2012-2013 - mofcom.gov.cnimages.mofcom.gov.cn/qbpc.caefi/201409/20140928145816440.pdf · 会和2012-2013 年度知识产权保护最佳案例和 “ 两法” 衔接典 型案例发布会照片

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Page 1: 2012-2013 - mofcom.gov.cnimages.mofcom.gov.cn/qbpc.caefi/201409/20140928145816440.pdf · 会和2012-2013 年度知识产权保护最佳案例和 “ 两法” 衔接典 型案例发布会照片
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中国外商投资企业协会优质品牌保护委员会简介QBPC Fact Sheet

中国外商投资企业协会优质品牌保护委员会知识产权保护座谈会和 2012-2013 年度知识产权保护最佳案例与 “ 两法 ” 衔接典型案例发布会在京召开Symposium on Intellectual Property Protection and the Announcement of 2012-2013 Best Practice

in IP Protection & Model Cases Harmonizing Administrative & Judicial IP Enforcement of the

Quality Brands Protection Committee of CAEFI Held in Beijing

中国外商投资企业协会优质品牌保护委员会 2012-2013 年度知识产权保护最佳案例和 “ 两法 ” 衔接典型案例发布会外国嘉宾发言节选Speeches by Foreign Guests in the Announcement of 2012-2013 Best Practice in IP Protection

& Model Cases Harmonizing Administrative & Judicial IP Enforcement of the Quality Brands

Protection Committee of CAEFI

中国外商投资企业协会优质品牌保护委员会五月会员大会2013 May General Membership Meetings of the Quality Brands Protection Committee of CAEFI

中国外商投资企业协会优质品牌保护委员会 2012-2013 年度知识产权保护最佳案例和 “ 两法 ” 衔接典型案例2012-2013 Best Practice in IP Protection & Model Cases Harmonizing Administrative & Judicial IP

Enforcement of the Quality Brands Protection Committee of CAEFI

中国外商投资企业协会优质品牌保护委员会知识产权保护座谈会和 2012-2013 年度知识产权保护最佳案例和 “ 两法 ” 衔接典型案例发布会照片Photos for Symposium on IPR Protection and Announcement of 2012-2013 Best Practice in IP

Protection & Model Cases Harmonizing Administrative & Judicial IP Enforcement of the Quality

Brands Protection Committee of CAEFI







Contents目 录

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中国外商投资企业协会优质品牌保护委员会(以下简称“品保委”)在原中国对外经济贸易合作部的支持下,成立于2000 年 3 月,隶属于中国外商投资企业协会,目前有 200

多家会员企业。会员企业主要来自北美洲、欧洲、亚洲等国家和地区的跨国公司在中国设立的子公司,在华投资总额接近 800 亿美元。


2004 年 9 月 7 日,吴仪副总理在厦门召开的与外商投资企业座谈会上指出:品保委深入细致的调研分析找出假冒侵权问题的根源,勇敢地提出政府在保护知识产权工作方面尚有不足之处,没有一句指责抱怨,却提出许多可行的建设性解决方案。吴仪副总理进而公开肯定品保委是其得力助手。

2011 年 11 月 28 日,时任国务院副总理王歧山先生接见中国外商投资企业协会第五次会员代表大会代表时指出:中国今后的发展,必须从建设投资“硬”环境转为建设投资“软”环境,也就是建设法治和公平竞争的环境。中国必须从“引资”转为“引智”,也就是引进先进人才、先进管理方法和先进技术。王岐山副总理与品保委主席亲切握手,显示王岐山副总理对品保委基于合作共赢宗旨致力于完善中国投资“软”环境所付出努力的重视。

2013 年 4 月 28 日,国务院副总理汪洋首次主持召开全国打击侵犯知识产权和制售假冒伪劣商品工作领导小组会议,汪洋副总理特别强调各地区、各有关部门要坚持集中打击与制度建设并重,保持打击侵权假冒的高压态势。要推进长效机制建设,建立健全知识产权执法责任制。历届国务院领导对完善中国知识产权环境的重视和支持,是品保委不断前进的动力。今天,品保委不仅成为会员企业与中国政府、执法部门在知识产权领域交流与合作的有效平台,成为会员企业学习、交流知识产权工作经验,提高知识产权保护和创新能力的良好渠道,而且发展成为中国政府、执法部门、企业和有关机构与国际社会间关于知识产权交流、合作的桥梁和重要纽带之一。宗旨


品保委成立之初,其主要活动集中在宣传知识产权保护对经济、社会发展的重要性及制假售假对公众健康、安全和经济、社会发展的危害性上,促使政府和公众对侵犯知识产权问题的重视。自2000 年起,品保委同相关政府、执法部门开展合作项目,良好的合作关系持续健康发展。

从 2002 年开始,品保委每年组织开展一次“中国知识产权保护最佳案例”评选活动,以此来感谢和推介各级政府部门、司法机关在知识产权保护方面所做出的不懈努力和巨大贡献。

自 2000 年以来,品保委在中国主办、协办了 200 多次论坛、研讨会、座谈会、培训班等合作项目和案例交流活动。品保委积极参与知识产权法律、法规的制订、修正工作,向全国人大法律委员会、全国人大常委会法制工作委员会、最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部、商务部、国家工商行政管理总局、国家质量监督检验检疫总局、海关总署、国家知识产权局、国务院法制办公室以及有关省市职能部门等就多部法律、法规和办案程序、执法规范的制订、修正提交意见和建议。

2003 年 9 月 8 日,在时任国务院副总理吴仪主持的与外商投资企业座谈会上,品保委提出了与吴仪副总理所领导的全国整顿和规范市场经济秩序领导小组以及相关部委举行季度交流会议的机制。此建议获得吴仪副总理的肯定与支持。随后,品保委与全国整顿和规范市场经济秩序领导小组办公室、国家保护知识产权工作组办公室、全国打击侵犯知识产权和制售假冒伪劣商品工作领导小组办公室之间建立起季度交流机制,以加强外资企业与中央、地方政府、执法部门在知识产权领域的交流与合作。通过持续不断的交流与沟通,品保委与中央、地方政府和执法部门之间不仅增进了理解,建立了互信,而且拓展了合作的领域,提高了合作的水平。

随着中国经济发展路径从“中国制造”转向“中国创造”,国务院于 2006 年 2 月 9 日发布了《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要》,并于 2008 年 6 月发布了《国家知识产权战略纲要》,凸显了中国加强知识产权保护的自身需求。2010 年 10 月至 2011 年6 月,国务院部署开展了为期 9 个月的打击侵犯知识产权和制售假冒伪劣商品专项行动,公安机关开展了为期十五个月的“亮剑行动”、“破案会战”等重大知识产权刑事保护行动,取得了显著战果和明显成效。品保委及其会员企业积极参与专项行动,与中央、地方有关执法部门密切合作,发挥了积极的作用。


品保委的工作不仅得到了中国政府和有关执法部门的认可,而且受到了许多外国政府和国际组织的肯定。全球反假冒机构两次授予品保委“全球反假冒组织杰出表现奖”。 品保委会员企业如迪斯尼公司、葛兰素史克公司、强生公司、诺基亚公司、美国安全检测实验室公司、联合利华有限公司等也曾被该机构评选为年度反假冒最杰出企业奖。品保委主席代表品保委被英国知识产权管理杂志评 选 为 2006、2007、2008、2010、2011、2012 和 2013 年 全 球知识产权最具影响力代表之一,一些品保委会员企业知识产权工作人员历年来也被该杂志评选为全球知识产权最具影响力代表之一。国际社会对品保委专业工作能力和成效,积极分享中国知识产权环境发展信息与品保委研究成果的热心,以及对品保委服务团队无私奉献精神的肯定,是品保委在国际知识产权舞台上拥有公信力的基础,是品保委继续发挥知识产权领域国际交流合作桥梁纽带功能的保障。 品保委 2013 年工作目标

2013 年,品保委将在商务部的领导和外商投资协会的支持下,通过政企合作、会员协力、公众参与、多边交流与国际协作,致力

01 五月特别报道May Special Report

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于实现以下工作目标:- 继续发挥品保委的桥梁、纽带作用,推动国内外知识产权相关组织之间信息、培训和经验交流,支持中国《国家知识产权战略纲要》及其行动计划的实施,全面推进知识产权的运用、创新、管理和保护工作;- 广泛发动会员企业积极协助、配合知识产权执法行动,促进全国打击侵犯知识产权和制售假冒伪劣商品专项行动的深入开展,为完善中国知识产权保护与创新环境做出积极的贡献;- 抓住中国立法公开透明、注重民意的契机,与中国相关立法机构、司法机关紧密合作,促进中国知识产权立法的完善和知识产权司法制度的改革;- 推动知识产权行政执法与司法工作规范化建设,进一步提升行政执法与司法工作透明度,促进知识产权行政执法与刑事司法的衔接,增强权利人的知情权和参与度,不断提高办案水平与执法效能;- 支持中国公安机关不断加大打击跨国跨境和利用互联网假冒盗版犯罪力度,调整侦查、打击策略和工作思路,促进知识产权国际司法协作,积极应对跨国跨境和互联网上假冒盗版活动猖獗的挑战;- 支持、协助中国政府加强和完善知识产权保护长效机制建设,进一步营造公平竞争的市场秩序,完善中国良好的投资环境;- 积极开展保护知识产权的宣传教育活动,进一步提高公众保护知识产权意识,逐渐改变一些消费者对假冒盗版商品的购买习惯;- 加强与国家知识产权局和相关法院的合作 , 为提高专利审批质量和促进专利司法实务而努力;- 改进品保委的组织管理模式和工作方式,继续支持会员企业积极参与品保委活动,继续大力吸收新会员,并加强与会员企业的联系,为会员提供更多更有价值的服务。


