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,&E -EA-%IES,) ";S,%IES,) A - ';S, I ,E SEU I,E- S,A,ES ,!;+I"A% "<"%; ES *!;' 1351 ,; 200A - ;,&E! *!E=UE ,%< !E=UES,E- &U!!I"A E *A",S

:Eric S. Blake) Edward . !appaport) and "hri#topher $. %and#ea

;AA> $S> "E+>,+"> ational &urricane "enter 'iami) *lorida


,hi# technical memorandum li#t# the deadlie#t tropical c clone# in the United State# durin 13514200 and the co#tlie#t tropical c clone# in the United State# durin 1 004200 . ,he compilationrank# dama e) a# e/pre##ed : monetar lo##e#) in three wa #? 1 contemporar e#timate#@ 2contemporar e#timate# ad9u#ted : inflation to 200 dollar#@ and contemporar e#timate#ad9u#ted for inflation and the rowth of population and per#onal wealth +ielke et al. 2007 to200 dollar#. In addition) the mo#t inten#e i.e.) ma9or 1 hurricane# to make landfall in the UnitedState# durin the 15 4 ear period are li#ted. Some additional #tati#tic# on United State#

hurricane# of thi# and pre(iou# centurie#) and tropical c clone# in eneral) are al#o pre#ented.

1. I ,!;-U",I;

,he #taff of the ational &urricane "enter recei(e# numerou# re ue#t# for #tati#tical informationon death# and dama e# incurred durin tropical c clone# affectin the United State#. Informationa:out their inten#it i# al#o fre uentl of intere#t. E#timate# of the#e mea#ure# (ar in theliterature. ;ur hope i# to pre#ent the :e#t compilation of currentl a(aila:le e#timate#. In #omein#tance#) data in our li#t# repre#ent re(i#ed e#timate# :a#ed on more complete informationrecei(ed followin earlier pu:lication# includin pre(iou# (er#ion# of thi# technical memorandum.

,here are other fre uentl a#ked ue#tion# a:out hurricane#) #uch a#? $hat i# the a(era e num:er of hurricane# per earC $hich ear # had the mo#t and lea#t hurricane#C $hich hurricane hadthe lon e#t lifeC ;n what date did the earlie#t and late#t hurricane occurC $hat wa# the mo#tinten#e Atlantic hurricaneC $hat wa# the lar e#t num:er of hurricane# in e/i#tence on the #ameda C $hen wa# the la#t time a ma9or hurricane or an hurricane impacted a i(en communit CAn#wer# to the#e and #e(eral other ue#tion# are pro(ided in Section .

DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1 A ma9or hurricane i# a cate or ) 6) or 5 hurricane on the Saffir>Simp#on &urricane Scale #ee,a:le 1 ) and i# compara:le to a Great &urricane in #ome other pu:lication#.


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2. BA" G!;U - A - -E*I I,I; S

'an of the #tati#tic# in thi# pu:lication depend directl on the criteria u#ed in preparin another #tud ) F&urricane E/perience %e(el# of "oa#tal "ount +opulation#4,e/a# to 'aine H arrell etal. 1 2 J. ,he primar purpo#e of that #tud wa# to demon#trate) count : count ) the lowhurricane e/perience le(el of a lar e ma9orit of the population. Stati#tic# #how that the lar e#tlo## of life and propert occur in location# e/periencin the core of a cate or or #tron er hurricane.

,he Saffir>Simp#on &urricane Scale SS&S) ,a:le 1 pro(ide# wind) a##ociated central pre##ure)and #torm #ur e (alue#. ,here i# not a one4to4one relation#hip :etween the#e element# and it i#important to note that the ori inal SS&S cate or a##i nment wa# :a#ed on a com:ination of the#e element# &e:ert and ,a lor 1 75 . Since a:out 1 0) howe(er) the &" ha# a##i ned theSS&S cate or : u#in the ma/imum one4minute wind #peed (alue onl . ,hu# there i# anincon#i#tenc in the &U!-A, data:a#e ar(inen et al. 1 36 that will :e rectified a# the Atlantic

:e#t4track reanal #i# pro9ect i# completed %and#ea et al. 2006: . "urrentl ) the SS&S cate ora##i nment i# :a#ed on wind #peed from 135141 16 and 1 04200 and on a com:ination of wind) pre##ure and #torm #ur e from 1 1541 3 . &ea( rainfall a##ociated with a hurricane i# notone of the criteria for cate ori8in .

-(orak #atellite inten#it e#timate# are often the onl e#timate of the wind. A(aila:le #urface windreport#) #urface e#timate# of wind from pa##i(e>acti(e microwa(e #atellite#) aircraftreconnai##ance fli ht4le(el wind# from which #urface wind #peed can :e e#timated ) anddrop#onde data occa#ionall #upplement the#e wind e#timate#. In po#t4#torm anal #i#) the central

pre##ure ran e# of hurricane# on the SS&S will u#uall a ree fairl well with the wind ran e# for each cate or . ;n the other hand) the #torm #ur e i# #tron l dependent on the #lope of thecontinental #helf #hoalin factor . ,hi# can chan e the hei ht of the #ur e : a factor of two for a i(en central pre##ure and>or ma/imum wind.

,he proce## of a##i nin a cate or num:er to a hurricane in an location i# #u:9ecti(e) a# i# &"K# e#timate of a c cloneK# impact . It i# made on a count 4: 4count :a#i#. In thi# #tud ) weu#e criteria for direct hit a# de#cri:ed in the work : arrell et al. 1 2 . ote we aredi#continuin the u#e of the term indirect hit :ecau#e of the lack of local information that i#con(e ed in that lan ua e.

-irect &it 4 U#in L!L a# the radiu# of ma/imum wind# in a hurricane the di#tance inmile# from the #tormM# center to the circle of ma/imum wind# around the center ) all or

part# of coa#tal countie# fallin within appro/imatel 2! to the ri ht and ! to the left of a#tormM# track were con#idered to ha(e recei(ed a direct hit. ,hi# a##ume# an o:#er(er at#ea lookin toward the #hore. If there wa# no landfall) the clo#e#t point of approach wa#u#ed in place of the landfall point . ;n a(era e) thi# direct hit 8one e/tended a:out 50mile# alon the coa#tline ! ≈ 15 mile# . ;f cour#e) #ome hurricane# were #maller than thi#and #ome) particularl at hi her latitude#) were much lar er. "a#e# were 9ud edindi(iduall ) and man :orderline #ituation# had to :e re#ol(ed.

In thi# document) the term #trike i# de#i nated to mean one of two thin #?

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1 -urin the ear# 135141 16 and 1 0 to 200 ) a hurricane #trike i# defined a# a hurricanethat i# e#timated to ha(e cau#ed #u#tained hurricane4force wind# on the coa#tline) :ut doe#not nece##aril make landfall in the area of hurricane4force wind#. ;ne e/ample of ahurricane #trike i# &urricane ;phelia in 2005) which remained off#hore of the orth"arolina coa#t :ut #till :rou ht #u#tained hurricane4force wind# to the coa#tline.

2 -urin the ear# 1 15 to 1 3 ) a hurricane #trike i# defined a# a hurricane who#e center pa##e# within the direct hit definition area pro(ided a:o(e. ,he :e#t4track reanal #i# pro9ect i# workin to chan e the definition to :e #trictl defined : the wind#) :ut for nowthe re ional effect# catalo ued : &U!-A, are in a tran#ition period that could la#t#e(eral more ear#.

