8/7/2019 ptbrev http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/ptbrev 1/32 Day 7 Email Subject line – Steven Tyler is a real S.O.B.! Dear Reader, Unless you’ve been living under a rock on Mars, you  probably know that Steven Tyler is the crazy lead singer for Aerosmith, one of the most popular rock bands on this  planet.  He’s been doing his thing on American Idol, so he's gotten a lot of play recently in the media. And as a fan, I just couldn't resist jumping in on the love fest and giving him a big 'ole fat shout out - because he truly is a TOTAL S.O.B.  A Sincere. Outrageous. Being. (or bad ass depending on my  mood!) Steven is my hero right now - what you see is what you get! He's also my kind of guy because he's consistent (consistently crazy, but consistent) and  he's certainly making an impact all around the world with his wacky Steven-isms such as… “You know what Randy, I could agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong” To… “Slap that baby on the ass and call me Christmas!" (huh?)  Yep – every week you can get a double shot of his "outrageous" behavior right smack dab during prime time TV. As a mother of 5 who doesn't get out much - I. Am. Loving. It! 1


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Day 7 Email

Subject line – Steven Tyler is a realS.O.B.!

Dear Reader,

Unless you’ve been living under a rock on Mars, you

 probably know that Steven Tyler is the crazy lead singer 

for Aerosmith, one of the most popular rock bands on this



He’s been doing his thing on American Idol, so he's gotten

a lot of play recently in the media. And as a fan, I just

couldn't resist jumping in on the love fest and giving him

a big 'ole fat shout out - because he truly is a TOTAL


 A Sincere. Outrageous. Being. (or bad ass depending on my 


Steven is my hero right now - what you see is what you get!

He's also my kind of guy because he's consistent

(consistently crazy, but consistent) and  he's certainly 

making an impact all around the world with his wacky 

Steven-isms such as…

“You know what Randy, I could agree with you, but then we’d 

both be wrong” 


“Slap that baby on the ass and call me Christmas!" (huh?)


Yep – every week you can get a double shot of his

"outrageous" behavior right smack dab during prime time TV.

As a mother of 5 who doesn't get out much - I. Am. Loving.



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Of course most of Steven is left to the imagination because

many of his zingers are blatantly bleeped by the censors,

and some are actually even bleeped by him. (Did you know 

at one point they gave him his own sign to cover his mouth

when cussing? Man, I want one of those – don't you?)

If I'm being totally honest, at times, some of Steven even

gets bleeped by my OWN mind as his crazy-town-talk flies

right over (or under) my head. (Heck – I've decided I don’t

think HE even knows what point he is trying to make some of 

the time –ha!)

But you know what?? 

I don’t care - I don't!

If Steven occasionally confuses me – that's ok with me.


Is it because he’s a rock star? NO. (Ok, fine - maybe)


Is it because he’s Liv Tyler’s dad? NO. (I promise)

Could it be because he’s outrageously authentic!


You can say what you want about him, but he’s the real


 And like him or love him, he’s comfortable in his own skin!

Are you?


Probably not as much as you’d like to be, right?


Me either.

In fact, for a really long time I sometimes felt like a

 poorly dressed drag queen standing in the middle of crowd 

at a Hulk Hogan wrestling match (in case you're wondering –

that's not a good thing).

Until I finally learned how to start thinking outrageously.


Now if you're all freaked out because you don't "get it"

yet, don't worry. It's early.


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Trust me, when the light bulb goes on? Well all I can say 

is be prepared to go all "supernova" on your life, ok?

But until you get there, maybe you should take the lead 

from a certified rock star, Mr. S.O.B Steven Tyler himself.

Steven, after an extraordinarily compelling performance,made a quick off the cuff remark on Wednesday night that

knocked my spiritual socks off.

I couldn't believe it myself when it happened, but Steven

truly gave me an amazing "ah-ha" moment (accidentally I 

suspect), even triggering a tear in the process when he


"When you find the right song, the voice appears."


He stopped my mind in its tracks - which doesn't happen

often I assure you...

Immediately, I felt gratitude come crashing through me and 

simultaneously got double whammied with a tantalizing tidal

wave of complete joy!

And just like that – voila – the words of wisdom I'd been

waiting to hear from ANYONE or ANYTHING, for two solid 

days, came to me from a half crazed rock star at 8:22 pm on

a Wednesday night, as I sat on my couch in my PJ's munching 

on garlic roasted seaweed (yeah – more on "the cleanse"



But seriously, try sitting with that this weekend and ask 

 yourself a few candid questions.

What melody do you hear every day?

Are you drowning out your voice with background noise from

never-ending chatter in your mind?