品保委下设七个工作委员会,负责各项具体工作:·最佳案例 / 执法委员会 收集重大知识产权执法活动、专项行动









·宣传委员会 通过网站、新闻简报、工作通讯和各种手册资料多渠







·海关委员会 与海关总署一起通过与权利人、其他执法机关和国际




·政府合作委员会 负责联系中国中央政府机关、地方政府、外国政




(1) 筹划、组织品保委拜会中国中央、地方政府高层领导的活动;安排品保委与国家知识产权中央和地方两级综合协调机构,包括商务部市场秩序司和知识产权局保护协调司和知识产权执法、创新政策、品牌保护、反假冒关系重点区域综合协调机关等,开展关于加强知识产权保护的定期工作会议,并组织会员向政府和司法、行政机关建言献策;(2) 合作举办与之相关的重点问题研讨会、培训班;(3) 跟踪与之相关的政策、法律、部门规章的制定和修改工作;

·法律委员会 及时跟踪了解并与会员分享与知识产权相关的法律









·会员服务委员会 了解会员的需求,为会员提供经验交流的平台,

鼓励会员了解并参与品保委的各项活动,以期落实会员加入品保委的期望。招募、培训新会员,强化品保委持续发展的基础。向会员提供高附加值的服务,协助会员培养知识产权人才 , 不断提高对会员的服务水平;·专利与创新委员会 支持并参与中国政府及其司法、行政机关完善


品保委会员公司还发起成立了 22 个行业工作组,同行业会员公司通过行业工作组开展有针对性的活动,携手合作,共同研究和解决本行业存在的知识产权问题。这 22 个行业工作组包括:农业、





品保委新成立 3 个工作小组以解决大多数会员公司关心的问题: 创新政策工作小组 假冒商品的网上销售与有关互联网 著作权保护工作小组 商业秘密工作小组

为了更好地服务会员公司,品保委于 2007 年设立办公室,目前有 5 位工作人员。品保委办公室向品保委执行委员会、工作委员会、行业工作小组及所有会员公司提供支持与服务。

02五月特别报道May Special Report

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2013 QBPC Fact Sheet

TThe Quality Brands Protection Committee (QBPC), supported by the former Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of China, was formed in March, 2000 and registered under the China

Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment (CAEFI). The QBPC is comprised of more than 200 multinational member companies, most of which are subsidiaries of companies headquartered in North America, Europe and Asia, representing approximately US$80 billion in investment in China. Since QBPC was founded, it has been committed to strengthening Chinese IPR laws and regulations, encouraging IPR creation, utilization, protection and management, improving the IPR protection system, raising public awareness of IPR protection and establishing a long-standing and effective IPR protection system. It has also supported the improvement of the innovation environment in China. QBPC promotes international collaboration on IPR policies, standards, utilization and competition law, as well as technology licensing and transfer and related areas. QBPC actively supports and assists law-enforcement agencies in combating counterfeiting and safeguarding fair competition and market order by organizing meetings, forums and other activities, such as trainings, workshops and sharing IPR protection practices. In addition, QBPC is actively involved in legislative reform by offering suggestions for the revision of laws and regulations related to IPR as well as other relevant legislative and policy initiatives and always makes every effort to positively contribute to the improvement of IPR protection and innovation in China.The work of QBPC has received support from government officials at all levels, law enforcement agencies, academia, local industry, the press, chambers of commerce, industry associations, IP service institutions and the public. QBPC keeps in mind the care and encouragement from Madam Wu Yi, the then Vice Premier of the State Council and will unswervingly adhere to the principle of cooperation and always look for “win-win” solutions. At the symposium for enterprises with foreign investment held in Xiamen on September 7th, 2004, Madam Wu Yi, noted that QBPC conducted meticulous research and analysis to identify the root of infringement and counterfeit problems, boldly identified the inadequacy of the government’s IPR protection programs and put forward many feasible and constructive solutions. In this context, Madam Wu Yi publicly referred to QBPC as her “capable assistant” on IPR matters.On November 28th, 2011, Mr. Wang Qishan, the then Vice Premier of the State Council, made a statement during the 5th Session of the CAEFI Congress. He suggested that in the future, China should divert its focus from optimizing the “hard” environment to the “soft” environment for investment, i.e. to create a favorable investment environment characterized by justice, fairness and equal competition. He added that China should give high priority to attracting more talent, adopting cutting-edge managerial approaches and technologies and not just focus on capital. Mr. Wang Qishan cordially shook hands with QBPC Chairman, Jack Chang, reflecting the great importance he attaches to the efforts QBPC has made towards improving the soft environment for investment in China. On April 28th, 2013, Mr. Wang Yang, Vice Premier of the State Council, chaired the meeting of the Leading Group Office Cracking down on IPR Infringement and Fake & Shoddy Goods. Mr. Wang Yang stressed that the concerned regions and authorities should focus on both targeted strikes and systems development and maintain high pressure on infringement and counterfeiting and also promote the development of long-term mechanisms and set up well-established IPR enforcement accountability systems. The attention and support from successive leaders of the State Council to the improvement of the IPR protection environment in China provides continuous motivation to the QBPC. Since its establishment, QBPC has developed into an effective platform for member companies, Chinese government and enforcement agencies to communicate and cooperate in the IPR field. It also serves as an ideal forum to study and exchange experiences in the IPR field, thereby, benefiting the level of IPR protection and innovation ability for member companies. QBPC acts as a bridge, linking the Chinese government, enforcement agencies, enterprises, associations and the international

community for IPR exchanges and cooperation.MissionTo work cooperatively with the Chinese Central and local governments, judicial authorities, local industry and organizations to make positive contributions to intellectual property protection in the People’s Republic of China.QBPC Since 2000QBPC’s initial focus was on raising public and government awareness of the importance of IPR to China’s economic and social development as well as the harmful effects of counterfeiting on public health and safety, as well as its economic and social development. Cooperative projects with the government and enforcement agencies have been launched since 2000 and this strong and healthy partnership continues to develop. Since 2002, the QBPC has launched the annual “China IPR Best Practices” to recognize and promote outstanding achievements and contributions in IPR protection made by the government agencies and judicial authorities at the national and local levels.Since 2000, QBPC has conducted over 200 forums, conferences, training courses and case exchange activities. In addition, the QBPC has been very active in supporting the amendment of laws and regulations related to IP and the improvement of procedures and standards. Comments and suggestions have been submitted to the Law Committee of National People’s Congress (NPC), the Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC Standing Committee, the Supreme People’s Court (SPC), the Supreme People’s Procuratorate (SPP), the Ministry of Public Security (MPS), the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), the State Administration for Industry & Commerce (SAIC), the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) and the General Administration for Customs (GACC), the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO), the State Council Legislative Affairs Office (SCLAO) and relevant provincial and municipal functional departments.QBPC proposed to establish a quarterly exchange mechanism between the QBPC and the Market Order Rectification Office (MORO) together with relevant ministries and commissions. This proposal was made at the symposium for enterprises with foreign investment held in September 8th, 2003 and chaired by the then Vice Premier Wu Yi who provided her recognition and support. QBPC also established the quarterly exchange mechanism with MORO as well as the National Leading Group Office against IP Infringement and Fake & Shoddy Goods for the purpose of IPR exchange and cooperation between foreign-invested enterprises, the central and local governments and enforcement agencies. This continuous exchange and communication has enhanced mutual understanding, fostered mutual trust and expanded and improved areas of cooperation. As China is evolving from building her economy on the basis of “Made in China” to “Created in China”, the State Council’s launching of the Mid & Long Term Development & Planning Outlines for Science & Technology in February 9th, 2006 and the National IP Strategy Outlines in June, 2008, have highlighted China’s own need for strengthening IP protection. As a result, from October 2010 to June 2011, the Chinese government’s 9-month nation-wide IP enforcement operation and the public security organs’ 15-month “Operation Sword”, “Battle Detection” as well as other important special operations to enhance IPR protection were implemented with assistance from QBPC, thus enabling its members to achieve remarkable results. In recent years, QBPC continues to enhance trademark protection and actively engages in all kinds of IPR protection work including in the areas of patents, copyrights and trade secrets as well as to the adjacent areas that have an intersection with IPR, including competition law, technical standards, inventor remuneration, technology transfer, innovation policy, civil procedure, criminal procedure and amendments to the Criminal Law. In these areas QBPC has consistently put forward constructive suggestions and comments.QBPC’s efforts have not only attracted the attention of the Chinese government and enforcement agencies, but also have been recognized by