Stati#tic# on tropical #torm and hurricane acti(it in the orth Atlantic ;cean which include# theGulf of 'e/ico and the "ari::ean Sea can :e found in eumann et al. 1 . A #tratification ofhurricane# : cate or which ha(e affected coa#tal countie# of the Gulf of 'e/ico and orthAtlantic ;cean can :e found in arrell et al. 1 2 and al#o at the ;AA "oa#tal Ser(ice# "enter http?>>hurricane.c#c.noaa. o(>hurricane#>inde/.htm . Additional information a:out the impact of

hurricane# can :e found in annual hurricane #ea#on article# in 'onthl $eather !e(iew) Storm-ata and 'arinerK# $eather %o .

A new feature for thi# update i# includin the inland impact# of #ome hurricane#. ,he#e c clone#are indicated with an FI :efore the #tate a::re(iation in the &U!-A, data:a#e and aree/clu#i(el u#ed for hurricane impact# that are felt in a #tate) :ut not at the coa#tal area#. ;nee/ample of thi# occurrence i# &urricane -enni# 2005 . After landfall) -enni# produced cate orone hurricane wind# o(er inland area# of Ala:ama) :ut the#e effect# were not felt alon the coa#tof Ala:ama. ,hu# an FI i# added in front of the #tate de#i nation) to :e IA% 1. If a hurricane

primaril impact# the coa#tal area# of a #tate) inland effect# are not li#ted #eparatel . ,he oal ofthi# li#tin i# to indicate onl the mo#t #i nificant impact of that #tate. Becau#e of the eo raph

of *lorida) an effect# in the #tate are con#idered coa#tal.

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. -IS"USSI;+art I

,he remainder of thi# memorandum pro(ide# an#wer# to #ome of the mo#t fre uentl a#kedue#tion# a:out the characteri#tic# and impact# of the tropical c clone# to affect the United State#

from 13514200 .

1 Wha ha!" #""$ h" %"a%&'" *+' a& - &*$" '$ h" U$' "% S a " . ,a:le 2 li#t# thetropical c clone# that ha(e cau#ed at lea#t 25 death# on the U.S. mainland 13514200 . ,heGal(e#ton &urricane of 1 00 wa# re#pon#i:le for at lea#t 3000 death# and remain# N1 on the li#t.&urricane atrina of 2005 killed at lea#t 1500 people and i# the third deadlie#t hurricane to #trikethe United State#. o other landfallin tropical c clone# from 2005 or 200 made the li#t.&urricane Audre of 1 57 ha# mo(ed up a few place# on the li#t due to an updated li#t of death#de#cri:ed in !o## and Good#on 1 7 . A tropical #torm which affected #outhern "alifornia in1 and the deadlie#t +uerto !ico and Oir in I#land# hurricane# are li#ted a# addenda to theta:le.

2 Wha ha!" #""$ h" * &'" *+' a& - &*$" '$ h" U$' "% S a " . ,a:le a li#t# thethirt co#tlie#t tropical c clone# to #trike the U.S. mainland from 1 004200 . o monetare#timate# are a(aila:le :efore 1 00 and fi ure# are not ad9u#ted for inflation. &urricane atrinaof 2005 wa# re#pon#i:le for at lea#t 31 :illion dollar# of propert dama e and i# : far theco#tlie#t hurricane to e(er #trike the United State#. It i# of note that the 2006 and 2005 hurricane#ea#on# produced #e(en out of the nine co#tlie#t # #tem# e(er to affect the United State#. ,a:le

: re4order# ,a:le a after ad9u#tin to 200 dollar# 2 and add# #e(eral other hurricane#. E(enafter accountin for inflation) the 2006 and 2005 hurricane #ea#on# produced #e(en out of thethirteen co#tlie#t # #tem# e(er to #trike the United State#. &awaiian) +uerto !ican and Oir inI#land tropical c clone# are li#ted a# addenda to ,a:le# a and :. ,a:le : al#o li#t# the thirtco#tlie#t hurricane# 1 004200 a##umin that a hurricane ha(in the #ame track) #i8e and inten#it

a# noted in the hi#torical record would #trike the area with toda K# population total# and propert 4at4ri#k. ote that the methodolo +ielke and %and#ea 1 3 which wa# u#ed to update thi#technical memorandum for the pa#t two i##uance# ha# :een chan ed. See +ielke et al. 2007 formore detail#.

Wha ha!" #""$ h" /* '$ "$ " h ' a$" * ' " h" U$' "% S a " . ,a:le 6 li#t# themo#t inten#e ma9or hurricane# to #trike the U.S. mainland 13514200 . In thi# #tud ) hurricane#ha(e :een ranked : e#timatin central pre##ure at time of landfall. $e ha(e u#ed central pre##urea# a pro/ for inten#it due to the uncertaintie# in ma/imum wind #peed e#timate# for manhi#torical hurricane#. &urricane atrina had the third lowe#t pre##ure e(er noted at landfall)

:ehind the 1 5 *lorida e # hurricane and &urricane "amille in 1 . A total of #e(enhurricane# from the 2006 and 2005 #ea#on had low enou h pre##ure# at landfall to :e included inthe li#t) fi(e of which placed in the top thirt . &awaiian) +uerto !ican and Oir in I#land hurricane#are li#ted a# addenda to ,a:le 6.

2 Ad9u#ted to 200 dollar# on the :a#i# of U.S. -epartment of "ommerce Implicit +rice -eflator for "on#truction. A(aila:le inde/ num:er# arerounded to the neare#t tenth. ,hi# roundin can re#ult in #li ht chan e# in the ad9u#ted dama e of one hurricane relati(e to another.

A look at the li#t# of deadlie#t and co#tlie#t hurricane# re(eal# #e(eral #trikin fact#? 1 *ourteenout of the fifteen deadlie#t hurricane# were cate or or hi her. 2 %ar e death total# were

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primaril a re#ult of the 10 feet or reater ri#e of the ocean #torm #ur e a##ociated with man ofthe#e ma9or hurricane#. atrina of 2005 t pifie# thi# point. A lar e portion of the dama e infour of the twent co#tlie#t tropical c clone# ,a:le a re#ulted from inland flood# cau#ed :torrential rain. 6 ;ne4third of the deadlie#t hurricane# were cate or four or hi her. 5 ;nl #i/of the deadlie#t hurricane# occurred durin the pa#t twent fi(e ear# in contra#t to three4 uarter#of the co#tlie#t hurricane# thi# drop# to #i/t percent after ad9u#tment for inflation and a:out one4

uarter after ad9u#tment for inflation) population) and per#onal wealth .

atrina pro(ided a rim reminder of what can happen in a hurricane landfall. Sociolo i#t#e#timate) howe(er) that people onl remem:er the wor#t effect# of a hurricane for a:out #e(en

ear# B. 'urrow) per#onal communication . ;ne of the reate#t concern# of the ational$eather Ser(iceM# $S hurricane preparedne## official# i# that people will think that no morelar e lo## of life will occur in a hurricane :ecau#e of our ad(anced technolo and impro(edhurricane foreca#t#. Bill +roen8a) #poke#man for the $S hurricane warnin #er(ice and current-irector of &") a# well a# former &" -irector#) ha(e repeatedl empha#i8ed the reat dan erof a cata#trophic lo## of life in a future hurricane if proper preparedne## plan# for (ulnera:le area#are not formulated) maintained and e/ecuted.

,he #tud : arrell et al. 1 2 u#ed 1 0 cen#u# data to #how that 35P of U.S. coa#talre#ident# from ,e/a# to 'aine had ne(er e/perienced a direct hit : a ma9or hurricane. ,hi# ri#ki# hi her toda a# an e#timated 50 million re#ident# ha(e mo(ed to coa#tal #ection# durin the pa#ttwent 4fi(e ear#. ,he e/perience ained throu h the landfall of 7 ma9or hurricane# durin the

pa#t ear# ha# not le##ened an e(er4 rowin concern :rou ht : the continued increa#e incoa#tal population#.

