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  • 8/3/2019 acc NCM100


    D ione B las Rey R. Abogad ie MAN, RNClinical InstructorClinical Instructor

    History ofHistory of Nursing

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    Since the beginnings of time, nursing has

    been shaped by different cultures and

    societies and by the changes within

    those societies.

    The word nursing derives its meaning

    from the Latin word nutricius whichmeans nourishing.

    Therefore, in the ancient world nursing

    was viewed as a role of caring for the

    family and not a profession.

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    In the world history of nursing,

    roots can be traced toreligion, mythology,and Eastern and Western societies.

    The ancient Egyptians utilized

    perhaps the first formal nurses,hiring them to assist in childbirth.

    It is from these beginnings thattodays midwives evolved.

    Among the Greeks and Romans, itwas believed that gods andgoddesses influenced healing.

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    There was a deity for almost everyhuman biological function.

    The women of the familyofAsklepios were mythologicalnurses.

    The worlds history of nursing

    records Hygeia as being the goddessof health.

    In the Roman Empire, Romannoblewomen cared for the sick.

    However, in some cultures the care ofthe sick was not a revered enterpriseand was a task of prostitutes.

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    During the middle ages, the focus

    of the world history of nursingchanged and became centralized

    around religious orders.

    Care of the sick was seen as a

    function of the church.

    Nursing care was provided by both

    men and women and was

    segregated by sex with persons

    caring for others of the same


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    War has had the greatest influence

    upon the world history of nursing, forhistorically it has been through war

    that the demand for nurses has been

    the greatest.

    Perhaps the person who has been

    ascribed the distinction of having

    changed the world history of nursing

    the most was Florence Nightingale.

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    Nursing continues to evolve and be

    shaped as a body of science and hasmade great professional strides since itsinception.

    The world history of nursing reveals that

    nurses, whether formal or informal havelong filled a needed place in society.

    Nurses now are needed more than everbefore.

    Now, as todays nurses shape the worldhistory of nursing, we look forward tothe respect the profession deserves.

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    I. Period ofIntuitive Nursing/Medieval


    Nursing was untaught and instinctive.

    It was performed of compassion for

    others, out of the wish to help others.

    Nursing was a function that belonged towomen. It was viewed as a natural

    nurturing job for women. She is

    expected to take good care of the

    children, the sick and the aged.

    No caregiving training is evident. It was

    based on experience and observation.

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    Primitive men believed that illness was caused by

    the invasion of the victims body of evilspirits. They believed that the medicine man,

    Shaman or witch doctor had the power to heal by

    using white magic, hypnosis, charms, dances,incantation, purgatives, massage, fire, water and

    herbs as a mean of driving illness from the victim.

    Trephining drilling a hole in the skull with a rock

    or stone without anesthesia was a last resort to

    drive evil spirits from the body of the afflicted.

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    II. Period ofApprentice Nursing/Middle Ages

    Care was done by crusaders, prisoners, religious orders Nursing care was performed without any formal

    education and by people who were directed by more

    experienced nurses (on the job training).This kind of

    nursing was developed by religious orders of the

    Christian Church.

    Nursing went down to the lowest level

    -wrath/anger of Protestantism confiscated properties

    ofhospitals and schools connected with Roman


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    - Nurses fled their lives; soon there was shortage of

    people to care for the sick

    - Hundreds of Hospitals closed, there was no provision

    for the sick, no one to care for the sick

    - Nursing became the work of the least desirable of

    women prostitutes, alcoholics, prisoners

    Pastor Theodore Fliedner and his wife, frederika

    established the Kaiserswerth Institute for the training

    ofDeaconesses (the 1st formal training school for

    nurses) in Germany.

    - This was where Florence Nightingale received her 3-

    month course of stude in nursing.

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    III. Period of Educated Nursing/Nightingale Era 19th-

    20th century

    The development of nursing during this period was

    strongly influenced by:

    a.) trends resulting from wars Crimean, civil war

    b.) arousal of social consciousness

    c.) increased educational opportunities offered to


    Florence Nightingale was asked by Sir Sidney Herbert

    of the British War Department to recruit female nurses

    to provide care for the sick and injured in the CrimeanWar.

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    In 1860, The Nightingale Training School of Nurses opened

    at St. Thomas Hospital in London.

    - The school served as a model for other training

    schools. Its graduates traveled to other countries to

    manage hospitals and institute nurse-training programs.

    - Nightingale focus vision of nursing Nightingale system

    was more on developing the profession withinhospitals. Nurses should be taught in hospitals associated

    with medical schools and that the curriculum should

    include both theory and practice.

    - It was the 1st school of nursing that provided both

    theory-based knowledge and clinical skill building.

    Nursing evolved as an art and science

    Formal nursing education and nursing service begun

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    Mother of modern nursing. Lady with the Lamp because

    of her achievements in improving the standards for the

    care of war casualties in the Crimean war.

