3.1 Meliputi kegiatan apa sajakah dalam setiap tahapan tersebut? Sebutkan rincian kegiatan pada setiap tahapan dan carilah pembanding rincian kegiatan pada setiap kegiatan dari referensi lain. Sumber : Modul Praktikum Manajemen Penelitian Sosek Cara garis besar, terdapat 4 (empat) tahapan dalam kegiatan penelitian; yaitu penetapan: (1) topik penelitian, (2) rancangan (design) penelitian, (3) pelaksanaan (do) penelitian, dan (4) gambaran hasil penelitian. Sistematika keseluruhan tahapan suatu penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif disajikan pada Gambar 2. Pada pendekatan kuantitatif, keempat tahapan tersebut secara rinci disajikan pada tersebut. Dari skema tesebut dapat diketahui kedudukan/posisi dari literature review.

TUGAS MPS no 3.1

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3.1 Meliputi kegiatan apa sajakah dalam setiap tahapan tersebut? Sebutkan

rincian kegiatan pada setiap tahapan dan carilah pembanding rincian

kegiatan pada setiap kegiatan dari referensi lain.

Sumber : Modul Praktikum Manajemen Penelitian Sosek

Cara garis besar, terdapat 4 (empat) tahapan dalam kegiatan penelitian;

yaitu penetapan: (1) topik penelitian, (2) rancangan (design) penelitian, (3)

pelaksanaan (do) penelitian, dan (4) gambaran hasil penelitian. Sistematika

keseluruhan tahapan suatu penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif disajikan pada

Gambar 2. Pada pendekatan kuantitatif, keempat tahapan tersebut secara rinci

disajikan pada tersebut. Dari skema tesebut dapat diketahui kedudukan/posisi dari

literature review.

Dengan memperhatikan kotak define your research, terdapat sedikit

perbedaan tahapan dalam menyusun permasalahan peneliti antara pendekatan

kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Untuk penelitian kualitatif, perumusan masalah,

Page 2: TUGAS MPS no 3.1

penyusunan kerangka konseptual, maupun pembuatan preposisi tidak harus salah

satu muncul mendahului yang lainnya. Mekanismenya lebih bersifat

interaktif. Saling menajamkan dan menyempurnakan rumusan. Peneliti

umumnya sepakat, bahwa kerja penelitian bermula dari masalah yang hendak

dipecahkan. Masalah tersebut memiliki rentangan dari yang samar sampai

pada proposisi yang merupakan kesimpulan sementara. masalah yang

disusun, bukan dari deduksi suatu perilaku sosial yang diverifikasi dari dunia

nyata, atas dasar asumsi a priori. Pada penelitian pendekatan kualitatif, tahapan

Design your research, do your research, dan describe your research tampak

secara simultan atau berimpitan. Sedangkan pada pendekatan kuantitatif,

keempat blok tampak berurutan.

Page 3: TUGAS MPS no 3.1

Sumber : Tull, D.S. and D.I. Hawkins. 1993. Marketing Research:

Measurement and Method. Sixth Edition. Macmillan Publishing

Company, New York

Step 1: Define The Research Problem

Specify the information required to help react to the management

problem. Research problem definition involves four interrelated steps:

1. Management problem/opportunity clarification

2. Situation analyses

3. Model development

4. Specification of information requirments

Step 2: Estimate the value of the information to be provided the research

Using either jugdement or the expected value approach, estimate the value

of information with varying levels of accuracy.

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Sumber: Baker, T.L. 1988. Doing Social Research. McGraw-Hill Book

Company. Singapore.

Stage 1: Define the Research Topic

In your proposal the research topic should be posed in such a way

that it is clearly grounded in the general social field relevant to it. In short,

topics must be grounded in some already-known factual information

which in used introduce the topic and from which the research question

will stem.

Stage 2: Find Out What Is Known About The Topic

The beginning of this chapter has suggested ways for you ti

immers your self in material relevant to the topic you want to study. Social

research topics are usually embedded in so many different kinds of

materials that the researcher must be careful to select the best material to

examine. While everyone goes down some blind allys, you need to keep

the central meaning of your topic in mind to guideyou through your search

of the literature in the field. It is also important to examine different types

of materials where relevant; quantitative data interpretations, studies using

various methods.

For the research proposal, you should refer to the most salient

findings you have uncovered which seem to raise significant questions or

which offer suggestions for avenues for you to follow your project. You

must be able to draw out these findings from the studies in which they are

embedded and summarize them succinctly in such a way that someone

unfamiliar with the study can easily graps their meaning and importance.

To help you to do this, you should look at the background literature review

section which generally come at the beginning of published research

articles. Most of these reviews are very condensed, they extract a few

salient points from numerous studies, summarizing them in a way that is

relevant to the study in question.

Stage 3: Clarify Concepts and Their Measurement

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The precise meaning you attach to these concepts must be found or

defised, and then an appropriate way to measure concepts must be found

or devise.