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,a:le 5 #ummari8e# the hurricane #trike# on the U. S.mainland #ince 1351. ,he data indicate that an a(era eof a:out 2 ma9or hurricane# e(er ear# made landfall#omewhere alon the U.S. Gulf or Atlantic coa#t. Allcate orie# com:ined a(era e a:out 5 hurricane# e(er

ear#. ote that not all area# of the U.S. were #ettled :efore 1 00 and there could :e #u:#tantial ap# inlandfall data co(era e) e#peciall in South *lorida. *or more detail# #ee %and#ea et al. 2006: .

,a:le ) which li#t# hurricane# : decade# #ince 1351) #how# that durin the fort ear period1 142000 :oth the num:er and inten#it of landfallin U.S. hurricane# decrea#ed #harpl . Ba#edon 1 0141 0 #tati#tic#) the e/pected num:er of hurricane# and ma9or hurricane# durin the

period 1 142000 wa# 75 and 23) re#pecti(el . But) in fact) onl 55 or 76P of the e/pectednum:er of hurricane# #truck the U.S. with onl 1 ma9or hurricane# or 3P of that e/pected

num:er. &owe(er) landfall acti(it durin the 2000K# ha# picked up #i nificantl ) and i# now nearthe fre uenc #een in the (er acti(e 1 60K#. ,he#e increa#ed landfall# are (er different than thelate 1 0K#) which #howed a(era e landfall fre uencie# de#pite ha(in enerall acti(e #ea#on#.


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-e#pite the increa#e in o(erall acti(it ) the United State# ha#nKt #een a #i nificant re#ur ence ofe/ceptionall #tron hurricane landfall#. -urin the pa#t 5 ear#) the United State# ha#e/perienced three "ate or 6 or #tron er hurricane#? "harle in 2006) Andrew of 1 2 and &u oof 1 3 . &owe(er) on the a(era e) a cate or 6 or #tron er hurricane #trike# the United State#a:out once e(er 7 ear#. ,hi# #u e#t# we ha(e #een fewer e/ceptionall #tron hurricane# thanan e/pected 54 ear a(era e of a:out 5. *ewer hurricane#) howe(er) do not nece##aril mean ale##er threat of di#a#ter. !ecord# for the mo#t inten#e U.S. hurricane in 1 5) and the #econdco#tlie#t) Andrew in 1 2) occurred in ear# which had much :elow4a(era e hurricane acti(it .A# occurred in atrina) a lar e death toll in a U.S. hurricane i# #till po##i:le) e#peciall in #uch(ulnera:le area# a# &ou#ton) ew <ork "it ) ,ampa) and the *lorida e #. ,he decrea#ed deathtotal# in recent ear#) out#ide of 2005) i# partl the re#ult of relati(el few ma9or hurricane##trikin the mo#t (ulnera:le area#.

"ontinued coa#tal rowth and inflation will almo#t certainl re#ult in e(er future ma9orlandfallin hurricane and e(en weaker hurricane# and tropical #torm# replacin one of thecurrent co#tlie#t hurricane#. *or e/ample) four out of #i/ hurricane landfall# of 2005 made the top

0 li#t. If warnin # are heeded and preparedne## plan# de(eloped) the death toll can :eminimi8ed. In the a:#ence of a chan e of attitude) polic ) or law# o(ernin :uildin practice#

code# and location near the ocean) howe(er) lar e propert lo##e# are ine(ita:le.


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+art II

,hi# #ection an#wer# #ome fre uentl a#ked ue#tion# a:out tropical #torm and hurricane acti(it .

(1) Wha ' h" a!" a " $ /#" *3 h ' a$" +" -"a . ,a:le 7 i(e# the a(era e num:er of tropical c clone# which reached tropical #torm) hurricane and ma9or hurricane #tren th durin#elected time period#. A total of ele(en tropical # #tem# reachin #torm #tren th with #i/ of the#e

:ecomin hurricane# and two attainin ma9or hurricane #tatu# are the :e#t a(era e# to u#e :a#edon the period of eo#tationar #atellite #ur(eillance.

(2) Wha -"a ( ) ha!" ha% h" /* 4&"a h ' a$" a$% &a$%3a&& .,a:le 3a #how# the ear# of ma/imum and minimum tropical #torm) hurricane) and ma9orhurricane acti(it for the Atlantic hurricane :a#in. 'inimum tropical c clone acti(it prior to the#atellite #ur(eillance era i# uncertain and likel to :e underrepre#ented. Acti(it durin 2005 wa#far a:o(e the pre(iou# record# for the mo#t num:er of tropical #torm# and hurricane#) :ut 1 50 i#

#till the record4holder for the ma/imum num:er of ma9or hurricane#. ,he two ear period of200642005 wa# one of the mo#t acti(e e(er #een in the Atlantic :a#in) #ettin record# for mo#tnum:er of tropical #torm# and hurricane# in a two ear period and t in the record 1 for themo#t num:er of ma9or hurricane# #et in 1 5041 51. It i# al#o of note that #e(en out of the la#ttwel(e ear# ha(e e/perienced fourteen or more tropical #torm#.


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,a:le 3: li#t# the ear# of ma/imum U.S. hurricane and ma9or hurricane #trike#. 2005 #et therecord for the mo#t U.S. ma9or hurricane #trike# #ince 1351 and tied for #econd4mo#t hurricane#trike#. 200642005 produced twel(e U.S. hurricane #trike#) eclip#in the pre(iou# record ofele(en hurricane #trike# in con#ecuti(e ear#) #et in 133 41337. 200 did not ha(e a hurricane#trike) and the onl time# that the United State# ha# one a# lon a# two ear# without a hurricane#trike are 13 24 6) 1 04 1) 1 31432 and 2000401. ote there i# con#idera:le uncertaint :efore

1 00 :ecau#e #i nificant area# of the Gulf and Southea#t Atlantic coa#t# were unpopulated. ,hreeor four hurricane# ha(e #truck the United State# in one ear a total of 7 time#. 'ultiple U.S.ma9or hurricane #trike# in one ear are #omewhat rare) occurrin on a(era e a:out once e(erdecade.


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State# and indi(idual #tate#) i.e.) direct hit#. ote that the inland information contained in ,a:le10 doe# not reflect all #torm# to affect inland area#. ,he inland de#i nation i# onl u#ed for tho#ehurricane# that e/clu#i(el #truck inland portion# of a #tate not at the coa#t . ,he ta:le #how#that) on the a(era e) clo#e to #e(en hurricane# e(er four ear# R1.3 per ear #trike the UnitedState#) while a:out two ma9or hurricane# cro## the U.S. coa#t e(er three ear#. ;thernoteworth fact#) updated from Blake et al. 2005 ) are? 1. *ort percent of all U.S. hurricane#and ma9or hurricane# hit *lorida@ 2. Ei ht 4three percent of cate or 6 or hi her hurricane#trike# ha(e hit either *lorida or ,e/a#@ . Si/t percent of all hurricane# affectin Geor iaactuall come from the #outh or #outhwe#t acro## northwe#tern *lorida) thou h the#e hurricane#from the Gulf of 'e/ico are much weaker : the time the reach Geor ia than the tho#e thatcome from the Atlantic ;cean. It #hould :e noted that :oth *lorida and ,e/a# ha(e e/ten#i(ecoa#tline#) which i# reflected in the num:er of occurrence#.


