TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: Cantaroni Andrea Alejandra Período de Práctica: primer periodo Institución Educativa: Primaria Dirección: Bélgica y Enrique Julio Localidad Bahía blanca Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 4 b Cantidad de alumnos: 26 Nivel lingüístico del curso: beginners Tipo de Planificación: clase Unidad Temática: Good Friends. Clase Nº: 1 Fecha: 9/6/2014 Hora: 13hs Duración de la clase: 50 minutos Fecha de primera entrega: 2/6/2014 Page 1

Lesson plan 1 primaria,

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TALLER DE PRÁCTICA DOCENTE ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: Cantaroni Andrea AlejandraPeríodo de Práctica: primer periodoInstitución Educativa: Primaria Dirección: Bélgica y Enrique JulioLocalidad Bahía blanca Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 4 bCantidad de alumnos: 26Nivel lingüístico del curso: beginnersTipo de Planificación: claseUnidad Temática: Good Friends.Clase Nº: 1Fecha: 9/6/2014Hora: 13hs Duración de la clase: 50 minutosFecha de primera entrega: 2/6/2014

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• Teaching points: parts of the house

• Aims or goals:

During this lesson, learners will be able to use new vocabulary of different parts of the house.

Students will be able to understand the meaning of the new words in their daily context.

Students will be able to produce the new vocabulary through a song and using with pictures.

• Language focus

lexis function structure pronunciationrev Review nouns

such as friends, house, Zappy is a fairy.

To identifypreviouslylearntVocabulary : house ,friends

Is Zappy in the..?No, she is not.

Practice the pronunciation of names of the main characters of the book. Zappy, Sonia. Milton. Voiceless Dental Fricative /θ

new Parts of the house.

name and recognize different parts of the house .

Zappy is in the bedroom.

Pronunciations of parts of a house ,such as focus on Voiced Dental Fricative


• Teaching approach: We work mainly with communicative approach.

• Materials and resources: pictures, drawings.

• Integration of skills: reading and writing.

• Seating arrangement: in pairs

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• Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions .During the class: students may not understand the instructions in order to do tasks. For this reason the teacher has to give clear and simple instructions to the students and repeat them many times and also resort to visual aids, miming, etc...

• Potential problems students may have with the language: perhaps they do not memorize the different parts of the house or sometimes students may find difficult the pronunciation of each part of the house. Sts are not yet able to recall the new language items alone or their pronunciation so I will help them by means of the new words using visual aids and pictures.


•Daily routine (2’)

I will greet the students, I will say “Good morning children! How are you?”

I will ask them what day it is, and write it on the board.

Presentation (20’)

Then I will stick a picture with parts of a house on the board. Then I will say: “Today we will learn about Zappy’ house .First I will say do you remember Zappy? Zappy is the main character of the book, I will show the figure of Zappy, then I will say that Zappy is in this house. What part of the house is Zappy? I will put the figure of Zappy in the bathroom and I will say that Zappy is in the bathroom .I will point to the bathroom ,then I will point to the bedroom ,I will move the figure of Zappy to the bedroom ,I will say that Zappy is in the bedroom. Repeat with me, bedroom. Then I will point to the Kitchen .I will put the figure of Zappy in the kitchen. After that I will say that Zappy is in the Kitchen. Then I will go on with the living room. Then I will go on interacting with

different parts of the house

After that I say that Zappy is very angry because she cannot find her friends .She has two friends Sonia and Milton.

DEVELOPMENT (PRACTICE) Teaching Stage: (10 minutes)

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Possible problem:

Students might not know how to complete the sentences of the story with the new vocabulary. I will provide the vocabulary and ask them to repeat the words.

I will say that Zappy goes to different part of the house to look for her friends. I will say that students have to guess in which part of the house is Zappy. I will mime an action that can be carried out in that room. The class can guess the room.

T: Where is Zappy?

I am brushing my teeth.

S: in the bathroom.

T: Where is Zappy?

I am cooking and beating eggs.

S: in the kitchen

T: Where is Zappy?

I am watching TV

T: where is Zappy?

I am sleeping.

S: I am sleeping in the sofa

Then I will say that Zappy is very happy because she finds her friends Sonia and Milton in the house.

After that I will give a card to each child with drawings. I will say that finally Zappy is very happy because she finds her friends Sonia and Milton in the house. I will tell students that make a circle in the right picture .I will ask “Where are Sonia and Milton?” Sonia is in the living room. Milton is in the kitchen.

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Conclusion (10’): finally, I will say that we will sing a song about Zappy, Milton and Sonia. Zappy is happy to find her friends. Then we are going to sing together:

I will say:

Repeat with me:

-Where is Zappy? Where is Milton? Where is Sonia?

-In the kitchen

-In the bedroom

_In the bathroom

_In the living-room.

“Say good bye. –say good bye”.

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