1 @learncymraegABA Learn Welsh Swansea Bay Region Learn WELSH Dysgu CYMRAEG Swansea, Neath & Port Talbot [email protected] learnwelsh.cymru (01792) 60 20 70

CYMRAEG - Learn Welsh · Dysgu Cymraeg - Ardal Bae Abertawe Learn Welsh – Swansea Bay Region is located in the Talbot Building on Swansea University’s Singleton Campus and offers

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Page 1: CYMRAEG - Learn Welsh · Dysgu Cymraeg - Ardal Bae Abertawe Learn Welsh – Swansea Bay Region is located in the Talbot Building on Swansea University’s Singleton Campus and offers

1@learncymraegABA Learn Welsh Swansea Bay Region



Swansea, Neath &

Port Talbot

[email protected] learnwelsh.cymru (01792) 60 20 70

Page 2: CYMRAEG - Learn Welsh · Dysgu Cymraeg - Ardal Bae Abertawe Learn Welsh – Swansea Bay Region is located in the Talbot Building on Swansea University’s Singleton Campus and offers

2 learnwelsh.cymru (01792) 60 20 70 [email protected]

Over the years, our learners have told us of many reasons why they chose to learn Welsh, these include:

gaining a new skill in order to further career prospects;being able to support their children’s bilingual development;being able to reflect their pride in their Welsh heritage;gaining access to the rich Welsh-language culture, historyand literature;making new friends and enjoying themselves.

Dros y blynyddoedd, mae ein dysgwyr wedi cynnig nifer o resymau pam eu bod wedi dewis dysgu Cymraeg, gan gynnwys:

datblygu sgìl newydd er mwyn gwella rhagolygon gyrfa;cefnogi datblygiad dwyieithog eu plant;adlewyrchu eu balchder yn eu treftadaeth Gymreig;cael mynediad at ddiwylliant, hanes a llenyddiaeth gyfoethog;gwneud ffrindiau newydd a mwynhau.

Page 3: CYMRAEG - Learn Welsh · Dysgu Cymraeg - Ardal Bae Abertawe Learn Welsh – Swansea Bay Region is located in the Talbot Building on Swansea University’s Singleton Campus and offers

3@learncymraegABA Learn Welsh Swansea Bay Region

People have lots of reasons for wanting to learn Welsh and it’s easier than ever to fi nd a language course to suit your needs. Experienced tutors run a variety of courses in your area - from programmes combining classroom and online study to weekly classes and intensive learning. Whether you’re a beginner or just want to brush up your language skills, there’s a course for you. Joining a course is a great way to meet new people and all our courses are run in a friendly and welcoming way. At a regional level, Learn Welsh – Swansea Bay Region, will aim to deliver high quality Welsh language courses in the Swansea and Neath Port Talbot local authority areas, and ensure that your growing relationship with the Welsh language is rewarding, interesting and enjoyable. On the following pages, you’ll fi nd details of what’s available for beginners. For other courses please call us on 01792 602070 or go to learnwelsh.cymru for more information. Rhowch gynnig arni? Give it a go!The Learn Welsh - Swansea Bay Region Team

Croeso - a very warm welcome!

Os ydych chi eisiau gwella eich Cymraeg, neu os ydych chi’n chwilio am wersi Cymraeg ar gyfer rhywun arall, mae’n hawdd dod o hyd i gwrs addas. Mae Dysgu Cymraeg – Ardal Bae Abertawe yn anelu at ddarparu gwersi a gweithgareddau Cymraeg o’r ansawdd uchaf ar draws ystod o lefelau a hyfedredd, gan weithio i sicrhau datblygiad sgiliau yn y Gymraeg, ond hefyd bod eich cyswllt gyda’r iaith yn datblygu’n hwyliog, buddiol a diddorol. Cewch fanylion am yr holl gyrsiau mynediad yn yr ardal yn y llyfryn hwn – mae digon o ddewis. Mae’n bosib mynd i ddosbarth nos neu ddilyn cwrs dwys neu hyd yn oed gyfuno gwersi yn y dosbarth gyda dysgu ar-lein.Os hoffech wybodaeth am y dosbarthiadau sydd ar gael ar lefelau eraill, neu, os hoffech fwy o wybodaeth am unrhyw gwrs, mae croeso i chi godi’r ffôn ar 01792 60 20 70 neu fynd i dysgucymraeg.cymru

Beth amdani?! Rhowch gynnig arni?

Tîm Dysgu Cymraeg - Ardal Bae Abertawe

Os ydych chi eisiau gwella eich Cymraeg, neu os ydych chi’n chwilio am wersi Cymraeg ar gyfer rhywun arall, mae’n hawdd dod o hyd i gwrs addas.

