Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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Page 1: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Let’s Learn Russian!NCVPS Russian I Course

Week 12

Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Page 2: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Warming Up. Everyday Phrases.

• Answer the questions:

1.Какой сегодня день ?2.Какой день завтра?3.Какой день был вчера?

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Page 3: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Warming Up. Everyday Phrases II.

Ask your classmates and answer their questions about your future actions positively or negatively:

Examples:-Ты будешь играть в футбол?-Да, я буду играть в футбол.-Ты будешь играть в теннис?-Нет, я не буду играть в теннис.

1.Ты будешь смотреть телевизор?2.Ты будешь плавать в бассейне?3.Ты будешь играть на компьютере?4.Ты будешь слушать музыку?5.Ты будешь ходить по магазинам?6.Ты будешь играть в шахматы?

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Page 4: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Vocabulary “Это Вкусно!”

Продукты- Groceries, produce


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Page 5: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Vocabulary “Это Вкусно!”

Колбаса- Sausage

Сыр- Cheese

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Page 6: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Vocabulary “Это Вкусно!”

Масло- Butter

Хлеб- Bread

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Page 7: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Vocabulary “Это Вкусно!”

Курица- Chicken


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Page 8: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Vocabulary “Это Вкусно!”



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Page 9: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Vocabulary “Это Вкусно!”


Фрукты- Fruit

Image from https://openclipart.org

Page 10: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Vocabulary “Это Вкусно!”

Гамбургер- Hamburger

Бутерброт- Sandwich

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Page 11: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Vocabulary “Это Вкусно!”

Салат- Salad

Суп- Soup

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Page 12: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Vocabulary “Это Вкусно!”

Пицца- Pizza

Макароны- Macaroni, Pasta

Image from https://openclipart.org Image courtesy of Nujalee at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Page 13: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Vocabulary “Это Вкусно!”

Картошка- Potatoes

Рис- Rice

Image from https://openclipart.org

Page 14: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Vocabulary “Это Вкусно!”

Яблоко- Apple

Апельсин- Orange

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Page 15: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Vocabulary “Это Вкусно!”

Лимон- Lemon

Банан- Banana

Image from https://openclipart.org

Page 16: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Vocabulary “Это Вкусно!”

Торт- Cake

Шоколад- Chocolate

Image from https://openclipart.org

Page 17: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Vocabulary “Это Вкусно!”

Печенье- Cookies

Мороженое- Ice-cream

Image from https://openclipart.org

Page 18: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Vocabulary “Это Вкусно!”

Есть- to eat

Пить- to drink

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Page 19: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Vocabulary “Это Вкусно!”

Напитки- Drinks

Вода- Water

Image from https://openclipart.org

Page 20: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Vocabulary “Это Вкусно!”

Молоко- Milk


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Page 21: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Vocabulary “Это Вкусно!”

Чай- Tea

Кофе- Coffee

Image from https://openclipart.org

Page 22: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Vocabulary “Это Вкусно!”

Завтрак- BreakfastНа завтрак- For breakfast

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Page 23: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Vocabulary “Это Вкусно!”

Обед- LunchНа обед- For lunch

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Page 24: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Vocabulary “Это Вкусно!”

Ужин- DinnerНа ужин- For dinner

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Page 25: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Vocabulary “Это Вкусно!” on One Slide

продукты - produceеда - foodесть - to eatколбаса - sausageсыр - cheeseмасло - butterкурица - chickenмясо - meatрыба - fishхлеб - breadбутерброд - sandwichяйцо - eggрис - riceовощи - vegetables картофель - potatoesгамбургер - hamburgerфрукты - fruitапельсин - orangeлимон – lemonсалат- salad

макароны- macaroniяблоко - appleторт - cakeшоколад - chocolateпеченье - cookiesмороженое - ice-creamсуп - soupпицца – pizzaнапитки - drinks пить - to drinkвода - waterмолоко - milkчай - teaкофе - coffeeсок - juiceзавтрак - breakfastна завтрак - for breakfastобед - lunch на обед - for lunchужин - dinnerна ужин - for dinner Image courtesy of digitalart at


Page 26: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Conjugation of the Verb “Есть”

• The verb “Есть” means “to eat”. It’s an irregular verb and its conjugation needs to be memorized.

Я емТы ешь

Он/она/оно естМы едимВы едитеОни едят

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Page 27: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Conjugation of the Verb “Пить”

• The verb “пить” means “to drink”. It’s a first conjugation verb though it has some stem changes that need to be memorized.

Я пьюТы пьёшь

Он/она/оно пьётМы пьёмВы пьётеОни пьют

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Page 28: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Phrases “Я люблю”, “Я не люблю”

Read and translate sentences with phrases “Я люблю” and “Я не люблю”.

1.Я люблю есть гамбургер.2.Я не люблю есть рис.3.Я люблю пить молоко.4.Я не люблю пить чай.5.Моя мама любит есть фрукты.6.Твой друг не любит пить сок.

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Page 29: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Phrases “Я люблю”, “Я не люблю”

Talk about your likes and dislikes. Use the vocabulary words from week 12.

Я люблю есть ________Я не люблю есть ______Я люблю пить _______Я не люблю пить _______

Practice saying these phrases with your language coach. 

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Page 30: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Let’s Practice Writing -“Я люблю”, “Я не люблю”

• With the help of your coach on the new Blackboard slide practice writing (hand printing) word in Russian about what you like/do not like to eat and drink. Write the words in the appropriate boxes. Have fun!

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Page 31: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Let’s Practice Writing -“Я люблю”, “Я не люблю”

Я люблю есть... Я люблю пить...

Я не люблю есть...

Я не люблю пить...

Page 32: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Question :“Что ты ешь на завтрак/обед/ужин?”

Когда? Что?

На завтракЯ ем яйцо.Я ем фрукты.Я ем бутерброд.Я пью кофе.Я пью молоко.

На обедЯ ем суп.Я ем салат.Я ем рис и мясо.Я ем рыбу и картофель.Я пью воду.

На ужинЯ ем пиццу.Я ем овощи.Я пью чай.

Make sentences about what you eat for breakfast/dinner/supper and translate them.

Page 33: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Speaking Assignment “What do you Like to Eat?”

This is a graded assignment where you will need to record your speaking. Before recording you need to practice it with your coach. Say the following in Russian:

- Greeting - Your name - What you like to eat.- What you do not like to eat. - What you like to drink. - What you do not like to drink. - What you usually eat for breakfast. - What you usually eat for lunch.- What you usually eat for dinner. 

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Page 34: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Cultural Notes I Typical Russian Breakfast

Photos from http://library.lipetsk.ru and https://openclipart.org

ТворогМолочная каша


Page 35: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Cultural Notes II Typical Russian Lunch (Usually a 2-3

course Meal)

Photos from http://library.lipetsk.ru and https://openclipart.org

Картошка-пюре с рыбой

ВинегретБорщ (or other type of soup)

Page 36: Let’s Learn Russian! NCVPS Russian I Course Week 12 Image courtesy of cescassawin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Image courtesy of Matt Banks at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Cultural Notes III Typical Russian Dinner

Photos from http://library.lipetsk.ru and https://openclipart.org

Жареная картошка с котлетой

Гречневая каша с отбивнойКартофельные

блинчики (драники)