2014 AIESEC International Congress, Global Youth Leadership Summit

2014 Global Youth Leadership Summit 全球青年領導力會前高峰會 宣傳刊物

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2014 AIESEC International Congress, Global Youth Leadership Summit

Page 2: 2014 Global Youth Leadership Summit 全球青年領導力會前高峰會 宣傳刊物


Global Youth Leadership Summit

與全球接軌,拓展嶄新格局思維 由青年領導,兌現未來想像藍圖 朝高峰邁進,打造美好幸福世代 以多元互動形式、全新議題探討 讓世界青年肩並肩交流。

Explore the new thinking pattern and align with the world Realize the future blueprint with the youth leader Bulid a wonderful generation from now and keep moving to the peak of perfection

Discuss global issue with varieties of interactive forms Let the youth exchange ideas side by side

Page 3: 2014 Global Youth Leadership Summit 全球青年領導力會前高峰會 宣傳刊物

2014 AIESEC International Congress, Global Youth Leadership Summit

台灣位於亞洲的重要樞紐,身為全球前二十大經濟體,近十幾年來,台灣以發展高科技產業為主;從過去的產業代工王國,到現在創立科技品牌、堅持品質,以 Made in Taiwan 為傲。 台灣最美的風景是「人」,從建築、飲食到傳統習俗都能體現台灣人最真實的情感,The most heart-touching Taiwan.

身為台灣第二大城市,台灣第一大港,高雄匯集亞洲重要的國際貿易和重工業於一身,並曾於 2009 年舉辦世界運動會,「全球青年領袖會前高峰會」將在最熱情的南台灣舉辦。

Taiwan is one of the important trading hub in Asia. As one of the world's top 20 economies, Taiwan has been focusing on developing the high-tech indusry in the pass decade. It was a long process to trurn its image from an outsourcing manufacturing country into a innovative country. We should be proud of our quality and the product made in Taiwan.

"People" is the most beautiful's scene in Taiwan, you can feel the real emotion from its architecture, foods and traditional culture.

As the second largest city of this island and the biggest port in Taiwan, Kaohsiung has converge the international trades and heavy industry in this city. It also have held the World Games in 2009. Global Youth Leadership Summit is going to hold the summit in this energetic city!

Located in southern-western Taiwan, Kaohsiung is the second most populous city in Taiwan. Since its start at 17th century, Kaohsiung has grown from a smal trading village into the political, economic, transportation, manufacturing, refining, shipbuilding, and industries centers of southern Taiwan. The Port of Kaohsiung is the largest harbor in Taiwan. Kaohsiung was the host city of the 2009 World Games, a multi-sport event primarily composed of sports not featured in Olympic Games.

高雄 Kaohsiung

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2014 AIESEC 全球青年領袖世界大會 2014 AIESEC International Congress -What is AIESEC -What is AIESEC International Congress

全球青年領導力會前高峰會 Global Youth Leadership Summit - 資訊 Information - 緣起 Origin - 主題 Theme - 三大議題 Three of Issue - 議程形式 Agenda

高峰會議程介紹 Introduction of Key Session - 第七屆 AIESEC 青年影響力論壇 The 7th AIESEC Youth Impact Forum - 開放式創新學院 Open Business and Startup School - 公益創新工作坊 Social Innovation Workshop

特別節目介紹 Introduction of Special Activity - 世界地球村博覽會 Global Village - 全球青年星光之夜 MCP Party

住宿、餐飲資訊Accomodation & Catering

票價資訊 Price 報名與購票方法 Registration and Payment

會前住宿專案(推薦加購)Pre-Stay Plan(Recommanded Additional Purchase)會前旅行專案(推薦加購)Pre-Tour Plan (Recommanded Additional Purchase)

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Outline 目錄





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2014 AIESEC International Congress, Global Youth Leadership Summit

住宿、餐飲資訊Accomodation & Catering

票價資訊 Price 報名與購票方法 Registration and Payment

會前住宿專案(推薦加購)Pre-Stay Plan(Recommanded Additional Purchase)會前旅行專案(推薦加購)Pre-Tour Plan (Recommanded Additional Purchase)

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Page 6: 2014 Global Youth Leadership Summit 全球青年領導力會前高峰會 宣傳刊物


異地演出,從夢想到實踐When dream become the truth!

一座美麗寶島,擁有追尋夢想的堅毅一個巡迴展覽,串聯整個台灣的感動一場舞台演出,相遇 50 個影響力青年從他們站在世界舞台發光的能量中, 重新燃起自己的夢想。足以撼動人生的展覽,一輩子看一次就夠了

A beautiful island with the perserverance to persue the dreamA roving exhibition conspire the touching moment of TaiwanA performance make the encounter with the youth.Feel the sprite they spread on the global stage and redefine your

參與世界,青年兌現World Participation, Youth Filfullment

多元互動形式、全新議題探討、國內外 15 位大師匯聚一首,邀你與來自 124 個國家世界青年並肩交流。

Variety of interaction form/ Whole new issue discussionGather the great(master) speaker around the world and invite you exchange your idea with youth from 124 countries.

台灣五十大青年影響力巡迴展Top 50 Taiwanese Youth

2014/05/03-2014/08/23(Mon.) 2014/8/14(Thur.)-2014/8/16(Sat.)

全球青年領導力會前高峰會Global Youth Leadership

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2014 AIESEC International Congress, Global Youth Leadership Summit

參與世界,青年兌現World Participation, Youth Filfullment

多元互動形式、全新議題探討、國內外 15 位大師匯聚一首,邀你與來自 124 個國家世界青年並肩交流。

Variety of interaction form/ Whole new issue discussionGather the great(master) speaker around the world and invite you exchange your idea with youth from 124 countries.

青年領導力,驚豔全世界Youth leadership spark the world

AIESEC 全球青年領袖世界大會是 AIESEC 組織每年最大也是最受期待及矚目的國際會議,它聚集了來自 113 個國家及地區的各分會和總會代表。在十天的會議當中,每一個各地區的傑出青年領袖分享個人經驗及成功案例,同時透過討論而擬定出組織接下來的發展和目標。

AIESEC International Congress is the biggest and most expected international conference in AIESEC, it gathers the committee leaders from 113 countries and regions. Every outstanding youth leader will share their personal exparience and successful case in 10 days' congress. They will also plan the following developement of organization through the discussion.