Dysgu Cymraeg – Ardal Bae yn anelu at ddarparu

gwersi a gweithgareddau Cymraeg o’r ansawdd uchaf ar draws ystod o lefelau a hyfedredd, gan weithio i sicrhau datblygiad sgiliau yn y Gymraeg, ond hefyd bod eich cyswllt gyda’r iaith yn datblygu’n hwyliog, buddiol a diddorol. Cewch fanylion am yr holl gyrsiau mynediad yn yr ardal yn y llyfryn hwn – mae digon o ddewis. Mae’n bosib mynd i

Learn Welsh Swansea Bay Region

Beth amdani?! Rhowch gynnig

Tîm Dysgu Cymraeg - Ardal Bae Abertawe


for beginners. For other courses please call us on 01792 602070

learnwelsh.cymrumore information. Rhowch gynnig arni? Give it a go!The Learn Welsh - Swansea Bay Region Team

ddosbarth nos neu ddilyn cwrs dwys neu hyd yn oed gyfuno gwersi yn y dosbarth gyda dysgu

Os hoffech wybodaeth am y dosbarthiadau sydd ar gael ar lefelau eraill, neu, os hoffech fwy o wybodaeth am unrhyw gwrs, mae croeso i chi godi’r

01792 60 20 70 neu fynd

aim to deliver high quality Welsh language courses in the

Neath Port Talbot local authority areas, and ensure that your growing relationship with the Welsh language is rewarding, interesting and

On the following pages, you’ll

dwys neu hyd yn oed gyfuno gwersi yn y dosbarth gyda dysgu ar-lein.Os hoffech wybodaeth am y dosbarthiadau sydd ar gael ar lefelau eraill, neu, os hoffech fwy o wybodaeth am unrhyw gwrs, mae croeso i chi godi’r ffôn ar 01792 60 20 70

Page 4: CYMRAEG - Learn Welsh · Dysgu Cymraeg - Ardal Bae Abertawe Learn Welsh – Swansea Bay Region is located in the Talbot Building on Swansea University’s Singleton Campus and offers

4 learnwelsh.cymru (01792) 60 20 70 [email protected]

Dysgu Cymraeg - Ardal Bae Abertawe

Learn Welsh – Swansea Bay Region is located in the Talbot Building on Swansea University’s Singleton Campus and offers a range of facilities to support our learners. We also have two other ‘satellite centres’ supporting our aims to promote the benefi ts of learning Welsh. These are the Welsh centres in Tŷ Tawe, at the heart of the city of Swansea (in Christina Street off the Kingsway), and Tŷ’r Gwrhyd situated in the centre of Pontardawe (sharing a building with the Library). Please call in at any of these locations for further information, to meet some of our tutors, or to learn more about the support structures that are available to you.

Mae canolfan weinyddu Dysgu Cymraeg – Ardal Bae Abertawe yn Adeilad Talbot ar Gampws Singleton, Prifysgol Abertawe, lle ceir ystod o adnoddau i gefnogi ein dysgwyr. Mae gennym hefyd ddwy ganolfan gysylltiol sy’n cefnogi ein hamcanion i hyrwyddo manteision dysgu Cymraeg, sef canolfannau Tŷ Tawe yng nghanol dinas Abertawe (ar Heol Christina oddi ar y Kingsway), a Tŷ’r Gwrhyd yn nghanol Pontardawe (o fewn yr un adeilad â’r Llyfrgell). Croeso i chi alw i fewn i un o’r canolfannau hyn am wybodaeth bellach, i gwrdd â rhai o’n tiwtoriaid, neu ddysgu mwy am y gefnogaeth sydd ar gael i ddysgwyr wrth iddynt gychwyn ar eu ‘taith iaith’!

9, Christina St, Swansea Tŷ’r Gwrhyd, Pontardawe

Page 5: CYMRAEG - Learn Welsh · Dysgu Cymraeg - Ardal Bae Abertawe Learn Welsh – Swansea Bay Region is located in the Talbot Building on Swansea University’s Singleton Campus and offers

5@learncymraegABA Learn Welsh Swansea Bay Region

What Level? / Pa Lefel?

Are you a beginner or do you already speak some Welsh? Perhaps you went to a Welsh-medium school but haven’t spoken the language in a while and want to practice. Contact us for further information and advice on which higher level course to join. Whatever your level, there’s a course for you. Welsh courses are available at fi ve levels:

Eisoes wedi dysgu rhywfaint o Gymraeg? Efallai i chi fynd i ysgol Gymraeg ond heb siarad yr iaith ers amser ac eisiau ymarfer? Beth bynnag eich lefel, bydd cwrs ar gael. Cysylltwch â ni am wybodaeth ar ba gwrs lefel uwch fyddai orau i chi. Mae cyrsiau Cymraeg ar gael ar bum lefel:



Courses for beginners, where the emphasis is on conversational Welsh.