03 五月特别报道May Special Report

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foreign governments and international organizations, and in particular, the Global Anti-Counterfeiting Group (GACG), which has twice recognized QBPC for outstanding achievements. Many QBPC members, such as Walt Disney, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Nokia, Underwriting Laboratories and Unilever were also recognized by GACG as outstanding companies fighting against counterfeiting. QBPC Chairman, Jack Chang, was selected by the publication, Managing Intellectual Property as one of the 50 people shaping the future of IP in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Some of QBPC member representatives have also been recognized for this award over the years. These types of recognition from the international community highlight QBPC’s professional working capacity and achievements, enthusiasm in sharing research and information on IP developments in China and the selfless dedication of QBPC’s service team. Together, this is the foundation of QBPC’s credibility on the international IP stage and the reason that it has been able to so successfully serve as a bridge for international exchanges and cooperation in the IP field.QBPC in 2013With the support of MOFCOM and CAEFI, by working with the government, industry, the public and through international cooperation, the QBPC is committed to the following goals in 2013:• Continue to enhance the QBPC’s role as a bridge between China and the international community by facilitating the exchange of IP information, education, and best practices among domestic and related international IP organizations; support China’s implementation of the National IP Strategy to strengthen the creation, administration, use and protection of intellectual property; • Encourage members to positively support IP enforcement activities; promote the implementation of China’s Nation-wide Enforcement Operation against IP Infringement and Fake & Shoddy Goods to positively contribute to the improvement of the IP protection and innovation environment in China;• To encourage China to develop open and transparent legislative processes where the legislative agencies give due attention to the public’s comments, work collaboratively with relevant legislative and judicial agencies and promote legislative and judicial system reforms favorable to the effective protection of IPR;• Promote the improvement of administrative and judicial enforcement to further improve transparency, strengthen the harmonization of administrative and judicial IP enforcement and enhance the right owners’ “right to know” and ability to effectively participate in the continual improvement of law enforcement;• Support China’s public security bureaus to constantly combat the crime of cross-border and on-line counterfeiting and piracy; improve investigation and combat strategies to promote international IP judicial cooperation, and actively respond to the challenges of rampant international cross-border counterfeiting and piracy and on the internet; • Support and assist China’s government in building long-term IPR protection mechanisms; further create fair competitive market order and improve the investment environment in China;• Further raise public awareness of IPR protection and seek to influence consumers preferences against purchasing counterfeit and pirated goods; • Cooperate with SIPO and relevant courts to improve the quality of patent examination and judicial review.• Evaluate and improve QBPC’s corporate governance and organizational structure, continue to support members to participate in the various activities organized by QBPC, continue to recruit new members, strengthen communication and provide more valuable services to all members.QBPC Working Committees and Industry Working Groups (IWGs)The QBPC has seven sub-committees to carry out the organization’s activities and objectives:• Best Practices/Enforcement Committee – cooperate with China and international enforcement agencies in the running of seminars, training courses and the exchange of best practices which address challenging and timely issues in enforcement; launch QBPC Yearly Best Practice and 5 Model Cases Harmonizing Administrative and Judicial IP Enforcement; work cooperatively to improve the standard, efficiency and transparency of law

enforcement.• Communications Committee – through multiple communication vehicles, including the QBPC website, newsletters, news bulletins and other promotion materials, communicate the vision and purpose of QBPC, promote the program plans and status updates, establish and improve the QBPC’s professional image on IPR protection. Internally, build up the communication platform to motivate mutual communication and collaboration among members and encourage them to educate employees to voluntarily refuse counterfeit and pirated goods. Externally, proactively communicate with the media, drive public awareness of the importance of IP protection and seek to improve the IP protection and professional collaboration environment in China.• Customs Committee – support QBPC members by coordinating and cooperating with the GACC to further promote IPR protection work through training, communication and cooperation with brand owners, other enforcement authorities, foreign customs and international organizations; to coordinate Chinese local customs to engage in more effective enforcement and strengthen cross-border law enforcement cooperation with their foreign counterparties.• Government Cooperation Committee – liaison with Chinese central governments, local governments, foreign embassies, CAEFI and other Chinese related professional associations and Foreign Chambers. Lead initiatives on IP enforcement and innovation policy, brand protection and anti-counterfeiting cross-government agency coordination. Detailed activities include:

• Preparation for QBPC meetings with top-level PRC government leaders, regular exchange meetings with the Department of Market Supervision under MOFCOM, the Protection and Coordination Department under SIPO and local government focal points;

• Hosting related key topic seminar and training programs;• Following up on trends of the related policy, law, regulation and ministry

directives and their formulation and modification. • Legal Committee – timely monitor and share with members the latest developments of IPR related laws, regulations and policies; support and participate the work of researching, making and amending IPR related laws, regulations and policies by collecting and consolidating members’ comments and then submitting the advice and suggestions to related government agencies for their reference; collaborating with legislative, judicial and administrative law enforcement agencies to conduct legal research on complicated, hot and important issues related to IPR, by way of seminars and trainings to provide a dialog platform for the representatives from the government agencies, academic institutions, domestic and international enterprises and other parties to discuss and exchange their experience on theory and practice, and help members better understand the full range of Chinese IPR laws, regulations and policies and other aspects such as the policy environment and work practices.• Membership Services Committee – evaluate members’ needs, provide members with a platform for exchanging experiences, keep members informed and engaged in QBPC activities to meet members’ expectations of joining QBPC. Recruit and educate new members to enhance the foundation for QBPC’s sustainable development. The Membership Service Committee will also provide high value to the members and assist the members in developing IP talent and continue to improve the service quality to members.• Patent and Innovation Committee – support and participate in the Chinese government and its judicial and administrative departments' efforts in promoting innovation, improving patent law legislation and enforcement, and jointly create a good environment for promoting innovation and technological progress; timely monitor the drafts and amendment of the laws and regulations, the judicial interpretations and operating guidelines related to innovation and patents, organize the members to participate in discussions and submit the advice and suggestions to the government agencies, judicial and administrative departments; organize seminars, workshops and training courses on the complicated, popular and important issues related to innovation and patents, provide a dialog platform for government agencies, courts, scholars and experts associations and private domestic and international enterprises, and help members improve their patent practices in China.

04五月特别报道May Special Report

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• The QBPC structure includes 22 Industry Working Groups (IWGs), through which members in similar industries conduct joint projects targeting IPR infringement issues impacting their industry. Current IWGs include:

AgriculturalAudio & Musical InstrumentAutomotiveBatteryConstruction & IntegrationCreativeElectrical DistributionFood & Beverage IWGFast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)Golf Home Appliances

Imaging SuppliesITLightingLuxury GoodsPersonal CarePharmaceuticalPower ToolsRefrigeration & Air-conditioningSporting Goods Toys & Licensed Goods Wireless & Integrated Circuit


  2013 年 5 月 24 日,中国外商投资企业协会优质品牌保护委员会(以下简称“品保委”)在北京召开“知识产权保护座谈会暨 2012-

2013 年度知识产权保护最佳案例与行政执法与刑事司法衔接典型案例发布会”。来自最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部、商务部、


法与刑事司法衔接典型案例单位、驻华使馆、商会、学术界、媒体、内资企业嘉宾与品保委会员代表等 300 余人应邀出席会议。






05 五月特别报道May Special Report

QBPC has created three new Task Forces to address specific issues of interest to the majority of member companies.

Innovation Policy Taskforce Internet Sale of Infringing Goods and Internet Copyright Protection

Trade Secret Taskforce

To better serve members, the QBPC set up its own office in 2007 which now has 5 staff members. The QBPC Office provides support and service to the QBPC Executive, Working Committees, IWGs and member companies.