Are you “pitchy” as Randy would say? Up and down, never 

really quite hitting the right notes?


Think about it.

What if you could use the outrageous tips I've shared over 

the last week and a half to hear a NEW outrageous song this



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Same singer. Same instrument. Just hear the notes


I promise when you find a way to rise above all the

unnecessary background chatter from your mind, you will

hear just YOU – and it will rock your world! 

To help you ponder this outrageously, I’ve gathered all the

emails and posts I've sent you so far and put them in one

easy to read FREE mini ebook you can grab right now – just

click right here.

Curl up on the couch and read them. Or maybe look over them

before you go to bed. Anytime that works for you works for 

me - except when you’re driving, please! But honestly, do

it. ☺ 


 And if you get busy and can’t find the time? That's ok,

too. No sweat off my back.

Because I already believe in you.

I just want YOU to see the truth right inside of you.

It's your time.

Own it.

Be outrageous this weekend.


Your Personal S.O.B.!!

Lori R Taylor 


PS Give yourself an outrageous gift of reading through my 

 personal insights, stories and tips that WORK. I’ve spent

hundreds of thousands of dollars to get where I am today –

and shared these tips with 1000’s of people already. I want

others, YOU, to learn from my mistakes for FREE – it’s my 

outrageous gift to you (and to me – it’s my way of paying 

it forward) - you can get your copy here.


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Day 8 Email

Please DON'T read if you aren’t in the mood to be inspired 


Dear Reader,


Quote of the day


“Unfortunately, some people aren’t who they think they are.

Fortunately most of us are much more than we think we are;

either way, the truth comes when we think with our hearts

instead of our heads.”  Lori R Taylor  

The Story


My daddy sent me an email last night that made me cry (not

on purpose). I'm confident it was one of those emails

that's been "going around", but it still moved me.


Maybe it was because my dad sent it to me, or maybe it’s

because when I hear stories of everyday people doing 

extraordinary things, under extreme duress, I can’t stop

the hillbilly in me (who has overcome so much herself) from

standing up and  cheering!

I clap and cheer, complete with occasionally “blubbering”,

as I joyfully celebrate the beauty of the human spirit.

(You should’ve seen me at the movie Secretariat!)


But here’s the deal...

While I’m a tad biased, my dad truly is a great man I adore

and even though he calls me the spiritual black sheep in

the family, he secretly likes it (or at least I tell myself 

he does – I’m outrageous like that). ☺  

But the bottom line is, my dad rarely does the chain email

gig, so when I get the rare “pay it forward” email – I paid 

attention (and am very grateful he thought of me)!

His email last night was too outrageously perfect NOT to

send to you, so I hope you don’t mind the “pass along”!


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Even if you’ve already read it, I’m betting you missed the

ONE thing I want you to get (don’t feel bad – most people

 probably took it literally).


What happened to Japan has been horrifying to watch.

But it can also be beautiful in it’s own tragic way if you

change your filter and stand with me in awe of the way the

human spirit in Japan is facing one of its darkest hours

and coping with this unexpected environmental disaster.

If you’ve been paying attention, do you ever find yourself 

wondering, “What would I do?” 


You already know – because you do it every day through

every stressful moment you experience; no matter the

magnitude of the circumstances, every day you face

something challenging (even if it’s long lines at the

checkout counter – no matter what – life is relative).


If you’ve been inspired to do something for Japan, but feel

helpless short of getting your already empty wallet out,

I’ve got GREAT news for you…


There is something you CAN do, for FREE, helping them and 

giving you tremendous ROI for YOUR life.

Try reading this short list of “10 Things We Can Learn From

Japan” and get inspired by the way they’re overcoming this

terrifying and tragic natural disaster. Then simply try tohonor them by applying the lessons they are teaching to

your life.


But before you do, ask yourself one simple question.

When your day goes to hell in a hand basket, could you 

check all 10 items off your list? 


(See my comments under each one with what I’m hoping you

get out of this email today.)


Not a single visual of chest-beating or wild grief. Sorrow

itself has been elevated.


*How do you weather the storms in your life? Do you drag 

everyone down to the bottom of the pool as you drown, to

make yourself  feel better?


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Disciplined queues for water and groceries. Not a rough

word or a crude gesture.


*How do you get what you need from those you love when you

are starving for attention or feel rejected? Is what you

want to get what you give?



The incredible architects, for instance. Buildings swayed

but didn’t fall.


*How strong are your relationships? Are you someone your 

loved ones can trust? Or are you only as good as your last




People bought only what they needed for the present, so

everybody could get something.


*Are you so focused on mistakes made in the past or worried 

about what might happen tomorrow you miss out on the joy of 

the day?



