisai, msfedlszerkezetek adatbzisai); (6) On-line frum.

    A bemutatottakkal Jiri Blaha dlutn sorra kerl eladshoz szeretnk

    HLBSC CSIP TTK 2008 MAKAY Dorottya

    csatlakozni, illetve szeretnm beszlgetsre hvni mindazokat, akikfantzit ltnak egy ilyen jelleg egyttmkdsben.

    Spacial thanksCSIP

  • 7/27/2019 13 Makay Dorottya Tort Tetoszerk


    Spacial thanksCSIP

    KsznettelProf. dr. ing. SZAB Blint,SC UTLITAS Srl.

    Transylvania Trust

    SC IROD M Srl.

    . .stud. ing. VAIDA Imola

    . .

    ng. sa astud. ing. BARTHA Csaba

    HLBSC CSIP TTK 2008 MAKAY Dorottya