2014/8/14(Thur.)-2014/8/16(Sat.) 2014/08/16(Sat.)-2014/08/25(Mon,)

全球青年領導力會前高峰會Global Youth Leadership

2014 AIESEC 全球青年領袖世界大會2014 AIESEC International Congress

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探索世界壹貳肆,創造感動無限次Explore the world and create the touching moment

臺灣史上第一場 124 國文化饗宴,挑戰南臺灣的熱情世界風情、異國料理、多國民謠,滿足你對世界的渴望!與來自世界各地的愛心,一起展現社會責任邀請偏鄉孩童一同參與,影響力無限大!

The first cultural banquet with 124 countries in Taiwan!We will chanllenge the passion of southern Taiwan, world mien, exotic food and world ballad to fulfill your desire to know about the world!Show our solicitude with kid from remote village and expree our impact!

與世界一起抓住,台灣最真實的感動Capture the side of True Taiwan with the world

你多久沒有好好體驗臺灣的美?臺灣人,我們熱情好客、重視文化創新,對美食極致講究。手創、多元表演和創意小吃,不同的感官體驗就在這一夜!與來自 124 個國家的世界青年一同從「心」認識臺灣!

How long haven't you enjoy the beauty of Taiwan?Taiwanese are know for our hospitality, creative culture and the pursuation of food quality.You will have amazing sense adventure with hand-made workshop, cool performance and creative local food in one night!Find out the different side of Taiwan with the youth from 124 countries!

世界地球村博覽會Global Village

台灣之夜Taiwan Night

2014/8/16(Sat.) 2014/08/23(Mon.)

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2014 AIESEC International Congress, Global Youth Leadership Summit

與世界一起抓住,台灣最真實的感動Capture the side of True Taiwan with the world

你多久沒有好好體驗臺灣的美?臺灣人,我們熱情好客、重視文化創新,對美食極致講究。手創、多元表演和創意小吃,不同的感官體驗就在這一夜!與來自 124 個國家的世界青年一同從「心」認識臺灣!

How long haven't you enjoy the beauty of Taiwan?Taiwanese are know for our hospitality, creative culture and the pursuation of food quality.You will have amazing sense adventure with hand-made workshop, cool performance and creative local food in one night!Find out the different side of Taiwan with the youth from 124 countries!

原來台灣長這樣!This is how Taiwan looks like!

一次小旅行,一場大改變。臺灣到底有什麼好玩?150 位來自近 100 個國家的外國人,與你一來一往的分享不一樣的臺灣,成為你的臺灣導遊!跟著他們一起踩著夏天的節奏,恣意體會福爾摩沙。

A trip can be a change!What's fun in Taiwan?Share the different viewpoint of Taiwan with over 150 foreigners from 100 countries!Follow the rhythm of summer and travel with new friends!

台灣之夜Taiwan Night

外國人的臺式旅行分享會Foreigner's Sharing of tour in Taiwan

2014/08/23(Mon.) 2014/08/28(Sat.)

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AIESEC,中文全名為「國際經濟商管學生會」,是世界上最大的非營利性學生組織,組織願景是達成世界和平和開發人類潛能。根據願景,AIESEC 在社會中的定位是發掘年輕人的潛能及領導能力,並希望這些領導人才對社會帶來正面的影響,因此,AIESEC 提供學生們去感受社會脈動及世界未來趨勢的學習機會。

AIESEC (International Association of Students in Economics and Business Management) is the world’s largest student run(not--profit) organization. With the vision of Peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential, AIESEC aims to explore the potential and leadership skill in youth. And hope to bring the positive impact to the society. Thus AIESEC offer student an opportunity to feel the change of this world and to learn from the future trend.

「AIESEC 全球青年領袖世界大會」為 AIESEC 組織每年 400 多場國際會議中,最大規模也是最受矚目的世界會議,每次大會都將聚集來自 124 個國家的總會和分會代表。在十天的會議當中,各國的傑出青年領袖將分享個人經驗與各地的成功案例,同時透過討論而擬定出 AIESEC 接下來的發展和目標。

AIESEC International Congress is the biggest and most expected international conference; the youth leaders from 124 countries will gather together every year. Every outstanding youth leader will share their personal experience and successful case in 10 days' congress. They will also plan the following developement of organization through the discussion.


「2014 AIESEC 全球青年領袖世界大會」2014 AIESEC International Congress

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2014 AIESEC International Congress, Global Youth Leadership Summit

「AIESEC 全球青年領袖世界大會」為 AIESEC 組織每年 400 多場國際會議中,最大規模也是最受矚目的世界會議,每次大會都將聚集來自 124 個國家的總會和分會代表。在十天的會議當中,各國的傑出青年領袖將分享個人經驗與各地的成功案例,同時透過討論而擬定出 AIESEC 接下來的發展和目標。

AIESEC International Congress is the biggest and most expected international conference; the youth leaders from 124 countries will gather together every year. Every outstanding youth leader will share their personal experience and successful case in 10 days' congress. They will also plan the following developement of organization through the discussion.

在爭取「2014 AIESEC 全球青年領袖世界大會」主辦權的過程中,AIESEC in Taiwan 歷經兩年來的準備、一次的失敗和多數的不支持,依然秉持著台灣人不肯放棄的精神,繼續努力。就在 AIESEC in Taiwan 將邁入 50 週年的這一年,我們爭取到「2014 AIESEC全球青年領袖世界大會」的主辦權,這將會是AIESEC in Taiwan 最具紀念意義的里程碑,同時也是台灣第一次舉辦最具規模的世界級學生活動。我們籌備團隊想要辦出一場最令人感動(heart-touching)的世界大會,不只讓台灣走進世界,更讓世界走進台灣。這次「2014 AIESEC 全球青年領袖世界大會」的主題為「青年領導力,驚豔全世界」,將以 10 天正式會期以及大會系列活動喚起青年領導力培育的氛圍,同時透過「自我實踐」、「創新整合」和「社會責任」的三大元素,培養更多青年領袖。

AIESEC in Taiwan have fight for the right to host "2014 AIESEC International Congress", with Taiwanese's perseverance, for about two years. And we got the opportunity by the year that AIESEC in Taiwan's 50th anniversary, which made 2014 as the most memorable year for AIESEC in Taiwan. This congress will be the first time for Taiwan to hold a world student event.This time, we want to held a heart-touching international congress that can make Taiwan be seen by the world.The theme of "2014 AIESEC International Congress" is "Youth leadership spark the world". We want to draw youth’s attention to make the impact together. Also, cultivate more youth leader with the issue of "self-fulfillment" , "Innovation & Intergration" and "Social responsibility".