No looting in shops. No honking and no overtaking on the

roads. Just understanding.

 *How tight do you hold on? How far do you push your loved 

ones to “prove” to you their love for you?


Fifty workers stayed back to pump seawater in the N-

reactors. How will they ever be repaid?


*Are you selfless in your relationships or are you a horse

trader only giving back exactly what you’re getting?

7. THE TENDERNESSRestaurants cut prices. An unguarded ATM is left alone. The

strong cared for the weak.


*Given the opportunity to get the upper hand, do you take

it? Do you value the relationship over being right?




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The old and the children, everyone knew exactly what to do.

And they did just that.


*Do you know what to do when things aren’t going your way?

Are you emotionally fit to handle the hard times and grow 

despite the challenges? What example do you set for those

around you?



They showed magnificent restraint in the bulletins. No

silly reporters. Only calm reportage.


*Does the world know your business? Is a fall from grace

with you a public affair? Why?



When the power went off in a store, people put things back

on the shelves and left quietly.


*When someone you love is vulnerable, do you press your 

advantage to “win” so you can have what you want?

The Japanese people have humbled me with their awe-

inspiring acts of everyday kindness, summing up better than

I ever could, EXACTLY where I hope you'll be in your life

at the end of our short journey together.

 My gift to you today is to remind you, there doesn’t haveto be a tragedy or some big event for you to be the person 

 you know you are right now.

It’s not about being perfect, it’s about being you, loving 

you and opening up to give love and support through small

actions throughout the day; especially the hard ones.


Outrageously Inspired 

Lori R Taylor 


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Day 9 Email

It’s NOT your fault, so don’t feel bad  

Dear Reader,


Grey’s Anatomy is one of my all-time favorite TV shows.

For some reason, no matter when I watch it, each episode

somehow has a message for me.


Yesterday was no different.

As I was catching up on my TV, I caught the episode where

Callie, a pregnant doctor, gets in a serious car accidentputting her life and her baby’s life in danger.


If you had watched the show, you’d have seen the characters

freaking out differently. Some were angry and full of

blame, others terrified it wouldn’t work out, and some just

moved through it – business as usual.

You might think so what, it’s just TV. Yet ask yourself

how is it really any different than how we do it in real



(Ok fine – we don’t have fancy writers making every word 

sound perfect, or great lighting, or even a sexy co-star 

like McDreamy. But just like on TV you’ll “see” the facts

differently than I do – because we process them based on

our unique filters!)


From Derek being unable to tell his best friend Mark he

couldn’t save her, to Callie’s lover wondering if the

accident was an omen they shouldn’t get married. You even

see super doctor wannabe, Cristina take the opportunity to

be the hero at anyone else’s expense, fighting her mentor

who wants to take the “safe route”.


Yet what was most curious was Meredith’s reaction to the


She sobbed from guilt, remembering how jealous she was of

Callie’s pregnancy because Meredith is still struggling to

have a baby. She couldn’t understand how God would give


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Callie a baby, then boom – take it from her so quickly.

Yet, Meredith’s grief wasn’t about Callie’s accident as

much as it was about her struggle she had been in with her

own doubts and insecurities about the fairness of the

world. (How many times do you make someone else’s

situation, even how they are handling it, about you?)

Feeling hopeless and scared she sobs to her fiancé Derek,

“The universe is so hard – it’s random!”

If you don’t watch the show, you might be scratching your

head wondering what the heck I’m talking about. All I want

you to get from the “story” is this…

When you let external events take you to a place of context

where the axis is you, pay attention. Is this meaning

serving you? Do you feel stress or joy?


If it’s stress then it’s your mind taking control. Sit


Even if the truth “hurts” at first, can you feel any joy



If your “ah-ha” moment sounds like this, “Everyone is

ganging up on me. They think I’m a terrible mom. Awful. But

I’m a great mom.”

Go to the place inside that doesn’t really believe you’re agreat mom, and tell it the truth. (Remember, they might be

saying it, but some part of you has been thinking it and 

believes them.)


 Move towards KNOWING you’re a great mom and  move on – don’t

waste time trying to convince others or be upset with THEM 

for saying what you were already THINKING, capiche?

Find gratitude for the actor in your play who is your

“aggressor” for bringing this unfinished internal business

to your attention; they are your bad cop! Then watch joycome, even for a second, despite the painful experience,

because you GOT it and shifted.

Just remember, if the way you “see” it doesn’t empower you

or even teach you, find a new meaning because you’re

holding onto the wrong one. (I’ll explain how this happens



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Open your heart to get out of your head so you can see what

is being revealed – like a movie scene playing out a bigger



Do you see how the only thing that really changes is your 



Trying to change something that has already happened is

impossible - everything is relative and sometimes worse

things happen (even the movies have that element!).