Mr. Wang Chao, the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Commerce of China (middle), Ms. Li Ling, Vice Chairperson of CAEFI (left), and Mr. Jack Chang, QBPC Chairman (right)

Summer Gao
Summer Gao
Summer Gao
Summer Gao
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  中国外商投资企业协会副会长李玲女士在案例发布会近尾声时致闭幕辞。她强调,品保委作为一个由 200 多家跨国公司和企业组成









品保委自 2002 年开始,每年组织“最佳案例”评选活动。通过对会员企业年度知识产权案件的系统分析与学习,总结案件成功经验






06五月特别报道May Special Report

公安部经济犯罪侦查局高峰政委 国家质检总局执法督查司严冯敏司长 海关总署政策法规司王军副司长

Mr. Gao Feng, Director General of the Economic Crime Investigation Department of the Ministry of Public Security of China

Mr. Yan Fengmin, Director General of the Enforcement and Supervision Department of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of China

Mr. Wang Jun, Deputy Director General of the Department of Politics and Law of the General Administration of Customs of China

国家版权局版权管理司段玉萍副巡视员 最高人民检察院侦查监督厅张建忠处长

Ms. Duan Yuping , Inspec tor o f the Copyright Management Department of the National Copyright Administration of China

Mr. Zhang Jianzhong, Director of the Investigation and Supervision Department of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of China

Mr. Huang Jianhua, Deputy Director of the Intellectual Property Division of the Department of Politics and Law of the General Administration of Customs of China



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07 五月特别报道May Special Report

Symposium on Intellectual Property Protection and the Announcement of 2012-2013 Best Practice in IP Protection & Model Cases Harmonizing Administrative & Judicial IP Enforcement of the Quality Brands Protection Committee of CAEFI Held in Beijing

On May 24th 2013, the Symposium on Intellectual Property Protection and the Announcement of 2012-2013 Best Practice in IP Protection & Model Cases Harmonizing Administrative & Judicial IP Enforcement were held by Quality Brands Protection Committee (QBPC) of China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment (CAEFI) in Beijing. Over 300 participants attended the meetings, including principal officials of concerned authorities, such as the Supreme People's Court of China (SPC), the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of China (SPP), the Ministry of Public Security of China (MPS), the Ministry of Commerce of China (MOFCOM), the General Administration of Customs of China (GACC), the State Administration for Industry and Commerce of China (SAIC), the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of China (AQSIQ), the National Copyright Administration of China (NCAC), the State Intellectual Property Office of China (SIPO) as well as judicial and enforcement authorities in Beijing, government agencies nominated for the best practice cases & model cases harmonizing administrative & judicial IP enforcement, foreign embassies in China, chambers of commerce, the academia, media and domestic enterprises and QBPC member representatives.Mr. Wang Chao, the Vice Minister of MOFCOM attended the Symposium on Intellectual Property Protection and delivered a keynote speech. In this speech, He noted that 2013 was the starting year for the implementation of the 18th CPC National Congress resolutions by the Communist Party and the society. The 18th CPC National Congress explicitly proposes to implement the “innovation-driven development strategy”, which is a fundamental measure for accelerating the transformation of economic development model as well as resolving the deep-rooted conflicts and problems and enhancing the endogenous impetus and vitality of economic development. The 18th CPC National Congress also clearly proposed to “implement intellectual property strategies, strengthen intellectual property protection and focus on innovative development with wisdom and strengths from the entire society”. Only through the integrated creation, application, protection and management of intellectual property can we provide a favorable environment for innovation and inject sustainable vitality into development. In his speech, Mr. Wang reviewed efforts and progresses made by China in intellectual property protection, especially the significant achievements in the fight against both infringement on intellectual property rights and production, and sales of fakes and shoddy

quality products across China. He also analyzed the opportunities and challenges faced by intellectual property authorities in the new circumstances and introduced the work approaches and measures for implementing the innovation-driven development strategy and enhancing the creation, application, protection and management standards of intellectual property at present and in the near future. Principal officials of concerned authorities, including SPP, MPS, GACC, AQSIQ and NCAC, also shared with the participants the approaches and focuses of intellectual property protection and anti-counterfeiting efforts of various authorities in 2013 and the near future. Ms. Li Ling, Vice Chairperson of CAEFI, delivered a closing speech at the end of the announcement of best practice in IP protection & model cases harmonizing administrative & judicial IP enforcement. She stressed that QBPC, as a professional organization formed by over 200 multinational corporations and enterprises, was not only capable of making contributions towards the implementation of China's intellectual property strategies, but also obliged to play a key role in the realization of innovation-driven development by China. She hopes that QBPC members could continually strengthen their cooperation with the central government and local governments at all levels, actively encourage the general members to provide the state and local enforcement authorities with leads on major cases, report difficult and complicated issues in intellectual property protection and promote the establishment and optimization of the intellectual property management system by enterprises. QBPC members are also expected to further promote the exchanges between China and the international community in the area of intellectual property rights, continue to engage in public communication and education campaigns for intellectual property protection and therefore make their fair contributions in the joint development of a harmonious society and an innovation-oriented country.In the address of QBPC Chairman Mr. Jack Chang, he revisited that during the past thirteen years QBPC actively promoted the joint efforts of enterprises and government authorities in fighting against infringement on intellectual property rights and adequately served as the bridge for the communication and cooperation between the international community and Chinese government in intellectual property protection. He also expressed, on behalf of QBPC, the committee’s resolution and confidence in continued cooperation with all levels of government authorities to promote intellectual property protection in China. He

集体照 Group Photo

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noted that the QBPC, in face of new opportunities and challenges, would adhere to the principle of mutually beneficial cooperation as it had over the years and grow together with the intellectual property undertaking of China.Since 2002, QBPC organizes the selection of “Best Practice Cases” every year for the purpose of extracting successful case experiences through systematic analysis and study of IP-related cases of some members so that other members can replicate such success; expressing heart-felt gratitude towards enforcement authorities across the country for their efforts and achievements in intellectual property protection; and also demonstrating China's progresses in intellectual property protection through real-life cases and bring into play QBPC’s role as a bridge. Eligible cases are nominated by the member companies and are classified into two categories, namely criminal and non-criminal IPR

08五月特别报道May Special Report

cases, covering all kinds of IP-related administrative enforcement and judicial cases. These cases will be reviewed by the Executive Committee of QBPC and winners will be voted through ballot. The winning cases show remarkable typicality and social influence. In pursuance of the work directives of the Chinese government to strengthen the effective connection between IP-related administrative enforcement and criminal judiciary, QBPC has also, starting from last year, included the typical cases of connection between IP-related administrative enforcement and criminal judiciary under the voting. The “Top 10 Best Practice Cases” of QBPC, ever since its advent, has been not only enthusiastically received by the member enterprises but also welcomed by the concerned state and local enforcement authorities and has even attracted international attentions.

中国外商投资企业协会优质品牌保护委员会 2012-2013 年度知识产权保护最佳案例和“两法”衔接典型案例发布会外国嘉宾发言节选

英国大使馆高级知识产权参赞 Tom DukeMr. Tom Duke, Senior IP Attaché of British Embassy Beijing




用。最后,再次祝贺品保委在 2012 年和 2013 年取得的成绩,我期待明年有机会参加品保委活动,


I have worked with the QBPC for several years now, and have been pleased to see the QBPC expand and deepen its work in China over this time. It’s great to see a business group implement such programmes in a constructive and friendly way, providing support to Chinese law enforcement and government officials. Such close cooperation has played a positive role in China’s IP development, but also in improving China’s reputation around the world as a country that respects IP rights.So I would like to close by congratulating QBPC on a productive 2012/13, and I look forward to joining you again next year to reflect on more success.

Speeches by Foreign Guests in the Announcement of 2012-2013 Best Practice in IP Protection & Model Cases Harmonizing Administrative & Judicial IP Enforcement of the Quality Brands Protection Committee of CAEFI

以色列大使馆公使衔参赞 Gabriel ShemounyMr. Gabriel Shemouny, Minister Counsellor of the Embassy of Israel




Good evening everybody and thanks for inviting me. I feel very proud to be here. What QBPC did helps build a beautiful China and the people here tonight are the real protectors of this country and the world economy. So go ahead and do not stop, it is very hard work, but with your spirit, you can do it. I wish QBPC good luck and big success and thank you again.

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09 五月特别报道May Special Report

全球反假冒机构主席 John AndersonMr. John Anderson, Chairman of Global Anti-Counterfeiting Group






I am extremely impressed with the work that the QBPC has done over the years, the way it has developed, the way it carried out realistic and achievable policies right across the board in terms of promoting enforcement, finding out what the challenges are, looking at legislation and raising public awareness, and most importantly, growing the association to the size it is now with the really good quality membership.One of the reasons we are here for the GACG annual meeting is because that we have got things to learn now from the QBPC, particularly with their work in supporting the Chinese official organizations on IP enforcement. So, congratulations all round, and we look forward to many years of cooperation and support for your work here on counterfeiting and piracy.



2013 May General Membership Meetings of the Quality Brands Protection Committee of CAEFI

2013 年 5 月 23 至 24 日,中国外商投资企业协会优质品牌保


来自超过 80 家品保委会员公司的 150 多位代表参会。新当选的品

保委副主席 Ron Davis 先生(前品保委会员服务委员会主席)主持


首先,全球反假冒机构主席 John Anderson 先生发表关于《将


2013 年将会面临巨大挑战,知识产权正在努力争取其政治合法性。


















Membership Meeting Site





随后,品保委副主席 John Matheson 先生和张为安主席就商




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10五月特别报道May Special Report






会议最后,Ron Davis 先生支持的会员服务委员会对 2012 年



保护状况的体验和认识,并进一步加大中国政府 2012 年在知识产

权执法方面的努力。同时,调查问卷也对 2012 年品保委的工作、






QBPC May General Membership MeetingsMimosa Shang John Anderson

The 2nd Quarter General Meetings of QBPC was held in Beijing on May 23-24, 2013. More than 150 representatives from over 80 QBPC member companies attended this meeting. On the