    Born may 12, 1800 in Florence, Italy

    Raised in England in an atmosphere of culture and


    Not contended with the social custom imposed upon her

    as a Victorian Lady, she developed her self-appointed goal:

    To change the profile of Nursing

    She compiled notes of her visits to hospitals and herobservations of the sanitary facilities, social problems of

    the places she visited.

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    Noted the need for preventive medicine and god nursing

    Advocated for care of those afflicted with diseases caused

    by lack of hygienic practices

    At age 31, she entered the Deaconesses School at

    Kaiserswerth inspite of her familys resistance to her

    ambitions. She became a nurse over the objections of

    society and her family.

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    Worked as a superintendent for Gentlewomen Hospital, a

    charity hospital for ill governesses.

    Disapproved the restrictions on admission of patients and

    considered this unchristian and incompatible with health care

    Upgraded the practice of nursing and made nursing an

    honorable profession for women.

    Led nurses that took care of the wounded during theCrimean war

    Put down her ideas in 2 published books: Notes on

    Nursing, What It Is ans What It Is Not and Notes on Hospitals.

    She revolutionized the publics perception of nursing (notthe image of a doctors handmaiden) and the method for

    educating nurses.

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    IV. Period ofContemporary Nursing/20th Century

    Licensure of nurses started

    Specialization of Hospital and diagnosis

    Training of Nurses in diploma program

    Development of baccalaureate and advancedegree programs

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    Scientific and technological development as well as social

    changes mark this period.

    a. Health is perceived as a fundamental human rightb. Nursing involvement in community health

    c. Techological advances disposable supplies and equipments

    d. Expanded roles of nurses was developed

    e.WHO was established by the United Nations

    f. Aerospace Nursing was developed

    g. Use of atomic energies for medical diagnosis, treatment

    h. Computers were utilized-data collection, teaching, diagnosis,

    inventory, payrolls, record keeping, billing.

    i. Use of sophisticated equipment for diagnosis and therapy.

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    A.1.1. Early Beliefs and Practices

    (Diseases and their causes and treatment were shrouded with

    mysticism and superstitions.)1. Beliefs about causation of disease:

    another person (an enemy or a witch)

    evil spirits

    2. Belief that evil spirits could be driven away by persons withpowers to expel demons.

    Belief in special gods of healing, with the priest -physician (called

    word doctors) as intermediary. If they used leaves or roots,

    they were called herb doctors (herbolarios)

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    Early Care of the Sick

    The early Filipinos subscribed to superstitious belief and practices in

    relation to health and sickness. Herb men were called herbicheros meaning one who practiced


    Persons suffering from diseases without any identified cause were

    believed bewitched by mangkukulam or mangagaway.

    Difficult childbirth and some diseases (called pamao) wereattributed to nunos.

    Midwives assisted in childbirth.

    During labor, the mabuting hilot (good midwife) was called in.

    If the birth became difficult, witches were supposed to be thecause.

    To disperse their influence, gunpowder were exploded from a

    bamboo cane close to the head of the sufferer.

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    Health Care During the Spanish RegimeThe religious orders exerted their efforts to care for the sick bybuilding hospitals in different parts of the Philippines. The earliest

    hospitals were: Hospital Real de Manila (1577) it was established mainly to care

    for the Spanish kings soldiers, but also admitted Spanish civilians;founded by Gov. Francisco de Sande.

    San Lazaro Hospital (1578) founded by Brother Juan Clementeand was administered for many years by the Hospitalliers of San

    Juan de Dios; built exclusively for patients with leprosy. Hospital de Indios (1586) established by the Franciscan Order;

    service was in general supported by alms and contributions fromcharitable persons.

    Hospital de Aguas Santas (1590) established in Laguna; near amedicinal spring, founded by Brother J. Baustista of the Franciscan

    Order.San Juan de Dios Hospital (1596) founded by the Brotherhood ofMisericordia and administered by the Hopsitaliers of San Juan deDios; support was delivered from alms and rents; rendered generalhealth service to the public.

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    Nursing During the Philippine Revolution

    Josephine Bracken, wife of Jose Rizal- installed a field hospital in an

    estate house in Tejeros; provided nursing care to the wounded

    night and day

    Rosa Sevilla de Alvero- converted their house into quarters for the

    Filipino soldiers; during the Philippine-American War that broke out

    in 1899 Dona Hilaria de Aguinaldo- wife of Emilio Aguinaldo; organized that

    Filipino Red Cross under the inspiration ofMabini

    Dona Maria Agoncillo de Aguinaldo- second wife of Emilio

    Aguinaldo; provided nursing care to Filipino soldiers during therevolution, President of the Filipino Red Cross branch in Batangas