「2014 AIESEC 全球青年領袖世界大會」2014 AIESEC International Congress

「2014 AIESEC 全球青年領袖世界大會」在台灣2014 AIESEC International Congress in Taiwan

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「全球青年領導力會前高峰會 」配合這次由台灣所承辦的「2014 AIESEC 全球青年領袖世界大會」,將舉辦台灣近年來最大型的國際青年高峰會,內容將結合台灣最具代表性由「青年發起,青年主辦 」 的「第七屆 AIESEC 青年影響力論壇」,展開來自 124 國的 1000 位青年領袖之間的對話交流,並且加入多元形式與議題的互動,讓世界領袖的寶貴經驗能在高峰會上與全球共享,並推動台灣下一波的前進動力。

Global Youth Leadership Summit owns partnership 2014 AIESEC International Congress, this is the biggest global youth summit in Taiwan for the past few years. The summit will combine the representitive event, The 7th AIESEC Youth Imapct Forum, which is "For youth, By youth". The event will give youth from 124 countries the chance to exchange the ideas. It will held in varieties forms and issues. We hope to share the world-leading idea with whole world.

時間 : 2014 年 8 月 14 日 ( 四 )-8 月 16 日 ( 六 )地點 : 高雄世界貿易展覽中心參與對象 : •來自 124 個國家的國際青年•AIESEC 台灣會員•台灣來自 128 所大專院校青年

Time: 2014/08/14(Thur.)-08/16(Sat.)Location: Kaoshiung Exhibition CenterParticipant: •International Youth from 124 countries •AIESEC Tawian member•Youth in Taiwan from 128 university

資訊 Information

緣起 Origin

全球青年領導力會前高峰會Global Youth Leadership Summit

Page 13: 2014 Global Youth Leadership Summit 全球青年領導力會前高峰會 宣傳刊物

2014 AIESEC International Congress, Global Youth Leadership Summit

「全球青年領導力會前高峰會 」配合這次由台灣所承辦的「2014 AIESEC 全球青年領袖世界大會」,將舉辦台灣近年來最大型的國際青年高峰會,內容將結合台灣最具代表性由「青年發起,青年主辦 」 的「第七屆 AIESEC 青年影響力論壇」,展開來自 124 國的 1000 位青年領袖之間的對話交流,並且加入多元形式與議題的互動,讓世界領袖的寶貴經驗能在高峰會上與全球共享,並推動台灣下一波的前進動力。

Global Youth Leadership Summit owns partnership 2014 AIESEC International Congress, this is the biggest global youth summit in Taiwan for the past few years. The summit will combine the representitive event, The 7th AIESEC Youth Imapct Forum, which is "For youth, By youth". The event will give youth from 124 countries the chance to exchange the ideas. It will held in varieties forms and issues. We hope to share the world-leading idea with whole world.


We expect the global youth to explore the changing of the world and seize the chance to stand on the world stage.Be a part to share the global youth impact and exchange the future vision by embracing the uncertainly.

緣起 Origin

主題 Theme

參與世界,青年兌現World Participation, Youth Filfullment

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議程Agenda 詳細講師陣容以及課程內容請於官網查詢





行前旅遊 行前住宿(需額外付費)Pre-tour / Pre-stay(Extra Charge)

專題演講 +開放式創新學院Theme Speech+Open Business & Startup School

全球青年狂歡之夜MCP Party

第七屆 AIESEC 青年影響力論壇The 7th AIESEC Youth Impact Forum

專題演講 +公益創新工作坊Theme Speech+Social Innovation workshop

世界地球村博覽會Global Village

三大議題Three of Issue

面臨全球化的市場擴張、產業的快速變動、知識經濟的時代來臨,此世代的青年人應具備前瞻的視野,以創新整合的概念為社會和企業資源進行最大效益的運用。 Facing globalization, the market expansion, fast-changing of industry and the generation of Knowledge Economy. The youth nowadays need to think forward, and use the idea of innovative integration to cooperate with the society and the industry.

青年擁有足夠的自我認知,將會透過認知過程體現自我價值,進而拼湊對於世界的想像,成為改變世界的力量。 With enough self-recognition, Youth will find out their self-value through the recorgnition process. They also put the imagination of this world together to become the power to change the world.

創新整合Innovation & Integration

自我實踐Self Fulfillment

青年力量是促使世界前進的一大動力 The power of youth force the world to move forward.

創新創業,整合資源Innovation entrepreneurship and integate the resource

Page 15: 2014 Global Youth Leadership Summit 全球青年領導力會前高峰會 宣傳刊物

2014 AIESEC International Congress, Global Youth Leadership Summit

面臨全球化的市場擴張、產業的快速變動、知識經濟的時代來臨,此世代的青年人應具備前瞻的視野,以創新整合的概念為社會和企業資源進行最大效益的運用。 Facing globalization, the market expansion, fast-changing of industry and the generation of Knowledge Economy. The youth nowadays need to think forward, and use the idea of innovative integration to cooperate with the society and the industry.


Spreading the idea of social welfare & citizenship education, and realize self-achievement by giving back to the society. Furthermore, create the social environment of sustainable development and good circulation.

