1 104 年第二屆的國中教育會考英語科,和去年首屆會考題目相比,同樣在閱讀題材上呈現相當 多元活潑,考驗學生閱讀分析統整的能力。整體而言,題目屬於「中間偏難」。主要體現在題 目非常靈活新穎,文章敘述相當長且句型也較複雜,很多的題目結合生活及圖表,且在單題部分, 文法考題也較往年增加,如第 11 題的過去完成式和第 12 題的形容詞子句。 一、試題難易度 1. 聽力:中間偏易。 2. 閱讀測驗:中間偏難,具挑戰性和鑑別度。 二、試題類型 1. 21 題聽力題:辨識句意 3 題;基本問答 7 題;言談理解 11 題。 2. 40 題閱讀題:單題 12 題;題組 28 題 (10 小題 )。 三、與歷年基測和會考差異之處 1. 聽力題型今年首度計分。辨識句意和基本問答為聽力中較簡單的題型。言談理解今年考了 十一題,比去年多了一題,有幾題內容較長且較複雜,需要簡單推論,內容包括相當生活 化的題材,如鞋子品牌、二手商店及電台廣播排行榜的流行歌曲等。 ( ) 21. (A) I Still Believe. (B) Listen to Your Heart. (C) Slow Dance. 【答案】A 【解析】M: It's time for the top three songs on the music list this week. Number three is I Still Believe.It just came out this Monday and has already hit number three this week. Number two is Listen to Your Heart.It dropped one place after staying on top for three weeks. Finally, climbing from number ve, Slow Dancebecomes our number one. Now were going to play our number one song. (又到了公布本週音樂排行榜前三名歌曲的時候了。第三名是〈我仍然相信〉。 它本週一剛發行就已經占據本週第三名。第二名是〈傾聽你的心〉。在第一名寶 座停留三週後下降了一名。最後,從第五名爬升到我們的冠軍寶座的是〈慢舞〉。 現在我們即將要播放的是我們第一名的歌曲。) Q: Which song is new on the music list this week? (哪一首歌是本週音樂排行榜新歌?) 2. 單題題數和去年一樣維持在 12 題,但比起去年的單題有一半是文法題,今年有高達九題 的文法題,可見背單字要拿分數的題目愈來愈少,考題內容愈來愈有挑戰性3. 從 94 年到 102 年的基測中,單題的第一題皆出現看圖選單字的題目,除了去年首屆會考無 此題型外,今年單題的第一題又回到之前的出題模式,考了一題非常簡單的直觀題,只要 知道圖形是正方形 (square) 即可選出答案。 4. 此次會考的兩篇克漏字題組都較偏向以上下文意選填為主,比起過去的考題較常見的是一 個題組考時態文法,另一題組考上下文意,所以此次的會考題相當注重閱讀理解能力教育會考 試題趨勢分析 英語科 104 國中

英語科 教育會考試題趨勢分析 - nani.com.t · 英語科 教育會考試題趨勢分析 104國中. 2 四、104年會考題組趨勢 1. 閱讀測驗部分,試題取材多元新穎,包括年輕人喜愛的桌遊(類似大富翁遊戲)、系外行星

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Page 1: 英語科 教育會考試題趨勢分析 - nani.com.t · 英語科 教育會考試題趨勢分析 104國中. 2 四、104年會考題組趨勢 1. 閱讀測驗部分,試題取材多元新穎,包括年輕人喜愛的桌遊(類似大富翁遊戲)、系外行星


  104 年第二屆的國中教育會考英語科,和去年首屆會考題目相比,同樣在閱讀題材上呈現相當



文法考題也較往年增加,如第 11 題的過去完成式和第 12 題的形容詞子句。


1. 聽力:中間偏易。

2. 閱讀測驗:中間偏難,具挑戰性和鑑別度。


1. 21 題聽力題:辨識句意 3題;基本問答 7題;言談理解 11 題。

2. 40 題閱讀題:單題 12 題;題組 28 題 (10 小題 )。


1. 聽力題型今年首度計分。辨識句意和基本問答為聽力中較簡單的題型。言談理解今年考了



(  ) 21. (A) I Still Believe. (B) Listen to Your Heart. (C) Slow Dance.

【答案】A【解析】M:  It's time for the top three songs on the music list this week. Number three is “I Still

Believe.” It just came out this Monday and has already hit number three this week. Number two is “Listen to Your Heart.” It dropped one place after staying on top for three weeks. Finally, climbing from number five, “Slow Dance” becomes our number one. Now we’re going to play our number one song. (又到了公布本週音樂排行榜前三名歌曲的時候了。第三名是〈我仍然相信〉。




Q:  Which song is new on the music list this week? (哪一首歌是本週音樂排行榜新歌?)