Cyrsiau ar gyfer dechreuwyr, lle mae’r pwyslais ar siarad yr iaith.



Students are able to expand their speaking skills.

Cyfl e i fyfyrwyr gryfhau eu sgiliau siarad.



More writing, reading and listening is introduced – but the emphasis is still on speaking the language.

Mae’r prif bwyslais yn dal i fod ar siarad ond mae pwyslais hefyd ar ysgrifennu, darllen a gwrando.



Courses help students strengthen their written skills but mainly concentrate on enhancing speaking skills.

Mae cyrsiau yn helpu myfyrwyr i gryfhau eu sgiliau ysgrifennu ond gwella sgiliau siarad yw’r prif nod o hyd.


(Profi ciency)

For experienced learners as well as fl uent speakers who want to improve their skills.

Ar gyfer dysgwyr profi adol yn ogystal â siaradwyr rhugl sydd eisiau cryfhau eu sgiliau.

Page 6: CYMRAEG - Learn Welsh · Dysgu Cymraeg - Ardal Bae Abertawe Learn Welsh – Swansea Bay Region is located in the Talbot Building on Swansea University’s Singleton Campus and offers

6 learnwelsh.cymru (01792) 60 20 70 [email protected]

Choose a course that suits your needs

Non-intensive courses

Mynediad 1 – Entry Level 1: One, 2-hour class a week for 30 weeks. It takes two years to complete this course, 60 units covered (30 units per year).

Mynediad Ar-lein – Entry Level Online:All resources are available online and you can study at your own pace (however 1 unit a week is recommended). It takes 2 years to complete this course, 60 units covered (30 per year).

Welsh for the Family: Specifi cally designed for parents and carers of young children (under 7 years). One, 2-hour class a week. It takes two years to complete this course, 60 units covered (30 per year). *The WJEC’s Welsh for the Family book is used for this course.

Entry Level courses all use the same coursebooks, CDs and online materials. However, they differ in intensity and the way in which they are delivered.

Intensive Courses

Mynediad PLUSA super-intensive course combining Mynediad (Entry Level) and Sylfaen (Foundation Level). This group meets for 3 hours, 3 times a week. It takes 1 year to complete this course with 120 units covered. This course offers exceptional Value!

Mynediad CombiA combination of 3 hours of online study at home in preparation for a weekly 3-hour class. It takes 1 year (30 weeks) to complete this course, 60 units covered.

Mynediad DwysIntensive Entry Level: one 4 hour class a week. It takes 1 year (30 weeks) to complete this course, 60 units covered.

Welsh in a Week5 one-week courses (3 during half term weeks, one week during Easter and one week at the end of July). It takes 1 year to complete this course, 60 units covered.

Page 7: CYMRAEG - Learn Welsh · Dysgu Cymraeg - Ardal Bae Abertawe Learn Welsh – Swansea Bay Region is located in the Talbot Building on Swansea University’s Singleton Campus and offers

7@learncymraegABA Learn Welsh Swansea Bay Region

A new Work Welsh scheme has also been introduced, which gives employees opportunities to learn and improve their Welsh. Intensive courses, online courses and specialist residential courses form part of the scheme. For more information, phone 0300 323 4324 or email offi [email protected]

Work Welsh / Cymraeg Gwaith

Mae cynllun newydd Cymraeg Gwaith wedi’i gyfl wyno, sy’n rhoi cyfl eoedd i weithwyr ddysgu a gwella’u Cymraeg. Mae cyrsiau dwys, cyrsiau ar-lein a chyrsiau preswyl arbenigol yn rhan o’r cynllun. Am fwy o wybodaeth, ffoniwch 0300 323 4324 neu ebostiwch [email protected]

Defnyddio Cymraeg yn y

dosbarth? Os ydych chi’n athro neu’n

athrawes, mae’n bosib y byddwch yn gymwys i ddilyn

cwrs sabothol Cymraeg Byd Addysg. Cewch fwy o wybodaeth drwy ebostio

[email protected] neu drwy ffonio 01792 602070

Do you use Welsh in the classroom?