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(10) Wh"$ a " h" /a<* h ' a$" &' "&- * ' " '!"$ a "a . ,a:le 11 #how# the incidenceof ma9or hurricane# : month# for the U.S. mainland and indi(idual #tate#. Septem:er ha# a:outman ma9or hurricane landfall# a# ;cto:er and Au u#t com:ined. ,he northern Gulf "oa#t from,e/a# to orthwe#t *lorida i# the prime tar et for pre4Au u#t ma9or hurricane#. ,he threat ofma9or hurricane# increa#e# from we#t to ea#t durin Au u#t with ma9or hurricane# fa(orin theU.S. Ea#t "oa#t : late Septem:er. 'o#t ma9or ;cto:er hurricane# occur in #outhern *lorida.


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(11) H*7 &*$ ha ' #""$ '$ " a h ' a$" * a /a<* h ' a$" h' a '!"$ *// $' -. A chronolo ical li#t of all known hurricane# to #trike the United State# 1351 throu h 200includin month) #tate# affected : cate or of hurricane) and minimum #ea le(el pre##ure atlandfall can :e found in Appendi/ A) updated from Blake et al. 2005 . ,a:le 12 #ummari8e# theoccurrence of the la#t hurricane and ma9or hurricane to directl hit the countie# or pari#he# wheremo#t populated coa#tal communitie# are located from Brown#(ille) ,e/a# to Ea#tport) 'aine. Ane#timated return period of the#e hurricane# i# al#o li#ted) which i# computed from &U!IS

eumann 1 37 . In order to o:tain the #ame t pe of information li#ted in ,a:le 12 for theremainin coa#tal communitie#) the reader i# a ain referred to arrell et al. 1 2 or the ;AA"oa#tal Ser(ice# "enter http?>>hurricane.c#c.noaa. o(>hurricane#>inde/.htm . ,here are manillu#trati(e e/ample# of the uncertaint of when a hurricane mi ht #trike a i(en localit . Afternearl 70 ear# without a direct hit) +en#acola) *lorida wa# #truck in a period of 11 ear# :&urricane Erin and ma9or &urricane ;pal in 1 5) ma9or &urricane I(an in 2006 and ma9or&urricane -enni# in 2005. 'iami) which e/pect# a ma9or hurricane e(er nine ear#) on a(era e)ha# :een #truck onl once #ince 1 50 in 1 2 . ,ampa ha# not e/perienced a ma9or hurricane for3 ear#. 'an location# alon the Gulf and Atlantic coa#t# ha(e not e/perienced a ma9orhurricane durin the period 13514200 #ee ,a:le 12 ) de#pite the recent up#win in o(erall

acti(it .

(12) Wha ' h" * a& U$' "% S a " %a/a " (#"3* " a$% a3 " a%< /"$ 3* '$3&a '*$) a$%%"a h *&& 3* "a h -"a '$ " 1;00. ,a:le 1 a #ummari8e# thi# information. ,a:le 1 : rank#the top 0 ear# : death#) unad9u#ted dama e) ad9u#ted dama e and normali8ed dama e. Inmo#t ear# the death and dama e total# are the re#ult of a #in le) ma9or hurricane. Gentr 1

i(e# dama e# ad9u#ted to 1 5745 co#t# a# a :a#e for the period 1 1541 5. *or the mo#t part)death and dama e total# for the period 1 1541 5 were taken from Gentr M# paper) and for theremainin ear# from 'onthl $eather !e(iew. Ad9u#ted dama e# were con(erted to 200dollar# : the factor# u#ed in ,a:le a.

(1 ) Wha a " h" %"a%&'" a$% * &'" h ' a$" * a33" Ha7a'', P " * R' * a$% h"U=S= >' '$ I &a$% '$ " 1;00. ,a:le 16) pro(ided : &an# !o#endal and !aphael 'o9ica ofthe ational $eather Ser(ice *oreca#t ;ffice# in &onolulu and San uan) re#pecti(el ) #ummari8e#thi# information. Iniki in 1 2 i# the deadlie#t and co#tlie#t hurricane to affect &awaii whileGeor e# of 1 3 i# the co#tlie#t hurricane to affect +uerto !ico. ,he notoriou# San *elipehurricane of 1 23 wa# the deadlie#t hurricane in +uerto !ico #ince 1 00.

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(1 ) A " h" " h ' a$" &a$%3a&& - &" .*i ure# 1 throu h 1 #how the landfallin portion ofthe track# of ma9or hurricane# that ha(e #truck the United State# :etween 13514200 . ,he readermi ht note the tendenc for the ma9or hurricane landfall# to clu#ter in certain area# durin certaindecade#. Another intere#tin point i# the tendenc for thi# clu#terin to occur in the latter half ofindi(idual decade# in one area and in the fir#t half of indi(idual decade# in another area. -urinthe (er acti(e period of the thirtie# thi# clu#terin i# not apparent.

A compari#on of twent 4 ear period# :e innin in 1351 indicate# that the ma9or hurricane# tendedto :e in Gulf "oa#t #tate# :efore 13 1) then fa(ored *lorida and the we#tern Gulf until 1 11)#hiftin to the ea#tern Gulf "oa#t #tate# and *lorida durin the ne/t twent ear#) then to *loridaand the Atlantic "oa#t #tate# durin the 1 60#41 50#) and :ack to the we#tern Gulf "oa#t #tate# inthe followin twent 4 ear period. 'o#t ma9or hurricane# ha(e recentl fa(ored *lorida and thecentral Gulf "oa#t #tate#.


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In (irtuall e(er coa#tal cit from ,e/a# to 'aine) the pre#ent ational &urricane "enter-irector Bill +roen8a and former director# ha(e #tated that the United State# i# :uildin toward

it# ne/t hurricane di#a#ter. &urricane atrina i# a #ad reminder of the (ulnera:ilit of the UnitedState# to hurricane#. ,he area# alon the United State# Gulf and Atlantic coa#t# where mo#t ofthi# countr K# hurricane related fatalitie# ha(e occurred are al#o e/periencin the countr K# mo#t#i nificant rowth in population. %ow hurricane e/perience le(el#) a# #hown : &e:ert et al.

1 36 ) arrell et al. 1 2 and ,a:le 12) are a #eriou# pro:lem and could lead to future di#a#ter#.,hi# #ituation) in com:ination with continued :uildin alon the coa#t) will lead to dan erou#

pro:lem# for man area# in hurricane#. Becau#e it i# likel that people will alwa # :e attracted toli(e alon the #horeline) a #olution to the pro:lem lie# in education and preparedne## a# well a#lon 4term polic and plannin .

,he me##a e to coa#tal re#ident# i# thi#? Become familiar with what hurricane# can do) and when a

hurricane threaten# our area) increa#e our chance# of #ur(i(al : mo(in awa from the wateruntil the hurricane ha# pa##ed Unle## thi# me##a e i# clearl under#tood : coa#tal re#ident#throu h a thorou h and continuin preparedne## effort) di#a#trou# lo## of life i# ine(ita:le in thefuture.

Acknowled ment#? !ichard +a#ch and "olin 'cAdie made helpful #u e#tion# and 'ichelle'ainelli a##i#ted with producin #ome of the ta:le#. +aul &e:ert) Glenn ,a lor) Bo: "a#e) 'a/'a field and err arrell) co4author# of pre(iou# (er#ion# of thi# paper) are reco ni8ed for theirendurin contri:ution# to thi# work. -a(id !oth pro(ided the #ource for the Audre update) and

oan -a(id drafted the decade4: 4decade ma9or hurricane fi ure#.


