Cardiogenik Shock

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  • 8/13/2019 Cardiogenik Shock


    Shock, circulatory


    Inadequate perfusion (oxygen supply) of tissues

    which results in organ dysfunction, cellular and

    organ damage and, if not corrected quickly, death of

    the patient. Classification of shock:

    ypo!olemic shock " cardiac output is se!erely

    reduced due to loss of intra!ascular !olume whichresults in reduced return of !enous #lood to the

    heart. $ost often caused #y #lood loss.

    Cardiogenic shock " cardiac output is se!erely

    reduced due to a loss of myocardial muscle

    function, !al!ular dysfunction or arrhythmia. $ost

    often caused #y large myocardial infarctions.

    %#structi!e shock " cardiac output is se!erely

    reduced #y !ascular o#struction of !enous return to

    the heart (!ena ca!a syndrome), compression of the

    heart, (pericardial tamponade, tension

    pneumothorax) or outflow from the heart (aorticdissection, pulmonary em#olism)

    &istri#uti!e shock " maldistri#ution of #lood flow

    'enous pooling (most often due to spinal shock

    or drug o!erdose) #eha!es much like hypo!olemic

    shock, cardiac output se!erely reduced #ecause

    #lood is pooled in peripheral !eins rather than #eing

    returned to the heart

    igh output or !asodilating shock (most often

    due to sepsis or septic like states such as toxic

    shock) is unique in that cardiac output is normal or

    ele!ated, #ut not distri#uted appropriately, resulting

    in o!er perfusion of some tissues and

    underperfusion (to the point of critical ischemia) of

    other tissues.

    Predominant age:ll ages. &etermined #y

    underlying diseases causing shock. $ore frequent

    and less well tolerated in the elderly.

    Predominant sex:$ale *emale

    +I-+ -& +$/0%$+: 1nderlying disease:

    1pper gastrointestinal (1I) #leeding (ulcer

    pain, hematemesis, melena)

    +epsis (fe!er, chills, dysuria and2or

    costo!erte#ral angle 3C'4 tenderness with urinary

    tract infection)

    $yocardial infarction (chest pain, diaphoresis,

    nausea, !omiting, +5 or +6 gallop, new heart

    murmur, rales due to pulmonary edema)

    1nderperfusion of organ systems:

    7rain: confusion, anxiety, agitation, coma onlyif se!ere

    8idney: oliguria

    +kin: peripheral cyanosis, sluggish capillary

    refill, mottling, coolness, may #e o!erly perfused

    (flushed) in high output (septic) shock

    I: a#sence of #owel sounds

    Circulation: thready pulses, tachycardia,

    hypotension (mean arterial pressure 9 ; torr or

    systolic pressure 9 ugular"!enous distention (>'&), pulsus paradoxus in

    pericardial tamponade.


    ypo!olemic shock

    7lood loss due to trauma or gastrointestinal


    0hird space loss of plasma !olume

    (pancreatitis, #owel o#struction, infarction,

    anaphylaxis) &iarrhea (e.g., in cholera like states)


    Cardiogenic shock

    cute myocardial infarction (= 5;? of @'


    rrhythmia (heart #lock, !entricular

    tachycardia, atrial fi#rillation with rapid !entricular

    response, etc.)

    cute !al!ular dysfunction (mitral !al!e due to

    papillary muscle rupture following inferior $IAs or

    chordal rupture) aortic or mitral !al!e due to

    #acterial endocarditis

    'entricular septal rupture following

    anterior2septal $IAs

    %#structi!e shock

    /ericardial tamponade

    Inferior2superior !ena ca!al o#struction usually

    due to neoplasms

    ortic dissection

    $assi!e pulmonary em#olism

    &istri#uti!e shock 'enous pooling is due to a loss of !enous tone

    caused #y loss of sympathetic ner!ous system

    acti!ity due to acute spinal inBury, general or spinal

    anesthesia or o!erdose of sedati!e drugs

    igh output shock is due to sepsis, toxic shock

    or anaphylaxis (once plasma !olume normalied)


    Included with Causes



  • 8/13/2019 Cardiogenik Shock




    +pecific to shock

    Ele!ated lactate (= F mmol2@) indicates

    anaero#ic meta#olism due to underperfusion of


    Deduced mixed !enous /;F (9 FG mm g) (9

    6.H k/a) o#tained from the pulmonary arteryindicates !igorous extraction of oxygen from tissues

    due to underperfusion

    1nderlying diseases responsi#le to shock

    EC, C/8 (serial)

    Chest x"ray

    rterial #lood gases

    ram stain and culture of infected sites

    7lood cultures

    C7C (serial determination of g#2ct in

    #leeding patients)

    Drugs that may alter lab results:-2

    Disorders that may alter lab results:-2




    Certain tests are essential to making correct and

    prompt diagnosis in order to dictate specific therapy

    of disease states producing shock. *or example:

    Endoscopy2Dadioisotope #leeding scans ena#le

    localiation of ongoing #leeding which may direct

    surgical inter!ention. 0he endoscopist may

    inter!ene directly !ia the endoscope. (e.g., inBection

    of sclerosants into !arices or ulcers).

    Echocardiograms may detect and2or quantify

    pericardial effusions in shock due to pericardial

    tamponade. /ericardiocentesis can then #e

    performed under echocardiographic guidance. lsouseful for detection of !al!ular failure.

    @ung scans and2or pulmonary arteriography for

    the detection of massi!e pulmonary em#olism

    /ulmonary artery (+wan"an) catheteriation for

    serial measurement of cardiac output, central

    !enous, pulmonary arterial and pulmonary arterial

    occlusion pressures (left atrial pressure) and

    !ascular resistance. $ixed !enous #lood gases can

    #e drawn from the catheter. Indicated when the

    etiology of shock is uncertain, in cardiogenic and

    septic shock, or when initial therapy of shock failsto pro!ide for rapid correction of perfusion failure.



    Emergency room or intensi!e or coronary care


    Continuous electrocardiographic monitoring with

    frequent assessment of #lood pressure, respiratory

    status, and urine output

    GENERAL MEASURES: 0herapy must proceed quickly #efore extensi!e

    damage to !ital organs occur. 0herapy is directed

    simultaneously to correct #oth the deficit in tissue

    perfusion and the underlying disease causing shock

    (see ssociated conditions).

    $aintain +a%F =

  • 8/13/2019 Cardiogenik Shock