I believe everything happens for a reason. 

But I also know you can’t know the reason part FOR SURE.

It’s the wild card part of the equation. So use your joy

detector (hint it’s not your mind!) to get closer to the

truth – it’s there – and it will feel good.

Just find growth. And grow Your Self. I KNOW you can do


Isn’t It Starting To Get Really Outrageous In Here,

Lori R Taylor


PS. The game changer is how you translate the experience

 via your perception to give it meaning. By getting real

with yourself and asking what part of you needed that to

happen, you’ll find joy. 

PPS. On the webinar I have planned for you I’ll show you

how to nip these situations in the bud BEFORE they happen.

Keep your ears and eyes open for date and time – no charge.


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Day 10 Email

If you’ve never failed you’ve neverlived 

Dear Lori,

QUOTE OF THE DAY "Winners lose more than losers. They win and lose more than

losers, because they stay in the game." Terry Paulson STORYMy son is an awesome baseball player. Yet it's his most

frustrating sport. Maybe because in baseball it's more obvious to the crowd

when you make a mistake, than in football. I'm not sure.

But it messes with him (it always has).

Last night he missed two fly balls. Just doesn't happen to

him. He was dejected. Mortified. I didn't know what to say.

He certainly didn't want to hear my advice, that's for


When we finally talked I told him, "You are a straight A 

student. You go to one of the toughest schools in the state

and even nation. You got a 99.9% score on your high school

 placement test. You are tired. Overwhelmed. And stressed.

You did your best." His answer surprised me. 

He was adamant he did NOT do his best. Yet even when I

asked, "So you were distracted? Tired? Not playing fullout?"

He answered, "Of course not, Mom! But if I had done my best

I wouldn't have dropped those balls."

And he MEANT it.

That's when it hit me - do you really believe your best is

determined either by outcomes or external accolades? WTF?

Are you kidding me? That's insane!!!


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I then carefully, but adamantly told him words I hope YOU

hear too. "You're NOT taking in the wild card piece of it - the

universe and your soul. Now you might only be 14, so your life lessons might come in the form of a baseball game so

maybe what I'm getting ready to explain will sound crazy 

because baseball doesn't seem like it's that important. But

at 14, could it be possible sports are how YOU are teaching 

YOU to prepare for harder things to come? If everything is

super easy for you now, what will happen to you when you're

married and your wife has a miscarriage? Or you get fired?

Or God forbid something else awful happens? Do you want to

wait to test your emotional fitness when the people you

love need you most? How will you handle that level of life

disappointment if you've never even faced things as simple

as giving it everything you have on the field and still

dropping balls? It's time to hunker down, get real and if 

it's important to you then you need to try that much

harder. But you have to believe you'll get through this.

Have faith in YOU. Accept your anger, embrace it; but don't

let it mean anything more than you are angry and learning 

how to move through anger to get to the other side of YOU."

I don't believe you should sweat anything - much less the

little things, but that doesn't mean they aren't uber-

important to your growth. You just don't need to make them

into mountains!

(All you need to do is pay attention to them so you canmove through them more effortlessly.)

Learning to accept your best isn't good enough at times,

for whatever reason, will build your emotional fitness.

Knowing you might not win the prize every time, but knowing

you got SOMETHING out of the experience is where joy comes

in and will bring you outrageous fulfillment.

If you KNEW the experience wasn't about winning or losing,

but about just feeling and growing, how could you ever

resist or avoid any emotion again? You should be shoutingto the world, "Bring it on - I GOT this!"

Open your heart to get out of your head so you can see what

is being revealed - like a movie scene playing out a bigger


 What you experience is exactly what you're supposed to -

it's the meaning you put on it, like, "I have to try harder


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next time" is where you miss the boat.

It's not always about trying harder. It's about feeling

whatever you're feeling in that moment.

While it's fine to build your skills on failures, it's also

important to enhance your soul through accepting your

emotions as you have them. Avoid letting the ego take over

to make them any more than they were supposed to be.

Experiences breed growth. We crave them at a soul level.

But I also know you can't know the reason part FOR SURE.

It's the wild card part of the equation. So use your joy

detector (hint it's not your mind!) to get closer to the

truth - it's there - and it will feel outrageous.

 When you are on the field of life and you get knocked down

 pay attention to your next move because for the most part

you have three basic choices.

1. Grab your bat and glove and go home.

2. Lay on the field in the fetal position.

3. Pick yourself up and get back up to bat.

No matter what you choose, the only outcome I can GUARANTEE

is that you'll never hit that home run if you choose to go

home or freeze. I can also promise you that life will hunt

you down like a dog and find new and better ways to "teach"

you what you are avoiding.