    Melchora Aquino (Tandang Sora)nursed the wounded Filipino

    soldiers and gave them shelter and food

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    Capitan Salome a revolutionary leader in Nueva

    Ecija; provided nursing care to the wounded

    when not in combat

    Agueda Kahabagan- revolutionary leader

    in Laguna, also provided nursing services to her


    Trinidad Tecson (Ina ng Biak-na-Bato)- stayed in

    the hospital at Biak na Bato to care for wounded


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    Hospitals and nursing schools

    Iloilo Mission Hospital School of Nursing (Iloilo City,


    It was ran by the Baptist Foreign Mission Society of


    Miss Rose Nicolet, a graduate of New England Hospital

    forWomen and Children in Boston, Massachusetts wasthe first superintendent for nurses.

    It moved from its present location to Jaro Road, Iloilo

    City in 1929. Miss Flora Ernst, an American nurse, took

    charge of the school in 1942. In April 1944 graduate nurses took the first Nurses

    Board Examination at the IloiloMission Hospital.

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    Philippine General Hospital School of Nursing (Manila, 1907)

    PGH began in 1901 as a small dispensary for Civil officers andEmployees in the City ofManila and later grew as a Civil


    In 1906,Mary Coleman Masters, an educator advocated for

    the idea of training Filipino girls for the profession of nursing

    with the approval of Government officials, she first opened a

    dormitory for Girls enrolled at the Philippine Normal Hall and

    the University of the Philippines.

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    In 1907, with the support of Governor General Forbes and the

    Director of Health and among others, she opened classes in

    nursing under the Auspices of the Bureau of Education.

    Admission was based on an entrance examination.

    The applicant must have completed elementary education to

    the seventh grade.

    Julia Nichols and Charlotte Clayton taught the students

    nursing subjects. American physician also served as lecturers.

    In 1910, the Act No. 1976 modified the organization of the

    school placing it under the supervision of the Department of


    The Civil Hospital was abolished and the Philippine General

    Hospital was established.

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    St.Lukes Hospital School of Nursing (Quezon City,


    The hospital is an Episcopalian Institution. It began as a

    small dispensary in 1903.

    In 1907, the school opened with three girls admitted.

    These three girls had their first year in combined classes

    with the PGHSchool of Nursing and St. Pauls Hospital

    School of Nursing.

    Miss Helen Hicks was the first principal.

    Mrs. Vitaliana Beltran was the first Filipino

    superintendent of nurses and Dr. Jose Fores was the firstmedical director of the hospital.

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    Mary Johnston Hospital and School of Nursing (Manila,


    It started as a small dispensary on Calle Cervantes (now


    It was called the Bethany Dispensary and funded by the

    Methodist Mission for the relief of suffering among women

    and children.

    In 1907, Sister Rebecca Parrish together with registered

    nurses Rose Dudley and Gertude Dreisbach, organized the

    Mary Johnston School of Nursing.

    The nurses training course began with three Filipino younggirls fresh from elementary as their first students.

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    Philippine Christian Mission Institute Schools of Nursing

    The United Christian Missionary Society ofIndianapolis,

    Indiana- a Protestant organization of the disciples of Christoperated three schools of nursing:

    Sallie Long Read Memorial Hospital School of

    Nursing (Laoag Ilocos Norte, 1903)

    Mary Chiles Hospital School of Nursing (Manila, 1911)The hospital was established by Dr. WN Lemon in a small

    house on Azcarraga, Sampaloc, Manila. In 1913, Miss Mary

    Chiles ofMontana donated a large sum of money with

    which the preset building at Gastambide was bought.

    The Tuason Annex was donated by Miss Esperanza Tuason,a Filipino Philantropist.

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    Frank Dunn Memorial Hospital (Vigan Ilocos Sur, 1912)

    San Juan de Dios Hospital School of Nursing (Manila, 1913)

    In 1913, through the initaiative ofDr. Benito Valdez, the board

    of inspectors and the executive board of the hospital passed a

    resolution to open school of nursing.

    The school has been run by the Daughters of Charity since


    Sister Taciana Tinanes was the first Directress of the School

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    Emmanuel Hospital School of Nursing (Capiz, 1913)

    In 1913, the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society sent Dr.

    PH Lerrigo to Capiz for the purpose of opening a hospital.

    Miss Rose Nicolet assisted him.

    The school offered a 3-year training course for an annual fee

    of Php 100.00.