morning of May 24, General meeting and MSC Training was held. Mr. Ron Davis, the newly elected QBPC Vice Chairman, who was the former QBPC Membership Services Committee Chairman, hosted the meeting. First of all, Mr. John Anderson, Chairman of Global Anti-Counterfeiting Group, delivered keynote speeches on the subject on Taking the IP out of Anti-Counterfeiting and Anti-Piracy. He mentioned there would be great challenges in the year of 2013. IP is fighting for political legitimacy following the failure of SOCA, PIPA and ACTA. Governments are under pressure for growth and calls for increased enforcement simply result in more legislation but fewer resources with a muddled economic justification. There is a major challenge from newly invigorated anti-capitalists ‘occupiers’ and ‘hacktivists’. The ‘awareness conundrum’ needs to be understood and addressed. Public and private sector research shows consumers do care about health and safety, ethics and damage to property. They don’t want to fund organised crime or terrorism but these campaigns based on ‘anti-counterfeiting’ and ‘anti-piracy’ and run by IP offices or IP groups. Campaigners need to support talented and hard working artists, performers, writers and technicians. Joint campaigns should also be considered. In all, there’re more than one way to skin a cat. One of the most heated sessions was a discussion on the Sales of Counterfeit Goods through Internet Trading Platform which was hosted by Steven Wang, Vice Chairman of QBPC. The discussion was mainly given by three speakers, Mr. Chen Jianhua from Alibaba, Mr. Duan Zhiyong from Baidu and Ms. Lin Zhuo from Jingdong. They delivered speeches respectively and communicated with QBPC members on their concerned questions at the meeting site. E-commerce is a hot issue today and QBPC has set up a taskforce in dealing with online infringement. Mr. Chen Jianhua shared experience of counterfeit goods and products

on the platform online from Alibaba and Taobao. Ms. Lin Zhuo briefly introduced JD’s efforts in anti-counterfeiting career as JD has always taken the responsibilities to fight against counterfeit goods selling on the Internet. Mr. Duan Zhiyong talked about Baidu’s experience in online trademark protection, taking Baidu Wenku as an example. All of the topics were popular among members and many questions were raised during the session. After that, John Matheson, QBPC Vice Chairman and Jack Chang, delivered a discussion on Trade Secret Protection. Trade Secret Theft is a global problem. According to Xinhua News Agency, China has called on the international community to make a code of conduct for cyberspace…and make joint efforts to build a peaceful, secure, open and cooperative cyberspace. An internationally well-known research institute suggests foreign companies not to establish their R&D centers in China due to weak protection for trade secrets. As for QBPC Taskforce, QBPC’s objective is to promote a unified Trade Secret Law protecting trade secret misappropriation . Next a policy paper outlining key elements of a unified Trade Secret Law should be prepared and regular updates should be done to the Taskforce. At the end of the meeting, Membership Service Committee chairs led by Ron Davis, briefly introduced the 2012 Membership Survey and kindly asked the members to finish the survey online. This survey is to assess QBPC members’ experience and perceptions of status of IP protection in China and to better strengthen the Chinese government’s IP enforcement efforts in 2012. QBPC’s priorities, effectiveness, and membership structure in 2012 are also evaluated in the survey. Please be well noted that the survey results are used for the QBPC’s internal communications and internal planning and improvement. All the information provided in the survey would be kept by QBPC Office and be prepared in an analysis report format. Unless it is the published information or we receive the express consent of the member companies or those who fill in the questionnaire, all the information provided will be kept confidential.

五月会员大会小组讨论刘莹 邬龙

·最佳案例 / 执法委员会

在最佳案例 / 执法委员会讨论环节,陈超主席主要向与会者介











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11 五月特别报道May Special Report




刊印;5 月 15 日上海公安机关打击和防范经济犯罪宣传日,公安


公安局经侦总队的邀请参加了此次活动,宣传委员会、最佳案例 /


此次活动的参与;最后介绍了宣传委员会在 2013 年下半年的工作



海关委员会副主席李亚敏首先介绍了其在 2013 年的工作重点:
















训将在银川举行;由政府合作委员会及最佳案例 / 执法委员会共同





员介绍了法律委员会 2013 年中的工作计划后,将该环节的讨论集























品保委最佳案例执法委员会主席陈超 (由左至右)宣传委员会主席张玉国和副主席杜琦萍

(由左至右)海关委员会副主席李亚敏 , 上海海关学院培训与国际合作部副主任张树杰先生,品保委副主席王志平先生,品保委海关委员会主席齐雪峰

Mr. Conan Chen, Chair of BPEC, QBPC(From Left to Right) Mr. Hugo Zhang, Chair of QBPC Communication Committee, and Ms. Michel le Du, Vice Chair of QBPC Communication Committee

(From Left to Right) Ms. Karen Li, Vice Chair of QBPC Customs Committee, Mr. Zhang Shujie, Vice Director of the Department of Training & Inter Cooperation of Shanghai Customs College, Mr. Steven Wang, Vice Chair of QBPC, Mr. Chuck Qi, Chair of QBPC Customs Committee

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12五月特别报道May Special Report

政府合作委员会副主席 刘涛 品保委法律委员会副主席刘淼 品保委专利及创新委员会主席曲晓阳

Mr. Kelvin Liu , Vice Chai r of QBPC Government Cooperation Committee

Mr. Miao Liu, Vice Chair of QBPC Legal Committee

Mr. Xiaoyang Qu, Chair of QBPC Patent & Innovation Committee

Committee PanelLizzy Liu Rehgar Wu

Best Practices/Enforcement CommitteeIn the BPEC Section, Mr. Conan Chen, the Chair of the BPEC briefed the 2013 projects’ updates to the attendees, such as: the situation the BPEC had during the selection of the QBPC Yearly Best Practice & Five Model Case, the IP training of harmonizing administrative enforcement and criminal prosecution jointly held by the SPP and the QBPC, the MOU Signing Ceremony between the QBPC and the Fair Trade Bureau (the “FTB”) of Jiangsu AIC and the 1st Training jointly held by the parties, and the MOU Signing Ceremony between the QPBC and the Zhejiang ECID. In the end of such section, Conan Chen reported the work plan in the third quarter, which involves (1) the 2nd Training by the FTB of the Jiangsu AIC; (2) the proposed MOU Signing with the Changzhou ECID of the Jiangsu PSB in June; (3) the Seminar on hot and difficult issues in administrative enforcement by Guangdong Economic Inspection Bureau; and, (4) the Quality & Safety Forum by AQSIQ.Communication CommitteeMr. Hugo Zhang, the Chair of Communication Committee, and Ms. Michelle Du, Vice Chair of Communication Committee introduced their projects as follows: QBPC Brochure Jointly held with MSC; Q2 Newsletter; 5.15 Shanghai Public Security Anti & Prevent Economic Crime Day(Hugo Zhang from Communication Committee (CC) spoke at the event, introduced QBPC); Priorities in the 2nd half of 2013.Customs CommitteeMs. Karen Li,Vice Chair of Customs Committee, first introduced its Focus in 2013, they are: Customs Patent Protection, Protection in Post & Courier channel, Capacity Building for customs & members, Customs strengthening cooperation with police, Specific issues re China customs enforcement, OEM issue & its impact to customs protection (QBPC task force), International cooperation. Next Customs Committee looked back the projects in Q1 and Q2 and the projects in the near future: GACC 2012 IPR protection Seminar in Dali, Exchange Meeting with GACC & US CBP/ICE, Customs-to-Members Training & Interactive Exchange, Capacity Building Training supporting Customs Enforcement, routable meeting with Beijing Customs at Airport Port, China Customs IPR Protection Museum/Exhibition, Customs Protection of Patent & OEM Study, Cooperation with Foreign Customs. Mr. Zhang Shujie, Vice Director of the Department of Training & Inter Cooperation of Shanghai Customs College gave a speech on the trainings and international cooperation by the college to members.

Government Cooperation CommitteeMr. Kelvin Liu,Vice Chair of Government Cooperation Committee introduced the projects of GCC:1. Exchange Meeting with Guangdong Law Enforcement Agencies scheduled in Sep; 2. Formal exchange meeting with the leading group office in MOFCOM. The comments from members had been submitted to MOFCOM leading group office in February. Director Tan Jian suggested to have two time exchange meeting with QBPC members each year; 3. 331 Industrial IPR Training (6 times) for Chinese SMEs by MIIT. The first training was successfully held on April 17 – 19 in Chengdu. Next training is scheduled on May 30-31 in Yin Chuan. QBPC speaker will give two lectures; 4. QBPC seminar/training/workshop with SPP regarding case transferring, prosecution of IP criminal cases and network establishment successfully hold in May; 5. Exchange Meeting with Shantou Anti-counterfeit office approved by SC.Legal CommitteeMr. Miao Liu, the Vice Chair of the Legal Committee, made an introduction about the projects that the Legal Committee manages in the 2013 to the attended members. Then Miao Liu focused the report mainly on (1) the IP Criminal Cases Handbook Project working with the No. 2 Criminal Tribunal of the SPC; (2) the Project concerning Trademark Protection jointly held by the QPBC and the Beijing Higher Court; (3) the Face-to-Face Meeting with the Law Committee, Financial and Economic Committee and Legislative Affairs Commission of NPC regarding the Amendments to the Trademark Law; (4) the Criminal Law Amendments Project with the Beijing Normal University; (5) the latest updates of the events led by the Legal Committee: seeking comments on the Draft Rules of the Administration for Industry and Commerce on the Prohibition of Abuses of Intellectual Property Rights for the Purposes of Eliminating or Restricting Competition drafted by the SAIC and the one for the Certain Issues Regarding Trial on Dispute Cases of Intellectual Property Infringement of Electronic Commerce released by the Beijing Higher Court.Patent & Innovation CommitteeIn the PIC Section, Mr. Xiaoyang Qu, the Chair of the PIC, gave the attendees a detailed updates with respect to the Evidence Rules in the IP Litigation Project with the Jiangsu Higher Court, and the Project regarding the Draft Service Invention Regulations and 4th Amendments to the China Patent Law, in which the QBPC and the IP Center of MIIT