But facing the situation, picking yourself up off the

ground and getting back up to bat is your only real chanceto swing for the fences and knock that ball out of the park!

Watch this inspiring video and tell me, where would we be

today if these people had chosen to quit? 

Outrageously Failing At Times And LOVING It-

Lori R Taylor


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Day 10 Tip

If You’ve Never Failed, You’ve NeverLived 

While it’s fine to build your skills on failures, it’s also

important to enhance your soul through accepting your

emotions as you have them. Avoid letting the ego take over

to make them any more than they were supposed to be.

Experiences breed growth and we crave them bring us joy at

a soul level. 

 When you are on the field of life and you get knocked down

 pay attention to your next move because for the most part

you have three basic choices.

1. Grab your bat and glove and go home.

2. Lay on the field in the fetal position.

3. Get back up to bat.

No matter what you choose, the only outcome I can GUARANTEE

from going home or doing nothing is you will never hit that

ball out of the park. And life will hunt you down like a

dog and find new and better ways to “teach” you what you

are avoiding, so best to accept and stop resisting so youcan move through it easily.

If you face and embrace the situation, pick yourself up off

the ground and get back up to bat you guaranteed one thing:

Another chance to swing for the fences to get what you

really want. And like my mamma always told me, “If at first

you don’t succeed, try, try again.” (pretty sure she

borrowed that – ha!)

Watch this inspiring video and tell me, where would we be

today if these people had chosen to quit?


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Day 11 Email

Friday’s Quote Of Inspiration


“Regrets are the lies the mind tells us.” Lori R Taylor 




If you find yourself full of regrets and feeling guilty

over past mistakes this means you’re focused on the past.

You most likely have even rewritten it to some degree,

losing any magic of that moment and seeing only your dark


 Which doesn’t matter anyway because you can’t change it!

It’s already happened…


So do me a favor.


Stand up, look over your shoulder and run across the room

to open the door.

How did that feel?

Not easy I bet.

If you were in an unfamiliar room finding the door would be

difficult, at best, right? Even if you knew where it was

guaranteed you looked at the path to make sure you would

“make it”. Either way when you focus on the past this is

how you live your life.

How can you possibly see the new doors opening, much less

get there effortlessly when you are looking behind you at

the same time?

In general, the reason you look forward when you walk is

because it’s natural to look where you are going, right?

Yet, emotionally you spend so much time worrying about

mistakes you have made in the past, or re-living the pain an

event caused you, it becomes relatively impossible for you

to find time to ever move forward effortlessly.



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Telling your “story” over and over again means you are

making your past present, keeping you from moving on to new 

experiences giving your soul the growth it craves.


Have you ever seen the movie Groundhog Day? If not try and

watch it this weekend. It’s a funny movie, but it also

will give you a high definition view of how you’ve been

living your life (if you are like most people ).

Trying to change things that have already happened, wasting

precious minutes and energy on a mistake already made

completely sucks the potential out of your life.

Even when you go to a personal development seminar, read a

book or see a therapist, I guarantee you spend more time on

the past trying to figure out “why” than you do with a plan

(I use this term loosely) to move forward.

If you were in a boat filling up with water and you were

about to sink would you worry about “why” the hole was

there? Or would you acknowledge the hole to stop the

water? Then when you were rescued, would you spend time

trying to keep the hole plugged once you were already on

safe ground?



You might have it repaired if you were brave enough to take

it out again, but you wouldn’t then go fishing and keep a

towel on a fixed hole would you? 

Try doing something outrageous…

Just. Put. It. Down.


Forgive you.

Forgive “them”.

And make the decision to put it down to move on.

 The truth is you probably couldn’t tell me what you ate 3

weeks ago at 10 on Tuesday, so why do you believe your

clarity is so awesome on this past hurt?


Don’t look over your shoulder or around the corner (we’ll

talk about that one soon). Have faith, pay attention, and

own the moment you are in; trust me, once I started doing


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this everything changed.


Don’t miss a minute of you wasting it on an illusion of an

event already happened.

You are magical. 

To Living Outrageously Guilt Free!

Lori R Taylor


PS. If you want to see some clips from the movie Groundhog

Day, go here to check out some of the best moments at

MovieClips.com. The specific link to the 9 short clips is



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Day 12 Email

Subject Line: THIS is your biggeststrength – guaranteed!

Dear Reader,


"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost

almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the

game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and

over again in my life. And that is why I succeed" - Michael



In my opinion, Michael Jordan is one of the best basketball

players that has ever lived. My best memory of all he has

done is when he played in the NBA finals with the flu and

was the leading scorer. The flu! Can you imagine? I can

barely roll over with the flu and he's in it to win it?