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Blake) E.S.) E. . !appaport) .-. arrell) and ".$. %and#ea) 2005? ,he -eadlie#t) "o#tlie#t and'o#t Inten#e United State# &urricane# from 1351 to 2006 and ;ther *re uentl !e ue#ted&urricane *act# . ;AA) ,echnical 'emorandum $S4,+"46) 63 pp.

Gentr ) !.".) 1 ? ature and Scope of &urricane -ama e. American Societ for;ceano raph ) &urricane S mpo#ium) +u:lication um:er ;ne) 66 pp.

&e:ert) +. . and .G. ,a lor) 1 75? &urricane E/perience %e(el# of "oa#tal "ount +opulation# 4,e/a# to 'aine. Special Report ) ational $eather Seri(ce "ommunit +reparedne## Staff andSouthern !e ion) ul ) 15 pp.

&e:ert) +. .) .G. ,a lor) and !.A. "a#e) 1 36? &urricane E/perience %e(el# of "oa#tal "ount+opulation# 4 ,e/a# to 'aine. ;AA) ,echnical 'emorandum $S4 &"426) 127 pp.

&e:ert) +. .) .-. arrell) and B.'. 'a field) 1 7? ,he -eadlie#t) "o#tlie#t and 'o#t Inten#e

United State# &urricane# of ,hi# "entur and ;ther *re uentl !e ue#ted &urricane *act# . ;AA) ,echnical 'emorandum $S4,+"41) 0 pp.

arrell) .-.) B.'. 'a field) E. . !appaport) and ".$. %and#ea) 2001? ,he -eadlie#t) "o#tlie#tand 'o#t Inten#e United State# &urricane# from 1 00 to 2000 and ;ther *re uentl !e ue#ted&urricane *act# . ;AA) ,echnical 'emorandum $S4,+"4 ) 0 pp.

arrell) .-.) +. . &e:ert) and B.'. 'a field) 1 2? &urricane E/perience %e(el# of "oa#tal"ount +opulation# 4 ,e/a# to 'aine. ;AA) ,echnical 'emorandum $S4 &"46 ) 152 pp.

ar(inen) B.!.) ". . eumann) and A.S. -a(i#) 1 36? A ,ropical " clone -ata ,ape for the orthAtlantic Ba#in) 133 41 3 ? "ontent#) %imitation#) and U#e#. ;AA) ,echnical 'emorandum

$S4 &"422) 21 pp.

%and#ea) ".$. et al) 2006:? ,he Atlantic &urricane -ata:a#e !eanal #i# +ro9ect. -ocumentationfor 135141 10 alteration# and addition# to the &U!-A, data:a#e. Hurricanes and Typhoons:

Past, Present and Future ) !. . 'urnane and .B. %iu) Ed#.) "olum:ia Uni(er#it +re##) 1774221.

eumann) ". .) 1 37? ,he ational &urricane "enter !i#k Anal #i# +ro ram &U!IS . ;AA ,echnical 'emorandum) $S &" 3) 5 pp.

eumann) ". .) B.!. ar(inen) ". . 'cAdie) and G.!. &ammer) 1 ? ,ropical " clone# of the orth Atlantic ;cean) 137141 3. ;AA) &i#torical "limatolo Serie# 42) 20 pp.

+ielke) r.) !.A.) and ".$. %and#ea) 1 3? ormali8ed U.S. &urricane -ama e. 1 2541 5)Weather & Forecasting ) 1 ) 214 1.

+ielke) r.) !.A.) . Grat8) ".$. %and#ea) -. "ollin#) '. Saunder#) and !. 'u#ulin) 2007? ormali8ed &urricane -ama e# in the United State#? 1 0042005. Natural Hazards Review )

Su:mitted .

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!o##) .'.$. and S.'. Good#on? &urricane Audre . Sulphur %oui#iana) $i#e +u:lication#@1 7.

Simp#on) !.&.) 1 76? ,he hurricane di#a#ter potential #cale. Weatherwise ) Ool. 27) 1 413 .

U.S. $eather Bureau? "limatolo ical -ata and Storm -ata) (ariou# (olume#) (ariou# period#) ational and State Summarie# ational $eather Ser(ice 1 7141 3 .

U.S. $eather Bureau? onthly Weather Review ) 137241 70 ational $eather Ser(ice1 7141 7 ) and American 'eteorolo ical Societ 1 7642006 .

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Appendix A: Chronological List of All Hurricanes which Affected the Continental

United States: 1851-2 !"#Updated fro$ %arrell et al" 1&&2 and reflecting official

HU'(A) reanal*sis changes through 1&1+" ,ote that fro$ 1&15 through 1& &. no

official wind speed esti$ates are currentl* a/aila0le"

ear 3onth States AffectedHighestSaffir- Central 3ax" ,a$e

and Categor* 0*Si$psonU"S" 4ressure inds

States Categor* #$0 #6t

1851 %un )7. C1 1 & 8 -----

1851 Aug L. , 9 ;-<A. 1 9 &! 1 =<reat 3iddle lorida>

1852 Aug AL. 9 3S. 9 LA. 2 L. S 2. , 1 9 &!1 1 =<reat 3o0ile>

1852 Sep L. S 1 1 &85 -----

1852 ?ct L. , 2 ;-<A. 1 2 &!& & =3iddle lorida>

1859 ?ct @ <A. 1 1 &!5 -----

185+ %un )7. S1 1 &85 -----

185+ Sep <A. 9 SC. 2 L. , 1 9 &5 1 =<reat Carolina>

185+ Sep )7. C2 2 &!& & =3atagorda>

1855 Sep LA. 9 3S. 9 9 &5 11 =3iddle <ulf Shore>

185! Aug LA. + + &9+ 19 =Last ;sland>

185! Aug L. , 2 ;-AL. 1 ;-<A. 1 2 &!& & =Southeastern States>

185 Sep B ,C. 1 1 &!1 8 -----

1858 Sep , . 1 C). 1 ';. 1 3A. 1 1 & ! 8 =,ew ngland>

185& Sep AL. 1 L. , 1 1 &85 -----

18! Aug LA. 9 3S. 9 AL. 2 9 &5 11 -----

18! Sep LA. 2 3S. 2 AL. 1 2 &!& & -----

18! ?ct LA. 2 2 &!& & -----

18!1 Aug @ L. S 1 1 & = e* est>

18!1 Sep ,C. 1 1 &85 = Duinoctial>

18!1 ,o/ ,C. 1 1 &85 = xpedition>

18!5 Sep LA. 2 )7. ,1 2 &!& &=Sa0ine 'i/er-La6eCalcasieu>

18!5 ?ct L. S 2 L. S 1 2 &!& & -----

18!! %ul )7. C2 2 &!& & -----

18! %un SC. 1 1 &85 -----

18! ?ct LA. 2 )7. S1. ,1 L. , 1 2 &!& & =<al/eston>

18!& Aug )7. C2 2 &!& & =Lower )exas Coast>

18!& Sep LA. 1 1 &85 -----

18!& Sep ';. 9 3A. 9 , . 1 C). 1 9 &!9 1 = astern ,ew ngland>

18!& ?ct B 3 . 2 3A. 1 2 &!5 & =Sax0*Es <ale>

18 %ul AL. 1 1 &85 =3o0ile>

18 ?ct @ L. S 1. S 1 1 & =)win e* est #; >

18 ?ct L. S 1 1 & 8 =)win e* est #;; >

18 1 Aug L. S 9. , 1. , 1 9 &55 1 -----

18 1 Aug L. S 2. , 1 2 &!5 & -----

18 1 Sep L. , 1. S 1 1 &85 -----18 9 Sep L. , 1 1 &85 -----

18 9 ?ct L. S 9. S 2. , 1 9 &5& 1 -----

18 + Sep L. , 1 SC. 1 ,C. 1 1 &85 -----

18 5 Sep )7. C9. S2 9 &! 1 -----

18 ! Sep ,C. 1 FA. 1 1 &8 8 -----

18 ! ?ct L. S 2. S 1 2 & 9 & -----

18 Sep LA. 1 L. , 1 1 &85 -----

18 ?ct L. , 9 ;-<A. 1 9 &! 1 -----

18 8 Sep L. S 2. , 1 SC. 1 <A. 1 2 & & -----18 8 ?ct ,C. 2 FA. 1 3(. 1 ( . 1 ,%. 1 2 &!9 & -----