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13 五月特别报道May Special Report

joined hands after a quick brief about the projects managed by the PIC in 2013. In the next session of the report, Xiaoyang Qu shared the updates revolved around the projects below: (1) Project on Patents in Standards, working with China National Institute of Standardization (the “CNIS”); (2) Project on Patent Law Article 26 or Article 33 with SIPO PRB; (3) the submission of the QBPC Position Paper of the Latest Amendments to


2013 年 5 月 23 日,品保委五月会员大会专利及创新委员会午



主席张艳、副主席 John E. Matheson、专利及创新委员会主席曲晓













the Patent Law (Draft for Examination); (4) Project on Damages in IPR Civil Litigation with the Beijing No.1 Intermediate People’s Court; (5) Project of the Judicial Identification of the Doctrine of Equivalence; (6) Project on “Technology Import and Export Regulations” with University of International Business and Economics; and, (7) Project on Draft Service Invention Regulations with the Renmin University.

Patent & Innovation Committee Lunch MeetingRehgar Wu

The PIC Lunch Meeting of May General Membership Meeting was held on May 23 in Beijing (the “Lunch Meeting”). Prof. He Guo, from the Law School of Renmin University was invited to join such Lunch Meeting and made keynote speech. Mr. Jack Chang, the Chair of the QBPC, Mrs. Yan Zhang and John Matheson, Vice Chairs of the QBPC, as well as Mr. Xiaoyang Qu, the Chair of the Patent and Innovation Committee, Dr. Sam Li, the Vice Chair of Patent and Innovation Committee, Mr. Miao Liu, the Vice Chair of the Legal Committee, Mr. Chi Xu, the Vice Chair of the Membership Service Committee, along with other over 20 representatives from the QBPC member companies, attended the Lunch Meeting.In his keynote speech, Prof. Guo mainly introduced the background, progress, and the problems of the research project cooperated by the

Renmin Law School and the QBPC. Being the most important part of the speech, Prof. Guo shared the three crucial opinions listed in the final research report submitted to the SIPO with the attendees, which are: (1) the technical secret should be excluded from the framework of the Service Invention Regulations; (2) the “Right of the First Refusal” issue should be managed by the contractual relationship; (3) the stakeholders should balance the relationship between the “Remuneration” and “Reward” via the possible amendments to the Patent Law. In the discussion section, participants revolved their topics around the following issues: priority of the contract, calculations of the remuneration, technical secret, remuneration and reward. Mr. Xiaoyang Qu did the interpretation for the foreign representatives in the Lunch Meeting.

中国外商投资企业协会优质品牌保护委员会2012-2013 年度知识产权保护最佳案例和“两法”衔接典型案例

2012-2013 Best Practice in IP Protection & Model Cases Harmonizing Administrative & Judicial IP Enforcement of the Quality Brands Protection Committee of CAEFI

刑事案件 Criminal Cases

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14五月特别报道May Special Report


北京市海淀区人民检察院 北京市海淀区人民法院

Nominated Agency: Beijing Public Security Bureau Haidian Branch Zhong Guancun StationBeijing Haidian District People's Procuratorate Beijing Haidian District People's Court 微软公司 Nominating Member Company: Microsoft

上海市公安局经济犯罪侦查总队 上海市崇明县公安局经侦大队

Nominated Agency: Shanghai Economic Crime Investigation DepartmentEconomic Crime Investigation Department of Chongming Public Security Bureau 强生公司 Nominating Member Company: Johnson & Johnson

广东省东莞市公安局樟木头分局 广东省东莞市第三市区人民检察院

Nominated Agency: Zhangmutou Public Security Bureau of Dongguan of Guangdong Province The No. 3 People's Procuratorate of Dongguan of Guangdong Province 美国安全检测实验室公司

Nominating Member Company: Underwriters Laboratories

→ 本案案情复杂,从公安机关的高效办案能力、检察机关专业的公诉工作、以及法院



Copyright Infringement Crime and Crime of Selling Illegal Manufactured Registered Labels against Shang in Beijing

吴某、纪某和赖某假冒 UL 注册商标案

Wu, Ji & Lai counterfeit UL registered trademark


Raid against Ji and Shen Manufacturing and Selling Counterfeit "BAND-AID" Case in Shanghai Chongming

→ 全国首起对同一假冒、盗版活动适用数罪并罚并判处迄今为止知识产权犯罪领域中最高刑期 7 年半(实刑)的经典案例。

The first ever criminal IPR case where the defendant was found guilty of both piracy and counterfeit crimes for the same course of infringement and thus sentenced to jail for 7 & ½ year, which is the highest to date for IPR crime prosecutions.


This is a complicated case. The effectiveness and efficiency of Public Security Bureau, the professionalism of People’s Procuratorate Office, and the People’s Court analyze the evidence in justice manner, all that showed the high efficiency and the close corroboration of these 3 judicial organs.This case cracked down a supply chain of counterfeit and shoddy electric wire and has a great contribution and impact to the wire and cable industry.

→ 权利人和上海公安经侦部门锲而不舍、密切配合,将一个工商部门无法处理的无主案件做成一起跨四省五市、战果丰硕、影响重大的


The perseverance and close cooperation between brand owner and Shanghai ECID make a ownerless case which AIC can’t dispose to be a fruitful and high-impact network criminal case, 4 provinces and 5 cities were involved in.








Nominated Agency: Gaoming Branch of Foshan Public Security Bureau of Guangdong Province 联合利华(中国)有限公司和拜尔斯道夫股份有限公司 Nominating Member Company: Unilever and Beiersdorf AG

张某、龙某等假冒注册商标案Zhang & 7 Others Committed Crimes of Counterfeiting a Registered Trademark 办案单位:


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15 五月特别报道May Special Report

广东省公安厅经侦局 广东省茂名市公安局茂南分局


Nominated Agency: The Economic Crime Investigation Department of Guangdong Public Security BureauMaonan Public Security Bureau of Maoming District of Guangdong ProvincePeople's Court of Maonan District Maoming of Guangdong Province 安利公司 Nominating Member Company: Amway

江苏省常州市公安局经侦支队 江苏省常州市中级人民法院

Nominated Agency: Changzhou Public Security Bureau Economic Crime Investigation Department of Jiangsu ProvinceChangzhou Intermediate People's Court of Jiangsu Province 诺基亚公司 Nominating Member Company: Nokia



Nominated Agency: Tangshan Public Security Bureau Food & Drug Safety Unit of Hebei Province Tangshan Food & Drug Administration of Hebei Province



江苏常州“猎鲨 1 号”特大跨省制售假冒诺基亚手机案 Jiangsu Changzhou "Shark-Hunting No.1" Trans-Provincial Large Case on Manufacturing and Selling Counterfeit NOKIA Handsets

赵某与其它 18 名被告生产、销售伪劣产品案Zhao & 18 Others Committed Crimes of Producing and Selling Fake and Shoddy Goods

广东茂名 3.22 假冒蛋白质粉案

Maoming, Guangdong fake protein powder case

→ 本案中的跨省市、跨境制售假货网络,工厂老板串通违纪执法人员罔顾法律,肆意制售假冒知名品牌产品,违抗政府执法查处决定,



The cross-border counterfeit personal care products making/trading network in this case, involves manufacturers being well-informed and survived several raids in recent years, and foreign traders engaging illegal business regardless of the law in China, was destroyed fundamentally under the efforts of Gaoming ECID of Foshan PSB.

→ 警方顺藤摸瓜跨省追缉 彻底摧毁制售假冒手机犯罪网络

An Entire Handset Counterfeiting Supply Chain Rooted Out Through Police’s Trans-provincial Operations

→ 该案是一起假冒保健食品案件,15 名被告分别以“生产、销售伪劣产品罪”和“假冒注册商标罪”进行宣判,最高以“生产、销售伪


This is a counterfeiting nutritional foods case while the 15 defendants were sentenced "producing, selling counterfeiting" and "counterfeiting registered trademark ", and the severest were sentenced 15 years and 9 months in prison. This kind of breakthrough punishment has set up jurisprudence for the anti-counterfeiting actions in the future.