    Miss Clara Pedrosa was the first principal

    Southern Islands Hospital School of Nursing (Cebu, 1918)

    The hospital was established in 1911 under the Bureau of


    The school opened in 1918 with Anastacia Giron-Tupas as theorginizer. Miss Visitacion Perez was the first principal

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    Other Schools of Nursing

    1.Zamboanga General Hospital School of Nursing (1921)

    2.Chinese General Hospital School of Nursing (1921)3.Baguio General Hospital School of Nursing (1923)

    4.Manila Sanitarium Hospital and School of Nursing (1930)

    5.St. Paul School of Nursing in Iloilo City (1946)

    6.North General Hospital and School of Nursing (1946)

    7.Siliman University School of Nursing (1947)

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    The FIRSTColleges of Nursing in the Philippines

    University ofSanto Tomas-College of Nursing (1946)

    In its first year of existence, its enrolees were consisted ofstudents from different school of nursing whose studied were

    interrupted by the war.

    In 1947, the Bureau of Private Schools permitted UST to grant

    the title Graduate Nurse to the 21 students who were ofadvance standing from 1948 up to the present.

    The college has offered excellent education leading to a

    baccalaureate degree.

    Sor Taciana Trinanes was its first directress. Presently, Associate Professor Glenda A.Vargas, RN, MAN

    serves as its Dean.

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    Manila Central University-College of Nursing (1947)

    TheMCU Hospital first offered BSN and Doctor ofMedicine

    degrees in 1947 and served as the clinical field for practice.

    Miss Consuelo Gimeno was its first principal. Presently,

    Professor Lina A. Salarda, RN, MAN, EdD serves as its Dean.

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    University of the Philippines Manila-College of Nursing


    The idea of opening the college began in a conference

    between Miss Julita Sotejo and UP President.

    In April 1948, the University Council approved the curriculum,

    and the Board of Regents recognized the profession as having

    an equal standing as Medicine, Engineering etc. Miss Julita Sotejo was its first dean. Presently, Professor

    Josefina A.

    Tuason, RN,MAN, DrPh is once more reappointed as the Dean

    of UP Manila College of Nursing

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    Criteria of a Profession

    Nursing is gaining recognition as a profession. Profession has been defined as an occupation

    that requires extensive education or a calling

    that requires:

    special knowledge,

    skill, and preparation.

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    A profession is generally distinguished from

    kinds of occupations by

    (a) its requirement of prolonged, specialized

    training to acquire a body of knowledge pertinent

    to the role to be performed;

    (b) an orientation of the individual toward service,either to a community or to an organization

    (c) ongoing research

    (d) a code of ethics

    (e) autonomy

    (f) a professional organization

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    Two terms related to profession need to be differentiated:

    Professionalism refers to professional character, spirit, ormethods. It is a set of attributes, a way of life that implies

    responsibility and commitment. Nursing professionalism owes

    much to the influence of Florence Nightingale.

    Professionalization- is the process of becoming professional,that is, of acquiring characteristics considered to be


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    Nursing Practice

    Section 28. Scope of Nursing. - A person shall be deemed to

    be practicing nursing within the meaning of this Act when

    he/she singly or in collaboration with another, initiates and

    performs nursing services to individuals, families and

    communities in any health care setting.

    It includes, but not limited to, nursing care during conception,

    labor, delivery, infancy, childhood, toddler, preschool, school

    age, adolescence, adulthood, and old age.

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    As independent practitioners, nurses are primarily responsible

    for the promotion of health and prevention of illness. A members of the health team, nurses shall collaborate with

    other health care providers for the curative, preventive, and

    rehabilitative aspects of care, restoration of health, alleviation

    of suffering, and when recovery is not possible, towards a

    peaceful death.

    It shall be the duty of the nurse to:

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    (a) Provide nursing care through the utilization of the nursing

    process. Nursing care includes, but not limited to, traditional and

    innovative approaches, therapeutic use of self, executing

    health care techniques and procedures, essential primary

    health care, comfort measures, health teachings, and

    administration of written prescription for treatment,therapies, oral topical and parenteral medications, internal

    examination during labor in the absence of antenatal bleeding

    and delivery.

    In case of suturing of perineal laceration, special training shallbe provided according to protocol established;

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    (b) establish linkages with community resources and

    coordination with the health team;

    (c) Provide health education to individuals, families and


    (d) Teach, guide and supervise students in nursing education

    programs including the administration of nursing services in

    varied settings such as hospitals and clinics; undertakeconsultation services; engage in such activities that require

    the utilization of knowledge and decision-making skills of a

    registered nurse; and

    (e) Undertake nursing and health human resourcedevelopment training and research, which shall include, but

    not limited to, the development of advance nursing practice;

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    Provided, That this section shall not apply to nursing students

    who perform nursing functions under the direct supervision

    of a qualified faculty: Provided, further, That in the practice ofnursing in all settings, the nurse is duty-bound to observe the

    Code of Ethics for nurses and uphold the standards of safe

    nursing practice.

    The nurse is required to maintain competence by continual

    learning through continuing professional education to be

    provided by the accredited professional organization or any

    recognized professional nursing organization: Provided, finally,

    That the program and activity for the continuing professional

    education shall be submitted to and approved by the Board.