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;-4A. 1

18 & Aug ,C. 9 FA. 2 3A. 1 9 & 1 1 -----

18 & Aug )7. ,2 LA. 2 2 &!+ & -----

18 & Sep LA. 9 9 &5 11 -----

188 Aug G )7. S9 9 &91 11 -----

188 Aug L. S 2. , 1. , 1 2 & 2 & -----

188 Sep ,C. 1 1 &8 -----188 ?ct L. , 1 1 &85 -----

1881 Aug <A. 2 SC. 1 2 & & -----

1881 Sep ,C. 2 2 & 5 & -----

1882 Sep L. , 9 ;-AL. 1 9 &+& 1 -----

1882 Sep LA. 2 )7. ,1 2 &!& & -----

1882 ?ct L. , 1 1 &85 -----

1889 Sep ,C. 2 SC. 1 2 &!5 & -----

1885 Aug SC. 9 ,C. 2 <A. 1 L. , 1 9 &59 1 -----

188! %un )7. ,2 LA. 2 2 & 9 85 -----

188! %un L. , 2 ;-<A. 1 2 & 9 85 -----

188! %un L. , 2 ;-<A. 1 2 & 9 85 -----

188! %ul L. , 1 1 &85 -----

188! Aug )7. C+ + &25 195 =;ndianola>

188! Sep G )7. S1. C1 1 & 9 8 -----

188! ?ct LA. 9 )7. ,2 9 &55 1 5 -----

188 %ul L. , 1 ;-AL. 1 1 &81 5 -----

188 Aug @ ,C. 1 1 &+! !5 -----

188 Sep )7. S2 2 & 9 85 -----

188 ?ct LA. 1 1 &81 5 -----

1888 %un )7. C1 1 &85 -----

1888 Aug L. S 9. S 1 LA2 9 &+5 11 -----

1888 ?ct L. , 2. , 1 2 & &5 -----

188& Sep LA. 1 1 &85 -----

18&1 %ul )7. C1. ,1 1 & 8 -----

18&1 Aug L. S 1 1 &85 -----

18&9 Aug , . 1 C). 1 1 &8! 5 =3idnight Stor$>18&9 Aug <A. 9 SC. 9 ;-,C. 1 L. , 1 9 &5+ 1 =Sea ;slands>

18&9 Sep LA. 2 2 & 9 85 -----

18&9 ?ct LA. + 3S. 2 AL. 2 + &+8 115 =Chenier Ca$inanda>

18&9 ?ct SC. 9 ,C. 2 ;-FA. 1 9 &55 1 5 -----

18&+ Sep L. S 2. , 1 SC. 1 FA. 1 2 & 5 & -----

18&+ ?ct L. , 9 ;-<A. 1 , . 1 ';. 1 C). 1 9 &55 1 5 -----

18&5 Aug G )7. S1 1 & 9 !5 -----

18&! %ul L. , 2 2 & 9 85 -----

18&! Sep ';. 1 3A. 1 1 &85 -----

18&! SepL. , 9. , 9 <A. 2 SC. 1 ;-,C. 1

;-FA. 1 9 &! 11 -----

18& Sep LA. 1 )7. ,1 1 &81 5 -----

18&8 Aug L. , 1 1 &85 -----

18&8 Aug <A. 1 SC. 1 1 &8 5 -----18&8 ?ct <A. + L. , 2 + &98 115 -----

18&& Aug L. , 2 2 & & 85 -----

18&& Aug ,C. 9 9 &+5 1 5 -----

18&& ?ct ,C. 2 SC. 2 2 &55 &5 -----

1& Sep )7. ,+ + &9! 125 =<al/eston>

1& 1 %ul ,C. 1 1 &89 -----

1& 1 Aug LA. 1 3S. 1 AL. 1 1 & 9 8 -----

1& 9 Sep L. S 1. , 1 1 & ! 8 -----

1& 9 Sep ,%. 1 ( . 1 1 && -----

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1& + Sep SC. 1 1 &85 -----

1& + ?ct L. S 1 1 &85 -----

1& ! %un L. S 1. S 1 1 & & 5 -----

1& ! Sep SC. 1 ,C. 1 1 & 8 -----

1& ! Sep 3S. 2 AL. 2 L. , 2 LA. 1 2 &58 &5 -----

1& ! ?ct L. S 9. S 9 9 &59 1 5 -----

1& 8 %ul ,C. 1 1 &85 -----

1& & %un )7. S2 2 & 2 85 -----1& & %ul )7. ,9 9 &5& 1 =Felasco>

1& & Aug G )7. S1 1 &55 !5 -----

1& & Sep LA. 9 3S. 2 9 &52 1 5 =<rand ;sle>

1& & ?ct L. S 9. S 9 9 &5 1 -----

1&1 Sep )7. S2 2 &!5 &5 -----

1&1 ?ct L. S 2 2 &55 &5 -----

1&11 Aug L. , 1 AL.1 1 &85 -----

1&11 Aug SC. 2 <A. 1 2 & 2 85 -----

1&12 Sep AL. 1 L. , 1 1 &88 !5 -----

1&12 ?ct )7. S2 2 & 9 85 -----

1&19 %un )7. S1 1 &88 !5 -----

1&19 Sep ,C. 1 1 & ! 5 -----

1&19 ?ct SC. 1 1 &8& !5 -----

1&15 Aug )7. ,+ + &+5 ---- =<al/eston>

1&15 Sep L. , 1 ;-<A. 1 1 &88 ---- -----

1&15 Sep LA. + + &91 ---- =,ew ?rleans>

1&1! %ul 3S. 9 AL. 9 9 &+8 ---- -----

1&1! %ul 3A. 1 1 ----- ---- -----

1&1! %ul SC. 1 1 &8 ---- -----

1&1! Aug )7. S9 9 &+8 ---- -----

1&1! ?ct AL. 2 L. , 2 2 & 2 ---- -----

1&1! ,o/ L. S 1 1 ----- ---- -----

1&1 Sep L. , 9 9 &58 ---- -----

1&18 Aug LA. 9 9 &55 ---- -----

1&1& Sep L. S + )7. S+ + &2 ---- -----

1&2 Sep LA. 2 2 & 5 ---- -----

1&2 Sep ,C. 1 1 ----- ---- -----

1&21 %un )7. C2 2 & & ---- -----

1&21 ?ct L. S 9. , 2 9 &52 ---- =)a$pa a*>

1&29 ?ct LA. 1 1 &85 ---- -----

1&2+ Sep L. , 1 1 &85 ---- -----

1&2+ ?ct L. S 1 1 &8 ---- -----

1&25 ,o-(e L. S 1 1 ----- ---- -----

1&2! %ul L. , 2 2 &! ---- -----

1&2! Aug LA. 9 9 &55 ---- -----

1&2! Sep L. S +. S 9. , 9 AL. 9 + &95 ---- =<reat 3ia$i>

1&28 Aug L. S 2 2 ----- ---- -----

1&28 Sep L. S +. , 2 <A. 1 SC. 1 + &2& ---- =La6e ?6eecho0ee>

1&2& %un )7. C1 1 &82 ---- -----

1&2& Sep L. S 9. , 2 9 &+8 ---- -----

1&92 Aug )7. ,+ + &+1 ---- = reeport>

1&92 Sep AL. 1 1 & & ---- -----

1&99 Aug )7. S2 L. S 1 2 & 5 ---- -----

1&99 Aug ,C. 2 FA. 2 2 & 1 ---- -----

1&99 Sep )7. S9 9 &+& ---- -----

1&99 Sep L. S 9 9 &+8 ---- -----

1&99 Sep ,C. 9 9 &5 ---- -----

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1&9+ %un LA. 9 9 &!2 ---- -----