社會責任Social Resposibility

創新整合Innovation & Integration

創新創業,整合資源Innovation entrepreneurship and integate the resource

履行社會責任,實踐社會價值 Implement the social responsibility and realize the social value

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第七屆 AIESEC 青年影響力論壇The 7th AIESEC Youth Impact Forum

開幕致詞主題講座: 自我實踐 x 創新整合 x 社會責任

專題論壇一 : - 自我實踐 - 世代青年的未來想像, 改變世界的力量


專題論壇二: - 創新整合 - 知識經濟時代的核心能量, 附加價值的掌握與應用

專題論壇三:- 社會責任 - 全球青年的公共參與, 捍衛的世代價值與思想








Opening CeremonyKeynote Speech: Self-Filfulment x Innovation & Intergration x Social Responsibilty

Panel Discussion (1)Issue: Self fulfillment: Imagination of youth, the power to change the world

Lunch Time

Panel Discussion (2)Issue: Innovation & Integration The core energy of knowledge-based economy, the application of value added businessPanel Discussion (3)Issue: Social ResponsibilityPublic participation of global youth, a defense and the critical thinking of the generational valuesClosing SpeechClosig


議程介紹Introduction of Key Session

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2014 AIESEC International Congress, Global Youth Leadership Summit

活動日期 / 時間 2014 年 8 月 14 日 8:30-17:30 (四)


活動與會人 :•1000 名來自 124 國家及地區青年 •15 位國內外大師

活動簡介 :「AIESEC 青年影響力論壇」秉持著「青年發起,青年參與」,進而為社會帶來正面影響力」的精神。目前已經累積了六屆的成功經驗,身為台灣最大型的青年主辦公開論壇,「AIESEC 青年影響力論壇」期許能建築社會、企業與青年的交流平台,讓青年能夠站在巨人的肩膀上,儲備世界級領袖思維。

活動內容 : 透過 15 位國內外大師匯聚一堂,與 1000 名青年現場對談,共享新時代知識、探討當代議題以及展現領袖格局,讓台上典範與台下青年形成世代的對話與未來探討。


Date/Time/Location2014/08/14 08:30 a.m.-17:30 p.m. (Thurs.)Kaoshiung Exhibition Center

Participants• Over 1000 youth from 124 countries and different region• 15 International Speakers from Asia

Brief Introduction AIESEC Youth Impact Forum remains the sprite of "For Youth, By Youth" and encourage ourselves to bring the positive impact to the society. This forum has accumulate the experience from the past 2 years. As the biggest forum in Taiwan held by the youth, AIESEC Youth Impact Forum has the vision to built a platform to gather society,industry and the youth. Let the youth have the oppertunity to learn from the precursors and be ready for the next gerneration!

Event Content Over 1000 youth get chance to discuss the issue with 15 international speakers from diffferent industry professionals. The core value of this forum is to share the new generation's knowledge, discuss the issue in nowadays and show the pattern of a leader. Let the platform become a stage where youth can learn and got inspiration from precursors.

Gather with youth for the leading generation

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議程開場專題演說 1專題演說 2說明工作坊進行規則三大企業個案簡介:午餐時間個別企業個案進行解說與分析

組別討論巡覽工作坊評選 & 簡報 & 結束

ContentOpenning Ceremony Keynote Speech 1 Keynote Speech 2 Introduction of rules Introduction of Case Studies Lunch Time Description & Analysis for each of Case Panel DiscussionExhibition Presentation & Closing

時間 time0900-09150915-09300930-09450945-10001000-11001100-12001200-1300



開放式創新學院Open Business & Startup School

活動日期 / 時間 2014 年 8 月 15 日 9:00-17:30 (星期五)

活動地點 高雄世界貿易展覽中心

活動與會人 • 1000 名來自 124 國家及地區之青年 • 3 家知名企業代表

活動簡介 「開放式創新學院」創造一個以個案分析與解決為形式的平台,提供一個企業與青年互動的空間。

活動內容 由三大知名企業提供目前棘手的經營問題,讓來自各國的青年自組跨國團隊,運用平日所學理論,互相交流創新的點子,並整合身邊資源,在跨國合作經驗中,充分發揮青年的創新突破的能力,同時回饋給企業一個符合未來發展的趨勢參考。

Date/Time2014/08/15 9:00 a.m. -17:30 p.m. (Fri.)" LocationKaoshiung Exhibition Center Participants• Over 1000 youth from 124 countries and different region

• 3 representative industry Brief IntroductionOpen Business&Startup School」 aim to create a platform to make participants have a chance to put case analyze into practise. And offer an opportunity for youth and industry to share the ideas. Event ContentOrganize a cross-country team with global youth and discuss the case in industry; with the theory in class and exchanging the innovative idea together.By cooperation with international corporation, Youth express the creative ability and feedback to industry for future development.


Innovative entrepreneurship lead by youth

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2014 AIESEC International Congress, Global Youth Leadership Summit


Date/Time2014/08/15 9:00 a.m. -17:30 p.m. (Fri.)" LocationKaoshiung Exhibition Center Participants• Over 1000 youth from 124 countries and different region

• 3 representative industry Brief IntroductionOpen Business&Startup School」 aim to create a platform to make participants have a chance to put case analyze into practise. And offer an opportunity for youth and industry to share the ideas. Event ContentOrganize a cross-country team with global youth and discuss the case in industry; with the theory in class and exchanging the innovative idea together.By cooperation with international corporation, Youth express the creative ability and feedback to industry for future development.


公益創新工作坊Social Innovation Workshop

活動日期 / 時間 2014 年 8 月 16 日 9:00-13:00 (星期六)

活動地點 高雄世界貿易展覽中心

活動與會人 1000 名來自 124 國家及地區之青年


活動內容 此活動由王文華老師親自指導,王文華老師兼具大公司(Disney、MTV)及創業經驗(若水、夢想學校),知悉如何將世界一流企業以及業界的know-how,化為實用於街頭的技巧。 活動中將藉由案例中的新聞、圖片或 video,傳達全球最新的觀念和做法,反映出最新的市場狀態和各國產業趨勢,讓青年能立即運用在快速變動的社會中。

Date/Time 2014/08/16 9:00 a.m.-13:00 p.m. (Sunday) Location Kaoshiung Exhibition Center Participants Over 1000 youth from 124 countries and different region Brief IntroductionWe want the young generation learn the connection between youth and social responsibility via the link of social innovation. And give a new way to deliver the idea of social responsibility and social by conducting a creative and multi-interact workshop. Event IntroductionCoach by Professor Tom Wang With the experience of work in company like Disney/MTV and entrepreneurship of Dream school-Tom Wang, know how to put the best world industry and the know-how in company into the practical skill that we can use in daily life.At the event will be convey the world leading ideas by sharing the News, pictures or video in the case and reflect the latest situation in market that make the student pick up the skills quickly.