Nominating Member Company: AstraZeneca, Bayer, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche, and Servier

→ 办案人员以高度专业之精神、周密果断之行动、迅速打击制售假药源头、再于 11 省市穷追猛打瓦解整个供应链、成功地查获

五百四十一万八千粒价值高达人民币 1.63 亿元之假药片、19 人判刑合共 91 年 9 个月、罚金共六百三十六万元。公众健康和安全得到大


Due to the investigating agencies’ exceptional professional, decisive and quick action, the source of counterfeit drug syndicate was successfully cracked down, the whole supply chain in 11 provinces and cities dismantled, resulted in the seizure of 5.4M fake pills valued RMB163M, and the imprisonment of the 19 counterfeiters to a total of 91 years & 9 months, a total fine of RMB6.36M. Hence public health and safety is protected and ensured!

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16May Special Report五月特别报道


云南省昆明市官渡区人民法院 云南省昆明市官渡区人民检察院

Nominated Agency: Kunming Public Security Bureau of Yunnan ProvinceKunming Guandu People's Court of Yunnan Province Kunming Guandu People's Procuratorate of Yunnan Province

斯凯孚(中国)有限公司 Nominating Member Company: SKF

江苏省南京市公安局玄武分局 江苏省南京市玄武区人民法院

Nominated Agency: Xuanwu District Branch of Nanjing Public Security Bureau of Jiangsu Province Xuanwu District People’s Court of Nanjing of Jiangsu Province 英国石油公司和壳牌国际股份有限公司 Nominating Member Company: BP and Shell


Nominated Agency: Yuexiu District Public Security Bureau of Guangzhuo Public Security Bureau of Guangdong Province 博世(中国)投资有限公司、NGK 火花塞有限公司和丰田汽车公司 Nominating Member Company: Bosch, NGK Spark Plug, and Toyota

李某设立云南邦庭经贸有限公司大肆销售假冒 SKF 品牌轴承案

Li set up "Yunnan Bangting Trade Co., Ltd" to massively sell fake SKF bearings


Action against Guangzhou Hena Auto Parts Store, including separate workshops and warehouses in manufacturing and selling fake oxygen sensors

殷某,徐某,田某及孙某假冒嘉实多和壳牌注册商标的润滑油案Yin, Xu, Tian &Sun Committed Crimes of Counterfeiting Castrol and Shell Registered Trademarks

→ 刑事司法利剑维权护优,SKF 公司致力保护轴承用户合法权益 暨云南昆明李某设立“云南邦庭经贸有限公司”销售假冒轴承案。

Criminal and judicial authorities make joint efforts to safeguard quality brands' IP rights. SKF strives to protect bearing users' legal interests. Regarding the case of Li setting up "Yunnan Bangting Trade Co., Ltd" in Kunming to massively sell fake SKF bearings.

→ 作为广东“三打两建”专项行动案件之一,多家媒体对本案进行报道(包括新浪,广州电视台和广州市公安局网站),一方面可


As one action in the campaign of “Three Fights and Two Constructions” launched by Guangdong Province, the case has got massive media coverage including sina, Guangzhou TV and Guangzhou. In one aspect the case could warn other counterfeiters and in the other aspect could actively guide the consumers to buy the genuine products and never threaten lives by buying the counterfeits due to its lower price.

→ 社区防治,主动出击,小线索追出跨省制假网络。

With community prevention, proactive strike, Police tracked down cross-provincial counterfeit network from one small clue.








Nominated Agency: Economic Crime Investigation Department of Cixi Public Security Bureau of Zhejiang Province

中国惠普有限公司 Nominating Member Company: Hewlett-Packard


Wang, Han & Others Committed Crimes of Counterfeiting HP Registered Trademark

→ 狡兔三窟终锁定,法网恢恢必严惩。



No escape from justice for the worst criminals. Any crimes will be paid by the price of a severe penalty.

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17 五月特别报道May Special Report


非刑事案件 Non-Criminal Cases


Nominated Agency: Guangzhou Customs 阿迪达斯体育(中国)有限公司 Nominating Member Company: adidas

北京市高级人民法院 国家工商行政管理总局商标局

Nominated Agency: Beijing Higher People's CourtTrademark Office of the State Administration for Industry & Commerce 宝马汽车公司 Nominating Member Company: BMW Group

浙江省高级人民法院 浙江省义乌市人民法院

Nominated Agency: Zhejiang Higher People's Court Yiwu People's Court of Zhejiang Province

美国高露洁棕榄公司 Nominating Member Company: Colgate Palmolive

深圳市某贸易有限公司委托广州某国际货运代理有限公司出口侵犯阿迪达斯有限公司商标案A Shenzhen Trade Company Authorized A Guangzhou Freight Forwarding Company to Export Goods Infringing Adidas Trademark

宝马公司诉广州世纪宝驰服饰实业有限公司、北京方拓商业管理有限公司、李某侵害商标权及不正当竞争纠纷案BMW vs. Guangzhou Shijibaochi Apparel Co., Ltd., Beijing Fangtuo Business Management Co., Ltd., & Li on trademark infringement and unfair competition

高露洁 - 棕榄公司诉义乌爱尚公司侵犯注册商标专用权案

Colgate-Palmolive Company Sue Yiwu Ai Shang Company for Trademark Infringement

→ 广州海关利用微小的线索牵出大案件 , 在一集装箱内查获 5 万余件假冒服装。

Wining in China helped Colgate-Palmolive to win in other countries. With our success in China, several countries in South America and Africa issued Temporary Importation Injunction in terms of subject infringing products. This not only protects the Intellectual Property Rights of Colgate-Palmolivebut also protect our consumers' interests within and outside China.It is an example of brand protection case applied a series of judicial proceedings and encountered all possible administrative process and litigation, which including court action on civil litigation and trademark prosecution proceedings. It went through 1st instance, 2nd instance, retrial proceedings and trademark prosecution also went through TRAB’s review, 1st and 2nd instance of administrative litigations. This case cracked down a supply chain of counterfeit and shoddy electric wire and has a great contribution and impact to the wire and cable industry.

→ 一起具有示范意义的知识产权保护典型案例,体现中国司法和行政执法机关平等保护中外知识产权权利人的合法权益、维护公平市场秩


A typical IP protection case with demonstrative value, reflecting the resolution of Chinese judicial and administrative organs in protecting Chinese and foreign intellectual property proprietors equally, securing fair market order, and strengthen IP Protection.







→ 本案历经一审、二审、再审和重审,且针对被控标识历经商标注册证公告无效程序、 驳回复审程序和行政诉讼程序,是我国知识


本案的影响覆盖到南美洲和非洲的多个国家。被控侵权产品在多个国家因高露洁 - 棕榄公司在我国法院的胜诉而作出了临时入口禁令 ,


Guangzhou Customs use a piece of information ferret out the important clues, totally seized over 50000 fake garments in one shipment.

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18五月特别报道May Special Report

福建省高级人民法院Nominated Agency: Fujian Higher People's Court

Nominating Member Company: Emerson Electric

法国利莱森玛公司诉利莱森玛(福建)电机有限公司侵犯商标权及不正当竞争案Leroysomer Societe Anonyme VS. Lilaisenma (Fujian) Motor Co., Ltd. for Trademark Infringement and Unfair Competition

The popularity of foreign words trademark, the prior use of the corresponding Chinese translation of such foreign words trademark, the public’s recognition of correspondence of the such foreign words trademark and Chinese translation are key factors when it comes to the judicial recognition of the similarity between such foreign words trademark and Chinese translation.



→ 外文商标的知名度、对外文商标中文译名的在先使用,以及相关公众对外文商标与


深圳市宝安区人民法院 深圳市市场监督管理局宝安分局

Nominated Agency: Shenzhen Bao'an District People's CourtBao'an Branch of the Shen Zhen Market Supervision Administration 霍尼韦尔公司 Nominating Member Company: Honeywell


Nominated Agency: Beijing No.2 Intermediate People's Court 微软公司 Nominating Member Company: Microsoft

微软公司诉北京铭万智达科技有限公司、铭万信息技术有限公司著作权侵权纠纷案Microsoft Corporation vs. MainOne Zhida Technology Co., Ltd. and MainOne Information Technology Co., Ltd

霍尼韦尔诉卓灵智能(深圳)有限公司侵犯商标权纠纷案Honeywell VS. Trend Intelligence (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. for Trademark Infringement

An excellent precedent in which the People's Court utilized timely and effective evidence preservation to find the full scope of infringement and damages that resulted in adequate remedies to IP owners through the record high compensation in similar cases in Beijing.

→ 本案创新性地“一揽子”解决了产品、企业名称及域名等一系列商标侵权及不正当竞争的问题。深圳市宝安区人民法院认定侵权事实准确,


局主动认定“卓灵公司”变形使用“TREND”商标的行为构成商标侵权并依法进行了处罚,罚款人民币 234,536 元。在后续法院判决“卓



This case innovatively provided an "overall" solution to a series of infringement problems of trademarks, trade name and domain. Shenzhen Bao'an court correctly mastered the nature of the Defendant’s infringement, correctly applied the relevant laws and judicial interpretations, thus comprehensively stopped the infringement, and provided strong protection for the trademark right holder’s legitimate rights and interests. The Shenzhen MSB Bao'an Branch proactively issued the penalty decision with a fine of RMB234,536 against "Zhuo Ling Company". After the judgment is issued by the Court, Shenzhen MSB Bao'an Branch is following up with "Zhuo Ling Company" to change its trade name to remove the infringing "Zhuo Ling".