If you’re a teacher, you may be eligible for a Welsh in

Education sabbatical course. Email

[email protected] for more information or

telephone 01792 60 20 70

Page 8: CYMRAEG - Learn Welsh · Dysgu Cymraeg - Ardal Bae Abertawe Learn Welsh – Swansea Bay Region is located in the Talbot Building on Swansea University’s Singleton Campus and offers

8 learnwelsh.cymru (01792) 60 20 70 [email protected]

Fees / Ffi oedd

Slower-paced allow two years to complete a level, they are priced at £80 a year (£40 concession rate – see below for details) Course fee includes all materials and access to online resources.The faster-paced and Intensive Combi and Dwys courses are even better value, only £120 for the entire course / year, (£60 concession rate).Please see the tables for full details of all our course fees.

complete a level, they are priced at £80 a year (£40 concession rate – see below for details) Course fee includes all materials and access to online

The faster-paced and Intensive Combi and Dwys courses are even better value, only £120 for the entire course / year, £60 concession rate).

value, only £120 for the

Please see the tables for full details of all our course fees.Please see the tables for full details

ConsesiynauGallwch dderbyn consesiwn os ydych yn fyfyriwr llawn amser, yn derbyn pensiwn, neu’n derbyn un o’r budd-daliadau canlynol (bydd rhaid dangos tystiolaeth ysgrifenedig).

ConcessionsYou may apply for a concession on your course fee during enrolment if you are currently a full-time student, a pensioner or recieve one of the benefi ts listed below (you will need to provide documented proof).

Mae’r cyrsiau llai dwys yn gofyn am ddwy fl ynedd i gwblhau lefel, £80

yw’r pris am fl wyddyn (neu £40 pris consesiwn – gwelir isod am

fwy o fanylion). Mae’r pris yn cynnwys adnoddau dysgu a

mynediad i adnoddau ar-lein.

Mae’r cyrsiau dwys a combi yn well fargen fyth, dim

ond £120 (£60 consesiwn) am y cwrs i gyd sy’n para

blwyddyn. Gweler y tabl cyrsiau am fanylion

ffi oedd cyrsiau penodol.


Mynediad+ £90


Personal Independence Payment Disability Living Allowance Council Tax Reduction Carers Allowance Universal Credit

Several types of benefi ts are currently being replaced with the introduction of the new Universal Credit scheme. These include: Income Support Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) Housing Benefi t Working Tax CreditHowever if you still receive one of these benefi ts, you can also currently apply for a concessionary rate.

Personal Independence Payment

Several types of benefi ts are currently being replaced with the introduction of the new Universal

Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)

Several types of benefi ts are currently being replaced with the introduction of the new Universal

(01792) 60 20 70 [email protected]

However if you still receive one of these benefi ts, you can also currently apply for a concessionary

(01792) 60 20 70 [email protected]

However if you still receive one of these benefi ts, you can also currently apply for a concessionary

(01792) 60 20 70 [email protected]

However if you still receive one of these benefi ts, you can also currently apply for a concessionary

(01792) 60 20 70 [email protected]

However if you still receive one of these benefi ts, you can also currently apply for a concessionary

(01792) 60 20 70 [email protected] (01792) 60 20 70 [email protected]

However if you still receive one of these benefi ts, you can also currently apply for a concessionary

Page 9: CYMRAEG - Learn Welsh · Dysgu Cymraeg - Ardal Bae Abertawe Learn Welsh – Swansea Bay Region is located in the Talbot Building on Swansea University’s Singleton Campus and offers

9@learncymraegABA Learn Welsh Swansea Bay Region

Need fi nancial help? / Angen cymorth ariannol?

Mae cynlluniau gyda ni i helpu pobl sydd am ddysgu Cymraeg ond sy’n cael trafferth i dalu’r ffi oedd, neu sydd angen help i dalu costau teithio, gofal plant neu ddeunyddiau ar gyfer y cwrs. Cysylltwch â’r swyddfa 01792 602070 neu ar-lein dysgucymraeg.cymru am fanylion.

Sut i gofrestru a thalu

Y ffordd hawsaf i gofrestru yw llenwi’r ffurfl en ar-lein ar wefan dysgucymraeg.cymru

Os nad yw hynny’n bosibl, ffoniwch 01792 60 20 70 am fwy o wybodaeth.

Gallwch dalu ar-lein, gydag arian parod, cerdyn neu siec yn daliadwy i: ‘Prifysgol Abertawe’. Mae hefyd yn bosib rhannu’r taliadau yn ddwy a thalu unwaith ar ddechrau’r cwrs ac unwaith yn y canol.

We have schemes to help people who wish to learn Welsh but have diffi culties paying the fees, or need help to cover the cost of travel, childcare or course materials. Please contact the offi ce 01792 602070 or see the website, learnwelsh.cymru for further details.

How to register and pay

The easiest way to register is to complete the form online at learnwelsh.cymru

If this isn’t possible, please telephone 01792 60 20 70 for advice.