時間 time0830-08450845-09000900-09150915-09300930-1230


Content Opening Ceremony Keynote Speech 1 Keynote Speech 2 Break TIme Social Innovation Workshop


Innovative entrepreneurship lead by youth

To shoulder the social responsibility with youth

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活動日期 / 時間 2014 年 8 月 16 日 15:00~19:00 (星期六)

活動地點 高雄駁二藝術特區

活動與會人: • 700 名來自 124 國家及地區青年領袖 • 10000 名台灣青年 / 台灣民眾 • 100 合作夥伴 / 表演團體 / 貴賓代表

活動124 個國家風土民情一次體驗翻轉世界地圖,共譜異國色彩

活動內容 1. 義賣:集結公眾人物的力量,現場公開

2. 攤位:來自 124 個國家攤位擺設,

3. 展覽:靜態展示來自全世界各角落的


一次讓你體驗最齊全豐富的異國色彩! 志工經驗,一覽最貼近的當地故事!

Date / Time / Location 2014/08/16 15:00 p.m.-19:00 p.m. (Sat.)The Pier-2 Art Center in Kaohsiung

Participants•Over 700 Youth Leaders from 124 Countries and Regions •Over 10,000 Youth and Citizens from Taiwan•Over 100 Sponsership / Partnership / Groups of art performance / V.I.Ps

Brief Introduction Experience cultures from 124 Coutries "All in Once"! Filp the World Map and Compose the exotic song together!

Event Content THREE Event Forms 1. Charity Bazaar: Gather everyone's power and sale the unique product in public!2. Vendor booth: Experience booth from 124 countries all in once!3. Exhibition: Find out the volunteering story in different countries with us!

特別節目介紹Introduction of Special Activity

「世界地球村博覽會」Global Village

Embrace the diverse culture with youth

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2014 AIESEC International Congress, Global Youth Leadership Summit

活動日期 / 時間 2014 年 8 月 15 日 22:00~02:00

活動地點 義大世界天悅飯店

活動 前所未有多國瘋狂派對體驗! 與來自 124 個國家的 AIESEC 最高青年領袖徹夜狂歡!

活動內容 1. 全場免費供應無限暢飲的酒精飲料 2. 共計 1000 全球青年瘋狂共歡整個夜晚!

Date / Time 2014/08/15(Fri.) 22:00 p.mm~02:00 a.m.

LocationEDA Skylark Hotel

Brief IntroductionWorking at Day, Party at Night!

Event Content1. Serve with Alcoholic drinks for free at all night! 2. Enjoy the Crazy Night with over 1,000 young people!

夜晚加場 : 全球青年星光之夜Party at Night: MCP Party

(僅開放國外住宿專案參與)(Only avaliable for International Delegate

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住宿日期 / 日期2014 年 8 月 14 日 -16 日(星期四 - 六)

住宿規格床型 A. 大床 x 1 + 小床 x 2 B. 大床 × 2 坪數約 16 坪

客房設備 1. 寬頻網路服務 2. 多頻道液晶電視 3. 乾濕分離衛浴 4. 可調式空調系統 5. 可替換盥洗用具、舒適拖鞋 6. 高級冰箱、熱水壺、專屬保險箱

網站參考Website Reference http://www.edaskylark.com.tw/

Date / Time 2014/08/14(Thurs.)-08/16(Sat.)

Room Standard Bed SizeA.Double bed x1+ Single bed x2 B.Double bed x 2

Plain Around 16 plain Equipment1. Free broadband internet service 2. TV 3. Separate Washroom and Bathroom 4. Air conditioner 5. Free Toiletry / Slippers 6. Refrigerator / Electric Boiler/Safe deposit box

住宿定價 NTD13,000 +10%Price NTD13,000 +10%

住宿、餐飲資訊Accomodation & Catering

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2014 AIESEC International Congress, Global Youth Leadership Summit


Taiwan Food

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國內方案Taiwanese Plan

只開放國內人士(需持有中華民國身份證)Only avaliable for Taiwanse delegate

一般票NTD 3,000(現省 200 元)Normal Ticket NTD3200NTD 3,000(Save up to NTD 200!)

雙人團體票NTD 2,900(現省 300 元)Group ticket (for TWO person)NTD 2,900(Save up to NTD 300!)

《30 雜誌》購票優惠 + 訂閱雜誌 不開放國外人士購買 Do not Open to International delegate

訂閱 <30> 雜誌一年 12 期 / 原價 NTD 2,300 + < 全球青年領導力會前高峰會 >入場票卷一張 / 原價 NTD 3,200 = 優惠價 NTD 4,000 / 原價 NTD5,500(現省 1500 元)

Yearly subscription of <30 Monthly >Magazine consists of 12 regular issues /Original Price NTD 2,300+」Global Youth Leadership Summit」Ticket Pass x1/Original Price NTD 3,200 =Discount Price NTD 4,000 / Original Price NTD5,500」Save up to NTD 1,500!)



Original Price NTD3200



3.4. 提供午餐一份(活動三天皆提供)

Service with lunch per day for free

免費接駁服務shuttle bus service is provided ( 活動會議場地 -『世界地球村』活動地點)(summit venue to Global Village venue)

提供住宿 / 交通 / 餐飲資訊Accommodation / Transportation / Catering information is provided.

附贈高峰會精美手冊一本 PREMIUM Gift: Summit Booklet x 1

包含Service Included in price

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2014 AIESEC International Congress, Global Youth Leadership Summit

包含Service Included in price

國外方案International Plan

只開放國外人士 Only avaliable for International delegate

一般票NTD 6,400( 現省 200 元) Normal TicketNTD 6,400 (save uo tp NTD 200!)

雙人團體票NTD 6,300 ( 現省 300)Group ticket (for TWO persons)NTD 6,300 save up to NTD 300!