1&9+ %ul )7. S2 2 & 5 ---- -----

1&95 Sep L. S 5. , 2 5 8&2 ---- =La0or (a*>

1&95 ,o/ L. S 2 2 & 9 ---- -----

1&9! %un )7. S1 1 &8 ---- -----

1&9! %ul L. , 9 9 &!+ ---- -----

1&9! Sep ,C. 2 2 ----- ---- -----

1&98 Aug LA. 1 1 &85 ---- -----1&98 Sep , . 9 C). 9 ';. 9 3A. 9 9 &+! ---- =,ew ngland>

1&9& Aug L. S 1. , 1 1 &85 ---- -----

1&+ Aug )7. ,2 LA. 2 2 & 2 ---- -----

1&+ Aug <A. 2 SC. 2 2 & ---- -----

1&+1 Sep )7. ,9 9 &58 ---- -----

1&+1 ?ct L. S 2. S 2. , 2 2 & 5 ---- -----

1&+2 Aug )7. ,1 1 &&2 ---- -----

1&+2 Aug )7. C9 9 &5 ---- -----

1&+9 %ul )7. ,2 2 &!& ---- -----

1&++ Aug ,C. 1 1 && ---- -----

1&++ Sep ,C. 9 FA. 9 , . 9 C). 9 ';. 9 3A. 2 9 &+ ---- -----

1&++ ?ct L. S 9. , 2 9 &!2 ---- -----

1&+5 %un L. , 1 1 &85 ---- -----

1&+5 Aug )7. C2 2 &! ---- -----

1&+5 Sep L. S 9 9 &51 ---- -----

1&+! ?ct L. S 1 1 &8 ---- -----

1&+ Aug )7. ,1 1 &&2 ---- -----

1&+ Sep L. S +. S 2 3S. 9 LA. 9 + &+ ---- -----

1&+ ?ct <A. 2 SC. 2 L. S 1 2 & + ---- -----

1&+8 Sep LA. 1 1 &8 ---- -----

1&+8 Sep L. S 9. S 2 9 &!9 ---- -----

1&+8 ?ct L. S 2 2 & 5 ---- -----

1&+& Aug @ ,C. 1 1 &8 ---- -----

1&+& Aug L. S 9 9 &5+ ---- -----

1&+& ?ct )7. ,2 2 & 2 ---- -----

1&5 Aug AL. 1 1 &8 ---- a6er

1&5 Sep L. , 9 9 &58 ---- as*

1&5 ?ct L. S 9 9 &55 ---- ing

1&52 Aug SC. 1 1 &85 ---- A0le

1&59 Aug ,C. 1 1 &8 ---- ar0ara

1&59 Sep 3 . 1 1 ----- ---- Carol

1&59 Sep L. , 1 1 &85 ---- lorence

1&5+ Aug , . 9 C). 9 ';. 9 ,C. 2 9 &! ---- Carol

1&5+ Sep 3A. 9 3 . 1 9 &5+ ---- dna

1&5+ ?ct SC. + ,C. + 3(. 2 + &98 ---- HaIel

1&55 Aug ,C. 9 FA. 1 9 &!2 ---- Connie

1&55 Aug ,C. 1 1 &8 ---- (iane

1&55 Sep ,C. 9 9 &! ---- ;one

1&5! Sep LA. 2 L. , 1 2 & 5 ---- loss*

1&5 %un )7. ,+ LA. + + &+5 ---- Audre*

1&58 Sep @ ,C. 9 9 &+! ---- Helene

1&5& %ul SC. 1 1 &&9 ---- Cind*

1&5& %ul )7. ,1 1 &8+ ---- (e0ra

1&5& Sep SC. 9 9 &5 ---- <racie

1&! Sep L. S + ,C. 9 , . 9 L. , 2. C). 2 + &9 ---- (onna

';. 2 3A. 1 ,H. 1 3 . 1

1&! Sep 3S. 1 1 &81 ---- thel

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1&!1 Sep )7. C+ + &91 ---- Carla