Is he better than me?

At basketball – YES.

At life? No.

We are all created equal for the opportunity to have an 

amazing life of our own design (the key is the last part

which we'll cover on the webinar coming up!)

The importance of what he said is to remember even Michael

Jordan has FAILED big time and he got to do it on national

TV in front of the entire world! (Let's not even talk abouthow he publicly failed at baseball, right?)

The point is no one can truly avoid failure.

My best friend just got fired from her job for no GOOD

reason after 14 years as the barn's trainer! She was

devastated, and dreaded seeing her peers at the upcoming


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show this weekend. But guess what?

Almost every other trainer came up to her and practically

said the same thing, "You aren't special…" and then they

went on to tell her their own horror stories. I must say,

some actually made hers look like a walk in the park.

It was an "ah- ha" moment for me for a couple of reasons– 

and hopefully this email will be for you too…

You aren't special either.

Your story isn't special.

We all have a life tragedy or trauma we've faced over the

years. They're all relative to the rest of our experiences.

Your kids may suffer tough times at school and sports, you

may have tough times at work and in life, but you always

have to try over and over until you move through it. (And

guess what – you don't have to try so hard if you just do

the one thing I WILL tell you before our 30 days is up – I

promise it works!)

So while your story might be a candidate for an afternoon

special and someone else's might be prime for the big

screen, at the end of the day, pain, fear and

disappointment is always relative.

Do you know what I mean by that???

No matter the popular vote as to the severity of the pain 

from observers, in the heat of the moment – it feels the

same to YOU.



At times unbearably TERRIFYING.

Even in the case of my friend. So what if the other

trainer had to move 50 horses in the middle of the night

and had NO WHERE to go, as my friend who had something

already lined up. It didn't diminish the fear she was

feeling at the change she was facing just because theirs

was WORSE. But the fact they made it through – mattered


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and helped.

That's all we really need. A little empathy and even some

sympathy every now and then. FOR OURSELVES. Not from

other people – you may never get that! Can you imagine

being able to truly comfort yourself any time you wanted

to? Wouldn't that be outrageous?

The important thing is not giving up, and realizing that

eventually, you will succeed. Every time that you fail, you

learn how to succeed. It's through our mistakes you will

realize how to complete a goal. And it's through gratitude

for all the things you have already overcome you'll find

the space inside to face and embrace your fear NOW.

What is something you are afraid of right now? What's

holding you back? What are you afraid of "losing" if you

take a risk?

Write it down. Save it for our webinar and I'll show you

how to move right through it to the other side of you –

stay tuned for the details.

Failing Outrageously Every Day And Loving It,

Lori R Taylor


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Day 13 Email

Subject: Fear was my inspiration lastnight

Dear Reader,


The thing you fear most has no power. Your fear of it is

what has the power. Facing the truth really will set you


Oprah Winfrey 

Fear is the most powerful motivator you have, it’s also

your biggest block to moving forward.

How you manage fear, determines the quality of your life.

I suffered a tragic accident in 2006 while going through a

divorce. I fell off my beloved horse and spiritual partner,

Pay Day. I broke my back.

It was the best thing that could have ever happened to me.(More on that in a minute).

My friends would tell you I was the bravest most courageous

person they know. I’m admired for my strength in a crisis.

I’m the “go-to” friend; the lifeline at the top of ALL

lists, no doubt about that!

(If only I spent the greater part of my life practicing 

what I preach I’d have suffered a lot less.)

I haven’t fallen off him since…

…until last night.

The thing I fear the most happened. And watching my little

shit show was the most fun I’ve had in weeks (not exactly 

at the time, though but you’ll see what I mean by the end).


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You see he’s the perfect horse 96-98% of the time. He’s not

rideable 1% of the time. It is what it is.

What’s interesting to me is that I spend 99% of my riding

preventing the 1% from happening. Sound familiar?

It should because this is what almost all of us do…in

 business, in relationships, in life.

You fail at something and then work your ass off to prevent

THAT from ever happening again. First time shame on you,

second time shame on me, right? (Thanks for that mom.)

Let me ask you something, what kind of a belief is that?

It’s a “limiting one”. (Which I’ll cover on the free

webinar coming up towards the end of the month.)

Basically this limiting belief makes it ok for you to focus

on the past to avoid future pain. (Good luck with that, by 

the way – what a waste of ENERGY.)

So last night, it happened.

He was fired up, freaked out by the new barn and losing his

mind all over the place. But instead of just getting off, I

decided to “ride through it.”


Guess where that landed me…

Face down in a pile of dirt. Hurt. Angry beyond belief. At

everyone and everything. (I even KNEW how crazy it was –

and could care less. I was PISSED OFF!)