提供義大天悅飯店 3 天 2 夜住宿 ( 原價 :NTD13,000+10%/ 四人房 ) Offer Accommodation at EDA Skylark Hotel 3 days 2 nights (Original Room Rate: NTD13,000+10%/Quad Room )

活動期間皆提供早 / 午 / 晚餐 Serve with 3 meals per day for Free

贈附高峰會精美手冊一本 PREMIUM Gift: Summit Booklet x 1

活動期間提供免費接駁服務 shuttle bus service is provided 1. 活動會議場地 -『世界地球村』活動地點 summit venue:Global Village venue 2. 活動會議場地 - 住宿地點 summit venue to EDA Skylark Hotel

限量 MCP Night Party 入場卷一張 Limited Free Pass for MCP Party 1. 與來自124 個國家的 AIESEC 最高青年領袖一同狂歡 Party with youth leaders from 124 countries 2. 現場免費提供酒精飲料 Serve with Alcoholic drinks for free at all night!


Original Price NTD 6,600






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International Delegate

Please follow the applying flow:


若您是國外人士 , 報名流程如下:

Step 1: 請先行查閱《VISA Guideline Cook》 Please read the "VISA Guidebook" in detail

Step 2: 確認簽證申請程序後,請前往 " 城市通 " 訂購活動票券 Verify your VISA appling process and order your ticket on Citytalk website

Step 3: 以信用卡繳費 ( 完成後即可前往 " 城市通 " 下載電子票券 ) Pay your bill with your Credit card(Download your E-ticket on Citytalk

報名與購票方法Registration and Payment

Step 1: 請前往 " 城市通 " 訂購活動票券Please order the ticket from Citytalk's website

Step 2: 請於兩天內完成繳費手續 ( 含購票當日 ) Please pay your bill in TWO days(including the day you bought the ticket) There is THREE ways to Pay: 1. Conveninent Store:(Family Mart/7-11/Hi-Life/OK) 2. ATM Transection 3. Credit Card

Step 3: 繳費完成後即可前往 " 城市通 " 下載電子票券Download your E-ticket on Citytalk website after you pay the bill

Taiwanese Delegate

Please follow the applying flow:



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2014 AIESEC International Congress, Global Youth Leadership Summit

Step 4: 完成訂購流程後,請務必前往填寫 " 城市通 " 報名表 Please fill the Apllication on Citytalks's website correctly after your order

Step 5:7 日內將收到簽證相關郵件,請依據郵件內容進行簽證申請程序You will receive a mail related to VISA applying in7 days and please follow the guidance.

Step 6: 正式完成報名程序 Apply Succeed!

Step 4: 完成訂購流程後,請務必前往填寫 " 城市通 "報名表Please fill the Application on Citytalks's website

Step 5: 正式完成報名程序 Apply Succeed!

Page 28: 2014 Global Youth Leadership Summit 全球青年領導力會前高峰會 宣傳刊物


簽證注意事項 Notification

• Global Youth Leadership Summit available for VISA applying as below:a. VISA Waiver Programb. Conference VISA/Others VISA: ”Global Youth Leadership Summit” will sent every delegate an Official Invitation in name of summit. Please bring the Official Invitation with you to apply your Conference VISA (in Overseas Embassy).c. Hong-Kong/Macao VISAd. China VISA:Please make sure you hold Taiwan Compatriot Entry Permit with China VISA. (This VISA will takes more time to apply, please apply sooner to keep your rights.)• Please confirm the deadline of each kind of VISA a. Conference VISA’s service duration: 2014/04/21-2014/07/15b. China / Hong Kong / Macao VISA’s service duration: 2014/06/01-2014/07/15• The Host will contact and deliver the important message to you with Email. Please check your mailbox to keep your rights.• Contact :Feel Free to ask/Email our staff for VISA service

•「全球青年領導力會前高峰會」只開放以下簽證類型:a. 免簽b. 會議簽 / 其他簽證:「全球青年領導力會前高峰會」將以大會名義寄送每位與會者一份正式活動邀請函,請屬於「會議簽類別」國家與會者,務必攜帶「活動邀請函」至駐外使館辦理簽證手續。若有任何疑問,請與高峰會客服人員聯繫。c. 香港與澳門簽證d. 中國大陸簽證:請務必確保持有「大陸居民往來台灣通行證」(該證辦理時間需要至少一個月以上,勸促盡快進行相關辦理,以免權益受損),並請自行準備簽證代辦費用新台幣六百元前往活動會場,大會專員將會在現場向您收取。*請欲申請特定國家簽證的與會者直接與高峰會簽證處理客服人員聯繫。 • 請注意各類別簽證申請期限:a. 會議簽證類別的國家簽證服務期間:2014/04/21~2014/07/15b. 中國、香港、澳門簽證服務期間:2014/06/01~2014/07/15• 主辦單位將會透過「電子郵件」與您進行聯繫,以傳遞簽證申請重要訊息,請定時前往電子信箱查詢確認,以避免權益受損。• 聯繫方式:如有問題,歡迎洽詢 「全球青年領導力會前高峰會」 簽證處理 客服人員

簽證申辦事項說明Introduction for VISA apply

1. 請務必先行查閱 " 簽證指導手冊 ",確保所屬於的簽證種類與申辦程序Please read the Guidebook in detail and make sure the type of your VISA and applying process.

簽證手冊連結 :VISA Guideline Book link: http://issuu.com/ictwgyls/docs/visa_guideline_book

2. 進入簽證過程(注意:不同的簽證類別,將依循個別的簽證申辦流程進行申請程序)Applying VISA(Notification: Please apply different process with your VISA type." https://drive.google.com/?tab=mo&authuser=0#folders/0ByMcAwZBwfZxUVJrb3RnaXFQNzQ

3. 完成簽證申請程序,請務必將相關證明文件上載至指定地址Please Upload relative certification to assigned address. (Press the link to "VISA application form" to Apply

Page 29: 2014 Global Youth Leadership Summit 全球青年領導力會前高峰會 宣傳刊物

2014 AIESEC International Congress, Global Youth Leadership Summit

• Global Youth Leadership Summit available for VISA applying as below:a. VISA Waiver Programb. Conference VISA/Others VISA: ”Global Youth Leadership Summit” will sent every delegate an Official Invitation in name of summit. Please bring the Official Invitation with you to apply your Conference VISA (in Overseas Embassy).c. Hong-Kong/Macao VISAd. China VISA:Please make sure you hold Taiwan Compatriot Entry Permit with China VISA. (This VISA will takes more time to apply, please apply sooner to keep your rights.)• Please confirm the deadline of each kind of VISA a. Conference VISA’s service duration: 2014/04/21-2014/07/15b. China / Hong Kong / Macao VISA’s service duration: 2014/06/01-2014/07/15• The Host will contact and deliver the important message to you with Email. Please check your mailbox to keep your rights.• Contact :Feel Free to ask/Email our staff for VISA service

