Lesson Plan Four Alumno Residente: Cintia Beramendi Período de Práctica: 2, nivel Primario Institución Educativa: E.P N°8 Manuel Belgrano Dirección: Ushuaia 348, Punta Alta, Buenos Aires. Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 6°B (segundo ciclo) Cantidad de alumnos: 30 Nivel lingüístico del curso: elemental Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: Reciclaje Clase Nº: 4 Fecha: 23 de Septiembre de 2015 Hora: 10:00hs Duración de la clase: 60 minutos. Fecha de primera entrega: Jueves 17 de Septiembre de 2015. Teaching points: recycling- transforming a plastic bottle into a flower pot

Lesson plan four

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Lesson Plan FourAlumno Residente: Cintia Beramendi

Período de Práctica: 2, nivel Primario

Institución Educativa: E.P N°8 Manuel Belgrano

Dirección: Ushuaia 348, Punta Alta, Buenos Aires.

Sala / Grado / Año - sección: 6°B (segundo ciclo)

Cantidad de alumnos: 30

Nivel lingüístico del curso: elemental

Tipo de Planificación: Clase

Unidad Temática: Reciclaje

Clase Nº: 4

Fecha: 23 de Septiembre de 2015

Hora: 10:00hs

Duración de la clase: 60 minutos.

Fecha de primera entrega: Jueves 17 de Septiembre de 2015.

Teaching points: recycling- transforming a plastic bottle into a flower pot

Aims: During this lesson, learners will be able to:

Recycle a plastic bottle and transform it into a flower pot.

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Develop reading skills while reading blogs on the web.

Develop speaking skills while explaining their project.

Language focus:

Lexis Function Structure PronunciationRevision Good morning!

Hello! How are you? Recycle, plastic, bottles, cut, paint, paste, scissors, flowers, plants, colours: red, yellow, blue, green, black, white, brown, tempera.

Answer simple questions students know such as “How are you?” Follow simple commands: sit down, listen to me, work in pairs.

Wh questions in the simple present such as “How are you?” I’m fine. “Which idea do you like best?What are you going to do?

Production of the /t/ sound through repetition as in Paste, paint.

NewFlower pot, cardboard, paintbrush, soil, glue.

Discuss the steps to follow to carry out a project (transforming a plastic bottle into a flower pot)

Imperatives: read the ideas in the links provided. Choose a project to carry out.

Production of the /p/ sound as in “pot”.

Teaching approach: CLIL.

Integration of skills: Reading and speaking skills will be integrated in the lesson as students search the web (the teacher will provide two sites), read different ideas about how to recycle plastic bottles, and also discuss the steps they have to follow to obtain the final product.

Materials and resources: students’ netbooks (provided by the school), teacher’s notebook, chalk and duster, pictures, glue, bottles, scissors, tempera, coloured cardboards, paintbrush. The teacher will take some materials such as tempera, coloured cardboards, paintbrushes, bottles, but also she asked students the previous lesson to take some bottles and materials to school.

Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: In this lesson, students will use netbooks provided by the school. The teacher will also take her notebook and a pen drive. In case

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the internet server doesn’t work, the teacher will save the links in her pen drive and copy it to each student’s netbook.

Seating arrangement: students will be sitting at their desks in pairs. Desks are distributed in two rows. They will also be sitting in groups of four depending on the activities.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: Students may talk more than they are supposed to or not listen to the teacher while giving instructions, so she’ll ask them to be quiet, and if it doesn’t work, she will ask those students who are talking to sit with another partner/group.

Classroom management strategies: The teacher will make students be active participants during most part of the lesson, and make them work in groups so as they can help each other. Besides, she will help and guide them to understand the activity and make them explain it through simple questions and commands.

Potential problems students may have with the language: students may have problems in understanding the foreign language while reading the sites on the web, so the teacher will exemplify, mime or use the sandwich technique (as a last resource) for students to understand. Besides, they may have problems in understanding new vocabulary so the teacher will promote group work for them to infer meaning through context.

Instances of collaborative work in class: students will collaborate with each other when discussing the ideas proposed on the web and deciding which project to carry out.

Assessment: The teacher will assess students’ performance according to their participation and work in class. She will take down notes of those students who are or not working, how they are working, as well as their strengths and weaknesses.


Routine: 5 minutes

Purpose: to greet students and let them know that the lesson has started.

I’ll say “Good morning students! How are you today?”

SS: Good morning teacher! Fine and you?

T: I’m good, thank you!