In the proposal, a clear definition of the main concepts must be

given. The general question of measurement should be discussed so that it

is clear that the potential problems in measuring the concepts have been

thoroughly thought out. These include two critical issues: validity, that is,

wheter the measurement of a concept in fact produces a result that truly

represent what the concepst is supposed to mean, and reability, that is

whether the measurement would lead to consistent enough outcomes, were

it to be repeated, that one could have some confidence in result.

Stage 4: Establish an Appropriate Data Collection Method

For the proposal, you must describe how you will collect data and

which source of available data you will actually use. Issues of access to the

data are importantto discuss. After all, you must be able to get the data you

propose. If an anticipate problema in securing the desire data, these

problems should be discuss and possible alternate source of data might be

suggested. Most studies have one central type of method to be used (a

survey and experiment) though they may also draw on a few other data

sources to widen their scope.

You must also plan how you are going to analyze the data. Do you

intend to compare woman with man, to contrast one drug rehabilitation

program with another, to explore the difference between length of time

spent in a shopping mal by the average shopper on terms of wheater it is a

covered or out-of-door mall? Such intention require that the planned

contrast be set into the sampling design. Will you have comparable

samples of woman and man, which drug programs you will study, and

what shopping malls should be selected?

Stage 5: Consider the Purpose, Value, and Ethics of the Study

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Once the topic, the background, the clarification of concepts, and

the major methods of data collection have been presented, it is time to

address the purpose, velue, and ethics of the study. In this book, discussion

of these kinds of questions was deliberately presented early, before the

discussion of concepts, measuremet, or types of methods. This was done to

help you think through how you would justify your study in terms of both

is rationale and the ethical issues involved can be discussed. Remember

that the rationale for doing the project will be accomplished only if the

study is done well. By showing that you have devised a plan to study your

topic that looks plausible and seems feasible, you reinforce the sense that

the purpose will be achieved. The value of the project lies on only in what

it alone will produce, but also in how it may add to or challenge other

research in the area.

The ethical issues are often confronted in the data collection stage,

for examples, in maintaining the confidentiality of the data, in gaining

access to the field, and in avoiding deception as to the role of the

researcher. If these will be major isuues in your study, they should be


Stage 6: Operationalize Cocepts and Design the Reasearch Instrument

This refers to the “nuts and bolts” of the study. In a survey, the

questionnaire or interview schedule is the operasionalization of the

independent variable is the actual stimulus. in field studies, this process of

operationalizing occurs rather differently. It often must wait until the field

notes have been gathered.

Concepts are sometimes better measured using more than one

indicator of the concept. In a survey, how the concepts are operationalized

in the questionnaire will determine what will be produced from the survey.

If the concepst are poorly operationalized, the best national sample and the

fanciest statistical routines will not make something useful of the data. In

the proposal, the actual way that the concepts will be operationalized

should be spelled out. If a survey is to be carried out, it is usually

appended to a proposal. In addition, the critical questions that measure the

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most important concepts in the study should be discussed and their level of

adequacy addressed.

Stage 7: Select a Sample of Subjects to Study

The selection process for deciding what or whom you will study

rest on a large body of thought about the nature of sampling.When

probability samples are used, it is possible to determine haow

representative your sample is off all the other out there (the population)

who might have gotten into your study. Sampling plans may be very

complex or quite straightforward. When the rules probability are not

followed and you merely select a sample of subject who seem to fulfill the

needs of your study, you have a non-probability sample. For many studies,

such a sample is sufficient; and for some, it is the best that can be

achieved. Whatever the design of your sample, it needs to be explained in

detail in your proposal. It should be so precise that someone else could

generate a similar sample by following your procedures.

Stage 8: Collect the Data

Each form of the data collection has its special concerns which

need to be considered fully before doing the study. This is why prestesting

is so valuable, because it helps you to find and address potential problems

before they enter your study and cause bigger problems.

For the proposal, the plans for collecting data should be described

carefully. In a field project, it is more difficult to be precise, and you may

need to make changes once the field is entered. Nevertheless it is better to

have a clear plan can that be altered as you go along than only some vague

ideas that subsequently you cannot be sure you have followed. For an

experiment, data collection procedures can usually described very

precisely. This is also true of a survey. Mail surveys tend to have multiple

stages in the data collection procedure to increase the response rate. If you

are using already available data, you need to describe at this stage how you

will obtain the data.

Stage 9: Process the Data

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Once the data are collected, they must be put into a form which

will enable them to be analyzed, if they are quantifiable data, you usually

have to prepare them for the computer. In the proposal, a concise

statement may be included to address this subject. It may describe what

type of computer ficilities are at the disposal of the research, what possible

sources of assistance are available. And what efforts are being made to

increase accuracy in the handling of the data.

Stage 10: Analyze The Data

How you plan to analyze the data must be thought through

carefully while the study is being desaigned. Its true that once the data are

collected, there may be some changes in these plans. The proposal should

indicate the anlyses planned; it may suggest that some analytic strategies

will depend on how earlier ones turn out. In a field study, only very

preliminary plans will problaby be possible.

Stage 11: Present The Result

For research projects which are funded, final reports must be

written. Most social research projects become the basist for articles, books,

chapters in books, or unpublished papers offered at professional meetings. A

single study may lead to many and varied types of publications and presentations.