•「全球青年領導力會前高峰會」只開放以下簽證類型:a. 免簽b. 會議簽 / 其他簽證:「全球青年領導力會前高峰會」將以大會名義寄送每位與會者一份正式活動邀請函,請屬於「會議簽類別」國家與會者,務必攜帶「活動邀請函」至駐外使館辦理簽證手續。若有任何疑問,請與高峰會客服人員聯繫。c. 香港與澳門簽證d. 中國大陸簽證:請務必確保持有「大陸居民往來台灣通行證」(該證辦理時間需要至少一個月以上,勸促盡快進行相關辦理,以免權益受損),並請自行準備簽證代辦費用新台幣六百元前往活動會場,大會專員將會在現場向您收取。*請欲申請特定國家簽證的與會者直接與高峰會簽證處理客服人員聯繫。 • 請注意各類別簽證申請期限:a. 會議簽證類別的國家簽證服務期間:2014/04/21~2014/07/15b. 中國、香港、澳門簽證服務期間:2014/06/01~2014/07/15• 主辦單位將會透過「電子郵件」與您進行聯繫,以傳遞簽證申請重要訊息,請定時前往電子信箱查詢確認,以避免權益受損。• 聯繫方式:如有問題,歡迎洽詢 「全球青年領導力會前高峰會」 簽證處理 客服人員

聯繫我們 Contact us

如有問題 , 歡迎洽詢 If got any concern about VISA Application, please contact our customer service directly

王芃 Lucas Wang Email:[email protected] Mobile:886+975031709 Skype ID:lucaswang9

Page 30: 2014 Global Youth Leadership Summit 全球青年領導力會前高峰會 宣傳刊物

住宿時間 / 住宿地點2014 年 8 月 13 日(星期三)康橋商旅 ( 七賢店 )-Kindness Hotel高雄市新興區同愛街 30 號 網站參考http://qixian.kindness-hotel.com.tw/index.php

住房規格 / 住宿定價四人房型 ( 依屆時分配為準 ) NTD 888/ 人 ( 含早餐、消夜 ) 開放對象 / 開放名額" 全球青年領導力會前高峰會 " 所有高峰會與會者 100 名 ( 額滿為止 ) 報名截止日期:2014 年 7 月 15 日(星期二) 相關服務提供1. 國內與會者 : 2014/08/13 機場接機服務


Recommended Additional Purchase

Date / Hotel Location2014/08/13(Wed.) Kindness HotelWebsite Referencehttp://qixian.kindness-hotel.com.tw/index.php

Room Standard / Price4 person per Room NTD 888/ per Person(Includes Breakfast and Supper) Object / QuotaAll the Delegate in Global Youth Leadership Summit 100 person Only

Applying Deadline 2014/07/15(Tue.)

Other Service 2014/08/13 Pick up Service at the airport

Page 31: 2014 Global Youth Leadership Summit 全球青年領導力會前高峰會 宣傳刊物

2014 AIESEC International Congress, Global Youth Leadership Summit


1. 若您有此住 " 會前宿專案 " 加購的需求,請務必於 " 高峰會報名表 " 當中勾選" 願意接收到住宿加購相關資訊 " 選項,以確保相關資訊以及報名方法的告知。

2. 此 " 會前住宿專案加購 " 只限定開放於 "全球青年領導力會前高峰會 " 與會者進行報名。

3. 若同時加購”會前旅遊專案“,主辦單位將於 2014/8/13 旅程結束返回康橋商旅後,將有專人協助進行住宿 check in。 4. 住宿房型皆為四人房,由工作人員進行分配。由於飯店房間有限,若有其他需求,請告知工作人員進行協調處理。


1. If you want to make the extra order of pre-stay program, please answer "yes" in the last question on the registeration form to ensure that you get the relative information.

2. This plan ONLY avaliable for delegate of Global Youth Leadership Summit.

3. We offer the Check in service after the event on 2014/08/13(Wed.) if you buy this program.

4. The room standard is for Four person and will be assigned by the staff. Feel Free to ask the staff if you need anything!

Page 32: 2014 Global Youth Leadership Summit 全球青年領導力會前高峰會 宣傳刊物

體驗台灣傳統之美,首選台南欣賞古樸農村注入文化創意後的童趣可愛踏足四百年的歷史足跡,了解安平獨有的劍獅文化品嘗道地台南小吃,滿足您的美食追求Tainan has always been the first choice for traveling when it comes to experiencing Taiwan’s traditional beauty. During the trip, You will find out the delightful characteristic and purity in Taiwanese through creative culture. Span your footprint in 400-year history with local culture of Anping's Sword Lions and satisfy your taste with local snack in Tainan.


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Page 33: 2014 Global Youth Leadership Summit 全球青年領導力會前高峰會 宣傳刊物

2014 AIESEC International Congress, Global Youth Leadership Summit

體驗台灣傳統之美,首選台南欣賞古樸農村注入文化創意後的童趣可愛踏足四百年的歷史足跡,了解安平獨有的劍獅文化品嘗道地台南小吃,滿足您的美食追求Tainan has always been the first choice for traveling when it comes to experiencing Taiwan’s traditional beauty. During the trip, You will find out the delightful characteristic and purity in Taiwanese through creative culture. Span your footprint in 400-year history with local culture of Anping's Sword Lions and satisfy your taste with local snack in Tainan.

收費 Fee即將公佈於官方網站,敬請留意!Keep update on Official Website soon! 開放對象 / 開放名額 Objective " 全球青年領導力會前高峰會 "所有高峰會與會者All the Delegates in Global Youth Leadership Summit 60 名 ( 額滿為止 ) 60 person Only

報名截止 Deadline of applying2014/07/15(Tue.)

相關服務提供 Other Service1. 各景點免費交通接駁服務FREE Shuttle bus service is provided.

2. 專人進行景點導覽解說Personal Tour Guide is provided.