Transition: Ok, are you ready to enjoy the lesson? Today we’re going to carry out a project!

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Warm up: 5 minutes

Purpose: to contextualize the topics

T: Would you like to become “GREEN” and eco-friendly citizens? Would you like to decorate your homes or school?

SS: Yes!

T: Ok, look at these pictures! What are they? (source of the pictures: http://goodiy.blogspot.com.ar/2014/02/transform-plastic-bottle-into-flower-pot.html )

SS: plants, flowers, bottles!

T: yes, they are plants into flower pots! (pointing to them in the pictures)

SS: macetas!

T: yes! they are flower pots!

Transition: Would you like to transform bottles into flower pots? Let’s see what we need!

Presentation: 10 minutes

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Purpose: to introduce new vocabulary and structures.

T: Now please sit yourselves in groups of four!

Open your netbooks and enter to the sites I’ll write on the board

(the teacher will provide two sites http://www.instructables.com/id/Recycled-Plastic-Bottle-Plant-Pot/?ALLSTEPS

http://goodiy.blogspot.com.ar/2014/02/transform-plastic-bottle-into-flower-pot.html )

T: Ready?SS: Yes!T: Ok, have a look at the sites! What are they about? What can you see?SS: Flower pots!T: yes, very good! And what do you think you need to do something like that? Can you tell me what materials do you find on the first site? Can you find the materials? (the teacher will write on one side of the board, the materials students’ will use for their project as they tell them to the teacher)SS: yes! soil, a plant, an empty plastic container and a knife! (miming)T: very good! But what is soil? (miming) SS: tierra! and what is an empty plastic container? For example a bottle is made of plastic and this bottle (pointing to an empty bottle) is empty, it hasn’t got any liquid. And what is a knife? (miming) SS: cuchillo! T: yes, but instead we’re going to use scissors! And what else do we need to decorate the pots? (miming) Look here we have cardboards, temperas and paintbrushes! (showing them to students)

Transition: Ok, let’s see the steps we need to follow to make a flower pot!

Activity 1: 15 minutes

Purpose: to practice new structures and vocabulary and promote communicative skills.

T: First have a look at the ideas of the second site, and decide with the members of your group which flower pot you would like to do. (The teacher will give them a few minutes)

Ready? SS: yes! T: ok, now have a look at the first site (the one I wrote on the board) and see the steps we need to follow. What do we have to do first? (the teacher will write on the board the steps to follow while students give the ideas)

SS: cortar la botella! T: yes! we need to cut the bottle! (so I’ll write: 1- cut the bottle) And then?

SS: poner la planta! T: yes, we need the plant or flower. As we do not have here any plant or flower, we’re going to decorate the pot first, and at home you’ll choose a plant or flower for your pots! So, we’ll need to use cardboards, tempera, glue and paintbrushes! (pointing to the materials) Ok? SS: ok! T: so, what are you going to do first? SS: paint the bottle! (I’ll write 2-“paint the bottle”) T: very good, and what are you going to use to paint it? (showing them the materials and pointing to their names on the board) SS: tempera!

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Paintbrushes! T: yes! Excellent! And then? Are you going to decorate it with cardboard forms or drawings? (miming) SS: yes! T: so what are you going to do for that? SS: dibujar y cortar! T: yes! draw and cut it! (I’ll write on the board 3- draw and cut) And paste it on the bottle? SS: yes! (so step four is “paste”)

T: Very good! Now, let’s revise! What materials do we need? (students will name the materials in English as they are written on the board) And what do we need to do? Tell me step by step (miming) SS: Cut the bottle! Paint the bottle! Draw and cut cardboard! Paste it on the bottle!

T: Excellent job children! Are you ready to start with your flower pots? Come on!

Activity 2: 20 minutes

Purpose: to carry on the project.

The second activity has to do with the project itself. Students will start doing their flower pots in class, and finish them at home. The teacher will walk around the classroom checking that all students are working and asking students questions mostly to revise structures and vocabulary such as “very good job! What is it? (pointing to a paintbrush) SS: a paintbrush! T: very good (now to another student) “what do you have to do now?” SS: paint the bottle T: yes! Very good, and what will you use for that? (miming) SS: tempera. T: Excellent! What colours will you choose to paint it? (and she continue like that during the activity).

Closure: 5 minutes

Purpose: to let students know the lesson has finished

T: Well students, the lesson is over! I hope you make very beautiful flower pots! Thank you for everything! I really enjoyed working with you! I think this is my last lesson so I have to say goodbye!!

Goodbye everyone!