1&!9 Sep )7. ,1 1 &&! ---- Cind*

1&!+ Aug L. S 2 2 &!8 ---- Cleo

1&!+ Sep L. , 2 2 &!! ---- (ora

1&!+ ?ct LA. 9 9 &5 ---- Hilda

1&!+ ?ct L. S 2. S 2 2 & + ---- ;s0ell

1&!5 Sep L. S 9 LA. 9 9 &+8 ---- ets*

1&!! %un L. , 2 2 &82 ---- Al$a1&!! ?ct L. S 1 1 &89 ---- ;neI

1&! Sep )7. S9 9 &5 ---- eulah

1&!8 ?ct L. , 2. , 1 2 & ---- <lad*s

1&!& Aug LA. 5 3S. 5 5 & & ---- Ca$ille

1&!& Sep 3 . 1 1 &8 ---- <erda

1& Aug )7. S9 9 &+5 ---- Celia

1& 1 Sep LA. 2 2 & 8 ---- dith

1& 1 Sep )7. C1 1 & & ---- ern

1& 1 Sep ,C. 1 1 &&5 ---- <inger

1& 2 %un L. , 1 , . 1 C). 1 1 &8 ---- Agnes

1& + Sep LA. 9 9 &52 ---- Car$en

1& 5 Sep L. , 9 ;-AL. 1 9 &55 ---- loise

1& ! Aug , . 1 1 &8 ---- elle

1& Sep LA. 1 1 &&5 ---- a0e

1& & %ul LA. 1 1 &8! ---- o0

1& & Sep L. S 2. , 2 <A. 2 SC. 2 2 & ---- (a/id

1& & Sep AL. 9 3S. 9 9 &+! ---- rederic

1&8 Aug )7. S9 9 &+5 1 Allen

1&89 Aug )7. ,9 9 &!2 1 Alicia

1&8+ Sep @ ,C. 9 9 &+& 1 (iana

1&85 %ul SC. 1 1 1 2 !5 o0

1&85 Aug LA. 1 1 &8 8 (ann*

1&85 Sep AL. 9 3S. 9 L. , 9 9 &5& 1 lena

1&85 Sep ,C. 9 , .9 C).2 ,H.2 3 .1 9 &+2 & <loria

1&85 ?ct LA. 1 1 & 1 5 %uan1&85 ,o/ L. , 2 ;-<A. 1 2 &! 85 ate

1&8! %un )7. ,1 1 && 5 onnie

1&8! Aug ,C. 1 1 && !5 Charle*

1&8 ?ct L. S 1 1 &&9 !5 lo*d

1&88 Sep LA. 1 1 &8+ lorence

1&8& Aug )7. ,1 1 &8! Chantal

1&8& Sep SC. + ;-,C. 1 + &9+ 12 Hugo

1&8& ?ct )7. ,1 1 &89 5 %err*

1&&1 Aug ';. 2 3A. 2 , . 2 C). 2 2 &!2 & o0

1&&2 Aug L. S 5. S + LA. 9 5 &22 1+5 Andrew

1&&9 Aug @ ,C. 9 9 &! 1 $il*

1&&5 Aug L. , 2. S 1 2 & 9 85 rin

1&&5 ?ct L. , 9 ;-AL. 1 9 &+2 1 ?pal

1&&! %ul ,C. 2 2 & + & ertha

1&&! Sep ,C. 9 9 &5+ 1 ran

1&& %ul LA. 1 AL. 1 1 &8+ (ann*

1&&8 Aug ,C. 2 2 &!+ &5 onnie

1&&8 Sep L. , 1 1 &8 arl

1&&8 Sep L. S 2 3S. 2 2 &!+ & <eorges

1&&& Aug )7. S9 9 &51 1 ret

1&&& Sep ,C. 2 2 &5! & lo*d

1&&& ?ct L. S 1 1 &8 ;rene

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2 2 ?ct LA. 1 1 &!9 8 Lili

2 9 %ul )7. C1 1 & & 8 Claudette

2 9 Sep ,C. 2 FA. 1 2 &5 & ;sa0el

2 + Aug @ ,C. 1 1 & 2 Alex

2 + Aug L. S +. S 1. , 1 SC.1 ,C.1 + &+1 19 Charle*

2 + Aug SC. 1 1 &85 !5 <aston

2 + Sep L. S 2. S 1 2 &! & rances2 + Sep AL. 9 L. , 9 9 &+! 1 5 ;/an

2 + Sep L. S 9. S 1. , 1 9 &5 1 5 %eanne

2 5 %ul LA. 1 1 &&1 !5 Cind*

2 5 %ul L. , 9 ;-AL. 1 9 &+! 1 5 (ennis

2 5 Aug L. S 1. S 1 LA. 9 3S. 9 AL. 1 9 &2 11 atrina

2 5 Sep @ ,C. 1 1 &82 !5 ?phelia

2 5 Sep L. S 1 LA. 9 )7. ,2 9 &9 1 'ita

2 5 ?ct L. S 9. S 2 9 &5 1 5 il$a


Hurricanes landfalls that do not produce hurricane-force winds along the coast are not included

in this list" )wo such hurricanes are 6nown: Sep 1888 in 3A and 3a* 1& 8 in ,C"

States Affected and Categor* 0* States Affected: )he i$pact of the hurricane on indi/idual U"S"states 0ased upon the Saffir-Si$pson Hurricane Scale #through the esti$ate of the $axi$u$sustained surface winds at each state " #)7 S-South )exas. )7 C-Central )exas. )7 ,-,orth )exas.LA-Louisiana. 3S-3ississippi. AL-Ala0a$a. L , -,orthwest lorida. L S -Southwest lorida. LS -Southeast lorida. L , -,ortheast lorida. <A-<eorgia. SC-South Carolina. ,C-,orth Carolina.FA-Firginia. 3(-3ar*land. ( -(elaware. ,%-,ew %erse*. , -,ew or6. 4A-4enns*l/ania. C)-Connecticut. ';-'hode ;sland. 3A-3assachusetts. ,H-,ew Ha$pshire. 3 -3aine" ;n )exas. southrefers to the area fro$ the 3exican 0order to Corpus Christi central spans fro$ north of CorpusChristi to 3atagorda a* and north refers to the region fro$ north of 3atagorda a* to theLouisiana 0order" ;n lorida. the north-south di/iding line is fro$ Cape Cana/eral J28"+5,K to)arpon Springs J28"1 ,K" )he di/iding line 0etween west-east lorida goes fro$ 82"!& at thenorth lorida 0order with <eorgia. to La6e ?6eecho0ee and due south along longitude 8 "85 "

?ccasionall*. a hurricane will cause a hurricane i$pact #esti$ated $axi$u$ sustained surfacewinds in the inland portion of a coastal state 0ut not at the coast of that state" )odifferentiate these cases /ersus coastal hurricane i$pacts. these inland hurricane stri6es aredenoted with an ; prefix 0efore the state a00re/iation" States that ha/e 0een so i$pacted atleast once during this ti$e period include Ala0a$a #;AL . <eorgia #;<A . ,orth Carolina #;,C .Firginia #;FA . and 4enns*l/ania #;4A " )he lorida peninsula. 0* the nature of its relati/el*narrow land$ass. is all considered as coastal in this data0ase"

Highest U"S" Saffir-Si$pson Categor*: )he highest Saffir-Si$pson Hurricane Scale i$pact in theUnited States 0ased upon esti$ated $axi$u$ sustained surface winds produced at the coast"

Central 4ressure: )he o0ser/ed #or anal*Ied fro$ peripheral pressure $easure$ents centralpressure of the hurricane at landfall"

3axi$u$ inds: sti$ated $axi$u$ sustained #1-$in surface #1 $ winds to occur along the U" S"coast" inds are esti$ated to the nearest 1 6t for the period of 1851 to 1885 and to thenearest 5 6t for the period of 188! to date" #1 6t M 1"15 $ph"

@ - ;ndicates that the hurricane center did not $a6e a U"S" landfall #or su0stantiall* wea6ened0efore $a6ing landfall . 0ut did produce the indicated hurricane force winds o/er land" ;n thiscase. central pressure is gi/en for the hurricaneNs point of closest approach"

B - ;ndicates that the hurricane center did $a6e a direct landfall. 0ut that the strongest windsli6el* re$ained offshore" )hus the winds indicated here are lower than in HU'(A)"

G - ;ndicates that the hurricane $ade landfall o/er 3exico. 0ut also caused sustained hurricaneforce surface winds in )exas" )he strongest winds at landfall i$pacted 3exico. while the wea6er$axi$u$ sustained winds indicated here were conditions esti$ated to occur in )exas" ;ndicatedcentral pressure gi/en is that at 3exican landfall"

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Additional ,ote: ecause of the sparseness of towns and cities 0efore 1& in so$e coastallocations along the United States. the a0o/e list is not co$plete for all states" efore the<ulf of 3exico and Atlantic coasts 0eca$e settled. hurricanes $a* ha/e 0een underesti$ated intheir intensit* or $issed co$pletel* for s$all-siIed s*ste$s #i"e". 2 +Ns Hurricane Charle* ")he following list pro/ides esti$ated dates when accurate tropical c*clone records 0egan forspecified regions of the United States 0ased upon U"S Census reports and other historicalanal*ses" ears in parenthesis indicate possi0le starting dates for relia0le records 0efore the185 s that $a* 0e a/aila0le with additional research: )exas-south O 188 . )exas-central O 1851.

)exas-north O 18! . Louisiana O 188 . 3ississippi O 1851. Ala0a$a P 1851 #189 . lorida-northwest O 188 . lorida-southwest O 1& . lorida-southeast O 1& . lorida-northeast O 188 .<eorgia P 1851 #18 . South Carolina P 1851 #1 ! . ,orth Carolina P 1851 #1 ! . Firginia P1851 #1 . 3ar*land P 1851 #1 ! . (elaware P 1851 #1 . ,ew %erse* P 1851 #1 ! . ,ew or6P 1851 #1 . Connecticut P 1851 #1!! . 'hode ;sland P 1851 #1 ! . 3assachusetts P 1851#1!! . ,ew Ha$pshire P 1851 #1!! . and 3aine P 1851 #1 & "