2. 單題題數和去年一樣維持在 12 題,但比起去年的單題有一半是文法題,今年有高達九題


3. 從 94 年到 102 年的基測中,單題的第一題皆出現看圖選單字的題目,除了去年首屆會考無


知道圖形是正方形 (square) 即可選出答案。

4. 此次會考的兩篇克漏字題組都較偏向以上下文意選填為主,比起過去的考題較常見的是一


教育會考試題趨勢分析英語科104 國中

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四、104 年會考題組趨勢

1. 閱讀測驗部分,試題取材多元新穎,包括年輕人喜愛的桌遊 ( 類似大富翁遊戲 )、系外行星







The Metro TimesOct. 1. 2020

  These years churches are in a calamitous state. To start with, the number of church-goers is dropping sharply (see Figure 1). Many say they do not belong to any church, and those who do go less often than they used to. Going to church appears less and less on people’s to-do list. Another worrying fact is that fewer and fewer young people go to church, which leads to an older church (see Figure 2).   And there is also the problem with money. Keeping a church door open is not cheap. Fewer people going to church means little money coming in. This makes it harder to keep a church open.  When the time comes for a church to close, there is little to do but to sell it. Churches that were lucky enough to find a buyer were put to other uses. Some were changed into restaurants or school gyms, and some even became nightclubs, for example. Churches that had little luck were knocked down in the end.   Just like a store that keeps losing business needs to think of ways to save itself, it is perhaps time for the church to try to win people’s hearts back and play an important part in people’s lives again. This is not something that one can simply pray to get an answer to.



(  ) 37. What does it mean when someone is in a calamitous state? (A) They have serious trouble. (B) They try to change themselves. (C) They are looking for a second chance. (D) They lost interest in the outside world.

f igure 圖  average 平均

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化,這些事實對於教堂的經營是個不利的消息,故選 (A)。(  ) 38. What can we learn about the church-goers from the report?

(A) Between 1980 and 2005, few church-goers were younger than 50. (B) In 2010, only 6% of church-goers were younger than 50 years old. (C) In 2020, the percentage (%) of church-goers drops to lower than half that in 1980. (D)  Between 1980 and 2020, the rising number of old church-goers has led to an old

church.【答案】C【解析】從圖表一得知,在 2020 年,上教堂的人的比例 4.4% 會低於 1980 年上教堂人比例

11% 的一半,故選 (C)。((A) 錯:1980~2005 上教堂的人年齡層幾乎在 50 歲以下;

(B) 錯:2010 年只有 6% 的人上教堂,且平均年齡是 51 歲;(D) 錯:是越來越少年輕


(  ) 39. What is talked about in the report? (A) Where the church’s money goes. (B) How people decide to join a church. (C) What happens to churches that are closed. (D) Why people have stopped going to church.

【答案】C【解析】文章第三段說明如果教堂沒有收入則會導致關門、變賣,甚至拆毀,故選 (C)。(  ) 40. Below are four findings from other reports. Which does NOT agree with the idea of the

report? (A)  “Reports show over 90% of church-goers go to church because their fathers do. In the

last 20 years, 49% of men under 30 have left the church. That means there’s a 90% chance that their children won´t go to church. This is hard for the church to take in.”

(B)  “Between 2003 and 2010, over 1,000 new churches were built in the country. This may sound like good news. During the same years, however, more than 2,000 were closed.”

(C)  “In the report, 33% of the people that were interviewed say they never go to church and another 33% say they used to. Only 15% go to church at least once a month.”

(D)  “Of the 15 countries in the report, the percentage (%) of church-goers in some countries, like Denmark, is lower than 10%; in others, like Poland, the percentage is higher than 70%.”

【答案】D【解析】本文圖表顯示 2020 年上教堂的比例下滑到 4.4%,而選項 (A)(B)(C) 內容亦同樣說明

上教堂的人數比例下滑,只有選項 (D) 顯示波蘭人仍然有高於 70% 會上教堂,顯然

並不同意本文,故選 (D)。

2. 讀通文章內容,從上下文的文章脈絡中找出解題線索。此次會考題相當重視對文章的通盤

了解,每篇文章幾乎都有問Whatcan/dowelearnfromthereading/game/story/report...? 所以一


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3. 值得注意的是 104 年會考題出現了五題猜字意的題目,其中有兩題是考超過基本字彙 1200

字的字義 ( 如 lousy 和 calamitious),另外三題則是猜字在文中所表達的意思,此種題型的解


  Here is the preface of Nick Foster’s new book Married to Food.

Preface  My mother was lousy at cooking. To her, cooking was more like an exciting experiment. You put some of this and some of that in a pot, and you wait and see what will happen. “No experiments, no experiences.” is what she would say when her experiment did not turn out good, and I heard that a lot.  My father was a good cook, and he loved to cook, too. He often said that he got my mother to marry him with a table of delicious food, not with a beautiful ring. “A family needs only one good cook,” he said.  Now I am a cook myself. And I have my own restaurant. I learned how to cook from my father, of course. From him, I learned the art of cooking. But I did learn one thing from my mother. It’s her famous saying: “No experiments, no experiences.”



(  ) 24. What does it mean when someone is lousy at something? (A) They are famous for it. (B) They cannot do it well. (C) They think it is important. (D) They are not interested in it.


作者母親並不擅長做菜,因此答案選 (B)。(  ) 25. What can we learn from the preface?

(A) How Foster started his own restaurant. (B) When Foster’s father married Foster’s mother. (C) What Foster’s mother taught him about cooking. (D) How Foster learned the art of cooking from his father.


沒有經驗」,可見母親對他做菜態度的影響,因此答案選 (C)。







preface 前言  experiment 實驗