Payment can be made online or by cash, card, or cheque made payable to: ‘Swansea University’. You can even spread the cost by making two payments, one at the start and, one mid-course.

Page 10: CYMRAEG - Learn Welsh · Dysgu Cymraeg - Ardal Bae Abertawe Learn Welsh – Swansea Bay Region is located in the Talbot Building on Swansea University’s Singleton Campus and offers

10 learnwelsh.cymru (01792) 60 20 70 [email protected]

We look forward

to seeing you in

class this year.

Pob lwc!

Many Welsh speakers also offer their support as a ffrinDiaith - a buddy to help you practice your Welsh on a one-to-one basis.

Mae llawer o siaradwyr Cymraeg hefyd yn cynnig eu cefnogaeth fel ffrinDiaith - cyfaill i’ch helpu i ymarfer eich Cymraeg ar sail un-i-un.

Page 11: CYMRAEG - Learn Welsh · Dysgu Cymraeg - Ardal Bae Abertawe Learn Welsh – Swansea Bay Region is located in the Talbot Building on Swansea University’s Singleton Campus and offers

11@learncymraegABA Learn Welsh Swansea Bay Region

You will need to consolidate what you learn and build confidence to speak the language in everyday situations. To help you, we provide a range of activities to support you, these include:

Saturday day schools Easter and Summer programmesActivity and special interest groups (e.g. book or history clubs)Day tripsCoffee mornings and curry nights!

Full details of all informal learning events will be shared throughout the year. You can also follow us on social media or contact us for further information.

Practice your Welsh / Ymarfer eich Cymraeg!

Bydd angen i chi atgyfnerthu beth dych chi’n ddysgu a magu hyder i siarad Cymraeg o ddydd i ddydd. I’ch helpu mae gennym ystod o weithgareddau i’ch cefnogi, gan gynnwys:

Sadyrnau SiaradCyrsiau Pasg a HafGrwpiau a gweithgareddau diddordebau arbennig (e.e. clwb llyfrau neu hanes) GwibdeithiauBoreau coffi a nosweithiau cyri!

Byddwn yn rhannu manylion llawn am ddigwyddiadau drwy gydol y flwyddyn. Gallwch ddilyn ein tudalennau ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol neu gysylltwch â ni am fwy o wybodaeth.

One-day courses and block courses

Course Name Location Day Time First

MeetingCourse Code

Course Price

Sadwrn Siarad

Swansea University, Singleton Campus Swansea

Saturday 09:30-15:30 02/12/17 DCA0117 £10

Sadwrn Siarad

YMCA, Pen y DreNeath

Saturday 09:30-15:30 27/01/18 DCA0217 £10

Sadwrn Siarad

Swansea University, Singleton Campus Swansea

Saturday 09:30-15:30 10/03/18 DCA0317 £10

Easter Course

Swansea University, Singleton Swansea

Tue-Thur 09:30-15:30 03/04/18 – 05/04/18

DCA0517 £30/£20*

Exam Revision

Swansea University, Singleton Swansea

Saturday 09:30-16:30 19/05/18 DCA0417 £10

Summer Course

Swansea University, Singleton Swansea

Mon-Fri 09:30-15:30 02/07/18 – 06/07/18

DCA0617 £50/£30*

Summer Revision(6 weeks)

Tŷ Tawe, Swansea YMCA Pen y Dre, Neath

Will vary according to level

09:30-11.30 or18:30-20:30

Week commencing 16/07/18

TBC £15/£10*

*concession price

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12 learnwelsh.cymru (01792) 60 20 70 [email protected]

Please contact us if you have any queries / Am ymholiadau pellach cysylltwch â ni:

(01792) 60 20 70

[email protected]

learnwelsh.cymru / dysgucymraeg.cymru

Learn Welsh Swansea Bay Region


Learn Welsh - Swansea Bay Region / Dysgu Cymraeg - Ardal Bae AbertaweAcademi Hywel Teifi Talbot Building / Adeilad TalbotSwansea University / Prifysgol AbertaweSingleton Park / Parc Singleton Swansea SA2 8PP

Learn Welsh - Swansea Bay Region / Dysgu Cymraeg - Ardal Bae AbertaweLearn Welsh - Swansea Bay Region / Dysgu Cymraeg - Ardal Bae AbertaweLearn Welsh - Swansea Bay Region / Dysgu Cymraeg - Ardal Bae AbertaweLearn Welsh - Swansea Bay Region / Dysgu Cymraeg - Ardal Bae Abertawe

Singleton Park / Parc Singleton Swansea SA2 8PP