旅程相見歡 (



Meet up! (K

indness H

otel -Qixian b


→板陶窯 B

antaoyao(Crafts S

tudio of Jiao-Zhi Pottery and



→午餐: 板陶新館

剪黏主題餐廳 Lunch

→井仔腳鹽田 Jingzaijiao Tile-paved

Salt Field


→安平古堡(安平樹屋、安平老街) Fort Zeelandia (A

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→花園夜市 Tainan Flow

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→返回康橋 R

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會前旅遊專案Pre-stay Plan

推薦加購Recommended Additional Purchase

Page 34: 2014 Global Youth Leadership Summit 全球青年領導力會前高峰會 宣傳刊物

走訪高雄,現代科技與豐富的傳統文化巧妙的交融於這座擁有美麗港灣的海洋之都欣賞佛教的雕像藝術之餘,還能藉由 DIY 深刻體驗客家文化。漫步午後的西子灣,享受海灣與夕陽交織出的浪漫風情。體驗熱鬧的夜市文化及台灣道地美味。

As the ocean capital of Taiwan, Kaohsiung is not only blessed with a beautiful portbut also a modern city combined with traditional culture. The interesting combination of the city will lead you to know about the Buddhism and the delicate carving art at the same time. Be an Hakka for one day and experience the Hakka culture through DIY workshop. Enjoy the sunset at the Shi-Hzuwan, and experience the lively night market culture with delicious Taiwan food.





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Page 35: 2014 Global Youth Leadership Summit 全球青年領導力會前高峰會 宣傳刊物

2014 AIESEC International Congress, Global Youth Leadership Summit

走訪高雄,現代科技與豐富的傳統文化巧妙的交融於這座擁有美麗港灣的海洋之都欣賞佛教的雕像藝術之餘,還能藉由 DIY 深刻體驗客家文化。漫步午後的西子灣,享受海灣與夕陽交織出的浪漫風情。體驗熱鬧的夜市文化及台灣道地美味。

As the ocean capital of Taiwan, Kaohsiung is not only blessed with a beautiful portbut also a modern city combined with traditional culture. The interesting combination of the city will lead you to know about the Buddhism and the delicate carving art at the same time. Be an Hakka for one day and experience the Hakka culture through DIY workshop. Enjoy the sunset at the Shi-Hzuwan, and experience the lively night market culture with delicious Taiwan food.

收費 Fee即將公佈於官方網站,敬請留意!Keep update on Official Website soon! 開放對象 / 開放名額 Objective " 全球青年領導力會前高峰會 " 所有高峰會與會者All the Delegates in Global Youth Leadership Summit 60 名 ( 額滿為止 ) 60 person Only

報名截止 Deadline 2014/07/15(Tue.)

相關服務提供 Other Service1. 各景點免費交通接駁服務1. Offer FREE Shuttle bus service to ach scenic spot.2. 專人進行景點導覽解說2. Personal Tour Guide is also provided!

旅程相見歡 (




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→佛陀文物館 F

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→午餐 (

圓樓) L







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→瑞豐夜市 K








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會前旅遊專案Pre-stay Plan

推薦加購Recommended Additional Purchase

Page 36: 2014 Global Youth Leadership Summit 全球青年領導力會前高峰會 宣傳刊物

注意事項1. 若您有此 " 會前旅遊專案 " 加購的需求,請務必於 " 高峰會報名表 " 當中勾選 " 願意接收到 " 會前旅遊專案 " 加購相關資訊" 選項,以確保相關資訊以及報名方法的告知。

2. 此 " 會前旅遊專案加購 " 只限定開放於【全球青年領導力會前高峰會】與會者進行報名。

3. 若同時加購 " 會前住宿專案 ",主辦單位將於 2014/8/13 旅程結束返回 " 康橋商旅 " 後,將有專人協助進行 " 住宿 check in"。

4. 活動期間如遇天災,基於安全考量,主辦單位將保留行程變動之權利。

5. 集合時間為 2014/08/13 早上時段,故建議 " 國際與會者 " 需提前一天抵台,因此欲加購此專案者請先行確認您的抵台時間是否能配合,再進行購買動作。

Notification1. If you want to make the extra purchase of pre-stay plan, please answer "yes" in the last question on the registeration form to ensure that you get the relative information.

2. This program is ONLY available for delegate of Global Youth Leadership Summit to apply.

3. We provide the Check in service after the tour on 2014/08/13(Wed.), if you are the delegate who bought pre-stay progrm at the same time.

4. Remain the rights to change the event content for Safety consideration.

5. Please confirm your arrive date could match with the Trip date before your purchasing.

會前旅遊專案Pre-stay Plan

Page 37: 2014 Global Youth Leadership Summit 全球青年領導力會前高峰會 宣傳刊物

2014 AIESEC International Congress, Global Youth Leadership Summit

「2014 AIESEC 全球青年領袖世界大會」官方網站"2014 AIESEC International Congress" Official Website http://ic2014taiwan.org.tw/zh

2014 AIESEC 全球青年領袖世界大會」官方粉絲頁"2014 AIESEC International Congress" Official Website Fanpagehttps://www.facebook.com/ic2014taiwan

「AIESEC 青年影響力論壇」官方網站"AIESEC Youth Impact Forum" Official Websitehttp://youthimpact.aiesec.org.tw/

「AIESEC 青年影響力論壇」 官方粉絲頁"AIESEC Youth Impact Forum" Fanpagehttps://www.facebook.com/AIESECYIF

若有任何疑慮,請直接與主辦單位進行聯繫洽詢。 For futher inquiry,please feel free to contact us directly.

客服信箱 Service [email protected]@gmail.com1.Name2.Mobile Number3.Skype ID

沈美惠 June Sim+886 979277147Skype: junesim275

連苑如 Leslie Lian+886 958092757Skype: yuanru.lian

王芃 Lucas Wang+886 975031709Skype: lucaswang9

籌備主席 Organizing Committee President

客服人員 Customer Service

聯絡我們Contact us

更多相關資訊More Information

Page 38: 2014 Global Youth Leadership Summit 全球青年領導力會前高峰會 宣傳刊物

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Pre Congress of 2014 AIESEC

International Congress in TAIWAN

Global Youth Leadership Summit全球青年領導力會前高峰會