After being SLAMMED to the ground by a 1300 lb animal, it

was all I could do to not punch him in the gut. I slowly

dragged my 41-year-old body up as I fought back the urge to

beat him – to hit him anywhere to hurt him like I washurting… (As a side note, I’ve never even flicked him with

my pinky finger in anger before.)

This is how quickly anger comes when the thing you fear

happens because NO ONE likes to be scared.

You might be ok with sadness or depression – even a pity


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party here and there – but admitting you’re scared? You

simply don’t know how to sit with fear because it SUCKS.

You might tell yourself you’re “depressed”, “sad”, or

“unmotivated” but the truth is you’re avoiding moving

forward because a deep seeded fear is whispering you aren’t

good enough, you’ll never be loved, or you don’t deserve

the thing you want.

The good news is I didn’t physically lash out. But I wanted 

to. (Oh how I wanted to – you with me??)

Instead I stomped (ok limped) right out of the barn in a

fit of rage. Fighting back tears of frustration & hurt,

hating my trainer for not riding him, the old barn owner

who fired my trainer the week before, and him for being an

ass – a baby at best.

And then I cried. I sobbed. I couldn’t believe it – I did

my BEST – and still boom – out of nowhere it happened. What

a set back – now the fear was back(as if it had ever left!)

Such. Is. Life!

The thing you fear the most, no matter how quietly is GOING

TO HAPPEN somehow, some way.

But it doesn’t HAVE to. You can use fear to take you to the

next level in life. Fear can actually be something tocelebrate – and when you do?

It’s freaking outrageous.

I’m going to give you the 4 things you MUST do to use the

power of fear to give yourself the ONE gift that will

change EVERYTHING – and YOU don’t have to change a thing

about YOU – it’s all yours FREE right here at PickTheBrain.

If you are afraid it will be a waste of your time to checkit out, this is a perfect time to face that fear – go here.

It’s short. It’s sweet. And it’s SO outrageous.

Outrageously Living With Fear,

Lori R Taylor


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Ps. If you are on Facebook, go here to like PickTheBrain.

Leave a comment to tell me one thing you’re afraid of and

let me help. You’d be surprised how another person’s filter

can clean your lens.


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Day 13 Tip

Four Steps To Tap Into The Power OfFear

Fear is something you probably avoid at all costs.

If you’re nervous in elevators, you might take the stairs.

If you’re afraid of heights, you probably wouldn’t go on a

skiing vacation.

And if you’re scared of the ocean, the beach is most likely 

not on your list of hot spots is it?

 What does it really cost you to try to live without fear?

If you’re afraid of being hurt or taken advantage of in a

relationship, if you’re terrified to leave your dead-end

job or if you simply try to keep yourself busy to avoid

worry about money and other day to day things…

It’s official. Fear is taking over your life and you’re

letting it happen.

Even if you’ve “figured” out how to push it away , you’re

still giving a tremendous amount of energy to fear by

trying to avoid it.

If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em is, a fun way to say – just

accept what you can’t change, which is an outrageous way to

think about fear.

You can’t get angry to avoid fear, you can’t ignore it for

long, and you can’t let it swallow you whole…

Or can you?

What if you could find a way to look at your fear, high

five it, and surrender to its power and ride that bitch

straight to freedom of your soul, just like a championsurfer greets and rides gigantic 10-20 foot wave ?

What if you could see waves of fear as a sign that you’re


What if every time you got scared, you felt joy at the fact

you’re present – right here and now in the middle of it?

What if fear was your invitation to raise your hand saying

you’re ready, able and willing to take the hint and move


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forward once and for all?

How outrageous would that feel?

Fear is your FRIEND.

It’s your greatest tool – a super charged magnifying glass

to your biggest blocks of what’s holding you back, with the

 power to start turning your perceived barriers into

stepping stones.

If you could LOOK for the fear hidden beneath almost every

single “negative” emotion you have such as anger,

sadness, depression or frustration, do you truly

understand how outrageous you would feel??

 When you get mad at someone for rejecting your idea, isn’t

there some fear based belief tucked away quietly reminding

you that no one will ever understand or appreciate you?

If fear became your door to the next level of you, would

you ever run from it again?

Once you see fear is just the child in you grasping at some

unknown limiting belief you’ll be able to use the power of

fear for good- YOUR good. And here is my 4 step process

for tapping it the power of fear any time you want to:

1. Face it.

Just say hello and sit with it instead of pushing it away

or resisting it. If you kept hearing a strange noise in

the middle of the night, it’s not until you turn on the

light to see what it is, that you can relax right? It’s

the same with fear. Facing fear just simply means flipping

on your internal light switch by acknowledging it.