→ 人民法院通过积极有效的证据保全全面掌握侵权范围和损害结果从而给予知识产


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19 五月特别报道May Special Report

天津海关 天津第二中级人民法院

Nominated Agency: Tianjin Customs The No.2 Intermediary People's Court of Tianjin 耐克体育(中国)有限公司 Nominating Member Company: Nike

宁波海关 浙江省宁波市工商行政管理局北仑分局

Nominated Agency: Ningbo CustomsBeilun Branch of Ningbo Administration of Industry and Commerce 飞利浦(中国)投资有限公司 Nominating Member Company: Philips


Nominated Agency: Ningbo Customs 赛博公司 Nominating Member Company: Seb Développement


Nominated Agency: Tianjin Customs 烈酒国际有限公司

Nominating Member Company: Spirits International B.V.

深圳市诚捷尔贸易有限公司出口侵权商品案The Case of Shenzhen Chengjieer Trading Co. Exporting Infringing Shoes

宁波万通切菜机侵犯 SEB 公司实用新型专利案 WAN TONG's infringement on SEB's patents on "Fresh Express" slicer

天津曾祺进出口贸易有限公司侵犯 SPI 公司商标案 Tianjin Zengqi Import & Export Trading Co., Ltd. Infringed SPI’s Trademark

某电器厂生产、销售 “PHILIPPE” LED 应急灯商标侵权案

A Company in Yuyao Manufactures & Sells “PHILIPPE” LED Lamp

Per the application of SEB SA, Ningbo Customs twice intercepted large amount of patent-infringing products to be exported by Ningbo WAN TONG Electronic Co Ltd. Such interception greatly supported SEB SA’s civil lawsuit against WAN TONG. Ningbo Customs has played an exemplary role in cooperating with patentees to seize patent-infringing products for export.

Focus on importation: unique and successful prevention of entrance of counterfeit vodka into China. Tianjin Customs has seized and destroyed 18600 bottles of vodka infringing the STOLICHNAYA trademark, with a total value of 228145.74 RMB.

→ 海关与工商行政管理机关实施案件协作配合机制的成功典范 , 对当前法律环境下“定










→ 宁波海关两次应 SEB 公司要求,查扣到大量宁波万通电子有限公司出口的专利

侵权产品,为 SEB 公司的侵权诉讼提供了有力的支持。宁波海关在配合权利人查


→ 关注进口:防止假冒伏特加进入中国。天津海关查获和销毁侵犯

“STOLICHNAYA”商标专用权伏特加酒 18600 瓶,价值人民币 228145.74 元。

The case is the 1st disguised counterfeiting case handled by the Tianjin Customs. The case went through the procedure of customs administrative enforcement, people's court’s administrative litigation, people's court’s civil litigation, which reflects that administrative authorities and judicial authorities holds the same standpoint towards this kind of infringement.

Inseparable collaboration between Customs and AIC; the best practice of OEM's manufacturing solely for export issue.

→ 本案是天津海关查办的第一起通过伪装标识出口的假冒产品案件 ; 本案经过海关

行政执法、人民法院行政诉讼和民事诉讼程序 , 完整地反映出当前行政、司法部门对


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20五月特别报道May Special Report

江苏省睢宁县食品药品监督管理局 江苏省睢宁县公安局

Nominated Agency: Suining Food & Drug Administration of Jiangsu ProvinceSuining Public Security Bureau of Jiangsu Province 强生公司 Nominating Member Company:Johnson & Johnson

河北省沧州市质量技术监督局 河北省沧州市公安局

Nominated Agency:Cangzhou Technology Supervision Bureau of Hebei ProvinceCangzhou Public Security Bureau of Hebei Province 强生公司 Nominating Member Company:Johnson & Johnson

山东省平度市文化市场行政执法局 山东省平度市公安局

Nominated Agency: Pingdu Cultural Market Administrative Enforcement Bureau of Shandong Province Pingdu Public Security Bureau of Shandong Province

微软公司 Nominating Member Company:Microsoft



Nominated Agency: Network Supervision Branch of Hefei Administration for Industry and Commerce of Anhui Province Economic Crime Investigation Department of Hefei Public Security Bureau of Anhui Province

运动产品行业工作组 Nominating Member Company:Sports IWG

江苏睢宁李某、赵某等生产销售假药案Li, Zhao and Others Committed Crimes of Manufacturing and Selling Counterfeit Drugs in Suining County, Jiangsu Province

青岛中孚信息产业有限公司侵犯著作权罪案Copyright Infringement Crime of Qingdao Zhongfu Information Industry Co., Ltd

凌某销售假冒注册商标的商标案 Ling Committed Crimes of Selling Goods with Counterfeit Registered Trademark


Liu, Wang and Others Committed Crimes of Counterfeiting “Dabao” Registered Trademark in Cangzhou City, Hebei Province

→ 江苏睢宁药监与公安部门密切合作、联合作战,将一个小线索成功经营为一起跨


Despite there was no any criminal precedent to follow, the admin and criminal enforcement organs worked closely to timely transfer the case that created the first successful conviction of a PC reseller for installing pirated software in new PCs for free, which filled in a big gap in the application of law.

→ 河北沧州公安、质检部门密切配合、紧密协作,携手整治日化产品制假重灾区,实










→ 在没有刑事判决先例的情况下,行政执法机关和刑事司法机关密切衔接和配合从而



Suining FDA and PSB closely cooperated, combined efforts and destroyed a big counterfeit drugs gang across provinces from small clues, providing a successful example for Admin-Criminal case.

PSB closely cooperated with TSB took centralized renovation in the crucial area in Cangzhou city producing fake PC products and achieved seamless connection between administrative and judicial IP enforcement.

两法衔接案例 Model Cases Harmonizing Administrative & Judicial IP Enforcement

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21 五月特别报道May Special Report

→ 公安部督办的会战四号集群战役 ;上海、江苏、福建、浙江等 6 省公安合作 ;出动 50 余名警官;摧毁犯罪窝点 6 个;抓获犯罪

嫌疑人 7 名;现场查获假冒产品 8200 套(件),涉案总价值约 1,550 余万;本案涉案总价值超过 2,800 万。

No.4 Cluster Attack under the supervision of MPS; Cooperated by PSBs of 6 provinces in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Fujian, Zhejiang, etc. ; More than 50 enforcement officials were deployed; 6 criminal dens were cracked down; 7 suspects were arrested; 8,200 pieces of counterfeits; valued 15.5 million RMB has been seized; Case value exceeds 28 million.

宁波海关 江苏省南京市公安局经济犯罪侦查支队

Nominated Agency: Ningbo Customs Subsection of Economic Crime Investigation Department of Nanjing Public Security Bureau


Nominating Member Company:Underwriters Laboratories

江苏阳光东升生产、出口假冒 UL 注册商标节日灯串产品案 Jiangsu Sunshine Dongsheng Manufacturing and Exporting Holiday Lighting String Product with Counterfeit UL Registered Trademark

This is a cross-provincial case and is sourced from the Customs administrative action. This case is a model case of harmonizing administrative and Judicial IP Enforcement and involve the cooperation of the enforcement agencies in 2 provinces.From the border protection of Ningbo Customs to the in-depth investigation of Nanjing Public Security Bureau, this case completely cracked down a supply chain from the production to the exportation of counterfeit and shoddy goods. This makes a good example case of harmonizing administrative and judiciary IP enforcement.



→ 本案是从宁波海关发现的一个跨省案件,并体现了浙江、江苏省执法机关贯彻落实国务院推行两法衔接的一个典型案例。



中国外商投资企业协会优质品牌保护委员会知识产权保护座谈会和 2012-2013 年度知识产权保护最佳案例和“两法”衔接典型案例发布会照片

Photos for Symposium on IPR Protection and Announcement of 2012-2013 Best Practice in IP Protection & Model Cases Harmonizing Administrative & Judicial IP Enforcement of the Quality Brands Protection Committee of CAEFI


Symposium on Intellectual Property Protection

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22五月特别报道May Special Report

2012-2013 年度知识产权保护最佳案例 -


2012-2013 年度知识产权保护最佳案例 -






2012-2013 QBPC Yearly Best Practice-Criminal Case

2012-2013 QBPC Yearly Best Practice-Non-Criminal Case

QBPC presented the Appreciation Plaques to the Economic Crime Invest igat ion Department of the Ministry of Public Security, the General Administration of Customs of China, the 2nd Unit Directly Affiliated to the Economic Crime Investigation Department of the Ministry of Public Security and the Economic Crime Investigation Department of Shanghai Public Security Bureau

2012-2013 年 度 知 识 产 权 保 护 最 佳 案

例 -“两法”衔接案件

2012-2013 QBPC Yearly Best Practice-Modal Cases Harmonizing Administrative and Judicial IP Enforcement

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23 五月特别报道May Special Report



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24五月特别报道May Special Report

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