2. Embrace It.

Feel the fear and let is course through you. Mentally say,

“I’m feeling fearful about being good enough at my job for

my boss. If I’m not good enough he’ll fire me. If he fires

me I can’t pay my rent and it also will mean I’m a bad

person and might never find another job.” Just embrace how

that feels knowing it is only an illusion conjured up topoint you in a a better direction.

3. Accept It.

Once you’ve said hello to your fear, welcome it tand accept

how angry, sad or depressed it makes you feel. Accept the

limitations of your processing unit and stop resisting the

reality you’ve got a fear inside of you limiting the power


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of your belief system. Acceptance is your key to dropping

your resistance and therefore reducing the amount of

suffering you are experiencing.

4. Rejoice.

Now it’s time to use fear as the catalyst to get deep

inside and fix what is broken because fear is the squeaky

wheel that says, “Hey something isn’t working over here.” 

Each pain point in your life is the symptom of a greater

root cause. By facing, embracing and accepting your fears

you can leverage fear to blow through the illusions and

roadblocks keeping you from tapping into your true

potential. Watch pure joy and gratitude come when you

learn to celebrate the insight you just had and comfort

yourself with words of encouragement every time you face,

embrace and accept your fears – they rejoice at how free

you feel!

This is the greatest gift you can give yourself!

Allowing fear to fester lowers your frequency and ability

to focus on attracting opportunities to move your forward.

Even if your heart just got broken and your fear is driving

you to believe you’ll never be loved – it’s an amazing

vehicle for your immediate transformation.

Fear can get you back on track to loving you, raising your

vibration to send out signals to other people who are also

in a state of self-love to start coming your way. The same

goes for abundance and other desires you might have.

Being aware of your fear and accepting the limitations ofyour processing unit (your personality and image) will

guide you to the path of least resistance to outrageously 

growing yourself once and for all.


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Day 14 Email

The 10 second happiness quiz ( I need your help)

Does this make you happy (real quick


Dear Reader,

1. Which one of these quotes sums up how you have viewed 

happiness most of your life?

A. “If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” Unknown

B. “The thing that counts most in the pursuit of

happiness is choosing the right companion.” Unknown

C. “Remember, happiness doesn’t depend upon who you

are or what you have, it depends solely upon what you

think.” Dale Carnegie

D. “Happiness is when what you think, what you say,

and what you do are in harmony.” Mahatma Gandhi

2. Which one of these quotes would your MOM say sums upyour view on life?

A. “If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” Unknown

B. “The thing that counts most in the pursuit of

happiness is choosing the right companion.” Unknown

C. “Remember, happiness doesn’t depend upon who you

are or what you have, it depends solely upon what you

think.” Dale Carnegie

D. “Happiness is when what you think, what you say,

and what you do are in harmony.” Mahatma Gandhi

3. Which one of these quotes would your BEST FRIEND say

sums up your view on life?

A. “If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” Unknown


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B. “The thing that counts most in the pursuit of

happiness is choosing the right companion.” Unknown

C. “Remember, happiness doesn’t depend upon who you

are or what you have, it depends solely upon what you

think.” Dale Carnegie

D. “Happiness is when what you think, what you say,

and what you do are in harmony.” Mahatma Gandhi

 Was the answer the same for all 3 questions?

If it varied, then you probably find it very difficult to

maintain a state of happiness.

If your answer was the same from all three “perspectives”

that’s good – you’re consistent. (But it’s only 

outrageously GREAT if you picked the “right” one…)

You can get the “right” answer by watching this short video

where I reveal the KEY to happiness. Even if you picked

the “wrong” answer, don’t despair. Just listen and consider

shifting your perspective if you want to maintain an

outrageous state of happiness.

(You’ll see where we are going with this tomorrow, I 

 promise. Just play along. It’s worth it. Trust me).

Outrageously Happy Whenever I Want,

Lori R Taylor

PS. If trusting me is the most outrageous thing you do all

day, I can live with that! But hopefully you can take the

time to watch my video I created just for you - what do you

have to lose? (And besides…I’m pretty sure you’ve done

worse for less at some point in your life, right?)


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Day 15 Email

Subject line : Oops – my bad – here's

the link! 

Dear Reader,


Great news – I'm human!

I'm not perfect!

I make outrageous mistakes, like um well…


…not including the video link to give you the answer to the happiness


Here it is now…my apologies for the extra email.

Outrageously Moving Too Fast,

Lori R Taylor


PS. I hope you check out the video over the weekend if you have time –

it will help you at least put a face with a name (not sure if it's a

good thing, but we'll find out).


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